Maybe you bellied up to the bar too much last night? Shake it off and get to commenting!
- Ladybeard is NOT a Caribbean pirate
- Damned Canadian White Supremacists!
- Not sure this would have worked as REICHSTAG FIRE!!!!
- OK, how many of you are risk of dying in this fashion?
Go forth and ….do whatever you want. We are libertarians, you think I am going to tell you what to do on a Saturday morning? Sheesh…
This Ladybeard dude is hilarious.
debut single, “Japan Bun,” has garnered a million hits in three days.
And people in the 1980s used to worry Japan was going to take over the world…
Grüß di!
Dafuq dialect is that
I am biased toward Austrian and Swabian, m’self.
Er is ‘n Zuagroaste!
Are we off in Svittzedeetch here, or Plattedeutsch? Icke mögge wissen.
Boarisch FTW.
Romansch or GTFO. Chapeschas ti?
A friend of mine does a lot of business in Japan and he insists that we’re not done with them militarily.
I think they might have a couple of neighbors to worry about before us.
That was basically his point. They started with their neighbors last time.
Greater East Co-Prosperity Sphere II – Imperialist Boogaloo will not be in theaters anytime soon.
Too bad it’s Forbes and I can’t read it.
Ole Rufus used to walk through those doors at Concordia University.
As for this douche, he’s a PhD student. And if I’m not mistaken Muslim. But let’s blame whites and Trump, ‘mkay?
I’d like to add, people willing to fabricate stories and threats here in North America is not a good trend at all.
Not good, but we’ll established.
Well*. Damn phone.
Does your phone try to turn “with” into “28th”?
No, it hasn’t completely lost it’s mind…yet.
Mine does that all the 45th
And they’re only referring to the guy accused of calling in the threats to Jewish community centers as a jilted boyfriend.
Yeah, I heard a CBS radio report yesterday…no mention that he was a disgraced left wing journalist. Funny that.
Is there a link for the lazy?
Actually, most of the stories i saw @ MSM outlets (NYT, Reuters, Daily News, etc) used exactly the phrase “Disgraced Journalist”. The NYT went with “ex-reporter”, The WaPo is the only one i’ve seen which chose, “Missouri Man“.
I’ve mentioned this before, but it seems like when it comes to sensationalized news lately (e.g. russian hacking, frog nazis, trump promises to invade mexico, etc)…. WaPo sets the bar for “full retard”, while the NYT seems to only ever go halfway. Not on their editorial page of course, where they are still the jewel in the Derp-Crown, but in their reporting, WaPo always manages to be one-extra-toke over the line, while the Times is, if not ‘sane’, less-ridiculous.
He’s not just a black disgraced journalist, he’s a white-hating, Trump-hating communist and a Muslim convert.
Well, i think expecting that entire descriptor in a headline is a bit naive.
here’s a question = was he “disgraced” before he was charged with a crime? Because it seems odd to describe him as “disgraced” in the headline as tho that was his pre-existing condition. if so = what was the cause of disgrace, if not the hate-crime charges?
He was fired a year ago for a lot of journalistic fabrication.
So is the Council of Conservative Citizens of Canada an actual conservative organization or did he make them up or are they actually a leftist black flag organization?
It’s not real as far as I can tell, but it’s probably referencing the Council of Conservative Citizens group in the United States, which is a white nationalist advocacy group.
Tap the Trump
The NSA is tapping everybody’s phones.
No kidding. This is a revelation?
Yeah the cognitive dissonance is staggering.
Obama’s domestic spying makes Nixon look like a rank amateur.
That’s pretty obvious. All this ZOMG ROOOSSISSYAANAASSSS nonsense is based on intercepted phone calls between Trumps people and Russians.
So the Obama Administration was spying on them with a warrant or without a warrant. But they had to be spying on them. The Post can spin as hard as they want the evidence is printed in their own fucking newspaper.
Two FISA request. The first was denied.
Wait so there’s a record of a FISA request but that’s not enough evidence?
If that article is true, then an argument could be made, rather easily in my opinion, that the Obama administration not only used Government assets to spy on a political campaign, but made it easy for the Obama administration and its supporters who still work in government to damage the new administration.
That is scary.
Indeed. The anti-Trump types on SFGate are all claiming this is just more evidence of Trump’s insanity, but I think they’re scared.
So I’m assuming that since Trump is upset that Obama was spying on him, he is going to realize that having the government spying on people all the time is bad and then put an end to all the massive domestic spying programs his administration is now running.
uh, I’m going with no on that one
More like, turn the weapon on those who used to wield it.
It will be the classiest spying program ever.
Damn. I was really hoping that this time they would figure it out. Oh well.
/kicks pebble
Geraldo Pinko was on FOX just now claiming that was perfectly legal and nothing to worry about. The real problem is the Russian cancer infecting our government.
I hope everyone remembers this when Trump gets caught spying on the next Democrat candidate.
To complete my transition from the Belly up thread to here (I’m still not used to Saturday links):
My wife is genuine coeliac and makes home made sourdough — apparently the traditional approach has no gluten.
What type of flour does she feed it with? Rye?
Sorry went away. I’ll ask her when she’s back and tell you on another thread.
I do know that you can make sourdough bread out of 100 percent rye flour. The sourdough process produces acid, which sets off some kind of chemical reaction in the rye that makes the dough smooth and elastic.
I like to knead some caraway seeds into the dough as well and top it with poppy seeds before baking.
To complete my transition
So what pronouns should we use? 😉
*rises to applaud*
I have so many questions but am on my phone. Did you make your starter or buy a dried out one and are you using fed or unfed? Also are you adding commercial yeast or no?
@Sour Kraut there is some evidence that the gluten intolerant do better with sourdough than commercial yeast variant breads but celiacs are still encouraged to avoid it. You can make some great breads with alternative flours and can certainly be converted into a sourdough starter.
I’ll just chime in and add that making your own starter is really easy. All you have to do is get a plastic container of some kind (a blender bottle works great for this) and fill it with a well-mixed slurry of half flour and half water. Cover it with a cloth and leave it on the counter. When it starts to bubble (probably after 2 or 3 days) dump half of it out and replenish it with fresh flour and water (keeping the 50/50 ratio). Keep dumping and refilling it once a day until it smells like sourdough. This usually takes about 5 more days.
Now you can use some of it for bread. Take the remainder, replenish it, and put it in the fridge in a closed container. Once a week, you’ll want to dump half, replenish it, and transfer it to a clean container. Some people say this is wasteful, but if you make bread every week, you’re not wasting anything at all. If you ever see any pink mold in there, throw it away immediately and clean that container with hot water and bleach.
That is how I have done it. It is explained that way in Michael Pollen’s book Cooked, which I rather enjoyed. Keeping the starter going turned out to be as much work as being in a relationship though, and mine died. Which, coincidentally, is how all my relationships have ended as well.
Hmm, that’s weird. I never had an issue keeping it going as long as I dumped and replenished it once a week. The only issue I ever had was my own laziness, which caused me to neglect it for about three weeks. When I looked at it again, it had pink fuzz growing on it. I read online that pink mold in sourdough produces actual [strong]toxins[/strong] that will not be neutralized by the cooking process.
Ya, that sums up what happened to mine. I forgot to feed it, it dried out and turned black. A bit of a fungus problem.
Down side of making your own is that you can end up with a fairly ugly flavor profile. Send thing with wild ferment beers. Apparently LA is known for having an unpleasant tasting microbiome.
Unfed starter out of the fridge has less rising power and you’d want to make a poolish/sponge and let it get active before using it in bread. Unfed starter can be great as a tenderizing agent in pancakes or cupcakes and whatnot.
I always wondered how big of an issue location would be.
Alton Brown says that every region has different strains of wild yeast that will produce different flavors in sourdough bread. I’ve never really noticed anything peculiar about mine, but I can’t really compare mine to storebought sourdough because I always make mine wholegrain (I have a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on; half health nut, half boozehound).
Most store bought sourdough bread just uses citric acid to mimic sourdough unless you’re going to bakeries that are doing the real thing.
King Arthur flour has a recipe called Merlin sourdough which is a relatively easy bread with a punchy sour taste even if you don’t use an extra acidulant. Their info on sourdough is very helpful.
The wild fermentation thing interested me enough to read Sander Katz book Wild Fermentation. That dude will ferment anything. I haven’t tried any of his recipes yet.
My bread was good. I plan on doing it again soon.
I only know of Katz’s book because of a reference in Jennifer Reese’s Make the Bread, Buy the Butter. I should probably buy Wild Fermentation for the BF. He’s currently got a few brewing projects, kombuchaand he finally let go of his water kefir starter.
Our attempts at Pickled French Fries went horribly awry and neither of us has done any veggie fermenting even though I eat a ton of kimchi and sauerkraut.
I’d thought I’d just leave this here:
Candida, we could make it together….
You could start your own culture with some brewing starters. Then even if your starter dies (or gets a nasty infection), you could start right back up at the beginning again. If I had to guess, I would say WLP655 would be a decent starting base, if not that, then WLP672 and some regular baking yeast should make a good start as well.
after a group threatened to detonate “small artisanal explosive devices”
Those really are the best kind of explosive devices. Locally sourced, hand crafted, and made with a caring that the mass produced variety just don’t have.
Organic and no GMOs?
I really like their one for one program. For each device detonated here another is sent to children in the third world.
Fair Trade or GTFO.
Give a child a bomb, and they will blow up one of their friends. Teach a child to make a bomb . . . .
and they will blow off their chores?
But are they “conflict-free”?
*Picks up mag* Alas, poor Joji! I knew him, Servator; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times
A conservative author tried to speak at a liberal arts college. He left fleeing an angry mob.
“The demonstrations began conventionally enough, with several hundred organized protesters packed into a lecture hall Thursday, chanting and holding signs. They ended with [Charles] Murray being forced to cancel his lecture and later being surrounded by an unruly mob made up of students and “outside agitators” as he tried to leave campus, according to witnesses and school administrators.
“After swarming Murray and two school officials, the protesters shouted profanities, shoved members of the group and then blocked them from getting to a vehicle in a nearby parking lot. Witnesses said the confrontation was aggressive, intimidating and unpredictable and felt like it was edging frighteningly close to outright violence….
“The Associated Press reported that more than 450 alumni signed a letter calling Murray’s visit ‘unacceptable.’
“’In this case, there’s not really any ‘other side,’ only deceptive statistics masking unfounded bigotry,’ the letter said.”
“One protester pulled [Professor Allison] Stanger’s hair and injured her neck. She was taken to a hospital, where she was treated and released.”
“’In this case, there’s not really any ‘other side,’ only deceptive statistics masking unfounded bigotry,’ the letter said.”
*to music* And this is how society ended! *small agendered children cheer*
“We, the undersigned, want to make clear to Old Chapel that the decision to bring Dr. Murray to campus is unacceptable and unethical. It is a decision that directly endangers members of the community and stains Middlebury’s reputation by jeopardizing the institution’s claims to intellectual rigor and compassionate inclusivity. We hope that not everyone at Middlebury today endorses that decision. We hope many of you dissent, and we hope you make that dissent known howsoever you see fit.”
Maybe the letter-writers were reading the college’s Community Standards and Policy Overview –
“Academic Freedom
“Middlebury is a community of learners and as such recognizes and affirms that free intellectual inquiry, debate, and constructive dialogue are vital to Middlebury’s academic mission and must be protected even when the views expressed are unpopular or controversial. Middlebury’s Student Life policies are meant neither to proscribe nor to inhibit discussions, in or out of the classroom, of complex, controversial, or sensitive matters, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, color, ethnicity, religion, marital status, place of birth, ancestry, national origin, age, or disability, when in the judgment of a reasonable person they arise appropriately and are conducted with respect for the dignity of others. Middlebury also recognizes that verbal conduct can be used specifically to intimidate or coerce and to inhibit genuine discourse, free inquiry, and learning. Such abuses, including but not limited to conduct that violates Middlebury’s General Conduct policies, Anti-Harassment/Discrimination policy, and other policies are unacceptable. The “reasonable person standard” is to be used in judging whether a policy violation has occurred.”
That’s a lot of fluff that can be summed up as we’ll take action when we feel like it.
FIRE’s statement on the case quotes only the first sentence of this policy and says the college “places a high value on free speech.”
On the contrary, based on the above policy, the only objection to the protesters is (a) they failed to go through proper channels in complaining about Murray’s speech, and (b) they should have waited for him to say something before filing their complaint about how Murray was saying things a reasonable person would think his remarks were inappropriate or in violation of dignity blah blah.
“We, the undersigned, want to make clear to Old Chapel that the decision to bring Dr. Murray to campus is unacceptable and unethical. It is a decision that directly endangers members of the community and stains Middlebury’s reputation by jeopardizing the institution’s claims to intellectual rigor and compassionate inclusivity. We hope that not everyone at Middlebury today endorses that decision. We hope many of you dissent, and we hope you make that dissent known howsoever you see fit.”
Yeah that’s not a deniable call for violence at all.
“We, the undersigned, want to make clear to George Mason University that the decision to bring Paul Krugman to campus is unacceptable and unethical. It is a decision that directly endangers members of the community and stains George Mason University’s reputation by jeopardizing the institution’s claims to Rothbardian ethics and Austrian economics. We hope that not everyone at George Mason University today endorses that decision. We hope many of you dissent, and we hope you make that dissent known howsoever you see fit.”
Ooh. An incitement to violence?
Interesting tag on Murray. He’s a libertarian much more so than a conservative. See our resources page for an example.
unruly mob made up of students and “outside agitators
I wonder how much of the outside agitators narrative is true. Everytime violence occurs, it’s always blamed on the outside agitators, never the students. Are there really groups of violent leftists that travel to these protests in order to incite violence? Are they repeat actors from a centralized national pool, or are they locally sourced when needed from a disparate sources? Either way, this is disturbing stuff.
Are there really groups of violent leftists that travel to these protests in order to incite violence?
Yes. However, they usually have connections with student orgs at the university so that the students and the hired help are coordinated.
Can you point me toward any information on how this actually works. I’m genuinely interested. It would take a fucked up type of person to be an on call violent agitator.
We usually use immigrants because these are jobs Americans won’t take.
I think all it requires is someone who doesn’t have anything else in the way of accomplishments or goals. It’s pretty foreign to libertarians, but there are those who take great pleasure in the mob as a substitute for their own achievements, or rather, as ameliorating their own failures.
This goes a bit into that topic.
I imagine that those last two sentences were intentionally funny, I laughed.
That’s a really interesting article. The author calls the most militant of the groups anarchists. I wonder what brand of anarchy they are trying to promote that puts them toget her with socialists and communists. Anarchists should be totally at odds with leftys. It makes me think that they are actually leftys who only use the anarchy tag to justify their behavior.
they are actually leftys who only use the anarchy tag to justify their behavior.
Yup. And to give the lefties deniability for the violence their black-clad brethren commit in support of lefty causes.
That isn’t new, communists often call them self anarchists.
See Anarcho-communism which is what they usually claim to support, although naturally they try to create a communist state.
There was a hilarious spat on Reddit between the anarcho-communists and anarcho-syndicalists, who love to proclaim that they’re the real anarchists, about how they were fine with taxes, purely to spite the anarcho-capitalists. They’re more into “fuck-you-dad-ism” than any coherent and principled opposition to centralized authority and the State.
Organize for Action!
Is it just me, or does it look like the Washington Monument is giving them the finger?
No, its not just you. Barry and the Wookie see it that way too.
There are many who strongly believe that it was paid outside right-wing agitators trying to false-flag. This is claimed simultaneously with the constant, strident, and public calls for “speech is violence and we must react accordingly” from the left. The only question is, who are the useful idiots and who are the intentionally dishonest?
So this is what we get to do now when we disagree with what they say?
These conservative and libertarian speakers should find places just off campus to hold their talks. Then, at least, their audience could carry protection from these mobs.
No dude, you’re guilty of wrongthink.
Geez, I had get married for that line of logic to work the first time.
There is strong (pretty much iron-clad, think downs syndrome) evidence that links genetics to intelligence. Murray believes genetics and environment plays a factor in intelligence. Then the protesters must believe that only genetics plays a role in human intelligence. Am I right or am I missing something?
*punches NaE in the face*
Whew. I won that debate.
Is that Shika in the background cheering you on?
I actually snagged a copy of The Bell Curve from the bargain shelf at a local used bookstore. I’m excited to read it and see what all the pants-shitting is about, but I think I need to get some basic grounding in statistics first since most of the book is statistics.
I do “Bell Curve” psychometrics of intelligence shit for a living.
This is all you need to know to understand Murray and Herrnstein’s observation.
Re Concordia. This precious gem is displayed prominently in a busy part of downtown Montreal:
Across the street is McGill University – with its large Jewish student population.
I guess I’m missing the problem. Someone might be terrified because someone else painted a flag on their wall across the street?
Eh….I just think, turn it around – what would the reaction be if it was a giant Israeli flag across the street from a uni with a big Pali population. To me, it seems like a minor, middle finger up type thing. Poor taste, no more.
It’s not in exactly a low traffic part of the city.
It’s not a problem per se but points to poor taste; and the city’s historic anti-semitic posture.
There *is* a little back story to this indeed.
What JT said.
No offense guys but anti-semitism runs deep here.
Not sure why a giant flag painted prominently on a building in the downtown core is met with a ‘meh’. It was a message.
Its a gang tag, in essence. They are saying “this is Pali turf. Judenfrei, as soon as we can.”
I think it self-identifies the building owner as an anti-Semitic asshole. I wouldn’t make him paint it over, but I wouldn’t object to him being doxxed (hey, free speech, right?) as an anti-Semitic asshole, either.
Yeh, I wouldn’t advocate forcing him to do anything.
But, to me, it’s annoying because I know the ‘sub context’ to which it arises. Quebec would be the first to sign on to a ‘free Palestine’ and haven’t been overly supportive of Israel. And like I’ve said, this is something that is a part of the culture here going back to at least the 1920s.
I’ve seen those Concordia protests up front a couple of times in the 1990s.
Swiss, exactly. A giant “meh.”
Uh, they also rioted and spat on the Israeli Prime Minister when he showed up on campus.
That wasn’t the painted flags fault. Just the asshats at the school themselves.
I’m just saying that, as Rufus points out, it’s part of a larger and longer standing problem. I mean, I don’t live in Montreal, so Rufus probably knows more, but Concordia students have a reputation for a lot of scumbag violent behaviour in regards to pro-Israel groups or individuals.
Even minor incidents like this are pretty regular.
So maybe this sort of non-violent statement shouldn’t be discouraged? Disagreed with, sure, but better painted flags than physical attacks.
Oh yeah, I have heard of their dipshittery before. I would concentrate on that. Worrying about a flag distracts from their true scumbaggery.
Look, the flag’s fine on it’s own, but make no mistake about it, it’s intended to send a particular message, and given their record that message is not puppies and sunshine to Jews. I think it’s a fair point to see it as a general scumbag move, but not something they should obviously be harassed over.
What if they had a big billboard with a swastika and “What this town needs is a Final Solution”. Still OK?
@RC Dean
Ok in the US, but this is Canada we’re talking about. And as Mark Steyn can tell you, they don’t cotton to free speech up there.
Still awaiting how Steyn’s crusade against St. Mann of the Hockey Stick is going to pan out.
Just to give you an idea how little Canadians think of free speech, Steyn’s case and plight barely registers on the national media meter. I bet you the average Canadian doesn’t even know what it’s all about.
The cell signal at my house is dogshit. Anyone use one of those Verizon network extender things?
Or would I be better off with a repeater?
Does the signal suck outside? Or just in the house?
My brother has used a bunch. He likes this:
The SureCall Fusion4Home allows you to tune out the ATT signal in the adjoining band if you have that issue in your area. weBoost doesn’t support that feature.
I have to go up the hill in the backyard to get a signal. The local topography, or gremlins or something, has created a local dead zone. I would probably be able to get a good signal if I put an antenna on my roof.
*tightens foil hat*
I’ve used both. They all work but have very limited range.
Warty, cell reception in underground bunkers is notoriously poor.
Sunday morning funnez.
That WAS funny.
Long read, but a good one, about 70s radicals, and the nature of political violence.
“You have to understand: in 1968, many radicals absolutely believed that the United States was getting ready to collapse. One Weatherman puts it: “We actually believed there was going to be a revolution. We believed 3rd World countries would rise up and cause crises that would bring down the industrialized West, and we believed it was going to happen tomorrow, or maybe the day after tomorrow, like 1976.”
Since it did not come to pass then they attempted to facilitate it in the early 21st century.
They actually believed that would be a good thing. That’s the really insane part.
I’ve mentioned it before; i’m about halfway through the book now. Worth a read.
I first started following the news back in the late 60s and 70s. This is an excellent, highly readable and entertaining account of the antics of the era’s radicals. It accords very well with how I remember things.
Highly recommended for the historical account.
The article’s conclusions regarding current events have yet to play out. However, the author’s distinction regarding the nature of the left and the nature of the right is spot on.
Artisanal explosive device? Never would have spotted that for a false flag planted by some fucking knuckle dragger who doesnt understand the culture of the people he is trying to hang that flag on. It is the language of the useful idiots that are enabling you, you stupid caveman.
The useful idiots also are too idiotic to understand what this means. If sharia law were the law of the land this guy and his ilk are going to take all of the proggies protected special classes out and behead them. They might be a protected class among the proggies but they dont see the proggies as special. They see them just like they see me; infidel.
The ME immigration as it is enabled by the left today is not immigration. It is invasion.
It’s hard to grok the love affair proggies have for muslims. Maybe it’s the Muslims authoritarian ways that make the progs love them so much.
Muslims are an “other”. They represent a challenge to the norms of Western civilization (evil), therefore Muslims are necessarily “good”. It’s a simple fallacy.
It’s also inherently racist and collectivist.
Proggies are anti-Christian. Radical Muslims are anti-Christian. Therefore, the progs are willing to ally with the Muslims to achieve their goals. One would have thought that, after the Orlando massacre, they would have sussed out their priorities a little, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s pretty simple, actually: (Non-woke) whites, bad; browns, good.
White people have been, and remain, colonizers and slavers; brown people have been, and remain, the oppressed and enslaved. Therefore, anything good done by a white person – disease cures, technological advancements, charity – is a prelude for further conquest. Anything bad done by a brown person – rioting, misogyny, terrorism – is a natural, consequential reaction to white oppression.
Is it Muslims in reality or the Muslims in their fantasy? I suspect the latter. In the US, Muslims are over-represented in their despised entrepreneurial and professional classes.
Definitely fantasy.
My fantasy Muslim is more of the Mia Khalifa variety….
Did I just type that out loud?
*scurries from room*
Hey! She’s a hockey fan!
It’s Sayyid Qutb’s idea. He realized that both the Muslim and communist world were unable to compete with a capitalist one, that no one would voluntarily remain in the systems they wanted because Western prosperity and ‘decadence’ (his term, not mine) were overwhelmingly more appealing. Therefore, you have to destroy the capitalist system in order to remove that incentive, so you can be the boot that stomps on the face forever and all that. They’re allies against the same enemy.
Qutb may have thought this, but really, is there any reason that Muslim is somehow intrinsically different than capitalist in the same way communist is? Or is this just part of Qutb’s nutbaggery?
If you are following a strict statist version of Islam, as Qutb does, where religion is an intrinsic part of the state and religious norms and morality set the overall policy for society, yes, a capitalist secular system conflicts with that. Which is, like it or not, the more common model of Islamic governance historically.
Qutb touches on this with his criticisms of how women dress in capitalist societies, for example, where they are ‘selling themselves’ on a market while in his Islamic utopia they’d be forbidden to engage in that behaviour for moral reasons. If you are a Muslim who seeks to impose Islamic moral standards on everyone, yes, you are in a fundamental conflict with a system that refuses to do so.
Fundamentalist Islam also prohibits loaning money at interest, which is a pretty important part of a capitalist economy.
Islamic legal institutions in general have a pretty bad record, especially once industrialization hit.
On the other hand, Orthodox Islam mandates a gold standard for currency.
So six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Well, that sounds like the problem is really the irrationality of Qutb’s statism, not the irrationality of his Islam.
Irrationality does not fit anywhere in this scenario, Qutb believes that everyone should follow strict Islamic practices, Islam should have a special place of power in society, and that part of the reason for that is because of capitalism openly promoting anti-Islamic values. It’s a perfectly rational breakdown, Qutb just likely holds different values than you do. He’s elevating his religious beliefs to be a defining part of society (which, in itself is a part of his religious beliefs, think of political Islam as ultimate nanny statism) and that will always be in contrast to a more pluralist and open system necessitated by capitalism.
Well, Qutb opposes free markets and free lives. He’s a statist, it wouldn’t matter if it used any arbitrary irrational belief system, Islam, Judaism, whatever. That’s the problem, not the particular flavor of legally enforced taboo systems.
Actually, the particular flavor of legally enforced taboo systems does matter, because the system itself will often justify whether state power will be used to enforce those systems. Taoists, for example, aren’t going around demanding the government enforce their will, and never will, because:
If princes and kings could follow it (Tao/the Way), all things would by themselves abide, Heaven and Earth would unite and sweet dew would fall. People would by themselves find harmony, without being commanded…
…When the government is quite unobtrusive, people are indeed pure. When the government is quite prying, people are indeed conniving…
…People are hard to govern. The rulers interfere with too much. That is why people are hard to govern.
-Tao Te Ching.
Other religions provide an internal justification for itself as a political and state-based institution. Qutb’s views are not materializing out of some pathological desire to enforce his will, it’s based on actual beliefs present in the religion, and he is rationally follow through on them. His religion and his statism don’t exist in some kind of separate vacuums, they’re one and the same. It’s a Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilization’ view of Islam as a cultural, political and religious unit.
That is the same conclusion the Marxists came to. The west would never adopt marxism voluntarily because capitalism was so successful. They are natural allies.
Every answer you want to why the left behaves as it does can be found in the Frankfurt School. The schools principle founder, Max Horkheimer, wanted a replacement for the working class as the foot soldier for the Marxist Revolution. He realized when WWI started and the workers didn’t rise up as expected that someone else would be needed.
I’m switching ERP systems. Have I mentioned how much I hate accounting?
We went through two changes within a year. MAS500 to AS400 to NAV. Pain. In. The. Ass.
Two in a year? I can’t imagine how many errors there were or how much information was lost.
We probably lost about 25% of our data. Corporate directives with no consequences to those who issued them.
I once “participated in” an ERP transition that brought 13 companies onto the same system while upgrading to the latest version in 4 months. And that ERP was Baan, the Enron of ERPs.
Shitshow doesn’t even begin to describe it.
I’m very disappointed this didn’t turn out to be a discussion of “erotic role-play”.
Just go with SAP and then you can have the pain without the changes.(*)
(*) Just a user here, not supporting that dreck. Wiki has an interesting blurb:
Were going to xTuple. Completely open source. No black-boxing, trying to figure out how the system works.
It’s a software company – probably 25% of their employees are already on the spectrum.
In ERP America, Accounting hate you!
That’s ok by me.
In my first job, I had to go to war with accounting to get a minor $5K write-up on old capital assets so I could being them back into service instead of buying new $60k machines.
In regards to the Concordia University thing:
In a letter sent to several media outlets and consulted by The Canadian Press, a group threatened to detonate “small artisanal explosive devices”…
The group, which described itself as a chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens of Canada, or C4,
Oh boy, how on earth would you guess these guys were fakes? The fact that they used the term ‘artisanal’, or the organization name that sounds like a 90s television PSA group?
A mayonnaise bomb? How horrific.
Conservatives and their artisanal stuff, yeesh.
Of course, C-4 is a plastic explosive.
Why wouldn’t C4 just use C4 in their bombs?
A Series Entitled: Letters to the Local Rag / These People Vote
That person should off themselves so they don’t have to be so angry about freedom.
Here’s the thing tho; you’re looking at this as though the argument is *supposed* to be logical.
its not. sophists purposely use fallacy-ridden arguments because stupid people don’t recognize the difference. (*or, they recognize the fallacies as, ‘that sounds like something mah momma would say’)
I live in a community with a lot of elderly retirees. The “get off my lawn” is strong around here.
Same here. Except that they’re all Democrats. So just change that to “Get on my lawn, and in my kitchen, and in my living room, and in my bedroom, and in my car, and …”
I’m sure someone has already taken the Lakoff-ideas about ‘issue-framing’ and made them more “tactical” = iow, “Identified the types of fallacious-but-convincing arguments that tend to be most effective with various demographic groups”
i.e. reduction to absurdity/appeal to authority works best with old-people, ad-hominems/suggesting hidden, suspicious motives work best with blacks, false-choices work best with young-people, and so on.
The writer says that as though more alcoholics were a bad thing.
Because there’s no way that people can just drink twice as much of the 101 proof.
Just seeing a 151 proof liquor on the shelves will turn people into total alcoholics. /progthink
The fear of higher proof alcohol is hilariously 1910.
I bet no one can guess where I got this headline at:
America Needs a Liberal Party
I’m going with Salon
New York used to have a Liberal Party, but the government-sector unions decided to replace it with the “Working Families” Party.
I would love to poll them and find out how many of them don’t work.
Cut them some slack Hyperion, read the actual article. It’s old school classical liberalism (with a dash of NATO and interventionism for some reason, don’t know why). Of course it devolves into hyperbolic freakouts about the alt-right (SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ARE SCARY) and the Kremlin (RUSSIANS GOT TRUMP ELECTED) pretty quickly. But at least his initial starting point was fine, it’s the idiocy afterwards that kills the piece.
Tony is at peak classic Tony in that one. It’s priceless.
In fairness =
Its a continued part of their hamhanded ploy at appealing to self-identified Liberals in the US who are actually
halfmostly-leftistsof course, when they clarify that “Liberal” means “Center-Right” in Europe, it loses some of its appeal; but to people unfamiliar with EU style politics, it certainly *sounds* appealing to Democrats who think the whole identity-politics & aggressive anti-capitalism of the Left is simply untenable.
Emma Watson’s Convenient Feminism: Talk A Good Game In Between “Yoohoo, CHECK OUT MY TITS!”
I clicked that and there are no tits! This is worse than an Asian girl with owl glasses without an Asian girl with owl glasses!
Click through to the linked article.
It’s Hyp, it’s okay.
Crap. ‘It’s okay, Hyp. It’s okay.
I see what you did there…
Two of the same would be boring.
And one more.
Attributes noted.
Why did you stop?
So the left are now cozying up with the neocons. Who could have seen that coming? First there was the lovefest with John McCain and his crummy little effeminate toady, Lindsey Graham, and now the love is flowing for the Dubyah. You know that guy the left were comparing to Hitler only a decade ago?
We luvs you, Dubyah!
Given that Neocons were originally of the left, its not much of a stretch.
i spent most of the Bush admin pointing out that Neocons were just Wilsonians who preferred using the ‘direct approach’ rather than waiting for the UN to do their dirty-work.
I don’t think the left really care who they align with as long as it results in more government. I mean that’s the real driving force behind the Trump hate. They’re scared to death that this guy is going to cut some obscure regulation that no one has even heard of.
The MSM’s recent apologias for W are absolutely bizarre. He was almost unequivocally a horrible President, and I can only remember universal agreement on that point when he left office.
Yeah, well, we’re in the Trumpenreich now, and the rules have changed, apparently.
When the Neocons controlled the GOP they wanted them gone, now they are terrified of the groups trying to gain control. After all the Neocons are fairly similar to them, whereas these new contenders are not.
The neocons love them some big government. The left loves them some big government. It’s a romance!
He was someone the Left could “work with”.
No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, steel tariffs, a massive new Department of Homeland Security, universal surveillance, the largest expansion of fedgov since the Great Society, Sorbaines-Oxley, loosening of fed-guaranteed lending for houses and tuition: What was their not to like? Well, Bush was a Republican. So they naturally turned against the war they had voted for in the first place, and began comparing him to Hitler.
I like how McCain is despised by many people of all political stripes in Arizona, but the Sun City demographic ensures his victory regardless. Truly an example of incompetence rising to the top.
Sun City demographic
Somebody (SugarFree?) described Maricopa County as having America’s strategic reserve of frightened old people. Perfect.
That is perfect. A gang of over 70 retirees scared to death of everything that moves.
‘Martha, I drove the Caddy down to the store to get some fruit cocktail and cream of wheat and you know what I saw? One of those negroes, Martha. Walkin around like he owned the place. The neighborhood is going to hell in a handbasket’.
And racist!
Not just old, but old from other states with different cultures. Worse cultures. The local GOP being more concerned with holding on to power, keeping his less-than-worthless Vietnamese ace incumbent ass in office, over any kind of principled ideology, does not help either.
McCain is surely in the top 10 worst in Congress. I’m thinking top 5, right up there with Schumer and Pelosi.
McCain sipped from the cocktail party glass of mainstream approval as the concern troll “maverick” Republican. Hated free speech and guns, loved war. When 2008 rolled around and he was in a fugue from all his supposed friends the media turning on him, to the point of suspending his campaign, I wondered if things would ever click… nope, groveling back in Whedon-and-Wheaton-esque fashion like the cur he is.
Now he’s truly stepped up his game with the epidemic of TDS, because what’s most important to him in life is to be liked and featured on comedy “news” programs with an audience of trained seals barking in approval. At least until they turn on him again when it’s convenient.
You almost feel sorry for him in 08, the way you feel sorry for all those Americans who moved to the USSR because they believed it was the worker’s paradise, only to end up in the GULAG.
Like, he spent 8 years bashing Bush, and he thought the media would back him, or at least play it even handed. He had their backing in the primary, and he won the primary, and then he got ready for a nice, civil, even contest between him and Obama….and the media turned and hit him the mouth with a blackjack, and never let up. He finally learned the truth.
Then, he did the one smart fucking thing he did all campaign, and tapped Palin. He led in the polls for 3 weeks after the convention, and then he listened to his friends on the media, yanked on her leash, and finally did that whole stupid “suspending his campaign to work on the crisis!” move.
John McCain is a horse that should have gone to the dog food factory in 2006.
A decade? It hasn’t been 24 hours since I heard them do that.
Yeah, but unlike Obama, Bush sort of graciously disappeared from the public after 2008.
But he popped right up again to join the establishment attack on Trump. Probably pissed Trump ashcanned his little brother early in the primary.
I think the Bush administration gets a worse rap than it deserves, but this kind of shit really moves W even further down my list.
Jeb was a fucking joke. Trying to foist him upon the electorate, when nobody wanted him except the donor class. Nobody.
Please clap.
Yeah, Trump really did slap Jeb around like his little bitch.
This was great trolling.
“You can’t insult your way to the Presidency Donald.”
“Bitch watch me.”
I’ll just leave this here.
Venezuelans Are Separating Food from Waste as More People Forced to Eat from Garbage
I have some pretty distinct memories of arguing with people around 2004-2006 when it was de rigeur on the left to claim that Venezuela was real working socialism and should be praised as a bulwark against American imperialism. Chavez suppressing opposition journalists? They deserved it, eggs, omelet, etc.
I used it as a litmus test to see who had some semblance of principle and could possibly be reasoned with, and who was merely interested in politics-as-a-team-sport cheerleading. Now, of course, in the grand socialist tradition of running out of other people’s money and the corpses stacking up too high to handwave away anymore, it’s no longer real socialism. And, somehow, I never hear the people howling incessantly about “income inequality” speak a whisper as to how Maria Chavez came to have a net worth of $4.2 billion dollars. I can tell you this: it certainly wasn’t from the voluntary exchange of goods and services.
Just to think, a small island, only about 350 or so miles away in the middle of their off-shore oil field has the third highest GDP per capita in the Western Hemisphere.
Must be drilling sideways. Like Kuwait did.
/Iraqi invasion excuse.
How long till the regime’s defenders try to push this as a good thing because by going through the trash they are cutting down on food waste, which is good for the environment?
Here we call it “freeganism” and celebrate it.
Separating food from waste.
So they are having to dig through the garbage to find enough to eat. Viva Chavez!
But they all have equal garbage, right?
Well it is the people’s garbage.
Concert was actually ok once i got out of the middlr of the crowd. My friends and i couldn’t move our arms. There were also a bunch of dickheads who kept saying and shouting mean things at the opener, whose name escapes me. She was really great i thought. Lizzo? Anyway that show had a bunch of twerking.
This her?
Minneapolis’ own!
Yea that’s the lady! She could sing. Good shoe, wrong crowd. Which i felt bad about.
Who was the headline?
Gramatik. It was for the burton snowboard open in vail.
And speaking of White Supremacists of Canada…
Men banned from using Canada Post over controversial publication challenge minister’s order
I’m sorry, you racists, you cannot subscribe to this newsletter.
Oh, and when it says “anything” up there – they mean it. It’s not just Racism Today they aren’t allowed to post – cards, letters, bills are all out.
Since you don’t have free speech, it’s not surprising that you can’t identify it
Oh, and it gets even better – that lady’s husband is a behind-the-scenes guy at PM Zoolander’s party (although I’m not sure how much influence he has these days, as opposed to just making himself look big). Probably didn’t hurt the odds of getting the ban through (and also TRUMP!).
And this is the guy defending them? Oy.
He’s a lawyer. He is making a factual statement about the law in Canada. Still, it sounds like he only wants to “limit the discretion” of the postal service in barring distribution of stuff they don’t like, and is not trying to overturn that law.
The ban on these publishers mailing anything at all is obviously grossly overbroad, even if you don’t challenge the ban on hate propaganda. Lefties gonna hate, and love nothing more than punishing and humiliating people who disagree with them, so an overbroad order should be no surprise. As things stand, I don’t think these guys could even pay their bills by mail.
Time to Alinsky these scumbags, and flood the post office with complaints about lefty “hate propaganda”.
You know its the argument, but you also want to deny anyone a hearing where that argument is actually tested.
i’ve never quite understood the Canadian “bill of rights”, which has sounded both more-expansive and yet flimsier at the same time
its like = “oh, its a Right, sure… just, like, but you can’t just go around *doing* stuff”. sounds like Robby’s formulation of “praise for theoretical rights”, while “Condemning those who exercise them”.
Our SCOTUS has essentially amended our Bill of Rights to have a notwithstanding clause, as well. I don’t know what else to call any level of review short of strict scrutiny, and nearly all of our rights are “protected” only to the extent SCOTUS doesn’t think the government should violate them to promote collective goals.
I’ll break with the herd and say I like the notwithstanding clause.
It basically says “if a government wants to violate what is a clear right, it needs to a) stand up and say it’s doing that b) get the majority of representatives to agree c) go through the process every five years”.
It’s so much more honest and straightforward, compared to twists and turns sympathetic Supreme Court judges have to go through to arrive at the same result, and much, much easier to reverse.
I’ll break with the herd and say I like the notwithstanding clause.
Better than sub rosa amendment of the Constitution by SCOTUS, I could see that.
Better than rights with explicit protection in the founding document, with no withstanding and no sub rosa amendment? No.
Read the first line of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadians don’t have rights, they have privileges the government deems they’re fit for at present time. This is what happens when you have Trudeau Sr. and a bunch of other scumbag left-wing elites write a constitution in the 1980s.
Yeah, “you have rights, unless the government feels like you don’t” is one of those things that’s normally a recipe for utter disaster in countries that weren’t graced to inherit from English cultural patrimony, with its relative distaste for corruption and practices like an adversarial justice system and now-decried-as-racist traditions such as “innocent until proven guilty”.
Of course, when there’s only a thin veneer of culture protecting such things…
Innocent until proven guilty is racist too? I thought it was just sexist.
There was sound and fury that it was around the time of the Zimmerman/Martin debacle, usually by people who honestly didn’t seem to understand what they were actually advocating.
So maybe Philando Castile wasn’t long for this world even if he had never met that cop?
His girfriend was just arrested for beating another woman in the head with a hammer.
Chnika Blair
I’m guessing that’s not a typo.
So catass me if you must for pimping, but, any fans of Arthurian myth (Malory version in particular) should check out the Morte d’ Arthur Kickstarter. Annotated edition of the text, and a companion reference volume, done by an Arthurian scholar and Greg Stafford, creator of King Arthur Pendragon RPG and not a shabby Arthurian in his own right, all done in an awesome, classy package.
Oh look, I SFed the link. Catassing is better than I deserve.
If we’re not allowed to pimp here this is a failure of a libertarian website.
Not if we pimp for free! Proper libertarians take a cut.
You build up a customer base with ‘free’ options, then you charge them for the more advanced features. Learn2InternetBusiness.
How’d killing the Turk go by the way?
We did good, but I punked out early and only took 3 provinces (Skopje, Salonika, Sofya) because I didn’t know if we could carry the war further. I then in desperation expanded into Italy, almost ate whole of Naples, vassalized their remnant and Pope’s remnant, then liberated Srem and Croatian provinces from Hungary. Due to people getting fucked over by Institutions (seriously, poor Russia is still miltech 13 instead of 15 in Europe) Serbia is now rank 7 great power.
Now I have Antante Cordiale (France, Serbia, Commonwealth, Brandenburg alliance based around exporting hot lusty chicks) vs Not-So-Central Powers (Spain, Ottomans, Palatinate the Emperor) and I feel like it’s my responsibility to kill an archduke to start something. I just don’t have a feel for what’s reasonable risk yet, so current plan is to break off the Palatinate and then jump.
Oh and I take some pride in the fact that it’s 1594 and Ottomans only got a single European province ever (took Corfu off Venice because Hungary and I were in the process of wrecking them. Pretty sweet as I got Dalmatia in separate peace, and Durazzo when Ottomans made Venice release it). For first time, I think I’m doing OK and I might get my achievement, which is the goal.
That’s how Russia works with Institutions, they play somewhat like actual Russia, constantly falling behind and then Westernizing and innovating, only to fall behind again and beginning the cycle again.
If you’re looking for a trigger for the ‘World War’, the League War will trigger soon, and everyone will get a chance to choose their side in the Catholic vs. Protestant HRE fight. Depending on their rivals France and Ottomans usually end up backing up the Protestants. So a bunch of alliances might collapse and reorient for a massive war. Everyone gets +30 reasons to fight in the religious league war so it’s way harder to actually get people to make peace.
League war happened, and yes, France, Ottomans and Commonwealth were all on Protestant side. Tens of thousands of men died while I stayed the fuck away and stomped on Hungary when they decided to pick on Walachia. Protestants won a quick, convincing victory and hence Palatinate the Emperor.
Was good for building up trust, though. No one asked me to join so favors just kept ticking up at no cost.
Oh, and I don’t want a huge war. That’s why I’m trying to figure a good way to peel off Spain and Palatine from the Turk. Fucking Venice screwed me over, somehow they managed to ally Spain and France, despite them being rivals, they were my easiest in inside the Spanish alliance web…
Unless you’re actually in the HRE or rivaled to the Emperor it’s never worth getting involved, best to just let them tire themselves out so you can jump on weak neighbours. Also, beware the Commonwealth. They get absurd cavalry bonuses (I wonder why) and they’ll fuck your shit up. They’re not the extreme badasses of say, Prussia or Japan, but they’re close.
Once you’re done with this game I recommend a colonization game, gives you the complete European general experience. Also, stomping on natives is a little too fun.
Alliances are hard to break without sabotage reputation and some sneaky moves. There used to be easier ways to do it but the new war declaration system basically ensures that the AI won’t send calls of support unless their ally says yes (so they’ll never break an alliance based on a failure to join).
If Spain is highly rated in score it’s likely that they will eventually rival the Turks and drop the alliance, top 5/10 powers tend to drop their alliances with each other randomly.
Capitalism has failed
For those of you who missed it, Shikha Dalmia went full retard this week–effectively comparing deportation to enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
“Like Fugitive Slave Laws, Deportation Is a Moral Loser”
The post contains choice quotes like this, “The same “rule of law” argument that was made to forcibly return fugitive slaves to bondage in the 19th century is now being made to forcibly return undocumented workers to their home countries, resulting in an escalating — and, paradoxically, ever more lawless — use of state violence.”
If the following point is obvious to many of you, please note that there are so many others out there who are so oblivious.
There are a number of reasons why Dalmia’s argument is so bad. 1) The comparison between sending someone back into slavery and sending someone back to their home country is awful for all sorts of reasons, 2) Setting the rules of naturalization is an enumerated power of Congress like declaring war–and quite appropriately so.
That leads us to the point I want to make, here: 3) Treating average people like they’re racist authoritarians because they think the government should deport illegal immigrants just drives them into the arms of Donald Trump.
Let’s review why Donald Trump won the election.
Donald Trump won the primaries because he clobbered the competition in states with open primaries. The only open primary states he lost (when it still mattered) were to native sons (Cruz in Texas and Kasich in Ohio). Trump won the primaries in these states by appealing to white, blue collar voters that have been Democrats for years but were sick of being treated like racist, homophobic, retards for being white, Christian, blue collar, etc. by the progressives and social justice warriors that run the Democratic party.
Donald Trump won the general election by (stat from memory) taking 43% of union households–which hasn’t happened to a Republican since Ronald Reagan was president. Trump won because of blue collar voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Those white, blue collar, historically Democrat voters didn’t vote against Hillary Clinton because the Democrats are pro-free trade. They were just sick to death of the elitists who run the Democratic party treating them like racist, homophobic, misogynist retards–just for being average, white, middle class, Americans. And Trump’s political incorrectness made him a stand out candidate for people who were sick of being treated like that by the Democrat leadership and media themselves.
Fast forward a few of months, and you’ve got Shika Dalmia–and other people like her–saying that enforcing immigration law is fundamentally unlibertarian?
I’m an (qualified) open borders guy! I think we should let Mexican citizens come across the border with an ID check (to screen out convicted felons, people on the terrorist watch list, etc.) Yes, that wildly expansive, open borders policy would still require us both to screen out people at the border and to deport those who broke the rules to get in. In practice, the political will to let people come across the border legally requires keeping out the threats and throwing the illegals out–and, according to Dalmia, acknowledging that reality makes me fundamentally unlibertarian?
That’s the same thinking that drove average people out of the Democratic party. Why use it drive people away from libertarianism?
It’s sort of like trolls. There are two kinds of trolls. The first kind are just there to disrupt for for the Lulz, but the second kind (I think Tulpa may be one) are people who have no idea that they’re trolls. They genuinely think they’re being mistreated. Being a troll is just the way they are. When Tulpa is being willfully obtuse and insisting that people said things they never said, he isn’t necessarily trying to be a troll. I think he’s just the kind of person–in real life–who is willfully obtuse, often misunderstands what other people are saying, and yet insists on his own interpretation of what you said.
I’m sure some of the staff at Reason think they’re big tent libertarians that way. I don’t think they have any idea that they’re drawing the tent strings so tight, the only people who can fit in are, for instance, illegal aliens. Regardless, they’re chasing average people away from libertarianism–and they’re chasing them into the arms of Donald Trump. When you keep use the same tactics that drove Trump into the White House, you’re likely to get the same results. We should be consolidating our support while the two major parties are both in disarray. Instead, we’re polarizing support using the same tactics that drove the white, blue collar, middle class out of the Democratic party.
Geez…you know you could have just submitted that as an article, and we would have likely ran it?
I didn’t know we could write and publish direct criticisms of material on the Other Site.
I’ll begin my “How to Change a Tire for Limp-Wristed Fops” article immediately.
You can even write and publish direct criticisms of material on this site.
Well I assumed that was the case from square one.
“I didn’t know we could write and publish direct criticisms of material on the Other Site”
Reason frequently takes articles from other sites, breaks them down and often in very critical ways. And they’re not the only ones doing it, it’s very common on the intertoobz. How many times do we see an article starting out with something like ‘Over at [some other site]’?
Sure, a lot of us came over here from H&R. But if the site continues to grow, we’ll be a minority of commenters eventually. So again, not sure why Reason should get some sort of special ‘hands off’ treatment.
Just my opinion.
So again, not sure why Reason should get some sort of special ‘hands off’ treatment.
OMWC and some of the founders’ opinions that this needs to be its own site, and less of a ‘we hate Reason’ site. I assumed they’ll avoid articles criticizing Other Site content for awhile as a result.
If it were an article, I’d have worked harder on it and consolidated it.
I’ve got some ideas I’d like to write about–haven’t had time.
P.S. We need a thread about the Trump/Obama wiretapping fiasco.
It’s getting complicated.
I agree. As long as the article is titled “Tapp That Ass”