Happy Friday for all of you out there pretending to work.

Don’t forget the  First Annual Glibertarians College Basketball Tourney Bracket Challenge (a carryover from the Hit & Run Tourney Pick Em days for those of you that remember) (password: Podesta).  Max entries per person capped at three, so you’ve got options there to have some fun with upset picks. There will be prizes for the winners involving our new logo.  Which reminds me, the deadline for entries is rapidly approaching.  So get off your asses and get them in here. More on this over the weekend and Monday.

  • The Daily Mail does Spring Break at Panama City Beach. You can tell some of those girls aren’t native. Yikes. By the way, we Florida Men thank those who will be spending their financial aid to help the local economy. Seriously, kids, just get a credit card. At least then you can get shut of bad decisions in seven years or less.
  • In other Florida news, we invite all of you tourists who have finished spending your money to this lovely sinkhole where alligators are piled three deep.
  • Burt Reynolds may have made one of the most libertarian movies ever, but ol’ Bandit thinks the State of Florida should give more money to his kind of people. True story, I sat two rows behind Burt at a Willie Nelson concert.
  • If you read between the lines here, you’ll find the giraffe version of David Carradine.
  • US Army one ups Defense Distributed, 3D prints a grenade launcher.
  • And railguns just became closer to being man-portable. Not close, closer.
  • Why would the NYT care about medical tourism? RINOCare is going to give them everything for free. Also, do NOT go to sketchy storefronts in Miami for butt implants.

Oh well, at least we still have David Bowie and Lou Reed, right? What, you were expecting an INXS song after the David Carradine joke?

Its a trap!