Wednesday, baby! Halfway to the weekend.  And I bet even money the first half of your week has gone better than the people at the CIA.  Unless one of you works for the CIA.  Which I wouldn’t doubt, you sneaky infiltrating bastards… But I digress.

Now let me get back to the job at hand: providing you with a heaping helping of links to warm your belly and set you off on your midweek adventures satisfied. Unless you’re a Cuban hobo(ette). Of course, you can’t access the internet down there anyway.

This is how a libertarian sees regulation.

WikiLeaks has dropped a stinkbomb on the CIA.

This is the real Cuba for retirees

And I leave you with this little ditty. Enjoy it as much as I will, children of the 80’s (and anybody else that enjoys great music from people with shitty political beliefs).  Or if that’s not your thing, here’s another song with the same name from a great movie.


Go out there and have a wonderful day.