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You need new social media friends.
I’m sold. Sign me up.
::raises hand::
I don’t get it.
If the trees can read our minds, why don’t they run away when they sense the lumberjacks coming?
What’s the matter Treebeard, did my joke *stump* you, ha ha!
I wood hit you if I could reach you.
I bet you’d destroy me root and branch if you could.
Time to bough down before the pun-master, sloopy.
Yeah, you better just leaf me alone.
Keep it up and I’ll put a knot in your head.
You think you scare me but you just leave me board.
Perhaps we can get to the root of this quarrel? Or maybe you guys are just all bark and no…
Sad that this is what is poplar around here.
I feel very reassured with you at the elm, sloop.
They said we couldn’t keep up a pun thread for very long, but we just maple it off.
I pine for a better class of commenter.
I’d rather not birch the topic.
What’s the matter? He’s just axing questions.
I saw what you did there.
Hey, everyone, it’s a pun contest, let’s all chip in…
What? What did I say?
You’re barking up the wrong tree.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Sorry, I didn’t hear you over all the barking.
Why not? The thread was just lumbering along.
I saw what you did there.
Bunch of saps in this thread.
If trees could read our minds
They’d know that we wood?
Also obligatory
Yes, but I posted the cover version for the benefit of the death metal fans.
*Rubs temples and grimaces*
Fir fucks sake those are awful and y’all just walnut quit.
I really like how the comments really branch out.
Shoot, Suthen, the folks are just having fun. Don’t beech about it.
Yeah, but can they teach me homeopathy, hydropathy, or any other pathy that I haven’t so far acquired?
Sympathy? Empathy?
It taught me antipathy.
I learned apathy.
Aaah, yes. Indeed.
who cares
I bet there’s a market for using this new found skill.
You know what I’m thinking.
You are always thinking a a blowjob and a glass of wine!
Have you been at our house in the evening?
Hitler? Sorry, still need to learn the right memes.
We might have the same friends.
Eh, telepathic trees were already done in Orson Scott Card’s Speaker for the Dead. Not as good as Ender’s Game, I’m afraid.
I did love Ender’s Game. the whole series is pretty solid.
I’ve tried very, very hard to like Card. I have failed.
He did a nice Mormon novel.
Most of his books are Mormon-y. NTTAWWT but they don’t hold my interest – other than the usual Ender’s Game.
I liked Ender’s Shadow.
Oxymoron, that. Although I loved Study in Scarlet.
Telepathic trees figure largely in Kevin J. Anderson’s execrable Saga of Seven Suns series, which I only listened to for as long as I did because they were read by George Guidall. I wonder what a really good narrator is thinking when he’s’ stuck reading a crap book: “Good Lord, what have gotten myself into? I should sooner chew broken glass than read this book.”
Wasn’t there a terrible shamalong movie about this? What a twist!
Earlier today I contemplated whether or not to continue writing “UnCivil Doesn’t Like Anything” submissions because there had been a string of very well thought out, serious pieces and it was starting to feel out of place.
Then this comes along and I go “Oh yeah, lighter fare does contribute to a good mix.”
Go for it, dude, it’s too bad I already used my “everyone chip in” joke…
But you haven’t really gone out on a limb yet.
Although he is willowing in his own misery.
keep em coming.
Welp, you asked for it. I’ve composed another one and petitioned the editors for a reading.
socks with sandals?
Low flow toilets.
I cant believe I have to explain this…Take the fill valve out of the tank and look in the half inch pipe at the bottom where the water flows in. There is a choke in there. Reach in with the tip of your pocket knife and pull it out. If it is made into the fill line get a 3/8 drill bit and drill it out. Do the same for your shower heads and faucets. They all have ’em too.
This one has a fancy mechanism to overcome the lack of force from water weight. I don’t want to meddle with it because I can’t afford another couple hundred to replace it.
Uncivil, which one? Where can I have a look at this thing?
I will have to check for answers in the morning. Ambien is giving me double vision.
It’s a Kohler K-3979-0 Highline and it actually manages to do a decent job with the water it is permitted to use.
Ah but that is just the toilet. Look in the tank and see what kind of fill valve it has. that is easily replaceable with one that you can take the choke out of. It will refill the tank in less than a minute.
You need a Ferguson. The King of Flush. I remember my daddy sitting on one of those- played it like an instrument.
socks with sandals?
Those are fighting words. It is winter.
When my dad coached our lacrosse team, he had a tendency to wear that setup or his favorite, shorts, white calf socks, and white new balance shoes.
I mocked it the, but noticed I get closer to that every year.
I regularly wear Chocos and wool socks. (especially in the winter when there is no snow on the ground) My son and his cousins make fun of me, but they are punks. I say that lovingly. They are all in their 20’s.
I have embraced old goat and relish in it. I draw the line at calf socks though.
At 25, I have some merrell shoes that I should be mocked for. They are super nice in wither with my wool Darn Toughs though.
winter. not wither.
When you’re in Brazil, you know how you know when the German tourists have arrived? They’re the ones wearing soccer shorts with sandals and white knee socks. I’m not making that up.
That is the German look the world over. I often got ribbed and asked if I was German by everyone on a crew after work hours when I was rocking the socks and sandals. I don’t own soccer shorts though.
The older ones expat ones in Brazil have more taste. They just wear a tiny speedo.
Which one of you guys is webdominatrix?
It is not a guy. Trust me on this one.
Ok, I trust you OMWC. And I’m not gonna ask you about the caning and all, whatever you’re into, I’m cool with that!
You trust a guy named Old Man With Candy? Next you will be getting in his van.
*by the way OMWC, I love the avatar.
What? Are you kidding, Warty and SF are probably in the back of that van.
Never was.
But one day will be?
We all have dreams. I want to be a real boy someday.
Do I tell them? Your call.
Fuck it, I will. This is what you get when you cross a brilliant web designer with a (((pervert))).
I’m not actually trying to hijack a good tree telepathy thread, but… ok, yes I am trying to do that. So what’s the over/under of this happening, in 2018?
SpaceX, manned trip around moon in 2018
$10 says one of the passengers is Buzz Aldrin.
Will he punch the other passenger?
Only if theres a flat earther on board.
Shhhhhh! Don’t mention Buzz around these parts. I don’t want him googling himself and finding out I’m here.
So many people who must not be named, maybe you could give us a list? And repeat it several times so we won’t forget?
The impression that I got was that he had two paying customers lined up.
How much did that guy pay the Russians a decade ago? 20 million?
The trees knew you were going to do that.
shit. They must be upset with me for drinking their blood all these years. Delicious delicious tree blood.
Musk is an attention whore who lives for Government handouts so… no not happening he just wants his name in print.
Well, if it did happen, it would sort of make Nasa look bad, being stuck in low earth orbit for 50 years and all that.
It is possible but somewhat ambitious especially since they haven’t had a manned trip into space yet. They aren’t really going around the moon as such but flying by. The two passengers may end up farther from earth than any human ever.
See, some peckerwood’s gotta get the thing up. And some peckerwood’s gotta land the son of a bitch. And that “peckerwood” is called a “pilot”.
Spam in a can.
a beautiful iron pig. i really like that color scheme.
Is the iron pig made out of pig iron?
I don’t know, maybe the
toyotaToyoda factory can tell me?That tree said that you can’t have the iron pig.
It evidently doesn’t know about your woodchipper.
I could drag that tree right out of the woods with that pig!
Speaking for the trees might have its benefits…
Smooth, very smooth. I’m learning a lot.
You just had to bring Rush into this didn’t you.
But they ain’t…HELIX!
That was supposed to be here, but apparently my brain doesn’t work.
Rush is not the worst I can do (see upthread).
Game of Thones-as -self-help? “Follow Bran’s 10 Steps for Green-Seeing, and Turn Yourself Into a Sexual Hodor!”
They got these lyrics about how trees are talking to each other. How different sides of your brain works or outer space bullshit.
Not a reply, dammit.
I think “Trailer Park Boys” may fail to translate to an American audience, even despite the strong similarities between Canadian and American white-trash. Its like George Bernard Shaw said, (paraphrased) = “We are two countries separated by a common mullet”
It’s too bad too, that show (especially the early seasons) is great all around. According to John Dunsworth who plays Lahey, his character is responsible for getting a few people off booze.
Later, they moved slightly to a more stoner-comedy. Still good.
I also think it’s one of the most libertarian shows.
I’ve never actually seen it.
And it could be wildly popular in the American TV underground, for all i know.
I personally vote “The Young Ones” as the most libertarian TV show ever. Not because of anything political, but because of its pluralism and comfort with storytelling-anarchy.
or, of course, The A-Team.
The Prisoner?
Yes, definitely a contender for top 3
It seems to be the only Canadian show people in the US watch, besides all those northerners who used to get Degrassi in ye olde days.
I miss you, Kids in the Hall.
Hey, I’ve seen a few episodes of Canada’s worst driver.
Kids in the hall was also great.
Most libertarian show ever is of course Yes, Minister. because damn, did those guy nail government. But I’ll allow The Young Ones because Rick is perfect. Other guys are cool, but damn if Rick isn’t in charge these days (RIP Rick Mayal).
TPB is cool and you should check it out. I wasn’t a fan of first season, that tried hard to push the ‘fly on the wall documentary’ angle with actors trying to talk natural and overlap dialogue, but next 3-4 seasons are really good. Afterwards, it gets a bit too far into “Ricky is a moron and is also 80% of each show”.
I mean, the time when someone tells J-Roc he’s white and he goes into depression, until his mom says basically “I was a mess, I slept with everyone, so yes, it IS possible your father was a black man”…. damn why can’t I find a clip of that on YouTube?
South Park?
Hey, I’ve seen a few episodes of Canada’s worst driver.
How, and why.
We’re so smart up here you can get every season of freaking Little Mosque on the Prairie, but our good shows never get a DVD release.
someone linked to a clip from it at one point, and I fell in a hole.
Your best show was Definition. But then, you guys had to hire an American to host it.
You’re cra-cra. Who can’t relate to Bubbles?
dog people?
Aww, dammit! And, just after I changed my screen name….
Powerful Psychic would
Trees can communicate with people? That’s another thing I’m going to have to stop having nonconsensual sex with.
[joke setup omitted]
“…those sheep are all liars!”
Not to worry, trees are nymphos.
And disgusting perverts. At my old apartment I had to clean tree semen off my car on a regular basis because the damn plants couldn’t keep it to themselves.
Was your car aspen for it?
Can the trees teach me to make people feed themselves to lions?
Why wouldn’t you want to do it yourself?
Grab its motherfucking branch
Record snowfall in Reykjavík, Iceland
Time-lapse video of said record snow (may not work in your browser; I can’t get it to work in Firefox on Linux).
20 inches is their record?
Iceland just doesn’t live up to the name.
Iceland, not snowland.
March 1st is Beer Day
All that snow on the ground will probably make it more fun, tho some people will probably end up dead, accidentally lost in the snow in treks between bars. (holds beer over heart).
Like MacArthur, i shall return someday.
That was a shitty link, fwiw. It talked it down.
I’ve actually never come across a single website/blog that has ever really talked it up all that much. My experience is that it was an absolute riot. Tho i can see why some might call it more ‘restrained’. It occurs in smaller bars spread out across the town, and it gets so cold after dark that there’s very little public debauchery.
Pub crawl for the mature?
more or less. but it was all ages.
it started in the afternoon and ran to early morning (i never heard last-call). there were everything from teens to grannies getting blotto, and everyone was completely enthusiastic about it.
Unlike Octoberfest, or other beery festivals (like St Pattys day or whatever)… its not dressed up with any ‘food’ or ‘cultural’ elements. It was simply “everyone in the country is going to get as drunk as possible”
I actually ended up attending it by accident. It was one of the few luckiest things that has ever happened to me.
That’s got to be so great! just wandering in to see that would be fantastic.
Imagine getting off a plane and going, “Well, i only have a 24 hour layover, which kind of stinks because i’d love to get a feel for this country,….maybe we’ll think of something to do”…
…getting to your hotel, and finding a note taped to the front desk which says, “Keys to rooms here (arrow points to shelf) Everyone gone drinking”
And then discovering that the whole country was already half drunk, and just waiting for you to join in.
A couple of years ago, I read an article by a guy who stayed in Greenland for a couple of years. It was a very interesting account. Apparently, the national pastime is going to the bars, getting really drunk, and beating the shit out of each other. The next day no one speaks of it, and then that evening, they do it again.
Maybe the natives adopted the concept of Valhalla from their Norse neighbors. If I have to have an afterlife Valhalla seems like a lot more fun than harps and pearly gates.
I remember back during my childhood when I was forced to go to church. I didn’t like anything about it to begin with, but then I learned that if I was really good and never did anything to enjoy myself, like drink alcohol and consort with harlots, I would go to a place where I would sit on a cloud playing a harp and singing awful religious music all day long, forever. And so began my career of sin.
“Why Iceland celebrates Beer Day”
Why do you think? There’s probably nothing else to do.
Just in time for the 150th anniversary of Nebraska’s statehood.
Wait, Iceland?
I hear that Nebraskans are very concerned about the reefer maddened hordes descending on them from their southwest. Though I have no idea why anyone would want to go to Nebraska, stoned or not.
I hear that, to encourage tourism, they passed a law legalizing all drugs and prostitution just for Statehood Day.
(Do I have to add a disclaimer that I am just kidding?)
I think it is more the reefer maddened hordes descending to the SW and returning to the wholesome righteous world what be Nebraska with that evil plant they acquired in the depths of hell that is Colorado.
Nebra ska is the best kind of ska.
I read that again to pull a quote for some snarky remark. I got nuthin. That is such a sweltering blast of new age tree-hugginess, I can’t even make fun of it. It makes fun of itself.
I couldn’t make it very far in the article.
Makes you kind of wonder what kind of assholes these “eco”-protesters really are.
The asshole kind.
I thought we had asshole cornered.
Wait, let me rephrase that …
The same types that send their own kids to private schools while making sure that poor kids can’t. The same type that argue for gun control while surrounded by armed guards. The same kind who argue for open borders, while making sure that the only poor brown people they have contact with are their maids and the busboys at $1000 a plate fundraisers. Democratic assholes.
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
I’m guessing you’re talking about the immigration issue. There are plenty of people who advocate for those policies with the assurance that they will be shielded from the consequences of those policies.
When do you think was the last time Obama or Hillary talked to an illegal immigrant that wasn’t activist or photo-prop? When was the last time a Mexican without a leaf blower or lawnmower got past Zuckerburg’s security wall.
Don’t worry, this is all solved through gentrification. We love you poor immigrants, but you aren’t living in my community and putting up your tacky taco stands.
Doesn’t matter. Your first two examples are actual examples of hypocrisy. Advocating for a free market on labor while exercising one’s right to freedom of association is not hypocrisy. If one truly believes in the free market, then one believes that a person’s right to contract with whom he wishes should not be infringed due to communitarian whining about externalities. Just because I, as an entrepreneur, want the lowest price on labor possible doesn’t mean that I must fraternize with my workers. Let’s be honest, it’s not like CEOs go down to the local bar to hang with Joe Sixpack to begin with, so why would it be surprising to see that they have no interest in doing so with Jose Sixpack?
Wouldn’t that be Jose Seispack?
He Anglicized his name.
It’s how the melting pot works.
Fair enough, HM, I will concede your point. Let’s pretend I was talking about the type of people who take private jets to climate change conferences.
Hell, I could be heating my house with burning tires covered with gasoline year round, and I still wouldn’t hit the carbon imprint of one of the Obama’s family vacations, taking his and hers 747’s to go on vacation.
I mean, at least the guy wearing a hairshirt has earned the right to lecture me about trying to do more with less. I may not agree with him, but he at least put his money where his mouth is.
But most employers aren’t taking private jets to Davos or whatever. Most employers of most immigrant labor are middle class folks who get help with home repairs, landscaping, nannying so both parents can work. When I pick up a couple guys at Home Despot who will clear out some tree stumps for $100, that’s a freely-entered-into transaction between them and me. The government requirement that I pay five times that to someone in the guild who will dutifully file all the paperwork and pay off the right bureaucrats is, in my view, an immoral intrusion into their economic liberty AND mine.
Wonder? Who didn’t know already?
Trees can read our thoughts. I wonder what they think about us wiping our asses with them?
I’m guessing the birds piss them off more. Bird are assholes.
Yes, yes they are
That or the beetles that eat them to death.
We have a deal with birds They get out of the way of our cars, we look the other way on the statue defecation.
Ever notice the smiling trees in cemeteries? They are getting their revenge, you just dont see it happening.
HEY TREES I burn your friends and make sweet sweet love in front of them
In response to the recent spate of random Jew-terrorising: Do something!
“For the second time in a week, a group of cowards vandalized a Jewish cemetery, desecrating the resting place of people who could not defend themselves,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. “We call upon the White House to do more than speak words about anti-Semitism. We demand a plan of action.”
And what is it exactly you would like to be done, Mr. Greenblatt, without suspects or witnesses?
oh, so NOW you want a final solution.
Here’s an idea: organize your community to stand watch. When some little hobgoblin comes into to desecrate a grave, grab him and kick his little ass.
I don’t understand why the Jews in their neighborhood can’t just wander around the streets at all times of night dressed in completely black clothing, like they do here.
Or just install cameras.
OK. Done.
I think there’s a bit of a cultural gap between the type of Jewish person who’s in the Anti-Defamation League and a Jewish person who’s in the Jewish Defense League.
Really, the only time a JDL member sees an ADL member is when the JDL member needs dental work after the latest street brawl.
Ha ha, just light-hearted fun, I don’t want to piss anyone off, at least not the JDL guy.
My stepfather was a member of Betar in his youth. I’m too tired to relate the story now, but someone was involved in the sacking of the Egyptian Embassy in New York sometime during the 1970s.
People’s Front of Judea and Judean People’s Front….whut? I have no idea who those groups are.
It just occurred to me that the reason I dont know who they are is because the Jews around here in the deep racist south dont ever get bothered much. It may happen but I have never heard of it. I used to know one who dressed super red-neck style, raised cattle and had a giant Star of David belt buckle. Of course one of the reasons no one ever gave him shit is because he was the parish arm-wrestling champion.
…Wait, is that still in vogue now? Or are they touchy about the whole ‘religious fanatic mass suicide’ thing?
Not that I can frown on cultures celebrating glorious defeats, but by now Jews should have battle cries related to recent victories, some even against the odds.
Yeah, against Arabic armies, which is like beating up an eleven year old when you’re fifteen. Yeah, if he’s lucky he might be able to take an eye out, but ninety-nine times out of a hundred you’ll kick his ass.
Hey, it’s not like Israel was a vast military power in 1948, it was a bunch of amateurs with second-hand WW2 (and earlier) shit all-around, bar maybe core of Arab Legion over in Jordan!
Arabs at War is a pretty good look at, well, what’s on the tin – including times when Arabs did well against Israelis (War of Attrition, 1973 Suez crossings and Israeli counterattacks the next – the latter in particular demonstrates how well you can do when you try to leverage your strengths over your weaknesses).
Arabs come with a bunch of cultural handicaps that helps to completely undermine their military efficiency. Class and tribal distinctions delegitimize the hierarchy, training outside of elite units is usually poor, unit discipline is garbage depending on state, etc. For every Ahmad Ismail Ali there’s dozens of incompetents promoted due to status more than anything else. Not to say they didn’t get a few good hits in once and awhile, but the fact that they lost to said ‘bunch of amateurs’ says a lot. And don’t even get me started on the quality of their own ‘radical amateurs’ nowadays.
Compare that to a glorious last-stand against the military superpower of the time period. I know what I’m romanticizing the hell out of.
It’s lacking the “Last stand” element. Sure they held out while the Romans couldn’t get up the mountain, but once they’d built the ramp (that is still standing today) under fire and prepared to storm the gate, they quibbled around the suicide prohibition (we didn’t kill ourselves we killed each other) just in case someone chickened out of fighting to the death and ended up dragged to Rome in chains.
Well, Josephus managed to got a book deal out of a similar arrangement.
Seriously? You have to have major TDS to see desecration of a cemetery and conclude, “Trump sucks!”
The whole crypto-anti-semite angle, especially with his pride and joy first born converting, Jew son-in-law, high level Jew cabinet members all over the place, is tired as fuck and it irritates me enough to feel sympathy for this guy I didn’t even vote for. It made me a little angry a few weeks ago when he had to publicly “disavow” Nazis or whatever, simply because a handful of knuckle-draggers are getting the wrong idea about what The Age of Trump (another fucking stupid phrase I’m hearing constantly – after a whole month already!)
*what the Age of Trump really means for them.
“Trump’s America” is also a really obnoxious term, like the country suddenly let its mask slip to reveal the Nazi underneath.
“It may be difficult to investigate anti-Semitic threats when evidence is lacking, law enforcement officials and crime experts told TIME last week.”
Thank God for experts!
well obviously Trump should put the military on guard everywhere in the country. Because ‘something must be done and only the federal government can do it!’
He’s increasing their budget by a lot, so maybe it can be done. I for one want to see some tanks rolling down my street every day, feels like freedom!
At very least, the Feds should cover comprehensive surveillance camera systems with a 1-month deep rolling archive, for every cemetery in the contiguous lower 48, Alaska, Hawaii, D.C., and the territories.
We need to train apes and other primates to do these sorts of jobs.
The primate lawyers are lining up around the block right now.
Monkey see, monkey sue.
A redistributive jobs program for simian free riders and moochers!
well obviously Trump should put the military on guard everywhere in the country.
I don’t think we need to go that far. Land mines. That is the answer. That is how I keep the kids off my lawn. Ok, I don’t have a lawn. But there are no kids walking across my dirt and sagebrush.
Land mines? You don’t drink alcohol do you? Just asking.
Ya. Land mines. When someone wants to visit a grave site, there are guides to take them. The guides know where the mines are. It can be a jobs program too.
I was talking about the ones in your law… dirt and sagebrush. Those may not be a good idea if you drank.
Like this:
westernloper: ‘Wow what a fine day!’ *strolling through dirt and sagebrush, stops suddenly…* ‘Wait, did I really plant landmines back here last night? SHIT!’
Now I am not sure if you know I was kidding. I do not own and or plant land mines in my sage brush. Nor would I know how to.
True land mine story though: In Kurdistan, they mark the known mine fields. We had to work around them often. There was this time a young guy started throwing rocks into a marked field to see if he could get one to blow up. All the security guys started yelling at him. He was like, “huh?” He was Canadian.
What. you were joking? (;
The landmine story you just told, for some obscure reason, reminds me of something.
I was probably 17 at the time, 16 or 18 maybe, not sure.
But anyway, I used to go down to my grandfather’s place in Eastern KY during the summer to hike the pipeline trails in the hills/mountains. I took one of my friends from Cincy down so that we could hike. His first time.
2nd day of our adventure, we’re walking around a narrow path at the top of a cliff, about 40 foot drop straight down. The guy suddenly stops and I ran right into him. So he says ‘hey there’s a fucking snake there!’. So I peered around him and said ‘It’s just a little blacksnake, here I’ll toss a rock at it and it will leave’. So I did. The fucker screamed and came so damn close to knocking me over that cliff.. and then he’s running the other way yelling ‘It’s a fucking cobra!’. So turned out it was a viper, but I didn’t have time for that, I had to try to keep the guy from falling to his death or severe injury. So I was yelling after him ‘Stop, just fucking stop!’.
Last time I took a noob city boy with me hiking.
It reminds me of an old Norm Macdonald joke, back when he was hosting Weekend Update on SNL. “Well, a sad story from Britain this week. According to the Earl of Spencer, several intruders have recently broken into his family estate in search of souvenirs from Princess Diana’s grave. But the Earl says he knows just how to protect the site. Landmines!”
Looks like Arkansas is going on a killin’ spree!
If I lived in Arkansas I’d want the governor to kill me too.
Nice. So it is like milk? We can’t be killing anyone with expired drugs.
The death penalty is immoral.
Aww c’mon man, they’re going to have to source the components from India or something. It’s gonna be real hard!
Probably because Trump made getting death drugs from foreign providers illegal anyways. Better to off them now.
So I was gonna post this over the weekend, but combination of being sick and removing kebab stopped me till now.
Ontario man who created Hawaiian Pizza.
Apparently, it’s another Canadian gift to the world?!
Figures that abomination came from Canada.
Prolly deep dish too.
No kidding. They should have stuck with poutine. The world would be a better place.
It could be worse. It could be pineapple and broccoli pizza. Don’t get me wrong, I like both of those things. But on pizza, it’s an abomination.
Note to self: anchovy filets on Hawaiian pizza next time.
Pineapple and mushroom is the bomb!
Canada was a mistake.
Give the keys to the French guys, we’re drunk.
Because the French don’t drink wine?
Yummy, Hawaiian pizza. It’s even better with bacon.
From the excellent The Great War YouTube channel, comes a special that looks at an outbreak of the war from financier point of view. A short but interesting take that asks, if war was inevitable and obvious, why didn’t the markets see it and act accordingly?
I don’t know that it was inevitable and obvious. It certainly seems that way now, but at the time I don’t think anybody realized how big and how destructive the conflict was going to be. I mean, it looked kind of like a small issue between Serbia and Austria-Hungary at first. If it wasn’t for Russia being willing to come to Serbia’s aid (even though Russia was a paper tiger, which should have been apparent from how badly they got their asses handed to them by the Japanese) it probably would have stayed that way. I’m pretty sure people thought things would simmer down. It didn’t help the matter that everybody was portraying their war preparations as self defense. Moreover, even the military leaders of the time, let alone the business world, had no idea what machine guns and other innovations of 20th century warfare would do to the idea of war. Things collapsed pretty damn quickly and without much warning, so I don’t think it’s really fair to blame the market for not foreseeing things going as badly as they did.
Btw if you haven’t listened to it, Dan Carlin did a superb Hardcore History series on the Great War and I highly recommend it. Just be aware it’s like twenty five hours long.
I cant believe this guy hasn’t been mentioned. He was spinning this line of bullshit 40 years ago. It made a splash with all the fruitloops then too.
It is exactly the same primitive anthropomorphizing that our stone clacking ancestors engaged in. It was classic pseudoscience. He hooked up electrographs to trees and then whacked a nearby tree. The ftree being measured would how different readings and that proved feelings (fear). It is amazing the magical bullshit you can sell if you dress magic up in a lab coat.
stumbled onto this guy who really gets under scammers skin.
Fight on UK train after people kept placing bagels on travellers’ headsClearly Islamic terrorism, I mean who else would use…….wait a minute….
*mopes about bungled HTML*
What did I just read?
*puts bagel on Doom’s head*
*Drops gloves*
I think the more important question is who puts peanut butter on a bagel, and why is that the only stock photo of a bagel the Guardian had at hand?
I put it on cinnamon raisin ones.
You’re nothing to me now. You’re not a brother. You’re not a friend. I don’t wanna know you or what you do. I don’t wanna see you at the hotels. I don’t want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won’t be there. You understand?
Congrats, you’re the Fredo.
oh, I’m not that bad.
Sounds legit…