Friday Links. On time, bulleted, and with content. This Interwebz shit ain’t so hard.

  • Not exactly a gasoline fight. Male models rescue teens who fall through ice at Central Park. Jesse and Riven have tickets to NYC already booked.
  • AFL-CIO cutting staff due to slow sale of their product. I wonder if they’re getting cushy pensions and unemployment benefits from their former employer.
  • If you hoped Trump’s fight with the deep state would become a fight with the police state, you’re disappointed today.
  • Good news cocaine users, heroin’s share of overdoses rise to 25% of the total. Only, not heroin, the stuff people adulterate heroin with. If only there were a solution…
  • What to publish if you don’t want tenure.
I got my mind right boss

See this? It looks like a catbutt doesn’t it? This is what happens at our site if you screw up the links twice in a row.