Come on, man. You’re the president, not a child. Anything past medium is an affront to God

The week is off to a rousing start.  Well, it’s off to a start anyway.  Our very own Brett L’s kids kept him up most of the night, puking their guts up.  One of my kids dumped a kid’s potty full of piss on our bedroom floor. And Trump ordered a steak like a dick.  Also, some other things happened:

  • John Lewis is playing coy on whether or not he will attend President Trump’s first Capitol Hill speech.  Or he’s just keeping his name in the limelight.  You decide.
  • Police find time to participate in an elaborate wedding proposal.  Because nothing says “I love you” quite like using taxpayer money to have your girlfriend thrown in the back of a police cruiser with handcuffs on and terrify her.

    These men will not be participating in the next women’s march. Because the planner helped to kill them in a terrorist attack.

    “It’s the perfect love story for us,” Schrupp said. “Our whole family is in law enforcement. I wouldn’t expect anything less.” – paging Barfman.

  • The next women’s march is in the planning stage.  This one is gonna be more along the lines of a general strike though.  Oh, and don’t make the planner angry.  You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry
  • Bucknell University goes full retard. I don’t know what else to say that would be clever enough to capture the stupidity.  Click the link.  You’ll see.
  • DeBeers no longer has a death-grip on the global diamond market.

    DeBeers: no longer part of the conspiracy theory.

That’s it.  That’s all you get.  Half of you are gonna ignore them anyway and I could have linked to nearly two and a half hours of the best Porky Pig cartoons of all time without anybody caring.  But we love you anyway and hope you enjoy yourselves in the comments.