- Judge slams litigation-trolling for cash. ““Plaintiffs sought relief they could not possibly obtain, with false and inflated damage numbers, in order to obtain settlements,” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said. Following the ruling, the Attorney General’s Office has announced plans to file sanctions against the disability group. If granted, AID must pay back the state and the businesses it sued for all their legal expenses.
We ought to have anticipated this. Former child actors never seem to go out quietly.
- The current administration has not pledged allegiance – and uninterrupted, generous funding – to scientists. “This is the most frightening and serious threat we have faced in my lifetime,” Prof Nancy Kanwisher told BBC News. Well, I’m sold.
- Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died suddenly today in New York.
- Two spaces after a period, Pluto is a planet and the Stone Temple Pilots are not classic rock! *runs to room sobbing*
Shoveling tax money at scientists ought to be our first priority as a nation.
It’s right there in the constitution.
6-1/2th Amendment.
The 3.141592 Amendment
97th Amendment
That’s what she said!
You see Jefferson was a scientist and actually comma
Glitter, been waiting to see you here again. I could not remember your handle but tried to give you a honorable mention in the funniest insightful of the week post
Thank you no one’s ever accused me of being insightful. What’d I say?
Lmao I forgot about that I found it. Thank you.
Yer response to the story of the 65 year old woman giving birth of “She thicc?”
That response right next to your avatar gave me that good healthy laugh that gets good chemicals kicking in the brain again.
Knocking the wheels off of that gravy train would go a long way towards rooting the rats out of science and restoring some semblance of credibility to the field.
The instant there is no more govt grant money available for further study of AGW and solutions requiring govt hands deeper in people’s pockets all of the chicken littles will walk off. They won’t give half a shit about the purported coming climate apocalypse.
Absolutely true, but there would be massive knock-on effects. Universities rely heavily on grant money via indirect costs. The rates for Harvard, as an example, are astronomical (the rates are very high even for lower-rung R1 schools). Losing grant funding to the sciences would impact the entire university. Maybe the states would pick up the slack? But probably not.
The incentives (and number of available positions) for graduate student stipends would decline substantially, leaving less talent available to high-tech firms.
… And I’m actually fine with all of that. But it would definitely be painful.
Speaking of Harvard, that’s not true. Every single student and faculty member could be evaporated into dust tomorrow and Harvard would still be a close to billion dollar organization off of its endowment alone.
I was using Harvard’s rates as an example of how high indirect cost rates are/can be. A better wording may have been “would impact an entire university.” Still…
There would be an impact. If indirect costs were taken completely out of the equation and Harvard was forced to subsist purely on endowment returns and tuition, I’m betting *something* would get cut. Maybe scholarships? Maybe some administrators?
Point being a lot of research $ doesn’t really go to research and cutting it would have impacts outside of just research.
Government-funded studies that conclude we need MOAR STATE are totes legitimate.
Is it cool to post our own links in the comments or nah? I used to do that all the time on this other blog that had link threads in the mornings and afternoons.
All links must go through a proper governing body. Are you a licensed linker?
Licensed to ill.
My understanding is that this is a commenter-driven site. Nobody here is paid to research and write, unlike TSWSNBN.
Mars needs women. Or something.
What is with your fetish for really long acronyms? Is there a wiki? There should totally be a wiki.
TSWSNBN=The Site Who Shall Not Be Named
MARRS needs women
Mars Needs Women?
You can’t just go around sounding like Little Richard, you dig?
mars needs guitars
Mars Needs Women
Mars Needs Women
Thanks. You guys are the best.
Barsoom, at least, is quite well supplied in that regard.
Tracy Lords once played Dejah Thoris.
I looked that up in Urban Dictionary and it meant something very different than I was expecting.
Why does Tarzan get some good stuff from time to time, but poor old John Carter can never catch a break? 🙁
John Carter does just fine.
I just want a good, faithful screen adaptation. 🙁
It can be animated, like the old Heavy Metal movie.
That was indeed a stinky movie, which I find baffling on a number of counts: 1) There are seven books, why in God’s name would you try to mash plot elements from all of them into one movie, thereby screwing your options for a sequel? 2) ERB stories are perfect for film adaptation: short, relatively limited number of characters, fairly simple plots, not a lot of moral ambivalence; why fuck with it when it already works? 3) I have to think there is a huge body of fans who will come to see every sequel as long as you do even a halfway decent job, so maybe concentrate on not making the first one into a dogs breakfast?
Link away!
Sound suspiciously like anarchy.
We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to sort of act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs But by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major
Needs more watery tarts.
What about diversity? We need a penis count and a people who want penis count- sorted by color.
“Two spaces after a period.” Ouch.
I grew up with two spaces after a period, then in junior college it went away. The gist of the explanation was that it looks better on a computer screen with just one space. It was the first time I couldn’t even.
I can only imagine it went away because HTML automatically strips out double spaces. Eventually, people forgot what proper spacing even looked like.
My understanding is that it was due to True Type Fonts. They maintain the same white space between letters no matter what letters are next to each other. Whereas on a type-writer, every letter takes up the same space so there is more white space surrounding an “I” than around a “W”. Therefore, a double space was needed after the end of a sentence to make it obvious you were looking at a full stop.
Ya dig?
Not “True Type Fonts” specifically, but just the formatting with modern computer text.
That does sound reasonable.
In type, the space after a punctuation mark is one-and-a-half “M”s – or Ems. Supposedly, a good desktop publishing package will look at your punctuation, and infer that the spacing after punctuation should be longer than a regular space in the font, but less than two. Using a typewriter, you have to use two spaces, or it looks all wrong.
Since we live in a fallen world, software isn’t always perfect. Your WYSIWG garbage doesn’t always do this correctly.
Yes, I do think that a wider space between sentences looks better. But HTML has completely ruined that.
You might be thinking monospace fonts, but yeah two spaces after a period is a relic of he typewriter era that typing teachers taught their kids as a rule of proper formatting during word processing classes well into the computer age and the rest of us have been trying to kill ever since.
Thanks for the clarification.
I will never give up my double-space. And stay. Off. My. Lawn.
Aren’t Hangul syllables technically monospace?
So is it proper or not? I am so confused now. I had the one boss who got mad at me, but he shared the position with another guy. A young guy in his 30’s, and he said double space was proper, but nobody did it. He was a Brit though. The old dude a Canadian.
Still proper, but unnecessary is my understanding. And like Rhywun has said, it often (always?) gets stripped anyway. I (finally) noticed it on “Lawn” comment below. Those are double spaces after every period, but I’ll be damned if I can tell a difference from the single spaces between words
I was hoping to leave the kerning threads back at that other website. Guess I expect too much.
I’m not the problem. I’m not the problem!
Shit. I am the problem. Look at me. Spacing here. Kerning there. All about the spaces and I forgot about the people.
What have I done? What have I become?
?Wordist. .
I honestly got in trouble for doing that on my reports at one of my jobs. The reports were compiled into a final end of job report with all the other department heads. I was the only one who did that, and the boss had to change mine so it was consistent throughout the report. He was pissed.
Couldn’t he just do a global replace of double space with single space?
In those days they had to completely re-typeset the entire press.
I am not sure if he had the authority to effect every document on the globe Ted. Sheesh
I doubt he knew how to do that. Hell, I don’t. We were oil exploration workers living in the bush, not .doc experts. The fact we could type was a plus.
Find all ” ” replace with ” “
Next time, write your report in Fraktur.
If two spaces was proper, there’d be a separate key for it.
That’s the kind of thinking that allows CAPS LOCK as a valid method of expression.
You probably want the lowercase l and the digit 1 to be the same glyph, don’t you?
+1 americansocia1ist
Amidst the latest fake news scandal, Milo Yiannopoulos’s book’s been canceled.
I commented on the “scandal” in this morning’s links. Given the immense amount of interest (it’s shot to the top spot of Amazon twice), someone is going to pick it up. Simon & Schuster are idiots. Go ahead and virtue-signal yourselves out of a mountain of cash, that’ll show him. Of course, this will probably only make people want to read it even more.
I seem to recall someone else also stopped the publication of certain books. I forget who that was.
James Joyce?
Crap. Bass-ackwards.
Joyce James?!
Hmm, I thought it was right the first time. Testing, testing. Is this on? My first comment here. Hmm… maybe I should have waited until I had something to say.
Why no one else does
I was gonna say, never stopped me.
Pol Pot?
POD is an idea whose time came seven years ago. HURRY UP, PROGRESS, GAWD.
I think you mean 18 years ago.
It’s real and easily done. I couldn’t believe it, but Lulu is 15 years old!
It’s so slick, you can get many small-print obscure RPGs PODed straight from the PDF sellers now. Actual publisher needs to put minimal effort in.
And, if Milo gets to keep the book rights, at the very least Vox Day is gonna jump on it and publish it.
Is the publishing industry utilizing this yet, or are they still in the stone-age of printing runs? You’d think they would, it seems much more efficient and cost-effective.
For real publishing (thousands of copies), it’s still way more cost efficient to do a run in China. Although, I noticed a number of companies in my hobbies (RPGs and miniature games) have been moving their printing back home (US, UK and New Zealand, depending on company) in last couple years.
I expect to see Amazon go big into PoD soon. Apparently they have a partner they deal with? Huh, things not available in Canada on Amazon just keep cropping up…
CreateSpace is Amazon. It’s technically a separate site, but when you’re paid you are paid by Amazon.
I believe Lulu was 18.
Is that what you told the police?
But now that I rethink this, PoD would not help Milo either. The boycott crowd would just shift target to whichever PoD outfit was dumb enough to get into it. Unless you PoD way outside the US, but now shipping will cost more than the book.
Damn, this is a quite well organized assault. I suspect he’s gonna get fucked in the ways he doesn’t like.
Are you sure those ways exist?
Dammit, Lana, I had something about…a dry run?
It’s weird that a person who has been attached physically, and chased off campuses isn’t some sort of hero to the left.
The Ayatollah?
Slammer, we are on the same level.
The blind Shiek?
Hey, bacon, I was just over at… that place that has a really long acronym now. So I tried chiming in on that thread where some guy was trying to speak for everyone over here. And guess what? SQUIRRELS! Well, I tried. Guy is way out of line on that.
Please don’t. I know the commentariat is a rowdy crowd, but there’s no reason to pick fights with folks. Some wanted to go, some wanted to stay and some are splitting their time. Everyone knows where everyone else is at and there’s no need to advertise or antagonize over it.
Thanks. No need though. He has a point…just a dbag how he goes aboiut it. I don’t have to agree with his point either. I’m in sales…it’s natural for me to notify people of a good thing when I see it.
That’s what salespeople always say!
King James?
Feminist PhD Candidate: Science Is Sexist Because It’s Not Subjective
I hope the dissertation was submitted in Comic Sans.
The author of the article, Joy Pullmann, is incredibly incindiary and the whole damned article is worth the read just to let her acerbic wit wash over you. She’d fit in well here.
I’ve studied feminist epistemology, and this really is par for the course for feminist philosophers. It’s iconoclasm towards everything that came before (read: the patriarchy), pure and simple. The loony left really needs to start asking itself: with friends like these, who needs enemies?
I always thought that a weed out course was a definite benefit to the students. It lets them know right away whether they had the aptitude (or interest in) a subject.
Thanks to a fuckup in my own college sign up, I accidentally ended up in the weeder course for accounting. Not only did I get a C, but I also learned that I’d rather kill myself than ever work as a bean counter.
Same. Weed out courses are useful
At UT, we had an intro to accounting course taught by the dean of the dept. One of the toughest course I ever had in undergrad. A buddy of mine dropped the course after getting a 6 on a test. A six out of 100. He answered or attempted to answer all the questions and showed work where necessary and got a 6. The high grade, curvebusters, were usually in the 30-40s.
Man that’s brutal but that’s incredibly kind of that dean.
Sounds like UI. All of the engineering school had to take chem 101 and the usual passing grade was around 16 out of 100 on an hour exam. Some dipshits like myself, also took 102, intro to organic, which had an even lower P/F ratio. Dropped it like a hot rock.
“So, in other words, using logic and the scientific method are inherently “male” ways of knowing that women and minorities cannot employ.”
So, if the scientific method is inherently male, why are they always complaining that women are a minority in STEM fields? Isn’t that a result of their natural ineptitude with regards to science? That’s what the author is saying, right?
Get in there and engineer me a sammich.
I’m imagining the visitation (a la A Christmas Carol) on this ‘academic’ from the ghosts of Ada Lovelace, Marie Curie and Grace Hopper.
I really hope we’re seeing the last gasp of this garbage.
Sokal 20 years later says don’t get your hopes up.
This reminds me: where’s Derpetologist?
“I’ve studied feminist epistemology, and this really is par for the course for feminist philosophers. It’s iconoclasm towards everything that came before (read: the patriarchy), pure and simple.”
I’m not exactly William of Ockham’s biggest fan, but I think that his razor will help us figure out what the feminists are up to.
Let me see…why would feminist ideology be hostile to the use of logic and standards of evidence?
Perhaps because feminist ideology is illogical and the evidence behind it is laughable?
Ockham’s razor? Sounds like part of the patriarchy. Besides, didn’t they stop shaving in solidarity?
A life long friend of mine is an aerospace engineer. He asks people who don’t believe in “facts” if they’ve ever tried to fly in a plane, or cross a bridge that was made in the absence of objective facts. He is also the guy who first gave me Atlas Shrugged way back in the Apollo era high school. Thanks again John! And yes, I put two spaces after a period. There.
“The loony left really needs to start asking itself: with friends like these, who needs enemies?”
No. The loony left needs to double down on their shit. The sooner they wither and crawl back under their rocks, the better.
I wonder if Joy would advocate that the medical professionals that treat her adopt that view.
As my favorite former KGB officer said, once you brainwash someone into a useful idiot they are incapable of thinking. No matter how much information they have they cant draw sensible conclusions about anything. I think we have a real winner in Joy Parson.
Make Somalia, not America, Great Again
We President now.
“Needless to say, the cap is highly reminiscent of the Make America Great Again red cap made popular by President Trump during his campaign last year.” But he did anyways lmao
Oh, oh oh oh oh.
I hope this envoy has set up a zazzle or a cafe press or a SOMETHING shop. This is the Libertarian swag.
I wonder if img tags work.
Seen on the Internet:
“Reeducation by the Clinton campaign” sounds exactly like part of the reason she was rejected. The elitism in this one comment is breathtaking. We just can’t understand, why do those dumb yokels think the government sold them down the river and plot more of the same when we only have the noblest intentions? Hillary would have given them free college, so they could take the same required core classes in multiculturalism that enlightened us!
Meanwhile, in urban Detroit…
I seem to recall stories of people taking advantage of Obama’s job training programs only to find out the job they trained for didn’t exist. Probably rejected it this time around out of experience.
Or they were offered training that was of no interest to them or were overfilled before the training ever started.
Not ready to live on your own? There’s a fancy dorm for that
How will NYC shut this down?
They won’t – there are already several in operation.
include extras like movie screening rooms and yoga studios, and they offer extras like internet – and, in some cases, unlimited beer – as part of the monthly rent.
Make that, “yoga studio viewing rooms and unlimited beer”, and I may rent a room just to visit on weekends.
Have these fuckers never heard of boarding or rooming houses?
I can think of quite a few classic movies set therein. Stage Door and The Ladykillers both come to mind.
I saw the shitty Tom Hanks remake of The Ladykillers in the theatre. Still haven’t seen the original because I was so put off.
The original was great. Don’t hesitate.
I have to admit I prefer Kind Hearts and Coronets and The Lavender Hill Mob from Guinness’ comedies. I also really like The Man in the White Suit
OMG. “The Man in the White Suit” probably did more for libertarianism than Ayn Rand. Love Guinness, BTW. Kind Hearts and Coronets is still hilarious.
That and I’m All Right Jack.
But boarding houses are for poor people. (Disclaimer: I have lived a boarding house, in Buffalo, with a crusty old German landlady who didn’t take any guff.)
It’s why the governing classes never had a problem with Irish coffee but hated Four Loko: the latter was drunk by the Snooki Class.
I would think young adults living with parents was the norm for most of human history.
Are you endorsing two spaces after a period or am I missing something?
Y… Hi. How’ve you been?
Why astronauts are banned from getting drunk in space
Do they explode? It might still be worth it.
+1 Christa McAuliffe
Too soon?
How do you get 11 astronauts into a Volkswagen? You put four in the seats and the Challenger crew in the ash tray.
Awful and therefore perfect.
You know Christa McAuliffe had dandruff? Her head and shoulders washed up on the beach.
Why did the Challenger crew have Pepsi? They couldn’t get 7 up.
“This is the most frightening and serious threat we have faced in my lifetime,” Prof Nancy Kanwisher told BBC News.
Worse than what the POLAR BEARS are facing????
Jihadist mass murder? Potential 1917 style flu epidemics? Ebola? Aids? Exploding diabetes rates? The Yellowstone Cauldron? SMOD? That shit is nothing. Making Nancy’s gravy train screech to a halt is the real threat the world faces.
Today in “Why Pan Zagloba is fucking glad he got out when he did” :
Racist Serb fans torment Brazilian footballer Everton Luiz
Only reason it didn’t happen when I was growing up is that there were maybe dozen black people, mostly university students from “friendly non-aligned countries”. I guess now that the are whole scores of them, maybe, it’s time to let loose.
They only boo you if they know who you are
I was saying Boo-urns.
I originally read his name as “Everton Lulz.” And as a Liverpool fan, I laughed.
Thanks, Sloopy, now I can’t unsee it.
I should forward that to my dad, he’s a big Liverpool fan too.
You like to walk alone?
Ugh. We let Kopites in here?
I still think crying because someone called you a name is a bitch thing to do.
Dani Alves for the win.
Pan Zagloba is disgusted by the actions of his countrymen. The blacks have done nothing to deserve this, the Bosnians on the other hand…
I was gonna say something about how at the time I was shunned for thinking Bosnian and Croatian wars were an act of rampant criminality, as well as incredible stupidity, but…
…in my first ever EUIV game, I just finished diplo-annexing the remnant of Bosnian state, and am looking to take more of the Naples. Meanwhile, no one wants to remove the fucking kebab with me.
Holy shit, you’re playing as the Serbs first game? Start with something easy (Portugal, France) or medium tier (Poland, England, Dutch minors).
You will become kebab Pan. Resistance is futile.
Hilariously, it’s 1491 and it feels like 1891. Every major power has a decent alliance block of minors.
Austria+Hungary+Serbia is what is keeping me alive.
Poland+Brandenburg+Muscovy is in a staring contest with Hungary+Muscovy (which grew huge).
Entire Italy is either French or Austrian allied. Except Venice.
Venice somehow got guaranteed by Ottomans, and is also allied to Castile.
God bless Kebab, they are big but have no allies, and Austrians somehow outnumber them. Had Hungarians not for some reason (well, mutual hatred of Poland) made friendly with Ottomans, I’d have reclaimed my lands, instead of marching through entire Italy to steal couple provinces off Naples.
So there is this weird stability and peace, and it’s all nice until some archduke gets killed and a fucking continent-spanning war begins. For which I’ll probably get the blame to boot!
God bless Kebab, they are big but have no allies, and Austrians somehow outnumber them
Uh, so Ottomans have some really good ideas that make them pretty damn tough. Once they complete their idea group they will almost always outnumber Austria. Their generals are usually better, and they tend to pick military ideas that buff them. On top of that, I’m pretty sure their infantry units are superior to Western ones until like, 1650 I think? Also, eventually France will pick a fight with Austria. Be prepared for a shit shot if Austria starts losing.
Also, there may or may not be a major event chain that starts to happen after Protestantism shows up that might…distract Austria. For, say, Thirty Years?
Mine hope is that by then I can get at least 30-35K troops (20K right now), keep Hungary on-side and hey, if all goes to shit, looks like the old “Serbia to Bari” motto will be my fallback!
But yeah, that’s why I wanted to punch Ottomans in the dick, so they have 3-4 provinces less, but no, Hungary is all “Hey, we luuuuuv those dudes. But we luuuuv you too!”
I’m aware of “huge force limit” + “their dudes are better than yours for 200 years” + “they get to handpick a good heir” + “oh and they just get huge buffs” bullshit that is The Kebab. It’s kinda like my Amalfi game and Byzantines – just waiting for them to roll over me, doing the best I can, hoping I can keep an intricate web of alliances. And shit, it worked for Amalfi…
Also, is Austria still the Emperor? Because expect their troop count to go down suddenly if they lose it to Bohemia or Brandenburg. The Emperorship gives you big bonuses to troop count and manpower.
Mine hope is that by then I can get at least 30-35K troops (20K right now), keep Hungary on-side
Expect Hungary to end up in a personal union with Austria, if it doesn’t happen naturally Austria gets an event that let’s them just do it (fucking Habsburgs…). 8 out of 10 times they seem to end up Austria’s bitch in my games.
Good news, the Hynadi dynasty is well in charge, and has been fertile. And current Austrian consort is Serbian, so I have an in there. Plus, he reorganized theEmpire to be more…efficient.
Though I’m unlocking diplo ideas when next I can I’m really regretting I made Offensive my first group. Humanism has been great, though.
If you can (usually if you’re both rivaled to the Ottomans) allying with the Mamluks is not a bad plan. Forcing kebab to fight on two fronts is a good idea, and once they start eating the Mamluks, that’s when their troop count starts to get into the hundreds of thousands. In my last game as Bohemia the Ottomans had a force limit of 331 before I started stomping on them.
Military ideas are almost universally better as a second idea group, rather than your first. Obviously it depends on what your monarch points are like, but you almost always want something that improves efficiency in management of your country before you boost your troops. Humanism, administrative, innovative, diplomatic/influence are usually good depending on the situation (except humanism, which is always good, and some nations, like Muscovy or Ethiopia, require religious as your first pick). Quality is not a good pick, Aggressive and Defensive is better.
Oh, and I’m on Ironman so no second chances, either.
I did have a few (three?) starts that went nowhere, because I needed to figure out some mechanics, but they never went past five years, and I wasn’t kebabed in any of them. Just made silly errors because Reading is Important.
Also, I got a whole wack of DLC couple weeks ago so figured new game was a better idea.
As a head’s up, mountain forts are your friends. If you have a controlled fort in a territory you get the defensive bonus when attacking, same as if you were defending. So if the Ottomans start sieging your fort you can attack them and they have the dice roll disadvantage.
Also, the AI is garbage at handling attrition. Most of the times I’ve beaten the Ottomans by playing “RUN AWAY” and micromanaging my armies to avoid attrition while they were moving forty and sixty stacks around. Works better in Eastern Europe in winter and in deserts from my Ethiopia campaign. Once you bust their manpower down to zero, then you have a chance.
That is the only way I’ve won against majors…keep dodging around until their nation breaks apart from the seams due to revolt risk and attrition losses.
It’s not about how hard to hit, Pan Serbia, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
what game is this?
Europa Universalis 4, Paradox map game.
Watching one of the most famous EU streamers teach a Civ-player is what got me to pull the trigger. There’s more flavor than I expected, and much more what I like these days over Civ.
Warning: Long.
Europa Universalis IV from Paradox games. A real cool grand-strategy world conquering 1444-1821 game.
It lacks the personality of their Crusader Kings 2, which I’d play any day of the week, but I’m in that stage where my Ironman playthrough requires a full weekend to give it the attention it needs, rather than just poking here and there for an hour and screaming at AI.
I’ll see how I like it coming from the CIV world. It seems to be my cup of tea.
Do yourself a favour, play a European power first, and preferably someone not in the Holy Roman Empire. Castile, Portugal, England, France, Sweden, or Poland are all good picks.
good to know. Thanks for the heads up. I much prefer an easy win to start out.
Why would you listen to an astronomer about a planet?”
I mean yeah who would think that was reasonable? This guy isn’t trying to bullshit science into complying with his subjective views. Neither pluto nor the moon should be considered a planet.
I never fully grokked the intricacies of determining what is a “dwarf planet” but if they’re now claiming that “people’s intuition” says the moon is a planet, I just can’t even.
They want to classify something a planet irregardless of it orbits a star or not. They cite that a planet should be a planet based off of its attributes alone, not it’s relationship with a star. But that relationship seems pretty important distinction however. Their definition would add 100 new planets (per the article)
Oh, I get what they want to claim. It’s the redefining of commonly understood words like “planet” and “moon” that I reject. If they want to classify them all science-like, come up with new terms.
Kind of like the word “marriage?”
At least “gay marriage” is just tinkering around the edges, unlike “the moon is a planet”.
Just call all celestial bodies that are round, revolving around something, and not on fire, planetoids. Then we can finally be done with this planetism, that you guessed it, was started by whitey. They othered Pluto, Earth could be next!
Just call all celestial bodies that are round, revolving around something, and not on fire, planetoids.
*Launches superball into LEO*
If you can get the superball up there, then I say it’s a planet. I tried that like 100 times in a single day when I was 5 and it doesn’t work.
I was thinking more along the lines of “Shall make no law”…
Well, ‘shall make no law’, I mean, no law that isn’t allowed by a commerce clause, or penaltax, we’re already doing that, what’s the problem? Everything else they want to do is called a ‘regulation’. Everything is working!
Problem there was no standard definition of a planet. It is similar to trying to define what positions a libertarian should have: open-border, abortion, deep dish pizza, etc? It may seem easy, but when you work at it, it isn’t. The present IAU definition came about at the end of an IAU meeting where most of the interested parties had left. You really ought to read up on the controversy.
Under some of the definitions, the Earth-Moon system would be considered a binary planet because of where the center of gravity for the system is.
The earth moon barycenter is inside the earth therefore NOT a binary
The earth-moon barycenter is about 70% of the way from the center of the earth to the surface and that is going to migrate out as the moons orbit gets bigger. The planet-satellite ratio for the earth-moon systems is far larger than any other planet even though there are bigger moons out there.
All I was really saying was there is a lot of controversy still about what actually constitutes a planet and some of them have some weird consequences. Those arguments are not over by any stretch of the imagination.
What was so hard about orbits a star as one of it’s primary Kepler foci and is unlikely to be perturbed by other rocks that may cross its path Moons orbit planets as one of their Kepler foci. Things that can’t establish gravitational dominance in the ellipse they orbit on aren’t planets or moons. Seems to get us 99% of the way there.
English may be my native language, but it definitely is not my forte.
Meh, they are squabbling over something that is arbitrarily defined. Just come up with a definition for what words are used for what and move on.
Also leonadisiv, irregardless is not a word.
From Merriam-Webster:
You just used it, though. ?
That was to Suthen
The German government has banned a doll that uses a Bluetooth connection to an app on a phone to have a “conversation” with a kid. The govt freaked out because it was a “hidden spying device.”
They are worried that in theory the doll could be hacked to listen in on conversations around the doll. Or “A company could also use the toy to advertise directly to the child or parents.”
I’m a little touchy on this subject because my work has caused me to get involved in European privacy issues for a few different projects over the last year.
I have no idea how the Germans have anything like smart phones given their freak outs over privacy.
Elf on the Shelf 2: Electric Boogaloo
Alexa, cancel that spying doll order.
As an aside, the German nickname for cell phones is “Handy.” Let’s be honest, they’ve got a fantastic sense of noun use.
They’re pissed they didn’t think of the idea themselves.
Slippery bottle solves ketchup problem
That’s what science should be for. Useful stuff.
The Ig-Nobel prizes.
You got lube in my ketchup!
You’ve got a 55-gallon vat of ketchup?
They have developed a coating that makes bottle interiors super slippery.
Pffft. That’s easy…..I mean, um, that’s interesting.
Superhydrophobic coatings are fun!
They’re the technology of the future and always will be.
Another unusual fact about Vitaly Churkin.
D’awwww, look at him cuddling up to Lenin.
Posted this in Amash thread, but why not? On the “Canada is its own nation and totally doesn’t copy anything US does”
Montreal becomes a sanctuary city
Sigh, even the terminology is the same. “Undocumented,” for fuck’s sake…
I think Democrats will crack down hard on illegal immigrants in the future. I mean, come on – this is the party that thinks that the government must know about everything at all times. Their answer to every single problem is government licensing, registration, or tracking. Human beings entering the country is totally incompatible with their control freak impulses.
Maybe they just see illegal immigrants as another demographic in which they can foster a welfare addiction and then extract votes by ginning up fears of evil Republicans cutting their benefits. But I’m not really sure what their endgame is. I just know that there’s a huge disconnect between the “progressive” love of the nanny state and the unrestricted movement of human beings across the border.
Ya think?
Their end game is to get an insurmountable permanent Democrat voter base. After they have that and they finally get the permanent majority power that they crave, they’ll bring down that boot on the necks and the ‘undocumented’ will not escape it. They’re useful idiots just like the rest of the left’s useful idiots. They’re just the new most specialist snowflake useful idiots.
Yes, and why they are losing their shit over Trump’s immigration policies. I am convinced that he knows what he is doing – cutting the legs out from under their strategy. He isnt racist or anti-immigrant. He is getting out in front of their attack.
Something, something, New Labour Policy (article from 2009)
There is no end game, really. Or any kind of grand strategy beyond “we not racists”.
When they apply for those welfare benefits they submit to the surveillance state. Endgame? Dem voters. Look what happened to California.
I’ve heard a couple of progs say that if CA secedes, before long, all the red states will go broke and there won’t be any jobs, then those states will have to beg CA to come back and save them. They really believe this. Of course, they also believed in 2009 that the left were about to seize total power forever.
I’ve noticed on government paperwork that they’ve changed the term ‘immigrant’ to ‘newcomer’ for some godforsaken reason.
The official term is n00b
Fuck fuck fuck what the fuck is wrong with them?!
The whole “idiot”->”retard”->”special needs” fiasco should burn it into the brains of the idiots, it’s not the word, it’s the concept. Change the word to describe a concept doesn’t remove the stigma from the concept!
My favorite (and not due to my nickname) is “Panhandler” – like they are gold prospectors up in Yukon or someshit.
And I’ve yet to meet a bum that was offended you were calling him a bum.
Nobre vagabundo is the correct term.
I thought “panhandler” is already pejorative but I can’t think of any recent euphemism for it.
I thought “panhandler” is already pejorative
Only if the discussion is about people who live in Oklahoma, or Texas.
America’s PenisFlorida has a panhandle, no? And very few people live in the OK panhandle, AFAIK. I don’t remember them being really populous areas. Flat plains, geographically and geologically speaking.I’ll let Texans like RC speak of the good or evil of the TX panhandle.
Up here it’s still the officially approved term. I’m guessing we are waiting for new one from California or something.
Panhandler. When I was young we called them ‘Bums’.
The current administration has not pledged allegiance – and uninterrupted, generous funding – to scientists.
Well, maybe they should have the correct salute. amirite?
Ok, what are your hats going to be?
Hahaha! Then why can’t you rely on private funding?
Children are not a Special Interest [more money for public schools]
The Poor are not a Special Interest [no budget cuts for “programs for the poor”]
Decency is not a Special Interest [no restrictions on immigration]
Love is Not a Special Interest [bake my cake, bigots!]
“Ok, what are your hats going to be?”
Rutgers apologizes to students booted from job fair for violating dress code
Looks like Gilmore is working in higher education now.
I read the first sentence, reached the same conclusion you did, then snort-laughed when I reached it.
I linked to this story Saturday @ H+R under the helpful title “IT WASNT ME“
That’s what they all say
I actually also linked to that song in a slightly different context earlier today
“Students reported being booted from the event for dress code violations including wearing blue suits, light gray suits, brown shows, or suede shoes.”
Tablet with potential to replace notebooks and accordion folders.
I know that most people have moved on to digital notetaking, but my line of work usually involves annotating patents and other USPTO documents (poorly formatted PDF documents). I’ve tried going fully digital, and it’s just not comfortable enough of a setup to keep using it. OneNote is pretty good at letting me take notes on the PDFs, but I find myself printing out the doc and writing on it more often than not.
That’s why reMarkable caught my eye. I’m a big e-ink fan, and the ability to draw on a document is awesome. However, it doesn’t allow colored annotation (an inherent limitation of e-ink), and it’s really freakin’ expensive. Anybody know if there are competing products to this?
That does look good.
I for one will be glad when paper becomes wholly obsolete. I’m a printer technician and I cannot wait.
Dude. I grow timber.
These euphemisms.
I don’t know how their digitizer pen works, but if it’s an old-fashioned Wacom electromagnetic device, I’d give it a pass. The fact that the video does not show writing near the edges makes me immediately suspicious. This is the sort of thing that one really ought to go to a big box store to lay hands on it before purchasing at the least.
I know there’s newer stylus tech on/about to be on the market that uses a normal capacitive touch panel rather than a completely separate digitizer. I’d be curious if they’re using the new stuff or the old stuff.
I haven’t heard of one yet outside of native tablet or phone apps. My old Lumia 640xl running Windows Mobile 10 would let me type and draw on the same note. I get the convenience of having your stuff backed up to the cloud instantaneously but I hate having to type as I go. I do a lot of documentation for work and everything is done via Google docs. I take written notes, then type them up later.
Have you tried bluebeam? I’m a mechanical draftsman. Some of the younger engineers at work do all of their drawing red marks on bluebeam. Seems to work for them really well.
I know this might not be what you’re thinking, but I picked up an iPad Pro with their stylus and I’m impressed with the accuracy writing on it. I wanted the old fashioned ability to write accurately and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how well it works. I’m not a huge iOS fan, but I’m really digging writing on the Pro.
Colorado town to get state’s first drive-through marijuana store
Tumbleweed Express
Excellent name.
Fuck, that name is going to get millions of children killed. It makes weed sound like fun. This has to be banned.
Where’s the clearing stick?
How is it that thing of genius gets so little playtime and yet it’s the best television ever made?
No idea. I love it so.
What, you think daddy and mommy is gonna drive them to get some tumbeweed? Look, tumbleweeds are fun, damnit! The chidren!
Shit, no wonder no one takes you libetarians seriously. I bet they’ll even make those tumbleweeds some in different colors to lure the children!
And fruit flavors! Jeezus, everyone knows that only children like fruit flavors!!!!
us adults want bland products inside bland packaging. always.
Tooty frooty tumbleweeds, the end is nigh.
tumbleweeds are fun
What the hell kind of child hood did you have? We played with black powder, knives, bicycles, and minibikes. Not dead weeds.
We coated the tumbleweeds with oil and then set them on fire. Hid and waited for them to blow through the town, torching unsuspecting villagers. We also played with all those other things you just mentioned.
We would find huge piles of tumbleweeds along the edges of some washes and smash into them as fast as we could on our Shwinn Stingrays. Great fun until you jumped into the pool or shower afterwards.
When we were older was the black powder and minibikes. There was also the remarkable summer of model rockets with 12 gauge shells nosecones as well. Then, kids doing kid stuff, today junior terrorists.
“That’s one Acapulco Gold, two Jamaican Joy, and a side of fries, drive up to the window, please.”
Panama red, or GTFO.
Durban poison and Afghani
That indica stuff will kill the children. Especially if you give it a fruity flavor.
Going Galt?
The story is about how Sally Yates helped harass a CEO of a thriving Minnesoda medical company. That is sort of interesting, but what intrigued me is that the CEO is stepping down.
The company – Vascular Solutions – started in one building a half mile or so from my house. Since then they’ve expanded a lot. They own several different offices in the same general region of my town. To be fair, it is in the old east barrio of my city (Tundra lives in the swanky part of town).
I’m wondering how the company will do without the original CEO.
“Federal prosecutors told our attorneys they had “invested their blood, sweat and tears” and needed “a body” in return. That body was me.”
Our federal government is 100% virtuous and should be trusted at all times to serve and protect us all. I for one sleep better knowing that they stopped this evil corporation from giving people stuff that they want.
Didn’t watch the infamous Milo clip. I read his FB blurb explaining himself. Seems pretty low-key, but then, I’m not sure what the allegations are. How many little boys did he rape? Who in NAMBLA did he cite? I hear the whole controversy stems from a comedy podcast where he took his edgelord routine. Has anyone investigated his remarks for their super serial implications? Was he covering up for an older priest who raped boys, himself included?
The whole Justine Sacco thing is getting effing tiresome.
I thought it was him who was sexualy abused as a kid.
Yeah that’s what I thought he’s said. Man, if calling someone racist or sexist doesn’t work call them a pedophile.
I thought that he described pedophilia as not being attracted to a 13 year old girl, who may already be sexually mature, but as being attracted to a younger child who is not yet sexually mature. As far as I know, that is the mortal sin that he committed. Keep in mind that it was fairly common for 13 year old girls to marry less than 100 years ago and pretty much for the entire history of humans as a species.
So, who holds the high moral ground here? Hell if I know, but as long people can be morally outraged and the state can get involved, then that’s all that matters, right?
I find the gap between the age at which “children” become sexually mature and when it becomes legal for them to act on it one of the more pernicious wrongs of our time.
I like to remind people that Laura Ingalls probably heard in that little house the bumping and grinding from Charles and Caroline that produced her three younger siblings.
Well, when you live in a small uninsulated cabin, I’m pretty certain that happens.
The books leave some things out…like how her sister *really* went blind.
And those hairy palms.
Well, Alfonzo and pa were both banging that Nellie Olsen. And one day…
I can get why people would get upset with it though, just like they get upset with everything he said. I don’t think anyone here is particularly a Milo fan other than the reaction he elicits from the left.
I seem to remember back before very long ago, when TSTSNBN used to do pieces on Milo citing hire it was good that he pushed against the safe space arena. I bet they wish the could take it back now.
No, its the shit they are saying now that they are going to wish they could take back.
I listen to comedians talking among themselves who mention a lot truly awful shit, not just generally but about themselves and other comedians in the same room. The sort of unforgivable shit that in most other contexts would get you canned or excommunicated or shut out from your family or would lose you friends. And yet, there they are, in front of the microphone, throwing nuclear bombs, career-destroying nuclear bombs, but in the context of the room and the mic and the other comedians, and most importantly, the audience on the other side of it all, those nuclear bombs can be an incredibly funny bits. And I say that as someone who couldn’t tell you why it’s wrong because I’m doubled over laughing at it.
Was Milo’s thing here an earnest appeal to fucking children, I really doubt it. Is there something to what he said about young gay men coming out to older gay men as an alternative to their own stultified family lives? I don’t know, I’m not gay, and frankly, the whole idea is a little upsetting. But I do know that I’m really, really bored with third parties taking comments made among comedians, broadcast to a primary audience comprised of people who want to listen to comedians, being taken out of that context.
So when does Milo start working at Comet Ping Pong Pizza?
Help yourself
He basically explains how he seduced “Father Michael” when he was a teenager. That has been construed as “approval” for inter-generational relationships.
Note how this interview was out in the public (and the JR podcast is one of the single most listened to podcasts in America) for over a year and no one seemed to think it was the slightest bit “controversial” until today.
fuck, still can’t link properly
I wasn’t going to say anything.
Amazing how that saucy exchange can be cut and presented as “PEDOPHILE!!!!!” — and be the arrow into Milo’s heel. I guess you’d need a full compliant media apparatus and a …
Because Milo’s gay and he doesn’t tow the prog lion.
I’ll just add –
My opinion of Milo … around the time of that interview?
(I think i actually pointed it out in sept 2015 (searches) no, i actually pointed out his second one in the summer of 2016)
…was basically, “here’s a guy who’s sort of interesting” but otherwise not someone i think has much to offer, politically. He’s smart; he can be entertaining; he has some good points against the whole SJW campus-politics thing, but nothing that dozens of other people haven’t already said*
(*including Robby; who seems to think Milo has ‘terrible opinions’, yet both of them make near-identical arguments about problems with the ‘campus left’, writ large)
Basically, he’s well-spoken, and is quick-witted enough to handle himself in a tete-a-tete. Beyond that, its not even like he’s had any particularly original ideas. He doesn’t, AFAIK. All he’s got going for him is that he’s gay, and that makes his conservatism something of a novelty.
The only reason he’s become such a cause célèbre is because his detractors are violent morons. Really, thats it. What makes him ‘special’ is that he exposes the complete fucking hysterical violence in the left. And their condemnations of him get more and more ridiculous and extreme with each passing month.
He’s routinely called a nazi, white nationalist, racist homophobe. Robby called him an “alt right leader”, when as far as anyone can tell his only connection is having once written an article saying, “they’re cute”.
Basically, i still have little to no interest in Milo himself; the real story is the frothing irrational vituperation of his enemies.
Yet if you point this out… just like Trump, people go, “Why are you such a big fan of the guy!?”. Because you’re not allowed to interrupt a public-stoning without becoming a target yourself.
I’d quote, but I’d have to quote the whole thing. What was the “beat the leftists at twitter” line you had?
Shit. If I weren’t a reasonable person, I’d think you were the person behind Milo. Or his agent.
OK, so Milo says that as a teenage boy he had gay sex with a young priest [Catholic? Greek Orthodox?], but he says *he* [Milo] was the *real* predator, and Milo seems to think it was OK.
From the prog standpoint, if this actually happened, this is neither good nor bad, or if it’s bad, the badness depends on whether the celebrity in question is cool like Roman Polanski or not-cool like Milo.
But someone who is *unrepentant,* who boasts of doing this stuff and doesn’t seem to think he or the priest did anything wrong, is certainly not a good choice for speaker at a purportedly conservative conference, but what do I know, I love conservat*ism* but I’m not so sure about all the conservat*ives.*
I hope that, being a good Englishman, he banged strictly CoE.
Wikipedia says his father was Greek, doesn’t mention what his stepfather was, but says he’s a “practicing Catholic,” which calls for a *citation needed.*
But “having gotten kicked out of CPAC” isn’t the charge being laid at Milo’s feet. Milo’s high crime is having tried to normalize pedophilia, which I think is at best dubious and at least skeptical.
I sounded like he was trying to normalize *pederasty.*
And might I add, to normalize *sacrilege,* since a Catholic or Orthodox priest having sex with someone other than his wife is sacrilegious in itself, and it’s worse given the breach of trust of having sex with a teenager for whose soul the priest is responsible.
I’m not claiming the progs have the standing to take the moral high ground on either of these issues, of course.
I plan an entire post on this hopefully for this Thursday.
This should be good…
Your’re still gonna do the thicc thing, though. Right?
Have no fear, Slammer. Thicc Thursdays have been already planned out on a weekly basis until 2025.
I desperately tried explaining to my study group that a guy calling himself Mulatto is going to explicate exactly what this gay Nazi meant, and suddenly *I’m* the bad guy.
“Thicc Thursdays have been already planned out on a weekly basis until 2025.”
I don’t know anything about pederasty. I give him license to joke about it if he likes. He doesn’t need my license, nor do I need to know exactly why pederasty is. Point is, if he’s joking about it and it lands, that’s where I stand on good humor.
Gruesome new night out of dinner and dissection as real human body is dismembered in front of you
Love being reminded of my own mortality while chowin down
So, do they rip the tablecloth off the table to reveal a cadaver underneath the glass table top? Grab it’s motherfucking viscera?
I like to think they jerk the table cloth out as you are slurping up what you think are “spaghetti noodles” only to find out that it is human chitlins instead.
This tastes like shit
Isn’t that what the guy with severe overbite said when he was trying to eat pussy?
Can’t you just save a buck and eat your soylent green while watching CSI re-runs?
[T]he Attorney General’s Office has announced plans to file sanctions against the disability group. If granted, AID must pay back the state and the businesses it sued for all their legal expenses.
Better Call Saul. LOL.
And who pays for all of the AGs’ overreaches?
Who shall watch these watchmen?
“This is the most frightening and serious threat we have faced in my lifetime,” Prof Nancy Kanwisher told BBC News. Well, I’m sold”
Well, you should be. Do you know what will happen if these life long academics do not get more funding? Well, DO YOU!? Well, let me tell you, it means that… they’ll have to look elsewhere for their funding than big daddy gubmint. Now ask yourself, can you still sleep at night? Polar bears could drown.
Irony report: Just met with a friend so he could return the copy of “Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do” that I loaned him. He wanted to get it back to me because he’s gonna be doing some time for selling some stuff.
he’s gonna be doing some time for selling some stuff
Unlicensed cupcakes?
I wonder how his re-election campaign will turn out?
That is awful for him. The book’s lessons are too real this time.
I can’t remember the number of copies that I have given away. It is a great primer on a libertarian view and brings people in slowly from a cascading series of chapters that are each easy to agree with. By the time you get to the end many people have a “taa daa” moment and a great collection of liberty loving quotes. McWilliams website (and others) has the book on a .pdf.
Pluto back to being a planet withing Trump’s first 100 days. If he had put that as part of his platform, he’d have won the popular vote by ten million over that anti-Pluto hag.
I enjoyed this last night
ADA lawsuit trolling has been a thing as long as the ADA has been a thing. I’m glad at least one court is finally pushing back.
Who do you have to piss off to be named envoy to Somalia?
I’m sure it’s already been done but,
Settled Science!
Settled science is my favorite term. Great issue over, guess you don’t need more money for research.
You’ve settled their hash!
I would normally post this at the appropriate website, but I’d rather post this where there’s actual traffic.
R. Soave on various leftist shenanigans:
(paraphrasing) Well, this display may not look good to the outside observer, but behind it all one can find some issues of legitimate concern.
R. Soave on CPAC prior to the retracted invitation of Milo Yiannopolous:
You see that? With the left, Robby repeatedly insists that there is substance there, that one must focus beyond the black bloc and the pussy hats and the campus nonsense; with the right, WYSIWYG. That son-of-a-bitch doesn’t make a half-assed, no, not even a quarter-assed effort to see what’s driving things on the right. He might as well have written that passage in YOKELCAPS.
Between Robby, Shikha, and Chapman, the race to the bottom in 2017 will end up in a photo-finish.
How is it not a set of conservative beliefs? And Hillary wasn’t a cult of personality? What about Kate McKinnon dressed as Clinton singing “Hallelujah”?
I have to admit that I miss the days when “conservative” meant Bill Buckley rather than Sean Hannity. There actually is an intellectual tradition within what used to be the conservative movement that seems to have gotten lost to time in a certain sense. But that’s happened in politics more generally as well. The progressive movement started out horrible and largely hasn’t changed, but there’s certainly less erudition from, say, Woodrow Wilson to pussy hats. You could just as easily invert Soave’s statement: To be a left-wing hero in today’s left-wing bubble, all you have to do is bash the right and say “Trump is Hitler”.
Granted it doesn’t take much thought to claim rights over other people’s property. The left is certainly better at mental gymnastics, however.
Not if one of them gets a flat tire while on the course.
Robby gets the flat, Chapman stops to write an article about how the flat was caused by potholes that wouldn’t exist if Trump hadn’t spent all the federal highway tax surplus on a tax cut for the rich, and Dalmia clubs them both to death with the lug wrench while shrieking about right wing agitators.
^ Lol’d for realsies. Thx, Pat (PM), or now, just Pat, for that laugh, I needed it this morn! Glad you are here. Welcome aboard!
We should publish an article about how to change a tire on Manly Mondays. 😀
But no one here would need to read it.
Why would anyone over the age of 17?
That’s the joke. 😉
Isn’t even “manly.” My tiny little slip of a wife can change tires without assistance. Also jumps people’s cars for them while they stand by with their thumbs up their butts trying to figure out how the cables are attached. Funny stuff.
His last tweet about cocktails and “to be sure” was really sad, as was the fact that he put it in his links because nobody would have seen it otherwise.
Yeah, I thought that was a cry for attention. A sad, pathetic, cry.
I honestly think he’s terribly envious of Milo, Gavin, and guys like Razorfist, and even Greg Gutfeld, to an extent.
Robby is the guy who, I’ll bet, feels like *he’s* got all the right bleefs, proper outlook, good breeding, and Did Everything You’re Supposed to Do(tm) and yearns to be the Voice of His Generation, the go-to Culture Guru, so’s to speak. Of, course, I can’t read his mind, and just going off of my own experiences at that age, but I wonder if there maybe isn’t a grain of truth in there somewhere.
For me, the Troomp election post mortems written by Soave, honestly, was very good (even told him so in the comments), but Eddie Kray’s synopsis and observations were much more mature, reasoned, and spot on. Eddie Kray simply has a wider perspective than Soave, and seems like he’s more intellectually curious than Soave. I dunno, I’m not a psychiatrist, and could be totally way off base.
Just my dos centavos.
I’m for that.
That was the most shocking thing I’ve ever read on that site. A grown ass man can’t change a tire.
True story. Last month I got a flat tire. That previous time it happened to me was 14 years ago. I bet I would have changed it by myself — though it wasn’t even my car — but I probably didn’t look absolutely confident about it. So a guy who parked nearby offered his help and together we changed the tire in no time. So either know how to change a tire or just look fabulous so you get help right away!
– “Bash the fash” = a Great Thing all libertarians should celebrate. Why? because libertarians believe in Self-Defense.
– how does he react when someone actually defends themselves from a violent protestor? Well that’s the sort of violence which justifies banning people from speaking on campus.
– What’s the libertarian attitude towards political violence? oh, “Research shows it doesn’t achieve results”
– What’s the libertarian attitude towards people with “wrong opinions?” Moral condemnation!
If you’re noticing that libertarian principles only ever seem to be appealed to ‘in theory’, and that in practice those very same principles are completely abandoned?
Well, its probably because you’re a hopeless deplorable yokel.
– “Bash the fash” = a Great Thing all libertarians should celebrate. Why? because libertarians believe in Self-Defense.
My favourite game with that line is to play the replacement game:
– “Bash the fag” = a Great Thing all libertarians should celebrate. Why? because libertarians believe in Self-Defense.
It’s particularly dumb because ‘NeverTrump’ existed for a reason. Ben Shapiro and his ilk have been just as critical of Trump after he got elected as when he was the Republican candidate, and credit where credit’s due for that. To pretend that the entirety of the right is just ‘worshiping Donald Trump’ is just as ignorant as pretending that the entirety of the left were worshiping Obama (my old copies of Spartacus basically didn’t even change their headlines, it just went from ‘Bush is a warmongering imperialist’ to ‘Obama is a warmongering imperialist’).
It’s as if that whole movement (#NeverTrump) never happened. Or that National Review basically couldn’t manage to write an article even slightly favorable to Trump until he was the candidate and even then just barely.
But leftists only see binary. So criticizing leftism automatically makes you the enemy, and if you’re the enemy you’re with Trump, because he’s the enemy. It’s all so reductive. But, I guess I’m not enough of a feminist, I can actually do LOGIC. And math. good grief, I’m so trapped in the patriarchy I’ll never escape!
I applaud the consistent application of bullet-points.
You aren’t one of them people who lurnt yerself werd perfek, are you?
Feature Request: old school “Top” link on each comment. Finger jogging all the way to the top takes seconds. SECONDS!!
Or Responsive UI that enables the top menu on scroll. I saw some Responsive WordPress templates today.
“Finger jogging”
Now THAT’S a euphemism.
Ha HAAaa… with the index and middle fingers, no less.
At the bottom of the page click archives, that goes to the top. Might shave a couple seconds off
Not only do the left get almost everything right, by gosh, they get diet right as well!
Venezuelans get in shape!
Will there be any thicc Venezuelan hotties left for Thursday??
Only the ones whose raft’s didn’t go down in the gulf. Unless they have those fix a flat inplants in their arse, then they can just float the rest of the way on their own.
We’re visiting the Orient this week.
Hmm…. I have to see this.
Thanks to a link of yours on that site which we shall not name, I discovered the gymbooty tumblr.
I am sad to say that both the gymbooty tumblr and the companion instagram site are no more.
However, there is this.
Most excellent.
Aspen city spokeswoman to Sen. Cory Gardner: “You are out of touch with Colorado voters”
The proof that Gardner is “out of touch”? The Denver post describes how most of his twitter responses were negative. Very scientific.
Yes, only Colorado uses twitter. Only people with twitter opinions count.
Well, if Trump is going to use these methods to claim popular support, The Post is simply following the president’s lead. Therefore, I blame Trump.
You missed the meat and potatoes there straffin. That is a story in the Denver Post about someone trying to raise money to advertise in the Denver Post. Free advertising for her go fund me page?
Why does a town of less than 7,000 people have a spokes person? Is the Mayor just way to busy to speak for the town? I am sure there are a big pile of leash laws to sign on his desk.
Ya, whatever. Shaddup.
Gardner is hardly a conservative stalwart. Big giant F for him at Conservative Review. He hates liberty probably as much as this dimwit chic does. He just has an R by his name like the evil man in the white house.
They gerrymandered a chunk of us redneck yokels further west into the same district as Aspen and other prog strongholds. They ensure we have some stellar liberty minded folk representing us at the state level.
“That is a story in the Denver Post about someone trying to raise money to advertise in the Denver Post. Free advertising for her go fund me page?”
I admit it. You pointed out a better example of idiocy. Cloud thinking FTW.
Sir, you err. NPR routinely implies that on the GOP would possibly strive to gerrymander.
I have drastically cut back my NPR listening. They lost credibility when they stopped allowing comments on their stories during the election. As well as things such as you point out there.
I learned from NPR that Rex Tillerson and Scott Pruitt are climate deniers. Literal.
Since I’m gonna be incommunicado for the next couple days, here’s my submission for Weiner Wednesday.
“The Icelandic Phallological Museum is probably the only museum in the world to contain a collection of phallic specimens belonging to all the various types of mammal found in a single country.”
BS. We’ve had presidential libraries for years.
We also have Congress. But that’s sort of like a cross between a museum and zoo. Some of the specimens are living fossils though.
Man, people in Iceland are really bored, aren’t they?
I would like to say BEST LINKS EVAH
– Two spaces your kerning nazis
– There is nothing wrong with Pluto being a planet, there is also nothing wrong with adding a dozen more (orbits star, has reached hydrostatic equilibrium)
– If STP is classic rock then Picasso was baroque
COMMENTY’all suck!
David Brooks goes and totally redeems himself.
“My criticism isn’t that it’s [Trump’s administration] incipient fascism, it’s that it’s anarchy.”
*I’m home with the flu today, so wash your hands after clicking my links.
So… “anarchy” = minus 692 useless bureaucrats?
Gosh, now why would David Brooks have a problem with this…?
Trump promised to drain the swamp. Not appointing 696 people seems like a good start.
This is one of the most common lines made by “TOP MEN” – NYT Editorialists =
“I’ve talked to [insert vague reference to ‘world leaders’*] and they’re very concerned about [insert “anything less that the Gigantic Statist Enterprise That Progs and Big Govt Conservatives Agree is Necessary To Keep The Planet in Orbit With the Sun”]
Because unless we have moar government, everything is going to collapse.*
Actually, the real fear of people like Brooks et al is the opposite — that government will ‘do nothing’ and people will suddenly realize that it isn’t all that important anyway, so why does it cost so bloody much?
“Actually, the real fear of people like Brooks et al is the opposite — that government will ‘do nothing’ and people will suddenly realize that it isn’t all that important anyway, so why does it cost so bloody much?”
If he really does know that people will realize government is unnecessary, then he is completely immoral. I always have a hard time with this line of thinking. It’s similar to the idea that “the left pushes people onto welfare because they know it will cause them to vote for more leftist policies.” Of course there are the Alinsky types out there, but I doubt they are competent enough or even exist in large enough numbers to actually carry out such a plan consciously. It doesn’t really matter if the end result is the same regardless, but at least we don’t have to give them credit for being diabolical geniuses when in fact that are just benefiting from a byproduct of their actions.
by your terms. by his own, it makes perfect sense. Although i think he’d quibble with the idea that people “realize” govt is unnecessary. They are ‘fooled into believing’ its unnecessary.
Brooks is more of a “Tory”-esque conservative; he’s not a American style small-govt conservative who mistrusts people being given too-much-power.
He believes deeply in the idea of “Government For Its Own Sake”, the Hobbesian idea that people without Leadership devolve into decadent self-destruction, that nature abhors a vacuum, that institutions and structure are what give our society value, etc.
Its basically all he writes about. While every NYT columnist pretty much writes the same piece over and over and over again…. he’s the worst in this regard.
They are ‘fooled into believing’ its unnecessary.
Absolutely. Reminds me of Jung: ” ”People don’t have ideas, ideas have their people.” Brooks appears to have completely identified with his persona.
I always hate to attribute evil motives to people’s actions, but there is a point at which has predictive value for groups or organizations. You just have to drop that thinking when dealing with an individual
Actually, the real fear of people like Brooks et al is the opposite — that government will ‘do nothing’ and people will suddenly realize that it isn’t all that important anyway, so why does it cost so bloody much?
“And the government has gone AWOL.”
Oh God, don’t we wish.
That was pretty woke.
Two genders up?
Brilliant. Why didn’t I think to code that?
I’ve never coded a game, except way back in the day when I coded a text based RPG for a class project. I’m sure that the glib commentariat could come up with a game that would trigger the SJWs 100x as hard as that. But the name is great.
stanhope on liberty
Based Drunk Doug
Here’s Stanhope on a completely different topic.
Warning: NSFW X 100
Ok, this might be a repost but : https://twitter.com/justinamash/status/833795192687828993?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
also how do you give links titles?
[a href=”https://twitter.com/justinamash”]your text here.[/a]
angle instead of [
thanks doom
no sweat. I had to post a lot from my phone and that became very easy very quickly.
I confess, i still have a soft spot in my heart for orange-colored-links.
/Two spaces after a period/
/Pluto is a planet/
/Stone Temple Pilots are not classic rock!/
Has anyone seriously argued otherwise??
“i still have a soft spot in my heart for orange-colored-links.”
You could totally do that with access to inline CSS.
You could totally do that with access to inline CSS.
who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?
english, motherfucker = are you saying i should just tweak some shit in my browser settings and voila i can make all the links @ Glibertarians.com glow my favorite shade of Reuters-orange?
*trivia = i suspect the reason i find orange so reassuring (aside from its Reason-association) is because my first company (a start up) was designed from the ground up to try and sell itself to Thomson Reuters. So the company purposely made its design/branding all consistent w/ Reuters colors/fonts, etc. So… its goes back 20 years for me.
I like the orange also. It’s one of my favorite colors.
Anyway, the posting would have to allow that (CSS) and I just assume that it’s not going to happen. Even the HTML is pretty limited. Not sure I’ve ever seen a blog that allows that, although it is most definitely possible.
Oh, and the devs could make the links whatever color or style they want since they will have access to the style sheets.
I would be will to try stuff to see what works, but no preview features, so not happening, yet.
There are browser extensions that let you customize the CSS for any given site. Stylish for Chrome, for example.
I tried Stylish, and… some other CSS Color Mapping thing. The latter couldn’t find the specific sheet for this domain, and Stylish wants me to browse gazillions of templates to find one to match. more trouble that its worth.
Did it work or did Reuters sue them into oblivion for infringement?
Add this to your Monocle (line 230):
‘#main-content a { color: rgb(255, 130, 0) !important; }’ +
… and enjoy your TrumpOrange links.
Look, as a kid I went to the planetarium and there were nine planets around the sun, of which Pluto was one. Also, Donald Trump has just dedicated The Art of the Deal to his wife Ivana.
Do you think he’ll rename Mars, Ivanka? Wait… his wife is Melania, did he trade her in for a new one already?
I was joking that I’m so old I remember when Trump dedicated a book to his lovely wife Ivana.
Well, OK, I didn’t read the book at the time, but I remember the time when Trump was in the news as Ivana’s soon to be estranged husband.
I would consider STP more of alt-rock. I just tend to mix them in with the Seattle rock era, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Sound Garden, all of those guys. Even though I’m pretty sure they’re not from Seattle.
The moniker of “Classic Rock” always struck me as confusing. Is it classic because of its age? Older Chili Peppers would now qualify as classic rock then. OTOH, if it is a genre confined to a specific time period, then the term doesn’t really make sense.
When I think of Classic rock, I think 70s and 80s. Anything older would be oldies, and anything newer, something else, like grunge, alternative rock, etc.
In case you’ve ever thought about what the difference is between someone who is nihilistic and someone who is depressed. More Jordan Peterson. I wish I had a prof like this in Uni.