Mack Beggs, a female transitioning to be a male by using massive amounts of steroids completed an undefeated season Saturday by winning a controversial Texas state girls wrestling title in an event clouded by criticism from those who believe the testosterone he’s taking as he transitions from female to male created an unfair advantage.
Beggs, who reached the state tournament after two opponents forfeited, was dogged throughout the tournament by questions about whether his testosterone treatments made him too strong to wrestle fairly against girls.
The University Interscholastic League, which oversees athletics in Texas public schools, enacted the birth certificate policy Aug. 1, 2016. And while Beggs’ family has said he wanted to compete against boys, UIL deputy director Jamey Harrison, who refused to address Beggs directly, said the UIL had not received a request to change divisions from any athlete at this competition.

Girls Wrestling Champion
In a twist of irony, The above story was reported on the ESPN W outlet rather than the main site. ESPN W, which ostensibly caters to women, does not have commenting in its articles. ESPN’s main site permits it. To my recollection, it’s the first article about an athlete referred to as male throughout to appear on the “W” site. I’m sure its a coincidence
Meanwhile, the Washington Post article had commenting on and the responses largely derided Beggs being able to compete against athletes who are banned from taking the same performance-enhancing drugs Beggs is mega-dosing on in order to deliberately change body structure.
USAToday had the comments turned off for their story, which said there were “a smattering of boos” amid mostly cheers. Which is a departure from the WaPo pice which hilariously led with the words “booed and bloody”. Now perhaps Kent Babb had some insight into Beggs’s monthlies (if he’s still having them while taking mega-dowses of male hormones, I don’t know) that gives him license to use “bloody” in a description of someone that looks like they barely broke a sweat while competing against a series of opponents that are physically inferior to him in every way. Perhaps his editor added it in for color. And perhaps Babb is just full of it. Either way, no blood was visible and there were more cheers than boos.
But WaPo and other outlets have gotta fight for Team Trans rather than report honestly. After all, if just the fact were reported here: “a person taking doses of steroids that nobody else in a competition designed for females is able to take under the rules, wins the competition without breaking much of a sweat”, I’d imagine the reactions would be quite consistent.
Of course, the self-proclaimed “worldwide leader in sports” doesn’t want your reaction to be heard anyway.
BONUS CONTENT: These people say their seven year old is trans and would change Trump’s mind on access to trans bathrooms. Seven. Their kid is seven. And this fostering of a delusion so they can get street cred with their idiot progressive friends is child abuse.
Transgenderism is going to be the death of womens sports.
Only if the science deniers get their way. But biology be damned. They’d rather foster delusions than categorize people based on sex.
And to be clear, I don’t care what someone identifies as. But when it comes to competition, I’m sorry but sex should be the definition. And the two sexes have differing physical characteristics for the most part that have a very obvious impact on physical performance levels.
Progs really are “pro-science” only when science ostensibly supports their agenda. Otherwise, they ignore it and label its adherents as bigots when it doesn’t support their narrative. It’s all they know.
Ends justify means. How many times over the years have lefty trolls over at TSTSNBN argued that truth is irrelevant or subjective, that supporting the narrative is the only thing that matters?
I distinctly remember arguing with someone who ended up asserting “truth is over-rated”.
“Truth is overrated.” So the morons who accuse their opponents of reciting “alternative facts” are themselves into alternative facts. Proggy projection at its finest.
Denying science is perfectly fine when it means broadening the base of progressive idiocy by inviting another group of snowflakes under their tent. Denying science is abhorrent when it means questioning dubious climate models that can’t be replicated and require altering legitimate data points collected over decades.
Didn’t you get the memo?
Speaking of TSTSNBN, that Harsanyi article decrying the comparison of Trump to Nazi Germany appeared on my Facebook page. Naturally, the top comments were from lefties criticizing the article. One of them asked how TSTSNBN could support Trump so much and compared the site to Breitbart. *smdh*
They are just reinforcing TSTSNBN’s delusion that they are unbiased.
Just out of curiosity, is there a reason that we’re not naming that other site explicitly?
Because memes.
That’s the only explanation I can come up with. Hell, I just don’t go over there much anymore and when I do, I don’t reference any of their writing. It just doesn’t have any bearing on what we’re doing.
This reply is to Akira, but I can’t click his reply button:
I think our not naming the site is just for fun. I called it the orange place last night.
Amongst Burning Man folks, a lot refer to it as That Thing In The Desert (TTITD). Just a way of showing off how in-group you are.
It’s almost as if this issue has come up before
Oopsh. PBrooks already brought that up.
I loved Richards’s autobiography. “Tennis Without Balls.”
One big confusion (and perhaps someone has brought this up) but if he is transitioning to be a boy, then why not wrestle in the boys league. Or at least why don’t the progs push for that? (Maybe they do), cause that seems like the “enlightened” way to do things.
Because ‘roids or no ‘roids – she’d get her ass kicked.
It also opens up something worse competition wise, a dude posing as a chick competing with chicks.
Very true. I would have been an elite women’s hockey player, had I only identified as one. Such nonsense didn’t exist back then, alas.
A little nonsense now and then
is relished by the wisest men
Tom Hanks already opened that can of worms decades ago.
Did Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon live in vain?
Only two worms in that can.
Texas passed a law last year that said athletes needed to compete in the division of the sex that’s on their birth certificate.
Conversely, would you want a person that developed as a boy competing against the girls when he decided to identify as something other than what he had been born as and developed as for his entire life? And where do you draw the line on who you let use gender as an excuse or reason to compete against other sexes? Because the “I’ll know it when I see it” defense wouldn’t play too well in such situations.
The law makes sense. I guess I was wondering at the lack of outcry from progs about him not being in the men’s league. I wasn’t arguing for it. I was just pointing out that it seemed odd for the silence, a silence that could be explained by his ability to cream every opponent in the league he was in.
By “the law makes sense” I mean, it makes sense why he was in the woman’s league then.
Your last sentence is the answer. They want trannies dominating everyone they compete against because it sells.
I’m just wondering where the anti-tranny feminist outrage is. This is right up their alley.
I think your wife nailed it with the first comment. I am convinced that the agenda is to destroy youth sports. Youth sports teach many important lessons and values. The very goal of demoralization of society is destroying it’s values.
You get rid of youth sports watch out…and good luck.
Just water it down to irrelevance with participation medals and trophies for all.
Remember when children would just go out and play? Good times. I mean, a hellscape of rampant kidnapping.
One also hears very little outcry to put FTM “men” into men’s prison.
Texas passed a law last year that said athletes needed to compete in the division of the sex that’s on their birth certificate.
Fair enough. Then you merely equally enforce any rules about performance enhancing substances and the “boy” is disqualified from competing in any athletic competition.
That’s what I expected. But I found that there is a separate law that permits use of any banned substance if “prescribed by a doctor for a medically legitimate purpose.”
I guess self-mutilation is a legitimate purpose now.
Then the next step, IMO, is create a new competitive class. Boys, girls, and trans. Trans kid walks up to the mat, faces no opponent, ‘wins’ classm walks away, and some girl can win the girls division without having to compete against Girlzilla.
Granted, that further legitimizes the choice for prepubescents to start pumping themselves full of steroids, but…
Like the seven year old in the last link?
Those sick parents need to have that kid taken away from them. They’re driving him to deny biology years before he hits puberty. That’s totally fucking insane.
By the way, the author of that piece just so happens to be the communications director for Planned Parenthood in St Paul, MN.
“Rise up,” I whispered under my breath.
I hate this woman.
If children can legally undergo life-altering hormonal replacement and genital-alteration surgery, then they should be allowed to enter and be liable to contracts, consume alcohol, or engage in any activity reserved for adults. Of course, progs will get their way, like they always do, and keep this double standard alive.
They want kids to be able to undergo life-altering mutilations to their body but don’t think they are wise enough to buy cigarettes until they’re 21 (based on the laws being proposed to raise the age one can buy smokes in lefty states).
Let that sink in.
I find it interesting that they think a 7 year old can know it should have been a boy (or girl as the case may be), but 13 y/o’s seeking out relationships with older men is beyond the pale.*
*Not that I’m advocating such relationships, sorry OMWC.
To be fair, I believe a variation of that law is part of anti-doping rules in a lot of sports, which is why so many stage cyclists have asthma — it allows them to take the bronchodilators.
Along with the performers in donkey shows. Pretty sure they take broncodilators too.
There’s a special place in hell for puns like that.
If one is paying cold hard cash to watch a “donkey show”, they are already in some form of hell.
Heroic, I do believe it is Donkey Time
It’s a she, not a he. If it was a he, he would be wrestling in the boys league. Progs dont get to have their cake and eat it too.
I am sure Beggs feels like a real winner. I wouldn’t give a shit about this story but yesterday I read some of the girls refused to get on the mat with her, cried and conceded the match. That pissed me off.
Someone should make the trophy out of paper mache and present it to her.
They cried with shame at their own intolerance, I’ll bet.
6 ounces for 90 days in Ohio
I really dont understand the hard-on for pot. The shit is essentially harmless. What the hell is that? Is it just puritanical sadism? I understand why it was made illegal in the first place; hard-core, old-timey racism. But today? Is that still it?
Many, many years of brainwashing. It went from racism to classism, I think. Before, it was jazz musicians impregnating god-fearing white women. Now, it’s slackass stoners doing nothing with their lives.
Oh, and ‘gateway drug’.
Also, medical industry and public health. If it’s a drug without medical value, it must be banned to protect people. If it has medical value it must be strictly controlled by the medical industry and sold only by then at extremely over market value prices. That is, if your doctor decides it’s right for you. You are unqualified to decide if it’s right for you. NEEDS.TOP.MEN.
Before, it was jazz musicians impregnating god-fearing white women.
There was also a great deal of idiocy in the early 20th century about how ‘the marihuana’ made blacks immune to pain and harder to kill if they were violent.
God, those people with their old-timey racism. Everyone knows selective breeding by slavers made blacks immune to pain and harder to kill, it’s just science!
Now it’s the Prison Industrial Complex.
You can’t make drugs legal. Think of the cops, prosecutors and prison guards. They’ll be starving in the streets, man, have you no decency?
Hillary’s terribly unintentional honesty – “there’s too much money in it”.
Methinks it has more to do today with imposing the will of the state on non-conformists. That and revenue.
Yep, with a heavy dose of sadism.
That’s not still it today. It’s just like everything else government does. It becomes a sacred cow to a large number of people. In this case for instance, DEA, cops, prison industry, courts, etc, and it just becomes almost impossible to get rid of. Also, If government were to just legalize drugs, they would be giving up a large amount of control over people. It would almost be like you own yourself. Can’t have that.
You see, your supposed to live a life dedicated to the volcano god, not to drugs or the seven deadly sins. How can you serve God when you’re whacked out on the pot? They’re just trying to help you not go to hell. You should be grateful that they care so much about you that they’re willing to throw you in a cage to keep you from sinning.
This. It’s almost like religion got replaced by the state.
Almost? That’s the whole point.
I think y’all are under appreciating the sadism angle, and for this crowd that is saying a lot. I remember when Cuomo got his unconstitutional gun restrictions passed in NY. Some guy at a town hall meeting was displaying a defiant attitude and some shaved head roided up cop got in his face and with a clenched jaw and crocodile smile said “I cant fucking wait to kick in your door and shoot your ass.”
Not every cop is bad but there is an inordinate number of those guys wearing badges. Any excuse to engage in thuggery is good enough.
What is Puritanism if not sadomasochism.
A lot of people are easily confused. Suffering is a valuable teaching tool, not an end in itself.
Fuck, I would love to see that video if you can find it. My blood pressure is way too low today.
Beggs’ family has said he wanted to compete against boys
I think a few piledrivers at the hands of broken-chromosome competitors would help this individual get its mind right.
I competed against boys in wrestling in high school due to there being no girl’s team. Without steroids I held my own at the lower weight classes. I never won but never got destroyed either (never pinned, not once). She would do well on steroids competing against boys, but wouldn’t be anywhere near competing at the state championship. Girls just can’t compete against male puberty at that level no matter how much steroids you take.
You underestimate the academy sloopy, which has created reams of crap neuroscience to back up the latest fashionable idea. SPM 5, the software used in for example this one was the software first identified as having an over 50% false positive rate in a 2012 PNAS paper.
Research of course loves software that creates lots of false positives as it allows them to find relationships between groups, to support whatever fashionable theory they like.
Couple of blown links there:
“Research of course loves software that creates lots of false positives”
If they haven’t bothered to write software to invent shit they just make shit up themselves.
You aren’t afraid he would try to grab Henry by the pussy?
You lost me. Why would Trump want to grab Henry’s father?
I especially like how she pigeonholes certain toys as only for a boy or a girl. Because a seven year old knows which toys belong to only girls and which belong to only boys and are also able to determine from that fact alone which gender they want to identify as.
Somebody should have asked her who bought the toys for the kid. Because even money says it was her and that kid has been incessantly pushed to identify as a freak by her horrible, horrible parents.
Well, isn’t that true? I’d say by 5, pretty much every kid has figured out what are boy’s toys and what are girl’s toys. The extent to which it’s socialization or biological maturation can be debated, but it’s simple, real life fact that toys are gendered in their appeal.
There are a shitload of gender-neutral toys out there. And my older kids shared the majority of their toys growing up.
Also, MLP has a TV franchise that I’d be willing to bet is watched by 60% girls, 35% boys and 5% by OMWC for research purposes.
MLP is a hilarious, well written show. It’s kind of a tradition now for me and the girls to watch an episode of it and then an episode of Transformers.
Of course, I never saw the point in segregating toys by gender anyways.
I think the key word there is only however. Just because a boy or girl plays with atypical gendered toys doesn’t mean it says something about their ‘gender identity’. If my sister had weirdo parents like some of these kids they’d be pushing her to identity as a boy because she played with dump trucks.
Transgenderism is going to be the death of womens sports.
The ghost of Renee Richards says, “Boooooooooo!”
Actually, Dr.* Richards says:
Well, so much for the anti-doping hysteria. I’m glad that finally went away. I’m sure we’ll never hear about it again.
You know what they call biological males who take massive doses of testosterone and compete against biological males? Cheaters. We can leave the politics out and come to a conclusion.
Weenies, butts, and potties. Why does a State legislature need to regulate this bullshit at all?
It’s another issue that draws voters. As always, it’s the public that is the problem. Enough of it wants to make this an issue, and politicians will pander for their votes.
Once upon a time, long ago in Colorado, I belonged to a private youth track & field team association, and we would compete against other similar private clubs and never against public/private school teams. The scope of the local meets was always so large that the competition venue bleachers were always at half capacity at 8 in the morning.
At one point I went to a large regional finals meet in Texas, with a completely full stadium.
Decouple this bullshit from the public sector entirely and the problem solves itself. /end fantasy
Revision: I remember seeing athletes from Christian academies competing at Saturday meets from time to time. Private associations are kind of a perfect solution that lets home schoolers and all kinds of “non trad” school children compete in sports wI think broad reach.
So, if we make all schools private this is a non-issue?
I’m shocked that there are unintended negative consequences to government overstepping its legitimate function.
For the children. Duh!
Then the next step, IMO, is create a new competitive class. Boys, girls, and trans. Trans kid walks up to the mat, faces no opponent, ‘wins’ classm walks away, and some girl can win the girls division without having to compete against Girlzilla.
I recently watched a boys’ 6-7th grade basketball game. The variance between size and athletic ability was marked, to say the least. Teams should be based on physical development and ability, not age. And, for non-contact (No “Grab her pussy!” chants, plz) sports like basketball or soccer, an athletic girl should be allowed to play on a boys’ team.
“The variance between size and athletic ability was marked, to say the least.”
I was never a very big guy. currently 5’10 and 150. All my life I have had to compete against guys bigger than myself. It taught me a lot and toughened me up. I even got to the point where I could match my 6’4 buddy on the basketball court. Well, I could beat him 1 out of 3 times anyway. Not quite a match, but close.
Whenever we play the Glibertarians’ pickup game, I’m taking Suthen. He either has a wicked jumper or great handles, maybe both.
I hate to tell you but that was over 30 years ago. I am half crippled these days. When that game gets started all I can do is keep score.
Sure, but she won’t make the cut in a decent sized school without quotas. If she did make the team, she wouldn’t start. I have done coed beer league sports, and the league has a ton of rules to get the women involved. Men can’t guard women in basketball, the softball diamond is divided into pairs (so pitcher/catcher one has to be a woman, same wth 1st/2nd, 3rd/shortstop, half the 4 outfielders, alternate batting.) Touch football is the most convoluted: every third play a woman has to be either the QB (but only on a pass play), the RB, or the intended WR.
I want to wrassle girls.
Do you know who else wanted to wrassle girls?
And this guy:
Andy Kaufman
Like Black Chyna?
No, like roast beef sandwich Chyna.
Lol giant girlpeen
my comment yesterday when someone said, “Would the testosterone treatment give them an advantage over male opponents, or would it just get them closer to the males (no better than equal, if that)?
I agree with Pomp’s point about private athletic associations being a possible answer to this – that if the state weren’t interfering here, she could probably find some other “balanced” group of people to compete against, where some bullshit about gender wasn’t the deciding factor. She could compete against younger men or older women or some weight-handicapped thing.
i just think its silly. its not really her own fault that she’s stuck in some shitty situation where she’s “The best women’s wrestler” who doesn’t want to be a woman.
I think the interesting angle that no story has covered (as I said yesterday) is the whole, “if taking testosterone is OK if a girl wants to be a man…why not when a boy wants to be SUPERMAN?”
Some youth sports are like de facto State religions, Texas youth football comes to mind. Decoupling youth sports entirely from public schools is pure practical fantasy, so therefore this will play out in the public sector to a similar dumb conclusion lacking nuance, same as the marriage issue.
How do you address this with private organizations when public accommodation laws say you have to adhere to the state-established laws defining who gets to do what as a male and who gets to do,what as a female?
Well in fantasy land, the CRA isn’t a bludgeoning club. If i were a public school lover, best I’ve got for a practical solution is uniformly performance-merit selection process for ostensibly unisex team selection. What a fucking dumb issue.
You run into the same public accommodation issue that profission all [all male] sports leagues are subject to, isn’t it?
Maybe. I don’t know why alternative programs couldn’t co-exist with the public-school affiliated system. Like you, i participated in some things like that. (e.g. CYO basketball, played in a – don’t laugh – Ultimate Frisbee League which actually went on to compete in an international world cup event, etc) I wasn’t suggesting that “replacement of the existing system” ever happen, simply that other options be made available for…. freaks.
Agree. But the screeching maniacs aren’t satisfied with private alternatives ever, when a popular public thing is happening. Equal treatment under the law is a legal concept in play too.
You’re nuts.
AAU basketball is huge. AAU/USATAF track and field is huge. Travel league softball and legion baseball are where it’s at. And most high school diving is,all done on a 1m springboard while AAU allows them to compete on the same apparatuses as college, so coaches don’t even really look at high schools meets when recruiting. Club water polo is massive. Club soccer is so far ahead of high school soccer, it’s a joke.
College has a lock on the highest levels of organized athletics, but with the exception of football and maybe volleyball, high school sports aren’t nearly as important as private club sports when it comes to competition levels and recruiting by the next level.
(Edit: I may have replied to the wrong comment, but it still belongs in this subthread.)
My neice plays college volleyball. Club was more important than HS.
Other than HS football, club is where it’s at.
I’ve got Stephanopulace on in the background. The last segment was a bunch of whining about the “The Great Russian Election Hack of 2016” and why don’t we have a special prosecutor on the case.
Which is a small facet of a much larger issue, at least currently much more pronounced on the part of the Democrats and Progressive Left; which is, they are suddenly willing to deny the legitimacy of once-revered institutions of government which produce results they disagree with. The Senate Intelligence Committee, the FBI, a whole plethora of alphabet soup agencies are beavering away at investigations of this supposed Russian re-jiggering of Democracy. But now we need a Special Prosecutor, because the Rethuglikkkinz are running the government. They cannot be trusted.
But- what happens in six weeks or six months, when the SP comes back and says, “We looked under the bed, and we looked in the closet, and we checked behind the dresser. We even took the grille off the air conditioner duct and looked in there with a flashlight. We did not find any monsters. Not a single one. Now stop crying and get back to bed.”
What will they call for, then? They surely won’t accept a judgement they disagree with, they will declare it to be invalid.
Election majick.
They’re still going on about that? I’m starting to worry about what the Hive Mind is using this ridiculous distraction to draw attention away from. Or maybe it’s just total intellectual bankruptcy.
They kept saying W stole the election (Selected, not Elected) for the whole 8 years of his presidency (even after the media sponsored recount confirmed W won florida, by an even larger margin than the official results), so I reckon it will be no different with Trump’s win. “I don’t know anyone who voted for Trump, therefore it was a hacked election.”
What will they say?
“Trump rigged the investigations.”
It’s like you haven’t been paying attention.
What’s the criminal allegation? Last i heard it was an ‘investigator’, not a prosecutor.
If they want to prosecute hackers, they’d have to do so under some international jurisdiction that doesn’t yet exist. Sounds like they’re just making noise about this bullshit because they want to keep the idea alive in the press.
Anyone interested in the “Russian Hacking” thing, i suggest they read this. It clarifies that the stuff that went on during the election was part of a long and well known trend of low-level cyber-snoopery by russian affiliated groups. Its interesting mostly in that it has more detail than the FBI provided (regarding at least 1 of the same reported incidents), because the FBI knew “more context” would make the claims that it was all about “hacking the DNC” look like the bullshit it was.
Plus the whole thing they’re bitching about is still
“Someone hacked our servers, and released a bunch of emails which show just how depraved, corrupt, and shameless we are.”
The whole “RUSSSIAAAAAA!!!!” thing seems to stem from some kind of brainstorming session that goes “Well, these stupid fucking hicks hate foreigners right? Don’t they hate Russia especially because they’re stupid fucking hicks who live in the past? Why don’t we blame it on the Russians?”
I’m pretty sure there was almost no “hacking of servers” involved in most of the cited incidents.
1 case of stolen emails was sourced to John Podesta giving his Google PW to a phishing scam
another was an insider leak
there were some documents stolen from the DNC in 2015 which they had posted on their intranet.. but it was effectively unsecured.
the media has done an admirable job conflating all the cyber-snooping under the term “hacking” to give the impression that sophisticated technical experts were involved, rather than the DNC’s own incredibly lax and irresponsible basic practices. they also purposely conflate all this stuff to give the impression it was a single entity with a persistent strategy, rather than a couple of different groups with different motives which is actually closer to the truth
You just kinda pulled that scenario out of your ass, didn’t you Viking? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if that is exactly what happened right down to the dialogue, word for word.
They were calling for Trump to be impeached before he performed a single official act as president. Their allegation is simply that Trump isnt the right man, i.e. not Hillary. Whenever I hear these allegations all I hear is “People learned the truth about Hillary and that isnt fair”.
They dont even bother pretending that for them it is all about being in power, nothing to do with public service, the good of the nation, etc etc. It’s all about them. Hillary’s campaign slogan was ‘I’m with her’ while Trump’s was ‘MAGA’ and he went around saying “I’m with you.” On top of that Hillary and her supporters were regularly insulting average Americans. They cant understand why Hillary lost because they are sociopathic.
It was striking how much they believed their own bullshit. I remember her, with that rictus grin, proudly stating she would be putting coal miners out of business, but don’t worry, green energy companies would seamlessly step into employ them.
“I remember her, with that rictus grin, proudly stating she would be putting coal miners out of business”
I laughed. “rictus grin” . I haven’t heard that term in a long time. Perfect. When I think about her she is like an evil movie monster. I remember when she said that I felt like I was living the movie ‘They Live’. I kept looking at the tv and at the people around me (I was in a waiting room at the docs) and everyone was completely unmoved. It was surreal. Was I the only one that heard that, that could see the monster? I thought Roddy Piper would show up any second an start passing out magic glasses.
Since her ass got trounced I guess I wasn’t.
Don’t be sad, you haven’t seen the last of the risus sardonicus. I hear she wants to run again in 2020.
If not her we can look forward to a bunch of stories about Chelsea’s underappreciated genius.
The local classical music station has NPR news, and the NPR news’ top two stories were a blurb from an ex-CIA head bitching about Trump, followed by somebody whining that repealing Obamacare=MURDER!!!111!!!
By the standards of the day, does it even matter that s/he’s taking the drugs or not? I thought all you had to do was say that you identify as that gender, and boom, that’s what you were.
If the WNBA was super-profitable and their players signed 10+ mil contracts, why couldn’t a retired superstar like Shaq just declare one day that he identified as a woman, then go dominate that league until he’s about 55 or so?
Iron Law #7.
I find it hard to get worked up over this stuff. It’s sports and therefore entertainment.
Bolt some tits on DeCaprio and give him an Oscar while you’re at it.
He could play the lead in the Meryl Streep Story.
Your avatar gives me a sad.
Just as a purely personal observation, what would be the point of being in a “competition” in which you routinely win by default?
Of course, now I am reminded of an old (’30s, probably) cartoon in which a boxer and his manager are at ringside looking nervously into the ring at what appears to be the proverbial “missing link”.
The manager is saying, “My man don’t go in there ’til we hear it speak.”
See my comment above about presenting this girl wrestler with a paper mache trophy.
1.) If it were up to me, she gets an asterix in the records for her accomplishment. She also get the life long knowledge I that he championship maybe, just maybe, wasn’t legit.
2.) If the metric for anti doping is substances that enhance ones performance beyond natural ability, then what is Lasik…or Tommy John surgery?
You were born with that tendon in your arm, and that’s it. Swapping in a new one seems the same as taking a drug to build it.
LASIK and other surgeries don’t alter your genetic makeup or enhance your musculature. They’re restorative by design.
What if your natural eyesight is 20/20 and Lasik or something new improves it 10 fold?
Has that happened?
Serious question.
I think it has with Lazik I’ll try to look it up. Drugs and tech and sports always has this grey area, and the athletes and trainers and dooers are always advancing. It really is a game of catch up for leagues.
There was a baseball player who had his already 20/20 vision improved through surgery. I will see if I can dig up a link. There was some controversy at the time and a lot of slippery slope speculation.
I don’t recall the outcome.
Googling “Professional baseball players 20/20 lasik” turns up a lot of results. Although apparently Lasik can only get you to 20/17 and most MLB players have better than that naturally, coming in at 20/12 or even 20/8. That’s nuts!
But there are no rules against it.
I had vision like that. I could see into the pores in the skin on my arm. If the air in the house was still and the sun coming in the window I could see the individual particles of cigarette smoke hanging in the air.
Then I turned 40. Then 50. I wear reading glasses now. Dammit.
Tiger Woods was nearsighted and got Lasik and down to 20/15.
So better than “perfect” vision.
The baseball player was McGwire I think. But he had special glasses made for 20/10 vision. Ted Williams had natural 20/10, I believe…which is crazy
The great hitters have exceptional vision and fantastic hand eye coordination and spatial awareness. Not a coincidence that Williams was also a very good fighter pilot.
I had 20/10 vision when I was young which was odd since the rest of my family wore glasses. I couldn’t hit a baseball to save my life. I sucked. There is more going on there than vision. I am also like Suthen. I hit 40, then 50, and now glasses for me.
It’s all arbitrary. The leagues and associations purport to be about some higher ideal of sportsmanship, and the competitors try to surreptitiously cheat their way to the top . Everyone pretends not to notice and only when it becomes absurdly obvious, then it’s an outrage. It’s tedious at best.
It artificially enhances your performance.
Whatever that means.
So does practice, lifting weights or eating healthier than average.
What it doesn’t do is alter your genetic structure, or enhance your abilities beyond normal levels.
That’s exactly the point.
Blood doping doesn’t alter your genetic structure either. Why is that against the rules?
Bottom line: The powers that be are trying to inject “fairness” into a system that isn’t “fair” to begin with.
You didn’t win states? It’s because the other guy was better. Life isn’t fair. Get over it. Lots of us don’t win states.
But blood doping gives someone an unnatural ability to oxygenate blood cells. And unlike practice and diet, it can’t be replicated naturally by others.
Sure it can. Train at 11,000 feet.
And LASIK gives me an unnatural ability to see better.
Sure it can. Increase your CV training. Work out at 14,000′ and compete at sea level. Is that “natural”?
Winning sportzball events is a function of innate ability (which is unfair, BTW) and how much you’re willing to sacrifice to make yourself better. I see little difference between sacrificing by exposing yourself to steroid use and sacrificing your long term health by beating the shit out of yourself in the gym everyday. It’s your body, do what you want with it.
Making the ability to compete contingent on compliance with the rules is fine. I just get a laugh out of the arbitrariness of the rules.
ESPN can go die in a fire. I quit watching that shit when they out video game graphics overlayed on a field while the ball is in play.
Also for cranking shitty rock music and time theyre running highlights.
I’m listening to a decent discussion on a player’s contract, then BAM…Nickleback is blaring OVER the convo
It’s almost as if they think sports can get reported on without it being done their way. And they’re so far up their own asshole that they can’t see FS1 and MSNSN cutting into their once-great empire.
It doesn’t help when they inject so much lefty bullshit into their print pieces and drive large numbers of readers to other outlets that just report on the games. Take,for example the last couple of days. This story was on their front page, as was one about the first openly gay recruit getting a scholarship to Arizona in football. Most others didn’t report on them because they know some random kid that’s done really nothing remarkable getting an offer from Arizona isn’t news to anyone beyond the Arizona fan base (all 250 of them, the losers). The story was that he’s special and deserves to be treated differently…by asking to be treated the same.
I love the NFL, and I really like the draft process. When Michael Sam came out (pun intended) a couple years back I remember dreading the draft, because he was clearly a marginal talent for the NFL, due to his measurables. But he was THE SEC DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR so there were all these non football writers talking about him like he was an elite NFL prospect. Which he just wasn’t. He was a good college football player, playing in a friendly scheme for edge rushers, who had a great year.
Dude couldn’t even make the Montreal Alouettes in the CFL.
The Cowboys tried him out and they desperately needed pass rushers. Hell, everyone needs pass rushers. The whole “homophobic teams won’t sign him!” thing is fucking nonsense. If he was even a 6 sack a year guy, he’d be on an NFL team.
And what owner wouldn’t want the jersey sales?
I never was a sports fan guy so I never understood the whole ‘OMG a football player came out of the closet!’ excitement. Those guys have been playing grab-ass with each other ever since…well, long before football.
The started to put an openly political banner right in the middle of the main page. Like its a separate web site or something. That and all Fantasy talk and stats was enough for me to dump them completely.
You talking about “The Undefeated”? Another section where they’re driving a political point and do not allow comments, by the way.
Yeah that sounds right
The virtue signalling and diversity garbage lingo is insufferable. I stopped going to their website years ago and try to avoid them (except for LeBatard and Stugotz – even though LeBatard can fall into that ‘Bill Nye I fucking love science’ dopiness) as much as possible. But ESPN ubiquitous and CBS and Fox can’t seem to muster a real challenge to ESSJWPN.
Hasn’t Schilling been saying a lot about the meetings and stuff. I know, Schilling…but still
Recently? I heard in 2016 but anything up to date and what has he said? Can’t remember.
Dan The Bastard pissed off the self-righteous baseball writers when he let the fans fill out his Hall of Fame ballot. (The fans, as I recall, made eminently reasonable choices.)
Speaking of the “de-banking” of America, there was just an ad on my teevee for a thing (debit card) called Net Spend, I believe. It appears to be something closely akin to an old fashioned checking account built into a load and spend plastic card, with few to no fees. You don’t get that old-timey bank teller fisheye from the endless parade of assistant tellers who have never seen you before, but I guess you can’t have everything.
I think Walmart is doing the same now. And Capital One 360 is a completely fee-free banking setup for people that want a debit card,and no human interaction (but free access to a zillion ATMs around the world). They’re taking the Ally Bank model and are putting it on steroids…like the girl in this article.
I’ve been using NetSpend for a few years, about as long as I’ve been doing almost everything online. It’s pretty nifty and appeals strongly to my desire to never have to interact with other humans. I have this method of making purchases and transferring money between my various accounts (bank, PayPal, investment account, etc.) whereby I avoid fees and waiting almost entirely.
Chili simmering. Going to be delicious. Not too hungover today but will hit the spot just the same.
I identify as bacon and will wrastle anyxene.
I notice the article in the WaPo about the family using their child as a pawn in politics has closed comments.
Gee, I wonder why.
Using kids is sick. Pol Pot would be proud.
Because even most of the hardened progressives would think this is wrong. It’s one of the few times they’d be aligned with decent human beings.
Progressives truly believe their good intentions for others makes themselves moral people.
Remember the meme a couple weeks ago about how Trump was getting his people to lie as a way to show their loyalty to him? A lot of this transgender stuff is simply the Progs’ version of that.
“…the meme a couple weeks ago about how Trump was getting his people to lie as a way to show their loyalty to him? ”
I assume this means that in reality he was telling them he would fire them if they lied.
I think it meant they were using the same psychological trick that militias use on child soldiers. Get them to do something horrible and they are yours. As opposed to lying because that’s something politicians and their lackeys always do.
I have some friends whose son loved playing with his sisters dolls when he was 4 or 5. His mother was a cheerleader in college, and liked to teach him how to do cheers because it was funny. (much to the kids fathers dismay)
You know what happened to that kid? He out grew it. Maybe young Henry there never would out grow it. Who knows, but it looks like he will never have a chance to due to his mother wanting something to write about in the WaPo.
I had a cousin who was pure tomboy until she hit puberty. She refused to wear dresses, played with trucks and GI Joes, rolled around in the dirt like a boy. When she turned 13, everything changed.
Ya, that is the thing. Kids are different, and I fear the kid in that article will never get that chance. I knew a family that had three girls. Two tom boys, one fru fru girly girl. One of the tom boys grew up and transitioned as an adult. The other didn’t. I have no problem at all with an adult doing whatever, and or being whatever they want to be. It’s none of my business and wish them nothing but happiness. But kids making that choice? They eat dirt for petes sake.
These are sick, evil people. Like all sick, evil people they think they are doing the right thing.
Using your kid to hold a sign at a political rally and calling them “woke” borders on retarded. This goes miles past that and is a serious case of child abuse, IMO.
I think the obvious solution is to just get rid of gender segregation in team sports.
Let men and women compete with each other for spots on the team, and may the best athlete win.
But Ken, what if chicks can’t make the cut?
It leaves more of them for making sammiches. WIN/WIN.
Why? That serves no purpose other than to discourage women from participating. And I think women are more productive members of society (same way I feel about men, btw) when they’re exposed to competition and learn to function within team units to achieve goals. Making everything co-ed will effectively keep them from mid- to high-level competition by the time they’re 12 or 13 years old. And that discouragement will only get greater as the gulf in physical development becomes greater every year after that.
“…more productive members of society … when they’re exposed to competition and learn to function within team units to achieve goals.”
Yuri Bezmenov – The purpose of demoralization is to destroy social values. A demoralized person cannot solve problems. No matter how much information they have they cannot draw a sensible conclusion. Thus they cannot defend themselves or their families or their country.
Henry’s parents are walking, talking textbook examples of demoralized people.
Bezmenov and his interview was a revelation to me. I learned more from him than ten thousand hours of political tv and articles
You didn’t used to hang out at The Smallest Minority did you?
Aren’t there private options for that?
Private schools?
I don’t suppose there would be a state wrestling championship for women at all without the current prevailing interpretation and implementation of Title IX.
If there were no Title IX, I certainly wouldn’t think it fit to discriminate against women–you’d let them on the team to wrestle men if they can legitimately earn a spot, right. That way, it isn’t discrimination. It’s all about ability.
The benefit of not discriminating based on sex is that there’s no sexual discrimination.
If you want to start a private roller derby club or wrestling team that only admits women, you should be free to do that.
Violent ground acquisition games such as football is in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.
Uh…no. It isnt. It is a game that mimics ceremonial tribal warfare. It really isnt all that crypto either.
Walter Camp openly talked about that in the 1880s when he helped constructed the new rules.
Frank’s link is broken but I’m pretty sure whatever he’s linking to doesn’t understand how nuclear war works.
Ain’t that a quote from Animal House? or some other classic.
*Duck duck go’s*
Ah, Back To School.
Apparently it’s Back to School, but I’ve gotten to the point in my life where I can’t distinguish between 80s satire and reality.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Buster Keaton made a movie called The Freshman, in the early-mid 20s. [Thanks Turner Classic’s Silent Sundays.] He arrives at a university on a train, gets off and first thing he sees is the massive football stadium. The narrative card that follows says something to the effect of: a major football stadium attached to a minor university. The more things change…
That’s Harold Lloyd, not Buster Keaton. And I believe the stadium is UC Berkeley’s stadium which is still used. (At least for the establishing shots for the big game.)
No matter what is done, it will not stop the progs from whining about it. They’ll just find another reason to whine. It’s what they do.
Ending gender segregation as a moral imperative is only for places where ending it would benefit women. Human endeavors where ending gender segregation would benefit men are juuuuust fine.
It never fails to amuse me when the same people who get very angry at the suggestion that there are innate differences between men and women, and who insist that “girl toys” are merely a social construct……also insist that there is a “transgendered brain” and believe that a boy is actually a girl for playing with girly toys.
Without cognitive dissonance progressivism would not exist.
OT: I am not sure if this was brought up before, but file under, needs moar gubmint
Fta: “Eddie Cullen, a county supervisor who voted against the measure, said officials should be encouraging, not restricting the public’s use of the parks and that people should be responsible for their behavior.
“If someone crashes their car while using (Google Maps) it’s not Google Maps’ responsibility to pay for the damages. That falls on the user,” he said. “If a ‘Pokémon GO’ player litters or damages something in the parks, it should be the responsibility of the player, not the corporation to pay for damages.””
I’m gonna go way out on a limb here and bet that Eddie has the least amount of experience in elected office of all his money-grubbing peers on the Milwaukee board of supervisors.
That is probably a pretty safe bet.
The fees will be on a sliding-scale — anywhere from $100 to $1,000, depending on how much of the park will be used and how many people are expected to be there, Wasserman said.
One must pay the king to place virtual items on the kings land. It is craziness.
How in the holy fuck would that be enforced? I sit on a park bench and look at my phone. How is anyone to know I am pokemonthingwhatever or just looking at google maps or the weather channel? If someone contests a ticket how could one prove one way or the other?
Is this a requirement for a permit to use your phone on public property?
Oh, I just read the headline. So they go after a company located in another country for putting a virtual map pin on a virtual map located nowhere in MN? Still my original question remains. How in hell would they enforce this?
How in hell would they enforce this?
Ya, that was my question too. As well as my amazement at the bureaucrats ability to pull yet another item out of their ass to charge a fee for.
Also, I don’t get the whole pokeman-go thing, but apparently a lot of people enjoy it. Now, if this is enforceable, the developers will just not use Milwaukee, and players there are out of luck.
Next up – bodily function tax (take your pick of functions, any or all). A Fuck tax for married people. A door tax (a clicker that counts the number of times you open your front door). Etc etc.
Was it Obama or one of his sycophants that asserted all money belongs to government they just let you have some out of generosity so no bitching about taxes?
Married people have sex?
I forgot about the bean jar.
The fuck tax should be for singles. The married pay one way or another daily.
The most common form of this is when Dems characterize “not taxing” something as a ‘government expense’
everyone does it. Sadbeard/Klein et al are some of the most mendacious and awful rhetorical defenders of the idea.
I’m too lazy to dig up examples but they are legion. the pretzel logic goes like this =
– when people elect pols, that is their ‘collective choice’ being voiced
– when pols then spend pass horrifying bills which require huge govt outlays, that is still the people’s collective-choice being acted upon
– when it comes time to pay for these shitty ideas, because everyone “benefits” from them, everyone must pay for them; therefore any reduction in the headline tax-burden that existed when shitty laws were passed is effectively a ‘giveaway’ of money that the govt already had earmarked in Accounts Receivable
its like govt is handing out “Rebate checks” when they cut-taxes.
there’s a lot that’s incredibly stupid about the case, but most of it seems wrapped up in the idea that Govt spending can only grow, and that all spending is in the wider public interest.
This same logic is of course rejected when it is used against them by conservatives on the subject of National Defense.
My prog friends like the terms, “the collection and distribution of public resources”. If you point out those “resources” used to belong to someone else, you get a blank stare, and then “social contract”.
That’s actually not how i tend to frame it.
I point out that the “resources” aren’t some fixed, static quantity, but only exist because of the efforts of other people pursuing their self-interests.
when they realize that they don’t get to reap the rewards from those efforts, they stop making them. And these “public resources” magically vanish.
Basically, the Laffer Curve. Which they don’t like very much either. When they’re not trying to deny it exists, they’re arguing how it should be used for social-engineering purposes
Vox? Was that necessary? It’s Sunday man.
That is as about as far as I made it. Why do they increase tobacco taxes when the number of people smoking goes down, and revenue decreases? Fuck them and their social-engineering.
my bad.
my bad.
I feel kinda sorry for this kid, but I feel more sorry for the girls she beat. They’ll have to settle for saying for the rest of their lives: ” Yeah, I wrestled in high school and coulda be been state champ/in the state finals, but I got beat by a tranny on steroids.”
And he’ll be thinking “Yeah I was state champ, but it wasn’t fair – I was on steroids.”
Lose/Lose, but the proggies get their narrative.
It is unethical for a doctor to prescribe sex changing drugs to someone who is still physically developing, and who is not mature enough to know shit. She’s a kid, and kids are stupid. In 10 years she is going to regret this decision, and she will ask her parents why they didn’t protect her feom her stupidity.
And the seven year old? His parents should be put in the stocks and publicly shamed, then horsewhipped.
More like 15 years and he is probably going to use an axe to chop them up and then put them in the freezer. Wrapped in garbage bags.
I imagine just before the axe splits their heads they will be screaming “But why Henrietta?!!! Why?!!!”
Was talking about the girl in texas. The mention of the aeven year old was an aside.
Oh. Well, still stands, but yeah ten years or less.
Maybe she is more of the butch-er knife type.
“butch-er” knife? Do we need a narrowed gays over here?
Though written by the charitably-described-as-uneven Jesse Singal, I found this article on a trans researcher who began to question the wisdom of giving young children puberty-altering hormones to be quite good.
Latest TDS: some prog yesterday was arguing that Trump was not actually a billionaire because…..reasons….
But remember, they’re reality based.
Most people are simpletons, especially progs. They think ‘billionaire’ means people with Scrooge McDuck swimming pools (cash money), not people who have lots of wealth (ownership of companies and/or real estate) . When they find out that Trump owns stock and real estate worth billions instead of a fat roll of a few thousand million dollar bills they think he is a fake billionaire.
Worse still some people think that having a big house, fancy car and lots of shiny toys means a person is rich. Most people that have that stuff dont own any of that shit, a bank does.
* I see the commenting has slowed down. I guess everyone is off wasting time on useless stuff like spending time with their children, working around the house, or cooking food for their family instead of commenting here.
I just couldn’t get myself motivated today. I am still in my pajamas and robe.
At least you’re dressed in something.
I just got dressed and then only because I had a couple of errands to run.
Cooking carnitas again.
Now Judge Wapner? Goddammit.
The original People’s Court wasn’t nearly as trashy as all the imitators. They actually talked about concepts like preponderance of evidence and don’t buy anything “as is” or you’d be screwed.
Raymond Babbitt haz sad
* Takes note in notepad *
If he(?) is taking testosterone, that should disqualify you from competitive sports. I understand it was allowed because it was prescribed by a doctor for a medical purpose, but if someone wants to realize his or her true form and you take hormones or any other kind of supplement that is otherwise banned because of the competitive edge it gives, then they don’t compete. Sometimes, there’s consequences to your choices. Sometimes you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
In terms of PSAs that look really stupid a couple decades down the road, this one about the evils of cable tv is pretty great.
How’d that work out?
I’d say it worked. Pay TV providers are barred from charging extra for local TV channels
In the early 90s, the cable operators tried to keep DirecTV (well, I think they were still Echostar then) from carrying local channels. When that didn’t work, they decided to try to get the government to impose must-carry on satellite providers too, thinking they’d have to use up precious limited bandwidth.
The history of media is the history of the legacy format going to absurd lengths to demonize any emergent, competing formats.
Sheet-music printers despised radio. Radio despised the record industry. The record industry despised tape-recorders, so invented CD’s… which turned into ‘makers of CDs’ hating the Personal Computer, and then people who sold personal computers despised the advent of DRM-free MP3…. and so on and so on.
*Fd’A giggles*
“If the product is free, the product is thee.”