Cocktail of the Week – The Monkey Gland
By RC Dean
This week – the Monkey Gland. The key to this one is getting just the right amount of licorice flavor from the Pernod. Yes, yet another liqueur you probably don’t have in your liquor cabinet. Oh, yeah, you’ll need Grenadine, too. I didn’t have either when this recipe first showed up. If you’re serious about cocktailing, though, you are going to acquire a collection of liqueurs and mixers. As I peruse the rotation at the Casa Dean, though, I note that most of the rest of the regulars don’t really call for exotic ingredients (although I will have an article on bitters, related mixers, and tools one of these weeks).

The Monkey Gland
The Monkey Gland:
3 oz. gin (I like The Botanist)
2 oz. orange juice
1 tsp. Grenadine
2 ml Pernod (yup, those are milliliters – I use an eyedropper with an ml index on it)
Add the Pernod to an empty cocktail shaker, and “rinse” (coat the sides of) the shaker with it. Rinsing the shaker adds more of a licorice nose to the drink, but isn’t completely necessary. Note: do not pour out the “excess” Pernod after you have prepped the shaker. I tinkered with this recipe before I landed on 2 ml as being the right dose for me. Pernod (originally, a faux absinthe after the real deal was banned) is powerfully licorice flavored – too much is way too much, but too little just takes away the character of a Monkey Gland. I went to the eyedropper because it was the only way to be consistent, and you want to hit the sweet spot for the Pernod.
Add ice, gin, orange juice, and grenadine to the shaker. Shake (a proper shake is 10 – 15 seconds, in case you were wondering). I pour mine over ice; I think the classic serving is straight up in a martini glass. I like my drinks to stay cold – we’ve recently gone to the 1½ inch ice spheres (one per glass) to keep things cold without diluting too much. Personally, I think a Monkey Gland with a big ball floating in it is the optimal presentation, anyway.
This is an old cocktail recipe dating back to the 1920s or so. It was inspired by a Dr. Serge Voronoff, who made a pile of money implanting slices of freshly-harvested monkey testicles into the scrota of old, rich, and stupid Europeans, for exactly the reason you think. One can only imagine the complications and outcomes, but at least it inspired an excellent drink.
Derpetologist’s Spot the Not: Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan
1. Parents have a right to insist that godless evolution not be taught to their children.
2. Bill Clinton’s foreign policy experience stems mainly from having breakfast at the International House of Pancakes.
3. No one has deputized America to play Wyatt Earp to the world.
4. Terrorism is the price of empire. If we do not wish to pay it, we must give up the empire.
5. The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity.
6. The War Between the States was about independence, about self-determination, about the right of a people to break free of a government to which they could no longer give allegiance.
I could do this without the Pernod, because licorice, and anything that tastes like it, is the Devil’s… something.
I’m guessing #2 is the not. It’s way too witty for him.
I can totally picture him saying that on MacLaughlin Group.
I agree – I think that might have been one of his primary opponents.
Shit, #1 might be it, due to same reason I had for #5, only moreso.
Let’s go with #5. It’s a bit on the nose, and feels like one of those “Do you know who said…” questions.
OT: Somebody a day or so ago tossed out a Bjork vid and it got me diving back into a bunch of 90’s female vocalist led bands that made me shimmy and shake as a teenager.
?,…Sneaker Pimps, Breeders, a few from L7, Garbage, Cardigans(Piss off. Fans of Gran Turismo 2 feel me.), Madison Avenue(Again, piss off. Former raver, girls liked it.), and I cheat with the Distillers because she makes my male parts tingle.
I work tomorrow morning so endure my shit posting…and away I go!
Calling Madison Avenue a 90’s act is a bit of a stretch.
Watched that video many times on MTV Europe in the spring of 2000. Yikes… that long ago.
How about some Luscious Jackson. One of my favorite female acts from the early 90’s.
And I suppose anything from Portishead is obligatory.
And of course, my namesake. I promise I’ll fuck off now. Happy Friday.
I saw your username and instantly had Morcheeba running through my head. Great group.
Lush or GTFO
*bookmarked for tomorrow*
My fave.
A few years ago I tried to find a video of 6 Underground and the vocalist was a dude. I guess Sneaker Pimps dropped their vocalist in favor of one of the guys for the second album. 6 Underground doesn’t work nearly as well with his voice though.
Christ, I’d imagine not!
How would he prep for a show, let his balls set off a mouse trap?
Serving Instructions
Monkey tastes def when you pour it on ice…
I reached in the locker, grabbed the Spanish Fly
I put it in the monkey mixed it in the cup
Went over to the girl, “Yo, baby, what’s up?”
I’ll have to try this one RC. I’m drinking some hipster gin from Brooklyn with ginger beer. Not bad.
The not, I am going 3
I have to buy one of those too! I am slightly disappointed the recipe does not require the catching of a monkey and milking a gland.
I agree with #3. I don’t really have a good reason why…just cuz
Honestly, if you’re looking for accuracy, I’ve found most drug stores have baby medicine droppers that have milliliter measurements on them.
It crossed my mind that syringes are marked in ml. I could hit up the junkies in the park in the city up the road and borrow one. They also may have a line on a monkey to milk. I am not sure RC’s recipe is authentic.
20 years ago this year, I created a shot. The Kentaco.
3/4 oz Bourbon (Beam or something cheaper)
3/4oz Tequila (Pepe Lopez or something cheaper)
1 splash of Tabasco sauce. Or 7 drops from your monkey gland.
Float Tequila on top of Bourbon. Add Tabasco. Shoot. Try not to have it come out your nose, that is bad.
Monkey gland eyedropper.
My personal favorite created cocktail was a modification of the Rob Roy, instead of Scotch and Sweet Vermouth, go with 2 parts Irish Whiskey and 1 part Irish Liquor (such as Irish Mist or Celtic Crossing), shake and strain into a cocktail glass. I called it the Cú Chulainn.
#3 is sooooo Pat Buchanan.
They are all sooooo Pat Buchanan. Derp is sneaky.
What’s everyone drinking tonight? A buddy at work gave me half a bottle of High West Rendezvous Rye. Will be trying it on the rocks shortly.
SP is taking a well-deserved nap, so I can’t really justify popping open a bottle of Cornas. So I’ll likely settle for some hard cider.
Is the cider homemade?
Sigh. No. Neither is the potential Cornas (I guess that will be tomorrow). But you give me an idea- there’s some of SP’s homemade limoncello in the freezer. Maybe I’ll have a belt or two…
You deserve it.
Trolling for totsHanding out candy all day is hard work.Someone’s gotta do it.
It’s for the children.
SP; that made me laugh a little too much. (the rye may be helping) “Wickedly funny” would be an apt description
I’m still working on killing a keg of home brewed Imperial Stout, with backup kegs of Kolsch, Irish Red, and Pomegranate Lambic. I still have to keg up a Cream Ale that’s done as well. I really need more people to come over to my house that drink.
The Pom’ Lambic sounds interesting. How did it turn out?
I’ve only had store bought lambic, but I really liked it. I need to get back into homebrewing
The Pom Lambic is unbelievably tart. I went with a 4 gallon batch of my standard lambic batch, and added 1 gallon of pure pomegranate juice. Then let it sit for another 6 months. I’m a fan of it, but it’s not something I can sit and session all night. I’ve actually cultivated my own sour blend for lambics, I’ve got 5 gallons of cherry lambic sitting in secondary, and actually won a best of show with a batch of my raspberry lambic (of which I’ve only got about 5 bottles left).
Was your store bought lambic an olde/oude one or the Lindeman’s sweeter style?
“The Pom Lambic is unbelievably tart.”
Go on…
*hides semi*
If you want, I can provide the recipe. It’s fairly simple as long as you already homebrew, and have at least a single fermenter assigned to sour beers.
Yes please!
Here you go:
Fruit lambics.
I’ve tried to open your link a few times and keep getting “server not found” error
I’ll hang my head in shame, should work.
Perfect. Thanks! If I ever get around to making one, I’ll let you know how it turned out
Yeah, I love sour beers. It’s so nice that they’re actually popular right now and I get to try new ones all the time.
I wish I lived remotely close to you, I’d love to try your lambics.
Yep, all I’ve had is Lindeman’s. I enjoyed them, but they are pretty sweet. What’s your recommendations for some other choices?
The Lindeman’s aren’t technically Lambics, as they back sweeten them. If you can find Drie Fonteinen (3 Fonteinen), Hanssens, or Cantillon they would be exceptional sours. However, they will also be quite pricey. If you’re looking for something more accessible, then if you get Jolly Pumpkin beers, I would recommend them. Don’t fear the name, they use Pumpkin in only one of their beers, and my personal favorites from them are the Bam, and the Calabaza Blanca.
There’s a pretty good liquor store in a near by town. I’ll put them to the test and see if they have any of your recommendations. Fingers crossed. Thanks!
I’d recommend going with a single one and seeing if you actually like sours. They’re a style that is either loved or hated.
I really need more people to come over to my house that drink.
Raises hand. Sooooo, where do you live?
I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. If there is ever going to be a meetup in the area, I’m willing to offer up my basement.
Ah, a Clevelander. I’ve had this crazy idea lately to maybe move there – to save money and my company is headquartered there so there’s that – can you recommend a singles-friendly (but not too young or hipster-y) city neighborhood?
For the neighborhoods, I’m one of the few who has lived on both the East and West side of the city, if you can give some qualifications, I can give some recommendations. Feel free to hit up my handle at if you want to take it off the forums.
Cool. Will do.
So the tourism videos finally worked?
LOL one of you wags has posted that before.
I’m from upstate NY; I can do urban wasteland like no one’s business.
Um…you know you are in Warty range. You poor bastard.
I even think I can guess the neighborhood that Warty used to live in, but I have friends who live there. Of course, one of them did try to auction me off at a bar at the Taste of Tremont several years back…
“I live in the suburbs of Cleveland”
I’m very sorry for your pour soul. My eldest brother lived there … worked there and lived near, until he finally cracked and moved to Florida and proceeded to go insane and turn into your average Floridian.
So is it being in Florida itself that makes you mad, or is it basically the state that is a glorified mental health dumping ground for the rest of the country? Is there something in the water, or does Florida rest on the corpse of an Elder God or something?
offer up my basement.
Heard that before,
I really need more people to come over to my house that drink.
I’ll gladly help.
Something says this is like being invited to Warty’s to help move some ‘furniture’ around.
Just because Warty was from the Cleveland area before he became a Yinzer, doesn’t mean that all of us are like him. As an example, I’ve never done a squat in my life.
*Google’s “directions to Nephilium’s place*
Huh. One of the first results is google books “The Voyages of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, 1595-1606: Introduction …
By Pedro Fernandes de Queirós, Luis de Belmonte y Bermúdez, Gaspar Gonzalez de Leza, Juan de Torquemada, Luis Vaez de Torres, Diego de Prado y Tobar, Fernando de Castro, Juan Luis Arias”
Probably not going to read it.
30 pack of Stroh’s , well probably 9 or 11 of them.
Wow, they still make that? Last I had one was maybe 20 years ago. I didn’t even know it still exists.
*smashes can against forehead*
What was it… fire brewed or something? It had a very distinct taste, I remember that.
Here, let Uncle Fidel explain it to you
Always gave me a headache the next day. Even in moderate quantities.
I don’t remember many nights in my early 20’s thanks to Stroh’s.
Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin. I only buy the finest beer that Wawa has to offer.
Ace, meet Playa Manhattan – Playa Manhattan, meet AceDroman.
I’ve never seen a six pack packaged in a box so I was sold immediately.
I just had one. It’s an excellent beer, despite Playa.
It’s a very expensive box.
And for the record, this Rye is amazing. Very smooth. Great taste. Would drink again.
Im still at work and this is in my mini fridge. Good times.
You keep a puppy in your fridge? I might be with the PETA chics on that one.
Damn… that’s an obscure older cocktail. Any chance you’re going to do a write up on one of my personal favorites: Satan’s Whiskers?
Dunno. Never had it. If I try and like, sure.
If you’re interested, here’s a recipe:
2 part gin
2 part sweet vermouth
2 part dry vermouth
1 part orange curacao/Grand Marnier
2 part orange juice
3 dashes bitters (orange preferably)
Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass.
It’s a drink to never order in a bar unless they specialize in cocktails, or they’re dead and they like you.
Just say no to licorice.
No booze for me tonight. I drank last night while out with some current and former coworkers. Founder’s Breakfast Stout, Downeast Cider, Weyerbacher’s Tiny, and Banded Horn’s Pepperell Pilsner.
I remember reading #2 somewhere, but I can’t remember who said it. I’ll say #6 because I don’t remember Pat Buchanan ever talking about the Civil War.
RC, I’m occasionally given odd/interesting booze from an aunt who works in the biz. Had St. Germain a bit before it was stocked in every bar and was handed a bottle of Fireball with the explanation of “this will replace Jäger by the year’s end”.
About a year ago I got Creme Yvette and haven’t come across anything I’m excited to make with it. Any suggestions?
Creme Yvette looks a lot like Creme de Violette, but the two aren’t ordinarily interchanegable. Nonetheless, try this riff on an Aviation:
2oz gin (I like Hendrick’s or Plymouth)
1/2 oz lime juice
1 oz Creme Yvette
up to 1oz cream or half-and-half
1/2 simple syrup 1:1
Add all to a shaker with ice, shake briskly, serve up in a coupe or cocktail glass.
One note on the Aviation, if you’re aiming for accuracy, the gin should be a anise forward one. The Aviator gin (which was the base of the cocktail) is one.
I might not even have gin in the house…
*goes to check*
Phew, I have some St. George Terroir
If I had the ability to post pictures (like some more powerful people), then I could taunt with the picture of my bar’s liquor shelves.
Never run across that one.
Creme Yvette
Had two women friends that got absolutely hammered on Warm Creamy Bush’s. One of the funniest drinking stories I ever heard.
“Personally, I think a Monkey Gland with a big ball floating in it…”
Ok, we’re not even trying to hide it. The masks have come off. All ya’ll sickos, furries and other crimes against decency are funny.
Not sure how I found this, but I want one.
Very cool whiskey glass
In other news, wife bought a bottle of Chivas Regal yesterday and just poured a glass. She rarely drinks Scotch and neither do I, but damn that stuff smells good, I’m tempted…
If you’re looking for appropriate whisk(e)y glasses, check out this style. I got a couple years ago, and I love them for good whisk(e)y’s.
Hmm, that’s different. I’ll have to check them out. Like I said, no one here ever drinks whiskey. We occasionally get a bottle of sugar cane rum that’s dark colored, but that’s about it.
Authentic pirate/merchant drink…
Standard drinkware; Old Fashioned Glass
Commonly used ingredients
2 ounces rum
1 ounce water
2 sugar cubes
Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon to taste cinnamon
Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon to taste nutmeg
Preparation Mix and garnish
Skip the ice – they didn’t have it available back then.
I would try that right now, but it appears someone drank all the rum. Which is odd since I live alone and do not remember when that happened. I think I have been robbed.
It’s possible
That’s my go-to drink when I think I have a cold coming on – and sometimes when I don’t.
I’ve got those, and some I use more that are more . . . squat.
An upcoming post will be bar gear and liqueurs and stuff.
Oh, yeah, and I’m drinking Heineken of course. Shut up.
Fuck that shit.
I just threw up a little
*shakes head and walks away*
Heineken, the best most hated lager of all time. I could have said I’m drinking Natty Bo and spared myself the hate! MAKE LAGER GREAT AGAIN!
The worst lager is Kokanee.
The worst lager is every craft beer shitty IPA that claims to be a lager. Take your pick.
I am so fucking tired of every brewery needing to have 3-5 IPA’s and oh yeah, let’s make a couple other styles, too. When will this IPA craze end so we can truly explore and enjoy all styles of beer?
Kokanee is not an IPA. It is a beloved Canadian brew. It is so sweet tasting you want to brush your teeth after a bottle. They call it a pilsner lager, but they left the pilsner out.
No… the worst lager that I’ve ever had is Hue, a Vietnamese beer made with “the fragrant water of the perfume river”. Even the fruit flies stayed away from it.
My favorite is Spaten Lager – it’s goes down smoove.
My favorite “beer”
Spaten makes some delicious beers. I also enjoy their Oktoberfest (the original!) and dopplebock.
I only drink that when they are out of Stroh’s.
Well, it’s a budget saving plan, I guess.
Or Rainier
What about some Genesee Cream Ale or Little Kings? What about that beer that just has ‘BEER’ printed on the white can? Come on, you shitlords, you ain’t goin low enough.
I remember the beer with beer printed on a white can. Never had it. I was too young.
I had it one time. The time that some joker ‘friend’ of mine lost a bet with me and had to buy a case of beer. So he came over with that stuff telling me its the ‘best new beer out’ that’s all the rage. Not sure if I ever seen it after that and can’t even remember how bad it was.
+1 Repo Man
I love that BEER
Here’s the new version of generic beer
Mountain Brew!
Was that during the no-name craze in the eighties? I remember huge warehouses stocked with nothing but “COLA” and “COFFEE”.
Ya, the generic craze.
@ Mike My first whats her face, talked me into moving to OK in the late 90’s. I wanted to start a brewery there called OK Beer. Motto: It aint great, but it be OK. We excel at mediocrity!
“C’mon kid, let’s go get a drink.”
Greatest movie ever.
So I started the evening off with an Imperial Russian Ale then switched to a really wonderful porter. I think I’m going to cap the night with a Jameson Caskmate – an impulse purchase that I haven’t as yet tried.
I’ve got a bottle of that in the basement, and it’s a purchase I’m glad I made. If you like the Caskmate, and live near Michigan, I’d recommend looking for New Holland’s Beer Aged Bourbon. New Holland makes a beer called Dragon’s Milk that is aged in bourbon barrels, they then started distilling, and finishing up aging a bourbon in the barrels that previously held the stout. It adds a clean malt note to the bourbon.
I second the recommendation of Dragon’s Milk.
It’s 11 o’clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There’s an OMWC sitting next to me
Making luv to his Huckleberry Finn
And the RC, he squints through a Monocle
And the Fusionist rants like
King Lear
They sit at the bar
And stuff links in my jar
Saying, “Tulpa, what are you doing here?”
Sing us a song, you’re the Kanto man. Sing us a song tonight.
Guinness and MC Paul Barman
Completely unrelated to the conversations about drinking and such, is anyone else here a rockabilly fan who will be at Viva Las Vegas this year?
Ok… May I request the edit fairies to correct my link?
Thank you, and great praise to the edit fairies, I’ll leave a glass of bourbon out in your honor tonight.
Shit, I might fly out for the car show.
The only cars that broke the rules last year were the cars from movies/TV shows. They had the Delorean from Back to the Future, Christine, Greased Lightning, and the General Lee. I loved it for the fact that you could easily pick out who was a part of the gathering by looking at them. The fact that I had no tattoos actually made me stand out.
You might like this.
Brian Setzer and Dick Dale were the headliners last year. Dick Dale is always awesome, if you ever have the chance to see him do it.
I’ve not seen him. Setzer many times, with the Stray Cats and beyond. All of them are cool.
I’ve seen Setzer multiple times, probably the best time I’ve seen him was a show at Kent University. Best Swing Band I’ve seen randomly was the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (or if you actually like the obscure ones, then I’d say The Atomic Fireballs).
Setzer is a cool guy. He married a local chick and I think he still lives around here.
*fancy pants beer
*Fancy pants booze
*Liqueurs fer crissake
*Nekkid wymin
What is this place Playboy 1959?
Maybe Warty should do a periodic “Glibbertarin Advisor”.
I’m just bitter/jealous cause I’ve had to give up my IPAs because heart failure.
Gawd I miss that hop explosion.
Did you ever consider that maybe those IPA’s caused your heart failure?
I have a Brown Sugga in front of me, and my heart is fine.
So far.
They shipped Hop Stoopid out here in 6 packs recently. Tasty.
I’ve only had it in 22oz.
I’ve never had one. From my very hasty internet research, that is not an IPA
It’s a double IPA.
Ahhh. Now I see.
I gave up on Lagunitas once they sold out to Heineken after bitching about other breweries selling out.
There’s selling out, and then there’s spreading the gift.
They just didn’t have the infrastructure to go nationwide on their own. Same with Stone.
I agree with this. Getting the goodness out to the people is spendy.
Lagunitas is the bomb.
Especially considering how expensive Ballast Point is at my local Ralph’s.
It’s actually cheaper at Whole Foods.
I don’t think I’ve ever uttered that phrase before.
Grapefruit Sculpin $12.99 here. I think that’s a sale. Typically $14.99.
Victory at Sea (and its many different variants) is one of my favorite beers but Ballast Point are really going for that “premium priced” obnoxiousness.
And, amusingly enough, it is indeed cheaper at Whole Foods around here as well.
The owner of Lagunias bitched out people who sold out before he did the same thing. I understand selling out, and the only times I’ll drop the brewery is if they sell out to one of the big three.
But once a brewery sells out, I’ll chose local breweries who did not make that decision over them.
I’m in manufacturing. It’s super easy to be principled (and critical) before you experience the sheer “holy fuck!” of expansion.
Four Peaks sold out and it’s been nothing but straight improvement so far–they were immediately able to put out stuff that previously was only occasional/seasonal (like their gosebier) and revamp and improve their menu with the resources now available.
There were a bunch of people who were all “rarrgh fuck them they’re not even local anymore” but until the sky is actually falling into their beer and fucking it up, I’m more than fine with the current course of action.
For me it’s more that the owner was very vocal about calling out any other brewery that sold out, Up until he sold out. Then he shut up. I don’t disparage any one else choosing to pick up their beer, but I will stick to my locals that haven’t sold out to that level first.
If a couple a day is enough. Wish I knew what it was. Just being really careful. Don’t think miss the buzz, but those hops!
It’s not that fancy…
*tries to hide keg and flyers under tarp*
Yesterday, Tom Woods had a great podcast on “Taxation is theft” and the social contract. Can’t link it, at work. Thomas Friedman’s deconstruction is referred to and, for me, is beyond reproach.
DAVID Freidman. Ugh.
*attacks bar with boat oar*
Stabs _Warren_ with a knife.
See the booze makes you all murderous!
It’s kind of catchy and I won’t dance to it.
Just discovered we are out of mineral water and the club soda in the auxiliary fridge (the garage) is flat. Do any of you have a recommendation for a “soda stream” type device? Remember I am married to OMWC, a notoriously cheap-ass Jew.
I would think he would spend the shekels on (((Soda Stream)))
I was thinking of getting one of those but I heard they get you on the gas refills.
Yeah, they really do. It’s like those great whipped cream devices. Same thing. The cartridges are outrageous.
There are supposedly workarounds but they sounded dubious to me (like, “hey buddy, hook me up with some CO2”).
They do hose you on the refills. Pisses me off. I say buy the 1L bottles of soda water in bulk. Maybe a pallet if you can get a truck in the driveway.
Problem is the plastic in which they come. I guess I could do glass…
What is wrong with plastic out of curiosity? If you are going to do glass, I would imagine refills are cheaper.
Permeable to CO2, so things go flatter faster.
I did not know that. The things I learn here.
And I am not sure I am believing that one.
There’s really nothing to beat an old-fashioned soda syphon, but looking online, they’re nowhere as cheap as I thought they’d be.
Make sure his life insurance is fully paid up, then tell him you want one of these:
I actually love that. I love the design and everything about it. Just checking to see if there are “better” options out there in Glibertaria. Not that any of you ever have an opinion on anything.
(Edited to clarify that I am NOT talking about the stupid link the spousal unit posted.)
I own one of these.
.. and one of these (which go ridiculously cheap on ebay)
I don’t use them, but the rest of the family are artisanal seltzer water makers, and they swear by it because they can use our well water. Me? I refuse to dilute my scotch.
Just to clarify – the Schweppes one i have is newer and accepts CO2 widgets, but retains that style.
Those are beautiful! And I am with you on the Scotch protocol.
But I do like variety in actual cocktails, too. We have our favorite distillery near us, and I like to find uses for their products. We’ve also done Asian dinners with paired cocktails for each course.
I just violated the single link rule, but there’s a response in moderation
Soda syphon is the way to go. I use the glass and wire mesh one.
I don’t, but my super (((cheap))) answer is aluminum.
Well, if you home brew, you’ll generally have large amounts of items sitting around. I’ve got two CO2 tanks sitting around, one could set one up to be a carbonator of water.
Not a beer drinker (one of my many flaws according to OMWC). Home winemaking supplies we have. Not that we need them, because we have a kickass wine cellar.
There’s nothing wrong with a great wine cellar. I need to run up to a local bar to get enough bottles to contain the 60 bottles of wine I need to bottle in the next 2 weeks.
Come over. I have about mumble mumble cases of bottles not being used for home winemaking this year.
If you and your husband are interested, I’ll gladly teach the secrets of fermentation to you. But I wouldn’t want to risk the cat ass. The other question is what do you want to ferment?
Oh, we’re good on fermentation. And do many kinds of it. I just didn’t get any wine going this past year, and my Dad stopped making wine (he’s like 102 now, so he has an excuse), and I pre-inherited his bottle inventory. All taking up much room in the garage.
Not a beer drinker (one of my many flaws according to OMWC).
Not a flaw according to Ted S.
Send one of the kids down to the convenience store.
When webdominatrix is here, we do send her to the packy, ok, and on all other tiresome errands. It’s good to have children of legal drinking age. She even mixes cocktails on demand.
Oooh. Nice. Mine are shy of drinking age, but useful for personnel transport and errands.
I’ve seen that name before. The whole family’s on here? Holy cow.
Only the geeks. But don’t piss her off. She has much power here.
OK, story time.
Background: webdominatrix is a cute blonde woman who, at the time of this story, was about 25.
I run a research group at a megacorp. I had just hired a bright young fellow who, after a month on the job, was beginning to feel comfortable with our group’s rather… informal style. I was in my office and had just gotten one of those LinkedIn emails suggesting that I endorse some of my contacts, one of whom was The Daughter. So I clicked over to her page, where it had a photo of her and, underneath the photo, her (at that time) employer, Virgin. The juxtaposition made me laugh. The new kid was walking by at that moment, stuck his head in, and asked what i was laughing at. I pointed at my screen and responded, “This LinkedIn profile.”
He looked at it, saw the name (which is not the same as my name), the photo, and the word Virgin under it, and he immediately remarked, “Virgin? Really? That looks like a dirty girl, someone who’d love to take it up the ass!”
Never one to miss an opportunity, I stared at him silently for several seconds, then said icily, “That’s my daughter.”
The look on his face as he saw his professional life flash before his eyes was something that still cracks me up.
And that story still makes me laugh.
You are very calm. I would have put him through the wall.
Other than Thorzine, any advice for the father of an awesome daughter?
I laughed my ass off after making him suffer. I’m a bad, bad daddy.
Get her Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and shooting lessons. And ice water in her veins.
The reality is, when you get a daughter finally reach adult age, that all the rules you thought you’d live by, change.
I don’t think you can plan for the change in attitude, but at some point, you resign yourself to the fact that you’ve created a being that has a sexual facet to her life.
Lightweight here tonight. Black Butte Porter.
On FaceDerp I posted a link to that “other” site’s article on how UCBerkeley took down its 20k Educational vids after the DoJ said they were in violation of ADA since the deaf couldn’t use the vids. I commented that it was an example of gov’t cures being worse than the disease, and my deaf friend went nuts on me. She ended up unfriending me and was clearly flummoxed that I didn’t bow to her martyrdom as a deaf person.
This is a friend in flesh and blood sense, not just an online friend. It is nuts how people get on Facederp these days.
I hope you flipped her the bird.
“What’s the sign for ‘Fuck off, slaver’?”
I did ask whether we should burn down libraries that don’t have duplicates of all their books in braille, and then she doubled down on personal attacks.
Highlights include:
Her: “I am disappointed that you would post a biased, ableist article like that as well as support it.” (her opening salvo. I should have known this would not be a reasonable debate)
Me: ” I am not giving UCB sympathy, I am saying getting the gov’t to wield power over your opponents almost never results in good outcomes. I don’t think UCB did a noble thing, but I can’t blame them for taking the low-cost solution.”
Her: “1 in 5 Americans have a disability. You are telling them that they are not important and that they do not deserve access.”
Me: “You are being extremely presumptious in projecting thoughts and motives to me when you can’t possibly know what I am thinking. I have disabilities too. I have explained multiple times in this “dialog” that my problem is with getting the government to intervene when they can’t deal with a difficult and sensitive situation worth a plug nickel.”
Me: “An alternative original reply from you might have been “Did you know this has been going on since 2014 and UCB has refused to cooperate? Here’s a link to more background.” But you opened with a lecture in which you impugned my character. Not the best move in a debate or a conversation.”
…and 3-2-1 UNFRIENDED! Boo Hoo.
Ablist? Removing resources for everyone is a solution in her mind? Assuming the 1 in 5 number, then taking away from 4 out of 5 is good? Really, of that 1 in 5 number, I would gander that most can function without any special accommodation or could still benefit from supposedly inaccessible material (such as using friends or family or… hiring a tutor).
These fuckers are clamoring for a Handicapper General.
I should have linked to Harrison Bergeron, but she probably would have thought it was a great idea.
Assuming the 1 in 5 number
They’re counting rape victims among the disabled.
I don’t even try to argue with people who use “ableism” unironically, as it will profit neither them nor myself. It’s an almost incomprehensibly moronic belief that is never actually practiced by its hypocritical adherents, just referred to in their virtue signalling as they discriminate by going to physicians with requisite training instead of illiterate homeless for their medical care, etc.
Lesson learned. The stat about disabilities was particularly galling. I guess I was supposed to bow down and agree with whatever she said at that point.
In high school, there was a girl who was a total bitch, but we all knew she lived with her maternal grandparents because her father was in prison for murdering her mother. Terrible thing. We were super nice to her, but she took advantage of it big time and was a manipulative little jerk. It was then that I came to the realization that sometimes bad things happen to bad people, and it doesn’t automatically make them good or give them the right to be a dick. Decades later, I still remind myself of that fact, because all too often, “victimhood” is used as a license to get away with anything.
Call her a stupid cunt. It’s not like she can hear you.
Again; Wickedly funny
Wicked is the best kind of funny.
That is EXACTLY what my dear husband said. 😀
Aren’t you in Minne?
Watching the tourney?
Yes, I am in Minne. We are depressed after the Hawks humiliating loss to the Red Wings, so we are cheering ourselves up with booze and American Pickers. (Hubs is from Chicago, and I converted upon marriage, which was fair since he went from Catholic to Protestant for me.)
I see some pretty sweet highlights of the tourney on FB from my friends who are there.
The State of Hockey indeed!
What he fuck is American Pickers? Turn to 45tv right now, young lady!!
Oh, and the Wild won tonight. My condolences to the husband.
If he falls asleep again, I might!
Jebuz you people are boooze snobs. Remind me not to tell you that I regularly sip Fireball and chase it with Bud light.
We can party in Denver
I’m flattered, Doom, but I don’t swing that way.
look, you can bring your hippie girl.
Oh, you meant party in the city of Denver.
Yeah bringing her to a drinking night with liberarians would be like leading the lamb to the slaughter
Oh, you thought i- yeah no im good.
Yeah, that could end poorly. I usually hold off talking politics when drunk. It does happen though.
If I can’t talk politics when drunk, then uh, I guess I’ll never talk politics.
That is the only time I talk politics.
it all depends on who’s there.
Also, I’m totally down with a local meetup, even if it’s just the two of us, but I believe there are at least a half dozen of is in the area.
Which brings up this question: a group of geese is a gaggle, fish=school, cattle=herd, etc.
What do you call a group of libertarians? (Can’t be murder, that’s crows)
An unherd.
A clowder
I would be. I think Western might be a little far, but I think there are a few others.
I would drive over for that. If it is within walking distance to a hotel that doesn’t have blood stains on the carpet. No Colfax BS.
Western: pretty sure we can find a couch for you.
OMWC : i was expecting that answer, but thought it would be me giving it (Hitler)
Rhywun: please extrapolate
Perfect! maybe near the end of the month?
A scatter?
A glib?
Just because I agreed to the meet doesn’t mean I’m going to organize it!
Something about my labor, fuck off slaver, etc.
But, lets start a new subthread and see what eveyone wants.
We’ll vote, all democracy like.
You do your thing, Denver. I’m old, so my tastes (and checkbook) have changed. I don’t even want to tell you what I drank as a young yeti.
That’s fine, as long as you don’t expect me to join you. Unless you’re paying.
I’m not gay, but $20 is $20.
When I was a youth my mom had a friend who’s son chose his apartment building because there was a liquor store right next door and a bus stop out front.
How long was it before he ditched the apartment but kept the liquor store and the bus stop?
Smart kid.
Yes, and?
He wasn’t that old. He was in his 20s and didn’t even try to rein in his habit. Instead he adapted his life to his problem. Good on him for the self-awareness but it seems a waste.
The not is number 1, definitely.
Started off with a couple of pisco sours, wife is now snoozing on the couch and I’m on the IPAs.
Erdinger Dunkel with a Young’s Double Chocolate Stout for dessert.
I picked the wrong partner for Mario Kart tonight. If he’s going to drive that way, I may as well have had 5 more beers.
I do not understand anything about that post. Except the part about drinking more. (Don’t mind if I do.)
I’m playing video games with the kids, and they suck.
Ah. Give THEM the extra beers and they will either get better or fall asleep.
You’ve seen the photos of Fuckface with the Sculpin.
drinking and driving (mario cart) is a great game.
The real life version is soooo much funner
yeah, the one life problem though.
Ahh. That does change the game, a bit.
Start new subthread, re Denver meet up: Just because I agreed to the meet doesn’t mean I’m going to organize it!
Something about my labor, fuck off slaver, etc.
But, lets start a new subthread and see what eveyone wants.
We’ll vote, all democracy like.
I don’t know, 25th?
Location? I am open on days at the moment.
That’s a question I can’t answer. Really, I’m cool anywhere I can get a drink.
Huh. First experience with squirrels here, probably my “smart” phone, not the site. Anywhoos:
The 25th is a Saturday. I work Saturday, but a PM meet and greet would be doable. I’m assuming Saturday is good for most people, but so far, there’s only the 3 of us, and Western doesnt seem to care about the date.
Let’s post during working hours and at the other site, and see how many other folks are interested.
But, if it’s just the three of us, that’s good too.
I figured you were still working, but yeah after is easy. something downtown works best for me, but could easily be convinced of something outside.
I’m going to be on the light rail anyways. It’s just as easy to take the train into downtown instead of home. I’d prefer Sunday, of course, but realize that’s not the best day for most people.
Tarantulas is great, but too loud for talking. Great for pool though. I’d recommend the governor’s little place, the Wynkoop. All the public transport ends there (park at a park n ride and take the light rail, its much cheaper and easier than parking), quiet upstairs*, and full size pool tables 🙂
*I’ve only been there on Mondays. It is possible that Saturday night will not be as empty and quiet.
I can do Sunday. If Western and the rest can or want to, that’d be fine.
Wynkoop is right there.
If that’s too pricey (and now we’re spending perfectly good beer money on parking!), then maybe the burbs would be better.
(Was it Western I told about Guadalajaras? The light rail should be running that far by summer.) Something on one of the train lines would be best for me since I’m working, but could always uber or drive.
The best thing about Sunday is that the place would be almost empty. No drunk kids, no music so loud that you can’t talk, no waiting on a pool table, no waiting for service, etc. Having Sundays and Mondays off has certain advantages.
Prior thread has me picturing this meetup as an awkward Sean Cody scene.
What are you saying?
Stay classy, Jesse 😉
I am not sure. But after reading that page, I think jesse may be the real Sean Cody.
And how do you get the hover text over a link? Nice touch.
Queer for beer?
As this is a booze-related thread, I figure this is as good a place as any to mourn Maryland’s exit from the Big 10 tournament–the wife was hurt more, but we’re all at sea after the recent Redskins shitstorms.
Nothing of note to offer, other than I introduced Shreveport to the concept of the pickleback, and in return learned a variation using spicy bean juice, which approaches the sublime. Also, I’m proud to note that Brewer’s Alley, of Frederick, MD, makes a kolsch that is almost as good as my first. And that’s a backhanded compliment to my ability to make ales in shitty climate control.
Wow, squirrels definitely ate that one. Let’s see…
One of the best beers I’ve ever had was brewed by my little brother. A vit beer flavored with Coriander. Superb. He didn’t like it because it was a little flat, but the the taste… did I already use “superb”?
Incidentally, he was the guy who convinced i forgot the name brewery to introduce “Nitro”.
I missed the word tournament and thought you meant Maryland was dropping out of the Big 10.
The Not is #5, Ron Paul said that.
Nice. PB definately could have said that.