Since we seem to have quite the weekend audience, some moar lynx to keep y’all commenting (please note, there may or may not be Saturday PM Links – buyer is not being given any warranty, express or implied by the use of the word “Morning”….*extended legalese*;
Chicago PD railroaded a group of 4 men (hard to imagine!!!!) – the last of them just got out of prison,
It isn’t just cops doing no-knock raids that get the wrong address,
You want to see journalism under attack – don’t watch a DC presser, read this,
Orphan drug designation = FDA asshattery?
h/t OMWC on the journalism story, *mimes a thank-you to JW for the FDA story*
10 years in jail and still no trial for murder suspect
(and since it’s Connecticut, I don’t think he’s even been charged by a grand jury, though it’s a capital case)
“”No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger” – 5th Amendment
This is one of the few rights listed in the Bill of Rights which the states don’t have to obey.
(at least, not according to the Supreme Court)
Crap, it’s Alabama, the article was in a Connecticut paper, oopsie.
You want I should go edit and clean this up?
*cracks knuckles*
I want my mistake to be out there as a warning to others…pay more attention to the articles you’re linking.
You want to see journalism under attack
I thought this was going to be a link to how they are hemorrhaging viewership.
Anyone have the cliff notes for this email hubbub TD is droning on about? I’m still waiting for my coffee to brew.
still reading.
IIRC, Techdirt posted an article on the origin story of email. Shiva Ayyadurai wants to be remembered in history as the inventor of email, and so sued them for $15 million for not (re)writing history to his tastes. Apparently he wants to go down in history as a massive cunt at least as much as he wants to be accredited for email.
Assuming that’s true, they’ll hardly need a gawker level legal defense fund. Oughta be able to kill it in motion practice.
Yes, FDA asshattery. At that price they can recoup the cost of FDA approval in a year or two.
Deflazacort is not a brand name I’d trust.
It does sound like something you would take for the oft warned of “erection lasting 4 hours or more”…
“Is your member rigid or throbbing and engorded? Trust deflazacort to make it shrivel and fall off naturally. Deflazacort, for 60 years, the industries most trusted name in penile disjunction therapy”
Literally first thing I thought of when I read that name. Where are their marketing guys?
I’ll tell you though, this ophan drug designation is going to do wonders for their share price. They’ve been facing stiff competition from hardcoxycut, so receiving FDA approval to penetrate a virgin market will help relive some pressure.
*narrows gaze*
I almost went with ‘FDA consent’
So long as the consent is constant, vocal, and affirmative.
My understanding is that the company was gifted with a great breadth and depth of data during Phase III trials. When they pulled it out for presentation of the FDA review I’m sure more than a few of them were yes.
I’m always reminded of ProScar, the prostate drug.
Is my previous comment under moderation or something? I made a reference to being reminded of ProScar, the prostate drug.
I don’t know why my previous two comments didn’t show up, but I’m reminded of the old prostate drug ProScar here. (No link this time, to see if that’s what was causing the problem.)
Fucking server squirrels.
“FDA asshattery”
FDA in a nutshell.
What was the cost of FDA approval? I didn’t see it in the Ars article. Every time there’s a stink about the extortionary cost of a drug for some rare condition, no one seems to think to mention what it cost to jump through the FDA’s hoops.
If there’s 15,000 DMD patients in the US, what fraction of them are going to buy the drug? Clinicians will recommend different therapies depending on the patient. The article didn’t mention how many patients are currently importing the drug.
Marathon has picked a price point where, between their new monopoly position, the availability of government and insurance money, they think they’ll be able to sell enough units to make it worth their effort. They come off looking slimy, but it’s the FDA that enables (requires, even) the sliminess.
I’m too hungover and sleep-deprived for this.
That is why I went ahead and threw this out there. I figured it was time for me to do a little of God’s work in some of the toughest posts in America….
I’m too hung for this.
What’s this now?
Hey, i thought about asking you guys to post this as a separate thing titled ‘What’s going on at that other site’? Well, thanks to my micro-drone buzzing around that place, I already know:
/spy drone on
Editors: Ok, guys, you all know why you’re here, right?
Reason writer 1: Um, no sir, we don’t know. We need to write more Trump hit pieces? But we’re already writing 10 a day, sir, we can’t…
Editors: NO! Damnit! Shut up and listen!
*moments of silence*
Editors: *shouting* Comments are down! Way down! What the hell is happening!?
Reason writer 2: Well, sirs, you told us to double down on Trump, and well, we told you it isn’t working, and the commentariat has been growing restless, but…
Editors: SHUT UP! YOU IMBECILES! What is happening?, someone better have answers!
Reason writer 3: Sir, if I may *moment of silence* There’s…. there’s..
Reason writer 3: There’s another site, sir.
Editors: *silence, looks around room*
Writers: *stares at floor*
Editors: What? What the hell do you mean there’s another site?
Writer 2: Well, some of the commentariat, the sarcastic ones…
Writer 1: Sir, we don’t have a ban feature.
Editors: This other site…
Writer 2: It’s really bad, sir. They’re … they’re even… some of them are writing articles.
Editors: *Shouting barely intelligible* *moments of silence*. It can’t be! They can’t just write their own articles! They’re not journalists! We’re journalists! We get invited to the cocktail parties!
Do they get invited to the cocktail parties?
Writer 3: Sir, they make their own parites too, and they drink beer, some of them drink beer.
Editors: GROSS!
Writer 1: Sir, it’s worse, they let SugarFree write…
Editors: *screaming incoherently* … They must be stopped!
/spy drone off
to be continued…
hitler reacts? I am not good at video editing…
That would be good. Someone needs to make that happen.
Say, that reminds me – we need to get Injun to come over here.
(as in India)? Haven’t seen him for a while. But he’s always been a pop in and don’t see him for a while, as far as I can remember.
Hitler reacts to the Commentariat Revolution
Your wish is my command.
+1 Excellent take,trshmnstr! Nice working the libertarian moment in there!
Thank you
You win the internet????. I have subcribed to your newslett…er…youtube channel and request permission to spam this on Reason.????????????????
Go ahead!
My youtube channel isn’t much worth a follow. There are a few really old videos of my cats and that’s about it.
That cat is hilarious.
Thanks.???? videos on YouTube? Why didn’t I think of that!
That video is now my orange name link.
Well done, even captures the tone in the dialogue.
I am wiping the tears from my eyes. Absolutely wonderful. Bravo!!!!
Deserves a weekend link of its own.
I agree.
Swiss; there is your first Saturday PM link
Hey, at least a HT for Hyperion for starting this theme! *runs sobbing from room*
Nice work!!
hey, good to see ya here.
You’ve got talent, great job trshmnstr.
Dayum! *applauds*
The revolution will
notbe televised.Loved it. Thank you =D
Okay…who’s going to dump that over at H&R?
“Woke minds and intersectional solidarity”
My wife wants to know why I am laughing.
So awesome.
“Pot, Mexicans, Ass sex – those are our bread and butter issues.”
Well, with that, maybe I’ll give them another chance……naw…screw it.
No additional awesome sauce required. It would be like adding A1 to an excellent steak.
Really well done. Thanks. I will post that on H&R now.
I like bacon’s idea of linking it to your orangeness over there.
Years ago I encountered some weird bug when I linked my H&R handle to my email, so I stopped doing that.
Perfect !
Absolutely wonderful!
Really, has anyone gone over there to see what is going on? I just walked away. I went back a few times to invite other commenters here but didn’t read much of anything.
Yes, my micro-drone spy is over there, just waiting to be activated again. My assessment? Comments down, trolls gone wild. I’m sure they’ll recover.
Wow. Just checked out their hits. Their hits are way down. They must be in a near panic.
I really noticed it in yesterday’s PM Lynx. There were more comments over here then on the original site. And not by some small number. As of the time of this posting the lynx here has 739 comments compared to 180. As for the panic, I doubt it. From the financials that were published a while back, we were just a drop in the bucket. I don’t think there will be any panic until some of the other media types start linking to here.
Does PopeHat know glibertarians exist?
You still have one of the best handles. Glad you came over.
Why, thank you, sssbobbyr. On both counts.
Clicks drive ad revenue. Should be noticeable financially.
IIRC, the financials showed that foundation contributions dwarfed any ad revenue or reader donations.
Yeah, but any financial drop will get noticed. Their last fundraiser failed. Ad revenue will be down. Clicks are down. The big money will notice, and hard questions will be asked.
One thing I noticed is a handful of brand new, very active commenters. Almost like some people didn’t really leave, but just changed handles. Of course, I do love a good conspiracy theory.
If it was a real conspiracy theory, you would speculate it was the Reason staff creating the new commenters..
*adjust foil hat, looks for moar foil from Tonio*
That occurred to me…staff or hired hitters. Also, looks like the trolls are half of the comments. That is going to run off any potential new readers.
I read that as “hired hitlers”.
Oooooh! Nice.
There was an article with about 50 comments yesterday–pretty much dajjal and domestic dissident going back and forth.
I’m having trouble caring one way or the other.
That said, I seriously don’t think commenters or number of comments is something that affects their business model in any way. Commenters were a minor attraction for clicks, if that. For us, there IS no business, so we don’t give a shit, we just say whatever idiot thing pops into our heads.
fondue the cheddar
Fever the ghost
Pamper the Madman
Not bad those guys…
Yes – our “About Us” tells it all.
I believe it was Lucy who pointed out that the commenters take commenting a LOT more seriously than the staff.
Most of the threads yesterday just turned into arguments between John and chemjeff, Fist and Gilmore are still around trying to keep things ‘classy’, the various trolls are now almost the majority of comments on some articles.
Whatever happened to Irish?
Killed by black people
Chemjeff seems account for 25% of the posts now. I think hes cytotoxic and his writing style is slowly getting more arrogant. Im waiting for him to declare viciory after making a post completely opposite his point.
John has been completely unhinged since his freakout over personal body armor
What’s his issue with body armor? My problems have always been weight, inflexibility, and heat.
His issue with body armor was something about how you don’t have a right to it because it renders his ability to exercise his right to bear arms moot or something.
If that’s his problem he’s not looking hard enough for a solution.
About the 21st comment begins the insanity.
Hey, that thread had a Cytotoxic comment! I haven’t seen him since the election. But while John has a certain point, he’s ultimately wrong on that.
lol wow…
Chemjeff does not remind me of Cytotoxic at all.
Crusty seems somewhat salty about the whole thing, and the AM Links have been infested by trolls of the attention-seeking variety.
I still visit to read some articles, but the comments have become a cesspit. Idk whether Reason really banned his AddictionMyth handle or he just forgot the password, but dajjal has gone nuts.
His derp is actually funny in reasonable doses but when he’s pouring it on at industrial strength it gets old fast.
Dajjal, AddictionMyth, and Palin’s Buttplug are the same poster. He even has a blog where the 3 of them argue with each other. Sheek’s been off his meds as of late.
I will give him credit then, it was easy to tell AM and dajjal were the same person, but PB sounds completely different from them.
Yeah, he did ok with the socks until he forgot which one he was logged in as. He’s done this several times, including 10 minutes after he invented AddictionMyth.
And how were teh contributers chosen, anyway? What were teh pre-requisites?
Wow I made an abnormal number of typos asking that question set.
You write it, see “Leads/Submissions” above. Just make sure if it is referring to other writings, it is sourced/acknowledged/linked. If it is opinion, fire away.
There are no guarantees of anything getting put up or not, or when, but so far most stuff seems to be OK.
Ah, okay. I was mostly thinking of opinion pieces.
I’ve been toying with acknowledging my reputation by giving them a title of “UnCivil Doesn’t Like Anything: [Topic of the Piece]”
It isn’t just cops doing no-knock raids that get the wrong address
My UPS guy thinks I live next door too.
NEIGHBOR: “Ooh, how nice, a see-through pink negligee and a rare edition of Fanny Hill, someone is very thoughtful!”
I have good taste.
I’m really enjoying this ‘links about nothing’ theme. The way links should be done. Well, not always, but refreshing.
Since the title of this is Saturday Morning Links, and not just Saturday Links, I have to assume there will be a Saturday Afternoon Links????
Saturday Nite Links, or GTFO!
Nonsense, everyone will be too busy taking in the hilarity of Saturday Night Live to pay attention to this site.
Let me guess. It’s just Trump all the way down?
It’s like when you laugh at something cute a small child says. They hammer the punchline until it losses meaning.
I watch SNL for the commercials
Links After Dark. *dims lights, turns on Barry White*
I seem to recall some resistance to “Links After Dark” as most commenters were uncomfortable with spending the night dicking around in LADs.
I, of course, was all for it.
I’m just gonna leave this here.
Can you feel your bones scraping together when you do it?
Good point, Mike. I will go edit that in.
Dang it…not quite the outcome I had hoped for.
Eh, maybe I will throw some up…gotta keep feeding the lion.
Saturday night fever links ????
Countries where socialism doesn’t work
Short version: All of them.
I’m sure this next time will go right.
I thought it was going to be a link to a world map.
I gotta think that synchronizing the animation to the soundtrack was more than usually difficult for that bit.
Probably. I really enjoyed that show as a kid.
I still enjoy that show as an adult. It was a very “smart” show. Written for adults just as much (maybe more so) as kids
so many cartoons are like that. I haven’t watched animaniacs in a while.
Now you got me watching Animaniac clips on YouTube.
The Presidents
I can’t turn up a clip of it on YouTube of it real fast, but Dot sings: “Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more we get taken off the air if we finish this song.” Hi-larious.
Re: drug asshattery
Well, why don’t they just say it’s free? Sheesh.
Oooh, something that I actually know a lot about.
Here’s the thing about orphan drugs:
I was once involved with a company which was testing an orphan drug. This was for a rare disease that affects less than 10k people in the United States.
The drug that this company was developing was already approved in the EU, and it had been for years.
Despite having a drug that had been approved and used for years in the EU for the same indication, the FDA forced this company to spend nearly $50 million in testing over a three-year period. Their tests told the same story: The drug works! So they go to the FDA and try to file an NDA (New Drug Application), using these tests, to prove the drug works.
The FDA comes back and says… nope. We’re not even looking at this. Those tests you did, the same tests that were used in the EU and show the drugs worked? Not good enough. We want you to do these other tests. It’s going to take another couple of years and cost you another $20 million to do those tests. And we’re not guaranteeing you that these tests that we’re telling you to do will actually be good enough.
So 5 years and about $75 million in testing to get approval on a drug that we already knew worked. This is a drug, again, for a disease affecting less than 10k people in the US. They have 7 years to make that money back. What do you think happens to the prices?
tl;dr: As I’m sure most of you already knew, it’s the FDA, not the drug companies, that’s the problem here.
And yet the pharmaceutical companies are demonized like “Big Oil” and “Big Tobacco.” I did a brief stint at Medtronic and saw pretty much the same obstruction of medical miracles by gov’t “oversight.”
They way I’ve been seeing it, is that the FDA are actually the bureau of ‘ensuring monopolies for certain pharm and medical device makers’. I’m sure they have other value, but that’s probably the core function.
I’ve always thought the US/EU/Canada should team up for reciprocity on drug approval. Although Canada might not like that since their approval process seems to be “huh, did the Americans or Europeans approve it? Has it caused flipper babies? All right let’s look into it.”
They’re still dealing with the political fallout of thalidomide as I understand.
I’ve spent over $100 million. It’s been 14 years. We’re about 9 months out with the NDA.
It’s going to be about $28,000 per dose until we get our fucking money back, plus interest.
If you count licensing costs such this is going to be pushing $100 million as well.
I’d known in a vague sense what FDA bureaucracy was, but I didn’t know how bad it truly was until this.
Oh, this is also approved in Europe, BTW. No off-label use there, though.
No alt-text, no peace!*bangs coffee mug against table*
Did someone say coffee?
*goes to make another pot of coffee*
How did you do that!?
bacon-magic. duhdoi.
So magic bacon is real. I didn’t believe…but I do now!
Magic…it’s in my name. I’m a wizard.*disappears in cloud of ???? flavored vape juice*
I rarely pay attention to avatars or give them much merit. Hell, the only one I could come up with myself is the single portrait of my wife and I hanging in the living room. I duplicated it on my cellphone and uploaded it then never gave it another thought. I have to say, if awards were given out for best avatars you would get one BM. I love it.
Thank you. I googled my name…now no more looking behind the curtain!
Magic™ ????
*looks at bacon-magic’s enthusiastic use of emojis in the comments*
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”.
First it starts with a cute little cell phone emoji and before you know it, comments like this:
What… honestly… Christ goddamnit… is that.
@Heroic Mulatto.
I’m ok with those posts, but they really should ban the first asshat who successfully gets a dancing banana gif to post.
I was slowly scrolling up and saw the abomination made of colored text, emojis and the words cummies and daddy and new I was looking at an HM post. I scrolled up a bit further…yep, HM.
Good morning Heroic.
I don’t know why, but that shit that HM posted made me laugh my ass off. Maybe to much coffee.
No cummies for you!
Don’t pretend I didn’t find this on your Tumblr, commodious.
You wear the outfit well, by the way.
That song.
When will people learn to stop naming monuments, buildings, etc. after Democrats – it just comes back to bite them in the ass later.
Worth clicking the link just to read the first comment by Reed Lannom. It is outstanding.
You’re right. And that was a well written essay rather than a comment!
Yes, “comment” is a major understatement. I sincerely would like to read more of his writing
They could rename it after Richard Henry Lee. He was OK, wasn’t he?
One has to wonder how long it’s gonna take before they ban this song :
How long before they, like kings of old, insist on chiseling away every reference to slavery, the civil war and anyone associated with it? I suspect their main motivation is that most of that was their doing. Hell, it wasn’t but a few years after Lee was denouncing slavery as evil before the early socialists were openly calling for the outright enslavement of all of mankind. Evil fuckers….
The irony of course is that Lee was a man of honor and character while most democrats today are thoroughly reprehensible. They are like cockroaches cursing the light.
Tim Worstall just had a piece about that sort of thing today, although in his post it was things named after somebody posthumously accused of sexual assault.
Did you use “blockquote” to do that? I tried “cite” earlier and it didn’t work
Use blockquote.
i for Italics didn’t work for me earlier.
em for italics
For emphasis? I dunno.
strong for bold.
That’s actually the page that led me to believe that “cite” would work.
I am new to html, but if I am understanding things correctly, the theme you all picked for this site is the the determining factor of which html works and which doesn’t:
IE is the poor sap you make dig his own grave.
Hey Swissy, you know you don’t have to h/t staff or founders. Save it for the hoi polloi as a substitute for bonus gruel.
Do you guys need some paypal funds to help pay for the site hosting or other expenses*? I’d chip in.
(*other expenses within reason {HAH! I said reason}. Hookers and blow do not count.)
I’d donate too.
At some point, we’ll put out a tip jar to help defray expenses. At the moment, we’re living off the coin thrown in by the founders.
Really appreciate that so many want to help support the effort. No shit, it’s really touching. And be assured that any donations will purely go to expenses (e.g., hosting)- we’re in this for fun. Our “about us” statement was true, this was just a group of friends who decided to put on a show in mom’s garage.
Van Halen started out as a group of friends in mom’s garage, became a party band and then conquered the world.
Fun fact: my girlfriend once started a conversation with a guy about his unusual BMW (a Z8) without knowing she was talking to Sammy Hagar.
They tell me they are working on setting up an LLC for that purpose. As soon as that is ready I am sure the bucks will flow. I know I intend to donate. they will get what I didn’t give to Rea….that other site.
They also need a bulletproof disclaimer for anything participating parties say on the site.
Fortunately, we have in-house counsel. And nobody fucks with the Swiss.
*sharpens 15 pencils, reaches for legal pad*
Happy to help with legal stuff – disclaimers and whatnot.
RC, I ALWAYS am grateful for co-counsel.
Is that right?
The the polloi? :-p
I was gonna, but…
The Repeal The NFA petition at is getting close to a quarter million signatures in the month since it started 01/20/2017, well over the 100,000 required for a response.
Repeal The Hughes Amendment, started on the same day, is getting there with over 74,000 signatures.
Although we would need Congress to actually repeal either, probably with crying/screaming progs, burning buildings and filibusters along the way.
We’d still need to get rid of the Gun Control Act of ’68 to be able to make new machine guns, yes? But getting rid of the NFA would be enormous.
I couldn’t find an active petition for GCA.
It’s my understanding the NFA set up the registry of machine guns and Hughes capped new entries into it. I think the GCA set up the FFL, blocked interstate transfers and defined prohibited persons. Then Brady set up background checks.
Repeal Hughes needs 25K by tomorrow.
Would like to see a quick follow up on that with a repeal of the entirety of the unconstitutional 1993 Brady act. Introduce by none other than one Moobz Schumer and signed by none other than Slick Willy Clinton. With that combination, you can just no how damn awful the thing is.
I’ll sign anything that gets rid of something infringing our 2nd. Shall not be infringed. How fucking hard is that to get right?
For those of you who have no children or spouse, who are curious what it’s like to be an unattached thirty year old: I am pretty well soused and it’s ten in the morning. We have people coming around to look at the HVAC, so I had to put on pants. Aside from that, life is absurdly congenial. Howbow dah.
Those of you WITH… whatever. fuck it.
Do you post that pic on the wants some fornication sites (sometimes known by women as dating sites)? My wife travels quite often and leaves me here to wind up in pretty much the same condition you are describing. But with the added benefit of sex and not having to do laundry and cook when she’s here. I hope she doesn’t read this and I have to sleep on the deck again. It’s freezing out!
Wait… the absence of your wife presages sex?
Did you miss “when she’s here”?
Mrs Hyperion: *hands on hips, sassy look* Oh, me not being here is when the sex starts, huh?
Hyperion: Honey, no, umm, Commodious, he always lies! He misquoted me again!
Mrs Hyperion: I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight!
Hyperion: Ok, I can sneak in there later.
Mrs Hyperion: The door will be locked!
Hyperion: *Goes to liquor store to get more alcohol, gets on intertoobz to post silly things.
I did. That’s on me, bro.
The only way to afford a boat.
Pants ? What’s that?
Minus the pants and the morning booze, I hear ya.
Yup. Childfree is the life for me.
* yawns, rubs eyes, debates getting out of bed *
I don’t remember who it was on The Other Site that linked to the O’Keefe Foundation kids doing 46 and 2, but I’ve wasted a lot of time trolling through their videos. This is the same singer, and she nails this song:
8 friggin years of silence about politics in the employee break room, now everyones got a Trump opinion????
Yesterday at one of my clients offices, someone came into the room I was working in and said ‘Have you heard all of this Trump stuff today?!’. I just replied ‘I try not to’. The TDS is still in full swing. I’m just happy that I’m in a situation that I don’t have to be around those people most of the week.
Given the politics my co-workers expressed on Nov 9 when I traveled for an in-person meeting with them, I’m grateful that I work from home several hundred miles away from their office.
I’m envious. I’m thinking about trying that myself. No reason why I couldn’t really. But right now, I have a couple of mission critical large projects with deadlines and I don’t want to chance it right now. Right now, all my clients are close, less than one hour away. Next year, yeah, probably will chance it.
It’s like a minefield – I avoid all politics at work & that’s regardless of my shifting political leanings over the years. It just isn’t worth it. But yeah lately it’s Trumps all the way down. And with Presidents Day coming up… ugh.
You know what they say:
Opinions are like assholes, and when everyone has dysentery they’ll all shit their brains out from the straining.
I think that’s how it goes anyway.
That’s ????
That sucks. I bet you’ll get some good quotes though!
I work retail in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Prog Central. I can’t count the number of customers initiating conversations about Trump.
I smile and mod. But oh man, my thought balloons are crazy
I cannot fathom the mindset of someone who thinks that sharing their political beliefs with a random stranger is at all appropriate.
We’ve actually thrown people out of the store for messing up the displays of Trump books and magazines.
Well, not for messing them up, but for cursing us out when asked not to do that
They are truly unhinged. I am worried they will try to mess up a lot more than retail displays.
[imagines Slammer sounding like the adults in the Peanuts cartoons]
Hopefully you dont work at the coop that Rhywun linked to the other day.
I can’t imagine any one of us working there without blowing our brains out.
A few blocks away, so I get the same customers
I hear that crowd is migrating south of Prospect Park. It’s a good thing they avoid Bay Ridge like the plague or I might have to build a wall and charge it to them.
They’re migrating South into Sunset Park and calling it South Slope. They won’t come to Bay Ridge, it’s too far. Bay Ridge is the best, but I don’t need to convince you
OT: A few years back, I was playing guitar for a singer and the two of us were supposed to build up this music project. Unlike the vast majority of startup bands, we didn’t make it. Well, during that time, I was creating various social media accounts for the project, including YouTube. I had never recorded a YouTube video before, so this video was me doing it to see how to do it.
To date, it’s my one and only YT video. I was nearly 38, about 20 pounds lighter, and my hair now cascades sensually over my shoulders. I don’t even have that guitar anymore.
Let’s say The Other Site puts up a column that people find interesting and want to comment on, but don’t want Troll World and its headaches. Maybe someone could post it here, and y’all could have the discussion you’d normally have there.
Personally, I think that there should be a clean break from TSTSNBN. Their content is their content, and if we want to discuss it, we should do it on their terms.
I agree with you on that. I’m still commenting over there and I think if anyone wants to discuss their material, probably best to do it there. I’ve been trying to bait a couple of the posters over there to visit here, in a very discreet fashion, because you guys are doing a really great job here. Not at all that I mean any ill will towards Reason, I definitely do not. I really appreciate all the years and comments over there. And like I said earlier, Reason will be just fine regardless of the commentariat, former or future.
This is the way it should be. If the content is something worth discussing then someone could write their own article. I have no problem linking the other sites article in theirs. But copy/pasting the original seems tasteless.
I’d say that even linking to them should be looked at very skeptically. Unless the article here is directly reacting to something said there, there should be plenty of other sources to link. Given that this was a not-entirely-friendly split, any entanglement with TSTSNBN looks bad (IMO).
Sorry i wasnt more clear. That was exactly what I meant. Most writers will link others work to either make their point or dicuss a finer point not brought out in the linked article.
Yeah, it’s generally better to stick to the high ground.
Best place to direct plunging fire at your enemies.
*pounds in aiming stakes*
Not to get all ‘man, fuck that other site” but compare Robby’s take on the Pewdiepie idiocy to Razorfist’s.
Which one would you rather have in the trenches for free speech?
I was told by Crusty that I would be free from Robby by coming here. Wheres muy safespace gone?
Muy mal! Muy! (sonrien se)
That’s so good! The man is a treasure!
I wish people like that would have print blogs. It’s so much easier to read stuff like that in the printed word than to watch/listen to a Youtube video.
Ditto. I mostly don’t watch videos.
Robby didn’t bother me all that much before but holy crap that is pretty awful. He is signaling like a goddamned peacock.
Razorfist’s and Sargon’s (linked below) replies were both excellent:
I know news outlets have used the hideous phrase “officer-involved shooting” for a while, but last night I learned from the local news that officer-involved accident is a thing, too. I can’t get that video to play, but the “officer-involved accident” wording was in the anchor’s lead-in; I can’t remember whether it was in the report.
President’s corpse could be reelected, he’s THAT popular.
No, not Trump.
German cities ban assault trucks from festivals.
Life itself is becoming impossible to parody. I wonder if they’ve banned only scary black trucks that sport accessories, or if it’s OK to drive them if they’ve got wood panels.
Will we ever be able to post pictures here?
It’s on the feature wishlist for Monocle. I’ll probably start coding up conversion of links to video and img embed sometime next week.
Another suggestion for the feature list: I would love to be able to vote on comments. Sometimes I want to give positive feedback, but I think leaving too many “+1” or “^This” comments is annoying to some. Also, I don’t always have the time or patience to read lots of comments, so I’d like the option of sorting by popularity and just read the best ones.
Sorry. Not going to happen.
Thanks Swiss. I hate popularity contests on comments
Is voting on comments considered anti-libertarian, or what? There are WordPress plugins that do it.
Is voting on comments considered anti-libertarian, or what?
In of itself, no, Papaya. However, we are in the The House of SP (Mrs. OMWC – who did over 95% of the work on this site for little more than sex with OMWC and the entire goodess of her charitable heart.) and OMWC.
They have limited server space, and it’s a privilege to be here. Not busting your balls, but every time I comment or log in, I don’t lose site of that to guard against a sense of entitlement and toting a chip on my shoulder WRT feature requests.
We do have the right to request little goodies and bells and whistles, but ultimately, all roads lead to SP. If she doesn’t want it, server space or not, it doesn’t happen.
Thank you again for this site, Dr. and Mrs. OMWC, and all the other Glib Founders.
We do have the right to request little goodies and bells and whistles, but ultimately, all roads lead to SP. If she doesn’t want it, server space or not, it doesn’t happen.
I want to add that SP has been super gracious in answering questions from me and implementing features that were universally requested.
When it comes to things that are personal preference (which includes almost everything being requested at this point), it makes more sense to include it in a user script like Monocle so that people can opt in or opt out as they desire.
Groovus, of course I do not wish to impose upon our hosts. I’m just expressing a personal preference. I just like giving commenters little pats on the back, even when I don’t have something else to add, and I like being able to see the best comments.
Word.-) On the flip side, just because a comment is popular, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “good” content, either, regardless if it’s as erudite as Gore Vidal or Thomas Sowell, or base and crude as, well, us. *chuckles* Not my intention to “thread cop a feel” on you, Papaya, and apologies for any dickishness.-) It’s late here and I’m tired. Kids are wearing me out.
Thankfully, coding wizards like trshmnstr can assist with that. “Division of Labour,” concept of which we are so fond!
Donate a thousand bucks, and you can have an up vote button.
I hope this clears things up.
No comment voting. Period.
Gawd, please no upvoting or downvoting comments, or friending. Or dancing banana gifs.
The thousand bucks will allow for voting on his comments only.
Comment voting is for mouth-breathing people that need constant validation. Fuck comment voting right in the ear.
I couldn’t do comment voting without leaving artifacts on the page or hosting a separate server, both of which cross a line user scripts shouldn’t cross. However, I could code up an optional filter to hide +1 and This comments. It’ll probably be something that is implemented when user blocking is implemented by Monocle, which is low priority. Greasonable is doing some killer work on a higher priority project right now, and I’m planning out an implementation of simple HTML tags by button for when I get on the far side of the bar exam next week.
Do these require a separate server? I’m no WordPress expert, but it doesn’t look like it.
Good luck on the bar exam!
Those are server side plugins that would have to be implemented on the server itself. Since my script only runs in your browser, I can’t do anything on the server.
The best I could do is tally up the +1 and This posts that reply to a certain comment, and either flag the most liked posts (highlight it green or something) or sort the comments by number of likes. Of course, that assumes that people play by the rules I set for finding +1s and This remarks in comments.However, I have some ideas for different ways of sorting the comments, and I could probably work in a “most liked” and “most replied to” sorting option.
Thanks! I’m pretty underprepared, but hopefully I’ve retained enough to pass it on the first try. Nothing would suck more than spending 8 weeks preparing again this summer.
At present, we are limiting plugins to things that enhance security or make things more manageable for the editorial team (who have been doing a terrific job learning on the run). Many WordPress plugins slow things down horribly and add vulnerabilities.
As Grouchy noted, we’ve added a couple things that were to help with actual accessibility issues for some.
The client-side scripts that he and others are working on are going to be great and address many niceties that individuals desire.
My link contribution: Swastikas and ‘Mengele’ sprayed on Marina District apartment
Be sure to see the picture. The comment I left there:
This smells like another fake “hate crime,” or just a joke. Real Nazis know what real Nazi swastikas look like, for one thing. And “Joe Mengele”? Was he friends with Hank Himmler, Greg Strasser, Hermy Goering, and Adi Hitler?
Someone up above requested this. My apologies if this is already a repeat.
Ask and ye shall receive.