Slate rates every sex scenes in Girls based on their inherent Girlsness. It’s the last season, you guys. There might only a few more hundred times for Lena’s boobs to make you sad.
Finally, the patriarchy has allowed a transgender doll to be made of a transgender teen activist. I assume it’s like a Mr. Potato Head in the junk–just snap on the parts you want and let’s go! [digs out penis, two buttholes and sunglasses out of the box]
Finally, the patriarchy has allowed a transgender doll to be made of a transgender teen activist. No, wait. That’s just the new American Girls doll. Who’s a boy. The American girl boy is named Logan Everett and he plays drums in a band. And his parents died of dysentery.
That’s it. You just get three links. Be joyful.
And no alt text. You just haven’t earned it yet.
I’m sensing a trend….
We’re here for you Sug, no matter what hole you choose to bugger from.
*cries tears of blood*
So, your handle is a zipper?
Most people only make that mistake once.
Slate, Jezebel and the NYT? You’re a monster.
Consider yourself lucky, he was considering adding ones from Vox and Salon.
To be sure, he could have written an entire article based off a Buzzfeed “article.”
To be sure
*eyes go wide*
RBS… Robby B. Soave!
Raw B. Soave would make a good porn parody version.
That was the worst part of The Glibenation – I had some really good stuff blocked out and partially written about certain people, but it’s just not appropriate to tell those stories anymore. It’s one thing to be a loyal reader and poke a bit of good-natured fun at the staff. But it would just be creepy/obsessive to do that from the outside.
But it would just be creepy/obsessive to do that from the outside.
You say that like its a bad thing.
[scratches chin] Hmm…
I’ve said it before: I’m not classy.
I’m very interested.
Dammit, I know how this works out. You people extort a performance out of me just like Stanley Fucking Kubrick did with George C Scott in Dr. Strangelove.
“Roll ’em.”
“C’mon, George. Just do one over-the top performance to warm up. Then we’ll shoot the real thing.”
And then my editrix scrutinizes every jot, every tittle, every whitespace.
I’m going to go to my trailer and sulk.
The Glibenation is the exodus of Us Who Are We from The Site Which Shall Not Be Named.
There’s not sugarcoating this:
I officially hate you now, despite your marriage enhancing brilliance with spousal separate bathrooms (Oh dear, is our home now going to be Internationally SWATed by the Interpol Potty Police?)
Needs MOAR Performative Wokeness…
Not the Love Toilet? (Couldn’t find the video in English.)
You *definitely* have never been married, Ted. That would fly over about as well as the Hindeburg when some dolt re-lit his burnt out cigarette.
(Yes, I know that’s what not happened, Panny Z, John Titor, and every other pedant on the face of this here Big Blue Marble).
You just love taking the wind out of my sails man.
SJWs v. Woodrow WIlson – is there a way they can both lose?
“Woodrow Wilson, America’s first progressive president”
It’s like nobody cares about Ted “Theodore” Roosevelt anymore.
There’s not a decent pair of tits on that Girls show
what’s her name, Brian Williams’ daughter, she’s fetching.
Only with a shovel.
John Dickerson on the decline of the MSM
Pretty much. I don’t think Trump himself is necessarily that important (and I certainly doubt he’s the monster that lives in the fever dreams of the TDS-afflicted). But I do think his election has signaled something that is important, which all of these idiots seem determined to ignore.
Oh great. I’m probably going to have to buy that boy American Girl doll and then he and Ashley (current favorite American Girl doll) will get married and then I’m going to have to buy one of those Bitty Baby American Girl dolls and…
Goddammit, I’ve given them enough money already. Those outfits are expensive. I paid $60 for a bed! A damn bed!
Yikes. My sister had an American Girl doll back in the ’90s and they were outrageously overpriced then. It looks like they’re still pricey and have way more merch available.
When Mrs. Grouch told me how much her American Girl dolls were going for on the interwebs, they ended up in the fire safe.
It would be far more accurate if Ashley was Logan’s fag hag.
Henrietta would’ve made a great American Girl doll. But nope, we have to look overseas for that.
That American Girl/Boy has a very punchable face.
+ 1 Kung Fu Grip
They all have the same face. they just put a different wig on each one.
Someone please explain to me why a person would exchange actual money for…that.
This one’s face is different–they usually are smiling with a few teeth showing. Apparently this guy’s too cool to smile with teeth, so now he just looks constipated.
Someone please explain to me why a person would exchange actual money for…that.
It is how you get the girlfriend’s kid to shut up.
The Jonathan Brown slavery scandal at Georgetown has reached the damage-control stage, as the Washington Post gives the beleaguered prof a chance to defend himself against the mean right-wingers who are taking his remarks totally out of context.
”Islam as a faith and I as a person condemn slavery, rape and concubinage.”
One of these things is not like the others.
They look the same to me. They are both lies.
64 year old woman gives birth to twins
Warning: auto-play video
No, this isn’t ripped from the headlines of the National Enquirer. According to a hospital in Spain, a woman really did give birth to twins at the age of 64.
According to a news release from Hospital Recoletas Burgos, a hospital in Burgos, Spain, the sextagenarian gave birth via C-section to a boy and a girl, and all three patients are in perfect health.
She thicc?
For some reason that comment with that avatar might be the funniest thing I will never be able to explain to anyone ever.
When I’m 64, I better be passed out, naked, on a tropical beach with a comely native girl under my arm and no fucking kids in sight.
I like your plan.
That’s like a year from now, right?
Better hurry.
Shut up Playa. I have at least 3 more years.
Funny, I don’t remember that verse in the song. Lennon must have added it in a solo performance later to spite McCartney.
I suggest hitting up McAfee.
But what about the father?
If he’s smart, he faked his own death.
But what about the father?
There’s a reason why Crusty wears clown make-up 24/7…
Soon, the fertile octogenarian will no longer be a hypothetical to piss off property and decedents estates students.
*stands to applaud, then remembers law school and narrows gaze instead*
There might only a few more hundred times for Lena’s boobs to make you sad.
I have never seen them, personally, and what my mind’s eye is currently viewing…
*Penis shrivels. Falls off*
I think I found video of the event.
HIPAA, motherfucker, does you speak it?!
Though the flaccidity pictured *is* spot on…
Alright, I want to know how our security video of my last physician meeting got leaked to the intertubes.
Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza is Vastly Overrated
Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza is not pizza. Anyone who considers it to be pizza is so wrong that you can safely ignore whatever else they might say, on any subject.
*mulls over abusing editor powers*
Deep dish is a casserole and NY style sucks ass
/did i sufficiently piss everybody off?
You forgot circumcision and abortion…
NY Style is at least pizza. Deep dish is not. “Deep dish pizza” is as oxymoronic as “Lena Duham Sex Appeal.”
*contemplates editor Civil War*
We’ll go to Lou Malnati’s and settle this like real men.
Missouri state rep shares article calling Abraham Lincoln a ‘tyrant’
Throwing journalists and citizens in jail, suspending habeas corpus, imprisoning and deporting a congressman…
Warren Love, an Osceola Republican, shared the post, which concludes with a lament that “John Wilkes Booth did not act four years earlier,” on his Facebook account.
If one traveled back in time and killed baby Lincoln, then baby Hitler would have had no precedent for killing 6 million Jews.
What about Abradolf Lincler?
“I will liberate you – from your own inferior genes!”
Well, I’m not exactly sure what he stood for but it defiantly wasn’t this.
Who could possibly need TWO buttholes????
Chris Christie?
Really? You can’t think of anyone you know who LOVES buttstuff and is not me?
Yes, but she only needs one butthole at a time.
Ok, Bernie Sanders.
…we should give butttholes to starving children?
So long as you you’re not giving them eyeholes that would just be cruel.
Actually there’s a Korean delicacy of grilled buttholes (막창) that’d probably be reasonably nutritious
I’d assume chewy though, unless they just grill the hell out of em.
We’ve threaded too deeply. I never actually had them. Koreans loved them, but the makcheong places always smelled more *earthy* than I was into
Speaking of deep threading, is there a plan to tweak the threading so its more user friendly?
Not really. Authors were given the option to turn off the side panel which creates a little more room, but getting the links out was a rush job, and it was forgotten.
My very limited understanding is that we want to avoid *too* many tweaks because it’ll slow down the site on the server side, and are really encouraged by development of browser-side plugins which implement very cool features without putting an extra load on our currently limited resources.
Good to know. Doesn’t solve my problems at work, but I can always tweak my machine at home. Guess I need to start researching some plugins…
I looked up Makjang and got an article on Korean soap operas.
Or since you have Insider Knowledge, you could have just fixed the side panel yourself. Which I did for you, you lazy bastard.
Insert joke about SFing the format here.
Oh, I thought we couldn’t mess with other people’s stuff once it was posted. Noted for the future.
Oddly the Reply buttons still don’t exist at this depth, I have new sympathy for Reason’s limited nesting dept.
@Ted try makchang/makjang apparently my romanizations are a bit rusty
While I’ve never really agreed with the whole “Anything more than a handful is a waste”-theory on bewbs, I do have to say that I think having two buttholes really would be a waste.
*Unless we start engineering people with two digestive tracts.
I got a Taco Bell intestine and kale salad intestine.
Breasts are like martinis: one is not enough and three are too many.
Hey fuck you Ted, Total Recall kicked ass.
“East German Judges?”
*5, 6, 5, 2, 4 == 4.4*
The only things good about Total Recall (remake, what remake?) are Ronny Cox and Michael Ironside.
“Baby, you make me wish I had three hands!”
Anyone with two tongues?
Human Centipede?
*narrows sphincter*
I assume it’s like a Mr. Potato Head in the junk–just snap on the parts you want and let’s go! [digs out penis, two buttholes and sunglasses out of the box]
Hey cis, go check out the bottom of this thread, and then start sweet talkin’ JW.
BOOM. Midthread handle change.
Thanks guys!
The good news is that it retains your original handle in the metadata, so a script could be designed to display original names next to new handles.
World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics study finds evidence in favour of male infant circumcision
Are you trying to usurp Nikki’s title of the worst?
It’s just my weekend link ritual – Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, deep dish pizza, circumcision…don’t worry, I finished and I’ll be back to real news.
Did that civil war dead body ever make to wherever it was going?
Yes, thank you very much for asking!
Over their lifetime more than one in two uncircumcised males will suffer an adverse medical condition caused by their foreskin,” said the study’s lead author, Dr Brian Morris, professor emeritus at the University of Sydney. No evidence of adverse effect on penile function, sexual sensitivity or pleasure was found, Dr Morris said.
Was it a double blind study?
an adverse medical condition caused by their foreskin
I assume getting your anteater caught in your zipper would qualify.
That’s a vivid childhood memory. The tiny teeth on footie pajamas are a real hazard.
I assume at least uncut guys can shed their foreskin and grow a knew one when there’s danger.
*Tries to hide the Mr. Lizard signal that Jesse just lit*
I wonder if he is crawling this way from Teh Other Site?
Idk, he kinda disappeared around the time everybody else left
Hmmmm. Florida Hipster probably forgot to plug his warming rock in.
I wonder if he is crawling this way from Teh Other Site?
Confirmed Lizard People sighting at Reasonoids. He’s doing quite well, and is currently digesting a wayward small calf.
I remember when a little boy was born without eyelids, and they used his prepuce to fashion eyelids for a novel blepharoplasty.
Unfortunately, the lad came out cockeyed post-op.
That’s right. We’re looking at you.
I’m laughing, but ashamed of myself for it.
I’m laughing, but ashamed of myself for it.
Embrace your inner Gallows’ Humour, jesse. I didn’t know you work in a medical office, and that explains many a thing.-) No wonder you both love and hate me. *chuckles*
Besides, I though that French Tortilla in your hand was a Dental Dam. I guess it still is, just classified under the Green & Renewable(tm) label.
Because practicality always trumps human rights. Let me see, what’s that called? Utilitarianism?
Also, duly noted that the two most victim-y world religions, Judaism and Islam, both practice that barbaric blood ritual. The Jews are the perpetual darlings of conservative Christians and the Christian Right. And Islam is, of course, the darling of the Progs.
Deep breath, Tonio. It is Friday, man.
Look, I didn’t call him a papist. Baby steps, Switzy, baby steps.
Hmmmmm…OK, you have a point.
Huh. I was wrong.
Threading fail. That was meant for Eddie.
Zionist conspiracy.
Isn’t it always on of those, Mr. (((Renegade)))?
That’s DR. (((Renegade))), Colonel.
Herr Doktor Professor (((Renegade)))
But I draw the line at “Doctor Field Marshal President for Life”!
That’s DR. (((Renegade))), Colonel.
Oh, your one of those PhDoctorates….
(Kidding, your science background is more 24/7 hard than your 116 year old schmekel.-)
Here’s your friday nut punch.
Pictured: Sugarfree in doll form.
Submitted for alternative consideration
/Jigsaw voice
“I want to read you a story.”
I just experienced a thrill of terror. is a real website
I can’t think of anything more progressive
Sponsored by some of the largest corporations in the United States.
Pure virtue signaling
So there are people out there who didn’t get that that Russell Brand song was a parody of brainless progressive celebrities?
There are people out there who know that Russell Brand recorded a song?
There are people out there who know who Russell Brand is?
Get the hell off my lawn!
Well, it’s the song his character sang in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”. Worth finding on YouTube for a laugh.
HA! Thanks for that GSL, I found it on YouTube. Very funny. And actually a snappy little number.
From what I’ve read there’s a lot of bad stuff in the world today
(Semi) Serious question here:
Why isn’t the original Ken and Barbie, since they aren’t, generously speaking, anatomically correct, on this list as well, whilst we are floating down these white water rapids of Subjective Fluidity at high velocity? I mean the discrete glutes are one thing, but the rest? Feh…
As a child, Slim Goodbody taught me more about basic anatomy at very young age
And unless there’s a nipple present (boobs are nothing more than gigantic, specialised, sweat glands), those two mounds on Barbie are tumors.
The ways of the plastic people are different than ours. You see tumors, and Barbie sees polyethylene shirt stretchers.
What do you have against plastic people?
I’m still living in the plastic age…
An older story.. not sure why it’s showing up in my feed today.
Precedent Set — Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting 3 Cops During No-Knock Raid
I guess in Texas they don’t freak out over armed self-defense.
They do. The homeowner was a previous target of drive-by shootings, after being a witness for the prosecution in a gang trial.
His mugshot indicates he walked into several walls sometime between incident and booking. He spent the ensuing two years in jail, and his house was repeatedly targeted by Code Enforcement. The local media polished the cops up to look like heroes. The cops showed up in force for the trial, in one picture taking up half the courtroom seats; one of the officers involved wore a medical brace on the two-year old injury.
Prosecutors also dropped one of the assault charges after resting; the one where a bullet tore through an officer’s pant leg, and was determined to have come from another officer’s gun, not Rosas’.
CCPD and prosecutors tried to sell Rosas down the river. If it weren’t for the spreading, deserved loss of faith in authority institutions, he’d probably have been eaten alive.
For a pot bust.
Good god.
Wow, so somehow defense convinced a jury the cops didn’t announce? That’s amazing. I’m sure they didn’t but I would assume they’d at least get that story worked out.
I’m guessing the prosecution *didn’t* convince the jury that the cops *did* announce. Reasonable doubt and all that.
He shot cops, that changes things usually
To the extent facts drive the law, the verdict might hang entirely on the banger they used. Might go the other way if they had come in screaming in uniform during the day.
This made my day.
Good news for once
Trump weighs mobilizing 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration roundups
What could possibly go wrong?
To be fair, our technical border is also nowhere near our actual border.
Well I’m not sure what how near they live to the Mexican border has to do with it, but hey, martial law!
I saw a lot of grief about this on Twitter from folks like Gabriel Malor and Charles Cook, ie people not generally well-disposed toward Trump, who nonetheless called out AP for truly shoddy presentation. The idea was never seriously considered by anyone senior in the DHS, not even proposed to DHS secretary John Kelly, let alone the president. So what title did the AP go with? “Trump weighs mobilizing 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration roundups,” and “White House denies report Trump is considering using National Guard troops for immigration roundups.” Not the imminently more sensible “Draft memo proposing use of National Guard for immigration enforcement dies deservedly early death on low-level staffer’s desk.”
Damn you! Too slow
Link to a screengrab of the memo, plus some commentary from Malor:
It’s the Return of the
Kingcommodius spittoon!*dances jig*
“Yes, Virginia, there *is* a Santa Claus!”
Apparently this was a consideration along the lines of considering all options. The AP even says it wasn’t seriously considered. Apparently Trump set them up. When they requested comment none was given. Now he gets to say I told you so, FAKE NEWS!
Pretty sure that’s been outed as fake news.
Another draft memo? Obtained how?
Draft memo means jack shit. Trump and company sitting around batting ideas about, hypotheticals. What if this, what if that. What was the last draft memo, I forget? The initial stories about it were ‘Trump is about to…!!!’. It was several days before it was mentioned as a draft memo and Trump said he had no intention of doing whatever that was.
By the time Trump finishes his first terms there won’t be a square inch of his back without a knife sticking in it. He’d better get a handle on this shit.
Meet Zealandia: Earth’s latest continent
Oh, you’re thinking of Australians
Kiwis and Aussies will probably continue to not like each other.
I probably shared this song before, but it got caught in my head this afternoon. so here I am, trying to get it gone.
come on, that’s a good song.
People Want To Shoot Hibernating Bear Families — And The Government Just Voted To Let Them
Outrageous! Something must be done to stop it.
Isn’t it time for your nap?
Not with all this man made climate change.
Wait so the people didn’t want it but the Senator did?
Ridiculous! Do you know how hard it is to fly a plane through a series of caverns? Real life ain’t Star Wars.
Judge Orders Release Of EPA
A state judge has ordered Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s office to release thousands of documents related to Pruitt’s communications with the energy industry. The Thursday ruling comes the day before a scheduled Senate vote on Pruitt’s nomination to run the Environmental Protection Agency.
Judge Aletia Haynes Timmons of the District Court of Oklahoma County ruled that the attorney general’s office will have until Tuesday to turn over more than 2,500 emails and other documents. The watchdog group Center for Media and Democracy, with legal representation from the American Civil Liberties Union, had filed a lawsuit against Pruitt earlier this month, alleging that his office had violated Oklahoma’s open records law.
He is already confirmed. Suck it Aletia.
The ACLU, shitting the bed again.
Following that article on Motion-103 posted by Rufus this morning, I just want to say to my fellow Canadians that I’m really sorry for voting for Trudeau back in 2008 (I lived in Papineau, his riding). I did it as a joke at the time, just to mess things up. I never thought he was that much of an idiot. I am truly sorry.
As I quoted Trudeau quoting Oliver Wendel Holmes and made some references to the now infamous Bataclan theater on the Derpbook, I expect the Canadian Stasi to pick me up any time soon (It’s okay, I didn’t feel like cooking this weekend). It was nice meeting you all.
I just want to say to my fellow Canadians that I’m really sorry for voting for Trudeau back in 2008 (I lived in Papineau, his riding). I did it as a joke at the time, just to mess things up. I never thought he was that much of an idiot. I am truly sorry.
Welp, thanks for the coordinates, I’ll be taking the ol’ time machine back there and saving the future now.
Meh, it’s not like you would have made a difference.
Quiet you, I still want him to feel bad for what he has done.
You’ll have to admit it is a bit interesting to see him trying to act all intellectual and stuff. What can I say? I like ant farms OK!?
When we’re both in the camps for writing on ‘alt-right’ blogs, about to be shot by the multiracial LGBT firing squad I’ll turn to you and say “SEE BROSWATER, ISN’T THIS FUNNY?”
When we’re both in the camps for writing on ‘alt-right’ blogs, about to be shot by the multiracial LGBT firing squad I’ll turn to you and say “SEE BROSWATER, ISN’T THIS FUNNY?”
Like they know how to use a gun… that’s way too icky! They’ll have those uneducated swines enforce the laws they force in. Oh wait, it just happen to be the same people who write in nazis blogs, nevermind!
I listen to various international broadcasters, and this morning’s CBC news story on it referred to people opposed to it claiming it “somehow threatens free speech”. No bias there, no sirree.
Looks who thinks he’s suddenly Soave waltzing in here with sparse links. Also I made another silly ski videobecause I’m tired of people claiming they skied an “OMG 50° DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND”. Above 40°, most skiers freeze in their tracks. Few ski areas have marked runs steeper than that.
OMG OMG did I make the link work? The reasonable plugin made me so lazy I forgot how to do it proper.
Nice job.
You left out target=”_blank”
.. but that’s okay. 😉
35 makes me think twice. above 40, I have to go slow. Lots o turns. Avalanche info PDF, but shows some of the issues of that mid-grade. Damn, that looks good waffles. What skis were those, Vokl?
Icelantic Nomads, from 2013 I think. I got them in a midsummer closeout sale and this is my third season with them in the quiver. The graphic is a art partnership thing Icelantic does every year so they are a pretty unique ski. It took me a while to warm up to the rocker profile but now they’re my favorite stick I’ve owned.
Full rocker is odd, but awesome in that thick stuff.
I liked demoing the Icelantics .
I am looking at a set of J skis, something in the 100 underfoot range. I currently have the armada JJ 2.0, which comes in at 119 underfoot i think. huge rockers on the end, and the smallest camber underfoot.
I’m mesmerized by your ski videos. I’m living vicariously through them
Nice. I’m not as good as a real professional freeskiers so my hope is that my skiing is good enough to be entertaining while shitty enough for people to relate to. Candide Thovex is a living god.
What are your thoughts on ski length? One problem I always had was negotiating moguls with the enormous skis I owned as a teenager. I can’t even begin to remember what length they were.
Weight, skiing ability, and strength determine ski length in that order. I have 4 pairs from 165cm slalom skis to 183cm fatty powder skis. If you are a full size adult male something in the 170s would probably be perfect to get you back into skiing. Your old sticks were almost definitely much longer.
with the new rocker tip/tail a lot of skis are using now you have a smaller active edge, which makes those moguls a lot better. Mine are the 175, which is 117 underfoot (edit!). my next ones will be smaller in both directions.
Agree with CheGrover, This is nice. My serious strenuous sport activities are pretty much limited to bodyboarding and mild kayaking.
Is that Kachina Peak lift new? I don’t remember that at all. Lots of fond memories skiing Kachina bowl, though.
Yup, very new. The lift started spinning it in spring of 2015. This was my first visit since teaching lessons there 09/10 so I was super stoked to do hot laps on Kachina.
Dang. I am really going to have to save some scratch for next season. It’s been maybe fifteen years since I’ve skied, I wonder whether it’s like riding a bike.
Maybe, did you get fat or are you fit? Being fat is pretty bad for getting back into skiing without getting hurt as anyone who took physics can understand. Dropping 15lbs at the beginning of winter helped me out quite a bit. If you are still in reasonable shape skiing will probably be easier than you remember. Ski technology has come a long way.
Thanks and thanks. Reasonably fit, but plenty of time to get seriously fit.
So I thought I was witness to an unprecedented revolution (the new ’17 revolution, if you will) with the creation of this site, but some recent digging (and a timely link to a similar site from years ago, beginning with Gryll in another thread here) has exposed the fact that there may have been several of these in Libertarian History.
Can any of you old-timers give me a rundown of the various schisms, what precipitated them, and where people went from there? I find all of this fascinating.
A few years ago there was the Mary incident where a bat shit insane woman trolled the ever living shit out of the comments, responding to everyone comment with batshit insane copypasta. She disrupted the comments to the point where it wasn’t functional. Sloopy started a blog on blogspot dragging some people over until Reason banned the troll and instituted registration.
Mary also infected that one. It was around the time of the Trayvon Martin thing.
She even infected Popehat briefly during the Woodchiper Incident.
damn. that lady needs help.
I’d see it as less of a revolution and more of a migration. This is the New World son, and here we have the freedom we lacked in the Old World! Free to post thicc photos and Sugarfree erotica as articles! *cries tears of joy*
Sugarfree erotica as articles! *cries tears of joy*
Come now, those are not tears of joy. You should admit, as I have, that they are tears of lament for your lost sanity.
“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden behind his writing. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sugarfree.”
[golf clap]
Yes, you get the very first Tonio Golf Clap on this site.
I thought they were tears of lubricant.
The gryllxodus is about the only mass migration prior to this one, that I know of. That was…2007?
There was also URKOBOLD, but that’s been shuttered. Not so much a migration, but a playground. BOUNCY BOUNCY.
He used to be summoned just by uttering his name. I’m a little sad that it doesn’t happen anymore.
You have to believe. YOU GOTS TO BELIEVE!
I remember there was a group of posters who departed back in 2009 or so. I can only recall Jennifer who was a journalist in CT or something.
I think Dr. Thoreau was part of that migration as well.
Yes, that was the handle that I wanted to recall.
They were two of our best.
Jennifer? Best? Uhhhh….
Agreed. Jennifer is a competent writer, but operates from The Island of
Dr. MoreauFlawed Premises, and had more than a couple of heated arguments with her.I will admit, the short time I spent at The Gryll, she was pleasant enough, and lightened up on her, “I am Titty Dancer, Hear me ROAR!” schtick whilst carrying a +2 Axe of Perpetual Dullness forever in search of a grindstone.
The thing that totally redeems her is how she was close, apparently closer than just about anyone here, with JsubD, and was the one who provided all the backstory on his life. I’d buy her and Jeff dinner for that; I’d just ball gag her and make sure her meal is take-away packed.
I shouldn’t be laughing at this, but I am.
There have been a few times when groups have thrown up their hands and gone somewhere else, usually due to troll infestations of one variety or another.
I myself stayed away from the site for a couple of years after registration (I was in the anti- crowd). Not that I’ve ever been a terribly voluminous commentator.
We lost a slew just about a year ago I think due mostly to the Trumpalos leading into the election year (I’m thinking of Epi and Nikki particularly – seems like Warty stopped coming around about that time, too, Lady B., and I feel like a few others).
This current one though is, without doubt, the largest example. This may well be a critical mass. Never before have so many people disappeared all at once and left such worthless dregs behind them.
I’m a very lazy person and a serious creature of habit, and even I have been spending more time here than *over there.*
Definitely the largest one I’ve seen.
That’s what she said!
Warty had a kid and got a job. The end. Forever.
Lady B just had trouble restraining herself around me, sexually.
Didn’t know that about Warty.
Poor kid.
It is an absolutely adorable little kiddo.
Now, when older – we will all tremble.
I didn’t leave so much as I got busy at the same time that the commentariat became increasingly insipid and boring. Which I guess means I left.
But seriously, how many times can you be expected to listen to some sub-literate whine about the fact that trannies exist?
Well it’s your fault I started using the word “whycome”. At least I now know whycome you left.
Ah – I read the correlation as a causation, since so many seemed to disappear right then.
Anyway, welcome to fatherhood – it gets better!
Shepard Smith Calls President Trump’s Press Conference ‘Crazy’
Maybe the media can begin its slow climb back to credibility by…oh, let’s say, reporting accurately on some important topic? Something the audience is interested in?
I’m just the idea guy, they can work out the details.
They can go back to the Obama era question style:
Mr. President how do you feel about being so awesome?
And at the end of six innings of play, it’s the Noids 119, the Glibs 95.
Long time lurker, and glad to see this site. It’s very nice. Thanks to everyone for your contribution to this site. Now, I shall go and gambol across the plains.
Moderation? Fuck off, slavers!! 🙂
Only once!
Ahh.. just teasing a bit. I have been lurking for so long. I remember you as LTC John, then retired, and now Swiss Servator.
Wow….you have been around a while!
I had no idea those were same people.
Neither did I, and I actually know Swiss IRL.
“John” was taken, so I went by my old Milblogging handle of “LTC John” – I was a Lieutenant Colonel and my name is John – quite creative, thankee! Then I retired, so I added (ret). Then I decided the whole soldier thing could be put in the closet with my old uniforms and decided to acknowledge my current thralldom to the Swiss (multinational company I work for).
“John was taken”
There’s no sugarcoating it.
JohnRed Tony.(ducks Swiss)
That is mean, Zero. What is your name, from the other boards?
Was your turn to be mean, apparently.
I go by the same handle. 😉
Apologies, ZSG! It was not my intent
*flings boiling hot fondue at ZSG*
That is probably the tastiest thing I’ve been attacked with.
Do you even raclette, bro?
Oh man, OMWC, now I want to go back to
You know we can do this. WE CAN DO THIS. I even have the right wines, though you might find that hard to believe.
This was my favorite spot. The big fibreglass cow out front was remarkable.
Fondue is dangerous, after all.
NOTE TO ALL: OMWC always has the right wine.
But I no speaka the Frog, so lets stick to Zürich…
Now, I just need a duffel bag of cash to appear on my doorstep.
Tony Blair calls on remainers to ‘rise up in defence of our beliefs’
How long was Farage railing against the EU? I mean this didn’t happen over night
Not surprised that the EU Limeys are in just as much denial over Brexit as the proggies here over Clinton’s crushing defeat.
They love them some democracy until they lose, then they throw tantrums until they get their way. Go ahead motherfuckers, hold your breath and watch me smile while you pass out.
Federal judge dismisses Massachusetts defamation lawsuit against Cosby
Lisa Marie Presley’s twins taken from her: ‘disturbing’ photos found on estranged husband’s computer
Married to Nick Cage and Michael Jackson. Who could have guessed that her 4th husband would be such a weirdo?
Alphabet Scraps Plan to Blanket Globe With Internet Balloons
WWE wrestler George ‘The Animal’ Steele dies at age 79
dajjal is reason enough to not visit reason at all
Shhh. He probably googles his handle. Like Voldemort. He’ll hear us.
There are other ways of dealing with him.
Especially now that he’s like 65% of the commenters.
John and Fist and Gilmore and Ken Shultz are 65% of the commenters.
I’m a fan of them, especially the unhinged John rants where he becomes singularly obsessed with some tiny sliver of an argument and then beats the thread to death with it. Not that I’d try to court that over this way.
I’m beginning to wonder whether Bo was really John all along, trying to gin up pointless debates to litigate ad nauseum, even against himself.
No, the spelling was too good.
And immediately calls you preternaturally stupid if you disagree with him.
I got a “sub 70 IQ rating” outta him. I forget what it was that I said to wind him up, but that hardly matters since it’s probably easier to list things that don’t.
I think I was peppering him with insults and quoting scripture at him. It was probably the latter that really got under his skin. I think the implication that he’s being un-Christian bothers him far more because it’s one thing he never tries to refute.
I got under his skin in one of the autonomous car threads and he started all sorts of insults towards me – I never addressed him again (despite the temptation to slag him with all sorts of digs how my military and legal careers beat his into the dust)…he didn’t seem to notice, and would reply to comments of mine later on.
He is one odd duck, and I don’t miss him.
I called him a homophobe last night, and then he gave me law school advice shortly thereafter.
The funniest part of that is he’s so sensitive to any perceived slight.
I agree with waffles. I like those threads where John goes off.
I can see why others find it annoying, though.
I was riffing on the theory that dajjal posts under many different handles, and may even be Tulpa. MikeM is convinced he’s Weigel. He does seem to run the AddictionMyth handle.
But yes, John, Fist, Gilmore and Ken are doggedly sticking over there. And MJG and Crusty. I understand Fist – he was created there along with the site – and I doubt John notices anyone’s left. Gilmore strikes me as the type that stakes his territory and stays there, but I’m surprised that Ken and MJG haven’t been around. Crusty I suspect thinks people were invited, and that he wasn’t, which sucks because I miss having him around.
idk about the others, but I’ve seen Crusty be invited publicly. I don’t want to step on any toes but I’ve never seen him be anything but dismissive of the idea of leaving or even criticism towards That Other Place.
Meh, we believe in freedom of association. And there’s no exclusivity clause.
Personally, I find him funny and clever.
I wish Crusty would come here too. But he seemed quite dismissive of our move.
” and I doubt John notices anyone’s left.”
and I doubt John notices anyone’s left.
Now that is funny.
I didn’t really mind John. I could ignore him when he would get out of breath with his own argumentation. But he did always seem like a legitimate representation of the republicans who could at least consider libertarian ideas.
I think I just know several John types.
That’s how I view John – he’s at least well-read and informed. He doesn’t bother me all that much.
This is where I’m at too. He’s not an idiot, and not a troll, and not generally arguing in bad faith. You just have to be able to tune him out when he starts ranting.
That said, I’ve never been the target of any of his rants, so I understand others feeling differently.
If you’ve been tuning him out when he starts ranting then you’ve missed that he’s a troll. And that he argues in bad faith. He regularly ascribes positions that are clearly not held and goalpost moves like a mofo.
Actually the Red Tony comparison is pretty apt. If you catch Tony posting on a dead thread when he thinks nobody is looking he can be interesting and insightful, but he seems capable of setting people into a frenzy with minimal intellectual effort on any one of his pet subjects.
I am in the sssbobbyr (which looks fabulous in Cyrillic сссбоббыр, by the by), Ruthless the Monocled, and GSL in E Camp.
‘Smores and Poutine, gents?
The Cyrillic looks awesome. Also, I concur with those who concur. Does ‘Smores and Poutine actually mean black spiced rum? If so, I am in.
Looks like a good boat name.
If you really don’t like bridgetenders and harbor masters.
Especially when DenverJ provokes it. Like every fucking time.
good times.
Greasonable set up a repo for further development of Monocle and other super secret projects. There are some improvements made to the script (greasonable is much better at this than me!), and this should be a more permanent link for folks to get the latest version as it comes out.
Good work, seriously.
Good stuff. Thanks!
Clicking this link gives me a warning on Chrome that “Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website.”
Do you have any advice on this?
Yo tambien.
Download it to your desktop and drag it on top of an open window of Chrome. I believe that will allow you to do it. (Somebody who runs Chrome may be able to give you better advice)
I may have been working from outdated info. Looks like you can just enable developer mode in the extensions setting and then you can directly click the link and install it.
More info
Go to //chrome/extensions/ in a new browser window, drag and drop the file you downloaded from the link into the page. Then refresh glibertarians. Worked for me.
This worked. Thanks!
Illiberal Left creates an unintended backlash – conservative liberals.
How much stock do you take into pendulum politics?
I’m long, and looking to expand my holdings.
How are you about pendulous politics? Going….
*drops scrubs*
This is fascism
Well-written and good food for thought. Wading into it and gaining any sort of clear perspective is very difficult, and the word is probably meaningless now given that everyone wants to own its meaning and hurl it at everyone else.
See my co-worker does this. Everything he doesn’t like is Fascism, period. Doesn’t matter if the other party might have some legitimate points or views. He’s gone nuclear since Hillary lost man. I used to respect him for being smart but he’s just devolved into a “literally shaking mess”. Good news is he’s now into gun rights.
funny how that works.
It is. He’s openly admitted to being wrong about Obama, finally.
So does he call Obama a fascist now, too?
No he thinks Obama was outside of that but he bred a culture of it because “middle America yokels who watch too many war movies”.
Actually, this is fascism:
And this:
Most of what people use the word for these days is nationalism, extreme intolerance or some form of radicalization.
It is a good read, but I disagree with using Trotsky to call Fascism right wing or say they went after “worker’s movements.” Aside from the fact that right and left have no clear deliniation anymore, the Fascists called themselves the third way, not of the left or right.
Please: no NSFW images or gifs.
Never fear, Warty, we have Thicc Thursdays!
“Never fear, Warty, we have Thicc Thursdays!”
And SF stories. Is there really anything in a NSFW image that could shock anyone in the way a SF story could? I think not.
Wait until Dr. ZG and I roll out our tentative, “Medical Mondays”…
With fotos. Truth is often more strange (and revolting) than fiction.
Those spikes for prostate cancer? Go on…
These? Or these?
Or are you asking about a rigid cystoscope for Fist of Hypertrophy?
I hate you for making me look this up.
I hate you for making me look this up.
Heheh, sucker! Wimp, too. I braved my wife doing my vasectomy, and you here you are shrinking violet on medical procedure fotos.
From which abstract is that? That, admittedly for me, is a new one.
I’m really going to try hard to not see that. I saw an episode of ”My 600 Pound Life’ once, and that was enough for me. I’m so done.
Medical Mondays and Thicc Thursdays need not be mutually exclusive if dedicated towards an examination of the cosmetic surgeon’s art.
Amazing what can be done with carpenter’s silicone and pelvic spackle, no?
We need a room called Glibhub.
No, we don’t. It will be all photos of jesse and los doyers’s dicks.
Have I been summoned?
I’m not used to seeing adult ones.
Chicken Game test post.
I remembered something for those in the press that think they are living in harrowing days….
Anecdote #243 [Frank Wilkerson] of the Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes:
On one of those six Cold Harbour days, when my battery was in action, I saw a party of horsemen riding towards us from the left. I smiled as the absurdity of men riding along a battle-line for pleasure filled my sense of the ridiculous; but as I looked I saw that the party consisted of a civilian under escort. The party passed close behind our guns, and in passing the civilian exposed a large placard, which was fastened to his back, and which bore the words, ‘Libeller of the Press’. We all agreed that he had been guilty of some dreadful deed, and were pleased to see him ride the battle line. He was howled at, and the wish to tear him limb from limb and strew him over the ground was fiercely expressed. This man escaped death from the shot and shells and bullets that filled the air. I afterwards met him in Washington, and he told me that he was a newspaper war correspondent, and that his offence was in writing , as he thought, truthfully, to his journal, that General Meade advised General Grant to retreat to the north of the Rapidan after the battle of the Wilderness.
[a footnote reads; the correspondent was Edward Crapsey of the Philadelphia Inquirer. General Meade later claimed that his punishment delighted the army ‘for the race of newspaper correspondents is universally despised by the soldiers’.]
Big fucking balls
You should have seen what happened to some of the *editors.*
LewRockwell has an example. Trigger warning: Lew Rockwell.
And as we head into the bottom of the ninth, it’s the Glibs 197, the Noids 146. Leading off for the Noids is John K. The Noids’ second baseman is batting .137 with a ground-out, two strikeouts and a hit by pitch. The windup…the pitch…strike one. John is jawing with home plate umpire Chemjeff…now he’s back in the box…the 0-1 pitch…strike two! And now John is really going at it with Chemjeff! Noids manager Gilmore is out of the dugout and standing between Chemjeff and John, trying to keep his struggling second baseman in the game while giving Chemjeff a piece of his mind…the 0-2 pitch…STRIKE THREE! And John is out of control! Both benches have cleared and there is pandemonium in H&R Memorial Stadium!
Thank you for this. I’m bookmarking for posterity.
Is this the part where chemjeff asks him to marry him before they fuck?
Jesus Christ, that argument they had in Shackford’s “Make that flower bouquet” article.
I thought he had been banned, after this:
Dayum! Missed that. You know, I appreciate a lot of his comments but holy crap can he be an asshole at times.
“Dayum! Missed that. You know, I appreciate a lot of his comments but holy crap can he be an asshole at times.”
Yep, that’s exactly my take on him.
Goddamn. Go Shackford.
It’s been open season him since then. Playa linked back to it in a later thread and John lost his shit.
I guess his night isn’t complete until he totally ruins a thread.
Instead, why don’t we talk about AC? The talk would be much more enjoyable.
Agile Cyborg would be most welcomed here!
Getting my first comment moderation outta the way, also thought I saw someone mention a plugin that made adding links, formating text, quoting, etc.. easier, anyone know anything about any of that?
Trsh is the man. he had a link somewhere above us.
So I saw this in the news from the Fort Lauderdale suburbs, not overly far from where I am:
Not sure *what* to think here.
You know Coolidge believed in aliens right?
So the military blew up an alien spaceship? Sweet.
We X Com now
I don’t know how many of you avoid Twitter for the stinking, festering hole that it is, but Julian Assange actually created his own account and has become pretty political. Probably in response to the attacks on him.
Anyway, here’s an article he linked about the conflict of interest that Bezos’s ownership of WaPo and his simultaneous contract worth $600 million with the CIA.
Demonizing Russia: Fake News And The Conflict Of Interest Involving Amazon, The Washington Post, And The CIA
God damn!
“As a leading American publication, the Washington Post has earned an air of legitimacy…”
I almost passed out I laughed so hard. It’s a fucking pinko propaganda rag. I wouldn’t wipe my ass with it.
Damn….for some reason I just thought about this:
I knew him before he took on the job.
Now I am sad, and going to go have a glass of bourbon and remember him from better times.
Sorry Swiss.
He was a good dude. When the Taliban were rampaging up the Panjshir Valley, he and his family took in hundreds – he let people stay on his land to farm and support themselves. Everyone in the area called him “Maulana”….revered or respected figure.
Well, clearly that couldn’t last.
Requiescat in pace, Sayedkhili.
What is this I hear? Night Links?
It’s Friday
Thanks for creating this. As I lurked a day or two, it was good to read the contributions/posts by the commenters that made me keep going back to you know where. I have learned more about libertarianistickology from the people who post here than whats it place.
Same here.
Wow everyone is coming over.
Good to see you here westernsloper.
I fear that a few good souls are still stranded in the dark, Suthen. Well, hopefully they will eventually find their way over.
Thanks Suthen. I wasn’t sure if Yokels were welcome, but it was getting ugly over there, so I risked it. I live on the edge.
Cheer up. You are not alone, westernsloper.-)
Glibertarians, I present you news from other lands. (damnit I hope this works, I’ve never SF’d a link before, I swear! This no preview stuff is frightening).
How to get rich in Brazil
Oh, and HT to Missus Hyperion for that.
Grieg for the soundtrack. Nice.
The video is good. I’m reminded of a Heinlein quote:
“The profession of shaman has many advantages. It offers high status with a safe livelihood free of work in the dreary, sweaty sense. In most societies it offers legal privileges and immunities not granted to other men. But it is hard to see how a man who has been given a mandate from on High to spread tidings of joy to all mankind can be seriously interested in taking up a collection to pay his salary; it causes one to suspect that the shaman is on the moral level of any other con man.
But it’s lovely work if you can stomach it.”
I believe there are a few progs who could benefit from reading that quote. Oh who am I kidding, they would get nothing from it and look upon you suspiciously for providing it.
look upon you suspiciously for providing it.
So no difference from today.
Heh, I didn’t play the video until after I read the Heinlein quote & immediately thought “politician”. Or “sociopath”. But I repeat myself.
Get off “scotch free,” huh?
Cachaca free.
Great vid, though, no bullshit. You alllus were a good ‘un, Hyp.
While watching that, I could only think how Brazil and the US are the same.
Dunno, we could do with more Brazilian chicks.
Good point.
*Paging Los Doyers, Los Doyers to the Red Courtesy Phone*
There’s no such thing as “getting rich in Brazil,” unless you’re in the organ trade.
You don’t say…
Guys, if you want some serious discussion with heavy hitters like John, Dajjal, and Palin’s Buttplug, I highly recommend a website called They’re all in the comments, right now, as I type this.
Looks like AmSoc is at least 50% of the comments on the latest thread. No one even replies to it and it goes on and on and on.
Did anyone ever figure who took over that handle?
I can’t believe AmSock got AmSoc to stop posting. And AmSock turned into a normal, intelligent person after AmSoc stopped.
I don’t even know what you just said.
The current american socialist (AmSock) is not the original american socialist (AmSoc).
It’s hard for me to tell. I’ve only seen a white space between comments for months.
Cool – a fresh take on how Trump is like the worst libertarian evar.
I really got pissed when they let Suderman write two-a-days with tears in his eyes about what a big meanie face Trump is.
I didn’t expect much from Mainstream outlets. They were going to hate {Republican} from the jump. But Reason really got on my nerves this election, to the point where I didn’t direct my 2016 charitable donation to them (I gave it to MedFlight).
*guzzles last of drink and swears not to go there*
Oh, C’mon, John is not bad. He makes good points now and then and can be quite insightful.
*Poker face….wheels turning*
Ok, he’s not THAT bad. It’s not like we have never learned anything from him.
*More poker face*
Ok, maybe he has a little oppositional defiant personality traits and can be quite tedious at times but he does contribute. Seriously. There is no fun or anything to be learned in a bubble.
*Drums fingers*
Do I have to resort to the old ‘free speech means defending speech you dont like’?
Someone should invite him over.
At the very least he wouldn’t have a cabal of editor conspirators to rail against for their shiftlessness in the face of tyranny.
Someone should invite him over.
For the love of god, no.
Honestly, I like John. I really do. He’s more-or-less a well-articulated guy who at the very least can state his positions well. When it comes to stuff he sympathizes with, he breaks it down really well. But when it comes to one of his pet peeves-
Good gugumugou, when it comes to one of his pet peeves…
After the Shackleford incident, I’m about done with him. I’m sure he thinks he has the point of his argument wedged somewhere up his ass, and maybe thinks if he roots around in there long enough he’ll find it, but it’s not fun watching him disappear up his own ass. And that’s where he got today. Scaling the cavernous depths of his asshole looking for that long lost point.
I just now saw the Shackleford incident. Wow.
I used to butt heads with John in the early days but that tapered off. In the last couple of years I never let him get under my skin and I ended up agreeing with him about half the time. As This Machine says when he is right, he is right and articulates well, but by God when he is wrong….
There’s something to be said for good faith. I like the idea. Nobody’s trying to deceive you or get around behind your back, nobody’s trying to pull one over on you. It’s a simple exchange of ideas, and one attempts to rebut what the other has said. Yes, that’s a bit naive, but John immediately notches it up past eleven because, clearly, anyone who disagrees is either a simpleton or a fraud. John has no sense of good faith. Which, I suppose, is just good practice for a lawyer. But it makes arguing with him a chore.
Which is exactly why I won’t acknowledge his existence.
And it infuriates him. John, would implode and likely stroke out, if people would simply stop responding to him. He is a miserable human being who thrives on attention.
Well, in absolute fairness, aren’t we all?
But most of us don’t make a chore of it.
I hope.
I have thought the same Suthen, but lately, he is just insufferable. Maybe if we have more articles on Porches and 20th Century history if would keep him satiated.
Really wish Ken would come over. I love that little cunt.
What is wrong with Porches? Mine has a really good view.
I prefer a verandah or a lanai.
Ken and Gilmore are great.
OK, Gilmore is great.
Ken, great most of the time, sometimes a thick cunt. But I like the guy.
AlmightyJB is someone I was thinking we should invite over. Ken… yeah, he’s ok. Remember that time he sort of freaked out because everyone changed their posting names to something with woodchipper? That was hilarious.
You may have noticed that this is not an invitation-only site. 😉
That said, we’d have no hesitation banning anyone we identify as one of the trolls/griefers. No hesitation.
never understood why The Homeland (which is what I am calling Place That Shall Not be Named from now on) was so hesitant about that.
“never understood why The Homeland (which is what I am calling Place That Shall Not be Named from now on) was so hesitant about that”
I think that crayon caused the registration to finally happen. Also think that shreek almost got banned once while posting as PBP.
glad I made the cut.
No, HURR DURR crayon didn’t cause The Registrationing; that honour goes to a one Jason Godesky, AKA, White Indian. Yes, The Paleface Protohuman, The Albino Aboriginal, that guy.
One of the things I will give TPTSNBN(tm), as you call, “The Homeland,” TAO, is their commitment to Free Speech, and giving us and anyone else (with some glaring exceptions *cough* Draw Mewhammad *cough*) a forum to say pretty much anything one wanted.
Until they found they had to batten down the hatches and tamp down their borders, as they eventually found that a desirable area with absolutely no restrictions comes unmanageable headaches and people who will drop their trousers and shit right on your shoe and dare you to swing at them. It’s analogous to the NAP (or any other Ethos, really):
It only works if everyone agrees to the same interpretation of it.
That’s what my mohel said.
The guy who griefs is Nathan. Expect more goodies to follow.
I don’t really have a problem with John and he’s overall been civil with me. But I have noticed a few times he gets sort of hateful with the writers over there, which is really uncalled for. I don’t get it. I’ve been quite critical of some of the articles and the over obsession with Trump for the last year. But getting personal with the writers like that, not cool.
From a libertarian perspective, some of the writers (or bloggers, I should say) deserve shit. Shackford isn’t one of them.
John’s motives are pretty clear to me.
I remember you saying that yesterday evening, Playa, and then declining to comment on it. I won’t ask. But whatever it is, I sort of cringed the first time I saw him do that and wondered WTH the deal with that is.
I think his motive is that he’s concern-trolling Reason for the attention.
but I agree that he’s been disappointing when it comes to that very thing. he likes to knock down versions of arguments he bootstraps and then attributes to people with no reason to do so. the comment at Shackford is a prime example of this.
now, all of THAT said, I do think Reason has more than a touch of the cultural Marxism they need to tone the fuck down, but John’s not the guy to get them to do it.
Yeah his fatal flaw is a huge heaping of Internet Tough Guy. He says shit to people that he would never say to their face.
I used to enjoy reading John in 2009. Really enjoyed it, actually. He had a slow but steady decline, right up until the homopocalypse, and then he fell off the deep end.
I haven’t heard him say anything insightful in at least a year, maybe more. He just flings shit like a chimp. No discussion, just shit.
I think a lot of long-time commenters here have some nostalgia for 2009 John, but he’s long gone.
His obsession started making more sense to me once I figured out that he views gay people as little more than a sort of distraction to amuse him.
I guess I haven’t paid close enough attention. I dont get to sit here and read and think like I used to…too much going on around here.
Homopocalypse? How did I miss that? He freaked out over the gay marriage thing?
It was a very long freak out.
I generally don’t click on the wedding cake articles any more than I do the college campus crap. I know what’s going on, I disagree with it, and I don’t need an article a day to reaffirm that. But I would occasionally get texts or emails from other commenters saying
“hey, look what John is doing now hahaha”. And when I looked at those comments…. just wow.
He lost his fucking mind.
Someone should invite him over
I guess I should have read down a bit before posting above. Didn’t realise there was a john-athon going on.
John raises good points often, and can be completely fine when he’s calm.
The problem is that he’s a cunt personality-wise.
Hey everyone, whatcha all drinking? I’m sitting here in SoCal on flood watch and about ready to go outside and boogie board down the street. Sipping vodka cran right now.
My sister and her kids are doing the same in Goleta. Dunno what they’re drinking. I’m drinking box chardonnay. I hate chardonnay. Would much prefer viognier. But you can’t get that in a box.
I scored some Justin Sauvignon Blanc and it was really good for a $14.00 bottle. (30% off price at the local store)
Lookit Mr. Moneybags here, fourteen bucks for a bottle.
Life is good when all of the kids are detached from my wallet!
I hate it when rich people rub it in your face.
Unless they’re paying you to do it.
Go on…
I do usually try to keep my grape juice purchases under $10, but sometimes going up to $15 is worth it. If you’re a fan of heavy reds, the thing I’ll pop as soon as I get off the hillbilly heroin is “Petite Petit”, which is 85% Sirah and 15% Verdot. Goes for about $15. It’s the heaviest Red I’ve had and it’s fantastic.
Is it done is sort of a white Bordeaux style (i.e., rich)? Paso is a pretty warm area.
Looked it up. 14.5%. Whoa.
Goes down good and the ladies like it. Over 18 ladies that is, so you might want to try Boones Farm or something along those lines OMWC!
I’ll sometimes drink a bottle of Strawberry Hill while I’m mowing the lawn.
It’s basically roofies.
True story: one of the most popular cheap chardonnays among young women is Kendall-Jackson. Their secret is lowish acidity and keeping a little residual sugar. In any case, another winery (I think it was Rombauer) looked at that market and decided to do an upscale version for women who were a little bit older and had more money. Same basic formula, same cost structure, but instead of $15, they charge like $35-40 because of the desire in their target demographic for a higher perceived quality product. And they gauged it right, they sell the shit out of that wine to older professional women.
So inevitably, in the industry, that wine is referred to as “Cougar Crack.”
If anyone knows about roofies, it’s you.
How do you think I roped SP into doing all this shit?
Yep. A perceived good wine is like crack to the over 30 woman demographic. It is the only reason I drink it. It is an important lesson to learn for single guys of all ages. Believe me, the only reason I care about this shit is I am single and over 50.
ah ha ha. that story about simply repackaging Kendall-Jackson and selling it as something else is gold, Jerry.
Unfortunately, SP/Mrs OMWC knows her wine. So I have to pony up for things like Cedric Bouchard.
Same way I got Dr. ZG to marry me:
A terminal degree, Israeli diamonds, and (((Jew Gold))).
My secrets exposed. Damn you Groovus, DAMN YOU.
Gold? Diamonds?!
*perks up*
Does New Zealand produce anything for export other than Sauvignon Blanc? It’s not my favorite white, and when I was at the liquor store yesterday, that’s all the NZ stuff they had.
My current white is a Chenin Blanc from South Africa. Crisp, but a bit pricey.
I fucking love Viognier. So far, I’ve been unimpressed with California examples- the best I’ve had were from the Sierra Foothills, but even those weren’t great. I’ve had a couple of good ones from Virginia, but they still don’t give me my fix. I used to buy Condrieu regularly (Pichon, Gaillard, Vernay), which truth be told is the only place on the planet where that grape does well, but it got “discovered” and the prices are now ridiculous. A couple of people in areas nearby have done a good job, but their vins de pays are almost the same price as The Real Thing.
Chasing Becherovka with Yuengling.
Shut up.
Yuengling is good beer.
Yuengling, heh. Good beer? I mean it’s ok for the price. I burned myself out on it back when I could either afford that or Bud or something even worse. I don’t think I could choke one down now, but again. I drank a LOT of it.
I’ve drunk a lot of it. I could still drink more of it. Unfortunately, I have none in the house right now. I have to go Massachusetts to get it. At least now I only have to go to the next state instead of waiting for when I visit my folks.
I’m not too far from where they make the stuff, so I can get it, cheap. Like $14 a case.
Yuengling … Eh. I went to college in Pittsburgh, and back in those days I thought it was fantastic. Fast forward a few years to when I knew a lot more about beer and hadn’t had a Yuengling in a decade: I spent a week in Maryland on a work trip in 2012, and on my one free evening of the trip, I ate at a bar near my hotel. The bar had Yuengling on tap, and for nostalgia I ordered one. Found it absolutely undrinkable.
Ying is the Coors of the east.
Vodka Dew but running out of Dew & might have to move to OJ.
That is a pro move, good choice!
I like the bubbles, though.
I love Mountain Dew.
Oh they call it that ole mountain dew
And them that refuse it are few
I’ll shut up my mug if you fill up my jug
With some good ole mountain dew
Rare Ould Mountain Dew
Only mixer in the house was orange juice, so we’ve got that and Tito’s Vodka.
Oh yeah, that works!
What is this, a gay Sunday brunch?
isn’t it always?
my child is coming home from a school trip to Sequoia to west LA. They’ve still not made it back yet, hitting bad weather the entire way.
I hope he/she is okay. That is a brutal drive with these conditions.
2 more commenters here from So Cal? Where?
We’ll get you on the list. Our meet ups are usually meat and booze or just booze.
Deep behind the orange curtain. I have some buddies that coach hockey at Toyota Center in El Segundo so I get up that way every now and then when we go out. Usually some place on El Segundo, bunch of pool tables and mediocre food but a decent vibe.
You *must* be talking about the Purple Orchid?
I want to say Stick and Stein?
Hmm, never been. But as Playa said, our meet ups are the envy of all the land. Plenty of booze, sometimes food, and plenty of slapping.
Oh that is not it. Just looked it up and it closed in 2011.
oldmansandtrail2 at
I’ll try to make it up for the next one.
I’m in PDR/Mar Vista, so not far if you’re handle is true.
If my handle is true? I’m so insulted!
Planes were taking off to the east today, and my doormat is missing.
Does that give me any credibility?
You could live in Nebraska and pine for MB! But since you know the secrets of our rainy progtown, I believe you. *nods*
I’m up for a meet-n-drink with y’all though, it’d be nice to be able to discuss politics without feeling like I have to watch every word.
Must’ve been talking about it was good luck, he finally made it. They needed six hours just to get the group from the lodge out of the park to meet the bus. THen crawled the rest fo the way, I gather, but luckily didn’t get stuck in the Grapevine.
Bourbon , lime and soda. I need to hydrate.
Good choice! Its about 8pm here pst and I need to hydrate also. Gotta keep it going for several more hours.
Empyrean Dark Side. Yummy
Okay that looks good. Added to the list, thanks.
Breckenridge Brewery’s Vanilla Porter is also good. I can’t decide which one I like better
no drinks for me – just had surgery to repair a deviated septum, a nasal turbinate reduction (I think that’s what you say), and had a tonsillectomy / adenoidectomy, so I am just loaded on painkillers and joy.
Speaking of painkillers and joy, did anyone invite AC?
Would he recognize an invitation?
He found Reason, so… wait, how did he find Reason?
I know you guys ironically enjoy AC, but I never found his navel gazing while on acid schtick all that entertaining. but hey to each his own.
Me neither. I had to block it after a while.
Considering the parasites that found their way in and stuck around, AC was refreshing. He was Jim Breuer from Half Baked, tolerable despite being useless.
It depends on many cum jizzles we use to infect his mind.
Had some fun in the 80’s??? Man, that is a rough go hope you feel better soon.
I wish I had the pleasure of doing the fun before needing the surgery.
No, my tonsils started basically giving be a cold year round, and I snore (and came up negative for apnea), so I needed the rest of it done for that. Doctor said you can do it in stages and be miserable at each stage OR do it all at once, gut it out and be done forever.
I am actually healing up better than I thought. Thanks for the well wishes.
Bang down them painkillers and sleep as much as you can.
I guess [i]technically[/i] I’m drinking something called “Magic Mouthwash”, which is 1/3rd Lidocaine, 1/3rd Benadryl, and 1/3rd Maalox. Of interest to you, Swiss, it numbs your throat, so imagine the possibilities for that side hustle you have!
ok are there html tags allowed and what are they?
I’m going to need to get another damn plugin aren’t I?!
WordPress allowed formatting
Use em for italics.
test test test
test test test
Get well soon!
I had my tonsils out when I was in my 20s. Pain the ass to recover.
Thanks for both the tags and the well-wishes?
Were you also in Unspeakable Location before the Exodus? I don’t recognize the username. Then again, I signed off of there for about the last year or so…
ergh, remove “?” above, DEG
Yes I was. I used the same handle. I didn’t post all that often.
Look into the PPSV vaccine too. I woke up every morning with a “cold” too, but I tested negative for every allergy. Turns out it was an immune thing.
You can do an antibody test to confirm if you want to shell out the cash, but it’s easier to just get the vaccine. It’s widely available.
interesting! I will look into that, thanks!
God dammit!!!
I know you.
Fuck your handle, it threw me off. And now my personal medical info is all over the internet.
If I took a drink of alcohol right now my throat would probably rip out of my body and eviscerate my eyeballs as punishment.
Holy Shit! At your age, TAO? Wise of you to avoid booze with CNS depressants.
Jeepers, that is serious stuff and sincerely hope you got the good stuff! Godspeed on a full and speedy recovery!
Get after it Frank, that was one of my options tonight. I passed on it though because the margarita mixer I had was crap and I forgot to throw it out after the last attempt at margaritas.
we usually just call those, “blenders”, Fancy Face.
So he has enough coin to pay $14/bottle for wine, AND he has a “margarita mixer.” Some guys just have it made.
That is what I get for trying to round out my drink game. Fuck you guys, I’m going back to Jamo on the rocks!
hey I support the consumption of wine. I’m just at a loss as to how a “margarita mixer” is substantially different from a “blender”, which you could just send one of your manservants to this place we proles call “WalMart” and buy one for 10 American Dollars.
Made my own.
Triple Sec
Lime juice (real lime)
Salted glass
Ok, I am stealing that
That’s they way I always make them. Don’t drink tequila too often, but that’s the best way to make margaritas.
Grand Marnier is better than Triple Sec…but expensive.
I’m a Cointreau partisan myself. GM is a little sweet for my preference.
Another true alcohol story: Many years ago, I was in France with Wife #1. She was a rather pretentious “feminist intellectual” who prided herself on acing 5 years of French in high school and college. We were at dinner at a one star in Lyon with a couple French friends of mine. They had done all the ordering and dealing with the waitstaff through dinner. Come time for aperitifs, and Wife 1 insisted that SHE wanted to do the ordering. So she talked to the waiter to try to get a Grand Marnier. He stared at her and my French friends were in hysterics.
“Why is he staring at me like that?”
“You just ordered a large married man.”
So she was talking about you?
I was smaller in those days.
OMWC – Your wife story reminds me of this:
Not far off. Another time, I’ll tell my Paris stories.
I am partial to:
Triple Sec
Grand Marneir
Sweet and sour mix
Lime juice
Shaken, salted rim
That is summer time stuff though.
Perrier water. No alcohol at all today. Seriously, I haven’t drank much this week, or the last 2 weeks. Too much work. Maybe that is why I’m so boring as of late?
Don’t you have that backwards?
No booze for me right now. I think I’m getting sick. I should be off in bed.
The booze pickles the sickness. Don’t you know anything?
Black tea, lemon, honey, and whiskey is normally my preferred cold remedy, but right now, I need to get away from the computer and get some sleep.
Oh, that’s easy. Black tea, lemon, honey, whiskey, and a handful of benadryl tablets. YW
I could just go to sleep. I know. Crazy talk.
You lucky fucking bastard.
Ok, which one of these old perverts exposed their self?
Ok, which one of these old perverts exposed their self?
Isn’t the old saying; drown a flu, drown a cold? I’m pretty sure that’s it.
Jameson on the rocks. Works every time. Trust me.
Sadly I had to hop on the wagon.
Sorry to hear that Suthen. If you fall off hopefully you are reaching for the last fifth on Jameson before it hits the trail.
BF’s homebrew. I think it’s a DIPA or an attempt at one. I think it came in relatively low %. Damn tasty though.
Saison DuPont. And I live in Oregon, so you SoCal folks get no sympathy from me re rain in winter.
Was this covered today?
And the no preview could be a problem. I usually fuck it up.
Soda tax increases revenue and protects you. Trust me!
I… can’t disagree.
Meanwhile here in NYC, the governor – who somehow has the power to swoop in and negate our laws – just saved us from a goddamn bag tax. All because the two of them have been locked in a cat-fight for the last three years.
The bag tax? They were going to tax Hillary?
The “b” and the “h” are close to each other.
That is for sure a double bagger tax! One for her and one for you in case hers falls off!
+1 double wide pantsuit
You just need to tie the handles reeeaaaal tight around her neck…so it doesn’t fall off
yeah if the New York Legislature wants to overrule home rule, it can. this happens a lot in Ohio, too, where Cleveland or god forbid Columbus sometimes come up with some harebrained scheme and Kasich comes over the top to put an end to the nonsense.
And of course Cuomo’s all for the tax but he wants to
study it some moretake the credit for himself.and of course inflict it on the long-suffering people Upstate, who must be dragged into every oddball nonsense the City demands.
Having lived in upstate NY, it’s not just Cuomo. Albany has always only cared about Westchester County and points south and east. Albany doesn’t even care about Albany.
Unfortunately, those people are moving farther and farther north. They’re well into Ulster County by now, thanks in no small part to the SUNY school in New Paltz.
I am calling bullshit on that. I have been hearing about soda sales dropping for several years now. The explosion of diabetes and the realization that the medical profs have been lying to us for years about the connection with sugar is what is killing soda sales. How many buckets of sugar in the average soda? That shit is just bubbly syrup. I quit drinking it twenty years ago. A guy I know simply quit drinking soda and lost 60lbs in a couple of years. He was preaching to everyone he met about it.
Healthy consumption of soda = about one per month. The trouble is that once you get down to that level you forget about that shit and get in the habit of drinking water.
Jennie is just trying to convince us that proggie social engineering methods work after all and it is for our own good. Go sit on a sharp stick Jennie.
Unfortunately, water is a shit mixer. Yeah, I know there are other options…
embrace the diet tonic water my friend
Nah, ginger ale.
I got acid reflux by just reading that Groovus
“Water is a shit mixer”
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Mixers only came into being during prohibition when the quality of booze went to shit. before that people didn’t really use mixers.
Now you know why I had to get on the wagon.
Jennie’s just the media mouthpiece for proggie social engineer that wants more funding. ‘Hey look, it worked! And we’re combating global warming at the same time!’. Don’t asked me about the logic of the global warming part, there is none, but it’s a prerequisite these days if you really want more funding, no matter if your project is about endangered frogs or bringing back a wooly mammoth. Seriously, I’m not making that up:
Let’s bring back a mammoth and save the planet!
“Church, a guest speaker at the meeting, said the mammoth project had two goals: securing an alternative future for the endangered Asian elephant and helping to combat global warming. Woolly mammoths could help prevent tundra permafrost from melting and releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.
“They keep the tundra from thawing by punching through snow and allowing cold air to come in,” said Church. “In the summer they knock down trees and help the grass grow.”
Oh, please STFU, you morons.
it’s amazing to me that eliminating permafrost and rehydrating the deserts is somehow a bad thing to these people. when I hear that the permafrost might melt, my first reaction is not “oh noes gotta keep that productive biome in tact”
It’s very sad, the level of disingenuous pseudo babble that so called science is sinking into. It’s like the entire science community is now held hostage by a bunch of religious nutbags. We’re going to back to the days when the church executed people for not saying that the earth is at the center of the universe. And the thing about some overly hysterical luddite whining and hand wringing over the prospect of creating an elephant/mammoth hybrid. Because the things are gonna go crazy and wipe out humankind? No, because the creature might have mommy issues! Fuck!
Getting my first Mod post out of the way. Just wanted to say hi and thanx to all who put this rig together. I’ll make myself at home over here in the corner cuz I prefer to watch. I like the new digs! *pours a bourbon over ice and settles in*
so are you a female furry Satan worshiper? Just trying to get a feel for the audience here.
There’s no such thing as a female libertarian. Everyone knows this. Maybe it’s trying to trick us and then sacrifice us to the devil. Be careful. It will turn you into a toad, it will!
maybe it’s a trap. Deirdre McCloskey perhaps
Bourbon? Good choice.
Yes I’m female. I don’t worship anything. Except maybe Heroic Mulatto.
As do many of us. Male or female.
“Except maybe Heroic Mulatto.”
Ok, HM, you can stop pretending to be the devil woman now.
Look, HM posts the goodies. If HM’s new avatar posts the goodies, that’s still goodies. I say we embrace the HM goodies, whatever their provenance.
Hear Hear!
Remember, his job is to educate young minds. Is it really a stretch to think he’s brainwashing young women into an endless twerking cult?
You’re my Steam buddy, Hyp. You know I was playing Stellaris for the past few hours.
You’re still playing that? I have ADHD or something, I can’t play games for more than 100 hours or so.
*hides BF4 info*
Took a break to play the shit out of Endless Legend. On a whim, I decided to fire up Stellaris again and I’m in the middle of a good campaign with my Octopus People No Fucks Given to Anything but Profit Mega Corporation which rule about a quarter of the galaxy now. The Utopia expansion is coming out soon, so I figured I get in the mood.
Jesus, are we gaming twins?
I loved that one of the preset Stellaris races was libertarian land otters.
Still trying to decide if I’ll sink more time into Endless Legend. I enjoy it, but it’s the type of game I OCD hard on.
To be honest, I only took a break from EL because because after 3 years, I still don’t know how to play the Ardent Mages. They’re the only faction I haven’t won a game with.
I just got started with the game, Played the Wild Walkers and thought it was pretty straight forward and then played the Allyia (spelling) and was crippled by growth issues. They seem to have done an excellent job making the races unique and interesting.
Lady libertarians unite! or maybe we should untie?
— no wait that’s probably not wise in this crowd. I take it back
Lady libertarians
Wait, I see where you fucked up.
/why there are no female libertarians
They told me white wine would make me a lady, as long as it wasn’t from a box. Was it all a lie??
What snob told you that?
Okay, listen, you, the wine is cheap, it’s plentiful, and most importantly, it’s cheap. And at least it’s not Moscato. It’s dry. Dry means sophisticated. So you just remember that when a man offers you a glass of box wine. It’s not fruity. It’s effete.
boxed wine is just like the hate for artificial cork: an elevation of an old format simply because it’s old and therefore more sophisticated. there’s nothing wrong with boxed wine and it should be more prevalent, IMO.
In fairness, if I were truly as cheap as all that, I’d buy the black box of bottom-shelf, really cheap shit. But I buy the upper-shelf box with the trim, because I think it’s classy.
So oakey
*Fd’A giggles*
Speaking of lady libertarians, did Hamster of Doom make it over? What about Mythical Libertarian Woman?
HoD is Jo. afaik MLW is her as well.
Thanks! Is Jo Athena too?
Nyet. Jo is only Hamster of Doom.
Jo is every woman.
HayekExplosives has made her presence known, and Banjos, of course.
My wife is attempting to read the site with machine translation, but she is a Recovering Communist at best.
Pretty fair story of the cash-only docs that have been profiled at Reason. Nice to see them get more exposure. Also I’m certain it made some people very mad.
Yeah, these doctors are going to find themselves ‘illegal’ soon enough. The medical industry is one of the most cronyized clusterfucked dinosaurs around.
They’ve been going for awhile now. I think they’ve built up some pull with the Okie pols to the point it won’t be so easy to knock them out. Plus the idea is spreading and if this new administration takes a hands-off approach the idea may well be nigh-invulnerable to political meddling.
Should be interesting to watch. I hope it does survive and spread.
This is one area where I’m cautiously optimistic about the new administration. Some very smart market-oriented people do seem to have their attention.
I had a problem with my insurance for one of my pain medications. So I asked the girl at the pharmacy, “how much is it if I don’t go through insurance?”
the pause on the phone lasted a good 10 seconds. she hadn’t dealt with that situation before.
then she asked the pharmacy manager, who said they would sell it to me without going through the insurance company “as a one-time exception.”
AS A ONE-TIME EXCEPTION? What the fuck? Why does the pharmacy give a shit? I’m paying you straight cash homie. Shut up and take my money!
They said that because it is cheaper if you don’t have insurance.
ahh, thanks to both you and jesse as these answers make sense.
I’ll just get straight-up cranky with them next time about cash, then. the “one time exception” sounds like a company policy that can be waived, so they can either take cash or I can take my business elsewhere.
You might be able to find a place that more readily accepts it, but it sounds like the guy was offering to take on extra work.
Nobody likes having to dig out the paperwork for an unusual financial class. It’s just weird hearing that cash is an unusual financial class.
You should see how Canadians addicted to universal health care react when you offer private options and solutions to the chronic problems it faces.
Unsurprising, of course, that letting medical care function like a market has the effect of raising quality and lowering prices. If it worked with LASIK, it really should work elsewhere.
No transcript?
The thimble is out
What will it be replaced by?
Cat Lady Glasses
Knitted Pussy Hat
Empty Pantsuit
I’m in on “V for Vendetta” Mask.
Asian chick with owl glasses
I won’t say she’s unbecoming but she’s just not that comely, man.
Is there a specific Asian chick with owl glasses that I should know about?
Somebody made a promise and posted a link, but it didn’t work.
We’re not going to let it go.
I got ten bucks it is a little glacier shaped thing to remind us we are killing the planet and we will all die.
Or a dead polar bear
The buttterchurn? Floral sunbonnet? Sandwich making supplies? Douche?
Or one of those vagina fruit things in Warrens pic.
Man, I leave to play BF1 and come back to 500+ comments. good going, people.
whizbang from New Belgium for me, soon a stone go to ipa.
What’s your steam ID?
*sobs into elbowpit*
HE’S the nerd!
there there.
He’s a huge geodude. Ask him about it sometime.
coloraDOOM on steam, Duetothe802 on origin.
NERD! I bet now you’re going to post your system specs!
I wish I had a 1080.
I’m skipping that one and waiting for the 1080ti.
I might spring for it at some point. I still do okay with the 970.
I’m running two of those in SLI. Next card is seriously a single 1080ti. SLI is such a pain in the ass. Would be ok if there were more games that properly supports it.
That’s the only reason I have one. the 1080 is a huge difference. I didn’t even realize they were going to make the ti.
Yeah, that’s the rumor. 12G of Vram, so I hear.
I was playing ARK Survival evolved, but then I rage quit for a few days.
It’s fun, but yeah.
Well, there’s the brutal difficulty level when you start out. Then there’s the tamed dino disappearing bugs. Or there’s the part when you get stuck on a rock or tree when fleeing from a level 100 T-Rex and you were almost inside your base. Then there’s the 10 year olds telling you to ‘GIT GUD!’.
Private server. I’ll post our settings tomorrow.
I’m actually playing SP now. But yeah, I could get into that. Thanks.
We all got a little too fired up when it was stock. a few tweaks and playing alone becomes a lot better.
we run a server for out apartment. a few tweaks to help, there are only 3 of us.
So on my news today was a long presser wherein the “authorities” responsible for the Oroville dam situation patted themselves and each other on the back for the better part of an hour.
I did not realize how heroic they’d been. How difficult the decisions were and how proud of each other they all were. What was glossed over was the fact that they gave out an evacuation order that was so worded to imply that the dam was going to come crashing down within the hour and thus created a major traffic jam which they could have been better prepared for…but instead of using both halves of the 99 to send people north they kept the southbound part closed until most of the trouble had abated.
Also despite his claiming otherwise yesterday the sheriff admitted today that there was looting. Not much, to be sure, but some and they caught the idiots.
So, did you get one of those new curved 4K LED HDTVs?
I hurt my back lifting it! Can I sue the store?
In CA? 75% probably.
Actually…one of the few good things Pete Wilson did was sign a law preventing people who were hurt while engaged in felonious behavior from filing suit.
That’s not what your avatar says.
No alt-text, no peace! *takes hitter and knocks on scotch bottle*
Get ’em!
and I’m still not in the steam group.
*kicks pebble*
Is that some kind of Finnish sauna where the cool kids hang out?
Of course if it’s defined as a place where the cool kids hang out, it will be abolished if I ever join, and I appreciate that. 🙁
Nah, you’re so cool that the icicles we stab you death with won’t melt.
gaming pc groups are cool, I suppose.
Let me know if you star running a red orchestra 2 server….
We can do 700
what is this, a debate night thread?
Got over twice the comments as the late night thread at H&R.
I wonder if The Reason contributors are lurking?
*waves hello*
Are you sure you want to join The 700 Club, Fd’A?
I am healed. Praise Jesus.
*vigorous applause*
Where is Agile Cyborg and why hasn’t he been a guest writer here yet?
OT: Bacon Jerky is Deeeeelicious!
Although, it’s hard to justify the price. We’re talking dollars per ounce. It’s ridiculous.
P.S. Holy Crap! 647* comments! And at least one of them was a Futurama gif!!11!!! I almost wish I hadn’t spent all evening drinking beer and watching hockey! ‘specially since the good guys (defending National Champion North Dakota Fighting Siou… oops.. Hawks) lost.
*Was a lurker at the site that shall not be named for several years; pretty sure they never got anywhere near 647!
Yes…yes it is. *sizzles*
Hello and welcome.
Back in the early Independents days they occasionally got 1000 posts.
I suspect this is a honeymoon phase, but it’s nice to see so much support.
I found that place accidently. It was in the early days of… gamer gate. I was in some other chat room and jackasses kept mentioning gamer gate, so I went to google. The article I clicked on happened to be from Reason. Turns out I didn’t then, and never have since, given the slightest fraction of a fuck about gamer gate. The weird part is, at the same time I was already starting to wonder about my law-and-order, national-security-trumps-all conservative values. When I began reading the Commentariat, I slowly realized I was a libertarian. Gamer gate lead me to that place, which, years later lead me here. And to this day I still don’t have any fucking clue, or care, what gamer gate was all about. *cue Allanis Morrisette*
I can’t recall the thing that brought me. My friend links to it often, so that might have been it.
And please, excuse my manors. You bid me welcome up there and I went on a rant. Thanks for having me. Thanks for having all of us. Where I was going with that, and didn’t finish is, pretty much all of the Commentaritate that unknowingly nudged me in the right direction are right here, right now. To me, this site is a synthesis of the nagging voices that spoke to my unconsciousness. I was a wrote conservative. Deep down, I knew some of the things I argued for were wrong, because my best answer was “just because.” A lot of the people I see building this site are the people that unknowingly convinced me to loose the chains. To value true liberty, not state approved liberty.
Look at Mr. Moneybags here. Bernie Sanders, are ya?
You got me. I only have one manor, which is very un-libertarian. Now I have multiple sads, and that’s your fault.
*I will state right here, right now (stop humming it in your head), I welcome all grammar Nazis. I grew up in a tiny town, ND school system. I realized years ago that I didn’t get as good an education as everyone thought we did. I appreciate lernin.
A good sport, I like it.
I genuinely do want fellow libertarians to go out into the world and sound the sharpest, argue the best, and be the most informed. I obviously can’t give anyone all that, and don’t have it all myself, but I hold my own and strive for more, and there are plenty around here that can offer a lot of insight.
I also abhor the “language changes” argument. I consider that an invention largely created and pushed by the left with the ulterior motive of intentionally changing the language themselves to use it as a weapon in the culture wars. Fuck them, and fuck Merriam-Webster for turning into one of their whiny “descriptivist” suck-ass control-left mouthpieces.
Similar. I thought I was a Republican till I was forty something.
It was Atlas Shrugged for me…and it dawned on me that I never was. Just didn’t know that there were others who thought as I did.
Not a real Rand fan now, but that’s what made me turn the corner.
How much sci fi did you read asa kid?
Watched it. TOS. BSG. Buck Rogers. Star Wars…
I’m not a big reader. 460 verbal. Wife got me to read Dune.
That’s surprising. You write very well. (At least, I’ve never noticed your writing ability to be notably weaker than that of other commenters, who write very well.)
But then, I don’t put much stock in SAT scores. Or the assumption that being / not being a bibliophile correlates strongly with writing ability.
One of these days I’m going to do a study to confirm my suspicion that early exposure to hard sci fi, and enjoyment thereof, is a predictor of libertarian leanings
I found it when Jonah Goldberg linked an article on NRO. I started reading and thought, “Wait, I can be for free markets and not have to support the wars on other countries or drugs?” Plus it enhances my contrarian cred.
That sucks.
There’s more:
What are you guys building on?!
Poor infrastructure. All of the mazoolah went to the unions.
After it rains the pavement in my neighborhood sounds like eggshells when you drive over it and flakes off.
Be careful out there.
I knew one of your links had to be this one! We were watching the coverage when this one went. At least the driver in the car beneath was already out of there. Crazy apocalyptic stuff out there today!
Fuck me. What’s up with California? The earth just opens up and swallows mutherfuckerz?
It swallows public employees.
Not so bad, is it?
I’ll allow it.
Here Agile, got some magic fungi for you.
He needs coke. He’ll figure the rest out after that.
Real coke or real coke™?
The kind that makes you do dumb shit.
Oh, the stuff with sugar. I never did dumb shit on coke, just peeked out windows.
He needs coke.
If opium and laudanum were good enough for the writer of, “Kubla Khan,” they’re good enough for Agile.
bacon, those digital mushrooms make me want to play Super Mario Bros. for some odd reason.
Life is a game. Eating shrooms digitally or orally still have the same effect.
Oh shit, we got a twitter up in here?
I haven’t logged on Twitter in 6 months…that way lies trolls.
mine is the same way
No tweeter…no facethingy…
I’m a happy man.
That’s been the only reason I do anything at all with Twitter. I figure, piss enough people off and the platform will collapse eventually. Doing my part to make Twitter suck balls.
It’s a haven for a zillion stupid proggies, so you could say it’s a target rich environment for trolling.
Don’t think I won’t do this by myself
I’m out…night
Cosmo mag now giving advice on how to give a rusty trombone. Not even making that up.
For anyone still up and interested, Milo was on Bill Maher. Funny, charismatic, held his own, and didn’t let Maher completely overrun him as he is wont to do.
I’m still up. I keep strange hours. Thanks for the link.
Sounds, uhhh, interesting.
This must be the time, when the Europeans have the place to themselves.
*sneaks into corner with hooker*
So, shit. This place is getting more action than the real site. I guess there was a market failure.
We need government action to help Reason. Capitalism doesn’t work.
A Bailey Bailout?