The commentariat has earned its reputation as a hell-raising intellectual center the hard way: brain sweat and sarcasm.

A few props to some of the best comments of the week.

The funniest comment of the week goes to trshmnstr. Posted in the Saturday Morning Links, I don’t anticipate this will be a controversial choice.


Hitler reacts to the Commentariat Revolution

Your wish is my command.

What can I say. Sometimes the choice is easy. Even the North Korean judge would give this a 10/10.


Closely snapping at the heels of a post that will probably live on in Glibertarian legend – no mean feat – comes Cuffy Meigs in the Friday Night Links. From the top ropes!

And as we head into the bottom of the ninth, it’s the Glibs 197, the Noids 146. Leading off for the Noids is John K. The Noids’ second baseman is batting .137 with a ground-out, two strikeouts and a hit by pitch. The windup…the pitch…strike one. John is jawing with home plate umpire Chemjeff…now he’s back in the box…the 0-1 pitch…strike two! And now John is really going at it with Chemjeff! Noids manager Gilmore is out of the dugout and standing between Chemjeff and John, trying to keep his struggling second baseman in the game while giving Chemjeff a piece of his mind…the 0-2 pitch…STRIKE THREE! And John is out of control! Both benches have cleared and there is pandemonium in H&R Memorial Stadium!


I shall watch Cuffy Meigs’ career with great interest.





At the risk of getting him labeled teacher’s pet, most insightful comment of the week also goes to trshmnstr. It’s not that he’s definitely the most insightful of us, as much as I was impressed that he wrote an entire multi-paragraph comment in English, and I didn’t understand a damned word. Well done, that man. I am in awe, and a little frightened. From the Saturday Night Fever… er, Links:

Higher priority is stuff like getting an options element set up to allow the user to toggle all of the features, change view mode, etc.
I was thinking about maybe tackling a “newest first” view while keeping the threading in tact, as well as converting links into pics/embedded video.

There are a few bugfixes to be done, such as making sure all of the siblings of a new comment are shown when old threads are hidden, getting rid of “COMMENT” when you click an HTML tag button without typing text, and adjusting the spacing of the comments without a reply button.

Low priority is user blocking, comment promotion (highlight a different color after a certain number of +1 and “This. ” replies), reply by clicking anywhere on the comment, and a zillion other small things that have been suggested.

One thing I would love to attempt is a client-side dynamic refresh of the comments. Unfortunately, I haven’t made much headway on that, yet.

Here’s the project, I’ll get you the required permissions to tinker.

Thank you, you are a treasure, keep up the excellent work and get off my lawn.