With a h/t to Jonah Goldberg who led me to this, here is a pretty decent list of all the hate crimes which seem to have suffered a narrative collapse. Is your favorite one there?
Love Trumps Hate is still a sure sign of impending violence. Because the only answer to hate, real or imagined, is fists, rocks, bottles, and flaming bags of feces. That last, by the way, was the name of a band I played in.
SP really, really didn’t want this posted. So of course I did. Expect my avatar to shortly become a cat butthole.
When I saw the part tying together Reagan and Ayn Rand, I sprayed coffee. Behold the beclownment of the Hoover Institute.
And because I love each and every one of you, I present the greatest three sax circular breathing blind man who ever lived.
The Trump article refers to “clashes” and that kind of BS, but there’s also this:
“All of those arrested [in Minnesota] were in the anti-Trump camp, and were charged with disorderly conduct, police said.”
Behold my shocked face.
If in the process of spreading love and trumping hate a few faces get smashed it’s collateral damage amirite?
If you didn’t want your head to get smashed in you wouldn’t support Trump. It’s defacto consent.
We all just misunderstand, it’s supposed to be “Love Trump’s Hate”. As in they love it.
One cannot decry the violent goons without also decrying the innocent bystanders they beat to a pulp. After all, their only purpose in accidentally being there was to incite violence.
Strange, at first your remark just said “one cannot.”
He’s got the power
I love that song.
But I prefer the one without the commie intro.
What the fuck is wrong with you? That song alone is an excuse for hardline middle easterners to hate us for our moral decline. Hell, it makes me hate us for our moral decline.
Gosh, maybe I missed the corrupting lyrics.
I would say that song should be in the running to be the national anthem, better than a drinking song adapted by a poetaster attorney.
Another candidate for national anthem
I’d propose this for the national anthem.
All of those are decent submissions, but this is obviously what we should pick.
That song always makes me think of:
“Few people know I’m fueled creatively by my internet hatred of immigrants.”
There best song would obviously be this.
Apparently my phone corrects intense with internet.
I imagine him having a different kind of power.
I was hoping for this
I want to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing this version of the national anthem.
SOB has editing privileges.
What – no Edit button?
*snatches ball away, goes home*
sloopy gets it.
They were using words of mass destruction.
Notice you didn’t mention this
“arrested six people, five of whom were detained for allegedly setting off firecrackers inside the capitol building, not for fighting”
or this
“Berkeley cops arrested 10 people and confiscated weapons from both pro and anti-Trump demonstrators,”
Deception through omission. Not just for lefties anymore.
I actually couldn’t tell whom it was blaming for the California “clashes.”
But they should have mentioned that the Minnesota thing wasn’t actually “clashes.”
Deception through omission. Not just for lefties anymore.
I like you, Hyperbole. That’s why it pains to point out that the way you wrote this almost implies that you’re dumb enough to think there’s daylight between “lefties” and today’s media.
I’m just a guy who makes sawdust for a living, If not buying into “The Media is a monolithic block of left-wing agitators” makes me dumb then so be it. Idiot am I be.
Even after the JournoList? And the obvious, yet better kept secret, collusion in crafting lefty talking points that’s gone on since November?
DO some outlets collude and behave questionably, yes. But that is not ‘The Media’. We still have a free media, and more options than ever. No one is forced to watch any particular channel, and no one is forbidden from listening to certain radio stations, Heck the internet has made it so easy some people have even been known to start their own media outlets.
I know it’s not a perfect analogy, but people bellyaching about the Mainstream Media, Is like beer snobs whinging that Bud Light is popular. Your complaining about what other people freely choose. The ‘people are dumb and don’t know whats good for them’ idea rarely ends well.
The problem is twofold. First, the Mainstream Media, indeed most self-described journalists, claim to be unbiased seekers after truth, and on the basis of that claim expect to be treated as a special class. See CNN, et al. Second, most people use news to confirm their existing opinions, and news outlets cater to that, with the result that when someone without an existing bias wants to learn what’s going on about topic X and doesn’t have the time or resources to do their own in-depth research they’re going to hear a biased take (or nothing at all) from someone with the credibility of popularity claiming to be both unbiased and expert.
Its been frequently noted that what is meant by “The Media” is actually a pretty narrow group of publications and broadcast networks = e.g. NYT, WaPo, CNN, NBC/ABC/CBS, MSNBC… a handful of others. I’m pretty sure CBS/Comcast/Time-Warner/Viacom covers a lot of extra ground.
I think collectively calling them “leftwing agitators” is probably wrong; but i think its not a stretch to say they are dominated by a NYC/Los Angeles mindset – which thinks it lives in a country with a “60% liberal/20% hardcore left-wing/20% moderate democrat” population. The differences between a group of people “being republicans” and “demanding ownership of slaves” is occasionally lost on them.
“Berkeley cops arrested 10 people and confiscated weapons from both pro and anti-Trump demonstrators,”
I would suggest that this is deception through omission.
This mingles two things. Those who were arrested, and those who had weapons confiscated–as it mingles pro-and anti- demonstrators.
CNN has the actual facts. They could have made it clear. But they didn’t. Why?
Say it with me–‘because it didn’t fit the narrative.’
I had this out over alleged nazi salutes and racial slurs at the protests in Oswego. If the media had actually caught ANY of what was being alleged, it would leads every news feed. Instead, the nazi salute was a still pulled from the video a just the right instant, and there were no racial slurs–only allegations.
Because allegations are FakeNews gold.
The reporter did the same when mentioning that anti-Trump protesters show up to pro-Trump rallies and then the Trump supporters “confront” or “clash with” them, aww if they were the ones performing an action and causing the problems.
“According to the promotional video below, the Dildo Drone is hands-free, allowing users to simultaneously indulge in other pleasures, like eating burgers and drinking beer.”
So, a portable, dildo mounted sybian.
Speaking of needing a little extra lovin’ while engaged in other activities…
Is Gorsuch a Roberts-style squish?
I don’t know, but this 2002 Gorsuch article isn’t reassuring.
It praises his old boss, Justice Byron White, is impressed that Kennedy (the President, not the Justice or the TV host) nominated such a well-qualified individual who was promptly confirmed.
As opposed to today, when the courts are politicized – and Gorsuch doesn’t blame the judges for politicizing themselves – because the judges totally didn’t bring this situation on themselves by forgetting their duties and acting as legislators not judges. No, Gorsuch blames the President and Senate for daring to consider the judicial philosophies of these lifetime appointees with such power over the country.
Apparently any cuts in government whatsoever constitute a Randian worldview.
So some Russian broad writes a couple of books and now she’s Thomas Jefferson?
So were Hillary and Bernie offering plenty of diluted Marx…?
Gorsuch squish watch, part II:
Huffpo says maybe Gorsuch doesn’t hate gays because Gorsuch called his clerk’s marriage to another man a “wonderful thing.”
Does this mean that Gorsuch has adopted the favorite principle of bad parents that the way to show your love for someone is to endorse their behavior and give them what they want?
Oops, wrong link.
Or maybe he’s a libertarian and thinks it’s ok since people should be allowed to do what they want if it isn’t hurting others?
That principle would cover the right to read the novels of Danielle Steel (sp?).
Would you therefore tell a friend who liked Steel’s books that their taste in literature was absolutely impeccable and Steel is infinitely better than that poser Robert Heinlein?
Steel certainly plots more conventional romantic relationships than Heinlein did.
Well, that argument definitely follows.
What’s the deal with getting randomly logged out? I got logged out either overnight or early this morning on my Linux box.
Too lazy to check, but maybe the session timeout kicked in? Not sure if they’re using cookies or sessions for authentication.
Some slipping ex lax into your chocolate?
The fake hate crimes site could stand to be sortable by date or location.
The processing power needed to sort fake hate crimes has not yet been reached.
So I went to a PBR Tour competition last night. I’m fine with a little patriotism, but it got a little thick. Particularly when they decided it would be a good idea to start the crowd booing over Kaepernick. They’re making a big deal out of having the riders sign a no-knee contract.
I should clarify. The crowd didn’t take the invite up, but the announcer’s intention was pretty obvious.
The national anthem shouldn’t be played before sporting events anyway.
I’ve pointed out elsewhere that it used to be the case in Taiwan that the national anthem was played in cinemas before the start of the movie. I think the same was the case in Thailand (or technically, it was the King’s anthem, since they revered the recently deceased king there). People can get that this seems weird, but suggest that playing it before a sporting event is similarly weird, and people look at you as if you have two heads.
It’s generally an unwelcome sentiment that I don’t bring up anymore.
I think on some of the other boards I’m on people have come to understand that I’m the werido who thinks the national anthem shouldn’t be played before sporting events, the War on Drugs is morally evil, and we shouldn’t be fellating cops.
It’s still incredibly annoying, however, to post a link to cops going after white people, and people responding with the Heather Macdonald talking points that black people commit more crime, therefore blacks deserve it when the cops thug against them.
I usually tell people that if they trot out a copy of the Constitution, I’ll be more enthusiastic.
I get the stink eye all the time at my regular watering hole for not standing every time the anthem is played,on TV, I’m just here for the beer, don’t even care whats on the tele yet I’m required to dance for these people?
This (well, that and being an utter cheapskate) is why I drink at home.
I usually only drink in the card room at my golf course. More civilized conversation and no women allowed.
But next time I go out drinking at a bar, I’m gonna put the national anthem on the jukebox as an experiment.
Hah, I said exactly that to one of the owners. After the Cavs opener preceded a world series game by 45min. and everyone got their jingoism on both times. I asked the owner if I play the anthem on the jukebox every fifteen minutes should everyone stand?
If you won’t stand for the national anthem, it’s clear you’re ready to circle the Kaaba.
People stand for the anthem in bars?
What kind of a crazy country is ‘Murka?
Some people really take their patriotism seriously. Without any hint of irony.
It’s just more social signaling. They’re sure that some leftists sit during the anthem, so they have to stand. There’s really nothing more to it.
Yep and it really only blew up recently, I think the election and the Kapernick thing are to blame.
I’d make a good wager that none of them do this at home when the anthem comes on the TV, because there’s no one to signal that ‘look at me, I’m one of the good people!’.
I’ve never seen or heard of that before. Must be a flyover thing.
I agree. And to Scruffy’s point below, I also get responses like, “why shouldn’t they play the national anthem?” Or other responses that show how shocked they are at my thinking.
When corporashuns are ruling the planet in the near future, will we play their songs at sporting events? Reminds me of a movie.
Yes. And it’s against the law to not stand up during the Royal Anthem.
Meh – I have no problem with it. I feel the same about, say, prayers before public ceremonies. It used to bother me, now I don’t care. If people seem to enjoy it, I’m not going to make an issue out of it.
People thinking something is weird is heavily influenced by what they are used to. For example, I don’t find it weird to have a national anthem played before the start of a movie, as they played the US national anthem before films shown in cinemas on military bases when I was growing up an army brat, so I’m used to it.
Indycar races feature a benediction delivered by a preacher. What?
You should check out a NASCAR race in the south. A couple of years ago at Darlington two AmericaBros threatened to kick some old guys ass because he didn’t stand or take off his hat during the anthem. Of course, the old man was a disabled WWII vet.
Um, why would you think that you are gonna find a bunch of patriotism at a competition where skinny hipsters try to drink more shitty beer than everyone else?
Any why the fuck would you go watch that shit? Uffda, I’d rather watch rodeo competitions than people chugging PBR.
Pabst Blue Ribbon has a pro tour? I’ve been competing as an amateur all this time and didn’t know… ?
Somebody needs to teach this punk some sportsmanship.
I’m losing respect for Krzyzewski every day this season for not dealing with this assclown.
Krzyzewski should have spoken out against the Gang of 88.
I realize that I have some bias here as a UMD alum, but I’ve always thought Coach K has an overinflated reputation. He’s a great coach, no doubt, but between his casual regard for concepts such as rules and sportsmanship and the less-than-objective relationship the media and the NCAA have with the Duke program, I suspect he has been the recipient of more than a few lucky breaks.
As a Packer fan I know quite a few Wisconsin alums. They’d agree with the last point regarding the 2015 championship game.
What is UMD? College Park?
He was responding to sloopy and would’ve gotten the cat ass if he just said “U of M”.
Dook players have been dirty, sneaky bastards since the dawn of time, but Allen takes it up to 11. And Dook’s players play that way because that’s what the Ferret teaches them. You think it’s just coincidence that Dook always has a bunch of floppers and cheap shot artists? That’s the Krzyzewski Way.
This sort of sanctimonious bullshit is what’s killing sports.
Your first mistake was respecting K for anything other than teaching basketball and maybe being able to put together a team. Duke players have always been dirty and floppers. He whines when everything doesn’t go his way and pushes out players he’s promised to always take care of when they no longer fit his game plan. Add to that how fairly he’s looked upon buy the NCAA, aww previously mentioned, and I don’t know how any non Duke fan can stand him. Respect him as a coach, yes, but not as a person.
Leattner shouldn’t have even been in the end of that game.
I was wondering which sore loser was being represented.
As a coach, you might also take note of the work he did for USA Basketball at the international level.
BTW, while I was being personally ridiculed last night by sloopy and FdA for thinking that any movie by Spielberg is a colossal waste of time, SP and I cued up “The Battered Bastards of Baseball” on Netflix. If you’re a libertarian and love the game, I cannot recommend this more highly. Wonderful, wonderful film.
I have a soft spot for Spielberg simply because he brought us the glory that is Slim Pickens, Toshiro Mifune, and Christopher Lee in the same scene, complete with toilet humor.
⬆️Refuses to see Jaws.⬆️
Not by oversight either. He REFUSES. Ridicule at your leisure.
Yeah, that seems like great cinema.
You’re confusing Jaws with Jaws 3-D.
My wife knew Lea Thompson back then. She was just trying to get her start in Hollywood. Apparently she was quite adept at sleeping her way up the food chain.
But what about Lea Thompson?
…is the kind of joke a really retarded person would tell.
She was great in Howard the Duck
Would only really retarded people laugh at that joke?
/asking for a friend
She got all the way naked in “All The Right Moves” while playing a high school junior.
Isn’t that against the law now?
Yes, but she was 22 in All the Right Moves. Now, in the ’70s, Melanie Griffith spent half of her screen time in Night Moves butt naked, and she was 17 at the time.
Guys, guys, stop this senseless arguing. We here, the Glibertarian posse, are magnanamous and caring. We recogognize that each of us has differences, but all of us can get along.
Even though this site is new and a little cramped, we certainly don’t need a bigger boat.
*turns on giant red neon searchlight with a cross affixed*
Were it not for Robert Shaw, the movie was a complete waste of time.
“Here’s to swimmin’ with bow-legged women…”
That’s good enough reason to see it right there.
Jaws is great – he mixed together Melville’s Moby Dick and Ibsen’s Enemy of the People and took out the boring parts.
Jaws is quite possibly a perfect movie. I say that because I don’t know a single scene in it that could be cut, any added footage, a change in cast or music that would make it any better.
That I can agree with- nothing you could do could have made it better.
You’re fucking retarded.
I love ya, but you’re just so far off base here.
SP agrees with me. Do not fuck with SP. She’s not only more dangerous than you know, she’s more dangerous than you can know.
She’s just humoring you. Scroll through her Netflix “recently watched” list. I bet there’s a Spielberg film or two in there.
Nope, not one. Some gorpy chick flicks, though, that she and webdominatrix would watch after I went to bed. Not that I dare criticize, she is the coolly efficient sort of killer.
Jaws is indeed a really, really well-done movie.
From the 2013 Hollywood script blacklist, apparently because Spielberg doesn’t want it made :
Have you seen the Steve McQueen version of Enemy of the People?
No, isit good?
Most of the people are miscast, but it does ultimately work.
I only watch shark movies where Samuel L. Jackson suddenly gets scarfed down.
True story: I actually had a bit part in a Discovery Channel Shark Week show. In a re-enactment, a guy gets his leg munched and washes up on the beach. I played a doctor walking with his wife along the beach who discovered him and treated the wound. My wife was played by the sister of the cinematographer, who rudely did not allow me to rehearse the wedding night with her. She must have been a lesbian.
She must have been a lesbian.
The only possible explanation, to be sure.
Back off I’m an old man with candy. Give me 50 grams of pixie stick powder, stat.
Raiders, 1941, obviously Jaws, Duel.
Come on, man.
Added to my list. Thanks for the heads-up OMWC!
Take advice from someone that won’t watch Jaws because he’s sure it will be terrible at your own risk.
Someone needs to beat your dad.
He says
here I am. Come get some.
Well played sloop!
I know I’m going to regret saying this, but I always thought Jaws was a little overrated.
You may not have been Brooks, but you were always great in my book. Proof once again.
I thought “The Big Lebowski” wasn’t as funny as the people who recommended it promised.
*Reads upthread*
Except for Sloopy y’all are all going to hell. Jaws and The Big Lebowski are on the list of greatest movies ever made. There is no arguing this.
You shut your whore mouth.
Lovely pizza. I had one that looked like that last night. Keep it simple and beautiful e siamo a posto.
Pizza napoletana vera is the answer to everything. I made one last night, a perfect accompaniment to a great Syrah and the best baseball movie I’ve seen in years.
And what movie was that?
The Battered Bastards of Baseball.
Anybody else keeping an eye on the NFL combine? John Ross made him some money, Dalvin Cook might have dropped a bit, OJ Howard looking more and more like a top 15 pick.
Curtis Samuel helped his own stock rise as well.
Yeah he is intriguing for sure. If I could have any Buckeye it would be Hooker. We haven’t had a good safety since Sean Taylor died.
Hooker is a hall of fame talent to be sure. He’s played that position for two years now and he’s probably the best at it in all of cfb. His instincts are just ridiculous and his closing speed is off the charts.
And having said that, I still believe Marshown Lattimore is the best Buckeye coming out this year. That’s how good I think he is.
Of course Elflein will be a starter next year. As will Conley, wherever he lands. And Johnston will undoubtedly be punting on Sundays.
Holy fuck, this is another fantastic draft class even if it pales in comparison to last year’s.
Also, Fuck ❌ichigan.
I’m so bad at judging CBs, I don’t even bother watching tape on them.
So you are actually a scout for the Chargers?
Ross broke a record, pulled up lame, and couldn’t finish the day. And he already had a history of injuries.
4.22 is 4.22, he won’t fall into the 2nd round now, injuries or no injuries.
Sure, but some team will have wasted a first round pick. All the speed in the world doesn’t help when it’s standing on the sidelines on crutches.
Maybe. With the way the league is headed with the rules, you’re gonna see more and more smaller faster WRs have longer careers.
I read that Ayn Rand thing.
I found it… confusing.
It is confusing by design. All you need to know is that you must hate Trump.
I can’t get past “Democracy Dies in Darkness”.
Meanwhile, it’s their eagerly-supported fellow travelers that are both metaphorically and literally smashing the lights.
The amount of projection that has been occurring as of late is truly staggering.
I can only guess that the WaPo is expressing some sort of orange-theme period of mourning. They should end every article with “Courage!”
The theme of the article, that Rand-style conservatism is losing to a more nationalist conservatism right now, is true and basically obvious. The substance of the article, treating Trump voters as obviously white nationalists, or other proto-racist troglodytes, smacks of someone who writes about Trump voters without knowing a single one, and that kind of journalism I’ve had quite enough of.
Stanford, Hoover – that ain’t exactly fly-over country (like say Columbus).
the best baseball movie
Bull Durham is the only baseball movie worth watching.
Major League and Field of Dreams would like a word with you
So would The Natural.
A 52 year old rookie is realistic, right?
That was amazingly dreadful. Even more so because the novel was so great.
Baseball movie that was wonderful and totally unappreciated: It Happens Every Spring.
Perhaps never has a movie adaption so completely inverted the entire purpose and meaning of a story. Roy is supposed to fail because he is an entitled twat that can’t control his appetites. Baseball feeds off of such appetites with fans and players and owners debasing themselves in the pursuit of money and glory.
It’s not a harmless pastime, it’s a life and death struggle as depicted by Malamud.
You get it. Malamud’s theme was that you can never redeem yourself. The movie’s theme was that you can always redeem yourself.
There’s also “Doctor Zhivago”. And the creator of Little Orphan Annie was a big oponent of the New Deal, as opposed to what the musical/movie present.
So would A League Of Their Own.
+1 no crying in baseball
A baseball thread must include the following video.
I reminds of a success I had as a father. When I was young I got Ernie Banks autograph during a spring training game. I gave it to my baseball fan son when he was in college and his face just lit up. It was a great moment.
The Cactus League rules!
You know an underrated one? Mr Baseball. It’s hardly great cinema, but it’s amusing enough and, best of all, Tom Selleck is believable as a ballplayer. Much as I love Major League, watching Tom Berenger and Corbin Bernsen attempt to swing a bat is just sad.
The Bad News Bears.
“You can fuck her in the ass. You can cum on her face.” Oh wait, wrong Jodie Foster movie. Never mind.
Yeah. This is the one about a bunch of Jews, spics, niggers, pansies, and a booger-eatin’ moron.
Good point. That is one hell of a politically incorrect movie. About due for a revival.
So which is the better version? Walter Mathau or Bily Bob?
Right? That is the only baseball movie I would even consider watching, given that I hate baseball.
“Angels in the Outfield” and “Rookie of the Year,” faggits
You’re killin’ me Smalls
“If you build it, they will come.
No, they won’t. Fuck you, Little Girl. STFU.
But she was right, wasn’t she?
Speaking of movies… since I missed the Blazing Saddles love fest, last night:
“Here, Boy. Take this shovel, and put ‘er to some good use.”
“They said you was hung.”
“And they was right!”
Baseball and a pizza with green things on it that isn’t olives or peppers? Man, this chatroom is going to hell in a handbasket.
At least no one brought up George Will or Ken Brooks.
All the links are gonna spoil us.
Have I got this right?
Obama took the bait; hook, line and sinker.
Trump claims Obama wiretapped him, so Obama responds with a claim his administration never ever wiretapped any American, ever (a completely and utterly preposterous claim).
I think it’s simpler than that. Obama admin is claiming it never ordered such a thing. Not that it wasn’t done.
The Bad News Bears.
I find this to be acceptable.
Here- have a random Oscar Wilde quote:
“The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.”
Gotta love Oscar. I recall a horror movie which I won’t spoil by giving its name where at the end the monster slays the good guys. I loved that. It seemed more natural.
I heard a quote from some author whose name escapes me; it basically said that writing a sad ending is easy and writing a happy ending should only be attempted by the most skilled authors.
“One must have a heart of stone to read the death of Little Nell and not laugh.”
No baseball movie can be as entertaining as last year’s Game 7 of the World Series.
Clapper denies wiretapping Trump. While NBC is keen to point out how Trump had just no evidence to back up his tweets, there’s silence on the complete lack of evidence provided by the intelligence community to justify their public claims. And no mention of the fact that Clapper blatantly lied to Congress in the past despite it probably taking five seconds to find an article on Sessions.
Clapper denies….
That is all I needed to hear.
Koskinen also denied it.
How much more confirmation can one hope for? With those two that is essentially an admission of guilt.
No idea on the credibility of this site or the person writing this, but anyway:
Trump’s wiretapping claim
Well, the only real facts in it come in the second half update on the FISA court rejecting a request to monitor Trump Tower in June. That is fact reported by various sources along with the second request being made in October.
But let’s also point out how weak the evidence connecting Trump/Trump people to Russians must be for the rubber stamping, state fellating FISA court to reject it.
Obama employed lawyer-y weasel words in his faux denial. His administration didn’t order it. Doesn’t mean that his political appointees didn’t do it. There’s no chance in hell anyone went looking to get a warrant on the GOP candidate without telling Obama and getting his at least tacit consent to do so (more likely, Obama is just banking on there being no proof he ordered anything). It’s what Obama has done with every scandal under his watch. Deny knowledge of it.
Not to mention the fact that he was 100+% sure that Hillary would win the election. And that’s huge because if that were the case, he’d be safe no matter what would come out.
I wish video would pop up showing Obama telling everyone to pull out all the stops–plant stories, wiretap, incite violence–to stop Trump from winning, and for Pete’s sake, don’t tell anyone!
I haven’t heard anyone mention yet that creating a secret court with secret evidence, secret warrants, secret charges and secret members was a bad idea, that it was inevitable that such a court would be used as a political weapon.
Being as it’s the Democrats, they probably hired some complete amateur to do it. The kind of person who would set up a totally unsecured server in someone’s basement to serve as the State Department’s email server.
One theory is that they got the Brits to do the bugging, as a cut-out.
I’m just curious how the Democrats believe they can get away with the same type of behavior that they got away with the last 8 years, now that they’re out of power? Sure, the media is still going to try covering for them, but I doubt that’s enough. Someone’s soon to wind up under a bus, I suspect many someones.
I’m actually kind of amazed at the restraint Trump is showing. I mean, outside early morning/late night tweets. I’d have Comey and Clapper’s balls in a jar on my desk by now. I’d have an AG readying indictments against Hillary, and I’d be airing all the dirty laundry on Obama I could. I’d be gutting the surveillance state. Though some of this is probably easier said than done even if Trump had the stomach and will to do it.
When you give these sorts of broad powers to intelligence agencies as a politician, you’ve basically already given them all the leverage they’ll ever need.
I think he’s under the delusion that he can win the media over. It’s a common mistake among Republican presidents.
Bannon is under no such delusion.
I think Trump & Co. are getting a lot of things ready, quietly. They know this is a long game.
I listened to NPR this morning for a bit. They did a breakdown of “what we know” about the Trump Russia “scandal”. They had a WaPo reporter on. It was the most dishonest pile of shit story I have heard in a while. They are shameless.
They expect to get away with it because they are fighting a war of attrition while the R’s fuck around discussing Queensberry rules and Sessions pats himself on the back for doing the honorable thing. Fortunately a majority of the public can see what the D’s are up to and what they are made of and are turned off by it.
They’re in desperation mode. They still cannot even accept that they’ve completely lost power. So I’m expecting for them to do a lot of really sloppy and stupid things, the way people typically do when they’ve lost composure. They’re just digging their hole deeper. Get the popcorn and brew, the shit show is just getting started.
The wife was hearing about some of this on TV and what I said to her, was ‘The Democrats are playing with fire here. They’re fucking around with Trump like he’s still Donald Trump, that silly clown that wants to run for President. Their problem is that now the silly clown IS the President, the most powerful person in the world.’
In light of that, you would think the Democrats would lay low and plot some sort of political comeback. But apparently, like a maniacal psychopath, they just cannot help themselves.
That bullshit needs to stop. It is the cause of so much problems. If the President were the God-King of the Free World, he wouldn’t have had his first major EO slapped down like a red-headed stepchild in a lower court. It’s just that the Democrats are fucking hypocrites who are now all for checks and balances after almost a decade of calling any attempt to limit the power of the executive ‘racist obstructionism’.
To be clear, Obama was only half racist.
Also the notion that Trump is some kind of clown is absurd. While everyone was laughing at him and calling him a clown that would go nowhere he casually walked up took the presidency and walked away with it like I casually snacked on a leftover sausage left on the table earlier.
The only ones looking like a clown now are Obumbles and company yet they persist with the ‘Trump is a cheeto clown’ shtick.
If he is a clown what does that make them?
The clowns who are being played by the chief clown?
I think that’s why they’re kind of freaking out. Forget 4 or 8 years of Trump, it’s bigger than that. If Trump just takes his foot off the economy’s throat and repeals Obamacare, we’re going to see growth. If we see big growth, he’s gonna get reelected. If he gets reelected and the country is generally ok, then guess what: he just completely shat all over the notion that you need a DC Insider/Top Man to be President. If Trump can run for POTUS as a hobby, win, and do a decent job, then it shatters the illusion that the people in the government are some kind of top level managers or executives. They’ve shot down outsiders /CEOs for decades with the kind of sneering condescension:
“Well of course Ross Perot is a successful *sneering look* businessman, but this is government, it’s a whole different ball game, for serious people who went to serious schools and all agree seriously about the same serious isues. Being President is not like running a *sniff* oil company.”
That’s the real danger of Trump, and why they’re so desperate to paint him as a dangerous madman/lunatic/Russian stooge. He has to be those things, because if he is those things (or rather, if they can sell the public that he is those things), then that means they can get back to business as usual afterwards: a Bush vs a Clinton, and the winner doesn’t really matter because they’re all the same kind of parasite. If Trump does a decent job, then it shatters the prevailing notion once and for all that only Senators, governors, or successful generals can be good Presidents.
Viking1865: More than that, the “inevitable coming Democratic majority” is threatened: immigration is reduced, the youth turn away from the Democrats, being patriotic and GOP is hip, and the SJWs become impotent laughing stocks.
The jokes?
Yeah I think there’s a lot to the SJWs thing. Gay marriage is legal, but that wasn’t enough, it now has to be gay wedding cakes at gunpoint. It’s not the Christians being the bullies anymore, they’re the victims now.
Same with the trans bathroom thing. Your suburban soccer moms who like having the option of abortion available because their daughter is 16 next summer are equally adamant that there should be no penises in the girls locker room, and they really don’t like being told they’re the moral equivalent of Hitler for it, when they’ve been loyally canceling out their husband’s wicked Republican votes.
The social left is running out of practical battles, and now is moving on to ideological ones that are blatantly ideological and unable to spin as a practical or moral issue. A majority of the country thinks abortion should stay legal, and a majority of the country thinks gay people should be able to marry, and funnily enough vast majorities of the country want more gun rights, not less. I will never say the culture war is over, but it certainly seems to be in a kind of pause.
And I agree that the Executive has far too much power, I was just pointing out the fact that the Democrats fucking around with him right now, may not be in their best interest considering how much power he’s been given. And as you mentioned, with the Democrats blessing, until now that the wrong guy has the power. I think they were warned about this, not only a few times, but it fell on deaf ears.
I think I am in love.
Star Wars Stormtrooper costumes banned from Princeton alumni reunion, because Nazis:
Seems legit.
“the allusion to Nazi “brownshirts” is not necessarily intended, but filmmakers were moved by propaganda newsreels showing Nazi storm troopers moving together in formation. The “iconic image of Fascism” inspired, at least in part, the Stormtroopers of the Empire.”
No, they were inspired by this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrj3vhrI7aY
Here’s what real nazis look like.
Swedish Utopia
The thing that is really disturbing in that article (scroll down to see) is the way this writer dresses. So, anyone in the know, is wearing a pantsuit with the pants too short, no socks or hose, and tennies… is that a common British thing?
Not just any reunion, but a *Star Wars themed* reunion.
Can they at least dress as trafficked-person Leia?
Is that a homemade pie OMWC? If so, care to share your crust recipe?
Not that particular one, but ours is pretty similar. What we lack is the 800 degree woodburning oven, but otherwise, we can duplicate the pizza vera. Recipe is pretty simple, we basically do the same thing as Reinhart; the trick is to let the dough ferment for a couple days in the fridge. Tipo Fino 00 flour is the best because of the balance of gluten and the fine-ness (better dough hydration), but you have to adjust the quantity when substituting for normal bread flour because of the difference in density.
Cool, I do the fridge fermenation as well because I like that yeasty flavor from retarding the fermintation.
Yes, I would be interested as well. Also, what is every ones cooking method? I use a firebrick platform on the gas grill, but I am in the process of welding up a wood fired oven.
guess I should refresh more
I would love a wood fired pizza oven. I have an enamel coated cast iron pizza pan that I preheat for about an hour at 500 which is as high as my oven goes. Does a pretty good job.
We use commercial-grade pizza stones with a LOT of preheating (2 hours). SP has been threatening to assemble a wood-burning oven in our backyard, so if y’all can successfully encourage her, we’ll host a meet-up here and feed that beast.
Let me talk about the rest. Sauce should be simple- canned San Marzanos can be excellent, SP’s canned Romas from a local farm are magnificent. Garlic, salt, pepper, and a little olive oil. If we’re doing a marinara, we get oregano out of the garden, otherwise, no herbs in the sauce, just basil on the top after baking.
If you’re lucky, you can get Deca & Otto bufala for the cheese.
Thanks! Can’t wait to try:)
Ya, Thanks. Not many Italian markets around these parts, but sounds good.
The grill can get to 600+ if it is not that cold out.
I’m overdue for a new grill. Sam’s club had a nice double grill with gas on one side and charcoal with an offset smoke box on the other that I was looking at last year. I’m probably going to get an electric smoker at some point, but I like the idea of having an offset smoker as well.
I agree, offset smokers are good for big stuff like whole briskets and the like. I think I own four grills now. It’s ridiculous.
Nice. Can’t have too many:)
We have that dual gas/charcoal set up – dubbed here as “grillzilla”; the gas also runs to a burner which is great as a charcoal starter. I usually only run the gas side of the grill when I’m in a hurry – like the other night for burgers & brats. I don’t have the smoker box though because I have a Traeger wood-pellet smoker – and those are the bomb.
Yeah, that’s why I don’t want to give up gas. Very convenient for a quick weeknight meal.
I’m tempted to post my dough recipe but on reflection it’s a pretty much like every basic recipe out there, the only real difference – I replace half the olive oil with sesame oil.
Oh wow. I love seseme oil. Had not thought of doing that though.
Nice twist. I shall give that a try.
Battle of former Attorneys General?
“I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general – at the Justice Department,” Mukasey told ABC’s “This Week.”
Bullshit headline, but still shows how partisan she is:
I read that. Meh, very weak attempt to say that Lynch was calling for dead bodies in the street. What’s more incredulous is this:
“We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”
Heh, you mean those racist white slave owners who wrote that paper 100 years ago that is now obsolete?
Democrats have lost their fucking minds. Next thing you know, they’ll be telling people to read 1984.
I’ve actually heard some TDS sufferers try to make a comparison between Trump’s policies and the Japanese-American internment. Because that totally wasn’t ordered by a Democrat or anything…
Which group of Americans is Trump building internment camps for? I can’t keep up with these things.
For what it’s worth, someone told me that conditions at the INS detention facilities can be very bad and some people have even died while waiting to be deported. Trump supports more deportation of illegals, which would result in more people – mostly of one race – being placed in these facilities. Therefore, Trump is exactly like Hitler because he wants to an entire race of people into what is basically a death camp. QED.
This is what TDS sufferers actually believe.
New entry of the list of things that are better to watch from home than on site : Red Bull Crashed Ice.
A) Damn it was cold;
B) No booze or alcohol sold on site;
C) Almost impossible to get a good view of the track, unless you are part of that 2 men team that was on top of some parliament building;
D) You get the weird feeling they were keeping you waiting in the cold until PM Zoolander showed up before starting the event;
E) Did I said that it was cold and that they didn’t sold booze? Ya.
But heh, I don’t really know what I expected, we’re talking about Ottawa after all.
All true libertarians know that leaving the house to do anything besides make sure your orphans are still working in the mines and not slacking off is a bad idea.
Wait, you do that yourself? You don’t have a lead orphan to take care of that?
A friend that has spent decades hunting recently told me “Why should I spend a fortune to go out and freeze my ass off, get covered with ticks and red bugs, swat mosquitoes and risk getting mauled when all I have to do is watch someone else do it on youtube?”
God invented flasks for a reason
Watching the news. This is the new “When did you stop beating your wife?” apparently:
“Can you say definitively that no one in the administration ever had contact with anyone, anywhere about Topic X?”
Martha Raditz’s shock and outrage at the very notion that her idol, Barack Obama would do anything unethical is on full display.
“Senator Al Franken”
Good grief.
I dont know why everyone insists on referring to Stewart Smalley that way.
“If I’m dumb enough and the voters of MN are retarded enough, gosh darn it I can be a US Senator!”
Sorry about that.
“We don’t know what the Russians have on President Trump.”
They also dont know what the lizard people from the hollow moon have on me.
Look, we don’t know the facts, but Trump could be a KGB plant.
angiosperm or gymnosperm
Oh, goody. Now they’re going to gloat about how they have derailed the “first 100 days” agenda.
Sheldon Richman, defender of Palestinian nationalism and Russia’s annexation of Crimea, decries killing and dying for an ideology as being as bad as killing and dying for a religion.
He refers to this as ‘the American Church’.
National honor and sacrifice is just our version of 75 virgins.
72, don’t give them more than they expect
I believe there may be a more productive way to argue against American intervention in numerous conflicts overseas than calling soldiers murderers and whining about ‘quasi-secular faith’ in militarism (as if Sheldon’s own positions aren’t a based on a quasi-secular faith).
Yeah the ‘soldiers are murderers who obviously don’t care about freedom’ is a libertarian pet peeve of mine. I’ve been thinking of compiling a list of my libertarian pet peeves and writing an article about them for here.
Seldon Richman lives inside is head. It appears that he is ignoring reality because he is. Anything to boost his ego and santomony. He is very much a leftest on that last point.
Yep that was always my issue with Ron Paul. There is a proud tradition of right wing, Republican anti-interventionism, and it will will absolutely sell if you go about it the right way. Chomskyite rantings about American imperialism and blowback, while not without merit, will not get a positive response from the Republican electorate.
Love the Paul, but he was really bad at retail politics. I still remember in 2012 during one of the debates him letting all those soft handed fucks (Newt, Mittens, etc) question his patriotism for daring to support peace. If Paul had Trump’s attack dog mentality, he would have yelled from the podium that he was the only one on stage that had served his country in uniform, and that they could all shut right the fuck up.
Yeah, nothing will get people to stop listening to you quicker than implying that they “had it coming”. I know that is not always the point trying to be made but it often comes off that way.
Trump struck plenty of notes on foreign policy that are a break from the current bipartisan consensus, and he cruised through the GOP nomination. The idea that the rank and file Republican voter loves interventionism after what they’ve seen in Iraq and Afghanistan is shaky, at best.
There’s absolutely a market in the Republican primary for a conservative foreign policy along the lines of an Eisenhower, or even a Taft. There’s no market for it in DC, because those parasites love all the things that war gives them.
And you thought all that plastic in the ocean was going to waste
well it’s Africa, what’s the worst thing that could happen?
A lion with a name could be shot?
“” it’s Africa, what’s the worst thing that could happen?””
A form of AIDS that can outrun a cheetah
This came to mind when the police once again stood idly by in riot gear while folks get assaulted by the right kind of people in Berkeley:
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to be beaten bloody for it by masked mobs as the police watch.
Remember: speech is violence, microaggressions are violence, it’s OK to punch Nazis, everyone who doesn’t think the main problem with Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin is that they didn’t go far enough is a Nazi, and all of those beliefs are institutionally supported, usually by the taxpayer.
And, good lord, this isn’t even getting into the Trump wiretapping. The Chinese were right: these times are a little too interesting for my tastes.
I mean beating people you don’t like is just self defense really. Anyway you sound like a kulak and that in itself is violence.
Tijuana dumps 143 million gallons of raw sewage into the Pacific ocean, befouling beaches and fish throughout San Diego and points north.
“U.S. officials, including Imperial Beach Mayor Serge Dedina, believe the spill was deliberate to cut corners during repair work on a sewer pipeline in Mexico but not politically motivated.
“It was intentional,” Dedina said by phone from the California city near the Mexican border. “The big picture is we need to work to support Mexico’s effort to improve the sewage infrastructure system in Tijuana so this doesn’t happen again.””
“Cause of Mexican sewage spill fouling U.S. beaches under investigation”
It may or may not be “politically motivated”, by which I think they mean that it’s coming from President Vicente Fox as a means of retribution for Trump’s immigration polices, etc. Mexico would probably do better to take politics into consideration. If the U.S. government had done something like this to Mexico, we’d never hear the end of how badly Trump was treating our neighbors to the south.
Certainly, those charges, that Trump is mistreating Mexico, have less currency with Kid Danger when Mexico is literally shitting all over my favorite beaches. You bastards!!!
P.S. Kid Danger still splits time between Las Vegas, San Diego, and LA.
Haha. “Nice beaches you have there. Shame if something were to happen to them.” I can’t foresee any possible consequences from incentivizing this eco-terrorism. Something something dane-geld…
Could be worse… Could have been carbon dioxide
The big picture is we need to work to support Mexico’s effort to improve the sewage infrastructure system in Tijuana so this doesn’t happen again.
If he means support, as in tell them to fix their damn sewer, I agree. If he means send them money to fix their sewer, fuck off. If my neighbor is oozing sewage across our property line I would tell him to clean it up and fix his sewer line. I am not going to pay for it though.
PS. Who is Kid Danger?
Yes, we should sue the hell out of them for the damage they did. They could have done it differently and decided to just fuck the U.S. I mean, they fucked their own people over, too, but why should we have to put up with that? Back in the day, when leaks were common, they used to set up an extra road block at the border crossing with Tijuana until the leak was fixed. It would take hours and hours and hours for tourists to get into Mexico and for wealthy Mexicans to commuting to the U.S.
There need to be negative consequences for misbehavior, and if their own people can’t hold them responsible, then we should.
P.S. Kid Danger is none other than yours truly! The ladies go crazy for him. Guys wanna be like him. He’s a lover and a fighter. Kind of a sexy badass.
You know who else had a list?
You win. That was too easy.
Like Charlie’s mom.
Anyone who’s ever played “Liebestraum”?
Awwwwww…mutual. The comments on that video are weird.
Oh very cool
MGM National Harbor resort and casino coming to the DC area.
Your tax dollars at work. I expect government employees will be common among the clientèle.
I wonder how many hookers there will be spies?
This is good, on Obama’s non-denial denial: http://streetwiseprofessor.com/?p=10443
Also good: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/03/03/the-shadow-government-timeline/
The shit show has only just begun.
This is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end, but it *is* the end of the part where it was amusing.
Hopefully it gets funny again. I’m not convinced the whole world has lost all of it’s mind yet. *keeps prepping just in case*
That treehouse timeline is not something I have not seen laid out in that way. This stinks.
remove one not, and that sentence may make sense. Sheesh
“Edit fairy, you are summoned!” *gestures 3 stooge like*
You can’t not negate a non-mistake that didn’t happen.
I made the same point last night. the wording and nature of the “denials” are such that they could be accurate, but the claims made by Trump re: the behavior of the Obama admin still be entirely true.
iow, they don’t seem to be denying the *substance* of the claims about politically-motivated wiretapping…. as much as the wording of them.
As in: “Obama never *ordered* wiretaps…“… because technically it would have been the DoJ ‘requesting‘ a wiretap from FISA.
Nobody can ‘order’ such a thing. The more they insist about this “ordered” nonsense, the more it sounds like the accusation is true.
In one of the comments: Anyone seen Huma lately?
The most recent info that I could quickly find.
Vegan bacon is a sign of the apocalypse.
“And it is written, one of the horsemen shall be riding a tusked boar. A boar consisting entirely of tofu. A soy product held intact by the forces of evil.”
Long weekend… and I’m a bit hungover from last night even though I was in bed by 11. /old man