Former intel chief rejects Trump wiretap accusation: WE DINNDU NUFFIN
Of course, as “ex-officials”…. if they’re lying, there’s no actual serious penalties, not like as if they were testifying in front of congress or something.
As per my earlier comment = once people start using institutions for political ends… all it takes is a change of who is in the driver’s seat, and they’re turned back on the first.
And the same goes with lying in public, a la Clapper. You can keep getting away with it as long as the institutions aren’t willing to actually hold your feet to the fire. But what happens when *they are*? What are they going to do *then*? Release a fake dossier full of claims that you like getting peed on? What happens when your dirt doesn’t scare people anymore?
on March 5, 2017 at 7:56 pm
Democrats accused Trump of trying to distract from the rising controversy about possible ties to Russia. His administration has come under pressure from FBI and congressional investigations into contacts between members of his campaign team and Russian officials.
Rufus the Monocled
on March 5, 2017 at 9:08 pm
I watched the news earlier and they were reporting Trump’s allegation as ‘unsubstantiated’ and ‘with no proof’. Funny how those terms weren’t applied to the claim made by Obama and Hillary about Russian hacking.
The mendaciousness of it all.
on March 6, 2017 at 5:40 am
Why should anyone believe anything said by Obama or any of his ex-administration officials?
This egomaniac and his cronies are the ones who lied by omission about the NSA spying program, then lied explicitly about its scope when the story broke, then flipped to the good old “we need it for national security” line. Then when it could not be denied and explained away any further, Obama tossed out the line about “having reservations about this program right from the start” and putting “reforms” in place.
So, reaching out to you cat lovers, my wife wants a Ragdoll cat. I guess I’ve come up lacking in being a completely affectionate … something. Anyway, anyone here have some experience with these felines? I’m a lifetime cat owner, just not sure about this breed.
All cats are libertarians. If they’re not, fake cats.
on March 5, 2017 at 8:23 pm
I hate cats… Does that make me not libertarian?
on March 5, 2017 at 8:26 pm
I don’t get that. Cat’s are fucking amazing critters.
on March 5, 2017 at 8:46 pm
I’m with you, cats are fscking evil. The bigger problem is that they can sense my dislike of them, and they all try to be ultra friendly to me.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:03 pm
So… dogs?
on March 5, 2017 at 8:34 pm
I’ve only ever had generic mutts.
Mad Scientist
on March 5, 2017 at 8:43 pm
“Ragdolls were developed in the 1960’s by Ann Baker; a breeder in Riverside California. The origin of the Ragdoll breed consisted almost entirely of free-roaming cats. Ann bred Josephine, a domestic longhaired white female that was found running loose in her neighborhood, to other cats she owned or found.”
I owned a ragdoll. Great cats, very smart and easy going. Ours would follow us when we walked the dogs.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:42 pm
Cats shit in the house…in a box. You will have a box of shit in your house. Just. Say. No.
*suffers brief PTSD episode from memories of box of shit in the house for 20 years*
on March 5, 2017 at 9:43 pm
My wife does that work. That was the deal when we took in first one and then another cat. Both of whom are awesome.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:49 pm
Ragdolls are a super awesome breed. Every one of them I’ve ever known has been incredibly friendly, almost doglike in their affection. A++ would pet again.
This Machine
on March 5, 2017 at 7:26 pm
on March 5, 2017 at 7:36 pm
So, I actually went to the utubes to find a copy of Zardoz. Very poor quality copies of an… interesting movie. Didn’t finish watching, barely started. I was drink and it was quite late, maybe I’ll give it another go.
Yeah, I googled her. She was quite the looker. And, Warren, the answer is “whiskey”. I became the whiskey, I was one with the whiskey, I was the whiskey.
on March 5, 2017 at 7:50 pm
Yeah, I can see it. That’s not possible with an appletini.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:44 pm
Charlotte Rampling? Stop that Swiss. I refuse to have a crush on movie stars. They are awful people.
*hides boner*
on March 5, 2017 at 8:37 pm
Heh I’ve only ever watched it very late and drunk too, and also haven’t finished it. I can’t imagine watching it at a normal time.
Mad Scientist
on March 5, 2017 at 7:47 pm
Almighty Zardoz! Does my mankini please you?
on March 5, 2017 at 8:15 pm
on March 5, 2017 at 7:47 pm
the Reverend Al Sharpton gave a number of speeches denouncing Jewish “bloodsuckers” and delivered a stirring denunciation of Jewish merchants in which he insisted “You got to pay!” at a venue in which was hanging a banner reading “Hitler Did Not Do the Job”
It’s a big tent party. They aren’t going to be taken down by the no true Scotsman problem.
on March 5, 2017 at 7:54 pm
Stay classy, Al, stay classy.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:46 pm
Is this recent? Is he still up to that shit? Al better watch out, the Antifa , BLM, and Love Trumps hate people might take notice and string him up.
Juvenile Bluster
on March 5, 2017 at 10:20 pm
Very funny.
on March 5, 2017 at 7:56 pm
That Kevin D Williamson piece is great.
Mainly for being simple, short, clear, and with a few tasty zingers.
What’s so remarkable about the Left’s constant “hate-crime” hoaxes…. is that regardless of how many times they’re caught perpetrating them? It seems like there’s absolutely zero institutional memory of it, or actual “consequences”.
I can’t imagine anything more inflammatory (pun accidental, but apropos) that could possibly be attempted… but when it turned out to be a black guy (ex-con, and member of the parish)….
…. it was passed by with nary so much as a second glance. “Ho hum. These things happen”
I mean, (@*#()@ really? Is no one the slightest bit concerned that maybe that was coordinated? Is no one concerned what might have been the consequences if *they’d gotten away with it*?
Its just a sign of a seriously deteriorating environment, where people on the left are willing to resort to more and more ridiculous degrees of dishonesty and violence, and the press are effectively aiding and abetting it.
I sort of expected it all to fade away after the election. But no.
on March 5, 2017 at 8:10 pm
It might be getting worse.
John Titor
on March 5, 2017 at 8:25 pm
I know what I’m going to do if I need to do any arsons or robberies in the near future…
*Spraypaints swastika, ‘HEIL TRUMP’ and “One People, One Nation, One Leader” on side of rich black/Mexican/homosexual’s house*
Heroic Mulatto
on March 5, 2017 at 8:47 pm
*Spraypaints swastika, ‘HEIL TRUMP’ and “One People, One Nation, One Leader” on side of rich black/Mexican/homosexual’s house*
What did Bruno Mars* ever do to you?
*Yes, I know he’s Puerto Rican.
John Titor
on March 5, 2017 at 8:53 pm
Nothing personal, I just want his shit, and the local Korblargs to take the heat.
Heroic Mulatto
on March 5, 2017 at 9:15 pm
Does John Titor hate Bruno Mars because is black mexican gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2017, but some of the commenters still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive social networking rumor.
The commenters, especially Swiss Servator are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his music career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of Glibertarians
Juvenile Bluster
on March 5, 2017 at 10:14 pm
I’m ready for Unity to assimilate the Earth.
on March 6, 2017 at 6:46 am
Bruno Mars is from Hawaii and is of Puerto Rican, Jewish, and Filipino descent.
Pope Jimbo
on March 5, 2017 at 8:34 pm
I completely agree with his questioning of why we don’t name these “victims”. Once they have been proven to be liars, why aren’t they named and have their pictures plastered on the front page?
Maybe the fact that there seems to be no downside to making up crazy stories is the reason that there are so many of them?
on March 5, 2017 at 8:40 pm
Yup – I haven’t seen one bit of navel-gazing over this in the MSM, and navel-gazing is what they do. Imagine that.
Ken Shultz
on March 5, 2017 at 8:14 pm
1) I’m not sure how the scoring for hooliganism would work as a sport, but I fully support the right of football hooligans to beat the shit out of each other for fun and profit. Rather than making it a sport, they should just make it a TV show. West Ham vs. Moscow FC? Of course you want to watch that. It’d be like the best part of “Road Warrior” without all that crappy plot stuff getting in the way. I want to see it. you want to see it. Everybody wants to watch football hooligans beating the shit out of each other.
. . . preferably to the mellow tones of the Cockney Rejects.
2) I’m not sure they should charge the Autism man for having sex with the fence. Even if he were drunk, you’re looking at questionable mens rea. He has autism? Call his caretaker and send him home.
juris imprudent
on March 5, 2017 at 8:20 pm
Channeling John there Ken?
Ken Shultz
on March 5, 2017 at 8:34 pm
What are you talking about?
on March 5, 2017 at 8:27 pm
I’m not sure how the scoring for hooliganism would work as a sport, but I fully support the right of football hooligans to beat the shit out of each other for fun and profit. Rather than making it a sport, they should just make it a TV show. West Ham vs. Moscow FC? Of course you want to watch that. It’d be like the best part of “Road Warrior” without all that crappy plot stuff getting in the way. I want to see it. you want to see it. Everybody wants to watch football hooligans beating the shit out of each other.
There are very few rules in existence. The main ones are:[49][50][50]
Committing murder or manslaughter is prohibited. Unnecessary violence is frowned upon.
The ball may not be carried in a motorised vehicle.
The ball may not be hidden in a bag, coat or rucksack, etc.
Cemeteries, churchyards and the town memorial gardens are strictly out of bounds.
Playing after 10 pm is forbidden.
To score a goal the ball must be tapped 3 times in the area of the goal.
Some people like watching baseball. Some people like playing video games.
Some people like going to the local bar and beating the shit out of each other. Two guys beating the shit out of each other cause they want to isn’t as bad as shoplifting, you know? I’m not sure everybody appreciates that.
on March 5, 2017 at 8:48 pm
It’s frowned upon, not prohibited.
Heroic Mulatto
on March 5, 2017 at 9:05 pm
Two guys beating the shit out of each other cause they want to isn’t as bad as shoplifting
Karate is easier to defeat, if you are young and fast anyway. Karate guys always kick. Wait for the first kick. Keep your knees bent and step into it quickly so you can stop it before it enters into the striking stage. Use your strong hand which you keep low to grab their scrotum and pick them up by that. Keep your weak hand in their face, preferably with your fingers in their eyes. They cant see and will be in a lot of pain so their training will be replaced with panic. When they reflexively reach both hands to free themselves they will be leaning forward a bit. Put your shoulder into them (still holding them by the nuts) and force them backward onto the flat of their back hard. The back of their skull is going to smack the ground. It takes some practice. You have to watch the shoulders and hips to know when that kick is coming before it is coming but once you get it. My nephew saw this done once and dubbed it ”The ball bustin’ brain cracker’. (He was six, whatdya expect.)
Ken Shultz
on March 5, 2017 at 8:53 pm
“How many times can someone hit you before you should hit back?”
Is this a rhetorical question?
If somebody threatens you, you don’t have to wait for them to actually hit you.
The correct answer is “zero”.
on March 5, 2017 at 8:58 pm
Gavin says that a man should let a woman hit him 12 times before he hits back. A joke, but not a very good one.
John Titor
on March 5, 2017 at 9:02 pm
The whole ‘defending against getting hit’ never seems to be brought up in those conversations. If they’re really so pathetic that you can fend them off without any major injuries to your person, I say just let them tucker themselves out or restrain if they escalate.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:07 pm
Raised with 4 brothers. The hand on the forehead of the younger brother as he flails wildly was how we handled that.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:47 pm
The hand on the forehead of the younger brother as he flails wildly
Ah, yes – memories of being tormented by 3 older brothers. I think I’m going to hide in the corner for a while.
John Titor
on March 5, 2017 at 8:59 pm
So a ninety to a hundred pound man or woman says “I’ll fucking kill you!” without any physical indication of actually engaging in that action, and you clock the fucker?
Ungentlemanly conduct.
on March 5, 2017 at 11:48 pm
I used to sell construction equipment and hung out with an ‘earthy’ crowd. We were at the bar one Friday night and the chief mechanic was drunk and belligerent (he was about 6’5″, 280).
He was howling at the world in general, and a 120-pound man told him to shut the f*** up. Don (the mechanic) went over to the guy and picked him up by the shirt with one hand, lifting the little guy up into the air. The little guy then hit Don about 8 times in a second and a half; Don’s lights went off, teetered a couple of times and dropped like a stone. The little guy was a former golden gloves boxer.
Just because someone is little doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat. If you don’t know the person, I don’t see how you can dismiss ‘I’ll fucking kill you’ as meaningless.
And who decides what constitutes a threat? You sound an awful lot like the SJW who say that wrong speak is violence and thus justifies pro-active aggression.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:40 pm
I’ll determine that! Give me at least 33% percent of your money and the sole right to decide!
Somalian Road Corporation
on March 5, 2017 at 8:42 pm
See, a long time ago, there was anti black racism by white people.
That means that all black people can be racist against all white people for the rest of time. It’s only fair. The black people can also be racist against Koreans and Jews, just because.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:20 pm
I’m not sure where that ranks on The Wokeness Scale? 8 finger-snaps?
They seem to be using lots of words to basically argue “Free Association, Yo”…. but their rationale is, “Because We’re Black”, rather than, “Anybody should be able to refuse whomever they want for any reasons, you bloodclot honkey cracker devils”
Mad Scientist
on March 5, 2017 at 9:21 pm
I’m sure a CPR class offer to white students only would have been welcomed.
Heroic Mulatto
on March 5, 2017 at 9:26 pm
Jesus, you people.
It’s a well known fact that people of African descent have a radically different physiology to Eurasian-descended people.
That’s why there are two different types of CPR.
on March 5, 2017 at 9:31 pm
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and CardiYo!-pulmonary resuscitation.
I think it was helped by the quality of the comments =
vsirius771 year ago
When your feudal master liege makes you plow his field and this song comes on the radio.
Alex Givens3 months ago
These beats are sicker than the plague
Fernando Ölbaum3 months ago
How did they record this music so back then?
Luis Arturo Orduña1 day ago
On parchment
Ramblonius3 months ago
Alle yf mine frynds lyssene to renaissance crappe
on March 5, 2017 at 10:05 pm
!@()*#@()$* threading
on March 5, 2017 at 10:31 pm
But what does Harry Belafonte think?
on March 5, 2017 at 9:36 pm
I have heard the question asked endlessly: “Do you have any evidence that members of the Trump campaign were communicating with or colluding with the Russians to influence the election?”
Answer: “No, we have no evidence whatsoever…BUT WE ARE GOING TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS!!”
I find Trump’s allegations more credible because of who and what Obama is. We will see but I will be a little surprised if they turn out not to be true.
I am thinking of starting a new trope page; I’m thinking of calling it “The Rat is the Cook!”
The trope is thus: the protagonist has a secret (maybe a superpower, or a highly developed talent or skill) that he uses to help those around him or save the world or whatever. There comes a point in his story when he needs to share this secret, but none of his friends or families or coworkers believe him, because it’s just too crazy. However, the antagonist hears the confession, and knows right away it’s true.
This comes from the scene in the Pixar movie Ratatouille, where Linguini confesses that the rat, Remy, is the true cooking genius. He gives a rather inspiring speech, which does not convince anyone except Chef Skinner, who says “The rat is the cook!”
Now, does anyone know if a trope of this type already exists, and if not, are there any examples from other books/television shows/movies/games/whatever of this sort of thing happening?
Juvenile Bluster
on March 5, 2017 at 10:19 pm
TVTropes is an evil website. Linking to it should be punishable by death.
*dammit, lets go another two hours browsing tropes. I didn’t need any sleep*
on March 5, 2017 at 10:39 pm
That’s why I’m not helping.
one true athena
on March 5, 2017 at 10:48 pm
I think that would fall under “you have to believe me!” or “Ignored confession” scanning over tropes, though I don’t see anything that’s specifically about an identity reveal being disbelieved. It’s really a version of the “luke I am your father/NOOOOO!” trope but that’s specifically a family relation, but that’s as close as I could find without getting lost in the tvtropes forest.
I’m now closing that tab and not going back, because I have other things to do.
The U.S. Marine Corps is investigating a veteran’s allegations that military personnel and other veterans distributed nude photos of female colleagues and other women as part of a social media network that promotes sexual violence.
Nude photos were allegedly shared online via a Facebook group titled Marines United, which has nearly 30,000 members, mostly active-duty U.S. Marines, Marine Corps veterans and British Royal Marines.
The shame, the horror; fellow servicemembers, seeing a person in the nude? The indignity is beyond comprehension. why, surely if they were required to carry your bleeding carcass out of the line of fire, they would be generous enough to cover any indecently exposed portions of your body first. Wherever did they surrepticously acquire such salacious….
Marine Lance Cpl. Marisa Woytek told The Post that photos were taken from her Instagram account and posted to Marines United multiple times in the past six months, without her consent. “Even if I could, I’m never re-enlisting,” Woytek said. “Being sexually harassed online ruined the Marine Corps for me, and the experience.”
Remind me, ye who are technically adept…
…is not an instagram account…. full of pictures widely available to the general public? Isn’t, in fact, that the *point*, of Instagram?
Am i to understand that this person posted naked pictures of themselves for the whole world to glory in… but they feel they were ‘sexually harassed’ when marines looked at them?
This is why we need more gender-studies experts in the Armed Forces – because i can’t quite square this one.
on March 6, 2017 at 12:00 am
I love women: the way they smell, the way they smile, the way they make the world a gentler place. And yeah, women can be fierce and strong and brave and heroic.
But, I ask you, what kind of ideology insists that, in order to be equal, we must send mothers and daughters into battle?
on March 6, 2017 at 12:39 am
what kind of ideology insists that,
The one that wants to establish political control of the armed forces without having to win elections
Visiting Researcher @IISUNAM. Books: We Created Chávez (2013), Building the Commune (2016), Decolonizing Dialectics (2017). My views, not those of @DrexelUniv.
I always decolonize my dialectics before a long road trip.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on March 6, 2017 at 5:42 am
Peterson. He’s one the best skewerers of leftist claptrap out there today.
Thanks, I hadn’t seen that clip.
on March 5, 2017 at 11:52 pm
Thanks Zardoz. That’s the first Kevin Williamson article. I like him. I thought National Review was already in one of the camps™?
on March 5, 2017 at 11:55 pm
*article I’ve read
[fairy edit sigil]
on March 6, 2017 at 1:56 am
It is now 12:54 on the top of Pike’s Peak. There is no more whiskey. There are several beers, some weed, and Netflix, with tomorrow off.
Peace be upon you all, my little gliberfrankenentrumpians.
on March 6, 2017 at 1:59 am
Btw, I’m not on top of Pike’s Peak; it’s just the same time zone and sounded better than “Aurora, CO”
Did you know that Zardoz backwards is Zodraz?
Ask your doctor about both.
Who is the man behind the mask? The all caps suggest Warty.
If the movie is right, it is an all knowing AI. Me, I suspect a bunch of squirrels in a giant stone head.
Peter Parker.
Thank you for bringing that into my life.
You’re welcome! I would watch an entire season of these if they were to be made.
Seconding, that was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen (since Italian Spider-Man, at least)
“Maybe I could come on big with Susan if I was on the team”.
I’m flabbergasted
Zardoz wine
Former intel chief rejects Trump wiretap accusation: WE DINNDU NUFFIN
Of course, as “ex-officials”…. if they’re lying, there’s no actual serious penalties, not like as if they were testifying in front of congress or something.
As per my earlier comment = once people start using institutions for political ends… all it takes is a change of who is in the driver’s seat, and they’re turned back on the first.
And the same goes with lying in public, a la Clapper. You can keep getting away with it as long as the institutions aren’t willing to actually hold your feet to the fire. But what happens when *they are*? What are they going to do *then*? Release a fake dossier full of claims that you like getting peed on? What happens when your dirt doesn’t scare people anymore?
Weren’t you using distraction, too?
I watched the news earlier and they were reporting Trump’s allegation as ‘unsubstantiated’ and ‘with no proof’. Funny how those terms weren’t applied to the claim made by Obama and Hillary about Russian hacking.
The mendaciousness of it all.
Why should anyone believe anything said by Obama or any of his ex-administration officials?
This egomaniac and his cronies are the ones who lied by omission about the NSA spying program, then lied explicitly about its scope when the story broke, then flipped to the good old “we need it for national security” line. Then when it could not be denied and explained away any further, Obama tossed out the line about “having reservations about this program right from the start” and putting “reforms” in place.
Their credibility is in the fucking toilet.
I just came here to say this.
“And no one was left unmoved”
(claps enthusiastically)
I gotta admit, I used auto-tune.
It was T-Pain-esque
Saturday night links…
I’m in love, I’m in love again…
Looks like our benevolent, giant flying head favors us with links. At least on the weekend…
*bows to big arsed stone head*
Wilhelm Tell?
*looks for Hohenstauffen to shoot with crossbow*
Ironically (or not) Mrs. Imprudent and I will be visiting Easter Island next year.
Sunday too!
I knew what he meant!
But +1 to you, anyways
So, reaching out to you cat lovers, my wife wants a Ragdoll cat. I guess I’ve come up lacking in being a completely affectionate … something. Anyway, anyone here have some experience with these felines? I’m a lifetime cat owner, just not sure about this breed.
Seems like an OK breed.
Well, I guess there’s nothing not to like about a 20 lb over privileged fluff ball.
If this site is right, affectionate is one of their main characteristics.
Looks like grumpy cat.
So…..libertarian then?
All cats are libertarians. If they’re not, fake cats.
I hate cats… Does that make me not libertarian?
I don’t get that. Cat’s are fucking amazing critters.
I’m with you, cats are fscking evil. The bigger problem is that they can sense my dislike of them, and they all try to be ultra friendly to me.
So… dogs?
I’ve only ever had generic mutts.
“Ragdolls were developed in the 1960’s by Ann Baker; a breeder in Riverside California. The origin of the Ragdoll breed consisted almost entirely of free-roaming cats. Ann bred Josephine, a domestic longhaired white female that was found running loose in her neighborhood, to other cats she owned or found.”
Pictured: Ann Baker
Hyp, I was privileged to be owned by a flame point Siamese/Ragdoll feline for 17 years. She was the love of my life.
Go on…
I owned a ragdoll. Great cats, very smart and easy going. Ours would follow us when we walked the dogs.
Cats shit in the house…in a box. You will have a box of shit in your house. Just. Say. No.
*suffers brief PTSD episode from memories of box of shit in the house for 20 years*
My wife does that work. That was the deal when we took in first one and then another cat. Both of whom are awesome.
Ragdolls are a super awesome breed. Every one of them I’ve ever known has been incredibly friendly, almost doglike in their affection. A++ would pet again.
So, I actually went to the utubes to find a copy of Zardoz. Very poor quality copies of an… interesting movie. Didn’t finish watching, barely started. I was drink and it was quite late, maybe I’ll give it another go.
What kind of drink were you?
I have two words for you…. Charlotte Rampling.
That is all.
Yeah, I googled her. She was quite the looker. And, Warren, the answer is “whiskey”. I became the whiskey, I was one with the whiskey, I was the whiskey.
Yeah, I can see it. That’s not possible with an appletini.
Charlotte Rampling? Stop that Swiss. I refuse to have a crush on movie stars. They are awful people.
*hides boner*
Heh I’ve only ever watched it very late and drunk too, and also haven’t finished it. I can’t imagine watching it at a normal time.
Almighty Zardoz! Does my mankini please you?
It’s a big tent party. They aren’t going to be taken down by the no true Scotsman problem.
Stay classy, Al, stay classy.
Is this recent? Is he still up to that shit? Al better watch out, the Antifa , BLM, and Love Trumps hate people might take notice and string him up.
Very funny.
That Kevin D Williamson piece is great.
Mainly for being simple, short, clear, and with a few tasty zingers.
What’s so remarkable about the Left’s constant “hate-crime” hoaxes…. is that regardless of how many times they’re caught perpetrating them? It seems like there’s absolutely zero institutional memory of it, or actual “consequences”.
I mean,someone burned down a black church days before the election, and painted pro-Trump slogans on it.
I can’t imagine anything more inflammatory (pun accidental, but apropos) that could possibly be attempted… but when it turned out to be a black guy (ex-con, and member of the parish)….
…. it was passed by with nary so much as a second glance. “Ho hum. These things happen”
I mean, (@*#()@ really? Is no one the slightest bit concerned that maybe that was coordinated? Is no one concerned what might have been the consequences if *they’d gotten away with it*?
Its just a sign of a seriously deteriorating environment, where people on the left are willing to resort to more and more ridiculous degrees of dishonesty and violence, and the press are effectively aiding and abetting it.
I sort of expected it all to fade away after the election. But no.
It might be getting worse.
I know what I’m going to do if I need to do any arsons or robberies in the near future…
*Spraypaints swastika, ‘HEIL TRUMP’ and “One People, One Nation, One Leader” on side of rich black/Mexican/homosexual’s house*
What did Bruno Mars* ever do to you?
*Yes, I know he’s Puerto Rican.
Nothing personal, I just want his shit, and the local Korblargs to take the heat.
Does John Titor hate Bruno Mars because is black mexican gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2017, but some of the commenters still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive social networking rumor.
The commenters, especially Swiss Servator are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his music career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of Glibertarians
I’m ready for Unity to assimilate the Earth.
Bruno Mars is from Hawaii and is of Puerto Rican, Jewish, and Filipino descent.
I completely agree with his questioning of why we don’t name these “victims”. Once they have been proven to be liars, why aren’t they named and have their pictures plastered on the front page?
Maybe the fact that there seems to be no downside to making up crazy stories is the reason that there are so many of them?
Yup – I haven’t seen one bit of navel-gazing over this in the MSM, and navel-gazing is what they do. Imagine that.
1) I’m not sure how the scoring for hooliganism would work as a sport, but I fully support the right of football hooligans to beat the shit out of each other for fun and profit. Rather than making it a sport, they should just make it a TV show. West Ham vs. Moscow FC? Of course you want to watch that. It’d be like the best part of “Road Warrior” without all that crappy plot stuff getting in the way. I want to see it. you want to see it. Everybody wants to watch football hooligans beating the shit out of each other.
. . . preferably to the mellow tones of the Cockney Rejects.
2) I’m not sure they should charge the Autism man for having sex with the fence. Even if he were drunk, you’re looking at questionable mens rea. He has autism? Call his caretaker and send him home.
Channeling John there Ken?
What are you talking about?
I’m not sure how the scoring for hooliganism would work as a sport, but I fully support the right of football hooligans to beat the shit out of each other for fun and profit. Rather than making it a sport, they should just make it a TV show. West Ham vs. Moscow FC? Of course you want to watch that. It’d be like the best part of “Road Warrior” without all that crappy plot stuff getting in the way. I want to see it. you want to see it. Everybody wants to watch football hooligans beating the shit out of each other.
England has Royal Shrovetide Football:
The rules
There are very few rules in existence. The main ones are:[49][50][50]
Committing murder or manslaughter is prohibited. Unnecessary violence is frowned upon.
The ball may not be carried in a motorised vehicle.
The ball may not be hidden in a bag, coat or rucksack, etc.
Cemeteries, churchyards and the town memorial gardens are strictly out of bounds.
Playing after 10 pm is forbidden.
To score a goal the ball must be tapped 3 times in the area of the goal.
Fixed link
Footage of the game
You had me right up until this rule:
“Unnecessary violence is frowned upon”.
How often is violence really necessary? “Unnecessary violence” is almost like an oxymoron.
Violence is like everything else. As long as the participants are all participating of their own volition, . . .
Some people like watching baseball. Some people like playing video games.
Some people like going to the local bar and beating the shit out of each other. Two guys beating the shit out of each other cause they want to isn’t as bad as shoplifting, you know? I’m not sure everybody appreciates that.
It’s frowned upon, not prohibited.
Thus, mutual combat laws.
Do you follow those ancient laws when battling with your friend DanO?
I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire.
DanO is the mentally ill Kizone Kaprow, by the way.
I thought it was just Konima renamed, who could also be Mary I guess? I don’t know, she’s before my time.
Figured he was one of the trolls. I see people are actually interacting with him in good faith. SAD!
But its better than her running around calling herself “Gleemore”
Who the hell would want to “Glee” more?
The original was enough to make me want to place the tip of an electric drill bit to my temple.
Music for your Sunday night: Southern Culture on the Skids performing “Daddy Was a Preacher But Momma Was a Go-go Girl”.
Very good DEG. Here is a classic of the same genre but from the Vietnam era.
And have a peach.
How many times can someone hit you before you should hit back?
I’m not with Gavin on this. The Doc made him look silly even if Gavin was semi joking.
What if they came at you with a bottle or knew karate?
Karate is easier to defeat, if you are young and fast anyway. Karate guys always kick. Wait for the first kick. Keep your knees bent and step into it quickly so you can stop it before it enters into the striking stage. Use your strong hand which you keep low to grab their scrotum and pick them up by that. Keep your weak hand in their face, preferably with your fingers in their eyes. They cant see and will be in a lot of pain so their training will be replaced with panic. When they reflexively reach both hands to free themselves they will be leaning forward a bit. Put your shoulder into them (still holding them by the nuts) and force them backward onto the flat of their back hard. The back of their skull is going to smack the ground. It takes some practice. You have to watch the shoulders and hips to know when that kick is coming before it is coming but once you get it. My nephew saw this done once and dubbed it ”The ball bustin’ brain cracker’. (He was six, whatdya expect.)
“How many times can someone hit you before you should hit back?”
Is this a rhetorical question?
If somebody threatens you, you don’t have to wait for them to actually hit you.
The correct answer is “zero”.
Gavin says that a man should let a woman hit him 12 times before he hits back. A joke, but not a very good one.
The whole ‘defending against getting hit’ never seems to be brought up in those conversations. If they’re really so pathetic that you can fend them off without any major injuries to your person, I say just let them tucker themselves out or restrain if they escalate.
Raised with 4 brothers. The hand on the forehead of the younger brother as he flails wildly was how we handled that.
Ah, yes – memories of being tormented by 3 older brothers. I think I’m going to hide in the corner for a while.
So a ninety to a hundred pound man or woman says “I’ll fucking kill you!” without any physical indication of actually engaging in that action, and you clock the fucker?
Ungentlemanly conduct.
I used to sell construction equipment and hung out with an ‘earthy’ crowd. We were at the bar one Friday night and the chief mechanic was drunk and belligerent (he was about 6’5″, 280).
He was howling at the world in general, and a 120-pound man told him to shut the f*** up. Don (the mechanic) went over to the guy and picked him up by the shirt with one hand, lifting the little guy up into the air. The little guy then hit Don about 8 times in a second and a half; Don’s lights went off, teetered a couple of times and dropped like a stone. The little guy was a former golden gloves boxer.
Just because someone is little doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat. If you don’t know the person, I don’t see how you can dismiss ‘I’ll fucking kill you’ as meaningless.
And who decides what constitutes a threat? You sound an awful lot like the SJW who say that wrong speak is violence and thus justifies pro-active aggression.
I’ll determine that! Give me at least 33% percent of your money and the sole right to decide!
Meanwhile, at York University in the land of PM Zoolander, this was posted, received some flak, and then the flak was responded to thusly.
See, a long time ago, there was anti black racism by white people.
That means that all black people can be racist against all white people for the rest of time. It’s only fair. The black people can also be racist against Koreans and Jews, just because.
I’m not sure where that ranks on The Wokeness Scale? 8 finger-snaps?
They seem to be using lots of words to basically argue “Free Association, Yo”…. but their rationale is, “Because We’re Black”, rather than, “Anybody should be able to refuse whomever they want for any reasons, you bloodclot honkey cracker devils”
I’m sure a CPR class offer to white students only would have been welcomed.
Jesus, you people.
It’s a well known fact that people of African descent have a radically different physiology to Eurasian-descended people.
That’s why there are two different types of CPR.
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and CardiYo!-pulmonary resuscitation.
It’s about the rhythm.
She was doing it properly as she was working on a white person.
And was that 50 Cents?
Colored Persons Resuscitation
Damnit. Warren, yours is better.
I take it back. If both HM and Samuel L. think it’s funny, then I win
“In fact, not only is this class exclusively for white people the skills learned therein are only to be applied for the benefit of white people.”
So, a St. Patrick’s Day cooking workshop?
Yes, boxty and coddle.
Looking further it seems that Irish food is almost nothing but comfort food.
I find that appealing.
Ask yourself why it hasn’t seemed to give the Irish people much comfort.
It’s just white people cooking some corned beef. Maybe making some Reubens with a pickle on the side. You wouldn’t understand.
Don Cheadle has a bad case of TDS.
Rhywun has a bad case of I don’t give a shit.
Medieval Hardcore Party Mix
I think it was helped by the quality of the comments =
!@()*#@()$* threading
But what does Harry Belafonte think?
I have heard the question asked endlessly: “Do you have any evidence that members of the Trump campaign were communicating with or colluding with the Russians to influence the election?”
Answer: “No, we have no evidence whatsoever…BUT WE ARE GOING TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS!!”
I find Trump’s allegations more credible because of who and what Obama is. We will see but I will be a little surprised if they turn out not to be true.
Does anyone here visit
I have a couple of pages that I started; one was the “Icewind Dale” computer game (it has been since edited enough that none of my original entries remain). The other is The Web Video “The Power Inside”.
I am thinking of starting a new trope page; I’m thinking of calling it “The Rat is the Cook!”
The trope is thus: the protagonist has a secret (maybe a superpower, or a highly developed talent or skill) that he uses to help those around him or save the world or whatever. There comes a point in his story when he needs to share this secret, but none of his friends or families or coworkers believe him, because it’s just too crazy. However, the antagonist hears the confession, and knows right away it’s true.
This comes from the scene in the Pixar movie Ratatouille, where Linguini confesses that the rat, Remy, is the true cooking genius. He gives a rather inspiring speech, which does not convince anyone except Chef Skinner, who says “The rat is the cook!”
Now, does anyone know if a trope of this type already exists, and if not, are there any examples from other books/television shows/movies/games/whatever of this sort of thing happening?
TVTropes is an evil website. Linking to it should be punishable by death.
*dammit, lets go another two hours browsing tropes. I didn’t need any sleep*
That’s why I’m not helping.
I think that would fall under “you have to believe me!” or “Ignored confession” scanning over tropes, though I don’t see anything that’s specifically about an identity reveal being disbelieved. It’s really a version of the “luke I am your father/NOOOOO!” trope but that’s specifically a family relation, but that’s as close as I could find without getting lost in the tvtropes forest.
I’m now closing that tab and not going back, because I have other things to do.
Maybe. But “You have to believe me” doesn’t involve the antagonist believing him and trying to use the knowledge to his advantage.
I can’t think of another clear example where the protagonist’s friends don’t believe him but his rival does, so maybe it doesn’t qualify as a trope.
Your brains will [a trope y] from lack of use.
Does anyone here visit
Dear god no.
Marines Can Suffer Anything Except Being Seen Naked
The shame, the horror; fellow servicemembers, seeing a person in the nude? The indignity is beyond comprehension. why, surely if they were required to carry your bleeding carcass out of the line of fire, they would be generous enough to cover any indecently exposed portions of your body first. Wherever did they surrepticously acquire such salacious….
Remind me, ye who are technically adept…
…is not an instagram account…. full of pictures widely available to the general public? Isn’t, in fact, that the *point*, of Instagram?
Am i to understand that this person posted naked pictures of themselves for the whole world to glory in… but they feel they were ‘sexually harassed’ when marines looked at them?
This is why we need more gender-studies experts in the Armed Forces – because i can’t quite square this one.
I love women: the way they smell, the way they smile, the way they make the world a gentler place. And yeah, women can be fierce and strong and brave and heroic.
But, I ask you, what kind of ideology insists that, in order to be equal, we must send mothers and daughters into battle?
The one that wants to establish political control of the armed forces without having to win elections
Razorfist = Declares it, “Obamagate“
I can’t wait for the day the fucking -gate suffix is finally retired.
Yeah, it;s from FB but the guy is awesome…watch it. (No Spider-Man content)
This guy gets it.
he should debat the Christmas-commie who was dreaming of white genocide that would be a riot.
His twitter continues to be a fap-session of violent leftist fantasy
I always decolonize my dialectics before a long road trip.
Peterson. He’s one the best skewerers of leftist claptrap out there today.
Thanks, I hadn’t seen that clip.
Thanks Zardoz. That’s the first Kevin Williamson article. I like him. I thought National Review was already in one of the camps™?
*article I’ve read
[fairy edit sigil]
It is now 12:54 on the top of Pike’s Peak. There is no more whiskey. There are several beers, some weed, and Netflix, with tomorrow off.
Peace be upon you all, my little gliberfrankenentrumpians.
Btw, I’m not on top of Pike’s Peak; it’s just the same time zone and sounded better than “Aurora, CO”