Wednesday, baby! Halfway to the weekend. And I bet even money the first half of your week has gone better than the people at the CIA. Unless one of you works for the CIA. Which I wouldn’t doubt, you sneaky infiltrating bastards… But I digress.
Now let me get back to the job at hand: providing you with a heaping helping of links to warm your belly and set you off on your midweek adventures satisfied. Unless you’re a Cuban hobo(ette). Of course, you can’t access the internet down there anyway.

This is how a libertarian sees regulation.
- President Trump’s deregulation efforts are driving the stock market gains and creating fantastic, great, yuuuuge levels of optimism for people wishing to open or expand a business.
- I’m all for charter schools, but before they distribute a survey about trauma designed for adults, including graphic questions about sexual abuse that sound more like an application to work at SugarFree’s weekend adventure dungeon to nine and ten year olds, they probably ought to give the parents a heads-up.

WikiLeaks has dropped a stinkbomb on the CIA.
- Looks like the left have gotten their marching orders on how to report the latest WikiLeaks release of CIA docs that reveal some of the worst invasions of our privacy and other underhand shit I’ve ever heard of. Surprised? I’m not. Its all about principals over principles nowadays. Sad that the vast majority of these people were all supportive of leakers when Bradley Manning was spilling the beans on BOOOOOOOOSH but now that Obama is getting dumped on, its all a big Trump-Putin-Assange conspiracy to take down the Chocolate Jesus.
- If the organizers of the “Day Without A Woman” set out to create difficulties in finding childcare for the people they made agreements with, then they’re being wildly successful. Of course, a lot of those parents are pretty pissed.
- Here’s a heartwarming story out of Cuba for all of those fans of the Castro regime that fly their private jets there to extol the virtues of that tropical paradise.

This is the real Cuba for retirees
And I leave you with this little ditty. Enjoy it as much as I will, children of the 80’s (and anybody else that enjoys great music from people with shitty political beliefs). Or if that’s not your thing, here’s another song with the same name from a great movie.
Go out there and have a wonderful day.
What if I lie to you about it?
I’m switching my ERP system after 22 years on the same software. So I’m not sure if the CIA has it worse or not.
I take it your email system is down too…
(I keed! I keed!)
No, you just needed a password reset. We have e-mailed your new password to you.
I hear ya. Just trying not to get murdered by my employees right now while they adjust to the new system I had custom developed. (Most) People do not like change.
Download adobe reader.
What ERP package are you switching to? There are some senior management talk about replacing our current ERP package – talk being done by people who never even use the system.
xTuple. Fully open source. I highly recommend it.
I (or xTuple) have been able to script in just about everything I wanted to do on top of the system without touching core code.
interesting – haven’t heard that name before among the usual suspects. I’ll look into it.
We have several divisions each doing their own thing so something more flexible would be nice. Modding Progress code across several different dbs gets a little old.
It runs on top of PostgreSQL. I managed to fully backup my old system to a custom schema and write interfaces to access the records in the new client. I couldn’t do that with any other system. No data lost.
It has a backend scheduler for running processes at night or whenever, EDI interfaces, even business intelligence stuff.
It also has a fully open source report writer (openRPT) that you can download and use with most database backends. No paying Crystal anymore.
And it runs on Windows, Mac, or Linux. I understand that an ARM compilation is coming before too long as well.
We’re running QAD – have been for 21 years – lots of customization (done by me or my outside programmers) to meet customer and internal needs. EDI – especially heavy trucking – is a big time suck for me, trying to integrate the sequencing and custom inbound files to work with the system. Flexible but only to a degree.
Hopefully it’s not MS Dynamics. The latest upgrade almost killed my employer.
oh hell no. I’m tired of being a hostage to my software.
really? we went through an ERP transition last year and the choice was between Dynamics and IFS. The people I worked with all wanted Dynamics but IFS won out.
Maybe the problem was with our implementation team. We had months of severe bugs and outages. And it still sucks.
The thing with ERP and CRM software is this: If you use it the way it is designed out of the box, it works great.
But nobody wants to do that. Everyone has their own processes and their own way of doing things. So that means work-arounds and custom add-ons and other things that make the software work against you, rather than with you.
I’ve had great success by using of-the-shelf software exactly as designed and building the business processes around the way the software is designed. And I’ve had great success building custom systems to work exactly the way a niche market business is being run. But splitting the baby? Using an off the shelf system to run your proprietary business processes? Always a huge headache, because at some point you are going to be putting a square peg into a round hole.
So if you are doing a commodity business that is well covered by off the shelf software – things like shipping, retail, mortgage origination, etc. I say buy the best of breed software and build your business around the bone-stock offering. And if you have a business that isn’t represented in an off-the shelf package, then hire on some talented developers and build your own solution in-house. (the only problem with that being a requirement of having enough size to support 3 or 4 developers)
Naturally the State of New York picks the worst of both worlds. Having massively complex and aberrant legistlative and regulatory requirements for business processes, they would be best served with home grown, but insist on top of the line off the shelf, then have to make one hundred percent customization to comply with the laws. So we end up paying for the most expensive stock software and the development staff.
I’ve tried switching y DERP system but I haven’t had much luck.
HA! MY Derp system is working just fine, thankee very much!
Um, wait a minute…
All Derp All the Time
Day Without A Woman has to be one of the dumbest ideas yet. It’s like they want people to hate them for being self-serving assholes.
I still find it odd that they complain about people pointing out that Odeh (a lead organizer) is a convicted terrorist and spent ten years in prison for blowing up a grocery store, killing two people.
No shit. I haven’t seen the left follow a murderer with such zeal since Ted Kennedy passed on into hell.
Don’t forget the Droner in Chief. He’s probably got a pen with notches for all his kills.
Day getting poor people to work overtime so their rich female bosses can go protest.
“DON’T ANY OF YOU WOMEN WORK?” (h/t rufus)
*prolonged ovation*
I’m impressed you can manage that at your age
*waggles eyebrows*
I am 50, I am not dead 🙂
Damn kidz!
I read that as prolonged “ovulation”?
Now THAT would be remarkable.
I was just about to comment the same thing…are you reading my thoughts? *wraps foil around cranium*
Ever since I heard about this, that bit from the Godfather just keeps running through my mind.
The Restaurant Scene?
Oh my god. I’m happily married, and that line goes through my head at least once a day. My wife is one of those people who is breathtakingly intelligent but is confused by the fact that each and every time she leaves food on the kitchen counter the dogs eat it. She also, and I mean this literally, will stroll straight into oncoming traffic while looking at her phone unless I grab her.
I am wearing a reddish shirt today. I fear people will suspect I am supportive of the movement.
The election gave us have eight years without a woman.
Combines two trolling statements that piss them off something fierce.
This whole “misogyny” angle is probably the dumbest one of all. You’d think that the last President was female. Trump names a few specific women he dislikes, all hardcore proggies with an obnoxious political agenda, and somehow the media turned that into “hates all women everywhere.”
If we absolutely must have a leftist female President, then Tulsi Gabbard is about the only one I’d be OK with. At least she seems to respect the Second Amendment, which the left seems unable to cough up these days because they’re fucking idiots. Pelosi and Pocahontas can go Thelma and Louise off the nearest cliff for all I care, and the left will be better for their absence.
Tulsi is my congress critter and I am less than impressed with her. She is the best of the extremely weak Hawaiian delegation, but that’s like saying the 2008 0-16 Lions were better than the 1976 0-14 Buccaneers.
So far she has not completely sucked on the 2d Amendment but her career is young yet.
You’d think that the last President was female.
He was pretty effeminate. Does that count?
It’s a story about pensioners, but the sidebar of the site was filled with PETA protesters in lettuce underwear.
Go on…
I’m afraid that is the extent of the tale. You can find racier content elsewhere. I just found the juxtaposition odd.
Can one be a “pensioner” when your communist government gives you $10 a month and forces you to pay back $3.50 of it for a refrigerator you are compelled to buy?
Jesus, that story is just awful. Makes me think we should start an aerial campaign to drop leaflets covering the island telling them if they overthrow their regime, we will grant them territorial status.
After Kennedy, I don’t think they’d believe us.
They fucked up. They trusted us. Should’ve been a lesson to all but unfortunately was not.
At least it’s warm in Cuba, in Eastern Europe during communism the pensioners would also freeze in winter
How about we just drop all the celebrities that love to go there out of the plane instead? Give all of them a stage-prop parachute with an acme logo on it. It will be raining hypocrites.
“As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!”
A WKRP reference! Well played!
The problems in Cuba were caused by Regan and Thacher which ushered in neoliberalism and destroyed retirement security.
That being said, overall I think people were pretty much expecting the whole CIA stuff. I am not saying that having actual confirmation (unless they are FAKE LEAKS that is) is not important, but I can’t say I am exactly shocked, shocked that spying is going on.
Every leftist loves to say that word whenever they disagree with ideas. ‘That’s soooo neoliberal’.
They don’t seem to grasp that if neoliberal is *liberal* and they’re not any type of conservatives (paleo, neo etc.) or libertarian that leaves *centrist* (which I don’t think exists because at some point you HAVE to make a choice – hello, Dante had a place in hell for fence sitters) or any of the left-wing strands of socialism, communism, Marxism etc. And they sure as hell ain’t ‘centrist’ so….commies by other means it is.
Or the coy among them will claim to be ‘progressive libertarian’ or whatever bs adjective they claim. I saw one girl state she was ‘communist-libertarian’. Anyone who says such stuff have clearly misunderstood what is libertarian and how it relates to classical liberalism. If they had, they never would claim under any circumstances the state is above the individual – but they do.
I am working as we speak
Typing, slurping, munching and burping as we speak!
There’s a difference between being at work and actually working.
If you don’t understand that difference, ask your boss.
Cato, if you go to where there’s a bunch of work and then you don’t work, you haven’t actually gotten work done, you’ve just gone where work is.
It’s like these left-wing “anarchist” protesters/rioters who want more government.
Oh, I heard endless declarations of “Shocking!”, “Stunning!”, “This revelation is just unbelievable!” blah blah blah from the bobble head pundits. Everyone else was just shaking their heads and saying “Welcome to the party, pal.”
The worst of it are the lying cocksucker pols, especially the Obama sycophants, who have been assuring us that protections are in place, they would never do anything like that. They trotted out Clapper, a guy who lies with impunity to congress while under oath, to pinky swear on teevee not under oath that no such thing is taking place. Could we get better confirmation?
I heard an ex-NSA guy say without hesitation or reservation that every electronic communication of everyone is being recorded and stored for future mining should the need arise. That includes me, you, the president and every member of the legislature and judiciary.
I had to walk away from all news yesterday because I was about to have an aneurysm. They paint this ridiculous picture of water gate style break ins with a mic planted in a phone receiver. It has to be intentional. How does no one mention prism, FISA, the Patriot act? I lost it just before my self enforced blackout and screamed at my TV “they’re spying on everyone all the time!” Which I’m sure my TV dutifully transmitted to the NSA server to be logged and analyzed at a later date.
A very special edition of SJWednesday, Day Without A Woman
And the link was eaten by the feminist squirrels. Let’s try again.
A very special edition of SJWednesday, Day Without A Woman
What’s that you say about feminists? They’re really commies? You don’t say?
That’s it, count me in! Or don’t actually, I have a job.
I support anything that gets them to suspend posting.
So let’s take a second to look beyond the Sessions drama and appreciate the contributions of revolutionary Russian ladies, y’all.
Revolutionary Russian ladies, the ones who were ordered to serve as ‘army wives’ for Soviet officers and had forced abortions.
The tone-deafness is amazing.
I would like to rub this all over their smug, self-agrandizing faces.
6) Implicit bias, as I understand it, is the idea that we can be biased against something without even realizing it, just because it seems normal. It’s applied most often to racism, the idea that white people (and black people too) are going to be biased against blacks even if they aren’t consciously racist.
But can’t implicit bias work the other way, as well? I listen to a lot of jazz, and there have been occasions when I learned a certain artist was white and found myself instantly downgrading my opinion of that artist. This happened recently when I saw a group called the Tim Wolfe Jazz Ensemble. When I first walked in the room I was disappointed because it was a lot of white guys up on stage. But then I noticed the piano player was black, and instantly upgraded my opinion of their authenticity. I had to laugh at myself, because I did all this over the course of a few seconds, without hearing more than a couple bars of the music.
I suppose we could call this reverse implicit bias. I bet it works in lots of areas of life for lots of minority groups. I have a young ethnically Asian women I go to for haircuts. If I walked in and it was an old white guy, I would be very suspicious about the quality of haircut I would be likely to receive. (Plus, I generally spring for the shampoo and hairwash afterwards and I would just rather have a young woman do that.)
See also: white running backs and wide receivers.
Jerry Rice was probably the finest wide receiver ever, and you don’t get whiter than rice.
I will confess to a man-crush on Tom Matte.
And that rarest of creatures, the NFL unicorn – the white cornerback.
Jason Sehorn
Sehorn was a phenomenal athlete. You don’t see many honkies with his size/speed combo. He would have made a bunch of all pro teams had he not wrecked his knee returning a kickoff against the Jets in the 1998 preseason. He was still pretty good after that, but nowhere near the player he was in 1997.
Yeah, I remember watching Sehorn play in the old Giants Stadium. Fastest white guy I ever saw.
I was at the SEC championship track meet sometime in the mid 80s and for the 4×100, my sister was the only white girl on the track. Of the 32 or so girls on the track, she was probably about the 32nd fastest. But I used to joke she was the fastest white girl in the SEC.
Well, duh: He’s a USC Trojan!
You’re as likely to have dinner with a Sasquatch as you are to get covered on a post route by a Caucasian.
In all seriousness, how can people not immediately think of Larry Csonka/Jim Kiick, Red Grange, and Fred Biletnikoff?
That is a very strange name, did he need to use all of his middle names?
3 Names = Assassin rule.
So what was Sirhan Sirhan’s middle name?
As in Sirḥān Bishāra Sirḥān.
Or سرحان بشارة سرحان if you want to get really technically correct.
Is he only known by two names because the target wasn’t president? And where does that leave Leon Czolgosz? Not an assassin becuase it was the doctors who finished McKinley off?
Or Charlie Guiteau?
You son of a bitch.
Because we aren’t all 100 years old?
My uncle used to claim there’s absolutely this sort of bias in pro sports without question; especially basketball – that and it’s controlled by international crime syndicates. Heck, the NBA seems more *prejudicial* than any of the four pro sports.
Bias is rampant in sports in my view. We’ve been *conditioned* about so many tales and myths we take them for fact.
Hutson and Largent, for the record, were great receivers.
What about Chris ‘FORMER LACROSSE PLAYER’ Hogan?
Incredible that so many teams had no use for Chris “always open” Hogan.
A large part of Bill Belichick’s success as head coach/GM for the Patriots is finding and exploiting ineffeciencies in the market. He often finds great players at undervalued positions (or players with the skillsets to play positions they may not have played before like McCourty and Edelman) and builds an effective, balanced, roster for as little money as possible.
One of those undervalued positions is the “white receiver,” and Belichick revolutionized the game with the slot receiver (Wes Welker, and today Edelman).
Exactly. Because of built-in ‘bias’ in sports. For whatever reasons, scouts decided those players weren’t worth it.
Eh…Belichick exploited rule changes. And he wasn’t alone in doing it, though the Pats do it better, as always.
The thing people don’t appreciate it with them and those WR’s is just how smart the guys they use are. They are running a shit ton of option routes and they’re just about always where they’re supposed to be. Now we just need someone like Irish to come along and connect the dots between that and white receivers.
Not trying to start a fight, but which rule changes did he take advantage of?
ineligible receiver, recently. But now everyone does it. He knows the rule book, and gets it done. 10/10
There’s nothing wrong with trying to confuse the defense.
Also the “can’t take the head off of a tight end that goes running across the middle” rule. Worked out for Gronk, until he got a hit with a Kam sandwich.
Yeah I find implicit bias mostly bullshit. They find no evidence of bias and decide it must be invisible. I am not convinced those IAT are any good
This. When you believe something absent of evidence because your belief system requires it, you’re not doing any sort of science, you’re just practicing religion.
Tangential to implicit bias is the issue of stereotypes.
There’s a quixotic campaign of “don’t stereotype” which will inevitably fail for one very simple reason – the human brain is wired to recognize patterns. Even if we purged all current stereotypes, new ones will emerge as data is collected and patterns spotted. We simply can’t help creating these associations. Now, stereotypes do change, as for example, the French military ensign being a white flag is a twentieth centory phenomeneon. Up to and including the opening of the second world war, they had a much loftier military reputation. It also happens on ethnic levels – compare the yellow terror to the math wizards for example.
Good point. Germans in the 18th century were seen as good at music and academic pursuits, but sort of disorganized when it came to anything practical. Forgetful professors, basically. The Prussians were the exception that proved the rule, and in some ways not considered “real” Germans. The French had the fearsome armies, the well-developed tactics, culminating under Napoleon but in no way originating with him.
I think people either don’t know or forget that France was the dominant European land power until WW1, and that Germany was really only about 50 years old as a country before that war broke out.
You know who else had a problem with anyone who wasn’t a “real” German…
Joachim Löw?
Helmut Kohl?
You’re only at #6?
I have a bias against white quarterbacks.
I realized this back in 2000 when I opposed George Godsey taking over from Joe Hamilton.
I still have the bias, but I realize it now.
What most of the racialists don’t understand is that implicit bias usually works how you describe it. People realize they are doing it and try their best to correct for it.
Of course, it doesn’t always work, but people who aren’t overtly racist usually do their best to not become overtly racist. This escapes most on the left, surprisingly
It’s not “surprising” too much of their worldview depends on not grasping the concept.
Shoulda slapped on the /sarc tag.
But yes, a large percentage of the left’s identity is 100% tied to the idea that no progress has been made and none will be made until everyone agrees with them.
Keeps ’em in business and whatnot
Swear I read “Tom Wolfe Jazz Ensemble.” Well, yeah it’s a lot of white dudes.
Ah, implicit bias– proof du jour that we live in a systematically racist, xenophobic patriarchy… except that the oft referenced test doesn’t replicate results consistently and there is a curious void of studies tying implicit bias to behavior.
But she gets a free Che Guevara t-shirt, so she should quit her bitching.
Is that shirt edible?
It’s high-fiber!
Yet she still can’t cotton to a free society.
Trigger warning: journalist takes the piss
PETA wants Aussie rock band Hunters & Collectors to change its name
What about the Divinyls, with their name celebrating vinyl, which is produced from petroleum? Very problematic.
I remember see them, bitd. Sad that she died so young.
Oh, I didn’t realize the singer died. Christine something? She had a great bluesy voice. I only ever heard a couple songs by them, but it seemed like they might be worth getting into more.
Chrissy Amphlett – she had the double whammy of MS and breast cancer. Much loved here is Australia – there’s even a laneway in central Melbourne named for her (the city council also named a laneway after AC/DC)
“When I drive upon it, I touch myself, I touch myself, I honestly do…”
um, “seeing them”
Not nearly as problematic as Midnight Oil.
BBC: Apple, Samsung and Microsoft react to Wikileaks’ CIA dump
The technology companies are all giving the same answers that they’re aware of the report and looking into it. I can’t help wondering how much was the CIA finding zero day exploits and how much is collusion that we don’t (yet) know about.
If I had to lay money down, I would say collusion. Probably well compensated collusion – but it wasn’t the CIA getting all sneaky without them knowing.
The NSA pretty notoriously strong-armed corporations into cooperating (Qwest Communications anyone?). I’m not sure the CIA has the same ability to coerce cooperation. So if there were collusion, they probably got paid like you said.
The CIA knows how hard it is to keep secrets and they know how to recruit spies. Rather than calling up Bill Gates and offering him even more money to let them add back doors to MicroSoft code, it would be SO MUCH easier to pay (or trick) a single MicroSoft employee to give them access to source. With that in hand they can see the flaws and devise ways to take advantage of them.
You are assuming a level of efficiency and actual intelligence from the CIA that the evidence suggests just doesn’t exist.
Given the demographic of MS programmers, all it would take is a honey pot that was about a 5.
“President Trump’s deregulation efforts are driving the stock market gains and creating fantastic, great, yuuuuge levels of optimism for people wishing to open or expand a business.”
I was just looking at my 401K the other day. It’s looking good! I suspect this rally is not sustainable. I want to see how my 401K looks after the Fed starts raising interest rates. Still, it was fun to look and see I have three years worth of salary in my retirement account.
It would be nice to see a quarter where gains exceed contributions.
Saw this at Instapundit. Good article about the diminishing appeal of the left.
Oh yeah? I saw an even BETTER ARTICLE!!!!!
Blah blah blah Switzerland blah blah blah
What is used to precicely measure ‘blah’?
3 blahs each side, perfect symmetry.
And all it took was an obscene amount of Nazi and Jew gold.
“This self-loathing is particularly a phenomenon of middle- to upper-class youth (annual tuition, board and fees at Middlebury: $63,332) who can afford not to have other concerns. Their “anomie,” Moynihan said of the 1960s college Left, was driven by an “educated elite” whose rationalism caused “the wellsprings of emotion [to] dry up, and in particular the primal sense of community [to begin] to fade.”
^100% this.
Tim Kaine’s son arrested after disrupting pro-Trump protest
Linwood Michael Kaine
I’m chortling.
He’s named for his grandfather, former Virginia governor Linwood Holton, the man who made Tim Kaine’s career possible despite his glaring lack of any kind of charisma.
I’m surprised.
The demonstrators blew whistles and airhorns while one allegedly threw a smoke bomb into the crowd — striking a 61-year-old woman in the head, the Pioneer Press reported.
Remember, Love Trumps Hate!
That is one punchable face.
It runs in the family.
Haha Little Woody got his ass pinched!
Make falling down your favorite
Hey shithead, can we have $647 million to waste on a rail project nobody will ever use? (while we continue to ignore stuff like dams)
Oh I’m sure at least half a dozen people will use it. Maybe tourists and whatnot.
Memphis, TN built a downtown streetcar/trolley sometime in the 1990’s. It was hardly ever used that I could see, but they reported that became profitable fairly soon.
It no longer runs because of electrical fires.
That cannot be right. Shreek has been haranguing me for two years about Jerry Brown’s California “miracle”.
It’s a miracle it hasn’t imploded utterly years ago.
Yes, because California’s own version of the Five Year Plan is going so very well!
I’d LOVE for CalTrans to just have the budget to fix the fucking roads.
I’ve raged about Albuquerque’s current dedicated bus lane madness, something that’s putting a bus-sized hole in the city budget since they’re relying on Obama-era spending promises. They’ll probably get it, but I dearly wish they wouldn’t. Fucktarded project all around.
Anyway, I was thinking about that while driving on Lomas, the major thoroughfare north of the major thoroughfare they’re currently tearing up, and swerving to avoid huge potholes that mysteriously haven’t been filled in months.
CalTrans is the government agency that the government came here to help. Several state bureaucracies have made it their business to ensure CalTrans is so mired in red tape that they can barely get anything done. Cement culvert is clogged with debris? Can’t clean it out until a Sacramento inspector comes to verify that no protected species have taken up residence in it. Rocks fell off a hillside and landed on a road? Those are now hazardous waste and must be scooped into a truck and hauled off to a special disposal site. Tree branches grown out so that they’re covering a road sign? Sacramento will send out a team to ensure no birds will be spooked when the branches are trimmed.
It’s all a gambit to employ as many bureaucrats as possible, with the delicious side effect of making driving less convenient. Mass transit for all!
Does the state manage the dams or does the Army Corps Of Engineers?
Serious question.
I think it various by project. California does own and operate the Oroville Dam.
Gotcha. So I take it all water going into and out of the reservoir stays completely in California. Other wise I assumed the Feds would manage it and the rights that go with it.
Any word yet on whether or not this season is gonna open up the west side of the Central Valley again for water? It’d be nice to see those farmers planting cotton or getting their orchards operating again.
A cat-astrophe! 30K pounds of cat litter spills onto highway
Clearly they were just trying to dry the road.
Did they spend the next half-hour tearing around the highway and woods like a maniac…like my cats?
They proceeded to bat turds around like a soccer ball.
At least it wasn’t thirty thousand pounds of bananas.
Blessed are…
Nation’s best cheesemakers out to prove it in Wisconsin
Did they ban out of state cheeses?
That sounds like hell. No, wait. You know what’s worse than hell? Sampling thousands of cheeses.
You lost all credibility with me when I was visiting, opened your fridge, and it was full of Bud Light.
Don’t try to change the subject!
We have my beer fridge and the visitors beer fridge. The visitors fridge is filled with various American light beers…
Note that he doesn’t bother denying it.
I share that fridge with multiple teammates and any of them could put any sort of swill in it at any time.
Tell us, OMWC, when did you stop beating your cheese?
Explain the can that was in your hand. “Oh, it was my team-mates, I musta grabbed it by accident and didn’t notice that is was watery swill.”
Lies! Lies and calumnies!
And you made my sweet little child change your tires.
My orphans were all toiling in the monocle mines that day, so I had to make do.
I’ve seen your Bigfoot, UFO, and Nessie photos. They’re about as convincing as any image you have of me drinking Bud Light.
So what cheese goes with Natty Light?
Remember Michael Hastings? Recap from nydailynews June 19, 2013
Well, days before his death, he actually did really worried that someone was out to kill him (from link below), specifically with his car:
A day later, we see footage — available on youtube — of his Mercedes speeding down Highland Ave in L.A. at 100mph ending up in a fiery crash.
I never thought it was a mere accident and so did Joe Biggs, one of Hastings’s friend:
And putting that together with the recent Vault 7 leaks (Weeping Angel, Embedded Devices Division, firmware hacking):
from wikileaks PR:
“As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.”
Fuck, I had forgotten about that. That crash was always suspicious.
I can honestly say after yesterday, that I’m pretty sure they killed him.
Yep – that won’t make the mainstream news any more than Seth Rich’s assassination.
If you have a beef with the CIA, you might want to drive something real simple with a manual transmission instead of a rolling computer like a modern Mercedes.
Making a wager with my misguided prog little sister. If she wins ill spend a week floating around the prog site of her choice and if i win she has to wander around a libertarian site. Anyway i thought of this one if you guys wouldnt mind a such ugnorance around here.
What’s the subject of the bet?
I will defend her honor so be nice unless you wish to duel
unless you wish to duel
We have a substantial pro-dueling audience here. I would be careful making that threat.
He’s wearing a brassard, so you’re not allowed to shoot him.
Shoot? No, I was going to name a river joust as the contest if he challenged me. The first one knocked from their rowboat into the water loses.
Water pistols filled with Scotch, at dawn sirrah! *slap*
*samples “ammunition”*
Bacon, the one who is challenged picks the weapons.
Ok, pick it. But if it’s not a good pick I’m spraying your ass.
That i can get her to have to acknowledge obama was a pos
Shes only 20. I like to think she isnt to far warped that i cant turn her into the one female libertarian
*spits into hand, slicks back hair*
You trust us with your little sister?
You’re a shitty brother.
I’m picturing his little sister folded up drunk and giggling in a grocery cart on her parents lawn as posters sneak back to the toga party.
She’s be perfectly fine…
Anyway i thought of this one if you guys wouldnt mind a such ugnorance around here.
Need more info. Submit pix, pls.
In Referendum on Refugees, Rutland Mayor Loses Reelection Bid
What?! What do you mean they’re gonna live in my back yard?!
I think we had one ‘family’ of widows and orphans relocate here in my parish. They own a gas station. The ‘family’ consists of 5 unmarried men between twenty years old and thirty five years old. I have no idea if they are related to one another.
Ew, rutland.
I’ve been enjoy the hell out of Mark Steyn’s shows that are up on his site for free now that CRTV fired him. Did Levin not want somebody better around? He even interviews a historian on Calvin Coolidge legacy,
I’m still not sure what the cause of separation was there. I was just surprised that his content was suddenly gone.
Until he brought on that snorefest Deace, Levin was the worst show on the channel. He’s just an angry, spiteful little man regardless of the content of the points he makes.
Is he still anti-Trump? Because his one redeeming quality was that he didn’t sound like all those other right-wing radio hosts who now salute Cheetos Mussolini
Steyn’s too old school English Tory to throw himself wholeheartedly into supporting American populism. He’ll back restrictions to Muslim immigration obviously, and analyze why the left fails and Trump succeeds, but he’s pretty good at detaching himself from the whole affair in general. Probably comes with the whole tri-national thing he has going on.
The anti-Trump Right are the best people to read or listen to now. They don’t exaggerate the problems with Trump and they dance this delicate line between supporting his conservative policies and chastising him when he behaves like a buffoon, which appears to be most of the time. The Wall Street Journal editorial page has become a must read.
chastising him when he behaves like a buffoon, which appears to be most of the time.
Sounds like they are falling into the trap of taking him literally, but not seriously.
When are people going to realize that Trump acting like a buffoon frequently is the prelude to Trump totally beclowning his opponents?
It doesn’t mean you or they are bound to defend him when he is, in fact, acting the ass.
No, but the record should induce people to pause a moment before they barf out their anti-Trump hot take.
Which is, let’s not forget, based mostly on their distaste for his style/presentation. During the campaign, there were funny videos of Trump overdubbed with a poshy British accent and a flaming gay accent. Allofasudden, what he was saying sounded a lot more reasonable.
There’s also a recent experiment where the debates were restaged with actors, only the female played Trump and the male played Hillary. The results were . . . interesting.
The anti-Trump Repubs are acting almost entirely (there are a few exceptions) as good TEAM PURPLE members of a certain coastal elite/imperial capital class. Their hatred is driven not be policy or even thought. It is hatred of an outsider threatening to tip over their cultural/political/economic rice bowls.
Bearing in mind this is a man who, when Republicans applauded Peter Thiel at the RNC, congratulated them for not being totally irredeemable bigots. That’s not a good look for anyone.
You are asking this about people who think they should double down on the strategies that lost them the election last November? The answer is easy.
It’s not so much a ‘trap’ as most of those conservatives honestly believe that the President should behave in a manner befitting the office. I listen to Ben Shapiro and he complains about this all the time, that Trump doesn’t ‘act Presidential’ and what-not. Libertarians obviously care less about this.
I would like to ask Shapiro or anyone else exactly what he means. What is ‘presidential?’
Yes. The Tory tradition that runs through the Right demands dignity from the office holder. Republicans use to tout that they nominated decent men to the office, as opposed to Democrats who nominated Bill Clinton.
Right or wrong, it is part of the psychological make-up of the traditional Right.
I assume the stern but fair father figure that conservatives project onto the role of President in comparison to the left’s caring and nurturing mother figure. When in reality they both get abusive and negligent single parents who pass out on the couch at 10 reeking of cheap vodka.
Cooke (maybe Williamson, I forget) derided the whole “acting presidential” complaint as pointlessly tautological. The president acts in the way he acts and so by definition is acting presidential. Trump’s mannerism isn’t polished or decorous or especially intelligent, but at this point that’s beside the point. And in fact it’s a little heartening: for once we have a man in power who isn’t an ivy league debate club captain.
He’s a boor, and that rattles them for some reason, as if boors do not exist. Being anti-PC means you should not be able to hold any job whatsoever and should slink off back to your trailer to drink yourself to death on Miller Light while high-fiving all the other deplorables between NASCAR races on loop.
The anti-Trump Right are the best people to read or listen to now.
Ha ha. National Review. Ha ha.
He wrote a funny article last year after he and his son attended a Trump rally. He thought it was great fun.
Chelsea Clinton
Spinach pancakes for #NationalPancakeDay (we won’t eat them all tonight although Charlotte would if we let her)!
That’s just wrong.
The Clintons truly are monsters.
I bet they eat their cottage cheese with ketchup.
Doesn’t she know she’s not supposed to work today?
Christ those look like a prop from 1970s-era Doctor Who
Also, her Twitter bio made me roar:
Because “Beneficiary of nepotism & US romance with my fat dad” was already taken?
I think they used it as a monster in one of the fifth doctor adventures.
She has 4 husbands? 3 with weird names?
Vocational surnames are very common. It’s Mr. Marc that’s odd.
I didn’t realize Marc was an Advocate, Author, Teacher.
What’s the difference between Chelsea Clinton’s Spinach pancakes and nasal mucus?
Kids will eat nasal mucus.
Does anyone here (who is a parent) believe that a toddler would eat something that looks like a dinosaur placenta? EVEN IF they liked dinosaurs?
You know who else eats mucus?
This chump.*
*I call him a chump because he is 0-2 against THE Ohio State University Buckeyes and has the same number of losses in those two years as Urban Meyer has in the five he’s been at THE Ohio State University. And 41 fewer wins. And one fewer National Championship.
Fuck Michigan.
Dumb ass reactions to Wikileaks news.
Let him know he doesn’t need to get up to answer that knock at his door at 3 am. The cops are just doing a routine search of his property.
Just becuase I have nothing to hide doesn’t mean people are allowed to look.
He’s not going to follow that up by reminding us that we’re ALL doing something illegal?
That is completely besides the point.
It stuns me the tunnel vision people display when it comes to this sort of stuff. They completely under estimate even you’re doing nothing you can be targeted for whatever reason. Think that poor sucker those assholes Obama and Hillary pinned Benghazi on. They have a canvas of pawns to choose from.
And this isn’t paranoia – this is reality man.
So the CIA is now a domestic law enforcement operation? That shouldn’t concern me?
Tis expected, there’s always going to be some people who are unbelievably naive and willing to tolerate this stuff. I uphold the Aristotle was pretty close in his assessment of ‘natural slaves’.
I’m amused/horrified that “I’m a scared little bitch” has become such a regular and accepted argument.
Of course even when the authorities are specifically warned about people like the Tsarnaevs and Omar Mateen, they can’t seem to actually do anything to prevent them from causing mayhem.
Was it Tolkien (or Lewis? Or Lewis quoting Tolkien?) that said they agreed with Aristotle that there were “natural slaves”, but he had yet to meet a “natural master”?
Why is it that the people who crave an all-powerful, all-seeing agency to protect them from the bad guys aren’t the scared little bitches?
Wow, one of those fuckers actually made this:
edit: that was not meant as a reply
“You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide.” – Joseph Goebbels, 1933
I wonder if the assclowns who say that are aware of who coined that phrase? It translates to “If you do as you are told you will not be crushed.”
Fuck anyone who earnestly says that…with a fire hydrant.
Seven Profoundly Stupid Things That People Say About WikiLeaks
Looked at Google news today…already buried. Keep up the trustworthy reporting 4th estate!
Have some saxophone with your weird death metal
Great band name: Drug Honkey
Before these leaks:
John McAfee On The Russian Hacking Says It’s NOT Russia!
“If it looks like the Russians did it, then I can guarantee you it’s not the Russians”
Indeed, why would an experienced Russian spy agency leave a hacked binary that isn’t stripped of symbols and strings, that explicitly states time, date, locale, keyboard type, pointing to Russia?
Of course, now we know as part of the wikileaks dump, that’s one of their operations is to hack, and try to frame other countries/agencies by putting in fake malware signatures.
If McAfee wasn’t wanted for murder, I bet more people would pay attention to this. Interestingly, Philip Giraldi (former CIA) wrote at the American Conservative that he thought the hacking was conducted by the CIA when the e-mails were first released
Meh. The Russians, the Chinese, the Norks, and half the rest of the world are launching hacking attacks on us daily. The spooks can just pick any one of those attempts and claim it as a smoking gun. Of course what they aren’t saying is that we are launching cyber attacks on all of them just as frequently.
Still say Murderin’ McAfee would have been a better choice. I apologize for MikeM.’ing his name.
Happy women’s day! Here’s an old article to remind us just how unequal women are…
It’s 9am here. I’m at work.
I do. My orphans don’t.
It’s not the three months of night up here yet, so no.
Not for Europers. I’m losing focus and ready to quatsch with folks I barely know.
I have a 4, 3, and 1 year old.
That adds up to one 8 year old, and that’s old enough to chop wood, right?
Their tiny hands can’t even make a proper martini yet, let alone chop wood.
If they can hold a drumstick…they can do work.
Transgender candidate running for Conn. governor
“But Wyatt, 46, a former model who was born an intersex person”
Okay, in these cases transgenderism makes sense to me. It may very well be the gender you were assigned at birth does not accurately reflect who you really are.
“My body obviously does not look like a typical politician.”
The big question is “Why are you oversharing and what are your key policy positions?”
So a hermaphrodite?
Not necessarily – “intersex” covers ambiguous or otherwise non-standard genitalia, and also chromosomal oddities, or hormone insensitivity – but basically there’s something biologically indeterminate about the person.
It may very well be the gender you were assigned at birth does not accurately reflect who you really are.
Nobody is assigned a gender at birth. Your gender is essentially your sexual self-image. Everyone is assigned a sex at birth, though. Because your sex is biological and genetic.
I wouldn’t take his claim of being “intersex” (for the strong sense of the word, having actual biological abnormalities at birth) at face value. People are incredibly sloppy about how they use ill-defined terms.
““I don’t care if people are wondering what I have under my pants,” Wyatt told Hearst Connecticut Media on Monday.”
Which is why you brought it up?
She looks like the kid brother from Elf.
She can’t be worse than Malloy.
Yep, Malloy’s an utter shitstain.
SB 787 will push pistol permits up by $230 for initial qualification AND on every 5-year renewal. Hearing will be tomorrow.
Nutmeggers, please reach out to your reps and raise cain.
Everything by Joe Walsh is great.
He even made The Eagles acceptable.
Acceptable goes a little far. How about, “he even made The Eagles slightly less intolerable?”
I saw a bio-doc on them fairly recently. What a bunch of insufferable pricks. Good music in my opinion, but goddamned they were insufferable. Ten minutes in a room with those guys and I would want the kill the lot.
The worst thing Jackson Browne ever did was let two of those dicks live in his basement and listen to him write music. If it weren’t for that coincidence, I’d never have to hear Hotel California again.
Hotel California is about the Satanic Church.
Me = Jeff Lebowski
Re: Eagles.
When even the LP kicks you out of the party, it’s time to reevaluate your life choices.
He’d probably still be in if he did a strip tease or blamed the pot.
Somewhere, Vermin Supreme is laughing
Hey, it’s someone worse than Augustus Sol Invictus!
He lost, shouldn’t his name be ‘Augustus Sol Victus’ now?
I think you need to sacrifice a goat and drink its blood in order to earn that name or something. He’s totally normal
from wikileaks PR:
“As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.”
All my vehicles have a cable connecting the throttle pedal to the air intake on the motor. No drive-by-wire for me, thanks.
Traction control? It’s called my right foot.
But yeah, it’s impossible to find anything without electronic throttle bodies now.
My vehicle has a cable connecting the gear shift to the transmission. Right in the middle of my gear shift indicator is a giant N.
The one thing that bothered me about my Focus was that you could swat it from reverse into neutral and from neutral into drive without holding down the button normally needed to shift gears. So you could go from reverse to drive unintentionally.
fortunately that never happened to me.
Eugh. What’s this normally? You prefer the button? I despise the button.
“Normally” means I can’t put it into or take it out of park or change between the various drive gears or put it into reverse without pressing it. But I can go into neutral without pressing it and from neutral to drive. I think the latter is a design flaw. Besides, it’s an automatic, it should have three settings – go forwards, go backards, and stay put.
All my vehicles have a cable connecting the throttle pedal to the air intake on the motor. No drive-by-wire for me, thanks.
Any car built after 96 has OBDII and has a throttle position sensor. Although a great number of cars still have manual links to the intake, the TPS could conceivably be overridden to cause erratic behavior. Not exactly drive by wire, but not as much control as you believe either.
My 72 Ranchero, though… You need to be aware of the quad spear-gun in the bed though.
I gotta say, I was hoping this expression would be left behind at the other site, along with Block Insane Yomamma.
I thought it was an Easter metaphor.
I still think Chocolate Nixon is the best Obama nickname.
The nickname is meant to mock people that referred to him as such.
Plus Tom Waits.
Dude, part of Obumble’s proud legacy is the list of pejorative nick-names he earned, a list that makes Webster’s dictionary look like a grocery list for a family of one. He easily holds the record for the most.
Way to go FLOUR POUT!
why would an experienced Russian spy agency leave a hacked binary that isn’t stripped of symbols and strings, that explicitly states time, date, locale, keyboard type, pointing to Russia?
Daffy Duck, putting up “This Way to the Tasty Duck” signs leading Cave Man Elmer Fudd into the dinosaur’s cave.
hmm my memories were more of Michael Jackson, Depeche Mode, A-team and oh yes, who can forget:
Knight Rider Theme Song (Intro Instrumental/Original) – Stu Phillips
Well then, you’re especially welcome if this is introducing you to The Jam. Or getting you to take a longer listen for the first time. They were phenomenal.
Chocolate Nixon is the best Obama nickname.
I definitely think he displayed many traits marking him as Nixon Junior; petulant crybabyism and paranoia chief among them. I just wish he’d get the same sort of disdain in the rear view mirror, but that won’t happen.
Seriously, I’m amazed the liberals have not openly rehabilitated The One True Dick and claimed him as one of their own. Nixon probably created more new federal agencies then anybody since FDR. The fucking EPA alone should be enough to guarantee his place in the liberal Hall of Saints.
You missed the numerous photos of him with a halo? The ones with rainbows shooting out of his ass? I am surprised the guy didn’t dress in long white robes. It is easy to forget what a cult of personality his following was/is but think back…remember the creepy, creepy photos of people holding up their palms with some cheesy heart on them (or something) and the celebrity ads pledging to serve Obama? He is the chocolate Jesus.
And the teachers posting youtube videos of their classes chanting out Obama praises?
It was like something out of North Korea.
Heh, the resemblance doesn’t end there – both Dear Leaders have an embarrassing brother
Kind of like Trevor Chappell?
That inspired me to find out what the sequel to the sequel to Chappelli is doing. According to Wikipedia “He is currently the national coach of the Singapore Cricket Team.” Tremble, ye mighty!
Hey now, Singapore’s moved up to Division 3 of the World Cricket League.
My recollection is that TC probably only got a chance because of his last name. Decent Shield player but that was about it. When your main legacy is THAT delivery, it says a lot.
I think in my day, Greg was considered the better batsman but Ian the better captain.
And people say Manson, Jim Jones, and Koresh were Cult Leaders
This went beyond parody:
More like the first twink president.
Holy shit, his wife is more manly than he is. Are we sure Obama isn’t a trans “man” and Michelle isn’t a trans “woman”?
Caption: “*squeeeeee*
basically there’s something biologically indeterminate about the person.
“You remind me of some sort of oversized invertebrate; you know… like a giant slug.”
“I’m not fat, I’m just festively plump”
Jenni Murray isn’t a bigot – she’s a victim of bigotry
The crime?
Aside from an attempt to derail common propriety I cant think of a single good reason to pay any attention to the trans people. It is none of my business, none of my concern and does not diminish their value as a person one whit. You want to cut your dick off? Suit yourself, but keep it to yourself.
I enjoy watching infighting. The BBC’s response? Commenting on the issue, a BBC spokesman said: “Jenni Murray is a freelance journalist and these were her own views, however we have reminded her that presenters should remain impartial on controversial topics covered by their BBC programmes.”
It’s just fun to watch them. BBC is impartial on controversial topics. Let that wash over you.
Isn’t there a difference in what a “presenter” can get away with relative to a “commenter” over there on Limetree Island?
If you know how they arrive at who can say what, you’re the man. I assume they are all lying p.o.s. that are wrapped in some bizarre dogmatic fight.
In theory, but they live so deeply inside the leftist narrative they really can’t. I listen to portions of their Global news podcasts and it’s really astonishing the things they present as impartial facts that are actually interpretations.
“but keep it to yourself.”
Pickled, in a Mason jar?
No, no, Suthen, you must be forced to go along with the delusion that they are something other than what they really are biologically, because they feel it must be so. Otherwise you are a bigot and a hater.
*glances over at dining room chair with black t-shirt featuring 4 inch white letters spelling out HATER draped over the back of it. *
Yeah? Cool.
“WikiLeaks has intentionally not written up hundreds of impactful stories to encourage others to find them and so create expertise in the area for subsequent parts in the series. They’re there. Look. Those who demonstrate journalistic excellence may be considered for early access to future parts.
That is hilarious. Go get’em geeks and free time abundant people.
That explains why no one has anything about it yet. Just the talking points handed down.
Reallt, that’s what we need a leak about. What office is in charge of telling cnn what to say?
What office is in charge of telling cnn what to say?
Well, according to the last big wiki dump, that would be the DNC.
Yea, i do enjoy bringing that up. But what about this treasure trove?
It’s going to be fun for Youtube channel news. Could this be the final nail in the media?
final? probably not, they won’t die. they won’t have any revenue, but they won’t close.
OT: I don’t remember who recommended “The Battered Bastards of Baseball”, but I watched it last night. What a great film! Thanks for the recommendation.
That would have been SP and/or me. We LOVED it.
Yeah, it was fantastic, will watch it again with the wife.
Look at me!
As many American women prepared to draw attention to their role in the workplace, a Wall Street firm on Tuesday put up a statue of a girl in front of Lower Manhattan’s well-known bronze charging bull, as if to fearlessly stare it down.
Placing the diminutive, grade school-aged girl in front of the massive bull on the eve of International Women’s Day was a way of calling attention to the lack of gender diversity on corporate boards and the pay gap of women working in financial services, a spokeswoman for State Street Global Advisors said.
“We thought it would be a good idea to portray ourselves as morally superior to everybody else, and remind them how evil and heartless they are. Because that’s what made America the wealthiest nation on Earth.”
Somebody linked to a story about this the other day. The little girl is “staring down” the bull? My money’s on the bull.
“The race may not always be to the swift nor the victory to the strong, but that’s how you bet.”
– Damon Runyon
What kind of moron thinks they are helping their cause by putting their symbol in opposition to the symbol of prosperity. Jeebus, that is tone-deaf on the level of “Love Trumps Hate”.
Why does that put oingo boingo in my head?
So the way to increase the percentage of women is with a statue showing poor judgement and a lack of common sense, along with inexperience and naïveté? That’s what he wants to highlight as a representative of women?
“My last name? For what? And I don’t want any photos. I have children, and I once had a life. I don’t want people talking about me,” she said after agreeing to tell her story.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that the Castro regime makes a habit of disappearing anyone who complains about the Castro regime.
Cuba’s economically active population shrank for the first time in 2015, by 126,000 people.
I call shenanigans on that statement.
People look at a statue of a girl facing the Wall St. Bull in the financial district of New York, March 7, 2017.
Brendan McDermid | Reuters
People look at a statue of a girl facing the Wall St. Bull in the financial district of New York, March 7, 2017.
As many American women prepared to draw attention to their role in the workplace, a Wall Street firm on Tuesday put up a statue of a girl in front of Lower Manhattan’s well-known bronze charging bull, as if to fearlessly stare it down.
Placing the diminutive, grade school-aged girl in front of the massive bull on the eve of International Women’s Day was a way of calling attention to the lack of gender diversity on corporate boards and the pay gap of women working in financial services, a spokeswoman for State Street Global Advisors said.
“A lot of people talk about gender diversity, but we really felt we had to take it to a broader level,” said Anne McNally, whose firm is an investment management subsidiary of State Street Corp.
In conjunction with International Women’s Day on Wednesday, many American women are planning to stay home from work, which has led some schools to cancel classes.
Organizers asked women who cannot afford to miss a day of work to limit their shopping to female-owned businesses or to wear red.
Although women have made some headway against the glass ceiling, State Street said one out of four of the companies that make up the Russell 3000 Index still have no female representation on their boards.
“Today, we are calling on companies to take concrete steps to increase gender diversity on their boards, and have issued clear guidance to help them begin to take action,” State Street Global Advisors CEO Ron O’Hanley said in a statement.
Oh, how precious. I guess they just snipped off the part of the press release that says Ron is stepping down as CEO, to be replaced by a 24 year old female with a combined degree in Philosophy and Government from Berkeley.
But I can go into neutral without pressing it and from neutral to drive. I think the latter is a design flaw.
No. That’s the Epic Burnout feature.
It’s also the Rockford u-turn feature.
What kind of moron thinks they are helping their cause by putting their symbol in opposition to the symbol of prosperity.
We have reached the declining phase of capitalism, in which profitable investments which produce beneficial returns to voluntary participants in the marketplace are considered to be immoral.
Well, it’s certainly possible that State Street Global Advisors have embraced a new business model.
Two lessons in governance from over the last few days.
1) There’s no substitute for leadership, and the president really needs to be the leader.
From the stillborn ObamaCare replacement to the ongoing squabbling about what to slash taxes on and by how much, we’re not likely to get anything until Trump puts forth his own proposal or fully gets behind something that comes from the Republican leadership in Congress.
Plans get passed because Republicans are either for or against the president’s plan. Anything else is leaving 435 cats to pick a goal and herd themselves towards it. That ain’t gonna happen with a Republican in the White House. In opposition it’s easier–you just unify against the president.
2) If the repeal of ObamaCare is predicated on Congress finding its own suitable replacement, ObamaCare may never be repealed.
Cortez scuttled his ships so that his men had no option but to go forward. That’s the kind of strategy called for here.
We may look back at the much derided Ryan compromise that was unveiled with nostalgia if they don’t go ahead and repeal ObamaCare first. And there was a lot to like about the Ryan compromise. It killed the individual mandate (which should inspire high fives all around on principle), and it started phasing out the Medicaid expansion as early as 2019.
For those of you who aren’t aware, Medicaid is the greatest cause of the problem in our healthcare system, and the problems with our healthcare system cannot be properly addressed without addressing the problem of Medicaid reimbursing providers for significantly less than the cost of care. In other words, that bill actually addressed the root cause of the problem–even if average people are unaware how much of the problem Medicaid causes.
If we get a better replacement for ObamaCare without repealing ObamaCare first, I’ll be surprised. If Trump doesn’t get involved and get behind a replacement plan himself at the time it’s announced, then I doubt we’ll ever repeal ObamaCare–so long as repeal is predicated on a replacement.
Didn’t a certain senator from Kentucky produce a plan that both eliminated Obamacare and replaced it with a more market friendly idea? I say we use that one.
I say we use that one, too. And I hope Trump adopts that plan as his own and champions it.
Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s very likely. Getting non-libertarian Republicans to do libertarian things can be tough. I hope the final bill is better than Ryan’s. If it doesn’t eliminate the individual mandate and kill off the Medicaid expansion by 2019, then it will be inferior–no matter whatever else it does.
Getting a Republican to back anything that’s more market oriented is only slightly less impossible than getting a Democrat to do it. Incidentally, that is one of the reasons I broke from them in college.
Well that and weed and butt sex.
It’s just that Hillary wouldn’t have signed any ObamaCare reform that didn’t include a “public option”. She made that promise of a public option over and over during her campaign, put it up near the top of her website, etc. And the public option is the means to single payer. If Hillary had won, we’d be fighting against single payer right now–because she wouldn’t sign any reform that didn’t provide for it. She go to war with the Republicans in Congress over it. It would be a budget battle, and she would win because the Republicans don’t have enough votes to override her veto and the media would skewer the Republicans for letting people die over an ideological issue.
Having Trump there means he will sign something that gets rid of the individual mandate. The Republicans will put forward a plan that gets rid of it (they did so yesterday), and Donald Trump promised to sign a repeal–and he already wrote an executive order to the IRS telling them not to enforce the penaltax.
There actually is a sharp difference between the Democrats and the Republicans on that issue.
I will remind you that it took a year with super-majorities in both houses for the democrats to pork-barrel their way to a plan. And even then they had to doll out hundreds of millions in vote-buying projects at the last minute. Bitching and moaning that the Republicans (who have a bare majority in the Senate) haven’t managed to pass a plan in 6 weeks is a little silly.
That being said, they surely are screwing it up. This is not a detailed analysis though. This is simply the logical conclusion based on the observation that they are a bunch of screw-ups.
I’m not bitching that they haven’t passed a plan in only six weeks.
I’m bitching that they’re using strategies that are unlikely to work–no matter how long they have.
And the clock is ticking. The money that goes to insurance companies for the money they lose on the exchanges has dried up legislatively. It will soon become easier to rubber stamp an extension, take on more debt to pay for it, and call it “reform”.
Repealing the thing first would really light a fire under everyone’s asses. People often put off making tough choices until they run out of time. A good manager uses that to his advantage–he’ll make them run out of time. Incidentally, this is foundational to negotiating and closing commercial real estate deals. Buyers would string out the due diligence period forever if they could. Buyers don’t really decide whether to close until they run out of time. As a seller, you have to make them run out of time.
In other words, the Donald knows all about this stuff. It’s time for him to not be distracted.
Repealing the thing first would really light a fire under everyone’s asses.
Yup. That’s why I thought they made a fatal error when they refused to pass a straight repeal with a delayed effective date. I knew that if they didn’t, they’d get trapped in the weeds on the replacement, and we’d wind up about where we are now: ineffectual Repubs flailing while OCare rolls on, with prospects for any significant reform receding rapidly.
I was on a call with a bunch of DC lobbyists last week. They said that the Repubs have basically moved from repeal to replace to reform and now were basically at “rebrand”.
Count on the Repub idiots to decide that what they really want to do is take ownership of a law that has utterly devastated their opponents. “Garsh, after this passed, the Dems were massacred in election after election. We want some of that action!”
It’s a good point about leadership. Stephanie Slade has a piece at the other site yesterday noting that while the ACA is still opposed by more than support, 87% of Americans support maintaining protections for people with pre-existing conditions. That’s going to require a lot of political capital to overturn.
Yeah, that’s your Overton window right there.
Lawmakers in swing districts probably aren’t going to accept kicking people off of plans for having pre-existing conditions–and the Republican leadership shouldn’t go after that if they want to maintain control of the House and the Senate.
We’re not going to get everything we want in this negotiation because this isn’t a negotiation between a Congress full of libertarians and a libertarian president. So, I’ve got a list of priorities. If the reform doesn’t have one thing, I won’t support it. If the reform doesn’t have another thing, I’ll begrudgingly support it. If it has both, I’ll enthusiastically support it and keep fighting for more icing on the cake in the years to come.
Priority #1: I will not support reform that doesn’t get rid of the individual mandate because it is fundamentally wrong.
Priority #2: I will begrudgingly support a reform that gets rid of the individual mandate but doesn’t get rid of the Medicaid expansion–because I hate the individual mandate so much.
But Medicaid is the major cause of the problems, and getting rid of the expansion is the first step in seriously addressing the cause of the problem.
Priorities #3-infinity: Icing on the cake.
87% of Americans support maintaining protections for people with pre-existing conditions
Then give them a subsidized high-risk pool of their own. Not libertarian-pure, but a fuckload better than any other option.
Maybe we could have “A Day Without Dalmia.” Actually, how about that be every day? TSTSNBN would improve tremendously. Maybe she could go afflict HuffingGlue.
Anti-school choice advocates will point to this sex survey as a reason that charter schools can’t be trusted, but the response from the parents is literally why school choice should exist.
Anti-school choice advocates will point to this sex survey as a reason that charter schools can’t be trusted, while simultaneously insisting that this test should be required in all schools.
One of the replies is a picture of Christopher Walken holding the ass watch.
That’s funny stuff. Here’s the scene for everyone’s viewing pleasure
Great scene.
I was having a bad day, then I saw this picture. I’m a happy waffles.
Looks like the USWNT got the scheduling wrong and took yesterday off by accident.
Looks like the USWNT got the scheduling wrong and took yesterday off by accident.
Women, amirite?
Reuters did a piece about “Trump+His Relationships/Effect on Businesses” and decided the thing to highlight was how he was crushing their stock prices, and how he presents a sort of Jekyll / Hyde bi-polar character in his public vs. private settings.
(constantly jawboning from the bully-pulpit, chastising companies for over-charging or for sourcing abroad; but then turning into “Kumbaya” when meeting people face-to-face)
Its an interesting read, despite the fact that the dozen charts about stock prices don’t actually support any claims at all that his loudmouth antics have actually hurt anyone particularly.
Basically, it seems like they were trying to find the worst possible spin to put on him, but couldn’t quite make it match the evidence in either #s or CEO’s comments.
They do try to make it seem exceedingly strange, but from a corporate business perspective it doesn’t really seem all that unusual; that what you sell to the public is one story, but what you say in a conference room is often another.
I think the thing we’re supposed to think is normal is when presidents like Obama say things like “you didn’t build that”…. or when he personally attacked CEOs (like he did Ron Sargent of Staples when he cut worker hours in response to Obamacare), or when he dictates his agenda to industries and expects univocal public support… but that its strange that Trump would ‘dance’ with them to coerce certain outcomes.
Well, you’re gonna have a hard time getting the CEO of any major public company going on the record against Trump these days. It’s pretty well known that he’s going to lash out at anyone that does, and that lashing could result in their customer base decreasing and/or their stock value dropping. It’s simply not worth it.
(Now if we could just fix things so that NO POLITICIANS could have a positive or negative effect on any company, regardless of what positions their CEOs stake out. Then we’d be a whole lot better off as a society.)
wait, you’re saying they should have less power??
Perish the thought.
Which is why they allowed people to be anonymous in their reports about private meetings
You need to read the story. they basically examine that whole ‘lashing out’ thing; some of which has influenced some superficial volatility in stock prices; but that everyone he talks to seems to gush about how ready he is to make their lives easier. Basically, the ‘talk tough in press; but come to the table ready to grant wishes’ thing is his MO.
by contrast…. this similar report from a similar time in the previous presidency seems to describe a very one-directional conversation; the term ‘scripted’ was used in the reuters piece to describe Obama’s relationship w/ businesspeople.
That actually doesn’t surprise me. I think it was readily apparent on The Apprentice when he was the host.
Honestly, the article about Obama doesn’t surprise me either coming from Mr. “Elections have consequences and I won.”
It’s pretty well known that he’s going to lash out at anyone that does,
Even if he doesn’t, its pretty well established now that companies that go TDS lose sales, and companies that are targeted by the left for not going TDS gain sales.
It seems that was the case for LL bean
Reuters also ran a photo-essay which i think sends (to me at least) a message about the privilege of American Feminists =
Working Women Around The World
(who presumably aren’t taking the day off)
Among them are ‘street sweeper’ in Mexico, a member of the IDF in Israel, a helicopter pilot from Georgia, a Chinese construction worker etc, a Jordanian plumber….
… a number of the jobs featured in Western countries come across as comparatively silly – fashion designer, bureaucrat, choreographer, hairdresser etc.
Actually sort of interesting for how it might reveal how much farther women have come, economically, in other countries, while complaining the most about their advanced condition here in the West.
The countries where feminists complain the most have the most successful economies…therefore complain more!
“Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right”
post-Brexit, the big-EU countries now feel pressure coming at them from Eastern-European countries that they get more-say in economic matters.
Add in the domestic political problems France and Germany face…. and (while people have said this 1000 times in the last decade) i think EU dissolution becomes more and more plausible.
One can only hope.
The lede on the Cuba story:
See how wonderful Cuba is? Raquel has one of the thousands of green jobs that Cuba’s government has created. If only Obama could have gotten his way, he would have created millions of green jobs like this in the US.