Instagram model Erykha Ordorica is pretty damn thicc.

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Nice knee avoidance, good work.
Knee avoidance – is that a thing?
I think one of the previous Thicc Thursday girls had wonky knees for some.
Nobody wants to see bony or overly fleshy knees (or feet(any feet)) and thus competent soft porn publishers avoid them, HM failed in his last TT and I just wanted him to know that I noticed that he noticed my criticism.
Cover your knees up if you’re gonna be walking around everywhere.
Little green ghouls buddy!
I’m a full-on rapist.
Better than a full-on papist!
I say “avoision”.
13 hours later and no one has closed this deal? Fine:
Now she is good submission. She needs to smile though. Too pretty to not smile.
Is there such a thing as “Too Thicc”? She looks like she’s had a frontal lobotomy, not to mention…. a double-assectomy
Im just saying. I’m white, yo.
frontal lobotomy
Re: the dead 100 yard stare?
Its like Saul’s “bodyguard” in Breaking Bad who falls asleep with his eyes open
Yeah, she looks… wrong.
Also… “Instagram model”? I mean, come on. That’s like “blog writer”.
I’ll take a thicc instagram chick over a rail-thin model industry chick any day of the week.
Sure. I’m mocking the “Instagram” part, not the “model” part.
I’d take both and make them fight. I know it wouldn’t be fair, but it would be hot.
What is sport if not spectacle?
*scratches out idea for new career #24 Start instagram model blog*
it’s all right now,
i learned my lesson well.
You see, you can’t please everyone,
so ya got to please yourself*
*apologies to Ricky Nelson, + chronic masturbators
I want balance. Where’s my Thinn?
Just right
white girl be like
Give a dog a bone.
Waaaaaah, thiccccccccc. Pretty hot, no cottage cheese. Photoshop or no? YOU decide!
Good thicc.
Do bears count as thicc?
In honor of Thicc Thursday, I offer you one of my favorite music videos
Too Hot
If you don’t already, follow Simon Rex on snapchat
I am. I don’t go on enough to keep up, but his are pretty funny.
I have never made a youtube account, so I can’t watch. I don’t need anymore sites tracking my viewing habits. *reaches for tinfoil hat*
Gotta run for shelter, gotta run for shade
“”Thanks to Director Ryan Staake we may finally know the answer to how many strippers it takes to get to outerspace.””
Well, that is a question that definitely needed answering.
Tell us, oh Zardoz…
1200/2400 tone train or 9600+ tone train?
Look, I’ve told you 1000 times, I’m not joining Amway
This is a new one? I’ve missed something, I know it.
So want that dress. Except I want it to say Lawless & Sexy
All I can see is “AWL”
Then I’d say you’re not looking hard enough. … Why are you not looking closer?
7. Not really pretty, and as someone mentioned, she needs to smile. Nice hips though, and much more symmetry than the Latin chick with the fix-a-flat injected into her butt.
I can’t even really tell you what makes a woman hot, I just know it when I see it. They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.
Nice avatar. Was that your logo submit?
I didn’t submit it. Don’t really think it’s good enough and wasn’t really my idea. They’re welcome to use it if they want, though. Someone yesterday mentioned the idea and I was bored, so I whipped up one of my amateurish gifs just for fun.
I like It! Well done.
Whatchu got there in your avatar, friend?
Really? I think she’s quite nice in the face.
Probably would be able to appreciate if she would smile. She’s not ugly for sure, she’s cute… who cares about faces anyway? /man pig
She looks like King Kong grabbed her mid-riff and squished her innards into her hips and ass.
i definitely couldnt get any penetration on that girl from behind. Im hung like an elevator button.
Can you shape your hand like a duck?
She looks a little off.
file under: winning the hearts and minds
US Army Sgt gives feedback to Iraqi police he had been training:
How was the translation? Was it like in Mr Baseball? “You guys are doing great. I love this country. You can be my wingman any day.”
I object to objectifying women in this manner. It’s not appropriate.
That’s some ass.
This is inappropriate objectification of women.
That’s lotion. /obviously
When ever i see the videos you link to, I realize my own Youtube usage is incredibly narrow and comparatively tame.
Also, one click on things you provide, and my feed basically is 30% batshit for the next week. Which is a good thing, really. But no one else does it quite like you.
Thing is, I don’t even go out looking for things like this.
My feed is 100,4QBatmanpurple%@.07 percent batshit permanently.
That guy who appears at about the one minute mark needs to squat more.
So, you’re saying…these videos, the batshit insane videos…
these videos find…you?
Birds of a feather flock together.
True dat.
She doesnt seem to mind.
Apparently, it’s cold lotion. No manners at all from that lotion squirter.
Doesn’t feel inappropriate
/why there are no libertarian wiminz.
I blame
HMeveryone here.Poor Sir Mixalot, he just fainted, it was too much for him to take.
So, how does one get a job as an “Instagram model?” Or is it a volunteer position?
I think it’s a DIY.
file under: so shines a good deed in a weary world
Muslim veterans vow to protect Jewish cemeteries amid anti-Semitic threats
Good for them, although according to the Qur’an:
[5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
[62.6] Say: O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death If you are truthful.
If there were more stories like that it would change a lot of attitudes, but there aren’t and that is telling.
I’ve got something in the works. Stay tuned.
I will. I was working on something related so I will wait for yours first.
I don’t think those veterans were offering pure agape love, they were offering to enforce justice – you can’t have love without justice, but you can have justice without love.
Nice, although there is that part where according to Islamic history, Mohamed died because a Jewish woman poisoned him.
HuffPo Arabic got in hot water for posting an article about it:
Baby thicc
I’m trying to work here.
Here is my contribution
Whatever that is, i can roll with it.
Maybe another
Yaya has big fat anime tiddies.
Ron Paul did make anime real, you know.
Yeah, love me some Ya Ya, even if she is not really my type. Do think she lovely and very talented. Got hooked on her watching “Heroes of Cosplay”, and Riddle got some big fat anime tiddies, too.
Here is another I dig, who is really talented.
Talented huh? Interesting use of the word.
Damnit, Jim! I’m a sexy doctor, not a sexy scientist!
‘Tiddies’ is my new favorite word since you posted some cosplay shit a few weeks ago at the other place. And they can be male or female.
Indeed. Tiddies are gender neutral.
*Looks at wife’s tiddies. Pulls up photo of Chuckies man tiddies.*
Uh…no. No they aren’t. They are definitely not gender neutral. I would say they are the opposite of gender neutral.
You’re missing a distinction.
Like the distinction between “naked” and “nekkid”, much less “buck-ass nekkid”.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
2 thicc 4 me.
Am I doing that right? Anyway, if that’s your thing, I won’t judge.
If you want to be a spicy memelord: 3 thicc 5 me, m9.
Another shocking ISIS atrocity:
Two transgender Muslims packed into a sack and beaten to death with sticks
Oops…my bad. That was actually Saudi police who did that.
Sorry. It’s easy to get them confused.
I need to know what they call the “Sack” in Arabic.
i mean, not a generic term for ‘sack’, but the specific term for “bag in which we place transgender people to beat to death”
I’m not sure I want to know why they were in Saudi Arabia in the first place.
Supply and demand, Rhy.
Apropos of nothing =
Eddie Harris is Thicc
That’s some pretty dam thicc tenor sax.
he amplified it. hence the album title. cool effect tho; adds a subtle doubling-effect. i think he only did it on like 3-4 records. He also later put a sax-reed on a trumpet, and a trombone mouthpiece on a sax, etc. Most of the time you’d never notice it as particularly weird because he’s such a tasty player that you just sort of notice something mildly different about the tone.
Exhibit 88M of why Trump won:
Ex-Clinton volunteer mocks Navy SEAL widow
First he deleted the tweet. Then his Twitter. Then he got fired from his job. Reminds me of Chik-Fil-A guy:
Former CFO Now Unemployed, on Food Stamps After Viral Video
Oops- forgot article:
She was used as much as Humayun Khan’s parents were used by Hillary Clinton.
The bloody shirt waving on display by both nauseates.
Well he was right. Chik-Fil-A is a hotbed of homohaters. The company leadership is just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone that works there is a fanatic hater. That is why they took the job. If they didn’t want to be treated like scum they shouldn’t work at Chik-Fil-A.
It’s on the employment application.
What’s all this crap about using her as a prop? Isn’t this a standard tactic?
Not that I think this was a prop. But Obama and Bush did the same thing, no?
What’s your point?
I watched the first couple minutes but I had to exit because I wanted to punch through my monitor into that guy’s face.
I have the perfect video for you.
Love the Trump dudes – wicked pissa
Wow. I love the blonde chick in the yellow hat holding the back of her hand to her head with a heart drawn on the palm saying “He will not divide us, he will not divide us, he will not divide us…” over and over in a ritual chant.
It is almost like those people are brainwashed useful idiots.
That word “useful”, I’m not sure it means what you think it means.
Beer for tonight.
Everyone else must be working on endurance.
Hey, I got home from work, ate dinner and THEN dropped in.
Looks right up my alley
I think I over ate. Coconut rice with chopped green onions mixed in, Pineapple pork chops (pineapple slices, juice+soy sauce+brown sugar+garlic+white pepper) with onion and bell pepper. Ugh, I can hardly move.
Do you marinate in pineapple juice or finish? Anytime I marinate with something acidic the pork comes out dry? Sounds fantastic though!
No, I mix up the pineapple sauce separately. Oh, I add a couple of teaspoons of corn starch as a thickener. I cook the pork/bell pepper/onion/pineapple slices together then mix in the finished pineapple sauce after. The rice also…rice/coconut milk/sugar substitute and a dash of basil. After the rice is cooked the chopped green onion is mixed in so it still has a little crunch to it when you eat it.
Saving this for later. Thankya kindly!
I forgot to mention…pineapple, guava, kiwi, mango, ginger, papaya, figs contain proteases which destroys collagen. Docs sometimes inject guava juice in spinal injuries to dissolve away loose, broken cartilage. They contain meat tenderizer, but if you destroy the collagen the meat loses moisture like crazy. Don’t expose your meat to those fruits for long periods before eating. If you want a sauce made with them then make the sauce separately and apply just before eating.
I like most of your posts suthern. That said.
Coconut fucks up anything it lands on. IMHO.
Many years ago I went through the drive-through window at a McDonalds and ordered an ice-cream cone to eat while I was driving. I had a habit of doing that in those days. You know when you get down to the bottom of the cone and it has some ice-cream still in it, some of the cone is crunchy still and some soft? Ya’ just pop that whole thing in your mouth, right?
Three chews into it I suddenly had a godawful taste that was sour and strongly resembling the smell of cut grass, but with a slightly putrid sourness to it, kinda like cowshit. I quickly spit that into my hand and saw a huge roach crunched up in the middle of it. Apparently the roach was in the cone when they put the ice-cream in.
Not long after that I ate something with large amounts of cilantro in it and found that cilantro tastes exactly the same as that horrible roach. I knew there was a reason I avoided eating cilantro, why I always order separate cheese dip at Tex mex places. Cilantro is not fit for human consumption.
I told that story to one of my wife’s cousins. He is a genetic researcher. Without hesitation he quipped “Oh, you have OSBSL00028! That’s interesting.” *I made up the gene name because I dont remember what he said.* He claims I have a gene that causes cilantro to taste like soured, baked and partially rotted shit.
Apparently you have the one for coconut.
That’s it. I am the stinkbug variety. However, while cilantro (the leaf) is vile tasting to me coriander (ground cilantro seed) smells and tastes sweet and wonderful. It is one of my secret ingredients for chili. Ooops. *hand over mouth*
I have the gene that hates coconut and water chestnuts.
I have the life experiences that create hate for grapes and blueberries. I spent a significant portion of my childhood harvesting the latter.
Then I assume you have a white-hot hatred for redbugs/chiggers. We dont have blueberries or grapes here, we have four or five varieties of huckleberries and muscadines. Almost the same but not quite. I spent many days in my youth picking wild fruit and nights clawing my legs and balls. Also, if you want to find rattlesnakes the blackberry patch is a very good place to look.
Interesting. I always thought the terms were interchangeable. Guess not.
I am not sure why that article leaves out the southern huckleberries. They are everywhere here.
I spent most of my youth with a ring of chigger bites around my ankles, waist, and genitals. If I ever reach it, I expect hell to be infested with chiggers.
I finally learned to ignore them. If you can bear to not scratch they go away in 3 or 4 days. Once you scratch….a week and a half of pure hell.
Also, thank god for DEET.
*If you get a bite you can apply DEET anytime for 24 hours or so after and it will give relief in an hour or two.
Prickly heat and chiggers… ah, Ft Polk in the summertime..
When you are out humping around in the field make sure you brush every tiny blackberry sprout, wild oat grass, and witch grass.
No, wait. Thats wrong. I mean make sure you put DEET on your skin from knees down, put on socks and DEET them, put on pants and DEET them from waist down. Then get your arms, hair and face. Spray some in your hands and rub on the back of your neck. .
Thats funny. Polk is largely piney hills with waist high grasses and long and short leaf pine, isnt it? Redbug heaven.
I can’t remember details about the vegetation now, or I’m still repressing memories years later. Sounds about right though.
And the poison ivy or sumac too. Almost forgot about that.
Few things are worse than taking a shower and finding a tick on your balls. There’s no real good non-embarrasing solution to that one.
Try to pull it off with tweezers (The CDC approved method) and you’ll probably leave the head embedded in your balls. And the folk methods for removing ticks aren’t any better. Take a match, blow it out, then place it near the tick. That’s a whole lot of Nope! I draw a line when it comes to placing red hot things near my balls. I’d rather take my chances with Lyme disease.
You can also try dipping your balls in Turpentine, but you still have the problem of a dead bug embedded in your ballsack. On the plus side, you’ve completed the first step towards revarnishing your testicles.
Ohh, chigroes. Yeah, been there.
*reminesces, scratches balls*
Hello, all my littly Gliberfrankentrumpians!
(Did I do that right? Please don’t cat-ass me)
9…that’s a 9/10. Its Gliberfrankentrumkins…gilbertrumpinstilskins? Trumpgilberafranki…oh fuck, I forget how it goes. Never mind.
Ah. I forgot the ‘steins..enfrankens.
I’m just a sweet Trumpsvestite Trumpite from sensual Trumpsylvania.
/prepares cat butthole
…I can’t. No, I won’t.
*AI killbots awaken from their slumber…*
Is anybody ever gonna give me a link to AS being cat-assed? Please?
Cat ass.
I made it better.
And this is why you can’t just let people do whatever they want to.
Remember this guy? He’s up to 55 million views.
step 1. Monetize account
Thicc Thursday edition
Try again.
He has good taste in women.
I agree with everyone saying she should be smiling. But other than that, I very much approve. Nice big ass, just the way a woman should have it.
Ordorika sounds like what you exclaim when discover her panties.
It’s actually a somewhat common surname of Basque origin.
It sounds like Rachel Dolezal’s deodorant
Or maybe this?
Evidently URL was too long and couldn’t shorten in. Oh well.
Well, now I’m intrigued.
Google image ‘short shorts’. She’ll be in first dozen. blonde on sidewalk.
There are plenty of others to choose from as you can imagine:)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And many light threads across the webaverse, Tony and shreek finally find love again. *barf*
Feature request: Dashboard links go to the comment they highlight
They don’t?
Since Captain Murphy has left the building, I guess it is up to me to take over the It’s so late it’s morning shift, and hate on pod 6.
First up is a blue grass cover of Blurred Lines performed by a woman with the world’s shortiest skirt.