As you might have noticed, many of our articles are published under “Guest Contributor”.  You might be asking yourself, “are you assholes crazy enough to be accepting writing submissions from us?”  Yes, yes we are. And you too can get in on the action.  Please use the leads/submissions form, easy to locate at the top of the page, and one of three lovely ladies, or sloopy will respond.

Triune bitch, guardian of hell

More likely than three lady libertarians, amirite?

You might be asking yourself “Holy shit, did that crazy bitch just say three lovely ladies?”  Yes, all three libertarian women in existence have volunteered their time to review what you send us, process it, shine it up real pretty-like, and publish for Glibertaria to mock and/or have virtual fist fights over.  Please keep in mind that these three, lovely ladies are volunteering their time, out of the goodness of their cold, shriveled libertarian hearts, so please be patient and appreciative.

So please, give me your poems, your rants, and poorly worded essays yearning to breathe free…and possibly mocked.