So looking for fodder for other Fur Friday posts I ended up on PETA’s Instagram feed. Mostly because I was looking for a Creative Commons license variant of their Bare Skin not Bear Skin featuring New BSG’s Jamie Bamber which makes me feel funny in my bikini zone. PETA regardless of your opinion (which I assume is quite strong whatever it is, dear Glibertarians) is REALLY good at drawing eyeballs to their cause particularly with barely covered ladies and clever plays on expectations. I will spare you an in-line link to a video where a ginger lass with pert tits is interspliced liberally with cows being inseminated by a very long metal rod (don’t get play and you’ll get all you need from it).

What really surprised me was how often people dressed in )not high enough quality to really be) fursuits shows up on their instagram feed

For instance, Pam Anderson and her friends wearing animal costumes reminiscent of uncanny vintage Halloween costumes:

Although some of them clearly put in more effort than others:

And they’ve even had a celebrity pose for something for Mr. Lizard:

And with that, I hope you all have a good weekend. Oh and just in case next week HM takes the day over for Fetish Fridays, I’ll give you all a soft transition