A decade before her father became POTUS, Ivanka hit the town wearing an extended chinchilla family and Jezebel noticed (click through for some vintage Jezebel comments). More recently The Daily Mail tells us that PETA blasted her for using real rabbit fur for the pom-pom on a cable knit cap available for $22.97 at Nordstrom Rack (originally $45 at Nordstrom’s non-outlet locations). The Daily Mail also notes:

Fur may be murder but it looks warm
And while this particular piece does feature a ‘genuine rabbit fur’ pompom, the vast majority of Ivanka’s line is made with animal-friendly faux fur.
Well at least there’s that!

Who wore it best?
Congrats everyone you survived the inaugural Fur Friday! Come back next week for scantily clad PETA models, furries, bears or pictures of me doing barely-dressed mold remediation. The possibilities are ENDLESS.
Hey, thats not a furry. There’s not a dick hanging out the front of it.
I keep telling jesse BEARS ARE FURRIES!!!!!
That’s what her chinchilla actually looks like? In-te-resting.
Think Hamster crossed with Rabbit.
Hare-pieces run in the family, I guess
pictures of me doing barely-dressed mold remediation
Please tell me you’ll be doing asbestos-lined boiler restoration too.
I might if the pay is high enough and your expectations for success are low enough.
Of course its hot, they are boilers…Jeesh the commenting quality has gone down hill.
I so fucking love this site. Thank you Jeebuss…….
Boiler inspector (yes, that’s a real thing) for Denver said one of our boilers had something wrong with the asbestos lining. The cost to have it removed was insane.
I was interested to note the complete lack of protective gear being worn by the crew removing it.
I was removing old asbestos tile from my house to put in new flooring and the floor tile folks quoted $2000/room to remove the old tile. I told them I’ll call you when to come back. Between 1952 and 2015 the glue had dried so I just kept area damp and popped each tile off with a putty knife. As long as you don’t make dust, the risk from asbestos is not great. Compared with the DU and asbestos dust all over Iraq it was nothing.
Did you know that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code Title 2 Chapter 11.051 states that a bobcat, while not a fur-bearing animal, is treated as such when it comes to tag requirements when they are resold?
It was on my test today.
What test, sir?
He is now a fully licensed homosexual in the state of Texas.
He called me sir, SF. Now you know what it looks like to be respected.
holy crap. that was funny. all/most levels appreciated.
LMFAO ..thanks gods SF..
Auctioneer school final exam.
I know it’ll be on the state board though.
Was it really fast?
*studio audience applause*
I wanted to know if it went to the highest bidder.
So people tell you, like “I’m moving into a smaller house and I have to get rid of my collection of poker-playing-dog paintings,” and you need to find the highest bidder?
Or the bank forecloses on someone and you do the Sheriff’s sale?
Do you have to be like those guys in Antiques Roadshow evaluating stuff, or is all that up to the bidder?
Wait, I forgot the most obvious question: When you talk about auctioning off a bobcat, do you mean a live one?
I don’t mess with that shit.
One day I’m going to make a full collection of Abstract dog playing poker paintings. No Shit.
And you’ll let me sell it, I hope.
If you can get some sucker to buy it, then hell ya! I can always make more. I do want at least one for my mantle. Just for yucks.
Is that the Texas furriers licensing board test?
Texas Furries Licensing Board?
The manual is not very long. Copied in full:
I seen what you did. You should give yourself a narrowed gaze.
What about the chupacabra?
The chupacabra cannot be worn. It wears you. It is the STEVE SMITH of furs.
A friend adopted an adorable manx kitten. It thrived in his care and grew and grew and GREW. So eventually he saw the truth and had to apply for a Wild Animal license to keep the bobcat he had inadvertantly obtained. Was a great pet!
Nice. My uncle had a bobcat as well. He named him Bob.
My uncle was a boring man.
Is. Is a boring man. He’s not dead yet.
:sees Sloopy’s eyes dart back and forth:
Well, one of them is going to have to go home and change.
I went with my husband to a funeral. Because I was running the soundboard at the church for the funeral that day, we went in advance to pay respects to the deceased who was in an open casket. She was wearing the same blouse as I had on (well, a copy anyway). My husband turns and says to me, “If I showed up to church in the same outfit as someone else, I would just die.” It was challenging not to laugh.
I was almost too afraid to click on this. But i did it. No where near as bad as the cat-belly-tattoo.
I promised it wouldn’t be furries or bears in the blurb. You guys are so skittish.
We’ve been… hurt… deeply, before.
Eh, I click on everything.
I promised it wouldn’t be… bears in the blurb.
That’s not something to be proud of.
Don’t say I never send any sexy pics your way, grrizz.
See, Jesse is all about our readers.
I’m honestly disappointed, I was expecting something horrifying.
This is just foreplay, John.
See now you’re just hyping it up though, and my imagination will come up with something more horrifying and I’ll just end up disappointed again.
SF has the beat next week
*makes sanity check*
rolled a 14, I think I made it!
Sorry, need a natural 20 to make a SF check. Even Cthulu averts his gaze.
Wow a 20 thaco…or is it To Hit Armor Class Copremesis
Saving throw for sanity. When you gaze upon SF you lose a piece of you soul.
Oh, so I’m safe. I’m just a soulless bureaucrat.
Ahh, you’re using saving throw rules. I was using sanity rules from Call of Cthulhu 4th edition.
Yes you made it, but you still lose sanity. Roll 1d4 to see what you lose.
Good god those are some ugly knees, I thought HM’s Thicc Thursday was bad. Have you no couth?
Ivanka would be warmer, and look better, if she was wearing nylons.
That a photo of you and your first girlfriend SIV?
barely-dressed mold remediation.
That is the only way to do mold remediation IMHO. Saves on laundry.
Is the idea that we have a “Perversion of the Day” every day of the week?
as for fur garments; i’ve never been much of a fan.
Basically i’m like =
Jeremiah Johnson = Do
Frank Lucas = Don’t
Nah, Manly Monday and Thicc Thursday will probably stick. Fur Friday is mostly a gag I’ll do as long as I’m entertained by it.
I’m still disappointed nobody picked up my idea for Tentacle Tuesday though.
Good idea. Let’s start with the classics.
I told you guys there was an audience for this.
Holy sweet baby jebus!
What in the wide world of sports is going on here?
It’s art you philistine. Hokusai combines traditional Edo period woodblock print with the Ukiyo-e style. It’s narrative presents a classic example of a labourer dependent on their resources around them, in this cause, an ama diver and the sea. Rather than present this as a forced encounter, the print presents it as a consensual, mutually beneficial engagement, symbolizing a symbiotic relationship between humanity and the sea.
Also, it’s a lady being fucked by octopi.
That is an interesting method with the wood block. Do they do it on velvet?
* staggers up to applaud*
yes let’s
I thought it was “Testicle Tuesday”
/deletes pics
Oh my…
Programming note: The troll formally known as “american socialist” is back and has renamed himself “GLEEMORE.”
over at the other place?
i don’t know why Amsoc would have such a beef w/ me. I’ve had him/it on mute for over a year+ and stayed out of anyone else’s beefs w/ them. and i was polite when asked them to fuck off and stop trying to imposter-me. its creepy.
I think he’s just trying to be a cunt for the sake of being a cunt. Amsoc’s deliberately inflammatory every time he initially posts and then sealions like mad for a reason.
“”sealions like mad””
(checks Urban Dictionary)
hmmmm. probably not that.
that sounds about right.
ummm I like A.
Tastes like
chickenfish.Hijacking handles is kind of a Mary thing, no?
True domineering species have scales!
thanks Mr Lizard!
Come down from your warming rock and up here to Ontario and say that to my face, Cold One.
*crawls off hot rock…then scurries back*
Lucky for you my backpack fusion powered heater is in the shop.
You win this round stooooopid mammal
The Hyperbole would direct your attention to Ivanka’s knees there, Mr. Lizard. She might bat for your team.
You make a valid point. I shall check with Your Future Reptilian Overlords* to see if she is one of our advance scouting agents.
*i call them management
Does moderate to severe psoriasis count?
What’s with the “moderate to severe” language in all the ads for psoriasis, Crohn’s, asthma and other diseases? Is that legally required language?
It means if you have a mild case,its not worth the side effects.
She un- T h i c c
But I’d dick
Finally made it here, and it’s as shitty as I thought it would be. ?
Welcome! Please be advised that SugarFree has an edit button for your comments and a seemingly endless supply of pictures of cat anuses. Enjoy your stay.
A truly glib welcoming.
Dead rodent is not a good look on her…but you know what would look good on her?
The Hat?
Plate mail +3?
So my question to the overlords here is when is the first Glibertarian cruise?
Still working on the boat.
It’s a fixer-upper.
Look at me, we the captain now
Unfortunately, the Pacific Princess has been decommissioned and broken down for salvage.
I’ve got tickets on the California Zephyr from Chicago to San Fran this July. Come join!
That is a classic rail journey. The route over the Sierras is the original route of the first transcontinental and it is amazing to consider how the route was made by hand and hand emplaced explosives. Enjoy the trip!
Keeping on topic, here is a story that involves a horse, which has fur (horse hair counts as fur right?) and a drone.
Guy across the aisle from me on the page is reading Economics in one lesson. Makes me happy.
He seems to really be thinking, too
Nice avatar.
I would have gotten around to picking a real one eventually but then they had to try and *force* a default one on me. The mods are a bunch of Sunsteins.
They’re just trying to nudge you in the right direction.
That’s good news. I’ve been avoiding media lately because it’s been so bad lately.
Reply meant for Lynch.
After all that with Reason, yet still no edit button?
You know what this whole thing taught me? I never really went to Reason for the articles. It was all about the comments.
Wait wut there where articles??
Same. I still like reason staff such as ENB, Matt, KMW, and Too Chilly. But I have to admit to myself that I came for the comments.
Does HTML formatting not work on this site?
sone but
notIs there a way to do ‘blockquoting’ that doesn’t bold the shit out of text?
And does “cite” do anything? it don’t as far as I can tell
The blockquote bolding is an issue with this site’s CSS.
I don’t even know what the ‘cite’ tag is supposed to do normally, and can’t be arsed to look it up.
My script unbolds the blockquotes and lets you see any strong or em tags within them (and does a couple of other minor things).
YUP! Except for Krayewski and the Judge. I read all of those.
And Remy videos.
*peers at collection of cat butt pics*
*narrows spays*
Dammit, I have to figure out how to post pics here.
So is traffic actually down at the old cocktail party site? Or did all us assholes leave and they still have a heavy volume of lurkers?
Its the asshole one.
BTW – I am glad to see you here.
I thought someone linked to a graph showing that traffic/donations were largely unaffected by the Great Glibertarian Migration.
I believe traffic has been down at the Other Site since November, the begathon donations are nothing compared to the larger donors however.
Yeah, like the Cuck Brothers, amirite?
(Ha ha, just kidding, O easygoing rich dudes who don’t mind a little humor now and then)
Very “Happy People: A Year in the Taiga”! Siberian haute-couture, très chic.
Way OT, but are there any Glib metalheads out there who can recommend some new death metal (or similar) albums that I can check out. Just realized today that most of my catalog is like a decade old and it’s time to update.
Gimme till tomorrow. I’m off work then. Death Metal is my bag. I’ll make a list of sick brutality for you
Check out Sirius XM Liquid Metal top 20 lists. I think they do them every year.
Sick. Thanks guys!
Not a metal guy. But definitely keep listening to new music. Otherwise, you’re that old guy who listens to 30 year old music exclusively. Not cool. That said, on the harder (metallish) edge of my tastes, I’d recommend Black Tusk.
I guess it’s official, then. I’m not cool, anymore.
*flips vinyl “Judas Priest – Stained Class” from side 2 back to side 1*
You’re cool. Just try to mix in something new.
Perhaps a little grungy heavy psychedelic rock from the trio Crosa Rosa: https://youtu.be/eI40MavMTBQ
That’s not bad, actually. I guess, at 52, I just don’t have the appetite for anything else new. It seems like I’ve heard it all before.
If you keep listening to the same 30 year old shit over and over again, its going to sound like you’ve heard it all before.
It’s my pet peve, classic rock. You wouldn’t watch the same damn movie over and over for decades, why the hell would you listen to the same set of songs for decade after decade?
Oh, and get a haircut: the mullet doesn’t look good with the bald spot.
You wouldn’t watch the same damn movie over and over for decades
*Looks at ticket for Evil Dead 2/Army of Darkness night for March 3rd at the local movie theater*
You wouldn’t?
The new shit sounds like the old shit. Not a lot of innovation since the 60s.
I’ve been watching It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. since the 70s. I thought it was funny, as a kid. Now it’s interesting in a historical way. A Jeep with 4 wheel drive in 1963… hmmm.
But, it makes my dick look bigger.
I’m not sure it’s any cooler to be listening to new music (by and for youths) after you reach a certain age than it is to be stuck in one’s ways. I mean, it’s probably ‘square’ either way.
But so what—music is enjoyable, and freshness in music is enjoyable, and old dudes at the club who clearly just don’t give a fuck anymore about looking cool and are just having fun… are my favorite people.
These old farts are still pretty cool.
These young farts never were cool.
The Sword just released 2 new albums in the last year-ish time frame I think.
One is accoustic, but still metally in a Led-Zeppelin Hippy kinda way.
The other one seems good, just as pure retro stoner metal.
“High Country” is the stoner metal one. “Low Country” is the accoustic one.
just noticed you actually said “death” metal in OP. you probably won’t like The Sword. Definitely more sludge/stoner metal. And the ones I mentioned are kind of “experimental”. Check out Age of Winters if you want to hear them at all.
They stopped making death metal a decade ago. You need to ration what’s left carefully or you’ll run out.
Not really death, I have been on more of a doom kick lately. For the heavy doom, with relatively gruff vocals I recommend Conclave.
Uhh, wut? Mods delete this pls.