Although we’d like to.
If your desire for privacy is so strong that you skip your email through five proxy servers, three fake email accounts and a final one-time-use email address, we’re going to have a tough time helping you when you need a password re-set or for us to look into whether or not your registration went through.
If our emails to you bounce after you’ve requested our help, you’re SOL. Sorry, but if we can’t reach you, we can’t help you.
You might want to consider creating an email account just for this site. And then, you know, use it when you need our help.
In any case, we aren’t peeking through that keyhole. Because, really, your life is just not that interesting.
I assure you, I am quite important. to my landlord. for a short period.
Important isn’t the same as interesting.
Wikipedia said the same thing.
But I was drunk when I set my password and couldn’t remember it till I was drunk again .
There’s mouthwash in the cupboard, brah.
Just a dab behind the ears and on the wrist, then glug glug glug.
Thanks for reminding me to pay up my hushmail account.
You should spread those digital cheeks and have a look inside. (It’s SFW.)
I don’t know what the BBC was thinking when they used that image, honestly. Either the person who made it does not know what goatse is, and it ended up a hilarious accident, or they do know what it is and employ plausible deniability well.
A Google search for “hidden goatse” turns up some absolutely hilarious results.
Chuck Norris has the cure for insomnia. Which is good news, because I’m so fucking tired that I went to WorldNetDaily.
The avoiding blue light at night thing seems important. We use redshift and f.lux on all our devices now. My wife tapes over every blue light with red tape.
I was surprised how much better I fall asleep after reading my frontlit kindle in comparison to my backlit phone. Blue light and backlight seem to be really bad for sleep.
Twilight works well for android devices.
You were just going to lay there and not be productive. GET UP, YOU WORTHLESS SLACKER.
I’ve seen you naked.
and I’m magnificent!