I’ll likely write more about this later, but for the moment, I wanted to share some of the more unhinged things showing up in my Facebook feed. Normally, I’d just laugh at this shit, but since there’s real stuff to be concerned about and protest, the stupid Prog sideshows are actually pushing things in the wrong direction. As an example: “Sessions is a Nazi racist!” gets people excited about bullshit and grabs all the media attention, “Sessions supports asset forfeiture and wants to continue the gutting of the 4th and 5th Amendments,” a REAL concern and something that would potentially speak to conservatives, gets lost.
Anyway, these actually made me laugh.
Just ask the person why they have a David Duke quote on their feed….then stand back for the explosion.
I could do a weekly “Idiots of Facebook” segment, but then I’d have to screencap literally 90% of Facebook.
I’m thinking of making this a regular feature. There really does seem to be an unlimited supply of derangement. My favorite was a series of hysterical postings from a woman who is suffering from oppression of her and her husband because of their race. They are so oppressed, they live in a mansion in Scarsdale and her husband is an MD who’s the head of a department at a world-famous hospital. But somebody screamed something at her in Manhattan once, so clearly the lynchings are imminent.
It is strange that the biggest liberals I know are well-off female professionals. We are talking women who easily make over six figs, often work in education or, in one case, she is a computer programmer.
As for the males, I notice that one – a professor of education – is extremely liberal. While the engineers and project managers are more conservative, or at least tight-lipped about politics.
I’ve also noticed – but don’t have any proof of this correlation – that weaker, shorter men seem to be more liberal than er, stronger ones. It would make an interesting study if it hasn’t already been done.
This explains Warty.