I know its a week old, so sue me!

Florida Man?  Pshaw!  Alabama Man, not to be outdone by his panhandly (it could be a word) neighbors, decided it was a good idea to play chicken at 4:00 am.  His son, rather than talk him out of the plan, decided to participate in the festivities.

This is not how they did it.

An Alabama father and son were killed in a head-on collision with each other on Saturday morning, police said.

Police said that alcohol was a factor in the crash that killed Jeffrey Morris Brasher, 50, and his son, Austin Blaine Brasher, 22, but they are continuing to investigate.

The crash occurred at around 4:10 a.m. when the 2006 Ford pickup the Brasher was driving collided with his son’s 2004 Chevrolet pickup, according to police.

Neither Brasher was wearing a seatbelt, according to reports.

Neither was available for comment.