With a h/t to Jonah Goldberg who led me to this, here is a pretty decent list of all the hate crimes which seem to have suffered a narrative collapse. Is your favorite one there?

Love Trumps Hate is still a sure sign of impending violence. Because the only answer to hate, real or imagined, is fists, rocks, bottles, and flaming bags of feces. That last, by the way, was the name of a band I played in.

SP really, really didn’t want this posted. So of course I did. Expect my avatar to shortly become a cat butthole.

When I saw the part tying together Reagan and Ayn Rand, I sprayed coffee. Behold the beclownment of the Hoover Institute. 

And because I love each and every one of you, I present the greatest three sax circular breathing blind man who ever lived.