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It’s the exaggerated comb-over that gives him away, isnt it?
Unfortunately I cant read any of the speak-bubbles.
Speaking of nice hair…
I still have hair, but at 51 it’s not quite as thick as it used to be. I’ll take the ridicule to have the hair in the pics.
Now I see how you’ll keep Mary Stack’s offspfing off the comments – “moderation!”
Nein. I mean awesome.
Is there a version that is not in teeny-weeny-eye-strain-o-vision?
Just suck it up and admit you need cheaters/readers.
Too late: I got reading glasses last year. I can still read normal size print with my regular glasses, but it gives me pretty bad eye strain. I keep my computer monitor far enough away from my face that it is easier to read with my regular glasses than my readers as long as the font is a normal size.
Just got computer glasses and they work well.
My eye doctor recommended reading glass, computer glasses, and regular glasses. Given the price involved, and how far my monitor is away from me, I decided on just reading glasses and regular glasses. So far, so good.
I was somehow able to get zooming to work.
Ahh, better, I can read it. Sort of. Maybe a little squinting.
When is part two coming?
I’ll try to get it in for next Sunday. And try to get the wording more visible.
Excellent, I look forward to it.
So, wait. Is being a double Nazi like double negatives, and they both cancel each other out?
It means getting punched twice, I think.
That’s something that only a secret Nazi would ask.
So the linguistics professor is telling his class “In languages such as English, a double negative becomes a positive, while in languages such as Russian, a double negative remains a negative – but in no language does a double positive become a negative”….to which a student in the back of the lecture hall replies “Yeah. Right.”
I stole that from a very witty guy who used to be on radio in Chicago – Dave McBride. If you can ever secure a copy of https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/a-nail-in-the-head/id275055376, do so.
No, it’s a Nazi times two. This is why we need proper measurements, like metric picohitlers people.
Outstanding does it go the other way as well? Kilohitlers, or dare I dream Megahitlers?
That ending was even more twisted than a M Night Shymalanan twisted ending. Well done.
Ooh, more Trump. Now I’m getting excited. More Trump, more trump, it’s what glibertarians crave. Good one, BP!
You know who else was a DOUBLE secret Nazi?
Captain America?
Queen Elizabeth?Edward VIII?
Ugh. That was supposed to be:
Queen Elizabeth?Edward VIII?
I took care of you, buddy.
Ha! Thank you
Apparently I have connections
Dean Worner?
Everyone who drives a Volkswagen?
The Fibonazi sequence?
*narrows gaze*
Shikha Dalmia?
As I saw clips of the last news conference, I thought the reporters came off perfectly as entitled cunts. Trump did as well. The quality of life on this planet would have dramatically increased if that room and its denizens were all suddenly teleported to the planet Xenos, never to be heard from again.
Imagine if those personality types had never entered the gene pool. We would have been living in a world of technology and wealth on par with that portrayed in Star Trek (sans the socialist crapola) thousands of years ago. Today we would probably be evolved into some kind of immortal, all knowing hybrid of man and machine.
I thought the reporters came off perfectly as entitled cunts. Trump did as well.
Agreed. Trump has always came across as a cunt though. Watching the media become a bunch of sniveling twits is humorous to me. As well as when Trump called Schumer a lightweight. That made me laugh.
The press’s cuntitude is nothing new. It just manifested itself differently depending on the Team colors of the guy behind the podium. With Obama, it was sniveling servitude and the mien of acolytes rather than actual fact-chasers.
I saw a wild-eyed dem pundit lose his shit earlier today on the tv when it was suggested that the press applies a double standard. I used to growl at the tv when they did that but they have gone so far over the top with the phony outrage and denial of what is obvious that all I can do now is laugh.
Press – “Why doesnt the public buy our shit anymore?”
Common Sense – “Your unrelenting mendacity has killed your credibility.”
Press – “So you’re saying we should lie harder? Hey! *waves at people in the press room* Lie harder! Let’s double down people! Front page! Unnamed sources confirm that Trump is a Necrophile! Somebody is refusing to release the photos!”
Quite true.
This morning my wife asked me what I think of Trump so far. I told her I like some of his cabinet picks, the possibility of tax relief and regulatory reform, and the chance of reduced military adventurism. Alas, he’s a blowhard, and a bore. But, the press is worse. All the hysteria over Trump calling them an enemy is telling.
Yes, I wish Trump weren’t as crude. On the other hand, I have no problem with his calling the media out on their lies and mendacity.
Someone said there’s a difference between a liar and a BS artist. Trump is a BS artist. The press, by which I mean the major papers, most key online sites, and TV networks, have actively lied on behalf of the left.
Media craziness has gone so far as to infect sports channels. ESPN has been trending downward but over the last year they have gone over the cliff. Luckily the “Outdoor Channel” remains addicted to spring turkey and elk.
“As well as when Trump called Schumer a lightweight”
This is the cultural gulf. A reporter looks at Schumer and sees a man who has devoted his life to public service. I see a guy who went from law school straight to the NY state legislature, and who has hopped from seat to seat ever since.
Chuck Schumer has never held a job. Not once. He’s been a parasite his entire life, he has done nothing of value, ever.
So I was at the store looking for popcorn and the price has skyrocketed! I knew I should have invested in popcorn futures! Why didn’t Playa or someone warn me!
He was investing in futures.
Does anyone know who this Cuffy Meigs character is?
Tulpa of course.
It seems to have more of a shreeky voice to me. Oh well, doesnt really matter. After the last thread I won’t respond to it anymore.
IMO, Shreek. May not live long nor prosper.
I am with you OMWC …. *hefts Banhammer*
I began to engage it on my Heinlein skills/weapon choice installment, but stopped once the derisive smugness came out. It really can’t go for long without reverting to its nature. Something about stinging the frog midstream I guess.
Alright fine if everyone is coming over here than I will as well. I only lurked over there, but the only reason I really did was for the comments. I also might post some as well so might as well set up an account.
Now, what is everyone’s view on federal judges?
I like the ones that write articles that consist of nothing but questions.
Ditto. The rest look like lube for woodchippers to me.
What do you mean?
What if you already knew what she meant? What if you were just asking a rhetorical question? What if we all already knew the answer?
So in 20 years, when all the late teen and 20 something girls in college now? Finish law school and their clerkship’s, and ya know, get nominated to a judgeship? You are going to be totes ok with that?
Heck, time to register too I guess. Hanging up the rank over here.
In answer to the question- they’re the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human beings I’ve ever known in my life. Oh wait, it’s Breet not Pr**t asking? Well…
You can still be a Commander, should you want.
Orange and teriyaki
Hey, that’s the same eye chart my optometrist uses. And the same Rorschach my shrink does, too.
*loads bow gun for warning shot*
Bow gun? Is that anything like a machete bow?
What do they call a Double Nazi Supreme in countries with the metric system?
Better yet, how do you convert a secret double Nazi into Celsius?
My eyes, the goggles, zey do nozing.