Let us rejoice in the links that…er, how about you just click a couple, or none, whatever. Comment away.
- The new Picard Maneuver.
- I wonder if Hawk or Patriot missiles will be arcing toward Florida Pilot soon?
- Government is just the name for the thefts we do together.
- A small dose of the Daily Fail. God Bless British Journalism.
Carry on with….whatever you it is you do.
Saturday PM links? What witchcraft is this?
We’d better get Saturday Nite Links too! Or I’m boycotting the comments section!
Night in which time zone?
Central. The only one that matters
Central Zoners unite! I said Centrist before but that’s to close to central planning.
EST of course, you damn yokels.
EST is Gods time. Which us central timers will be on in another week.
::makes note to delete scheduled Nite Links::
Late Nite Links are a right! I sacrifice myself for the good of the collective!
“A small dose of the Daily Fail. God Bless British Journalism”
That’s sort of sad in more ways than one. I mean I’m sure us one percenters here with our diamond mines and armies of orphan slaves think it’s pitiful that anyone would do such a thing. We’d say sarcastic things like ‘Disneyworld is a right!’. But, and maybe it’s just me, I find trolling the woman equally pathetic. No one is forcing anyone to give her money, for crikey sake.
Agreed. Poor form to heckle the woman. Just don’t give her money if you don’t want to.
The password is: “sanctimommy”.
I don’t even need to look to see how many people are asking for funding to get a 3rd tit or to get a 10″ dick extension that looks just like a cobra. I already know that things like that are happening. Neither do I hate the guy standing on the street corner asking for money every day when I walk to get lunch from my office in the city. It’s all free association. What I hate, is when people want the government to force me to give them money at the point of a gun.
I’ve been watching Alex Jones stuff for the first time in the past two hours.
I’m really confused and entertained at the same time.
A top-rate WWE character was lost in Alex Jones.
After he made the statement to Hillary ‘I’m not afraid of you, bully!’, Hillary should have come running onto the stage in her wrasslin pantsuit and Jones should have then stood up and smashed a folding chair over her head. Now there’s something I will pay to see.
They could have had a whole story line where Alex Jones and the Freedom Fighters have a bunch of matches against THE GLOBALISTS.
Clinton’s WWE career didn’t go so well.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
She never would have made the Hall of Fame.
Jones vs The Goracle?
Jones vs The Buffalo
Isnt’t Shaq kinda not getting into pro rasslin?
Watch Rogan with Jones.
I don’t know. I find him intriguing. He can be off the rails but sometimes…
My favorite is that there’s a clip with Rogan smoking a joint, and he offers it to Jones, and Jones says, “No thanks, that stuff makes me paranoid.”
OK, that made me laugh.
And then he proceeded to smoke. Also he drank much whiskey on that pod. It was of the rails from the jump.
From youtube:
“azonicrider323 days ago
Alex Jones makes Pot paranoid.”
That may have been the best rogan ever. How else could i have learned Obama is bi-sexual
I don’t have much of an opinion about Alex Jones = people who develop psychotically-loyal radio audiences tend to be batshit because that’s how you develop exactly that kind of fan.
BUT! I do have an opinion about his ‘fans’. Which is = they are stupid.
I’m all in favor in having more stupid people against big government.
I think if your conception of “big government” is “FACT = WTC7 WUZ CONTROLLED DEMOLITION” then its probably better if you just went and played in traffic. with your kids.
I have no idea how you completely misread that.
What did i misread?
You’re saying fans of Alex Jones are de-facto ‘against big government’.
I don’t see much of that, and i see lots of batshit stupidity.
Batshit-stupid people aren’t great “allies” because they tend to discredit your own more-rational argument via association.
I felt the same way about a lot of Ron Paul-ites, fwiw, and said as much here. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to purge the retards.
I guess thats not right either. H&R, really.
oh, when i said, “You”, i didn’t mean you personally, i just meant the theoretical 911-truther.
sorry if that came across as sounding like i was accusing you of something.
It’s OK. I think I understand what you are saying about allies. In spite of the conspiracy theories, according to Jones he’s a “classic liberal”, and from what I can tell not all that different from a libertarian in his political views. Regardless, if stupid people are going to continue to vote. And they will. I would rather have them vote for less government, even if it is for stupid reasons. While one may be able to avoid associating or being associated with retards. There is no way to purge them from the plebiscite.
That’s why I think him screaming about gay frogs is awesome. It’s what plants crave.
I think that’s reasonable, so long as all they do is vote, and otherwise keep their crazy-traps-shut
the example that comes to mind is Adam Kokesh; nice in theory, but in practice, i’m not sure he’s helping.
BUT! I do have an opinion about his ‘fans’. Which is = they are stupid.
I do get a chuckle out of all the conspiracy nuts in the comments on his videos who freak out because “Jones doesn’t get it, it’s all THE JEWS man, THE JEWS do everything, Jones is a Zionist shill for the New World Order and a defender of white genocide!”
I can appreciate a conspiracy theorist who thinks racism and anti-Semitism are designed by the ‘elites’ to divide the plebs way more than that brand of crazy.
I’ve never paid enough attention to his world-view to figure out whether or not he himself advocates the whole “Zionist Lizard People Run The World” POV… but his fans seem to be almost uni-vocal on the point…. which as far as i’m concerned is basically “encouraging them”.
I respect Alex Jones being able to make a buck doing what he does the same way I respect L Ron Hubbard’s similar scheme. But i still find the content of both of their schemes appeals to the worst sorts of people.
Carry on with….whatever you it is you do.
Making shiny little flakes of metal with the “rotary file” and the die grinder. Next- fire up the welder.
P Brooks is my kind of guy. I just finished welding up a pit cart for my generator and air compressor. What are you making?
If he’s a true libertarian it’s a stll,for which to make tax free liqour.
Or a cage to house his orphans.
Mmmmm, pickled orphan.
Steel snowflakes?
I just turned on my local news and heard the words “unprecedented attacks on (((guess who)))” three times in the last five minutes.
Gender Fluids?
Hot dog vendors?
Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings?
I saw The Guess Who in concert maybe 10-15 years ago. My friends never believe me when I say this but it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. About 1.5 hours of excellent rock and roll. They even did four or five BTO tunes (that other band as Cummings jokingly referred to them as). Outstanding concert.
This was in connection with my governor traveling to Israel to “show solidarity”. Yeah, I laughed too.
Burton Cummings?
Hello glibs and glibettes. I was mostly a lurker on the reason am/pm links but hearing of this newfangled site I decided to try my hand at commenting. Is just I can’t think of much to comment. Anyhoo nice weather and all that.
If you can’t think of anything to comment, don’t worry about it. Neither do most of us and we chatter away regardless.
Welcome. Just think of really sarcastic things that probably offend everyone outside of this site and you’ll be commenting in no time.
You’re not the boss of me, statist, I’ll decide if the weather is nice or not!
You live in the Great Frozen Northland. We know it’s not nice where you are.
73 here. That’s 23 to you.
It’s not bad here today actually, -11, got some nice snowfall yesterday.
If you embrace the cold, make it your own, it makes you strong.
Fuck that. My balls turned blue just thinkin about -11
You don’t have to live there! I mean that. Save yourself!
You don’t get it, you’ve adapted to the cold…I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t feel a warm breeze until I was already a man, and it was nothing to me.
Those who travel south, flee the cold…they are traitors to The North. If your toes are warm and your beard is not icy, can you really call yourself a Canadian?
We give it back to you the people, but bring a jacket.
If I touch you with dragonglass, will you perish?
The Night’s King: truly one of Canada’s less popular Prime Minister’s.
I assume that’s -11 Sissius.
Or get Alex Jones opinion on it
The nice weather is a plot by THE GLOBALISTS to make the FROGS GAY.
Holy shit, that’s awesome.
“They got stuff that will wack your brain permanently”
Shame that happened to you, Alex.
It is seventy five here. What is that in Canadian degrees?
24 I believe.
In Canadian, 32 is zero and 100 = this global warming stuff is real.
What is it about this place that draws in the lurkers?
For the record, I haven’t sworn off the Other Site, but I feel no compulsion to do more than a quick scan of the blog every third day or so.
It’s the sweet avatars.
Welcome Pits!
The charm of the place. The allure of a new beginning. The presumably squirrel free environment.
Point is, do not ask questions of fate
Also I decided this joint needs some class.
Did someone say joint?
puff puff pass yo
I was able to actually make 2 posts over there today. I didn’t attempt a 3rd as I was considering myself lucky at that point.
Fewer people on fewer articles for me. Im used to a message board where people dont migrate from story to story to story. If that makes sense
As my grandma used to say, “If you can’t say something nice, just quote The Simpsons.” She truly was a cromulent woman.
Infrequent commenter the last few years at H y R but like the idea of Sat Links. Nice site you have here.
Working on an avatar…
So fish and chips it is. Better than nothing I guess.
She could “earn” the money
Ya, well, sometimes that takes too long. You saying I should take down my gofundme page for, “Fund my most epic hooker and blow party”?
I think if we pooled our resources we could make that party happen.
*cannon-balls into pool*
I’d donate, but that would delay MY most epic hooker and blow party.
Should have faked a hate crime and basked in the adulation of useful idiots showering money on her. It’s what all the cool kids are doing nowadays.
About the Trump tweets?
Okay, I’ll do it! So Trump is accusing Obama of Watergate level wiretapping criminal behavior.
The media are all saying Trump is crazy. I’m digging through old stories, and I think Trump is referring to this stuff:
“The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.”
“Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates”
New York Times
January 19, 2017
The inauguration was January 20, so when they’re talking about giving the information to the White House, I believe they’re talking about the Obama administration.
Whether the Obama administration got a warrant is probably beside the point of whether they did something illegal. Getting a warrant just means they’re not guilty of breaking and entering. It says nothing to the point of whether they stole the TV.
Why were wiretap communications from the Trump campaign given to the White House?
The request for a warrant was rejected in FISA court in June. They resubmitted the application in October, but it’s unclear whether the October request for a warrant was rejected. Just because they got a warrant, that doesn’t mean what they did with it was legal, but if they didn’t get a warrant, expect that there will be CYA memos all the way down through the chain of command at the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, or wherever.
Why were wiretap communications from the Trump campaign given to the White House?
Probably because Valerie Jarrett asked for them. It will either go away just like the IRS targeting political opponents went away, or, eventually they will have to say, “yes, of course we were monitoring Trump. He was colluding with the Russians and that is how he was elected.” And then comes the Nancy Pelosi spittle laden speech calling for impeachment.
Cries of RUSSIA justify everything.
Apparently, they started investigating possible criminal activity, decided no crime was committed, then decided to start a national security investigation for some reason.
I appreciate they had reasons for what they were doing.
If they were wiretapping a presidential candidate and sharing the information with the White House, even as the White House was campaigning for Hillary Clinton, then that probably isn’t just untoward.
That’s what Richard Nixon needed to be pardoned for.
Well, the FBI director made a a big public announcement, explaining exactly how Clinton lied and broke the law. Then ended it with some nonsense why she shouldn’t be prosecuted. So I don’t anticipate criminal charges, against her or Obama no matter what they find. And anything against Obama, the MSM is going to spin as a “fake scandal”.
That was the Obama administration’s Justice Department investigating itself by way of the Obama administration’s FBI.
This is the Trump administration making accusations against Obama.
It’s also interesting that Obama’s official response was a non-denial denial. Obama didn’t say that they didn’t wiretap the Trump campaign (although that’s the way it’s being sold on TV). Obama just said that he didn’t order it, which is different.
Of course not. Dark Lord Jarrett have the order.
Obama just said that he didn’t order it, which is different.
It depends on what the meaning of “is” is.
There is no record that You Know Who Else ever explicitly ordered the, um… Thingy, either.
Here we go again with a phake skandul that is “just like Watergate”.
I told my wife about this story, and that’s just what she said.
Of course, this phake skandul is NOTHING LIKE WATERGATE, but I had to break it down for her.
In Watergate, an unlikable Republican president attempted to wiretap the campaign of a totally cool Democratic candidate. In this phake skandul, a totally cool Democrat president wiretapped an unlikable Republican candidate.
It’s totally different, and the scribes and talking heads of our mainstream media understand this fact perfectly well.
I mean….isn’t this basic logic? Two allegations made:
Allegation 1, made by Democrats/Leakers in government: “The Trump team was speaking with the Russians on the phone before the election and after the election but before the inaguration. That’s illegal.”
Allegation 2 made by Trump: “The government was tapping the phone lines of my campaign and/or my transition team.”
If 1 is true, then 2 has to be true. The left and the media (but I repeat myself) cannot have it both ways. If Trump’s people were speaking to the ZOMGRUSSIANS then the only way the government can know that is if they were spying on the Trump campaign.
The only question IMO is if there is a warrant. Last I checked, they still needed a warrant to spy on Americans.
Are you sure about that? I’ve accepted that this is a post-legal society. Provided you know the right people, of course. I mean honestly after Snowdon, the assassination of alaqi, the server, nothing is going to stick.
They’re supposed to have one. Don’t get me wrong, I fully expect there to be no consequences for this, because IMO the bureaucrats are really the ones in control at this point. But letter of the law, there should be a warrant, or at the very least some kind of written order signed by somebody, because IMO no GS-8 or GS-9 decided to lay his neck on the chopping block by wiretapping a Presidential campaign. Someone gave the order.
The warrant only changes the nature of the wrongdoing, to my eye, not whether there was wrongdoing.
A warrant means the cops don’t need to face breaking and entering charges when they force their way into your house.
It doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want once they get inside. They can’t rob the place blind, kill anyone they find, and then burn the place down–those are all still crimes even if the cops have a warrant.
In this case, even IF IF IF, the Treasury Department, FBI, or CIA had a warrant, that doesn’t mean they can or should disclose the findings to the Obama administration or Hillary Clinton campaign. A warrant doesn’t give the Obama administration the right to use the Treasury Department, FBI, or CIA to do the Hillary Clinton campaign’s dirty work.
The warrant request in October was in do or die campaign season. The New York Times quote above says information acquired by way of a wire tap was sent to the White House. Why is that? Did the White House ask for it? Does the FBI, CIA, and Treasury Department routinely share wiretap information in every case with the White House? I seriously doubt that!
I call shenanigans. This needs to be investigated.
Trump tried to bury that hatchet. He could have gone after Hillary Clinton for accepting money from foreign governments while she was the Secretary of State. In the debates, Trump looked Hillary in the eye and promised to throw her in jail. Trump tried to bury the hatchet! But the deep state (aka CIA, FBI, NSA, et. al) have done little else but actively seek to undermine his administration and his policies since the day he took office.
Time to drain the swamp. This needs to be investigated. It all needs to come to light.
Fuck the Deep State!
I would love to see him try, but IMO America is almost done with Claire Wolfe’s “awkward stage”.
It’s down right scary what they are all doing. Trump seems to fighting back and I think his populism is giving him a good club to use against the Dems/bureaucrats. I’m making all kinds of popcorn and stocking up my bunker.
Honestly, I think this is just about the military and the intelligence services not wanting to work with the Russians–or to be replaced in Syria by the Russians.
Neoconservatism gives the military and the intelligence services a lot of work to do, and I think they want to invade Syria, they want an enemy of Iran, etc., etc.
Trump’s pragmatism upsets the whole apple cart. His willingness to work with Putin on ISIS and Syria represents an existential threat to their whole operation. I think that’s what this is about.
You’ve got this huge intelligence infrastructure built up around going after ISIS, Assad, Iran, and other enemies all over the world, and if Trump starts coordinating with Putin the way FDR coordinated with Stalin, the intelligence services and the military will have a lot less to do in the future.
This huge bureaucracy didn’t exist the same way 20 years ago. It’s defending itself and its turf like any other bureaucracy. My dad worked for the Treasury Department. Nixon tried to consolidate Customs, the INS, and Border Patrol, et. al. back in the early 1970s. He failed. Every president since tried to do the same thing–and it wasn’t until the INS sent visa renewals to the 9/11 hijackers (months after 9/11) that the political pressure to merge them became greater than the power of those fiefdoms to defend themselves.
We’re seeing the same thing here. The CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. don’t want to share their turf with the Russians, and they’d rather to go to war against Trump than go along with Trump’s plan. The pain only stops when Trump stops trying to coordinate with the Russians. They will be the imperial masters of the Third World and what happens there . . . until someone drags them out into the light.
It’s Johnson’s warning about he military industrial complex all over again–it’s just that it’s the intelligence services now. For goodness’ sake, the NSA alone has 35,000+ employees now. They won’t go quietly into the night.
then the only way the government can know that is if they were spying on the Trump campaign.
Or, and I’m going out on a limb here, they could’ve been spying on the commies. Me getting busted because a conversation with you is recorded, doesn’t prove my phones were tapped only that one of ours was.
If the Obama administration requested a warrant from a FISA court in June of 2016 to wiretap Trump–and they were denied–then because they received wiretapped information and sent it to the White House, we know they wiretapped Trump.
If they did it with a warrant or without one, just changed the nature of the crime.
If they wiretapped Trump without a warrant–and in spite of a warrant request that was rejected by a FISA court–then that’s a crime.
If they obtained a warrant and then used that wiretap to ruin Trump’s campaign, then that’s a different crime, but it’s still a crime.
Either way, we know they tapped Trump because they got the information. Either way, we know the contents of the wiretap were sent to the White House.
It’s like the Mona Lisa was taken from Trump’s house, and we know it was sent to the White House. No one is disputing those facts. It’s that Obama is saying that he didn’t order the heist.
If I were Trump’s advisor, I’d have told him to bury the hatchet with Hillary. Better to spend your political capital on pushing your own policy agenda through than chasing water under the bridge. That all changes now. I think Trump might need to make an example out of somebody; otherwise, this is going to go on for four or eight more years. Make an example out of somebody.
If the Obama administration requested a warrant from a FISA court……
If they did it with a warrant or without one……
If they wiretapped Trump without a warrant…..
If they obtained a warrant and then used that wiretap to ruin Trump’s campaign…..
Either way, we know they tapped Trump….
One of these things is not like the other, that is unless you can turn one of those ‘Ifs’ into a “Yes”
Even if the evidence shows that the gov’t knew of a conversation between Trump and the Commies it only proves that the gov’t was spying on one of them, not both, and not which.
The question isn’t whether they were spying.
Spying isn’t a crime.
The question is 1) whether they had a warrant and 2) why the information was sent to the White House.
Again, even if they had a warrant, sending that information to the White House, just on its face, would appear to be a violation of the Hatch Act–and that’s just off the top of my head.
So, don’t get distracted by whether there was a warrant. The purpose of all those “If” statements was to show that no matter how you slice it, it all comes up shenanigans.
If they didn’t have a warrant, somebody’s in trouble.
If they did have a warrant, somebody’s in trouble.
I’m only distracted by the assertion that the only way the govt knew of the alleged Trump-Commie convo is because they tapped Trumps phone. If someone broke the law and tapped the Commies phone, that a whole ‘nuther kettle ‘o fish.
I didn’t think that whether they tapped Trump was still in dispute.
They made two requests to tap him.
They got the information.
They sent it to the White House.
Even Obama’s response didn’t say that Trump wasn’t tapped. Obama only said that he didn’t order it.
I don’t think anyone involved is denying that Trump was tapped. They’re just denying that Obama was directly responsible.
Then why all the “they knew and that proves Trump was tapped” talk. If Trump being tapped is a non alternate fact than there is no need to jump through logic problem hoops to prove it. I don’t know at this point I haven’t seen any first hand evidence either way. I did notice however that the reports I’ve read that show Trump was tapped are based on ‘sources say’ kind of proof. If you have something more concrete i’d like to read it.
For goodness’ sake, they asked for permission to wiretap twice. Since they ended up with the information, why isn’t the simplest explanation appropriate–especially if they actually got the warrant in October?
You think it’s going out on a limb to assume that they did what they repeatedly stated they intended to do in the warrant applications . . . even if the warrant was granted?
I’m not saying there’s enough evidence to convict Obama of treason beyond a reasonable doubt. I’m saying there’s more than enough evidence to justify an investigation.
We need an independent counsel to investigate the CIA and FBI for violations of the Hatch Act–or any other relevant federal statute.
I’d say it’s ironic that the Obama administration appears to have done what they were accusing the Russians of doing (using covert ops to influence the presidential election), but “ironic” means unexpected, and there isn’t anything unexpected about Obama being a mind-blowing hypocrite.
they asked for permission to wiretap twice
And you know this how? I’ve read a number of pieces on this, from lefty and righty sources, and as I said it’s at best “sources say” kinda evidence, If you got a link/cite with the Motts I’d love to read it.
“The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.”
—-The Guardian
January 11, 2017
If you want to see the actual request itself, the CIA, FBI, and NSA keep a joint repository of past FISA court warrant applications here:
My understanding is that they were wiretapping the Russian ambassador, which is what they should be doing. The illegality came from whoever released the content of the ambassador’s conversations with American citizens.
Obama’s “Justice” Department asked for a FISA warrant in June and the secret FISA court rejected it. How often does that happen? FISA courts reject warrant applications only about 0.025% of the time.
Somebody put principles over principals.
That request must have stunk to high heaven.
Obama had the most transparent administration ever–even the rubber stamp of a FISA court could see right through them!
“The US has become such a horrible place I had to join it.”
That’s some grade-A BS right there. Well done, Captain.
So he’s not moving to Canada either?
The amount of self-righteous posturing the celebrity class is going through can’t be good on the spines.
And they cant figure out why they lost or why they are losing this PR battle post-election. Keep it up fuckwits. Keep it up.
First, The NG isnt going to be roaming the streets rounding up illegals. That rumor was discredited over a week ago.
Secondly, Obama is the one who decided to dispense with Posse Comitatus. Apparently they dont remember heckling all of the conservatives that freaked the fuck out over that.
They are wildly incorrect about everything but they make up for it by being mendacious.
The freakout about the NG rounding up illegals was stupid, but we did away with Posse Comitatus years ago. Many ships in the navy fleet do nothing but drug interdiction. They just attach a Coast Guard boarding crew to the boat.
I don’t remember what Obama did. But nothing would surprise me with that authoritarian prick.
I’m glad we solved the violent and property crime problem so that limited resources can be devoted to the drug war and “large-scale Uber sting operations”.
I saw that yesterday. Yes, those hideous ride sharing services are a scourge on society. If they are not reined in all hell will break loose. I say good on Uber for getting around them.
There’s an unholy alliance going on right now with absurdly entitled taxi medallion rentseekers crying about how their overpriced, filthy, and subpar services not being the only game in town anymore–I’ve personally spoken with a taxi driver adamant that Uber “would cause long-term damage to the economy”–and the identity politics crowd howling about apparent sexism at Uber.
Lyft virtue-signaled their TDS and fired the driver in this case (before rehiring them) so they’re spared the wrath of the outrage machine… for now.
SB is correct in the story about using the NG being debunked. However the reason you use NG versus active component or Reserves for law enforcement is because using the NG in most circumstances is not a violation of Posse Comitatus. The AC and Reserves are covered under Title 10 and therefore can’t be used for law enforcement within the US. The NG is Title 32 and can be used unless they are Federally mobilized under Title 10. That is why even when you have something like post Katrina aid there are dual Title 10 and 32 leaders and clearly defined responsibilities on who does what.
It’s been speculated that various numbers of National Guardsmen were given to various people in the administration so the leaker could be discovered. It’s a reasonable strategy that has been employed for a long time in intelligence.
I have Seasons 1 – 4 of Psych, and my wife and I watched a couple of episodes, so I went ahead and procured Season 5.
I had avoided the later seasons, because Sean and Detective O’Hara started dating, but it wasn’t as bad as I feared.
Part of the fun of the show is seeing the big movie stars from the 80’s make cameo appearances: Judd Nelson, Lou Diamond Phillips, Ralph Macchio, Ally Sheedy…
You know that’s right.
Loved that show. It remained entertaining all the way though, but I’m glad they wrapped it up when they did.
I have never been a particular fan of BBC/British television (which i guess is the same thing), but my UK friends (and american friends who love that stuff) have always said that the great failure of American television shows is that they try and design themselves to “live forever” (a la MASH or Seinfeld or some other never-ending TV series)
where the Brit model is “planned obsolescence”, where they write 3(?) seasons and 3 specials and then its over, done, gone, on to the next thing.
Very different idea, really. I think the HBO model is probably some half-way thing between the 2… where, even if there’s not a planned maximum, they DO actually say, “its probably 4-6 seasons” or something like that, and actually write their story-arcs with that inevitable-end in mind.
Among my favorites are the
hilarious, delightfully perverse
Are You Being Served?,
which ran for about a dozen years,
and The Hour, which apparently
only ran for two years.
I wish the latter had done more.
+1 Black Mirror
And each season is only like six episodes.
that too. its an interestingly-different model of how to do “a show”
There are some (like Sherlock) that are three, 1.5 hour long episodes.
Look up the IT Crowd, Black Books, and Coupling. All of which are hilarious, even if I wish there were more of them. Black Mirror is also amazing if you’re a fan of the Twilight Zone.
They also have a lot more game shows than we do, and most of them nowadays are better-produced. NBC fucked up The Cube, and we’ll never get anything erudite like Only Connect.
It depends – you have two 6-ep seasons of “Spaced” – gone before it’s time – but we did get the Cornetto Trilogy, etc out of it. And I like that “The Thick Of It” resurfaces periodically for new eps/movies….but then you don’t get a *real* narrative arc like 7 seasons of The Shield, or 5 pre-planned/scripted seasons of B5…..or Farscape (damn you Bonnie Hammer we were all promised a 5th season!!!).
Even Dr. Who – used to have those short condensed multi-ep storylines over the years – now they try and do a season long arc and it’s just garbage – throwing whatever weird shit they can think of at the wall and most of it won’t stick – oooooh…let’s put dinosaurs on a space ship….oh the moon is a giant egg and we never noticed it before. WTF.
At least that fits the spirit of the show – it IS ostensibly a kids’ show, you know.
What I hate lately is the ridiculously convoluted arcs that neither pay off nor make a damn bit of sense.
What are you making?
An… apparatus.
Mostly it’s me trying to reawaken the hand-to-eye-to-foot co-ordination to run a bead. It’s been a while.
TIG that shit, Brooks!
MIG or nuffin’.
Get MIGgy with it.
Although, I did pick up an old Lincoln arc welder for a case of beer that I’m looking forward to playing with.
I’ve seen old stick welders weld circles around some of the new guys at work.
I’ve been told by much better welders than me; if you are a good stick welder, MIG is a piece of cake.
I did pick up an old Lincoln arc welder for a case of beer
Nice score there.
Very nice score. I think I might give it a new paint job. Make a little restoration project out of it. It’s a cool looking welder.
Here’s a pic of the model I have
Alright. That is cool.
I have a mig unit. I welded a bit with a stick using whatever welders we could find on jobs overseas. Usually the cheapest chinese knockoff available. One wondered if they would be electrocuted as they used it. I sucked at it, but I wasn’t hired as a welder. Just making due. Much easier with wire feed.
There should be a law.
Actually, I am sure there is.
The link? Seems to work for me. don’t know
I got a link for ya!
“A skeptic might be excused for concluding that, to the U.S. military, fourth-generation warfare really means a conflict that will last four generations.”
Seriously, Florida Man? I would think even in Florida you can do better than Nickelback.
It’s almost like none of these people even click the links. Savages!
I kept waiting for the lyrics of this song to explain something about Transgender procreation, but it never got past “incoherent heavy breathing”
If you want me to link to Mpreg fetish videos, you don’t have to be so coy about it.
Its always shocking to discover that, not only is something which you “just thought up” already an actual *fetish*, but its well enough established that there’s already an Acronym for it.
I recall in the very early days of the internet saying to a co-worker, “Everything has already happened. If you can think of something, there’s already a website for it.”
To prove my point, i typed in “Devil Rape”. I was correct. luckily, this was before workplaces had installed monitoring of what employees were browsing.
Was this devils raping people or devils getting raped?
Asking for a friend.
It was a cosplay fetish porn where dudes dressed up (with varying degrees of sophistication) like Old Scratch
the dames were just ‘hot babes’.
I preferred the second scenario.
That’s how exorcism works, right?
Here comes the devil rapist
With evil on his mind
Beware the devil rapist
He’s gonna get you
Transgender procreation
My guess was close
Obama strenuously denies doing very specific thing which isn’t necessarily what anyone actually accused him of
Basically, his denial could be “accurate” and the FBI could still have done everything NRO et al have suggested they did.
The media is just going to parrot it, so it hardly matters. Nothing would ever come of it. What’s really amazing to me is that:
1. Trump sent his tweets out predawn. People can say what they want about the old, orange son of a bitch – he’s indefatigable.
2. It still hasn’t occurred to Trump to punish his enemies here. There is a new, big headline telling him who his enemies are every morning, but he insists on giving these people more power.
What we’ve seen the last few months with this Russia bullshit is exactly what crackpot libertarians have been warning about. When you give government these tools, they can and will be abused. Always have and always will.
Here’s a bold thought: what if Trump punishes his enemies by shitposting on Twitter, and not by siccing the IRS on them? What if Trump, who’s never been a politician or in government at all, actually believes that someone who pisses him off is best dealt with by hardcore mockery in the media, and not with actual force?
Like, all these people think Obama was so reasonable and moderate because if you pissed him off, you got audited, or the DOJ sued your company for “discrimination” or you put on the terror watch list. He never attacked anyone on Twitter, he attacked them in real life, with real consequences. But he sounded reasonable and calm and moderate.
What if Trump just calls you low energy, or a failure, and that’s it?
I’d prefer it if he refused to give the intelligence agencies everything they wanted.
Dude, that horse left the barn somewhere between the Patriot Act and the drone strikes in Pakistan. The American “intelligence community” (ain’t that some Orwellian shit?) has black funds, they have the surveillance tools, and they have their own storm troopers and their own little robot air force.
Obama never interfered with any independent investigations from the DoJ because there were no independent investigations.
I was absolutely startled when I saw who wrote this incredibly reasonable and lucid piece mocking the faux hysteria over every new Trump/Russia story.
Who is michael tracey?
I don’t know who Michael Tracey is, but it was surprising to see the article on the Young Turks website.
That’s what I thought. That was the first, and I assume the last, time I am on that site.
Patty gave birth to a ten-pound baby boy.
Time is on your side.
I follow him on Twitter. He’s a lefty journalist in the pro-Bernie/anti-Hillary vein, but he’s extremely skeptical of the TDS crowd.
I am considering framing something as the “ONE HAT AT A TIME“-rule….
However i think my lone example may itself be an exception because “Sports”. But seriously tho its still retarded.
I think one of them is a doo-rag?
I know and it all would have been OK if it weren’t for the logo on it.
Why are you so racist Gilmore?
/ sarc
good-taste knows nothing of race, creed or…. well, ok, color matters.
I’m with ya. High socks or GTFO
Also = Obligatory
Say, who where’s the pants around here H.I.?
Wears, Jesus christ.
Way to go, Kevin Großkreutz:
LOL this story keeps getting better and better. My favorite part is still his parting shot: “I don’t want anything to do with football for the time being.”
The Associated Press publishes V.P. Pence’s wife’s personal e-mail address and refuses to remove it or apologize.
As is usual for the tolerant left, the responses are cancer.
The pence email shot to wrap up the week was rage inducing. SEE HE’S JUST LIKE HILLARY!!!!! Fucking retarded.
I had multiple prog friends who posted that.
For some reason they ignored when I pointed out that it said “It was legal in Indiana” right in the middle of the link they posted.
The every member of the Colorado State Senate uses gmail as far as I know.
Did the Obama Administration Try Stacking the Deck Against Trump at the Justice Department?
Nothing to see here. Don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain, still trying to puppeteer the federal government.
Yeah is this unique? I can’t remember this happening with prior admins.
It isnt unique at all. SOP in banana republics.
Oh, unique here….yes. Ford got a day job. Carter built houses. Reagan went home to his ranch. Bush I went fishing. Clinton chased young pussy. Bush II went home to his ranch.
Not this motherfucker. He is and always was tin-pot dictator material and it was always obvious. I dont know if we have ever had an ex-president actively trying to undermine and unseat his successor. I would say that what he is up to is sedition.
Yep. I mean hell, has an ex POTUS ever stayed in the District? That’s a big part of the transition process: they get one last ride on AF1 well the hell away from DC, because it’s a total transition of power.
It really is pretty scary shit IMO.
John Quincy Adams was elected to the House of Representatives. Taft became Chief Justice. Kennedy wound up just over the river in Arlington, I believe.
Sedition. Yeah, that’s the word, the perfect word, to describe what Team Obama are up to.
I remember that word being thrown about pretty liberally when non-lefties were merely hoping Obama would fail to implement his agenda in 2009.
Remember when Limbaugh said he hoped the Pres wouldn’t do everything he promised. Holy shit, the left were incensed that he could be such a traitor! You want the president to fail? My gawd you aren’t even American!
Rush’s comment looks pretty quaint now. What a difference 8 years makes.
Berkeley College Republicans Facing Violence, Harassment Following Milo Yiannopoulos Riots.
More from the tolerant left. Doxxing people, threatening them, and vandalizing their property because they had the gall to want to listen to someone give a speech seem fair.
I wonder what the bar is for starting a domestic terrorism investigation.
O’Malley’s, I believe.
Somehow I don’t trust the Irish to run an objective anti-terrorism investigation.
SomehowI don’t trust the Irishto run an objective anti-terrorism investigation.FIFY
“O’Malley’s, I believe.”
That’s the best ethnic joke I’ve heard since…when I was last on this site, quite funny.
Every event is biggest weekend for human trafficking.
Um, wouldn’t the bad people know what an “angel shot” is, too?
I don’t think they are asking for an “angel shot” right in front of the bad guy, the idea is when a waitress suspects something she goes to the bartender/bouncer/busboy and instead of saying “we got a problem here” they use the code, so that any nearby patrons don’t jump to conclusions/panic/take matters into their own hands. Similar to ski resorts paging “Minnie Dole” to the bottom of the J-bar, instead of broadcasting that some dude impaled himself on a fence post send help asap.
When I tended bar, we had a ton of code words for certain situations. Mostly concerning a nice rack or ass.
“Actor Patrick Stewart applying for US citizenship to fight Trump”
Just so long as none of the questions on the citizenship exam are about circumcision.
“How many lights do you see, Mr. Stewart?”
Got the timing sorted today, thanks to the people that had some advice for the vacuum. Also played with the idle mix on the carb, we will see if that helps.
Every fucking Friday I’m hearing planes/helicopters (presumably starting out at Homestead AFB) heading up to Palm Beach.
Actual headline in CNN: All hell broke loose at student protest — and that’s not OK
The author is a professor at Middlebury College where the “protest” happened, and he’s also a friend of the professor who was attacked.
Sitting in the ivory tower calling people racist is one thing, but when it gets to the point of them or their friends being physically attacked, professors will hopefully draw the line.
If you define speech as violence necessitating a violent response, you’re really no different than the Islamists who kill bloggers and anyone else they accuse of blasphemy, are you?
These are the people who think it’s OK to kill those who insult Islam. Killing those who insult Christianity is a different story, however.
The singularity is near.
Yay! I’m gonna be a robot! Wait a minute…
Draw the line? Too late.
“First, why were the students so upset? And then, why did they behave so badly?”
You tell me prof. Oh, right after you asked that question you did. I think the hundreds of alumni that signed the letter endorsing what happened probably had no small number of your former students.
I wonder if this idiot literary professor is familiar with Mary Wollstonecraft or any of her work.
For quite some time now, I have been reading about the leftist indoctrination centers that are American liberal arts colleges. 11 years ago I graduated high school. For a variety of reasons, I chose to go to work instead of college. I am much better off for abstaining from college. I got to skip the indoctrination and am FAR wealthier than most of the college grads I know. Hell I’m wealthier than the college grads that I work with.
I was talking with a friend the other day. He was discussing his savings for his child’s post high school education. I told him to take the money and buy the kid a bulldozer. He’d be better off.
He didn’t really answer his own question. He hemmed and hawed about how Triggered they are… but then closes quickly by saying, “But none of that excuses their irrational and illiberal behavior”.
Sure he did. Trump is an intolerable bigot, misogynist racist who cannot be tolerated. It is the same shit he has been pumping into the soft impressionable heads of his students for 30 years. What other outcome did he expect?
This should be the title of a collection of essays on “Millenial New-Journalism”
Edited by Robby Soave?
re: Trump =
… causing them to imitate exactly this form of behavior?
Oh, wait – i forgot – they’ve been doing it for decades.
“years of progress?”
Ever notice how, on one hand, the world is constantly ending…. and on the other hand, if a Democrat is in office, it was somehow “magically improving”?
Yeah, about that “improving the environment” thing you think Govt is so great at….
I like how he threw this in there, like, “You know what i mean – Kids These Days, amirite?”
I think the editorial was sort of bizarre in how it spent 80% of itself explaining why students are justified in their idiotic behavior, and then only bothers to chastise the behavior itself at the very end, and with very little further explanation.
Feature Request: Dashboard “Recent Comments” links go to the comment they refer to.
Yes, no they don’t.
There’s no way you can keep an engine revved at 8000rpm for 4 years.
Report: Some Cardinals Want Pope Francis to Resign, Fear Schism Worse Than The Reformation
They say “schism” as if it were a bad thing.
What are these reforms that are causing enormous harm?
This is a good question. All I know about is when he went after the Knights of Malta and continuously said a bunch of stupid things over a four year period.
The big thing is the high-level push to admit unrepentant adulterers to the Eucharist.
Basically, if you like the Episcopal Church, you’ll like the leftists’ vision of what the Catholic Church should be.
If you think this is a mere quarrel over ritual, OK, how about the fact that the people pushing these changes are the same people who want to go full retard on economics?
No, no, I get it, Jesus Snack important and all that, but how does papal infallibility factor into whether you can ‘depose’ (for lack of a better term) a pope over reforms?
The Society of Saint Pius X is a group of schismatics who declared that all the Popes since Vatican II weren’t Catholic – so the idea is that there may be more people like that, forming their own organization, like in the Reformation.
My washer broke last year and I had to look at the schismatics. Confusing shit that. Plus they did not specify that the control module was actually attached to the motor.
*Bites lip*
*sighs then mumbles something about ‘I told you so’ and ‘ pinko pope’*
Of course he’s a pinko, my objection was to calling him a Communist – you can be an economic lefty without being a communist, communism is a subset of leftism.
Of course. the old style commie is dead. Now we have progressives and social democrats and a bunch of other shit-for-brains pinkos but in the end it is a distinction without a difference. Just like all Jr. HS bullies look the same to me these people look the same and the end result of their policies are indistinguishable.
Plus they all soak up buckshot equally well.
Y’all need to drag that bastard out of the Vatican and brain him in St. Pete’s square.
*drums fingers*
Ok, maybe that is a bit harsh. Don’t defile St. Petes square like that. Drag him just out of Vatican City and do it.
Call me a snowflake, but I regard the idea of murdering the Pope as offensive.
Like noted communist sympathizer Bill Deblasio? I’m not so sure there’s a difference.
What if he’s considered an Antipope instead? Then is it cool?
Internet bluster Eddie. Hyperbole. etc.
I find murder offensive, pope or not.
I also find it offensive for commie popes to jet-set around and read off proggie talking points like they have a crib sheet supplied by the Clinton campaign with a smarmy grin on their face. I have been waiting for some pushback from the more conservative elements in the church and it looks like it is late coming but not too late.
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the real Catholic Church. Whatever they call their prelate should raise an army and invade Vatican city, thus ending the 1500(?) year schism.
Then, the two prelates could fight to the death.
Pope fight!
“In our religion, you keep what you kill”
@Rhywun Old school communists were driven by a more ‘scientific’ (for lack of a better word) methodology and process to try to create their utopian future, see Lenin’s NEP for example. Modern leftists are a hell of a lot less doctrinal or consistent.
Who will rid me of this meddlesome pope?
@Denver The Orthodox can’t even get Constantinople back and you want them to go after Rome? Priorities man.
@John Titor – Maybe we should just start referring to Francis as Wormtongue. It is incredibly transparent what he is up to and the smarminess on top of it is unbearable.
@Ted S.
The House of Medici
@Suthenboy Meh. He’s the Catholics’ problem. I don’t see him as any kind of authority, and unlike John Paul I can’t respect him as a man either. They can try to solve their problem however they see fit. Whether forced retirement, murder, schism, it’s their business.
I use Deblasio as an example because he is a bit more than a standard-issue American leftist. I have little doubt that he is a true believer but in practice he obviously has to tone it down somewhat.
I think it’s a half gram heavy on the back end.
I suddenly don’t feel so good.
I don’t think it will happen, but it would be nice to get him kicked out next election. The sycophantic masturbation of Zoolander by some people (and especially foreigners, shame on you) is disgusting.
Yeah, I think giving politicians two-terms in North America seems to be the trend now. Plus, the conservatives need to a) elected a strong candidate AND b) sell them to the people in time for the next election.
Unless that person has some strong gravitas, I don’t see it. I like Bernier but he’s not enough. O’Leary is Trump in a Maple Leaf blanket but not sure he’s enough either. And that chick with the weird ad where she pauses (what’s her name) ain’t gonna cut it.
We may be stuck with this Beau for another four years; unless the economy tanks – a slow down *is* possible so this coupled with the Liberals spending budget *could* undo them.
What a sorry bunch these Liberals are. I can’t digest Freeland for a split second she grates so much.
When I say ‘North America’ I really mean Canada and the USA. Ethno-entirc I know but I don’t give a shit.
You spelled “ethnoenteric” wrong just as you coined the word.
The only one you’re missing is Mexico, and they don’t really count as North American.
Also, Canada’s economy surely follows the US economy, and Trump is going to make this economy so strong that you’re going to get tired of working, or something.
MAGA is trickle down greatness!
I agree, Molly.
I ain’t clicking on that.
They’re frothing over his ass and abs. How could you possibly object?
Let’s keep that site secret from Derpotologist. It just wouldn’t be cricket to use that mother load.
“Lode”, not “load”. Unless you have some euphemism in mind….
Thx. Purely accidental. Autocorrect has a filthy mind.
Has Barfman showed up at this site yet? He is sorely needed.
Sorry about the Zoolander post. This, you want.
Took a look at the other site – it seems Rico believes the disruptive students at Middlebury should be identified, then thrown off campus or arrested.
Were there any “to be sures”?
I listened to one of the podcasts on my way home from work about an hour ago. It was from Monday I believe. KW and Gillespie were bemoaning trumps vow to destroy the regulatory state. they were arguing that it was bad because Trump’s intentions weren’t square with their ideology. That is why I have mostly quit reason.
KMW killed H&R. Not sure if on purpose or not. It wasn’t like some gradual decline downwards either. She drive it straight off a steep cliff. If it weren’t for trolls, they would have next to no traffic. It’s just going to end up being another HuffPo. Sad really.
I don’t think that’s fair, really. Its not like there were overnight-changes, and i don’t think you can assume everything is her call to begin with.
H&R is just a blog. i think the magazine probably is still v.good and worth reading. If the blog has gotten…squishy beyond recognition…. i place the blame on the contributors who regularly pump out derp, not KMW so much.
Robot teachers, dude.
Robot. Fucking. Teachers.
oh yeah. that was pretty horrible. was that her? yeah it was wasn’t it.
funny, a quick search of the Reason site for “Robot Teachers”… and she’s been writing about “automated education” since at least 2010
KMW’s shallow technofetishism aside (at least Bailey tends to understand the weirdo technocrat ideas before he supports them) I think Gilmore is right in the fact that the writers are largely responsible for the initial decline, followed by the rapid collapse in January which seems to be a product of an overarching editorial decision that may be way above KMW’s pay grade.
I got a response from David Nott from Reason through emails. Here:
Looking back…he was probably laughing the whole time.
I think its Nick, personally
(and perhaps behind him…- scary music – the kochs!)
I think he latched onto this idea that Libertarians will vastly Increase AND Improve our national profile by becoming the vanguard of the TRUMP RESISTANCE
You could be fooled into thinking this was a good idea in December 2016. Rand was making sounds about becoming like “McCain was to Bush II” – Trump’s gadfly. Maybe the same people they’d encouraged to vote for Gay Jay would stick with them, because surely they’re not happy w/ the situation, right?
My wild speculation is that there was some idea that they’d devote the early months to hammering the same few issues and trying to raise their profile on these ‘anti-trumpish’ issues, thinking (maybe) that it would attract some echoes in the MSM who would be hungry to give nods to anyone kicking Trump in the ankles.
I don’t think its working, to put it mildly.
It reminds me of being a Knicks fan. Sometime after Van Gundy left.
Bacon, when was that, and what was it in response to?
Here is the whole conversation, I’ve redacted my name so I don’t get shot in a failed non-mugging:
(read from bottom up)
I was bitching about a Chapman article.
We practice editorial independence. The editors manage the site without day to day decisions from me. Instead, they hew to larger frameworks and our vision for the sorting out of ideas.
I think this puts a majority of the blame at KMW’s feet. No?
@ Gilmore
Libertarians will vastly Increase AND Improve our national profile by becoming the vanguard of the TRUMP RESISTANCE
The problem with that is that there are already hundreds of outlets that are fighting for that title.
/I’m sure you already know that.
They would have been better seven by making vocal condemnation of trumps anti libertarian policy and making making vocal support of trumps libertarian policy. In short, stick to the Libertarian script.
Maybe it is not all her. But as soon as she took over weekend content virtually disappeared and it seems like content got much worse. That didn’t happen by itself.
Bingo. Same here. They have been squalling about that for years and when a guy comes along and threatens to actually do it they tear their hair and start singing the praises of the regulatory state. Masks fall off. Too many people call themselves liberty lovers who are just pinkos at heart. When you dont trust other people to make correct decisions you turn to Top Men and the next thing you know you find yourself in the Obama camp. I wonder how many of the staff there said they voted for the guy waving the Gadsden Purchase flag after they pulled the lever for Obama 2x.
That’s it. Trump is not a Libertarian. He’s not even close. However, he is the most Libertarian president (so far) of my life. (I was born under Bush 1) Christ, criticize the bad and embrace the good. It’s not that difficult.
I get the feeling after all the people bitching about Robby finally leave, he’ll suddenly transform into some Magnificently Coiffed Lone Wolf McQuade of a man, who rants about how kids are all pussies who need to grow up and eventually becomes some alt-right firebrand writer who makes Chuck C. Johnson look like a cuck.
He started buying Alex Jones’ supplements and water filters. Now that he doesn’t have the estrogen in the DC water being pumped into him on a regular basis he has a sudden urge to grow a massive beard and chop several tons of firewood.
He’ll start writing glowing pieces about The Philosophy of Roosh V and regularly asserting “Milo Was a Pussy” who didn’t go hard-enough.
At his first university speech two dozen Antifa will end up in the hospital with broken bones and major injuries after they try to bum-rush him as he enters the debate hall. Afterwards he will wear a necklace made of several of their ears “as a warning to the others”.
New Soave™ will carve a Reason-magazine logo on his own chest with a Bowie knife, then march down K-Street like TechnoViking, calling out lobbyists and congressional aides, daring them to fight him, declaring “LIBERTY DOES NOT BELONG TO THE TIMID”
The Dawn of Soave™ will be celebrated with fruit sushi and wine spritzers. Yokels will be yoked with serving trays laden with refreshments that were bought with welfare cards that were traded for blow.
Edit fairies heed my call. *waves wand*
I can tell who’s already started their Saturday night festivities in this little tangent about Rico Suave. If only, if only.
I love edit fairies!
Isn’t it just one axiom?
“Fuck these hoes”?
Middlebury College students who assaulted Charles Murray and a professor: “We’re the victims here!”
“Fascists assaulted our fists with their faces!”
Why haven’t those ass hats been arrested and charged with assault and battery?
A saw a paywalled WSJ article with a headline about an active investigation. Make of that what you will.
Good. Ya’all know I’m no fan of the criminal justice system but shit, if these fascists think they can get away with assaulting anybody they disagree with, shit is going to get real ugly, real quick.
They may not enjoy their stint in County, but it’s better for them than getting shot, which is what’s going to eventually happen.
I have noticed that none of these incidents occur in areas with a strong gun culture. Texas passed campus carry legislation last year. I haven’t hear of any violent protests at any universities in Texas. Even at Liberal UT in austin, they seems to shy away.
Doesn’t Vermont have a relatively strong gun culture?
you’re correct. however on the campus this event occurred on, the students have no right to carry.
Vermont has a pretty strong gun culture and great gun laws, by the way.
But Middlebury probably has a no guns on campus policy, as is their right as a private institution.
Wait, bullies are cowards?
“I have noticed that none of these incidents occur in areas with a strong gun culture.”
If the power of the violent mob is going to be used to usher in the marxist utopia the second amendment has to go.
That is what motivates the gun-grabber crowd, plain and simple.
In a lot of the places where the mob is making gains toward ruling, the 2A is effectively dead.
They shouted him down, mobbed his car, knocked a sign down to block his car and then bitch that they are victims because the car “inched” (their word) forward to get out of there. This kind of shit is definitely going to escalate. Why would people sit back and take this?
If it was me, I’d have gotten out of the car with a baseball bat, or maybe a gun.
Someone mobs my car I’m doing donuts.
No kidding. Do mobs get a free pass on kid napping?
My vehicles comes fully equipped with a gun owner. just saying.
Nice use of the passive voice. Damn alarms just going off by themselves.
“During the incident, the officer’s gun discharged a bullet”
I still have not figured out why this guy is so extreme to cause protests that got someone sent to the hospital. Even in the links link saying he is a “dangerous racist” it is mostly about him being a libertarian. I get it that his book is what is controversial, but was he calling all non white people ignorant apes or what? I have been ignoring this story, because it is getting close to the whole calling wolf thing at this point.
Murray has two mixed children.
That’s all you need to know about this bullshit.
Huh, no kidding. I did not know that. I saw you mention you work in the field that is the topic of his book earlier.
Part of what I do is figure out the best way to measure how quickly and how well adults acquire a second language, and if underlying proficiency theory is true, verbal IQ is a factor in that.
I have had a hard time following most stories far a few months now because of the crying wolf factor. I have disengaged quite a bit from political news over this phenomenon. It’s hard to keep hearing outrage over outrage that all turn out to be meaningless and still stay interested.
I have come to automatically assume everything I hear on MSM is a complete lie. Not just the usual lies of omission but outright fabrication.
I had that sentiment in the back of my mind for a long time. I used to think that the stories were mostly true but with an increasing amount of spin on them.
Now, I disbelieve everything I hear that is narrative confirming and am skeptical of everything that is not.
Oh that’s all it is because that is all they have. I would think even they would get bored with it. I guess it’s lucky for the professor’s that are always trying to relive the 60’s that they have a constent supply of fresh meat to derpify.
I’ve read Coming Apart and didn’t see anything that would suggest Murray is some kind of eugenics fanboy. Even the Bell Curve only touches on the race issue. For lefties, anyone that isn’t a lefty, and has an opinion on race, is a racist. The only option when they throw that hissy fit is to tell them to, “Fuck off until you stop calling me a bigot.”
As I wrote to Derptologist on another site, what makes Murray “racist” are the findings of his dissertation based on the work he did in Thailand where he found that the causes of social inequality and poverty in rural Thai villages were the onerous government regulations and bureaucratic interference from the elite class in Bangkok into the lives of people whom they didn’t know and didn’t understand.
That would make sense given that his social observations lead to a conclusion they don’t want to end up at.
Here’s what a bunch of actual racists have to say about Murray.
The comments to that thread are unintentionally fucking hilarious.
BTW, I haven’t read that dissertation and simply don’t really have the time or IQ to read it. I would like to see the criticisms of that, though. You got a link in mind?
I run into that problem ALOT.
I don’t know of any articles criticizing it, but you can download the dissertation here the abstract will basically tell you all you need to know.
Although, it makes more sense in the original French: Laissez-nous faire!
“A greater structural role for the village may be a desirable alternative to the reflexive centralization of authority during modernization.”
That sounds like he’s not a fan of taking power from the villagers. How dare he?
Also, time binding media seems to have a less malignant effect on individual freedom than space binding media given the latter is used by modern governments to spread propaganda and punish ideological enemies in real time. Is that part of your scope of study?
No, I study how adults learn second languages and if and how its different from first language learning.
That sounds like a pretty sweet gig to me. Congrats. I wish I still had a job that was interesting to do and talk about.
I’m afraid to find out I’ve spent the last 20 years wasting my time with the crappy system I’ve conjured up to learn Japanese. I’ve passed all the JLPT, but I still see a mountain of unknown grammar, idioms and references I’ve yet to tackle. That’s why I usually avoid talking about your field of expertise. 知らぬが仏. Ignorance is the Buddha.
@HM On that, what have you found to be the best way for adults to learn a second language? I am not even sure how many Rosetta Stone courses I have bought. I have never seen one through. But I might just be lazy.
I have worked places where everyone speaks five languages, but it because they grew up with that way. It seemed to me, where that was prevalent, they picked up english far faster than I picked up their language, which I assume is because I grew up in a mono linguistic culture.
Straffin I worked with a kiwi dude who lived in japan for about 20 years before he moved his wife and kids back to NZ so the kids could go to school there. He would always start yelling at us in Japanese when he got too drunk and was pissed off. It was hilarious. Do you do that yet?
@Western – move. Nothing is as effective as “immersion”. Sink or swim.
WS, depends on the subject. The stuff Japanese talk about a lot
Rhywun No doubt that is the best way. My situation was always being around many english speakers as well. Translators, and so on. I would just try to learn the local language more out of being polite. I always learned please, thank you, greetings, and how to order a cold beer.
Damnit. Try again. WS, it sounds like your friend learned Japanese while drinking or fighting with his wife. My style is extensive reading, so I don’t really switch unnaturally between languages.
I was an exchange student in Germany long ago – the kids my age didn’t know enough English to get along, and the adults in that time mostly didn’t know any English at all. So I was fortunate that way.
Was he wearing his white hood when he wrote that? WTF?
Hitler (.com)?
Gotta love the inadvertent siren.
Maybe already covered, but Kansas Supreme Court Says State Education Spending Is Too Low
The left always says it’s too low, but they refuse to answer the question as to how much it should be.
What should the temperature be right now. I freakin love science.
The climate during the Pleistocene epoch was the correct one.
I can’t help but to think that the snake oil salesmen pushing this bullshit are doing so because they are terrified of the potential abundance of an extended glacier free period on this planet.
How much you got?
Storm cellar spending is too low. Maybe mandate lurnin when in the storm cellar? Or, maybe, piss the fuck off?
2 years ago, I bought a 2000 gallon plastic fuel tank from the farmers coop. I got it for a song, because it was leaking.
I dug a hole in my yard, filled the bottom in with gravel, constructed a french drain from the gravel bottom, dropped the tank in, cut a hole in the top, built forms, poured concrete, welded a door on top, and now am the proud owner of a minimally priced storm cellar. It’s not even approved by any government regulatory agencies.
“It’s not even approved by any government regulatory agencies.”
So, it’s like the one you want?
Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner Bob. Exhibit 234a of why I am a Libertarian. I want to do as I choose.
If you can stream 4K, check this out. Not really that impressive, but I’ll probably buy it in release day. And not meaning to be repetitive and I don’t work for Nvidia, but the 1080ti should be available on March 10.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Downloading it would probably impose a strain on my computer.
Not even a good pun. It was a pretty good book though. Short, descriptive, captured the essence of the way the government communicated. Not my very favorite of books, but I might read it again someday.
Your computer is not yet sentient or conscious, and therefore should not feel any strain or other sensations from which to mount a campaign of neediness via butthurt.
I don’t mean to rain on your parade if you’re looking forward to it, but I have no desire to give Manveer Heir any of my ducats. I also am almost completely incapable of putting my politics and philosophy aside when consuming media and found myself rolling my eyes crankily at the implications of the unaccountable Spectres in the first game, so… your mileage may vary.
It looks like CA has some snow. But global warming is responsible for the lack of water storage there. There is nothing climate change cannot do.
When one builds cities in deserts, one suffers the consequences of building cities in deserts.
The wise man built his house upon a rock.
The foolish man built his house upon the sand.
Come on, I learned this shit in the 2nd grade.
Stop clingin, you bitter clinger, to your rocks and guns.
If there is a wild card in your water security then you don’t deserve to have water.
No kidding. The amount of snow is mind boggling. The flooding this spring may be yuuuuge.
I am not sure I see the connection there between global warming and the lack of water in the desert. Not to worry Juliet, when hard times hit you can always catch and eat delta smelt.
From Adventures in Learning to Cook:
Chicken thighs don’t make very good cutlets.
I prefer thighs over breasts, but my wife prefers … wait, are we talking about poultry here?
What was the problem with them?
Kind of fatty. Also, difficult to get an even, flat surface.
But thighs are my go-to chicken so I thought I would give it a shot.
I prefer to cook them on the grill. That seems to cook the fat off better.
Yeah I bake or broil them and it’s fine. Not so easy to render the fat when it’s covered in breading. Oh well. live and learn.
Debone the thigh, then flay to open. soak it in in Italian dressing for a few hours. grill until.the internal temp is in the 155 range. you will thank me.
I don’t have a grill 🙁
ot can be done much the same on the rack in the oven. think of the rack as a grate on your grill and the heating element as your charcoal.
I’ve been doing them in parchment paper… but that sounds like a idea too. Or I have a Foreman grill – that might be something worth trying.
So you were having difficulties pounding that meat then?
I did pound and pound but the end result was less than satisfactory.
Great. Overnight links just got posted. Now I’ll be up all night with you reprobates