Slate rates every sex scenes in Girls based on their inherent Girlsness. It’s the last season, you guys. There might only a few more hundred times for Lena’s boobs to make you sad.

Finally, the patriarchy has allowed a transgender doll to be made of a transgender teen activist. I assume it’s like a Mr. Potato Head in the junk–just snap on the parts you want and let’s go! [digs out penis, two buttholes and sunglasses out of the box]

Finally, the patriarchy has allowed a transgender doll to be made of a transgender teen activist. No, wait. That’s just the new American Girls doll. Who’s a boy. The American girl boy is named Logan Everett and he plays drums in a band. And his parents died of dysentery.

That’s it. You just get three links. Be joyful.

And no alt text. You just haven’t earned it yet.