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I know that dude. I had no idea he had a political opinion of any kind until today.
I would put my money more on “bullish on future cronyist opportunities”.
Jus’ sayin’
Just because you’re cynical, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong.
They didn’t say that a year ago did they?
As often happens, I have nothing relevant to say about the topic, but I wanted to get my first comment out of the way by means of a compliment:
I love the new site. Thanks to Mrs. With Candy for creating the site, thanks everyone for turning up here, thanks to those who’ve contributed, and thanks to all future contributors.
Including myself, if I can conjure up something interesting to pass along.
Good to see you, _____Jr.
The stock market is still not a viable metric by which to judge the economy.
I think wb is poking a bit of fun here. Gets it from her dad.
The two predictions I heard from the entrenched interests about a Trump economy:
Before he was elected there were cries of doom and gloom. Trump was going to destroy the economy.
After he was elected that tune changed to ‘Trump’s policies will cause the economy to boom which will cause all kinds of bad things.
The second one is more interesting. It tells me that they know what policies will help the economy and have spent the last 8 years avoiding them. For the left a healthy economy is something to avoid. They have been suppressing the economy while telling us not to believe our lying eyes because the economy was just peachy.
I need more coffee.
Krugman’s “it will probably never recover” was pretty cute. I’m trying to remember the last time that guy was right about… well, anything.