The commentariat has earned its reputation as a hell-raising intellectual center the hard way: brain sweat and sarcasm.
A few props to some of the best comments of the week.
The funniest comment of the week goes to trshmnstr. Posted in the Saturday Morning Links, I don’t anticipate this will be a controversial choice.
Hitler reacts to the Commentariat Revolution
Your wish is my command.
What can I say. Sometimes the choice is easy. Even the North Korean judge would give this a 10/10.
Closely snapping at the heels of a post that will probably live on in Glibertarian legend – no mean feat – comes Cuffy Meigs in the Friday Night Links. From the top ropes!
And as we head into the bottom of the ninth, it’s the Glibs 197, the Noids 146. Leading off for the Noids is John K. The Noids’ second baseman is batting .137 with a ground-out, two strikeouts and a hit by pitch. The windup…the pitch…strike one. John is jawing with home plate umpire Chemjeff…now he’s back in the box…the 0-1 pitch…strike two! And now John is really going at it with Chemjeff! Noids manager Gilmore is out of the dugout and standing between Chemjeff and John, trying to keep his struggling second baseman in the game while giving Chemjeff a piece of his mind…the 0-2 pitch…STRIKE THREE! And John is out of control! Both benches have cleared and there is pandemonium in H&R Memorial Stadium!
I shall watch Cuffy Meigs’ career with great interest.
At the risk of getting him labeled teacher’s pet, most insightful comment of the week also goes to trshmnstr. It’s not that he’s definitely the most insightful of us, as much as I was impressed that he wrote an entire multi-paragraph comment in English, and I didn’t understand a damned word. Well done, that man. I am in awe, and a little frightened. From the Saturday Night Fever… er, Links:
Higher priority is stuff like getting an options element set up to allow the user to toggle all of the features, change view mode, etc.
I was thinking about maybe tackling a “newest first” view while keeping the threading in tact, as well as converting links into pics/embedded video.There are a few bugfixes to be done, such as making sure all of the siblings of a new comment are shown when old threads are hidden, getting rid of “COMMENT” when you click an HTML tag button without typing text, and adjusting the spacing of the comments without a reply button.
Low priority is user blocking, comment promotion (highlight a different color after a certain number of +1 and “This. ” replies), reply by clicking anywhere on the comment, and a zillion other small things that have been suggested.
One thing I would love to attempt is a client-side dynamic refresh of the comments. Unfortunately, I haven’t made much headway on that, yet.
Here’s the project, I’ll get you the required permissions to tinker.
Thank you, you are a treasure, keep up the excellent work and get off my lawn.
North Korean judge STARTS at 11/10!
I shall watch Cuffy Meigs’ career with great interest.
If you drop over to Sunday Night Links, I have some bad news for you….
I was tempted to take that out, but a stirring presentation was made that the comment was, in fact, fucking hi-larious.
We’re keeping an eye on him, though.
I shall watch Cuffy Meigs’ career with great interest.
Better tune in fast. Methinks his career is going to have a Tim Tebow arc.
Asked Baked Penguin how betting on that worked out.
Ask. Just a short term edit button, 1 min would be enough.
He (Cuffy) disappeared after I “fixed” his last bits of lunacy for him. We’ll see if he takes the warning seriously.
Gang, we are not going to let trolls like shriek (cuffy) ruin this place we’ve created for y’all to enjoy. It just isn’t going to happen.
Glad to see this sentiment expressed. Agreed.
Hello all. I am/was a decade-long reader of the olde site but rarely posted under the handle GOML! I read the A.M. links during lunch and P.M. links after work, too late to contribute, but I’m hoping to comment here more often. This site is the only place on the Interwebz where I don’t feel like the smartest person in the room. You all make me laugh and teach me something nearly every day. Hope to make worthy contributions here.
Working on Sunday? Didn’t you get the memo? That’s not a thing anymore.
More seriously, one of the local supermarkets is no longer open 24/7. I wonder how much it’s due to the rise in minimum wage as of Jan. 1.
You’re a NY resident, right? What supermarket chain we talking about here? A large brick and mortar margins biz originally poised for 24/7 operation (all through the Great Recession?) no longer does so?
“This site is the only place on the Interwebz where I don’t feel like the smartest person in the room.”
Been there. At most places that is an easy feeling to have, around here not so much.
Funny story – Once over at TSTSNBN a discussion about IQ tests got started. I mentioned that when I took one ( I was young and a lot smarter than I am now) I was amazed at how high I scored on the test. Actually it made me lose respect for the test. I didn’t mention my score because I thought it would sound like I was bragging. Further into the conversation some others started telling what their scores were. Suddenly I was damned glad I hadn’t told my score because I would have felt like the idiot in the room.
Hey, if it’s any consolation, I’m amazed at how high you scored too.
Thanks Sloopy. I am off to bed and I needed one more chuckle before dragging my tired ass in there.
I was in a similar situation, scoring high on IQ tests back when I was a kid.
Reading up on IQ tests, there is a rather obvious flaw, who’s making up the tests for smart people? And as it turns out, nobody is.
IQ tests are really designed to spot the mentally retarded kids, to see who should really use special ed classes. And it kind of works OK for that,
To paraphrase an interview between Stephen Hawking and a reporter:
“What’s your IQ?”
“I don’t know, bitches go home and complain about their IQs, Winners get to go home and have threesomes. HA HA HA.”
And he he made you read it in his voice.
CZmacure is a weird name for me to use, for reasons that will remain obscure to time. But it’s what y’all know me as, so here we are.
I don’t have any special allegiance to that other site, and the insufficiency of their comment system (no up/downvotes, the endless trolls/sock puppet alts, squirrels, bad threading, etc.) has been getting in the way of enjoying the otherwise peerless community, for some time.
*waves hello*
Hello….Let me introduce you to the characters….in the show….
Agreed. I’ve learned from the commentariat than most “think tank” sites. Great insight, smart back and forth and respect. And, not to be dismissed, funny.
Shoot! Thought for sure I’d typed “learned more.”
Great site, Ma’am. You’ve done an amazing job.
It may not have been terribly insightful, but when whoever has the googly eyed scrooge mcduck avatar responded to the 65 year old woman gives birth story with, “Is she thicc?” That was the highlight of my first week at the Glib.
Thank you.
I missed that one, but it made me laugh now.
What comment got Swiss’s first narrow?
These euphemisms
It might have been in response to my comment on Bill Kristol’s preference of the Deep State to Trump:
“Krist, what an asshole.”
Ha! Honored to be mentioned in the “comment of the week”. Thank you for that. And thanks to letting me be here.
You best get an avatar now if’n ya knows what’s best fer ya.
I forgot to mention that sloop’s giving em the pussy hat avatar if he doesn’t comply.
Dammit! There’s mold in my sour cream!
Someone gonna get off their duff and post an article around here?
Where’s muh morning snark?!
This is Glibertarians Steve…you post something. You start the discussion.
I am used to it. I am up between 3 and 4 every morning so I usually watch videos or peruse the comments from the night before.
Morning Trump – had to run to the store earlier and heard on the radio:
“Every time you hear someone bashing Trump just replace the word ‘Trump’ with the word ‘You’ and you will understand what they are railing against. The people glad that Trump is president aren’t really glad Trump is president. This isnt a cult of personality like it was with Obama. We are glad Trump is president because of what he stands for. It is about ideas, ideas about how the country should be run. Remember, they aren’t really bashing Trump they are bashing YOU.”
I have to agree with that for the most part.
For some years now I have contended that proggi-ism is the result of disturbed personalities…yeah, I know, chicken or egg problem. Like personality disorders or mental illness proggi-ism poisons everything it touches. It seems they have finally successfully destroyed the brand that Yale university has spent 315 years building. Who is going to spend umpteen zillion bucks to send their kid to what has become a re-education camp?
That’s right, naming a building is the same as silencing people. They might as well have named the college ‘Hitler’. This is worse than putting people in ovens.
I wonder when these histrionics are going to play out.
We talked about that in the Sunday morning links. (Thread #7) There is also a group of SJW’s trying to force a prestigious all-men’s choir to accept women, as well as a group trying to force fraternities to allow women. (But not the opposite in either example)
Oh. I was in that thread. I vaguely remember the choir and fraternity thing…missed the renaming bit.
*hangs head in shame*
Awww, it’s OK Suthen. No one will hold that against you. Look! Some Monday morning links! Let’s all go make a fresh start over there.
Grievance stacking is the SJW version of a pissing contest – and just as meaningful.
So, is the prize payable in cash, or is it an annuity?
Here’s your prize:
“This site is the only place on the Interwebz where I don’t feel like the smartest person in the room.”
I feel that way in EVERY room.
The first time I didn’t feel it. But this time I feel it. And I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now. You like me!