By: The Fusionist
So, Spicer (the Presidential spokesdude) said the Trump administration might increase prosecution for state-legal recreational marijuana (as opposed to medicinal marijuana, protected by the Rohrabacher Amendment).
The predictable prog freakout includes “wrong side of history” (the WA state attorney general) and “hypocrisy” (for respecting states’ rights on chicks with dicks, but not with dope).
But let me ask, what are the *principled* grounds for proggy complaints? Congress passed anti-dope statutes, applying not simply to marijuana which flows in interstate commerce, but to marijuana which is grown and consumed within a single state. The Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, said that these federal statutes are a valid exercise of the Constitution’s Commerce Power, 10th Amendment be damned. Sure, there was an eloquent dissent by Justice Thomas, and critics ask why it took a constitutional amendment to ban booze on the federal level while marijuana required only a Congressional statute.
But all this is beside the point, isn’t it? After all, the Supreme Court, according to prog dogma, is a secular magisterium. If the Supremes say that Congress can use the “interstate commerce” rationale to prevent the growing, selling and using of a plant within a single state, then the Court’s word is final, isn’t it? Isn’t the Supreme Court our secular Magisterium, whose pronouncements on constitutional law are binding on the consciences of the citizens, and of officials in other government branches, until such time as a new 5-4 majority on the Court overrules the former majority, in which case the *new* pronouncement of the Court is binding on the consciences of officials and citizens.
Any Congressional statute pronounced constitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States is, therefore, perfectly valid and part of The Law, and the President is bound to see that the laws are faithfully executed. Congress has passed statutes forbidding marijuana even if grown, sold, and used exclusively within the borders of a single state. Therefore, the President is bound to enforce this law against all violators, right? And if the authorities in some defiant state refuse to comply, then do with them like the feds did with George Wallace: make them get out of the way so the will of the Supreme Court can be enforced.
To the extent progs have principles, this is definitely one of them. They should get bumper stickers for their Volvos – “The Supreme Court said it, I believe it – that settles it!”
So why are they bitching and moaning at Trump? Because Trump! and weed! of course.
I suppose they will utter some noises about prosecutorial discretion, but that’s not the constitutionally required faithful enforcement of the law. That’s *fitful* enforcement.
Fortunately, those of us who aren’t progs and who believe the federal dope laws are unconstitutional, need not paint ourselves into a corner like this. We get to say that just because the Supreme Court says something doesn’t make it true. The Supreme Court has previously admitted it was wrong in the past. So it’s like the famous conundrum of whether to believe the person who says he’s a liar.
The federal courts are checks on abuses of power by Congress, the President, and the states. So if (to take a purely hypothetical example), the President (perhaps with Congressional approval), locks someone up without a trial, the federal courts can use habeas corpus to get the prisoner released.
So the courts should be seen as a *check* on the powers of the other branches, but their decisions should not be seen as a *blank check* for unconstitutional federal actions.
The President, as well as the members of Congress and the Supreme Court, are pledged to uphold the Constitution. That means defending the constitution against attacks from any quarter – even the courts and Congress.
If Congress passes an unconstitutional statute and the Supremes uphold it, then all the more reason for the President to take another look at the statute to make sure it’s not an unconstitutional oppression of the people. If he thinks it’s unconstitutional and that the courts aren’t going to block enforcement, then the President, under his own responsibility, should uphold the Constitution and forbid the enforcement of the unconstitutional statute(s).
Sometimes a statute creates or enforces private rights, so that if the President tries to block enforcement, a person whose rights are affected can go into federal court to challenge the Pres, and if the Supreme Court has already upheld the law, the Pres will lose. I’m not sure, however, whose legal rights are violated if the President *doesn’t* enforce the drug laws. Without an actual case, the Supreme Court won’t be able to step in.
That leaves Congress. If the House of Representatives think the President is disobeying or thwarting the implementation of a constitutionally-valid statute, then the House can impeach the President and those who aid him (or, if they’re wimps, the House can impeach solely the subordinate executive officials who carry out the President’s orders).
Then the Senate will decide whether to convict. Two-thirds are required for a conviction, so if 2/3 of the Senators believe the President violated a constitutionally-valid statute, they should find him guilty. On the other hand, if 1/3 plus one of the Senators believe the statute is unconstitutional, they should vote to acquit, and the President’s action will be sustained, assuming there’s no plaintiff with standing to force the Pres to enforce the statute.
So under my suggestion, the Pres would be able to go over the head of the Supreme Court and thwart the enforcement of an unconstitutional law. Congress in its judicial capacity would have the final word on the validity of its own statutes and would throw obstructive executive-branch officials out of office if they obstruct valid statutes. On the other hand, if you can’t get a majority of the House and 2/3 of the Senate to agree that a statute is constitutional, then it’s just as well for the public the statute isn’t getting enforced, because it probably *isn’t* constitutional.
(I may post another discussion about drug treaties)
I’ve made similar statements before, that all government officials swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, and that none of them actually do.
Incidentally, drug laws were one of the main catalysts for my break with the GOP in particular and the conservative movement in general because it’s completely inarguable that the feds have no constitutional antidrug authority, unless you think Wickard and similar cases were correctly decided. In which case, you’re just a right wing prog, not a conservative of any kind.
drug laws were one of the main catalysts for my break with the GOP
Same here, that and the neocon war mongering bullshit. So yeah, I think a lot of us came from the Republican right. Not sure how you get here from the left, but Nick and Matt over at TSTSNBN, still believe in that, libertarian moment and all.
I had an embarrassing youthful belief that if we just stayed in the Sandbox and the Rockpile for a few years, all those Jeffersonian Democrats would just blossom from the desert, stop stoning their rape victims and raping little boys and wiping their ass with their left hand. It was all right around the corner.
I’m still more hawkish then your average libertarian, but I could gleefully use two full boxes of red pens on the defense budget.
I was an ACLU lefty in my early 20’s. I heard some libertarian economic arguments, researched them to be able to refute them, and wound up refuting much of my [then] belief system.
In all my days i dont think ive ever met someone go from the left to libertarian. I’m sure they are out there but few and far between. I do know someone who claims to have been a libertarian and is now a full in prog but I have my doubts they were being genuine.
I went from prog to libertarian to Fusionist conervatrive.
Of course, as all of you would gladly admit, I’m a bit unusual.
Of course, as all of you would gladly admit, I’m a bit unusual.
In a great way Eddie. I am just glad your first guest contribution was not about circumcision, and or deep dish pizza.
DEEP DISH IS NOT PIZZA. You’re getting mighty close to cat buttholing. Mighty close.
You gone mad with power OMWC, MAD I SAY!
That was a typo. Honest.
I even have an Edit button. HAH! BOW TO ME!!!
It’s cake. Let them eat cake.
Meet me, Archie. Baked Penguin as well. And our stories are similar.
Me too. There’s a lot more than you would think. Especially since for many of us, “leftism” is the default position where we grew up.
Now that i think about it living in KY, there arent too many lefties anyway at least in my interactions/area. Though i know they do exist just from the local “fairness ordidance” in the news. Anyway, pleasure to meet you all I’m sure.
Louisville and Lexington can’t be too far away. 😉
Well, Yeah, but screw those places.
In all my days i dont think ive ever met someone go from the left to libertarian.
Hi. I’m an ex-communist.
(This seems to be coming on this site more than the Other Site)
(This seems to be coming up on this site more than the Other Site)
And yet
weI still don’t have an edit buttonbig dick.Oh, I see, this is how it’s going to go, you bastard.
What’s this “we” shit? Mouse in your pocket?
I’m an ex-communist as well.
It was a phase that lasted from about age 16 to 21. It was actually the gun issue that made me realize that the government is the biggest threat to my freedom and well-being. After I became convinced that the government does not have any moral right to restrict gun ownership, what was left of my commie beliefs fell by the wayside (as I had already been losing interest in it for years).
So this whole migration was some big communist revolution. What the hell have you pople sucked me in to???
It is too late now Comrade Bunker, the plan is complete.
I do know someone who claims to have been a libertarian and is now a full in prog
Yeah, I’ve known a couple of those too. Ask one of them to describe to you what makes one a libertarian, and then you’ll get it.
I know, its my stepdad who is very smart, those conversations are always great. Its crazy watching incredibly smart people be so dumb when politics/ideology come up.
I’m not sure I’m technically libertarian (mostly I think of myself as the last Thatcherite) but I went from vaguely Communist to pro-market fairly early on. Because a guy was allowed to create market reforms, which worked until an asshole wrecked them, and communists failed at one thing they had going for them (keeping country together).
(mostly I think of myself as the last Thatcherite)
Embrace your destiny as Canadian Rush Limbaugh Pan, you know it to be true.
May be time for a new avatar, but I like my Fictional Character Promoting Beer one….
You just need to photoshop a toque onto Rush and you’re done.
Like others, I would agree with others’ assessment, political culture around where you live plays a major role since my parents were pretty hands-off on religion and politics while i was a kid. Since I grew up in Boulder, CO I thought that Bill Clinton was kool until I was 18. I read a 500 page book produced by JPFO, andmy step-dad got into the gun culture. Probably would characterise myself as classical liberal, but not crazy about dogma. Definitely originally came from the left.
Same here, that and the neocon war mongering bullshit. So yeah, I think a lot of us came from the Republican right. Not sure how you get here from the left,
A lot of cynicism and soul-searching.
Whatever Trump and the garden gnome will or will not do, it doesn’t matter. Hollywood is going to make 100% sure that Trump is NOT re-elected in 2020. These people are so in touch with us ordinary folk that we have to trust in them to get this right.
Hollywood TDS freakout
3309 comments? That other site didn’t get that many when it did an article about atheism being a religion.
ALTERNATE JOKE: “No, Mr. Hinckley, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go to that Jodie Foster rally.”
I don’t think the comments are the comments they are looking for.
It helps that the old Dell laptop probably couldn’t handle that many replies.
But it’s a long road from here to there, Hyper. Remember that the actions of the executive are not theoretical – people will be indicted, tried and go to prison because AG Sessions has a hardon for MJ.
Yep, and that’s horrible, but honestly….it would not have been different otherwise IMO.
Like the thing we lament about Obama is that he didn’t use his immense political popularity and total control of the government to do anything good. We knew we were getting socialized medicine, moar social spending, etc, but we were hoping the drone strikes would stop, the spying would stop, weed would be descheduled under his administration. Didn’t happen.
With Trump, from a libertarian perspective, we knew we’d get moar defense spending, moar lawnorder, and THE WALL!!!!….I hoped that he would go full federalism on weed, but it looks like he’s gonna split the baby and just go after rec weed, which means any state that wants to backdoor it should look at the CA medical regime.
Tonio, that was just almost purely sarcasm. I’m just saying that these dicks are going to get Trump re-elected no matter what he does. And they basically don’t care what he does. I know what Sessions wants to do about the WOD. But what Trump lets him do is still to be seen. A ‘populist’ president, which is what Trump is supposed to be, would in no way let Sessions go all SoCon on the drug war. I guess we’ll see.
How dare she invoke the words of a man who could have argued circles around her stupidity with one eye closed and both hands tied behind his back – and so childishly too.
Where were these morons when Obumbles banned them?
Favorite comment – “i can’t find that quote being attributed to douglass .even more, i can’t find that quote at all
.now what i did find was a yale article from a few days back entitled, “Any time is a good time for illumination by Frederick Douglass, says Yale historian”
.numpty jodie failed to understand the title means “any time is a good time for illumination through examining Frederick Douglass’ works”
That leaves Congress. If the House of Representatives think the President is disobeying or thwarting the implementation of a constitutionally-valid statute, then the House can impeach the President and those who aid him (or, if they’re wimps, the House can impeach solely the subordinate executive officials who carry out the President’s orders).
Maybe if those in charge of congress cared about the constitution and weren’t complete idiots. Eight years of Obama pissing on the constitution and they did nothing other than give him bigger budgets.
I am inclined to think that if Trump did what you describe here, they would impeach him for not enforcing a federal law. The constitution be damned because law and odor. I would love to see myself proved wrong though.
I heard some libertarian economic arguments, researched them to be able to refute them, and wound up refuting much of my [then] belief system.
Does this qualify as an “own goal”?
Some people are honest enough to go where the evidence leads them. 😉
Give him a big hand, folks. Eddie is here all week. Try the truffle oil tater tots, tip your waitress.
*&^%$#@! Threading failure. Skwerlz to blame.
Try the truffle oil tater tots,
That sounds really good.
Deep fried in tallow.
Perhaps, but hey, I got the ball in the net.
Obama puppet for DNC chair
The suspense-filled balloting revealed that Democrats have yet to heal the wounds from last year’s presidential primary. Mr. Perez, buoyed by activists most loyal to former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, won with 235 votes out of 435 cast on the second ballot. Mr. Ellison, who was lifted primarily by the liberal enthusiasts of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, pushed the voting to a second round after Mr. Perez fell a single vote short of winning on the first ballot.
After Mr. Perez’s victory was announced, Mr. Ellison’s supporters exploded in anger and drowned out the interim chairwoman, Donna Brazile, with a chant of “Party for the people, not big money!” When Mr. Perez was able to speak, he immediately called for Mr. Ellison to be named deputy chairman, delighting Mr. Ellison’s supporters.
Taking the microphone from Mr. Perez, Mr. Ellison pleaded with his fervent backers: “We don’t have the luxury to walk out of this room divided.”
Continue reading the main story
In his victory speech, Mr. Perez played down what he called “the robust discussions in the Democratic Party.” “We’re all going to continue to be united in our values,” he said, calling the party’s “big tent” an asset.
Mr. Perez, 55, the son of Dominican immigrants, is the first Latino chairman of the Democratic Party. He was reared in Buffalo and has held a series of state and federal government jobs, most recently as Mr. Obama’s labor secretary.
You’ve got to keep track of what’s really important to the Identity Politics Party. They probably would have burned the place to the ground if a white man had won.
Shouldn’t they put the parentheses around big money?
I’ll party for big money. Hell, even just for an open bar.
Unlike the alt-right the left likes to actually hide its blatant anti-Semitism (and pretend their anti-capitalist conspiracy theories aren’t just retreads of 19th century anti-Jew propaganda).
It’s funny how Democrats complain about “big money in politics”, then gladly cash their multi-million dollar checks from the AFSCME, SEIU, American Federation of Teachers, and other government employee unions (who stand to profit by maximizing the size of government and resisting privatization wherever possible).
Wikipedia calls him a “Dominican White African-American politician.”
From last year:
“Five Scandals That Could Hurt Democrats if Thomas Perez Is Their VP Pick
“Labor secretary, potential Clinton veep has made a career out of controversy”
I was hoping for Ellison. That guy is nuts.
If it’s any consolation, those 5 scandals (above) aren’t going to play well with non-prog whites.
Or with people of goodwill regardless of race.
Democrats start at a considerable financial disadvantage. As of the end of January, the Democratic National Committee had $10.8 million in cash on hand and $3.7 million in debt, while the Republican National Committee had $36.8 million in the bank and no debt, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.
No mention of Hillary’s cashout. Odd.
I think they should really double down on the “Fuck White People!” thing. I can’t see how, in a country that is 70% white, that’s an electoral loser.
Those numbers sound like some fancy accounting bullshit, with how much money went to the DNC and Hilldog during campaign season. Candidates have to give it back, but the warchest doesn’t. Did it all go to pay protestors or what?
Far as I’m concerned, this was all decided in Gonzales vs. Raich–and lest anyone forget, that was about medical marijuana.
As long as the laws are on the books and the Supreme Court doesn’t overturn Gonzales vs. Raich or their ol’ time reading of the Commerce Clause, Trump has all the legal authority he needs to raid away.
This is one of those times when we really should rub the hypocrisy of the left in their faces. The Obama administration conducted hundreds of raids of medical marijuana dispensaries in California and elsewhere. He only decided to stop raiding them if they were complying with state laws later–and wasn’t that after he was reelected?
The left kept applauding Obama anyway, saying Bush did the same–as if that ever justified anything. If Trump uses the same argument, now they’re going to jump all over him?
I was discussing a hypothetical Pres who decides the Supreme Court and Congress were wrong and acts courageously on that belief, daring 2/3 of the Senate to convict him (or the subordinates who join him in his stances).
Trump of course isn’t that hypothetical Pres, and he has the judicial and Congressional backing to go after recreational MJ.
I’m just saying he’d have every right to go over the head of the Supreme Court and become that hypothetical President I mentioned.
The only way the Supremes get to overrule our hypothetical President in this situation is if there’s someone with the legal standing to go to court and demand the federal MJ laws are enforced.
Now, the Supremes will sometimes award legal standing to plaintiffs they regard as sympathetic – like taxpayers who object to school vouchers, for example – but in general they aren’t as activist on the standing issue as they are on the underlying substantive issues.
They generally don’t want to get involved in a case unless the plaintiff has actually suffered some legally-identifiable harm from the allegedly illegal behavior of the defendant.
So, I suppose we can come up with a case where our hypothetical Pres doesn’t enforce the drug laws, and some guy in Colorado overdoses on one of those MJ candy bars, and the guy’s spouse or parents sue the feds for failing to protect their relative from the evil weed, but even then it would be a stretch to find standing.
In general, who suffers legally-cognizable harm because the feds *aren’t* locking up pot dealers and users, or seizing their property?
And if there’s no judicially-cognizable case, why is the Supreme Court’s opinion binding?
And gets a bad case of weed anxiety? Marijuana is about as toxic as food.
I was trying to concoct a worst-case scenario to challenge hypothetical-constitutionalist-President’s policies in federal court.
Fortunately it’s a worst case scenario that’s not physically possible. I crunched the numbers years ago, but it was something like you had to smoke at least over a kilogram of marijuana to even get close to overdosing, and even then, it’s non-fatal.
Some guy gets way too high, it interferes with his OTHER medications and he kills his wife. Her family then sues?
Most of the important cases seem to be about the Court finding ways to justify whatever the government is already doing. If their ruling would be too disruptive, they find a way to justify what is already happening.
The Dred Scott decisions aren’t the exception, they’re the general rule. It’s the Brown v. Board of Education decisions that are the exception.
In the case you’re talking about, I think it would probably be about equal application of the laws, the FDA, etc. What gives the President the authority to exempt THC from regulation? Is there another drug of that potency that doesn’t require a prescription?
Medical marijuana is different that way. You need a diagnosis from an MD. A doctor tied to the dispensary may need to write you a prescription. If prescriptions are required federally, then how can the president simply exempt that drug from regulation and allow it to be sold recreationally?
Of course, if the courts awarded standing to the plaintiffs, our hypothetical constitutionalist President would lose.
“He defied our 5-4 opinion in the Raich case, he is hereby ordered to enforce the dope laws!”
Standing is the big problem here.
In the case you’re talking about, I think it would probably be about equal application of the laws, the FDA, etc. What gives the President the authority to exempt THC from regulation? Is there another drug of that potency that doesn’t require a prescription?
*sprays paint into a sock and inhales*
Where in the constitution does it give the federal government the authority to regulate any drug not sold across state lines? (Honest question.)
Teach the controversy!
TL;DR – Commerce Clause, you can pour it on anything, like ketchup.
Ya. That ketchup.
If the states have standing to sue the feds for failure to enforce immigration laws, then maybe anti-weed states have standing to sue the feds for failing to enforce weed laws.
In the immigration case, the states were able to complain because allowing illegal immigrants to stay imposed yuuge costs on state treasuries, eg, to process drivers license applications from illegals. I would add the “free” public education.
So the weed-phobic states could by all means look for some comparable injury from state-legal weed in Colorado, etc. Good luck!
Fortunately for the weed-phobic states, all branches of the federal government are on the same page re recreational MJ. 🙁
California’s suit got dismissed when Pete Wilson tried to sue to get reimbursed for providing public school services, prison services, and healthcare to illegal immigrants.Look at this article:
“The lawsuit, filed in April during the gubernatorial campaign, seeks $377 million for the cost of incarcerating 17,000 illegal immigrants convicted of felonies, $1.6 billion to build eight prisons, $1.7 billion for education costs and $400 million for providing emergency health care.”
They must have some new wrinkle.
Interesting, that just makes my argument stronger.
If the court in California was right, then even the burdens of illegal immigration don’t give standing to the states.
Still less would the dangers of the Evil Weed give standing to the states!
You’re all expecting them to be consistent on the issue of standing.
“…some guy in Colorado overdoses on one of those MJ candy bars”
You can laugh at that, but my dad actually did OD on one of those MJ candy bars. Well, they weren’t candy bars, but they were small chocolate flavored things.
He ended up in the hospital with a BP of 60 over 30 and almost died after taking about 6 times the recommended dose. (oh, he’s also 70 years old)
Once we knew he was going to be OK, we laughed at him mercilessly.
That’s the worst-looking pot leaf I’ve ever seen.
Pretty weenie!
Yes, I found the emojis on my smartphone.
Instead of milling around Washington, organizers have in mind a “general strike” called the Day without a Woman.
Heh. Can we get this for a national holiday?
In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.” That’s right: militant, not peaceful.The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. Odeh, a Palestinian, was convicted in Israel in 1970 for her part in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students while they were shopping for
Umm, ok.
I wish those Israelis could have used a day without Odeh.
You know who’s going to oppose the militant feminists most vigorously? All the women who haven’t wrapped their identity around subsidized dismemberment of their progeny. If you want to see my normally apolitical wife fly off the handle, make her watch or read something about feminists.
Hey, trsh, did someone just update Monocle? I’m getting new graphics, but it will not allow me to type in the text box, so I can’t reply.
Obviously, I can with it turned off.
This an issue with anybody else?
He was going to fix Monocle, but then he got high.
Did you update it last night? I had pushed a change and then found a bug, so i turned it back off this morning. You can do one of two things. Either click on the link again to download the fix, or open up the userscript and change line 16 from “tinyMCE” to “custom”.
That worked.
I eagerly await all the sob stories about the women who got fired for blowing off a day of work, similar to the day without immigrant protesters.
Two further points:
1) Every state that has legalized recreational marijuana went for Hillary Clinton except for Alaska. California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colorado, and Massachusetts all went for Hillary–and Trump has little or nothing to lose in the electoral college come 2020 by going after recreational marijuana in California, Oregon, and Washington. In fact, if going after recreational marijuana in those states will help him in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, then going after marijuana will help his reelection chances.
2) Even in deep blue states, there’s a yuge difference between the Democratic establishment and Democrat voters on this issue. Part of that is because the establishment relies so heavily on law enforcement unions at the local level–and they don’t favor legalization. Part of it is because the progressives who run the Democratic party at the state level aren’t sure people should be free to drink sugary soft drinks, smoke tobacco, or eat at McDonalds–much less consume marijuana recreationally.
Notice, in all of those states, they had to legalize recreational marijuana by way of a referendum. Why do they have to that in a state that’s overwhelmingly Democrat like California?
Because the Democrats in the legislature wouldn’t do it. In other words, the Democrat voters had to legalize it because the Democrat establishment that runs the state government refused.
OT ever read something that so confirmed your biases so completely, you can’t even. Lady and gentlemen, I give you that story: Bigfoot hunters tend to be conservative.
Something something Steve Smith.
Hey STEVE SMITH: What is love?
Baby don’t hurt me.
That wasn’t that bad – it also pointed out that “Witches, Psychics and Clairvoyants are almost all liberal” and that conspiracy theorists were split almost evenly, but they tended to be very strong believers in whatever.
Of course Big Foot hunters trend conservative.
Big Foots are presumably climate alarmists–what’d you expect? Conservatives to help them register to vote?
Incidentally, a photo recently came out a mining camp in Alaska. It shows what appears to be a Sasquatch climbing up onto a backhoe.
New and even greater wiminz march
Instead of milling around Washington, organizers have in mind a “general strike” called the Day without a Woman.
Heh. Can we get this for a national holiday?
In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.” That’s right: militant, not peaceful.The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. Odeh, a Palestinian, was convicted in Israel in 1970 for her part in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students while they were shopping for
Umm, ok.
My mate is currently out of town, and my house is peaceful. I can peruse your primitive weaponry at the local gun show many hours without having to be somewhere.
Outrage at the NYT editorial board.
Of course, the whole idea of privatized incarceration is morally repugnant. Imprisoning people should never be entrusted to those whose primary concern is profit and shareholder return.
Privately operated prison facilities are bad, per se. I guess all those federal employees work for free, basing their ministrations to the less fortunate on selfless devotion to Christian charity. We have seen, time and time again, how the union turns down raises in order to bolster the sums available for “rehabilitative services”.
How does it come to be that those prisons are in demand? Well, it’s somewhat unclear, but we do get an oblique “to-be-sure” to parse.
Like a parasite, the industry fed off harsh and shortsighted sentencing policies, such as mandatory minimums and three-strikes laws, that resulted in the largest prison population in the world.
I wonder where those harsh and shortsighted policies originated.
It’s either attack the whole criminal justice establishment or attack private prisons. Which is easier for a newspaper which goes for the easy moral outrage?
Prison guard unions are an important Democrat constituency pretty much everywhere–certainly in New York City. Of course the New York Times is behind them. The Democrats need their money and man hours to counter all that Citizens United money.
And Trump, with his law and order rhetoric, did a good job of breaking himself off a piece of that Democrat constituency. Of course they want to drive a wedge between law enforcement unions and Trump.
This is an excellent argument for taking the power of Law away from politicians.
I have an HTML request for the site gods.
Navigational buttons at the bottom of the page.
*genuflects, backs quickly out of room*
Congratulations Eddie on having a serious article on Saturday! Quite a change from trolling the weekend threads with certain types of links to try and get a reaction from the commentariat.
Eventually all those Civil War bodies were going to make their way home.
It’s Friday night. It’s time for Late Nite Links. Who’s in charge of this here chat room?
Well, shit, it’s Saturday night. Late Nite Links, already!
Someone overslept.
Get some thicc up in here!!!
Why do you think I forgot what day it is? It’s thicc weekend.
More number stickers for their Volvos – “Democracy! Until it isn’t!” and “It’s the law! Until it isn’t!” and “Free speech but…!”
Not my Führer
OT: We always hear so much about this “consensus” on climate change… But is it possible that any dissenters from the “consensus” view are simply drummed out of the profession? After all, the organizations that study climate change are almost entirely governmental or government-supported, so their paychecks depend on convincing the government that there is a huge problem that requires more funding for research and mitigation. Therefore, they would have a strong incentive to eliminate any fellow scientists who don’t tow that lion, so to speak, just like union factory workers who ostracize and harass any “company man” who goes against the union in any way.
Heretics are burned. Also, if they weigh more than a duck.
Eddie, you are talking about the ‘ends justify the means’ crowd. Lies and hypocrisy are their stock in trade.
Apparently they’ve adopted Alinsky’s principle of having no principles, while holding the other side accountable for its own principles.
I almost said “no principles except winning,” which was Alinsky’s original idea, but they seemed to have dropped Alinsky’s focus on winning with a focus on virtue-signalling and throwing tantrums, while keeping the no-principles part.