Thank you, ZARDOZ.
Must be tournament time.
I don’t think ZARDOZ will be filling out any brackets…
Friday night party music
I can’t believe no one has mentioned Preet is out of a job. I am drinking to stupid town in celebration.
Last news report I read, it was ambiguous. I was amused at WaPo’s description of him as “fiercely independent.” Which means “as camera-hungry as Gloria Allred.”
dont piss on another mans drunk omwc
not cool bro
Pissing on drunks is fun. When they wake up, they think they did it themselves.
Preet will have an analysis done to see whose urine it really is.
I see you’ve been to Berlin, OMWC
Isn’t that just a Prussian kink?
From the New York Times –
“With Preet Bharara’s Dismissal, Storied Office Loses Its Top Fighter”
Nothing about Woodchippergate or the Dinesh D’Souza prosecution.
It might be a good idea to have the AG’s office investigate all cases of people prosecuted for campaign-finance violations involving the same amount of money as in D’Souza’s case. How many such prosecutions have there actually been?
Eric Schneiderman is just as bad as Preet.
Preet makes the Paul Giamatti character from “Billions” look downright ethical.
Nothing about poker there either, which is the initial thing that put him on my shitlist.
Holy shit. OK, there was The Incident. But he is/was also trying to take down Deblasion and Cuomo.
I am calling BS. Those people look way to messed up to eat anybodies face off.
Isn’t it bath salts that make you eat faces?
I am not a zombie expert, but don’t all zombies eat faces? I think their description is off.
By the way, I have to say Dr. Seuss (who’s b-day was recently) may very well have been a closet libertarian.
Read Thidwick the Big Hearted Moose…I mean it is AWESOME!
/+2 small children
He got real Socialist in later life (see the Lorax).
That movie was horrible.
I did like this song, though. Sort of reflects my position on
Where does the idea that every tree in the world is in danger of being chopped down? Do the Suess’s and Laurie Berkners of the world just not know that trees have economic value, and so are cultivated rather than destroyed? Do they think that cows or, or pigs are in danger of disappearing, as well?
Counterpoint : Haiti.
He did those racist cartoons early in his career and during WWII. More proof of his libertarianism!
Cat in the Hat is a clear tale of what happens when children aren’t gainfully employed.
Honorable 5th Column
PS – Uncle Sam is mad at your racism
Guess which one line NPR wishes Seuss had never written?
The line where Horton said he was glad he was circumcised so the chics didn’t make him apologize for sporting the hood?
You know who else had to apologize for sporting the hood?
When I was 2 years old I had memorized Thidwick the Big Hearted Moose and would recite it along to the pictures. My mom just gave me a fresh copy of it for my 30th as a joke.
Dr. Seuss was a complete and total abject pinko though.
Don’t forget his garbage Cold War allegory about a bunch of fucks buttering fucking toast. Fuck, what a peice of shit.
UC proposes ‘free speech deans’ to prevent disruptive conduct
“The University of Chicago could soon implement new policies that would severely limit “those engaged in disruptive conduct” from preventing “others from speaking or being heard.”
“A recently-released faculty committee report also suggests establishing “free speech deans-on-call” trained to “deal with disruptive conduct” in order to ensure students are not prevented from expressing themselves on campus.”
h/t the other site
Suppose that the CEO of Ikea, impressed both by Americans’ high income and by the relative security of property and contract rights in the United States, chooses to build 50 more retail stores throughout the U.S. Let’s say that the total value of the resources required to build and initially stock these 50 stores is $2.5 billion. And let’s say that all of the $2.5 billion comes out of the savings of Swedes and other non-Americans. This $2.5 billion investment swells the U.S. current-account deficit by $2.5 billion.
But in what way can it meaningfully or usefully be said that this increase in America’s current-account deficit reflects an additional $2.5 billion deficiency in Americans’ savings? None. Had Ikea chosen not to build these additional 50 stores in the U.S., these investments would not have occurred. Nor is it the case that Ikea would have preferred the financing of these stores to come from Americans but, when no Americans came forward with financing, bit the bullet and found the financing elsewhere.
Don Boudreaux puts out pieces like that like a machine!
Yep. Why are there no tariffs on coffee.
Juan Valdez probably grew coca, not coffee.
Massenger’s Tallboy. The singer is the sister of my friend.
+1 shit on the floor.
Man, I drank so heavily through this series I forgot the exact Zardoz head was used in another episode. My mind immediately went to Get Schwifty.
It’s a solid episode.
Generic black President in that episode was far more likeable than Obama ever was.
So was ICE T.
Keith David already had executive experience from being VP in Saint’s Row 4.
Oil prices were down hard this week, from a $53 handle to a (at the time of this writing) $49.50 price. The first down-leg was due to the surprise spike in US inventories, but the continued weakness could well reflect the OPEC and Saudi messaging at CERA Week. The pathetic performance signaled deep strategic weakness, and suggests that the Saudis et al realize they are in zugzwang: regardless of what they do with regards to output, they are going to regret doing it.
I was going to bring this up. Thanks. What is going on in the US? Do we have a refinery down? Gas prices went up $.25 a gal in the past three days here. What the hell?
You sure it’s not just the switchover to summer-grade gas coming? It’s a little early, but it’s been a mild winter.
Spring Break approacheth.
I thought they raised prices for the winter blend? Hell, I don’t know. It is a racket.
Don’t they have to take each refinery offline for the switchover and other routine maintenance?
Could be. I honestly don’t know that end of the business. Imagine if we had refineries switching at different times. That would require more refineries. We can’t allow that now can we.
Democrat Senators want more people to die on highways
Idiotic bill would raise the cost to fly, forcing more people onto the far more dangerous roads. Luckily it’s got no chance to go anywhere.
You can probably guess the names of some of the Senators sponsoring this.
of course.
and like clockwork, there’s a comment: ‘without regulation we’d have child labor and people would die in factories!!! If you don’t regulate seat size you’re just asking for children to go back working in the coal mines again!!”
sigh. That really is all they know.
Wow, those comments. Everyone who doesn’t want the government to restrict choices is a big ol’ meanie.
Only for the weekend.
No, I interview like this.
Currently playing in the apartment.
It smells like I shit myself, but I didn’t.
Please advise.
Too drunk to realize you shit yourself?
So drunk that OMWC actually shit on you instead of pissed on you?
Nope. Commodius is probably pretty close to the truth. Something happened to my couch, and I’m not sure I want to investigate any further tonight,
Hahahah. My sister’s earliest memory is dumping behind the couch.
I was sitting the nephew tonight and had to change him before bed. Was expecting the usual poosplosion. Found a very solid poop nugget instead. Which, in all honesty, was a bit disturbing. I’m used to the poosplosion, not that crap.
Still smelled like he shit himself, though.
One wipers are a blessing.
I thank god my life is so simple. My couch shitter is in college now. That, and I don’t own a couch anymore.
They’re still doing it, just not at home!
+1 Najeh Davenport
College shits are way worse than toddler shits.
I have stories. But for another time.
Mine are too, both of them.
When the youngest was around 4, he came downstairs in a daze. He had been napping and was stumbling around, almost sleep walking. My wife and I were looking at him and then he went to the back of the couch, whipped it out and started pissing on the couch. We were shocked for a moment, then the wife got to him. I was laughing my ass off.
Marking territory! Good man.
and now for something lighter
For tonight’s insomnia theater presentation, I finally got around to watching X-Men Apocalypse (before I go see Logan tomorrow)
That movie was worse than X-Men 3. Which was really, really bad.
went to see the new Kong movie today. It was pretty good.
I’ve heard to wait on Logan. Not that it’s bad, just a sad movie for the money.
I just purchased the remaining 3 seasons of Psych off
Psych is BS far my favorite series to come from USA
By the Nineteenth dynasty, the previous brief enmity between Set and Horus, in which Horus had ripped off one of Set’s testicles, was revitalised as a separate tale. According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set was considered to have been homosexual and is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Set’s semen, then subsequently throws it in the river, so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus then deliberately spreads his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set’s favorite food (the Egyptians thought that lettuce was phallic). After Set has eaten the lettuce, they go to the deities to try to settle the argument over the rule of Egypt. The deities first listen to Set’s claim of dominance over Horus, and call his semen forth, but it answers from the river, invalidating his claim. Then, the deities listen to Horus’ claim of having dominated Set, and call his semen forth, and it answers from inside Set.[6] In consequence, Horus is declared the ruler of Egypt.
Fratbros have apparently been around since ancient times
Horus and Set, sitting in a tree…
Hold the fuck on here. So dude humped a head of lettuce and became the ruler of Egypt?
Isn’t that how Trump became President?
Stop being so unwoke.
Must be why Egyptian dressing never caught on like French or Russian.
A nice nighttime mix, or maybe to start the day off?
The first minute reminds me of Charlie Brown cartoons.
I can see it.
That spice article is seriously the most bullshit, cliche, trope filled piece of bullshit “news” I have read in years, maybe ever. Truly superlative.
Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign
Among them is our beloved Preet.
Hey, we’ve got influential figures in our midst.
Shia’s live stream of his HWNDU flag looks a little sad.
Wonder what happened.
That is hilarious.