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Becky? Would.
All day
The hate-fuck is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
Becky WOOD, amirite??
I thought you were a USC bro. Why no red and gold Hawaiian shirt?
No good response to that, Playa. With a son at Cal and one at Cal Poly, I am more into blue and green nowadays.
I heard Cal is a really good school. It might just be rumor, but I’m pretty sure.
I am thrilled he is there! He is in Air Force ROTC with tuition paid by all of us generous taxpayers. All in all, it’s less than his catholic school expenses. Man, I love that! Your kids are young, but are you already hoping for UCLA?
Not to be a broken record, but shit! The worls is topsy-turvy: he got into UCLA and Cal, but not USC…wtf?
Very complicated answer. I have 8 years to figure it out, but I have very little confidence in the direction the UC system is headed right now.
Everyone in my family went to UCLA in one form or another but me, including my grandparents.
Cal was $4100 a year when I went. I expect it to be 8-10x that when it’s time. For that amount of money, there are other options. Hopefully.
Catholic school? Loyola?
By Catholic school, I mean High School.
Around here, Loyola is THE Catholic high school.
For some reason, I thought you were local to me.
San Rafael, ca
You can admit you’re in San Quentin. I won’t judge.
I like his eyes.
Cortez Cortez?
His glasses are cool, i was thinking about those swastikas
Which is an excellent name btw. Reminiscent of Don Dedon Don, from a movie I can’t remember the name of.
I thought it was a reference to this.
No it was either a cheech and chong movie, or monty python. I vaguely remember they rode around on imaginary horses, and the “trusty side kick” who clacked two shells together to make the horse hoof sounds was named Don De Don Don. (I don’t know how to do the thing over the O to make it long) I am probably misspelling it, and or confusing two movies.
Forgive me, I smoked a bunch of pot in those days.
That reply was supposed to be further down. Maybe it is a reference to that song Rywun. BP must inform us.
I haven’t heard that song in a while. I saw the name on a list of “hot” “unusual” boy names, thought of the conquistador, and imagined a proggy couple naming their kid that.
It sounds like you’re thinking of The Holy Grail, but I didn’t see the name you mentioned.
Ya, the “Holy Grail” had the imaginary horses and the clop clop guy.
I don’t know where I remember the other dude from.
You must be misspelling it, because IMDb lists no character by that name.
Unless you’re referring to the notes of the Dragnet theme, which were lifted from the Burt Lancaster film The Killers.
I think he’s referring to some of the music in Dragnet.
I, on the other hand, have been triggered by them.
No, no no no, eyes don’t tap the prostate yet.
“Did he also visit slavery? You talked about where he visited, the exhibits he visited. Did he also visit slavery? And the reason I am asking this when he was candidate Trump he said things, like, you know, ‘We made this country’, meaning White America, not necessarily Black.”
Why does anyone bother making cartoon parodies of these people?
Comedians should be outraged by the proggies. Don’t comedians belong to some kind of union? Who is fighting for their jobs?
At least a few are finally realizing that there can be no victory or appeasement with these folks: grievance is an end in and of itself and there’s always something more to complain about, because they get off on being self-righteously offended.
Unfortunately, that revelation needs to be far more widespread than it is at the moment.
I’ve got the opening for the inevitable Secret Nazi President-Senpai anime ready.
I’ll see you and raise you <a href=""?God Emperor Trump the anime.
dammit friggin youtube.
God Emperor and not even a handwave in the direction of Dune? I am disappoint.
Most of the kids nowadays are referencing this God-Emperor instead.
Don’t blame YouTube, brah
I like how everyone just takes the fact that Steve Bannon is some mix of Dick Cheney and Hitler and Goering for granted….
…. when – can anyone actually name a single thing the guy has actually done?
I know he’s made quotes that – in context or out of context – basically say MURICA ISA WHITE COUNTRY, and variations to that effect.
but that seems to be the sum total of it. You’d think there was actually some, you know, *reason* he is considered important enough to serve as Chief Strategist or whatever his job is.
This NYT piece provides some bio-gloss;
All of which is news to me. …my point being that the way he’s covered seems to act as tho the only important detail about the guy is that he Hates Negroes and Brown People in general, and that is his core competency.
Even the Times seems to think the “cup runneth over”
The demonization in the media has gotten to the point where you don’t even pay attention to it anymore. Which is a bad thing, because sooner or later (as Eric Raymond said a while back) someone who is *ACTUALLY* really bad is going to come along, and no one will believe the media.
But, but, he’s actually the President, and Trump is just a shill for him! Or, something.
One of the things I hate most about modern progressivism is that they’re making me defend Trump.
Exactly. I don’t like Trump but the damn proghies constantly overplay their hand so I wind up defending him.
We all say 1984 isnt a how to manual, but maybe we should replace it with the boy who cried wolf.
can anyone actually name a single thing the guy has actually done?
He got very wealthy. Good for him. Mostly from being an investor in Seinfeld from what I have heard. (I didn’t read your link)
The racist/hitler claims on him are idiocy, but make for good humor. He is, I think, a true believer in protectionism and high tariffs from things I have heard him say. When I quit NPR, I started listening to SiriusXm in the morning. Bannon used to host a morning show there. I had never heard of Breitbart or Bannon. He often promoted racially diverse speakers and writers. It is his economic views that are scary.
So an ignorant Hitler?
No, an intolerant Hitler. A mean Hitler, if you will.
When I quit NPR
Ssssssloperrr, come back to the darrrk ssssside
I wasn’t very impressed with his…odd historical justifications for some of his trade and economics positions, so I’m questioning his ‘towering intellect’, but the idea that he’s some secret fascist because he referenced knowledge of Evola in a completely neutral way.
*is ridiculous, gimme that freaking edit button already.
I agree with you and westernloper, I listened to him for a while and never heard him say a racist,sexist,Nazi thing. His bizarre economics and his admiration for that Filipino strongman who likes to kill drug dealers gave me pause, and he went on about a war with China so often one might wonder whether he isn’t hoping for one.
Meh, I can’t speak for Bannon, but I could argue that the replacing the current taxation regimen in this country with the tax policy of the Coolidge Administration would be a net gain for liberty, even if it doesn’t meet the purity test.
My great fear with the Trump Tarriff (It’s Yuge, The Best Tariff,) is that it’s going to be in addition to all the current taxes, and not in replacement of any of them.
I’m talking more about stuff like Bannon lecturing on how ‘modern capitalism’ is corrupt and immoral while ‘old Christian capitalism’ was wonderful and moral. When in reality what he means is “I don’t like free trade”.
I’ve not really bothered to explore his opinions on the subject, but I will say there sure as hell aren’t many Carnegies, Rockefellers, or Mellons operating in corporate boardrooms today, in my opinion. But I attribute that to the corrupting influence of government more than the failings of capitalism. There’s nothing wrong with the productivity of the American worker, it’s entirely government regulation and red tape.
The Evola outrage was among the most intellectually dishonest things coming from the TDS establishment. There are many things coming from them lately that are crazy but the Evola “controversy” deserves to be recognized as among the worst. Bannon displayed some insight into the worldview of Putin and Putin’s inner circle. He should be praised for it: we finally have somebody at the top of the government who might have a clue what motivates Putin, whom btw Bannon considers an adversary of the US. Perhaps Bannon is wrong about Putin, but at least his ideas about Putin are not the childish nonsense (“reset button”) pushed by Obama, Clinton and their people. And yet every major newspaper reprinted the moronic claim that we all should be horrified that Bannon even knows who Evola is.
I mean, I don’t understand how it’s some kind of mystery. Russia wants what Russia has wanted for centuries: security, and access to a warm water port. It’s Current Year, but you still need to ship stuff by water, and Russia still has enormous borders that are hard to defend.
The idiocy of supposed experts wondering why Putin was adversarial as the US goes around smashing up their glacis of client states holding down their southern flank, while puncturing their sphere of influence in Eastern Europe shows you just how dumb these supposed experts are.
To be fair, some of them didn’t want to be client states.
Eh the Big Idea of American foreign policy in the 90s and 00s was that every nation was a Jeffersonian Democracy in Waiting, only with different charming ethnic costumes and foodstuffs. The Russians disagreed, and while it’s obviously a very very complex matter, I think the Russians were more right about that then they were wrong.
And the only remaining question is whether we’re willing to risk war with Russia to make these countries not Russian client states. Anything else is superfluous in the discussion.
If you read Das Kapital, you’re a person seeking enlightenment even if you don’t agree with Marx.
If you read Mein Kampf, you’re a budding fascist regardless of whether you agree with Hitler.
Suppose I interviewed you and you confirmed that you have read Mein Kampf fifteen years ago because it was assigned reading for a college class. I can then report,
It’s an incredibly shitty trick of sophistry. You can smear someone while denying that you are. There’s no room to sue for defamation, and readers who are already inclined to think ill of someone now have one more piece of “evidence” which has been absorbed without doing any due diligence to confirm that it should have been.
I’m not saying you’re a Nazi. I’m just saying that you drink water. The Nazis also drank water. That might be a coincidence, or it might not, but it gives us pause.
I’m actually reading Mein Kampf right now; I’m on page 171 of 678. It’s actually rather difficult to read due to the disorganized flow of ideas and boring autobiographical elements. But I’m still determined to finish it so that I’ll have a better knowledge of Hitler’s beliefs than 99 percent of people who toss his name around as a casual insult for their political opponents.
I usually just go with the NSDAP platform. If you delete the Jew hatred, it’s a Bernie bros paradise.
You mean it isn’t?
He did say that Breitbart was a platform for the alt-Right, but that was back before anybody had a definition of alt-Right, and I wonder what his definition was at the time.
I know he’s made quotes that – in context or out of context – basically say MURICA ISA WHITE COUNTRY, and variations to that effect.
I don’t even think he’s ever done that. It’s largely that some of the commenters at Breitbart have made commentary to that effect.
Gender? I thought there was no such thing? Also, do I have to give all my races?
I bet this is probably a prelude to quotas.
What are you even talking about? I have job security just updating the gender checkboxes on clients forms.
Bill Paxton died
Game over, man
You’re in charge of links tonight.
Is that how we assign them?
Well, Paxton was supposed to, but now that he’s dead…
So did Judge Wapner.
That was actually a Dinner Sausage Link.
I can’t believe he was still alive. 97, wow.
I wonder how Rusty’s doing.
Rusty’s been dead for years. Almost 15.
Jesus… it’s like my childhood is disappearing. Next thing you’ll tell me is Gene Rayburn is dead.
While he played a lot of supporting roles in sometimes-silly-movies, everyone who worked with him said he was probably a better actor than 95% of the stars in hollywood. He was one of the few who really did have talent. He raised the quality level of a lot of B movies to A-material
e.g. as an example, look up the vampire movie, “Near Dark”
I liked him in ‘True Lies’. But I suspect that’s accurate. He was among the more abled and popular ‘I know the face but not the name’ actors.
Of course, there were a lot of those in old Hollywood. Just this morning I watched “Irish Mafia” member Frank McHugh play a journalist in Dodge City, of all things.
And Dodge City is a very anti-libertarian movie. Errol Flynn violates the 2A more or less by fiat, and then imposes laws banning gambling and one instituting new taxes. And all of this shit is portrayed as a good thing.
Not a Bill Paxton vehicle, but Tom Petty from The Postman: “Welcome to Cloud City, where we don’t allow guns.”
……iiiiin a post-apocalyptic world controlled by warlords, and armed guards all over the place.
Are you talking about Kevin Costner’s version of Il Postino?
The very same one, el Tedderino. Put ‘er there.
He also seemed to have been a nice guy, unlike 95% of the stars in hollywood.
Question: I’ve been watching the Daytona 500. Does the 500 stand for the number of wrecks?
Civil War vet given proper marker
“It has been many springs since anybody saw the daffodils emerge at Young’s Memorial Church Cemetery.
“Most of the burying ground in New Market was overrun with weeds and brush — until a group of volunteers began to recover the past last year.
“Now about 20 of the rediscovered graves in the African American cemetery are decorated with yellow flowers planted there by loved ones years ago.
“And one grave, that of a black man who fought for his country in the Civil War, now has the marble marker it has lacked since 1929.”
Oops, sorry about that, old habits die hard.
Pope Francis ordered you to post this, didn’t he? :-p
It’s utterly gratifying to be on the side of the Nazis. Finally I can see my side see some of its policies through. I mean, it’s been, what, 75 years since the Nazis last held power? This time the RIGHT people are in and we’re gonna show the world what Nazifascism is all about.
So. Over/under some faux-righteous, gasbag, dipshit actor/ress goes off on some political screed and tirade tonight?
Is it Wednesday already?
You couldn’t pay me to watch that garbage. And that was before Trump.
I’m a movie blogger, and I don’t even watch the Oscars.
Never watched an episode. Ever. Then again, you’re talking to a guy who never ate poutine AND a Big Mac (that cream…gross).
Now’s the time to combine them. Poutine on a Bignore Mac.
Yes thank you autocorrect, Bignore it is.
Rich people hold a gala to tell one another how amazingly talented they are? I think I have more interest in watching flies fuck.
“I think it’s better to erect new monuments than to tear down old ones. … Removing monuments strikes me as something that’s done against tyrants overseas, like Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin. I don’t think America needs to be that way in regard to these monuments. I say leave them alone … The only (creatures) who pay that much attention to them most of the time are pigeons.”
First they made him Hitler. Recently, he’s a Stalinist. I’m thinking a “Stalinist Hitler” is next. I’m confused on what the mustache is going to look like.
You don’t get it straff, we need to keep our UNICEF pennies away from the Commie-Nazis!
Commie-Nazis. That’s supposedly the entire spectrum, right there. Reminds me of the line, “We’ve got both kinds. Country and Western”.
I’m confused on what the mustache is going to look like.
Like this?
It has to be the greatest mustache. A mustache like no others.
Anyone know what kind of surgery killed Bill? (Paxton)
I read one report that said heart surgery, but they didn’t specify any further.
This is kind of cool.
Storm chasers honor “Twister” star Bill Paxton with amazing GPS tribute
That is cool
No Religious Discrimination In Suspension of Minister’s Gym Membership
“In Armstrong v. James Madison University, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 25014 (WD VA, Feb. 23, 2017), a Virginia federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing claims of religious discrimination and infringement of free exercise rights brought by Matthew Armstrong, a 65-year old Christian minister, after his alumnus membership in James Madison University Recreation gym was suspended. The suspension followed a complaint filed by a female student employee of the gym who claimed that comments made to her by Armstrong amounted to sexual harassment. Armstrong had told the student about his religious beliefs that allowed him to have a young wife, and asked her if she would be interested in getting to know him better with the eventual possibility of marriage.”
Hey Eddie, you know that game called ‘Hot Potato’? You should play that now. The Brown guy was good. This one…not so much.
Nobody does/did it like Trump. Nobody.
Nobody does hyperbole better, of that we can be sure.
Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as me
Baby I’m the best….
You’re so vein.
Wait until she finds out Jesse isn’t interested in her.
Priceless. Saved to desktop for future use.
AR Supreme Court Abolishes Fayetteville’s LGBT Protections
“LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Fayetteville’s Ordinance 5781, which bans discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, was struck down by the Arkansas Supreme Court Thursday…
“The ruling says Ordinance 5781 is a municipal decision to expand the coverage of the Arkansas Civil Rights Act to include LGBT people. Adding in a new classification of people covered under the Arkansas Civil Rights Act is a violation of state law, as LGBT people are a classification not previously included under state law.
“It’s a sweeping decision that likely rolls back similar anti-discrimination efforts adopted around Arkansas.”
(includes autoplay video)
As much as folks like pointing out racists and nazis you’d think they might be against anti-discriminatiin laws just so they would have a better idea of who to point at and scream “RACIST”.
Granting someone special privileges is not the same as protecting them.
A prog was pressuring me to see this takedown of David Brooks in The Nation.
Progs will pressure you into all kinds of things…just say no.
I made a few sentences in before remembering how insufferable The Nation is and bailing.
Andrew Bacevitch is a retired Army Colonel who served in Vietnam and is a historian @ Boston U. He describes himself as “catholic conservative”, but i think The Nation gives him some love because he’s written critically about US policy in the Middle East.
He recently wrote a book about the middle east and did a podcast about it @ Reuters “War College” which is worth a listen.
In short = the piece on Brooks is probably worth reading. (i haven’t read it)
The Nation. David Brooks.
Put ’em both in a sack and toss it into the river.
So Canada really is the worst
But is it deep dish?
Worse yet.
This was the biggest crime in that recipe. Even more so than the spam.
“can refrigerated all-ready pizza crust”
What I’d really like to try myself is Finnish reindeer pizza.
Oh, would you be offended if someone ever commercialized t-shirts based on your namesake?
You know, I did a Google search when this moniker first came to mind to see if I was the first to come up with the chocolate-and-peanut-butter combination of Somalia, roadzzz, and korporayshuns, and as far as I could tell I was. Now I see other folks using it or making otherwise very similar references, and while I’d love to get royalties, because I could really use the ducats right now, other folks using it for ideological promotion certainly isn’t the end of the world.
I’ve flirted with the idea of commercializing it in other ways, but unfortunately that keeps getting sidetracked.
The idea would to make it look like a basic bitch paving company t-shirt, a double-take shirt. Apparel is a nasty biz, so it would be mostly for lulz anyhow.
When was that ever in doubt?
I can read the speech bubbles this time, at only 150% zoom. Well done.
Is it my imagination, or does Bannon look like an alcoholic bum? Maybe it’s just me, I dunno.