Off to another beautiful week here in America.  And also in America, Jr, which according to Alexa, is where 2/3 of our viewership is coming from.  Thanks, all you poutine-munchers and VPN users.

Anyway, without further ado, here we go…

Oh shit!

Oops. Um, I hate to say it, but can you leave?

Some awards show happened last night.  And it didn’t go well for Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.  An envelope mixup led to them announcing the wrong winner for Best Picture.  A mixup that wasn’t realized until the wrong cast had assembled onstage.  Also, before that, there was a loooooooooot of social signaling.  Fortunately for me, I missed the circus.

Don’t worry Dems.  Perez is going to unite you.  At least he says he is.

In a scathing takedown of Obamacare, some uncomfortable truths for its defenders are told.

Is there an alt-text I should have thought of? Tell me how I failed in the comments, because I'm drawing a blank.

Dionne, after leaving his Washington Post office for the day.

E.J. Dionne has gone completely off the rails.  And I don’t mean a little bit, I mean Casey Jones-style.  Without the cocaine.  Probably.  Maybe.  Who knows, its hard to tell anymore how much of his insanity is a drug-fueled fever dream and how much is innate paranoia.  Only time will tell.

And finally, Mexicans in Mexico are psychologically traumatized because of Trump.  Why?  Because they are facing the decision on whether or not to respect our nation’s laws.

Anyhow, have a great day out there, people.  Especially all of our Canadian readers. You guys really seem to grasp what this is all aboot.

[Update: Alexa and Dionne links corrected]