Early Thursday. I know the countdown is on for Thicc time. I’ll try not to bore you too much with these other goings-on.

The Mexican President
- Mexican President Nieto clarified his nation’s position on accepting deportees: They will accept Mexican deportees but not those from other nations. Seems reasonable. He also said they’d not pay for any of President Trump’s wall. Also seems reasonable. He did not comment on whether or not they planned to continue allowing people from other countries use Mexico as a conduit to illegally enter the United States, which sparked the talk of deportees from other nations being sent there in the first place.
- People across the political spectrum are freaking out at the Trump administration’s plan to cut the EPA by 20 percent. I’m right there with them. The whole idea seems absurd and arbitrary and I believe it sends the wrong message. I mean, he should be abolishing the entire damn department.
- Rachel Dolezal continues her act. So she’s all but homeless but has the time to do a profile for several news outlets and the time to change her name to Nkechi Amare? She needs to get something clear: you cannot consider yourself a brave person of a different color just because you want to. That only works for people that want to call themselves the opposite sex by pumping their body full of hormones and choping off their man-bits or lady-bits.
- News the four or five libertarian women in the world can use.
- On the “good news” beat, Crocs will be shuttering 160 stores, Guess you’ll have to go online or Walmart to buy the shoes they used to only give to people on suicide watch.
- When alternative education goes too far: Iowa GOP lawmaker appears to have gotten his college degree from a Sizzler Steakhouse.
Not a college campus
Go out there and enjoy your day. Here, start it with a really under appreciated song. You’re welcome.
3) Somebody once mentioned on the former site that humans releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere may actually be a good thing, insofar as it is freeing up carbon for reuse that had previously been locked away deep underground. I was thinking about that the other day, and it occurred to me that freeing carbon might be our role in the ecosystem.
It could be that ecosystems are somewhat like organisms themselves, in that they evolve over time. As we discover more and more new earth-like planets, we may find some of these have thriving, varied ecosystems, and others dead or dying ecosystems, depending on whether they have successfully evolved various features. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of those features was an occasion industrial civilization that returns locked up carbon to general use.
Just as our role is individuals is to perpetuate our genes, and any greater meaning we find in our own lives is merely a bonus to that basic fact of genetic survival, it could be the universe is littered with little industrial civs like ours, that pop up for a few tens of thousands of years and then die out, having fulfilled our greater role in strengthening and perpetuating our planetary bionetworks.
Maybe humans exist because the earth wanted plastic.
Nope. Gaia invented us to get the oil out of her pores. We are supposed to go around popping those blackheads like a giant dermatologist.
+1 okay, I laughed.
George Carlin?
I think so.
This is also part of the plot to one of Orson Scott Card’s books in the same series as Ender’s Game.
“Ender abolishes the EPA”. That was my favorite one.
Ender the Environocide.
It’s not a game.
Life doesn’t behave certain ways TO survive. It just happens that life survives because it behaves in those ways. There’s no plan, no intent.
Are you saying, “Life, ah, finds a way…”
Ever since you’ve started the new number system your game has really stepped up. I’ve read 2 out of 3 so far and approve.
Hey, the Obamas have signed a new book deal for a mere $65 million! Seems like a pittance for words of wisdom from the Lightbringer. After all, the Obamas “have devoted followings and a way with words.”
“’Who wouldn’t want to read this one?’ said ¬Washington-based literary agent Gail Ross.”
Too bad How I Would’ve Done it was taken already.
Subtitled The Confessions of a Killa President?
For such a great orator and a man of words, I can’t think of a single memorable phrase or sentence from Obama’s speeches. Something like “a thousand points of light,” “ask not what this country can do for you,” “tear down this wall.”
Serious question- what am I missing?
“We are the people we’ve been waiting for”?
I suppose. Or the line about this being the day when the seas began to rise and the ice began to melt. Or something.
Note the other two you mentioned are about other people being great, while the two we came up with are mainly about how great Obama is.
As someone wrote, if we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, why did we take so long?
what am I missing?
A great orator and a man of words.
For all the hype about Obama’s oratory, it’s actually just boring boilerplate stuff. “I have said something important…but this next part is more important…so I WILL SAY IT LOUDER. Next thing is even more important, so I. WILL. SAY. IT. LOUD. SLOWLY.”
The only reason why Obama’s oratory is elevated in any way (besides the whole personality cult) is because the field of political oratory is so garbage in general nowadays.
Or as Joe Biden noted, he is a clean and articulate black guy.
He just used the cadence of a southern preacher to read political dreck off a teleprompter.
Some people love it, I’m getting a free week of the Smithsonian channel and they have a show coming up called (I’m not making this up) : Obama, the power of words
In the commercial someone says that he got rid of all clichés and there is a picture of him with is nose in the air.
It is quite vomit inducing.
It has already premiered. I actively changed the channel when the commercial came on.
“You didn’t build that.”
“Taxes arent about revenue, it is a fairness issue.”
“Under my plan energy prices will necessarily skyrocket”
“Today the oceans ceased to rise”
C’mon, the guy is a virtual diamond mine.
You didn’t build that will (hopefully) continue to haunt him forever.
“Don’t cross this red line.” “Or this one.” “Come on, your not supposed to cross the red line.” “I’m this close to retribution if you cross…dammit you just did it again.”
I dare ya!
“Don’t call my bluff”
Yes we can?
I loved how he repeatedly messed up the translation of that in the 2008 campaign when he tried to say it in Spanish. “Si se puede” actually means “yes you can”. What he meant was “si se podemos”.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan?
I think he’s like the “special” kid in class that everyone talks up; and you get your ass kicked if you make fun of him.
“You didn’t build that.” was pretty inspiring!
It was one of those moments that helped get us President Trump.
He will be remember-ed for the,immortal lines: ” If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
Don’t believe me? What immortal line is George H.W. Bush remembered for?
No new taxes, period!
The only memorable Obama-isms for me involved him being an asshole. Ie, “you didn’t build that”, or the “bitter clingers” remark. Other than that I just remember him saying “let me be clear” a lot.
If you like your plan.
If you like your doctor.
The only lines I remember were either (a) blatant lies or (b) clinical narcissism on display.
Good point. Can’t forget those classics either.
The tingle in your leg
If you like your doctor…
I’ve got a pen and a phone…..
This is the moment when the oceans began to recede…
There’s a lot.
By the time the manuscript has been edited, all the good parts will probably be gone.
But it’s true that one highly useful way to sell a book is to be someone who’s already famous. Doesn’t mean people will read the book after buying it, but who cares?
Exactly – it will become a virtue-signaling shelf piece. Like having a Picasso print or lava lamp 😉
Put it on the coffee table.
I yokel-virtue signal with my home built, fully automated, pneumatically powered can crusher that hangs above the trash can in my kitchen.
That. Sounds. Awesome.
I’m trying to figure out how to post a pic of it. Perhaps it’s not allowed?
I don’t think so. If you have photobucket or something similar you can post a link to it that way.
When I was a kid we moved into a house whose garbage can had a pneumatic compactor that you could punch to compact the garbage We liked it so much we had one installed when we moved. Other than those two I have never seen one in a house. My 8 yo boy thinks it’s the best kitchen thing evar.
If you really want to have fun with it, toss your Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca action figures in there for a reenactment.
No good. They escape and then return to blow up your house. Its happened,to me twice.
“have devoted followings and a way with words.”
So does Milo
At least the Obamas won’t be broke with Barack out of the White House, like the poor, poor Clintons were once Bill left.
How To Serve Man
He also said they’d not pay for any of President Trump’s wall.
Hmmm. I heard from some orange guy that they will be paying for it. Who’s right?!
OK…so does the old, “first post has to be related to the links” rule still stand?
That was on the old Taliban website.
I’m claiming “FIRST” until we get a ruling.
Must relate to links. Thus spake the judge of Zion.
I’ve always liked you best
*ominous meowing in background as OMWC speaks from on high*
When you’re talking about
fightingcommenting, as it is with no rules, well then baby, you’d better train every part of your body.-Bruce Lee
If there is a way to confiscate remissions to Mexico from illegals, that could be one possible way Mexico will be paying for it.
Remissions? Ugh.
How about an edit function?
I was going to make a joke about nocturnal remissions, but you corrected too quickly.
“Nocturnal Remissions”: Great band name or even greater Jazz Album Title?
If they are using bitcoin, I would think next to impossible. And for those not already using btc, that would cause them to start using it.
This Asian man says he only dates white guys because they are ‘the gold standard of desirability’
Ye should change his name to Miro Yiannaporous.
He prefers Cuckasians?
goddammit sloopy. You cant say shit like that until after 9. People are still drinking coffee ya’ know.
“The 42-year-old is originally from Singapore but now lives in Melbourne. He is the author of the book True Confessions of a Potato Queen, which he says is the “the definitive textbook for any aspiring potato queen,” and recently appeared on the Australian reality show Date My Race where he discussed his zero tolerance policy for any race other than Caucasian.”
What is a potato queen or do I not want to know?
A variation on the well-known “rice queen” (guy who only dates Asian men).
Ahh, but not just Irish then?
Right. But I believe it applies only to non-white guys – the whole point is you date only outside your race.
Yeah, like this is something new. ◔_◔
As always, judging people’s sexual preferences is the most expedient method for slavers to exert thought control over others.
Well, duh.
But I thought once you go Asian you never go Caucasian.
Links start early here in Glibertarian land…
Banjos refers to sloopy as “The 12 Second Man.”
Is that how long sloopy takes to get Banjos pregnant?
6 seconds for that. 6 seconds for foreplay.
Which consists of Sloopy nodding and Banjos shrugging…
Indeed, I have no idea when I should start bothering to look for sign of them.
Then I see a hundred comments and wonder if I should wade into that mess.
I’m married to 9am, for some reason and can’t be bothered to check before then, so yeah.
“When alternative education goes too far: Iowa GOP lawmaker appears to have gotten his college degree from a Sizzler Steakhouse.”
Hey, you can learn a lot at Sizzler. For instance, it may seem like a good idea when you’re eight years old to just load the ice cream up with as many sprinkles and gummi bears as it will hold, but the ice cream really does taste better with just a smattering of goodies.
You wasted that today? You could have saved it for tomorrow’s #4.
Hey, I’m up to my ears in thoughts not sermons over here. If I don’t release ’em frequently I’m going to get backed up.
That’s what I tell my wife!
the DSBs – Deadly Sermon Build-up.
Right, sermons . . . that’s what the “s” stands for . . .
Is the only thing making it “a thought not a sermon” is saying it’s just a thought not a sermon? Brilliant. Polonius is the guy the introduces us to the concept that “brevity is the soul of wit” but then goes on to deliver a laundry list of advice.
It is very much worth reading the reviews of Sugar Free Gummi Bears on Amazon. Never was a product so unintentionally aptly named.
Never ever eat an entire pack of Sugar Free Twizzlers. I thought I had to go to the ER.
Are those sugar free gummy bears, or Sugarfree gummy bears. I would go near the latter. God knows what’s in them.
* averts gaze and hurries past shelf at grocery store*
Just because the Old Man refused to provide the candy, here’s the candy. There are some other classic gems on Amazon, such as the review for: Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable (it was a $500 5′ CAT 5 ethernet cable).
55 gallon lube. Or as we like to call it, The Jesse Special.
Another classic is the Three Wolf, One Moon shirt
I think few can top the Tuscan Whole Milk, Jeff Bezos added a review to that one.
Some good stuff there. Here’s one great review:
The banana slicer is another classic.
I always liked the Playmobil TSA Checkpoint
That is a fine review.
Holder: Obama is ‘ready to roll’
For some reason I read that as National Democratic Redistribution Committee… I wonder why I would assume that.
This is what’s known as “wishful thinking”. The Democrats have to defend something like 25 senate seats in 2018, mostly in states Trump won, while the Republicans are only defending about 10 mostly safe seats.
Oops, he said state legislature seats. I don’t know what the breakdown is there.
It’s even crazier. Obama pretty much destroyed the Democrats as a national party. I’m very very confident the GOP will find a way to fuck this up, but as of right now the Dems have a long way back to climb.
IF the GOP can buy a fucking clue, they will become “the party of people who work for a living” and finally get through the message that a CEO and a hardworking union plumber have a hell of a lot more in common than that plumber and some kind of grievance mongering sponge.
That message is basically how Trump flipped the formerly-blue rust belt states. So of course in response the Democrats have doubled down on the proggie identity politics bullshit that sent them into the wilderness in the first place.
I swear to god, I think they actually believe that the problem is that people haven’t been hectored enough for being stupid racists.
You are assuming the Republicans don’t shatter into a million pieces.
As bad as the Democrats are off the Republicans in a great many ways are worse because their coalition is far closer to disintegrating
“It’s coming. He’s coming,”
Sounds kinda gay
Ready to roll – On a girl’s bike with a fancy helmet dressed like John Cryer in “Two and a Half Men”?
Holder then finished his comments by saying “Just walk away”.
—-Holder said he’s been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.—-
Hey, the XPOTUS made it a whole six-weeks without ‘community organizing’. That’s better than I thought he’d do
What a dirtbag Obama is. When was the last time an ex-Prez stayed in DC? When was the last time an ex-Prez worked so assiduously to undermine his successor.
And the WTF is W doing? He kept his yap shut for the entirety of the Obama administration, but has tried to submarine Trump twice so far.
This will not end well for the Republic. A big part of peaceful transition of power is that the people leaving, well, fucking leave already. Disappear. If they become foci of resistance to the new rulers, well, when a new ruler comes along, they are sooner or later clear the decks of the predecessors, which means people aren’t going to want to give up power.
Morons, the lot of them. Here’s hoping Trump loses his temper and tells Sessions to go after Obama for his participation in Hillary’s email crimes, and opens up investigations into his fundraising and OFA. Time to nip this bullshit in the bud.
When’s the last time a former chief-of-staff moved in with an ex-President? The Obamas and Jarrett are just creepy.
It does seem impossible that Obama could not have know about Clinton’s email server, and that it broke the law.
Hell, he emailed her at her illegal address. That’s one of the reasons, I believe, that the FBI killed the investigation – they knew it would lead to the President.
Yeah, that raised my eyebrow as well. I was actually fairly pleased with him for fucking off to his ranch and playing cowboy quietly, but now he’s decided to reemerge?
Judge grants restraining order against Black Lives Matter activist accused of threatening L.A. police commissioner
You know who else crossed a line…
Johnny Cash?
Mr. T?
Only if he used a lower case “t”.
Bashar al-Assad?
No, sorry, that was a lion.
Woo ?
Oh wait, that was a lion. Never mind.
You got scooped by the Papist, (((brah))).
*loud applause*
Brewer & Shipley?
Damn your Central Time nimble fingers!
The Germans?
+1 Maginot
-1 Siegfried
Julias Caesar?
Oh, wait. That was a river. Does that count?
Steve Carlton?
The dirty scab that took my job?
William T. Sherman?
50K People Sign Petition Demanding That JK Rowling Put Up Muslim Refugees in Her 18 Spare Bedrooms
Now that’s funny. I wonder if Piers Morgan has been pushing it on his show.
I am proud to say I am one of those signatures.
Call me a yokel, but I’d trust the average manager of a Sizzler about 10,000x more than I would the average state legislator.
Well, Sizzle manages to not run at a massive deficit every year. Plus, incompetent sizzler managers usually get fired.
Or average college professor
I don’t care if the guy got his degree from Ringling Brothers.
But, A) He’s kind of lie-y about it without a need to do so.
B) His bill is kind of stupid.
Ivana was the one who called him a soft authoritarian.
The softest.
“since the Civil War, the chances of authoritarianism manifesting in America has been roughly 0.0000 percent”
/has this idiot never heard of Wilson, FDR and Nixon?
Even the Bush admin that they spent 8 years carrying water for was pretty squarely in the “authoritarian” camp. NSA spying, Patriot Act, etc etc.
IOW, Oh blow it out your ass, Howard
And of course Barack “I won” Obama who needed to act by executive order because congress wouldn’t, and who decided to assassinate American citizens without due process was not at all authoritarian.
Yeah cause the war time provisions of FDR were totally Democratic.
Also, I don’t consider 1% to be a small chance.
These stupid motherfuckers are still trying to kill their credibility not realizing that they dont have any left.
“I feel like the idea of being trans-black would be much more accurate than ‘I’m white.’ Because, you know, I’m not white… Calling myself black feels more accurate than saying I’m white.”
That would make perfect sense if she were, you know, black.
But if you can self-identify as a woman when you are biologically male, why is this any different? Therefore, the left-wing snowflake crowd is obligated to accept this.
Plus if every American identified as black, racial conflict would disappear!
Cain did look more able.
Dammit, straffinrun.
*angrily claps*
How dare you assume my race
I don’t know. The less hardcore feminists who all embrace intersectionalism and the progressive stack embraced trans people by and large, but I don’t see virulent identity groups like BLM just casually accepting trans-black. Those people get worked up by white people wearing dreadlocks.
The idea of race/gender as construct was an interesting analytical tool, but so is an x-ray machine. Turning idiots loose with either has been bad for society.
Every time I hear someone say “I identify as…” I hear them saying “My truth is…”.
Yep, truth is subjective.
That would never make any sense. Anyone not fully initiated into the prog religion would just stare at her like the crazy person she is.
this is perhaps worthy of a whole separate post. If I had gotten some better sleep then maybe I could add some intelligent (don’t laugh!) commentary.
Is Trumpism the new punk rock?
When the wealthy, politically-connected businessman is told he has less experience than some random party hack, maybe we’re defining “experience” wrong.
So Trump is punk rock? Is he more of a Sid Vicious or a Joey Ramone? Or maybe a GG Allin?
Bah. He’s a Billie Joe Armstrong.
So, he’s not punk rock?
He don’t want to be an American idiot.
I’ll stick to the better version.
Punk on the outside, soulless on the inside.
Trump is being criticized because he wants to rein in some federal departments, and get rid of some useless regulations, therefore removing the boot of the state from the face of it’s citizens. All that without using more executive power than the last guy did.
In what upside down world does that get to be interpreted as authoritarianism?
Because he’s using his authority to go in the wrong direction!
The upside down world where the left is not in power.
Removing regulations is kind of anti-authoritarian.
Oh, I’m sorry, those aren’t regulations, those are “Protections.”
Gotta frame that dang narrative.
Because he’s an old, rich, white guy who says nasty things, doesn’t hug reporters, and isn’t a Progressive. That automatically makes him the devil incarnate. But stupid. But also diabolical. Kinda like the last Republican president who was also a terribly stupid prodigiously devious evil mastermind.
The memory of “punk rock,” as it has been canonized in the upper echelons of rock criticism, is associated with left-wing anti-authoritarianism.
Not by everybody
Let the SPLC wise you up on hatecore circa 2001
Well, at least the link is in there somewhere.
You’re welcome.
I wish somebody would follow me around in real life fixing my fuckups like that.
That’s why I married SP.
Like your mom?
Oh Christ, am I the Winston of Glibertarians now?
Winston’s Mom was always too ‘engaged’ to follow him around.
“Much of white power music is bought and sold over the internet.”
Forcing the closing of Mom-and-Pop white power shops?
AKA “White Noise”.
The Sound of White Noise was an excellent album.
All of the songs sounded the same to me.
*narrows gaze*
Then maybe you ought to listen to this?
I have an idea I’d like to throw out: how about a user-curated official reading list/library for Glibertarians? Not necessarily confined just to political philosophy, but anything with a general libertarian angle to it.
I have a difficult time ever getting around to reading most of the books that catch my interest. It would be easier to sift through them with recommendations from libertarians. Even you people.
Obviously you’ve never clicked our FAQ/Resources button.
I actually hadn’t. BUT, that’s kind of “Introduction to Libertarianism” stuff. I was thinking more along the lines of a book club. Make it like a bi-weekly or monthly feature where there’s a book recommendation and discussion, then archive them into a list periodically. End of the year we could even have a Glibertarians top books review or something.
Basically I want to be spoonfed good titles. There, is that what you wanted to hear?
I actually hadn’t
So my anonymous scribbling went to waste?
I would have read it eventually. It’s like the Ikea manuals. You only bust them out after you’ve finished assembly and you want to know what the extra 8 parts are for.
Libertarian Oprah Book of the Month Club?
Yeah, sorta.
I nominate the Tarnished Sterling Series out of pure financial self-interest.
That is the libertarian way!
I have a good list of fiction and nonfiction books somewhere. I’ll look for it.
Well, you could become a Guest Contributor™ and do exactly that.
I see it has Goldwater’s Conscience of a Conservative. Consider adding In Defense of Freedom (click my handle)
From recommendations from the old site I have read Larry Correia, the grownup Roald Dahl and the Altered Carbon series in fiction
Non-fiction To Lose a Battle: France 1940
Hungry Ghosts, Stalin: the Court of the Red Tsar
My own recommendation if you like historical fiction and vikings read Bernard Cornwell’s The Last Kingdom series.
*vikings, not bikings
I read that three times before I posted, didn’t see it, posted and there it was
*Good Edit Fairy flutters by*
Seriously, I think the admins need to not edit comments, other than to cat-butt trolls, fix links, and show pix. We’re big boys and girls; we can live with our typos, but I think that editing comments opens a door that doesn’t need to be open and could go to some places we don’t want to go.
*uproarious applause*
I corrected a one letter misspelling on a lark…
*cues meowing*
Yeah, fixing the spelling and John will never show up here.
“I have this John repelling rock…”
I don’t mind looking incompetent, but now I look crazy
*sits down in a huff, crosses arms
Guess you’ll have to go online or Walmart to buy the shoes they used to only give to people on suicide watch.
Nice. I never understood the rubber shoe craze.
I own 3 pairs. Have to change shoes everytime I go into certain rooms and it’s a pain in the ass. Cheap, durable and easy to take off and put on.
No flip flops in Japan?
There are, but usually takes 3 days after an atomic bombing.
OK, Tundra, you win with that awesome avatar.
From the greatest sports movie of ALL TIME!
YOW! Point to straffinrun.
Have to change shoes everytime I go into certain rooms and it’s a pain in the ass.
what the huh?
You take you shoes off heah. Thank you berry much.
Crocs are like sweatpants for your feet. They tell the world, “I give up.”
They lost me at 1.
A world with only cotton grannie panties would be a sad place to live. Unless that’s your fetish.
SIV to the white courtesy phone.
Underwear is for hookers.
I refuse to be contained.
I have a feeling my congress critter is about to be/already is the latest focus of liberal outrage.
Gee, and what do all three have in common?
what do all three have in common
That I wouldn’t bang them.
If this is a time of the month joke, I applaud you. And scorn you.
I wish.
No, they are all facing tough re-elections in areas that were very Trump-y. Even Blue Minne damn near tipped to The Donald.
Just wanted to make an extremely sexist joke and yet pin it on you. I’m kind of a scumbag.
I’m just pissed I didn’t think of it myself.
Then you shouldn’t wear white pantsuits either.
I usually go for something like this.
I heard you libertarians were more inclined to something like this.
If I had to choose one of them to lose, I’d go for McCollum. She actually has some grit. She didn’t win that seat because of who her daddy was.
Klobuchar is an empty pant suit. The only reason she won was because of her last name (for non-MN’s, her dad was a beloved columnist who wrote for decades). She is mostly harmless.
I wondered — very briefly — what the white meant. Did they get the idea from Saturday Night Live?
They were honoring known feminist, Democrat, Senator, and Klansman Robert Byrd.
Then good thing there is a rule against wearing the hoods, “Every member shall remain uncovered during the sessions of the House.”
“Every member shall remain uncovered during the sessions of the House.”
Trumps war against Muslim women continues.
Coincidentally, that’s *our* house rules as well.
Then take the links down because I wrote them while naked except for a top hat.
So your member was still uncovered.
“He said he didn’t believe the protest was about defending women’s rights, adding he would understand that argument if wearing white had a continuous tradition in Congress.”
HM can confirm, but I think the word “candidate” comes from a perfectly respectable Latin word meaning “white robed ones.” Who could object to *that*?
I always thought it was derived from “candida” which would explain why they all have bad breath ….
The difference between a sincere conservative Trumper and a sincere conservative anti-Trumper might be described like this: One thinks that the more-certain payoffs of a Trump administration are worth the tiny risk of an extinction-level event. The other thinks that even a small chance of such a radically bad outcome more than counterbalances any likely policy gains.
“Extinction-level event”?
Obviously, the probability of an extinction-level event would have been much, much lower with Hillary in the White House. These people are shameless in their naked self-interest.
Imagine Hillary being allowed to appoint two, possibly three Supreme Court justices. We would cease to be a constitutional republic and instead be a judicial oligarchy. And I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. The law would literally be whatever liberal justices say it is.
Appointee No. 1 –
WTF?!? Was that even English?
So much for “liberte.”
Wow, the censors took the article off the Web site!
*Ears perk up* Someone find another link.
Try it now.
Now I wish I hadn’t. Great, now I get to defend Le Pen. I’m so glad I don’t have to see how some people are going to defend this assault on free speech.
I’m assuming that’s the one where they’re charging Le Pen for hate speech?
Are they trying to get her elected?
“Are they trying to get her elected?”
Is she France’s Trump?
So Trump is punk rock? Is he more of a Sid Vicious or a Joey Ramone? Or maybe a GG Allin?
I’d say more akin to Peter Tork.
Song for Peter Tork
Another casualty from Obama’s War on Coal. A personal interest story on the closing of a coal plant.
Deputies say vegan woman intentionally hit chicken truck
Here’s her picture so that the real discussion may commence.
Ooh a redhead. Would, by default.
You don’t stick it in crazy!
She don’t eat meat, but she sure likes the bone.
You don’t stick it in crazy!
So… you’re saying you don’t like redheads?
Was that necessary?
So, like every other vegan, she hates the idea of eating animals, but has no problem killing them to make political points.
You’ve got to crack a few skulls
I don’t think they understand that chickens and cows would likely be extinct critters if they weren’t so tasty.
Chickens might survive on account of their getting the bulk of their nutrition in the wild from eating insects and small seeds that are not useful as seeds for humans, Cows would absolutely be extinct because there is nowhere left capable of supporting their dietary needs and not putting them into direct competition with humans or other animals that could out compete them.
So a crazy vegan. Now there is something new.
An “obstruction” charge? Could that be because she insisted on them getting a warrant (which they did)? I don’t see anything else in the article that would support that charge, so I’m thinking they found a P.O.P. charge to hang on her blessedly crazy ass.
“We’re covering this super-serious story (breasts) because we want to discuss feminism (breasts)!”
People are saying Emma Watson can’t possibly be a feminist because of her braless photoshoot
Have the squirrels migrated over here?
Or some mutant variant.
We have larger nuts.
Does anyone else find this more than a little disturbing?
“Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation’s capital – just two miles away from the White House – into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.”
Apparently no one told that POS twink that after you leave the Oval office you are supposed to go fishing and keep your goddamned fucking mouth shut. This isnt a third world banana republic.
I suppose President Not-My-Fault is dreaming of somehow getting back into the White House without ending up on the end of a rope? I always disagreed with the Democrat party but I just thought of them as the other side of the American coin. They are looking less and less like that and more like an enemy.
Not clicking on a WND article because… I’m not. But this isn’t surprising to anyone, is it?
Chesterton’s gate. These people are fucking historical ignoramuses, they don’t see what the problem is.
Does anyone else find this more than a little disturbing?
Yes. He is so full of himself it is frightening.
Now that Obama has set a new precedent in actively trying to sabotage a new administration, do they really think Trump won’t pull the same shit down the road? They really can’t think ahead, can they?
Well, they’re used to regular Republicans, who always turn the other cheek. Old habits and all that.
I am just not sure what they hope to accomplish.
1. ??
2. Trump out
3. people fall in love with Obama again and he is coronated?
The motherfucker will never, ever go away
Today, in Soviet Client State news
Prior to this report, most congressional Republicans were resistant to the idea of appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the contacts between Russia and Trump campaign officials and surrogates – insisting that the ongoing FBI investigation and congressional committees already looking into the issue was more than enough.
That’s going to become an untenable position for Republicans – starting with Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – in light of this new information about Sessions. Not only is there a very serious question about whether Sessions misled – whether purposely or accidentally – his colleagues while under oath, but this is only the latest incident involving unanswered questions about the ties between Trump, his top advisers and Russia.
Jeff Sessions plotted with the KGB to hand over them newklurr codes, or maybe he just wanted to chat about the weather in Vladivostok.
So…they’re saying an FBI investigation isn’t enough?
Because it’s not impartial? The results of such an investigation would not be reliable?
Did this unreliability start on Jan. 20?
That nonsense is already on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Sessions#Russia_controversy
And I don’t see how Sessions actually lied.
“In short: Where there’s smoke and smoke and smoke and smoke and smoke, most reasonable people will assume there is fire”
Unless, it’s because people have been blowing that smoke out of their ass for months. The DNC blamed the Russians for the leak right after it was published. Which was way before they could known who did it. Even now, the evidence that it was Russia is very weak.
i don’t understand what they would hope to accomplish trying to investigate trump/russia connections. say they get evidence of exactly what they want, that he’s a manchurian candidate? then what?
impeach, presumably
or make lots of moaning noises about it, because the GOP congress *won’t*.
its like you don’t even politics bro
Trump should appoint exactly the same number of special prosecutors that Obama did. That’s fair, isnt it?
There was no need for a special prosecutor for things as trivial as using the IRS to target political opponents, or to investigate what happened at Benghazi and why they lied about it, or what went on with Hillary’s intentional mishandling of classified information and destruction of evidence, or why a DNC operative who was caught admitting to paying thugs to instigate violence at trump events was at the White House over 300 times and met with Obama dozens of times, or why Hillary’s State Department approved sale of a huge portion of America’s uranium supply to the Russians after the Russians donated $25 million to the Clinton slush fund. That was all trivial bullshit, not like this Sessions talking to a Russian stuff.
This will be an interesting test of the DemOp Media’s ability to actually influence what happens in DC. This is a bona fide fake scandal, as far as I can tell. They are trying to hang Sessions for talking to ambassadors as a Senator, a perfectly normal and appropriate thing to do. Unless there’s a smoking gun that these conversations were inappropriate in some way, its a big nothing.
A smart Repub operative would pull the records on all the times the Russian ambassador met with Democrat Senators, and ask if they should be investigated and possibly removed from office. If Trump really wants to hit back, he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into Sessions’ conversations, and then expand the prosecutors’ remit to include every Senator who talked to the Russian ambassador.
It can be very effective to give people exactly what they are asking for, and a little more. “Give them what they want, and then give them what you want”.
See, stuff like Senator McCaskill claiming she never met with the Russians, even though she did, according to her own Twitter feed:
As my master used to say, “Don’t give them what they want, give them what they are asking for.”
This place needs less Trump fellatio. And more tits. And more Mastodon.
And more third links.
What’s the price of Rhubidium and Palladium these days?
Or are you catching the gold bug?
Before I commented that said “More Metal”.
I swear. This is why I don’t support the idea of an edit button.
You seem confused. Are you hallucinating?
But yeah, my practice on my phone is to make a placeholder post, then edit it to insert my links. It’s considerably easier than typing out the HTML on the shitty phone keyboard.
You can do that on FB, too. Post something like, “End the Patriarchy!” and then edit the original post to something like, “Make me a sammich, skank” and the likes stay the same. Screen grab it and get those people who liked the post fired. It’s a pastime, anyways.
It did read “metal”. Anyway, I think only some posters have edit buttons.
*looks innocent*
I tried to provide breasts, but the squirrels wouldn’t let me.
People are saying Emma Watson can’t possibly be a feminist because of her braless photoshoot
I tried to post an Emma Watson link, but the squirrels kept eating it.
And more tits.
Holy sweet jesus…….bdbdbdbd bunk, brb.
Fuck yeah, Mastodon.
I don’t know about you guys, but if I viewed porn for up to six hours a day every day at work for years, I would have reached the end of the internet.
I had a coworker that would watch porn. He wouldn’t pleasure himself. Just would watch it in the break room during his breaks. YTF would you do that?
How do you know he doesn’t insert a buttplug before he leaves the bathroom?
I can’t think of anything clever to say, so how about “Even if you take away their porn they’re still going to be fucking the taxpayers”.
I don’t know, maybe it’s me, but there’s a saturation point with porn where it just doesn’t do much for you anymore. I mean, 20 minutes of a girl being spitroasted is great. Six hours of it would get boring.
From the Underwear article
You know who else loves a warm, moist, dark environment?
Vault Boy?
Fetuses?Unborn children?
What’s wrong with you people
Gilmore’s mom?
I thought it was Winston’s mom? Are we opening it up to everyone? *waits expectantly*
I know! I know! *Waves hand vigorously*
Liver flukes?
Dammit, this is what I get for not reading the whole comment thread.
Jesus! It is always Hitler!
Los Alamos Expert: U.S. Unable to Conduct Nuclear Tests
Test readiness shortfalls include lack of people, infrastructure to gauge reliability of nuclear arms
Oh the humanity!
I hate the welfare palace we built for the Vikings as much as anyone, but the fucking Audubon Society needs to shut the fuck up.
If they really think it is such a horror show, why not start a GoFundMe account to raise the money to upgrade the glass. Stop demanding that others spend their money to make you happy.
One of us in the comments:
The birds that get roasted out west flying through the solar farms are just collateral damage as we make the world a safer, green place.
Also the birds shredded by the wind farms.
I tell you, we set up a power plant/restaurant combo: wind farm – solar plant – seating. The birds get chopped, cooked and land on the tables. Very little staff needed.
It would probably be your only chance to eat a Bald Eagle.
Mmmm… KFE….
Here I was thinking you meant the Scandanavian insanity.
How has this escaped my attention?
Because your wife won’t let you date?
She would’ve let me join Hillarysingles.
Not sure how I feel about numbered links. Better than none, I suppose.
But are they better than bullets points? We will find out soon
What gives me the red ass is that Gilmore hasn’t even shown up yet when they were made that way just for him.
He was here a few hours after they were implemented. At the moment, he’s busy defending his mother’s honor, which is more than she ever did.
but since i’m here….. why the sudden interest in my poor Momma?
Sloopy, i’ve never been big on AM-Links
I actually try and get work done until ~lunch
It reflects an openness to diversity.
The Gut Punch of Girls. What Lena Dunham Got Right About Powerful Male Authors
Wherein the author describes how she wanted to use her sexuality to get what she wanted, but was “used” by a male author to get what he wanted. See, using your perceived power* to get what you want is OK. However, someone doing the exact same thing, and even being more transparent about it blurs the line between consent and rape.
*This point always confuses me. If we live in a rape culture, why do most women assume (rightly) that they can use the possibility of having sex with them as a bargaining chip? If this were truly a rape culture, you wouldn’t be able to dole out and withdraw consent in the first place.
America sucks, ch. 3,862
After my trip to rural America, I returned to my sheep and my strangely old-fashioned life. I am surrounded by beauty, and a community, and an old way of doing things that has worked for a long time rather well. I have come home convinced that it is time to think carefully, both within America and without, about food and farming and what kind of systems we want.
The future we have been sold doesn’t work. Applying the principles of the factory floor to the natural world just doesn’t work. Farming is more than a business. Food is more than a commodity. Land is more than a mineral resource.
Despite the growing scale of the problem, no major mainstream politician has taken farming or food seriously for decades. With the presidential campaign over and a president in the White House whom rural Kentuckians helped elect, the new political establishment might want to think about this carefully.
Suddenly, rural America matters. It matters for the whole world.
And, of course, this impassioned cri de coeur by our Limey scold contains nothing by way of substance, merely a recitation of the various and plainly obvious flaws of the American Way.
“I like living like a medieval subsistence farmer, with my internet and BBC World Feed, and a check from the government to make up the difference between my grotesque self-imposed inefficiency and those infernal New Zealanders’ roly poly grass fed lambs. Because the Americans are a bunch of savages.”
Yes, all that excess food America produces so efficiently and cheaply really harms the world, especially the poor third-worlders the excess gets exported to. Fucking idiot.
Also, why the hell is he talking about food when discussing his trip to Kentucky?
Eastern KY – Subsistence farming, at best
Central KY – Tobacco, horses, smattering of grain mostly for feed
Western KY – Soybeans, tobacco, corn, tiny bit of cotton
Rural Kentucky’s decline as fuck all to do with factory farming or changing food production
I am not sure it has declined so much as it hasn’t grown like the rest of the country. So some people in rural KY areas are still living at 1970s levels or something.
^This.^ If he wanted an honest look at American “Factory Farming” he’d head to the plains states. That’s where all the action is at.
Applying the principles of the factory floor to the natural world just doesn’t work.
What a fucking idiot. I’ve been taking Ag classes for shits and there’s a lot that applies. Reducing costs and increasing yields is huge concern. A lot of the stuff that seems foo-foo on the outside like reducing fertilizer use or going organic is a farmer trying to cut his costs (runoff into streams isn’t doing anything for his crops) or catering to a more profitable market.
God Rachel Dolezal is so racist. Just because youre homeless doesn’t make you black.
People across the political spectrum are freaking out at the Trump administration’s plan to cut the EPA by 20 percent. I’m right there with them. The whole idea seems absurd and arbitrary and I believe it sends the wrong message. I mean, he should be abolishing the entire damn department.
Let’s draw some attention to news that EPA employees are now using popular encryption schemes for communication in The Age of Trump. If you fucks [at the EPA] decide to do this kind of activity on the clock, and with EPA resources, prepare for the hammer to come down on your fucking asses if you get caught, assholes, your salaries, pointless conferences, and administrative junkets are extracted from us and pads the public debt. Be prepared to face the music if you don’t follow Pruitt’s guidelines to the letter, assholes; you play with the fire of bureaucracy, don’t be surprised if you get burned.
EPA bureaucrats: the new persecuted Christians? Should the dumb stick figure flower EPA logo be their Jesus fish symbol?
I can’t wait until this whole song and dance is repeated for the Education department. The gnashing of teeth will be epic.
#schadenfreude – I have a semi just thinking about it. The stakes are much higher at the EPA and there’s just way too many lawless bureaucrats there that are too fucking dumb to fall in line. If a 20% staff purge happens, I think I may have to take the week off from all other preoccupations, because drinking proggy tears will have me visiting the urinal every 5 minutes. Bureaucrat tears – rich in electrolytes.
EPA employees are now using popular encryption schemes for communication
I don’t see how that’s not illegal. They are either (a) encrypting their work communications on work computers, which violates FOIA or (b) encrypting work-related communications on private computers, which violates FOIA. I’m betting the NSA could lay down a list of employees who are doing this (work or “private”), and you could terminate them for cause. Or even just pull their access to work computers, and give them $1.00/year “jobs”.
I’m sure there’s a form letter for generating subpoenas. The delicious part is that Pruitt’s team didn’t make the template.
Rural Kentucky’s decline as fuck all to do with factory farming or changing food production
Don’t you get it? Subsistence farming is picturesque! He came to Kentucky to see the pickaninnies toiling in their rock-strewn fields, plowing with emaciated mules and hoeing beetroots while their darkskinned children fed chickens and ancient hound dogs dozed on the porch! He wuz robbed!
I thought everyone there was a millionaire who raised thoroughbred horses or distilled artisan bourbon? I was planning on gong there to do both.
Its like you haven’t seen the documentary “Justified”.
$65 million advance for the mediocre orator? They really expect sales to be that high?
Its a time-honored system for laundering money to politicians.
Sort of like Bill Clinton collecting a quarter million for making a speech to some Russian businessmen.
“Sales”? No, they’re buying someone they think has influence left.
An AA President’s influence is limited. He had his ride and did little with it.
Whoa, there’s a new Alien flick on the way? How did I not know this?
Because Scott burned a lot of his rep with Prometheus hype.
I or II?
Prometheus was a titanic failure.
But the movie Titanic was not.
Watched the trailer… didn’t see James Franco. I am disappoint.
In DoD News:
Rachel…you should’ve changed to it to “Nubian Awanna Derma”
“What’s a Nubian?”
Gay Jay, is that you? Sorry for your loss. Bill Weld is a punk-ass bitch. Aleppo is in Syria and Hillary Clinton is a corrupt piece of crap.
Hey – where’d my link go?
Anubian – Adj. like, of, or relating to, Anubis
$65 million advance for the mediocre orator? They really expect sales to be that high?
Tom Steyer will probably cover it by himself, out of the kitchen money drawer.
One of the small pleasures of the current political climate is watching Tom Steyer blow his hard earned money on ineffectual attempts to impose his theocracy on the U.S.
Cool option button on Monocle! Time-zone option doesn’t change anything though…Centrists unite!
Rachel Dolezal should pull a Prince and insist that everyone refer to her as the Attention Whore Formerly Known as White.
That would be truth in advertising, so we can’t have any of it.
I don’t have any beef with Chelgren.
This is retarded, but I suppose if you are going to take state money, you had better be ready to go full retard according to the whims of the State.
I’d be impressed, just because it’d probably set a record for how fast a law is struck down for being fantastically unconstitutional.
You would suddenly discover that a lot of “Republicans” are crypto-marxist SJWs. Or maybe that’s the other way around.
Regardless, if the lily-whitest woman ever can get one of the top law prof jobs in the whole country solely on the basis of a transparent lie about her Amerind heritage, then I expect the proggiest, wokest profs in academia will be getting jobs based solely on transparent lies about their political beliefs.
So what if you’re a Republican but identify as a Democrat? Or what if you have no political affiliation.
I just have to say, ladies, gentlemen and otherkin, that I’m utterly gobsmacked.
I go away on a couple of business trips, come back, and just for nostalgia’s sake, go to the old place. It’s a dramatic testament to the hideous power of a well-supported boycott. Under 100 postings across all H’n’R articles by noon Thursday!
Glibertarians, I doff my top hat to you all. Bravo.
Not our intention to do a boycott or in any way harm anyone else. We’re just out here having fun and being delighted that y’all are joining in. Let a thousand flowers of evil bloom.
OK, it’s simply an “expression of preference”. Gotcha :/
Why does my gravatar look like a set of ‘nads?
That’s my MO she’s dissing there!