While cleaning out my nursery closet, I was stopped in my tracks while passively listening to a phenomenal video by Sargon of Akkad.  If you have a half hour to spare, I highly recommend a look or listen.  The video, which is partially about the recent Wall Street Journal hit piece of PewDiePie, is more broadly about the war being waged on alternative media.

The alternative media has grown to such a colossal size partly due to the changing preferences of younger demographics, but mostly due to the narrowing of allowable views by traditional media, the combination of which has created a monster that they are now attempting to slay.

Although the difference between those who follow either tend to be generational (for example: Ken’s teen aged children tend to watch almost exclusively YouTube, Ken watches predominantly cable and Netflix, while I, being between the two in age, watch a combination of all), there has been a massive growth of older generations tuning out as well.  This is due to the traditional media’s narrowing of allowable views.  As more people feel disenfranchised, alternative media grows by welcoming people with open arms.  Instead of successfully indoctrinating more people to their views, they inject growth hormones into an already massively large creature.

I was one of the few people in my circles that predicted a Trump win.  Following the alternative media, it was obvious to me.  The massive amount of support for the man hidden in plain sight was surprising , yet almost refreshing to see.  To those who don’t follow traditional media at all, like Ken’s 17 year old son, it was obvious he was going to win.  Yet, to those residing in the traditional media bubble, the idea of him winning was ludacris..  So the mental breakdown of those who have been residing in the traditional media bubble is understandable.  They were not living in reality and it came around hit them like a sledgehammer.

With the recent attacks on PewDiePie and Milo, social media tightening control of their user base, and the hilarious backfiring of the creation of the phrase “Fake News” it is becoming quite apparent that traditional media is now waging war against the monster that they unknowingly helped create.