Previously: Part One – The Annunciation, Part Two – The Obligatory Production Number
Jane Fappington-Smyth slumped in the elevator lobby, waiting for the old woman to arrive, annoyed that she had to meet and greet her predecessor like she was an intern or an assistant or something. She, Jane, was now Editor of Thought! magazine; Regina Kestrel had had her day. But no matter, today would be her shining moment. She was going to do the one thing which Kestrel never could – rid the magazine’s website of the hated yokel commenters. Gilhooly and the others would take her seriously after this.
She could hear the receptionist yelling, presumably into the phone handling one of the many prank calls. “No, there is no Hugh Briss here. Please stop calling.” She wondered if this one would last a week. The elevator lobby was dated and old-fashioned, just like Kestrel. Lots of chrome and smoked glass, the shiny sculpture of the Thought! magazine nameplate covering the wall opposite the elevators. Large antique metal ashtrays, tapered metal bowls from the days when people actually smoked lined the walls. This was a liberalterian magazine, after all. A real one that got printed out on thin shiny paper every month and mailed to people who mattered. People who had cocktail parties where you could meet Tim Russert and get invited onto the Sunday morning cable talk shows if you sucked up.
Gilhooly joined her in the lobby. It made Jane feel slightly better that she wasn’t greeting Kestrel alone, but equally annoyed that Kestrel was still getting the royal treatment after all these years. “So, Jane, about that Salter fellow, the one whose mother, the nurse…”
“If we’d have covered that then it would have given them a taste of power,” said Jane, interrupting peevishly. “What, then? Thought! acting as their own personal Sixty Minutes whenever any of their yokel friends or relatives get in trouble? These are not people who exercise good judgment; this is the ‘hold my beer’ crowd. It was a good opportunity to rid ourselves of them, and I took it. That bullshit piece I published the next day about that other police overreaction case was the ultimate ‘fuck off’ to them. It felt so good after all those years of sleights and snark.”
“The man sells tractors for a living. Tractors.” Jane was on a tear. “Imagine bringing him to a cocktail party. ‘What do you do, Mr. Salter?’ ‘I sell tractors for a living. Hyuk.’ What would that person actually have to say to Andrew Sullivan or Arianna Huffington? ‘Yep, tractor business real good this year.’ Andrew may be barking mad, but at least he’s witty and presentable, and he had the foresight to not have comments on his website,” she said, getting in a desperate dig at the founding editor.
“Don’t even get me started on his kids’ names – ‘Notapenny Fortribute’ – poor thing will have to spend her life explaining to people that her father is a bitter clinger. Hopefully, she goes by ‘Penny.'”
“Jane,” the voice came through her fashionable headset with the purple light which matched the highlights of her hair. Just because you were editor of a major think-tank magazine didn’t mean you had to stop looking stylish, unlike Kestrel who looked like everyone’s grandma and probably bought her dowdy outfits at Dress Barn. “Ms. Kestrel is boarding the elevator. Oh, and the commenters just mooned Preet and taunted him in song and someone managed to setup a live feed; it’s going viral.”
“Fuck.” Jane felt herself about to throw up and looked around desperately. The ashtrays. She lurched toward the nearest one on her over-tall heels and buried her face in the bowl just in time. The gush of digestive juices amplified the long-dormant stale cigarette smell which wafted up to her nostrils causing a fresh gout of vomit, this time fully emptying her stomach into the foul, reeking bowl which didn’t have a flush feature.
The elevator doors opened. The first thing that hit Regina Kestrel was the acrid stench of vomit. Hmph. In her day it had been piss; good writers always smelled of piss. She stepped off the elevator and recognized her successor, all rump and purple bangs, obliviously throwing up into one of the corridor ashtrays. The purple hair always reminded Regina of her ten-year-old great niece.
“Regina,” said Gilhooly sheepishly, glancing at Fappington-Smyth.
Jane straightened up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and turned around to see Kestrel. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.
“Another one, dearie? At your age, too,” asked Kestrel.
“Hello, Regina,” she said hoarsely, her throat burning with stomach acids. “No, it’s not that. Those yokeltarian monsters in the dungeon just mooned and taunted Preet in a really bad musical number and it got out and went viral. But I’m getting rid of them, and those stupid squirrels, too!”
“Foolish girl,” hissed Kestrel.
“Oh, what-ev-er,” Jane finally broke composure and did something she had always wanted to do, sass and eye-roll the old woman. “You always hated the commenters, anyway.”
Gilhooly shook his head slowly.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened and squirrels began streaming out. Goddammit, thought Jane, someone had put the motherfucking squirrels on the goddamn elevator as a joke, probably that little shit Suave. She was so going to dock his pay for that. The squirrels didn’t scatter but stayed together in a roiling gray mass which swarmed in her direction. She stepped out of the path of the swarm, pressing herself up against the wall. The swarm then changed direction towards her. Jane looked desperately at Gilhooly and Kestrel, who looked on disapprovingly from well outside the path of the swarm.
Suddenly, she understood. She had laughed at their warnings and ignored their explanations. She had persisted in her attempts to destroy tradition. At least she wouldn’t have to live with the shame and embarrassment of defeat.
She backed up against the wall and began screaming. The swarm quickly engulfed her and the screaming continued for thirty-eight seconds, a very long and uncomfortable thirty-eight seconds for Gilhooly and Kestrel, and presumably the poor receptionist. The swarm of squirrels then disengaged, revealing a skeletonized body. The face had been eaten completely off, but the purple-streaked hair remained intact. The body seemed to want to take a step forward but both knees collapsed, then the pelvis hit the floor and the torso pitched forward into a faceplant on the carpet and lay still.
“You tell them and tell them,” observed Kestrel.
“Indeed,” said Gilhooly, sucking on his unlit pipe. Gilhooly pulled out his phone and called the special emergency number he’d been provided.
The swarm of squirrels returned to the elevator doors and reared up to push the “down” button.
“Sunshine Cleaning Services…Good evening, Dr. Gilhooly…Yes, we’ll send a van right away, about fifteen minutes…Of course, sir, the ‘problem’ will be handled with the utmost discretion and dignity.”
Next: The taint-withering conclusion.
Amazing. I pictured the whole thing in my head. So, so good
Seek help now.
That is great. I missed part one.
I can only hope a putrefied monkey paw makes it into the Glib logo. I have no idea what a camel scrotum sporran is, but I kind of want one.
Thanks. A sporran is the traditional purse worn with a kilt – from back when “purse” was not a gender-specific term.
“It’s not a purse. it’s a satchel. Indiana Jones had one.”
It’s a European carry-all.
It’s a poise
Thank you for this. I enjoyed ever bit of it.
What would that person actually have to say to Andrew Sullivan or Arianna Huffington?
How about,
“Fuck off, slaver!”
I can’t stand listening to Ariana argue and debate. Mostly because she’s terrible at it but also that sound…yeesh. The only voice I can’t handle more than hers is mine.
Also. Would.
I’m pretty sure.
I think.
If there is anybody that sounds like Eurotrash, it’s Arianna Huffington and Piers Morgan.
Everybody thinks they’re smart because they have foreign accents. It turns out they got chased out of their countries, and only America is dumb enough to think they are serious thinkers.
I think orders came down to ‘drain the swamp’ after Lou Reed almost died.
::nods approvingly::
RE KMW’s purple hair. Here’s the thing. I mean, like, it’s not like I’ve overly thought about it over a delicious cranberry-dark chocolate muffin or anything. But I have to admit, and this is just me, colouring your hair a color you shoulda got off your chest in high school is kinda not the image you want to project if you’re the editor of an ostensibly serious publication looking to expand its reader base.
I get the hip-cool-cocktail ‘look at us rebels’ aspect but that threatens to cross-over into ‘we’re rebels without a point’.
Is it me? Or is it the muffin?
Next thing you know she’ll be wearing a leather jacket everywhere or something.
Yeah, compared to Break Dancing Grandpa KMW is fine.
That’s funny.
What’s funnier than this is that they’re fucking millionaires, fucking 10/10’s left and right, and editing epic fucking blogs while you ugly losers post on an WordPress site all day and haven’t even kissed a girl. I know why you hate them so much. It’s because you’re all jealous. You all want to be magazine editors, but it won’t ever happen in your pathetic lives because you don’t have what it takes. They do, and that’s why they get paid the big bucks. They don’t give a fuck about any of you or about this fucking Glibertarians bullshit (as they just showed) Keep jacking off to pictures of thicc girls while they’re the ones jacking them off. Fuck off, faggots.
[runs from room crying]
A few years ago during a Hit ‘n Run meetup Tonio was surfing with other commenters when a small child (I think one of Sloopy’s 27 kids) was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his we all rushed to help, Tonio held out an arm in front of us, stopping us and was reported saying by Playa Manhattan (Who was smoking some brisket for all of us) “The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life”. All of us, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. He was later spotted outside what he thought was the child’s house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child’s sacrifice to the great ocean.
A short time after that, Tonio met with the families of 9/11 victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made airplane noises and mimicked two planes crashing. He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear “Your dad’s dead, bitch”, and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to extreme trauma. When asked later about the incident, Tonio became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter. (This attack will be featured on the next Manly Monday post, btw in case you missed it)
So that’s what meetups are like. I’m glad I’ve never met a libertarian in person.
Not ALL of them are like that.
And Ayn Rand wrote a tome on why the kid deserved to die.
Keep jacking off to pictures of thicc girls while they’re the ones jacking them off.
Are there thicc girls at the meetups?
Can’t you read? There are pictures of thicc girls at the meetups.
If that’s not an epic Alec Baldwin rant, it should be.
Off-topic aside from the annals of “Shit JB’s Prog Friends Say”. Here we have a reaction to a school choice bill filed in Congress:
*blinks again*
Repeat after me.
Charter schools are NOT public schools. They’re bastard hybrids of public and private. And they’re coming for your children. You think you can run from them, hide from them? Maybe before. Not now. Not with DeVos in control.
“Charter schools are NOT public schools. They’re bastard hybrids of public and private.”
They’re mulattoes?
[Sorry, in Irish’s absence I have to do all the racist stuff]
*Narrows gays
I’m pretty sure I saw this post from one of my derpbook friends as well. I’m assuming it’s a DU meme, and that we don’t share the same prog friends.
I’ve been hearing the same talking points since charter schools became a thing, what, 15 years ago?
Gar or sturgeon?
Good catch (heh). Sturgeon. Long story.
“Christo-fascist” is one of those buzzwords that gives me license to ignore the rest of the post, and to label the poster a bigot. Fuck off, bigot.
And now we begin to see the results of the Christo-Fascist takeover of America.
You’re friends with Palin’s Buttplug on Facebook?
I’m starting to wonder.
So has anyone heard from Alamanian? Is he still kicking?
From Supreme Overlord to obscurity. Don’t worry, he asked that I fill in.
I haven’t seen a Friday funnies post of his in a long time. I hope he’s still *slap!*ing this mortal coil.
The same thought crossed my mind this morning.
Something like this. I’m not an artist. Where’s my monocle?
I like that. Srsly. It’s everything it needs to be.
I’m working on a mustachio and monocle for it. My layering skills have gone to hell.
But it’s a dofer. As in, it will do for now until you make it more betterer. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Thnx for your encouragement, Tonio. Much appreciated.
“No, there is no Hugh Briss here. Please stop calling.”
*chuckles darkly, growing into deep rumbling laughter*
Does it feel to anyone else like you’re cutting off your nose to spite your face? I get that there’s discontent about the editorial direction of the mag (duh… we congregated here), and I’m hoping this is a tongue-in-cheek send-up, but there’s no denying that for all our differences in taste and strategy, they still do good work there. I’m done with the commenters there because the bitching is well out of sync with their actual grievances. But the authors are still doing yeoman’s work in the libertarian fields.
The magazine/foundation are still good. It’s HyR that’s a little Not OK.
Pfft, lookit Mr. “I buy the print version” here.
Yeah, I get it. I found some of the anti-Trump articles a little tedious, especially since he’s impaneled an authentically reform-minded cabinet. That’s impressive.
It’s really the tone. “Trump took a break from fear mongering to approve a good gun bill.”
Not to say they didn’t poke fun of obama golfing, but if he did good that should be the focus. Untill the end of the term and we have those “how will he be remembered” posts.
And every post is titled “Trump and (insert issue)”.
Trump and Bukkake

I saw one where she was on a casting couch. Pretty funny.
I think the different reactions between Conway putting her feet up on the couch and this old story is a good example of “principals, not principles” in action.
She’s servicing 3/5ths of the room.
LOL, +1 it’s coming soon
The foundation has problems too. They’re the ones employing Dalmia and putting out Poole’s surveillance state cock sucking.
I said it before, look at the trustees of Reason. You have intellectual giants like Vernon Smith and Walter Williams as emeriti trustees. Who replaced them as active trustees? Lightweights and that’s what sets the direction. The rot starts at the top.
I agree, for the most part.
But the clearly non-libertarian (Scotsman!) entries, by obviously non-libertarian writers is hard to stand by. Personally, I don’t have a lot of time so my political media consumption is the first thing cut, which is why most of you probably don’t “know” me even though I’ve been randomly posting (and mostly lurking) since god knows when (I should do a google search by date, but I assume around 2003 or so). So right now, if my choice is there or here. It’s here by far. The Hihnization on some of the last threads I read was brutal. I found myself thinking “why am I subjecting myself to this?”
I understand personal reasons for disliking the editorial stances. What bugged me was the wholesale denigration of a magazine that is, AFAIK, the only mainstream publication ballsy enough to call out fake rape culture/college admin hysteria, Trump’s contentions about crime stats, gun control, crooked cops, the hysteria over supposed sex trafficking… aw, shit, I’m just relitigating my last post over there. Point is, they do authentically good work on a number of topics that you just don’t see covered in any publication their size, and a lot of the furor was over tone rather than content. Yeah, libertarians are going to be skeptical of government, and I understand even if I don’t agree with Dalmia’s critiques of immigration control (though I’m no less cynical of the feds stemming immigration than I am their interdicting contraband). And the personal attacks on the writers, like merely holding an opinion differing from the commenter consensus is delegitimizing… that’s what progs do. They insist on toeing the line, and making obsequious ritual apologies when writers stray over it, and “de-platforming” recalcitrant authors. That’s their game. It shouldn’t be ours.
It started to grate. It’s why I gave up over there. Let Free Society and John tuffgui with the editors. I’m happy for the content, whether or not I agree with it.
and I understand even if I don’t agree with Dalmia’s critiques of immigration control
The problem with Dalmia isn’t that most disagree with her, it’s that she’s extremely dishonest. I could ignore her shallow arguments if she didn’t actively lie to back them up. Hell, I’ve seen her post sources that actively contradict what she says.
like merely holding an opinion differing from the commenter consensus is delegitimizing… that’s what progs do
The only major complaint I have in this aspect is Robby, and that’s because he specifically doesn’t use any kind of libertarian philosophy to challenge violence. I have never seen a single reference to the NAP or any kind of moralistic libertarian argument from him in regards to campus violence, it’s always rhetoric about how it delegitimizes the left. That’s not a libertarian argument against violence, that’s an argument for the left to save face.
I’m not asking him to ‘toe the line’ I’m asking him to be a bloody libertarian if he’s going to claim to be one (or see fit to lecture others from a libertarian pulpit).
I have found a shit ton of their recent coverage to be blatantly dishonest and hypocritical. That’s not something I really care to support myself.
You don’t have to be a Milo fanboy to be pretty disgusted with Reason completely slandering the guy in the aftermath of what was clearly a coordinated attack by his political enemies for getting too much recognition.
There’s a fair decline in quality for a bunch of H&R articles, and it seems to be both the writers’ and editors’ faults. And the funny thing is, a lot of it could be easily avoided. Stuff like Dalmia calling anti-Islam Jews and ENB calling Lauren Southern the ‘alt-right’ that just totally discredit them, and there’s absolutely no reason that should have made it past a basic fact check. Or Soave saying Trump admitted to sexual assault on tape, which he didn’t, and is legitimate defamation (not that I think Reason will likely get screwed by that at this time). Stuff like this should not be published by a respectable publication because it’s just plain incorrect, and it screams of some kind of pathetic combination of clickbait and smear job.
Wait, what?
It was some article about how ‘alt-right nativists’ were harassing some Muslim business. She opened with the examples of Pamela Geller and Jamie Kirchik. It was one of those classy “oh, I’m not going to say you’re part of the alt-right, I’m just going to point out how horrible and similar you are to the alt-right boogeyman in my head” deals.
My face is here. Busting on the nose that’s over there isn’t cutting off my nose to spite my face.
very nice!
All I am going to say is that MLK didn’t die for this:

Dang, Daphne’s popping.
I don’t even want to know.
You must a little bit.
I like how they painted Scooby’s spots
I thought he was cupping.
What the holy fuck is that? What am I looking at? Am I supposed to know who those people are?
Someone please inform them that they didn’t have to do a half-assed impersonation of the Scooby gang to look like douchebags. All they had to do was show up.
Don’t you ever insult my Daphne. She is POPPING.
Well, Daph was always poppin. Who is the virgin boys looking at that skinny blonde?
I know as much as you.
Wait til they all get in the Mystery Machine.
I’m guessing they all had the munchies for the Scooby Snacks,
Hee hee hee hee.
Bravo, sir. Hilarious. And also, because I haven’t said it out loud here: Fuck those guys.
I can avoid the Israel hater because he’s a moron. But the answer to Sloop and Shika’s doubling down on her over-all ineptitude was seriously the last straw.
How come you didn’t bring the rest of the gang?
[Runs away, Wipes hidden tears]
I thought it was Kool Keith
A great album
Yeah. Kool Keith merts Dan the Automator.
His name is a reference to the menthol cigarettes he likes.
Shreek is beating dead Reason articles under the handle “Gleemore tm).
I really would like a link to the cat assing.
Its Amsoc, not shreek.
I don’t think they’re the same person, personally.
Either way, you should sue the asshole for trade mark infringment
no, they’re sad and lonely. they need it more than me.
God, Gilmore is so much classier than he lets on!
I just read it.
*Standing ovation. The kind that goes in waves: you think it’s dying out, and then starts up fresh again. *
Absolutely a thing of beauty!
All I am going to say is that MLK totally died for this, like multiple times
Ahhhh…Aerobics, the 80’s CrossFit.
It was a brief moment of total racial and gender harmony, sadly destroyed by… i think Ronald Reagan. I can’t think of any reason why it didn’t become the national past-time.
How about this?
Entirely OT, but I don’t know what’s the appropriate thread for something like this:, that pearl of Canuck media, published an article about automation taking white-collar jobs from people. One commenter said this:
To which I replied:
This attempted comment was “Content disabled” by the CBC moderators (censors, really, as the operation of CBC, including is funded by Canadian taxpayers like me). I didn’t get too exercised over my comment being bounced, but I wonder: what could have been the reason? Was the bare mentioning of slaves triggering enough? Because if the moderator-censor disagreed with my philosophical point about self-replicating, self-feeding and self-healing (self-caring) robots not being moral agents, then one would think that publishing such a thesis could be handled by other commenters criticising my philosophical stance.
What could have been so dangerous in my comment as to necessitate the purging of it so the gentle readers of don’t have to face it?
yes. most of those things use word-filters.
Well, then their SW is awfully slow: it takes somewhere between 10 minutes and an hour to get out of moderation purgatory (or get the “Content disabled” msg).
Or maybe the Canadian government pays a recent-immigrant who barely speaks english to ensure that comments are Sharia-compliant, i have no idea really.
It kind reminds me of Vonnegut’s Player Piano, where machines keep taking over all the jobs, to the point where everybody riots, smashing up all the machines. Then the next day everybody just kind of goes “Oh, wait, we still need those machines to eat.” Then they start repairing all the machines.
It’s also a kind of sort of Libertarian book, since the title comes from a guy who just randomly decides he wants to learn to play the piano. The problem is that the economy is managed by a massive computer, that centrally planned everything, but it didn’t anticipate somebody just deciding he just wanted to learn to play the piano. And due to shortages in the command economy all the pianos are sold out.
Bravo Tonio! Encore!