We have some meaty articles on tap for the week, but it’s Sunday, we’re hung over, and for the moment, all I’m giving you is Links.
The Neanderthal in you is making you weak, sick, and ugly. Of course, 10cc was ahead of the curve.
Terrorist or just shitfaced? We report, you decide. OK, we don’t report, we just leech on the reporting of others, but still. FTA: “I saw the gray truck flying down Carrollton Avenue,” a female witness told WDSU while clutching her strands of Mardi Gras beads. No titty pix; sorry, guys.
You’re doing it wrong. Personally, I always follow the advice of the great Sam Kinison.
And sometimes there’s good news when people say “Fuck the government” and take matters into their own hands when life and death is involved. But how many people died because of bureaucratic dithering and the need for monetary grease in the system?
And a recipe variant on a suggestion by Swift. Chef John is teh awesome.
Certified goy here, checking in from work on time and a half sunday
When I want to pass, I use a clip-on foreskin.
“When you need that little bit of extra, get the 5skin, clip on foreskin!”
Afghanistan now has its own Jihadi Appleseed.
That’s a joke, right? The Onion?
Oh, that story was on NPR news today, too.
I guess he’s an environmental terrorist.
They are just tired of doing battle in a place where the only cover and concealment are fist-sized rocks.
Not many of those around either. They’ve got to collect them all up somewhere to stone rape victims to death with.
The Altiplano in Bolivia looks just like that. A million years ago I managed to get my hands on a Stevens single barrel 16 ga. and the only box of 16 ga. shells in the country. The river south of Eucaliptus turns solid black with ducks and geese in the summer. The only problem is that there is absolutely nothing to use for concealment. Even when you crawl on your belly the damned ducks can see you coming a mile away. I had to sit on the river bank before light and wait for the sun to come up. I only got two shots but bagged seven ducks.
Good times.
Hard to have a good lynching without a tree too.
A recipe variant on what? Pancakes? Those are called Beignets.
Easy cheat for beignets : use canned biscuits. Cut the biscuits into quarters, fry in a skillet or deep fryer then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with a large glass of milk and an insulin shot.
These are nothing like beignets other than being puffy. Texture and flavor are totally different. Try it and see,
Yeah, fried/baked in butter rather than oil. It does look good but I would be sleeping in the yard if I made that. My wife put us on the no white flour/rice/potatoes/sugar diet a decade ago. The only exception is basmati rice once a month or so. As a matter of face I am making coconut rice and pineapple pork today. Also making a red oak side table for the guest bedroom. I should get off of my ass and get busy but I probably won’t for a couple of hours.
It’s more than just the fat. These taste distinctively eggy and have a custard-like interior. The closest relatives would be Yorkshire pudding and popovers.
Damn, I need to make popovers.
Cook’s Illustrated has a very nice recipe for individual Yorkshire Puddings (made in a muffin pan or ramekins) that is so quick and easy we make it fairly often. Also, deep-fried canned biscuit dough (ersatz donuts) is bloody delicious; my kids love it when we do them and set up a topping bar.
I had some amazing beignets at Burning Man (courtesy of a camp of chefs, some from New Orleans). Of course food you least expect at a time you don’t expect (it was somewheres past midnight) always adds to the experience.
Anyhoo, I’ve got a tri-tip to cook today – all this nice weather the last few days and today the wind is blowing like hell and it’s barely into the 40s.
Pork Roll sandwhich from ybor eats and a cafe caramel from the Blind Tiger
I’m not in church because church doesn’t start for another couple hours. So there!
I am not in church because I would burst into flames.
I am not in church because god took out a restraining order on me.
I think I covered this before, but just for anyone who didn’t catch it the first time:
Attendance at the Church of Jimbo is not mandatory. Feel free to use that time to do whatever you think would be fun. BUT, tithing is mandatory. Make sure to drop by to put the $$ in the collection plate sometime during the week.
You think those see through cassocks for the altar girls are cheap?
Cheap yes.
Inexpensive, no.
I’m not in church cause my
germ spongeerr, I mean daughter, have me a pretty bad cold.I am not in church because no one is getting married or dead.
Same thing?
We’re all getting dead.
EDG, your playlist is awesome! It was a perfect accompaniment to a crazy-busy day yesterday. And your GBV selection was perfect.
I’m honored.
I listed my fave albums for you on that thread for you Tundra.
Egould you’re a Raiders and an Uncle Bob fan?
You are now my best friend
Yep. You have excellent taste – I love them all. I would also add Do The Collapse to your list. Pretty accessible for the new-to-GBV listener.
Do the Collapse has that great pop sound. Isolation Drills is even more poppy
Oh yeah. Glad Girls is almost a flawless pop song!
Okay, I give up what’s GBV? I’m fairly certain it’s not Gender Based Violence but beyond that I got nothing.
Guided by Voices.
Band from Dayton, OH.
Not a mainstream success, but cult like following and darling of critics
Guided by Voices.
Most excellent.
I wanted to push through 2 hours without repeating bands. I also was trying to avoid Beatles, Stones, Bowie, Kinks, etc. and tried to stick to the formula; guitars (acoustic/electric), acoustic drums, no keys/pianos/horns/strings. The playlist should expand rapidly now that I will add songs from artists slready on the list, more popular stuff (Beatles, Stones, etc), and will expand the genres to surf, psych, punk, etc. Also, there are artists like Real Estate, martin courtney, matthew sweet, wilco, that are woefully missing. So, it’s a WIP, but it should pretty awesome. Shameless plug. Follow my playlist on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/egould310/playlist/20QahoaMym4xptW1UNzNpk
I followed. You had me at TFC.
Nice work!
Good stuff, many great songs I’ve forgotten.
You’re probably well-familiar with Paisley Underground and Flying Nun Records bands, but just in case I’d say check them out for consideration!
Yeah. Paisley Underground stuff will be forthcoming. Thin White Rope, Green on Red etc. Also will add more Flying Nun stuff. The Clean are in, and modern bands like Dick Diver and Chook Race continue the sound. Go-Betweens will be add d. Mitch Easter, dB’s and Athens stuff. The Raspberries, Duane Eddy, Mudhoney, Davie Allen, the Ferlies, Mercury Rev.
Will also venture into noisier experimental stuff with Roy Montgomery, Thurston Moore, Nels Cline. Also missing are Television.
Giving it a listen, better not suck.
The internet is my Church
I was going today, but then they told me again that there’s no beer.
I’m not in church because I already had sex today.
comedian chased off campus , to be sure his jokes could be seen as insensitive and horrible, but none the less he has a right to tell them.
If jokes arent insensitive and horrible what is the point in telling them?
Did you watch the video?
I did. Holy shit was that funny.
“You liberals say that now. Let me tell ya, Trump gets elected you’re gonna have Rachel Maddow on MSNBC showing people how to saw off a shotgun.”
Thanks for the link!
you’re gonna have Rachel Maddow on MSNBC showing people how to saw off a shotgun
These euphemisms.
Did she already saw off her shotgun? I’ve had my doubts.
Yes I saw it yesterday. When I saw the campus scenes I realized it wasn’t a comedy skit, it was a documentary.
Reality makes for the best comedy? Or is just depressing because it should be comedy and is reality?
Jeezus pal, you make me look like Nat King Cole.
Thanks leo, funny stuff.
This is my church asshole.?
Now somebody preach to me
Don’t you, eh, pass judgment on other people, or you might get judged yourself.
If it aint fire and brimstones then you’re not doin it right.
Also, Blessed are they who convert their neighbor’s ox, for they shall inhibit their girth.
My mind has been BLOWN. I always wanted to covet my neighbors ox. He’s always lording it over me like he’s so great because he has an ox and i dont.
Oh crap! I accidentally introduced envy and wealth inequality to our little paradise here. 🙁
Kneel at the feet of Your Future Reptilian Overlords! Lest your strategic military installations will be obliterated from orbit. Your people will be driven from their cities and forced to assemble giant heating beds. Your fattest members will be barbequed for a great feast. And all captive reptiles will be freed from Petsmart
Pets are not smart, if they were they wouldn’t be captives.
*considers free food, shelter, safety, medical care, bed sleeping, petting etc*
On second thought…
What’s a church asshole?
A rectory?
*narrows pious gaze*
It’s a place you can go to relax, listen to music, and watch sports while girls with nice boobs serve you beer and finger food.
Oh lord, show me the way!
That actually sounds kind of like my apartment. Except vodka instead of beer.
Do you use a different asshole for different occasions?
Like a work asshole, an athletic asshole etc.?
I shit with my Christmas asshole once or twice a year only.
I have an incredibly un PC opinion that a large portion of those “women who’ve never had a vaginal orgasm” are too fat for anything but a pornstar dick to effectively stimulate.
“65%…by contrast….66%”
Margin of error was totally less than .5%
The obvious solution is for heterosexual women to become bisexual.
That would certainly increase MY frequency of achieving orgasm during sexually intimate moments.
I was told this was a yokel alt-right anarchotrumpkin site…what are (((they))) doing in charge of this place?
Dude, haven’t you heard? (((they))) are in charge of everything, including the anti-semite alt-right secret nazi haircut club.
Seriously, I am getting past the eye-roll stage on every mention of the shadowy alt-right and moving into the ‘shut the fuck up you idiot’ stage. I made the mistake of peeking back at TSTSNBN a couple of times in the last week and both times saw staff invoking the alt-right. Is there some kind of critical mass that can be reached on bullshit and then everyone just accepts it as true? I am scared to go look and see what their position is on the Russians. I get the notion they are going to be full on, hard core proggies inside of a year. What the fuck happened to them? I always had the impression there was a lot of closet lefty infecting the staff but goddamn.
If they’re talking about Spencer, it’s perfectly fine to invoke the alt-right because he’s the guy who came up with the bloody term in the first place. The alt-right does exist, it’s just so minor (in the hundreds or just over a thousand) that it would have absolutely no influence on the public discourse if some people didn’t invoke their name and constantly draw attention to them.
What’s more obnoxious is stuff like how Dalmia has run two articles on the Milo and CPAC controversy, solely so she could smugly opine about how horrible he is and how stupid CPAC is for even considering him. Dalmia’s absolutely delighted that he’s become the week’s Goldstein, and those articles are basically just her dancing over the fact, it’s disgusting.
Any time Dalima evokes morality, I wasn’t to kill myself. She is disgusting, posing as a libertarian but totally fine with the use of aggression to get her way.
You recall that the Tea Party turned out the same. The media works over its opponents by conflating groups of them together, and especially by trying to lump all the racists into any opposition group gaining steam the moment it looks like they’re starting to get a voice in politics.
Yep, and they do the opposite as well.
When they go to a leftwing protest, they skip the “Fuck Trump!” “Kill White Males!” “Communism is the Answer!” signs held by insane and strange looking leftists and show the smiling white schoolteacher with her kids who have cute matching signs that spell out “Liberty and Justice” on one sign and “FOR ALL!!!!!!” on the other.
When they go to a rightwing protest, they do the opposite. They skip the “Taxed Enough Already.” “I Thought I Could Keep My Plan?” “Less Government, More Freedom” signs held by normal looking people, and they find some toothless hick with a Confederate flag biker vest with a sign that says “Send Obama back to Kenya On A Missile!” sign. Then he becomes the face of the protest. It’s not a lie, because he was there. But it’s a distorted picture.
It’s called “framing” a story by them. The rest of us call it “bias” and “spin.”
I call any attempt to deceive lying. It’s a lie.
Well, they find someone like that or they send someone like that.
Eh, in a crowd of thousands, you can always find the one guy who makes the whole crowd look great, and one guy who makes the whole crowd look horrible. Again, it’s not that they straight up fabricate in most cases, it’s that they are experts at using careful image selection, editing, and writing techniques to create propaganda that has kernels of fact in it.
It’s why I think picketing is essentially useless.
Most people aren’t going to do physical violence to someone for holding an offensive sign, especially if he appears to be “on our side.” It becomes trivial to false-flag a group.
Consider the case where Milo Yiannopoulos protested himself at one of his own events. Nobody knew he was there or what his motivations were.
During the primaries one of the big news lines (AP I think) ran a color picture of Bernie supporters at a rally with large flags from the USSR. I was surprised they ran it until I remembered most of their employees did not experience the USSR in a meaningful way. During the election season I enjoyed sending it Bernie-bots and asking them if this was the station their “democratic socialism” was on track to.
Shikha has written some stuff lately that convinced me she is a flaming fucking racist herself.
You are right about the alt-right. Of course there are nut job neo nazis out there but they are just the white version of the new black panthers – emotionally disturbed, mentally unbalanced misfits that found a place to belong. They have no real influence or power, barely worth a mention. Yet the lefties, desperate for a boogeyman, constantly invoke them.
Yep. I mean I remember like four or five years back some abortionist got murdered. I think it was something like the 12th or 15th since 1970. But of course this just proved that there was actually a seething Christian terrorist underground lurking throughout America.
Hell, back in November 5 toothless hillbillies in NC that made up the local Klan chapter had a Trump Victory Parade and of course there were more reporters than Klansmen there.
Lack of counterbalancing authors and a less solid editorial direction. I’m not sure how libertarian KMW is, but I never had that same kind of question when Postrel was there (drink!). I guess it’s not even the lack of counterbalancing but several of the new “editors” are downright awful and write on a very low level and about inane subjects.
The intellectual heft behind reason in the Reason Foundation seems to be shaky too. You have Robert Poole (‘I love me some government surveillance and clunky funding schemes because paying gas taxes and using them for roads is too simple to spend all day writing whitepapers on’) and then there’s Dalmia… Look at the board and trustees, Vernon Smith and Walter Williams in the emeriti section. Where’s their replacements? Drew Carey? I like him, but he’s a showman, not in the class of those two. Same with the rest.
Yup, the articles over there seem to keep getting worse. Between that and most of the worthwhile commenters coming over here, there’s almost no appeal to going there anymore. Just the occasional desire to laugh at whatever stupidity the trolls spew.
I’ve actually deleted my shortcuts to TSTSNBN. I figure if they snap out of it someone will let me know. It will take a purge of the current crew, I’m afraid – they have been assimilated into the Media Borg.
Haven’t cancelled my registration, though. Don’t want some dirtbag to take my handle.
Who’s watching the Daytona 500 today? Other than me and my stepsister?
All them people who watch racin. Hoosiers, Baltimorons, and people in North Carolina.
I was out the other night at a place that had a bowling alley in it. They never fucking heard of duckpins! What kind of uncivilized nation have we become???
Yo. A little cranky we missed the race yesterday. No spoilers; we got the replay on the DVR.
You want to bet on the instant replay?
Bruce Willis is dead the whole time.
I watched a tennis match instead.
Where did the idea to put Jews in parentheses come from?
Speaking of church, my favorite comment from the pulpit (from our pastor when we lived in Iowa): “Don’t you wish it was like the good old days, when people would hide their sin better?”
(He was being sarcastic)
Someone made an extension for Google Chrome that would add the parentheses to people whose surnames were Jewish. Google kicked it off their platform, which created a media shitstorm. Hilariously, many Jewish people were not as offended by it as the media portrayed and started using the parentheses on their own handles as a gag.
Huh. Well all I have to say is that I refused to circumcise my surname. St. Paul said it wasn’t necessary, and even argued against doing it in his letter to the Galatians. I guess he didn’t subscribe to the latest scientific studies that show circumcism to improve the health of the man.
It’s nice to see the Jews are developing a sense of humor about themselves. /sarc.
Why did you automatically assume that meant Jews?? Huh? That is the first thing that came to your mind?? Anti-semite!
I read Vox Day’s blog, and a few of the commenters use the parentheses enthusiastically.
Man, everyone seems to be looking at all this violence by Islamic extremists in Europe.
Quick, work up a hit piece about “right-wing” extremists!
I think they believe that they’re being fair and “balancing perspectives.” In reality, they’re intentionally trying to distract from a real problem. It’s not like we can’t see that they push attacks by Islamic to the back page and give this kind of thing front page because narratives are important.
A truly balanced perspective would include charts for comparison. How much did the presence of “migrants” increase crime levels versus how much crime they’ve experienced from natives? How much of the crime against them turns out to be perpetrated by themselves on each other, or were we just supposed to forget that Shia–Sunni feud doesn’t exist, that a battle of extremism against moderation is ongoing? How many of these “hate crimes” are people saying things the Muslims don’t like or leaving strips of bacon around? What are they calling an “attack?”
And, lest one forget, Merkel’s trying hard to save her ass. The nation she represents is in an uproar and she’s steadfastly ignored them.
She didn’t ignore them. She deliberately shoved a bunch of shit they explicitly said they didn’t want down their throats.
One of the things I found very off-putting about a lot of european cultures was their arrogance and authoritarian attitudes. There is a whole lot of ‘you’re going to eat it and like it’ going on there. Fuck them.
…leaving strips of bacon around?
I don’t want to live in a world where this is considered a crime.
In Canada, leaving strip of bacon in the vicinity of a mosque is a “hate crime.” It’s not just being disrespectful or wasting perfectly good meat.
A Facebook post on the wave of the future. A lot of it sounds really good. Some of it I regard with a measure of skepticism (not least because my phone still hasn’t figured out that I really mean “with”, not 28th).
Also, I’m sure the govts of the world will screw up most of it.
It’s funny how many of these exact same things I’ve been saying for a while now. Maybe I should be a futurist. I know what the singularity is, and I know how to use it!
I don’t think people (and when I say “people”, I mean Americans, but you probably knew that already) will be quite so willing to give up their personal automobile. Throw in an incident or two of someone ordering a rental car and having it drive them to the police station for failing to pay that parking ticket instead of to the green grocer’s, and that business model will wither on the vine.
Law is going to have to run to catch up on this one, no doubt about it. Owning an automated vehicle does not make it any less “personal.”
But I don’t really foresee the scenario you mentioned. It would be hammered out in the courts, but I think that the law already covers that scenario, as abduction is a felony regardless of the reasons for it. An infringement on one’s autonomy will undoubtedly be considered unconstitutional under the privileges and immunities clause as other cases have decided in the past. Tampering with the vehicle itself externally without permission may also be unconstitutional under the 4th Amendment, but IANAL.
Regardless, that author’s expectations are pretty aggressive. We’ll see autonomous vehicles in business fleet operations establish themselves before the legal challenges posed by personal vehicles are going to be prevalent.
I’m no neoluddite. I recognize the potential for problems, but the population obviously feels strongly about it and that tends to overwhelm the politics of the issue, which is what keeps me from clenching my sphincter like many libertarians are. It ain’t just us who would be against permitting anyone to abduct us against our will, by government agents or otherwise.
I don’t see private automobiles going away either. People may use them akin to taxis but what if you want to go to a remote trailhead or head out to a field for some bird hunting? The gov will also demand the ability to track users so there goes another aspect of privacy.
I sail offshore and the Coast Guard and police hate it. There is no way to easily track every boat off shore, what they are doing and and where they are going. Get one of these maritime Clouseau’s a bit drunk and listen to their dystopian fantasies. Bring those fantasies onshore and these auto cars will be privacy erasers.
When you lost Minnesoda liberals you lost the game.
Middling story about how Uber and Lyft are crushing cab companies. The comments, however, are the real illuminating part of the story. No one is defending the cab companies. Holy Shi-ite! You’d think that somewhere as progressive as the Twin Cities, someone would stick up for the cab companies.
Nope. Comment after comment is about how cab companies are filled with rude drivers and shitty cabs.
About the only evidence of progressivism that I could find is the fact that no one brought up the fact that the cab companies are staffed almost entirely by our enlightened Somali immigrants. No one brings up the fact that our newest citizens would regularly throw people out of their cabs halfway home from the airport if they found out they had alcohol in their luggage.
Uber is far superior to cabs in Balmer, in just about every way. No one here defends the cab companies either. I mean besides the cab companies.
We had a smallish family reunion in January, and I booked a place through airbnb that was much less expensive than the suite hotels, and was in a much more convenient location.
I doubt the cab companies were much better when they were run by white guys.
If memory serves, 60 years ago in the movie The Catered Affair the Ernest Borgnine character was saving up to buy a taxi medallion.
Chef John is teh awesome.
I love his creamed spinach recipe. Easy peasy.
Does Chef John immediately call anybody who disagrees with him a moron?
What makes you think I’m not in church? I have a phone, dain’t I???
Bill Paxton died of complications during surgery. Only 61 years old.
Game over man.
What the hell? Did I forget to hit submit or did the cat butts eat it? That was my reply. Should have know not to go up against a time traveler.
Game over man. Game over.
At least we still have Bill Pullman.
Having three wives probably made him physically age faster than his years.
Not to mention fighting a Terminator, a Predator, and Xenomorphs probably weren’t good for him.
Or getting the flu while traveling to the moon.
Why can’t we glibertarians just create our own religion and church, like everyone else did?
Everyone will argue and start forming splinter groups in the first week. So you’ll have the United Church of Gliberia, The Gliberian Orthodox Church, the Church of the Good Glib, Mulatto’s Temple of Thicc, etc.
So just like every other religion?
Yes but in ten minutes instead of a couple decades.
Well, we have the intertoobz.
1) Establish the Church of Liberty Universal and Everlasting!
2) …
3) Profit!
And our symbol shall be the bat
We should take up an offering.
Other site had an article about crime and punishment, and it got me thinking: is burglary of an unoccupied residence a violent crime, from a libertarian POV?
I say yes. It’s violence against my property.
I think it depends on the context of the crime.
If you were to plan out a burglary on a house you knew would be unoccupied and that nobody would encounter you, then it’s not violence. The intention is specifically to steal and avoid any confrontation whatsoever.
If you brazenly went in without giving a shit whether or not it’s occupied, then it is, because anyone will use violence to defend his own life and in this case, not caring puts other people directly in the path of violence whether that was part of the plan or not.
I’m not in love with the concept of two crimes being completely identical in all respects, save for the intentions in the perps head.
If the answer is “It depends” then it should depend on objective circumstances, not subjective ones. It doesn’t matter if he was Secret Squirrel and planned the job out to the minute detail or if he just got lucky.
Reality is a messy place. Home invaders are a different class of criminal than those who burglarize vacant homes for copper pipes.
As with anything legal, the only things that matter is what you can prove and what a jury believes you’ve proven. I think it takes a bit more than speculation about “the intentions in the perp’s head.” Proof of planning, of an M.O., the circumstances of the crime itself (if the burglar is finally confronted and allows himself to be arrested without resistance), etc. almost certainly will all figure in on the sentence.
And to be clear about it: I’m not including the instances like “hate crime” where the thought literally is the crime. That is abhorrent to a just society.
The classical definition of burglary involved robbing someone’s “dwelling”. Which works as a violent crime to me and would not include robbing a vacant house. It’s been expanded to include any building by statute, most places.
To point out, the discussion isn’t about what is, but about what it should be, from libertarian first principles. Perhaps those are in concordance, but perhaps not.
I’m just trying to formulate a rational basis for the use of the NAP in deciding what is and isn’t violence in this case. I may not be succeeding at it, but I took a stab at it.
The only thing that differentiates them is the objective circumstance of “is the building occupied?” Which is nothing to do with the degree of planning or the intention.
If Danny Ocean and crew break into a building after 5 months of planning and it’s occupied, they’re home invaders. If Jim Bob the Meth Head gets high as shit and decides to go pull copper from a brightly lit house, but he got lucky and it was all timers and the owners are in France, then he’s not a home invader.
Is property damage a requirement for home invasion? If you leave your door unlocked or someone finds your hide-a-key or you never changed the code on your garage door so it’s still your address or worse yet 1234, and they waltz in a grab some conveniently handy swag but you are unawares in the next room, is that the same as the meth heads kicking in some doors and windows and trashing the place?
However, the “Danny Ocean” crew could demonstrate that they took every precaution to avoid encounters and violence. The reality is more like, someone wants to burgle a place with his crew. They know a dwelling has five occupants and sits in a white panel van across the street and counts them as they leave for the day. He then has someone sit outside ready to warn them if anyone comes home, neighbors try to investigate, or the police are called. They carry no weapons, they’ve always burgled homes in this exact fashion, preferring always to flee over confrontation at the very slightest whiff of it.
Jim Bob the meth head is far more concerning. He shows wanton disregard for the safety of other people (and himself, but he’s a meth head, so big surprise there). Getting lucky doesn’t change the fact that sooner or later, his apathy about others is likely to put him into a confrontation with them and possibly get innocent people hurt or killed. If Jim Bob carries a weapon for his “personal protection” while committing these crimes, it’s even worse because he knows that violence is a possible outcome and just doesn’t care.
And we already consider violence for various reasons based on intentions. Self defense is justifiable violence, even under the NAP. Acting violently towards other humans without provocation is not.
Then you get into people scrawling swastikas on walls in bathroom stalls, shoplifting, etc. Those are crimes against property in an occupied building, but I wouldn’t call them violence. I’m not sure why a home is different in that regard, clearly the intentions and the objectives matter.
As for the flip side of the argument, if someone breaks into my home, I’m certainly not waiting for him to declare his intentions, I’m going to kill him regardless. If he didn’t think anyone would be there and it turns out I am, it doesn’t transform what he was doing into violence per se (in my mind). It’s tragic that he lost his life in the pursuit of stealing property, which turns out in that case to not be worth the risk. Obviously, I don’t think the penalty for theft is or should be death. His appearance does present a very real possibility of imminent threat to my life and I don’t feel an obligation to protect his safety under the circumstances. The immediacy of that situation matters, as it does not take long for someone to inflict grievous injury.
It’s an interesting discussion, regardless.
Who’s watching the Daytona 500 today
I don’t know if “watching” is the right word… the best thing about NASCAR is the soporific drone. When the announcers start getting louder, you can open your eyes and watch the 52 replays.
Yep. I watch for the wrecks. Mrs. Dean, who has driven a NASCAR, ummm, car, watches for the racing. And the wrecks.
F1 starts in a month.
Saw a Tesla in person for the first time. In parking lot, apparently backing up. Who the fuck decided that thin line tail lights was a good idea for cars? Couldn’t tell if they really were in reverse or it was some dumbshit accent lighting.
Which brings me to a general gripe about current car designs. Why do those idiots think smaller non-standard shape light sources ratcheted up to be blindingly bright are the equivalent of well recognizable roundish or squareish/rectangularish lights of non-blinding intensity and adequate surface area? Can’t really see the new style lights in the day and at night, the lighting (both front and rear) resembles non-automotive lighting. Idiots.
Why do those idiots think smaller non-standard shape light sources ratcheted up to be blindingly bright are the equivalent of well recognizable roundish or squareish/rectangularish lights of non-blinding intensity and adequate surface area?
I don’t know about that, but my instinctive professional response, when I look at the “new style” headlights (Audis seem to be among the absolute worst) is, “Holy fuck, how much does it cost to replace a set of those?
There’s some new regulation behind it, I believe. Like the hideous blunt front ends and gawping grills on newer cars. And the clunky pillars. Feh.
*sigh* Of course there would be. Destroying the predictability and recognizability of other cars’ lights in the name of “safety” while doing the exact opposite. Just like with the rule of law in the general.
And the clunky pillars. Feh.
I find it virtually impossible to see out of these newfangled horseless carriages. Particularly to the rear quarters. Even driving in the mountains, on windy roads, I find the sight line into the corners blocked by those giant sloping windshield pillars.
I’m sure you’d be glad to have them if you got the thing up-side down, but…
Trump refuses to repeat Obama lie, proggies apoplectic.
White House Refuses To Guarantee People Won’t Lose Health Insurance From Repeal
One of the reasons the fucking Republicans are too dumb to fucking live. Instead of repealing now, adding more market based reforms, cutting taxes, cutting regs all in March and giving the economy 18 months to adjust and heat up before the 2018 midterms, they’re going to dick around, do nothing, and then lose seats because they have not done the one fucking thing everyone wants them to do: get us out of the lost decade. I want to punch them all repeatedly in the nuts.
If they were smart… and there really is a reason they are the Stupid Party, they would just pass some empty rhetoric of a ‘replacement’, repeal the steaming pile of dung in it’s entirety and then start working on free market solutions to bring the price of healthcare down. But noooo, they have to engage in petty squabbles over this replacement bullshit and then nothing happens. Once something is a part of government, there is no getting rid of it, ever, no matter how shitty it is, because rent seekers.
Right they have once again allowed the fucking media to set the standard of “You can’t just repeal it! It has to have a properly managed replacement.”
No, you don’t replace cancer with a better cancer, you cut it out and irradiate the bits that remain.
“You finally really didn’t do it. You maniacs! You didn’t blow it up! God damn you! God damn you all to hell!”
The Republicans will absolutely pass up the chance to make some meaningful, market-based reforms. And you can bet that when the problems in healthcare stay the same or get worse, the Democrats will blame “free market” principles.
As I said in the other thread, NPR ran a story saying repealing Obamacare is MURDER! because some people didn’t have health insurance before and will die if they lose their health insurance.
If being against Obamacare is murder, I’m sure the next logical step is that anyone who opposes it is fair game for violence and harassment. It’s just how the “progressive” mind works.
In other news, leftists still believe that alienating half the population is a winning strategy.
Oscars TDS
What’s with the bolding in the [blockquote] tag?
The Razzies picked Dinesh D’Souza’s movie for several awards, because Wrongthink.
If I was D’Souza I’d go to the awards ceremony just in case I’d win, then I’d proceed to rip on them all in my acceptance speech.
Those dutch babies are great. I’ve been using his recipe for a bit now.
the monitor is too bright for this hangover.
*gets another glass of water*
Looking at getting a personalized plate in VA. Really want a Gadsden flag one – Need a good recommendation for a libertarian themed character set that’s not already taken. Unfortunately LIB * RTY and LIB*RTE are already assigned (not really surprising). Here’s the tool if anyone wants to test it (you have to scroll up to the “Don’t Tread on Me” option in the Special Interest section.