There’s an old joke amongst progressives (which is not entirely untrue!) about the right wingers demanding that the government keep its hands off their Medicare and Social Security. Folks as old as I am will remember the clever-ish Vietnam-era slogan “Fighting for peace is like fucking for chastity.” What is less amusing to me as a scientist is the other side of that coin, which has been beautifully reified by the nascent “March for Science.” Yes, hanging on to the recent Women’s March like an infected appendix dangling from a shit-filled intestine is the oh-so-earnest March for Science in which “scientists” will descend on DC en masse demanding that the government keep their hands off grant funding (i.e, “shut up and keep giving me the money”) and remove any work restrictions from scientists on the public payroll. Their website and twitter feed has been quite amusing, in a sick sort of way. “There are certain things that we accept as facts with no alternatives.” Yeah, that’s science all right. Ditto the demand for scientists to guide “public policy,” at which we are no more competent than actors, plumbers, or stevedores.
The organizing committee seems to be dominated by students largely drawn from fringe areas, and all working on the taxpayer dime. The demands all have to do with keeping the taxpayer money pipeline flowing and job security for government-employed scientists. At the same time, their claim is that they want to prevent “the politicization of science.” Which didn’t seem to be an issue when Team Blue had their hands on the money-tap…
Fun fact: currently, about 2/3 of all science research is privately funded. Perhaps if one sincerely wanted politics out of science, the march might be demanding the end of government grants, government-paid scientists, and the notion of a government “science policy.” If you’re a good scientist, there’s plenty of private sector opportunity and support. But that might be a scary thing, and there’s no outsize public sector benefits or tenure or public sector unions. Just meritocracy. Produce quality work or hit the road.
In the words of the great Governor William J. LePetomane, “We’ve gotta protect our phony baloney jobs!”
You misspelled “Fist.”
Fuck him!
His Angry Prostate, Denial, prevents him from, ahem, “standing at attention”…. It’s really sad; he was hoping that a prostate exam might help, and figured instead of finger of an ounce of prevention, he’d try A Fist Pound of Cure. It didn’t end well…
Also, got your message, and I will be replying shortly. I want to give detailed answer, since we have been to Romania a couple of times.
Fantastic! I look forward to your thoughts, a local-ish perspective would be valuable.
And yaaaay, Groovus! *tackleglomps*
“Your comment is awaiting moderation.”
What kind of libertarian site is this?
First comment will be, just to slow down the “Like Barbara said, I couldn’t believe you could make $7000 an hour working on ur laptop” shit. After that, comments are posted. See, the basic thing is, we’re lazy.
So….could you let me in on this $7000/hr opportunity?!
“HaHA, makes sense to me! I like the sound of that! LOL”
“Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn’t have to produce anything! You’ve never been out of college! You don’t know what it’s like out there! I’ve WORKED in the private sector. They expect RESULTS.” – Dr. Raymond Stantz
You’re such a funking wankel.
Well, it’s slight *less* racist to say this than say, a dorito dancing around in a cylindrical jumping bean bag.
Oh, Groovus, you know how hot it gets me when you talk like that.
Was it the phrasing, or the -phemisim, so very eu-?
Ahh. Better,
Look at me, replying to myself, just like Eddie.
How far down will it go?
Sooner or later, we run out of room
Comments getting short
Hey, there’s an article here too.
Threaded comments!? For a site called glibertarians…
Rotary engines? For a commenter called *Mad Scientist*…..
He was probably a normal scientist before he had to maintain a rotary….
Blockquote works but not bold and italic.
And get the Reasonable guy in here…I need to block OMWC and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna type the word blockquote every time
I can tell you were a government employee.
For now, simply have Notepad or whatever reasonable facsimile thereof running and be a master copypaster.-)
I am more than qualified to cure this ill.*
*Lap Appies are my fourth most commonly performed procedure in UKR, and they were fifth in the USA.
Bastiat is a bottomless well of awesome.
We didn’t get a “harumph” out of either of these two!
*narrows gaze*
Let’s see if I can post a link:
This would never have happened when OMWC was in charge.
SMOD, I miss y’all.
You misspelled “testes.”
Well, there was only one…
Our first Godwin!
*wipes away tear*
You know who else said there be could only one….
Yeah. Mrs. Tundra.
*stomps off*
*points and laughs at Tundra*
BTW, does anyone know how to put an HTML link in this here Username of mine, yanno like Riven and Jo and all these other hip slicksters?
Lol. I’ll bet Mrs. Groovus isn’t dissimilar. And possibly more violent.
Click on your Dr. Rosenpenis pic and just edit your profile.
To get through my first test post, let me just say this about these “science” types — why are they so damn certain ‘all the facts are in’ about issues like climate change, but still say ‘the jury is out’ about GMO foods (and get them banned all around the world because of this), which have much more actual proof of safety and benefit to mankind?
It’s always BFYTW.
[taps microphone]
Is this thing on?
I have been howling for years about this crap. Proggies are like dogshit on your shoe. You cant get it off but in trying you get it all over everything else.
For the record, I am thoroughly disgusted that not one of you linked to this….
JesusGroovus Wept.*Also, it appears [strike] example [/strike] HTML tag is functional.
It’s really a march for scientism.
I know, I have a firm grasp of the obvious.