Oh God, where’s the trigger warning for having a picture of the red haired feminazi!? I need my safe space now!
Somalian Road Corporation
on March 11, 2017 at 3:13 pm
I like how “it’s not my job to educate you” became a cornerstone. Actually celebrating the outright refusal to present any sort of counter-argument except raw emotional indignation.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:16 pm
Being awash in righteous indignation feels like a win. Does it feel like you won? Then by God, you won. Now, go educate yourself (I am just saying that. I dont really know what that means)
juris imprudent
on March 11, 2017 at 3:20 pm
I dont really know what that means
Imagine you are the pigeon on the chessboard.
The Elite Elite
on March 11, 2017 at 3:19 pm
What, you expect them to actually know the facts themselves to show you how you’re an oppressive shitlord?
on March 11, 2017 at 3:20 pm
they are not going to enact that labor on your behalf, shitlord
on March 11, 2017 at 7:12 pm
But they’ll make shitlords enact labor on their behalf. Interesting how that works out.
on March 12, 2017 at 1:01 am
I especially like when they describe it as “labor” to.. explain.. what.. they’re… saying, and demand remuneration for their labor.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:15 pm
I am assuming that the prevailing opinion on Becky is a big ‘would’.
I concur.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:20 pm
Yeah, that’s the general consensus. I’d concur.
None of the women or gay men here have commented on Cortez, although that may be due to the X-Ray specs concealing his eyes.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:43 pm
Meh. He looks like Anthony Edwards.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:54 pm
on March 11, 2017 at 4:57 pm
I had the actually great Miracle Mile in mind, but yes.
one true athena
on March 11, 2017 at 4:48 pm
Nah. He has a weak chin and his choice of eyewear is off-putting. two drink minimum for ‘would’.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:01 pm
I appreciate the feedback, and I’ll try to get hunkier guys in future. I would point out that his x-ray glasses are necessary to see into Secret Nazi President’s black heart
on March 11, 2017 at 6:17 pm
You’re getting better at pointing the speech bubbles at their mouths, though. I’ll give you that.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:05 pm
two drink minimum for ‘would’.
Not an Economist
on March 11, 2017 at 5:38 pm
None of the women or gay men
You can’t fool me!!! Everybody knows there are no female libertarians.
I do too, though it would probably be a one time thing.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:18 pm
(educates self)
Yeah, not making any more sense now.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:20 pm
Has anyone filmed their reaction when someone says “I did educate myself, your points are wrong.”
on March 11, 2017 at 3:21 pm
The Elite Elite
on March 11, 2017 at 3:22 pm
Isn’t that when they say “Hey, I need some muscle over here!”?
on March 11, 2017 at 3:34 pm
There is often an awkward silence when i point out to ranting feminists that i have in fact already read Simone de Beauvoir, Julie Kristeva, Carol Gilligan, Helene Cixous, et al, and considered the experience one of the most useless wastes of time in my life.
People who admire critical theory (or Feminist critical theory) are the people just smart enough to grasp the outlines of the ideas. If you’re smart enough to grasp the entirety of what its about, you’re smart enough to see why its completely full of shit. Its a form of intellectualism which appeals to people who easily confuse ‘complexity’ w/ intelligence. They love the jargon and the catchphrases and swap them among each other and call it ‘debate’.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:44 pm
The whole point of critical theory is to undermine the western enlightenment. If wasn’t so lazy I would look it up, but I am pretty sure the dingleberries that came up with it admitted that outright. It is designed to scramble your brain so you cant think straight, to pollute society with idiots to the point that society cant function. Looking around it seems they are making some headway but they will fail. In our society the culture of useful idiots has a critical mass beyond which it self-destructs. This ain’t Russia, Cuba, China or Venezuela and we still have the second amendment.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:04 pm
The whole point of critical theory is to undermine the western enlightenment. I am pretty sure the dingleberries that came up with it admitted that outright.
Critical theory is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole, in contrast to traditional theory oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Horkheimer wanted to distinguish critical theory as a radical, emancipatory form of Marxian theory, critiquing both the model of science put forward by logical positivism and what he and his colleagues saw as the covert positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and Communism….
….Kant’s notion of critique has been associated with the overturning of false, unprovable, or dogmatic philosophical, social, and political beliefs, because Kant’s critique of reason involved the critique of dogmatic theological and metaphysical ideas and was intertwined with the enhancement of ethical autonomy and the Enlightenment critique of superstition and irrational authority.
Ignored by many in “critical realist” circles, however, is that Kant’s immediate impetus for writing his “Critique of Pure Reason” was to address problems raised by David Hume’s skeptical empiricism which, in attacking metaphysics, employed reason and logic to argue against the knowability of the world and common notions of causation. Kant, by contrast, pushed the employment of a priori metaphysical claims as requisite, for if anything is to be said to be knowable, it would have to be established upon abstractions distinct from perceivable phenomena.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on March 11, 2017 at 4:23 pm
As I understand it, critical theory was the earliest response to the revelation that Marxism always devolved into totalitarianism. It was an attempt to salvage the idea that society can be engineered. As much as they reject positivism, they seem to like the idea that they can “social science” their way to utopia.
Rufus the Monocled
on March 11, 2017 at 4:44 pm
It’s all progressive bull shit to me.
on March 11, 2017 at 6:57 pm
“…marxism always devolved into totalitarianism.”
“…salvage the idea that society can be engineered.”
What did they think marxism is if not an attempt to engineer society? Engineering society is a nice way of saying ‘coerce people into being the way we want them to be’; totalitarianism. It looks like a case of fish not knowing they are in water.
*That analogy about fish works fine as a way of illustrating a lack of awareness but it has a problem. It isnt true. If you dont believe that then go catch a fish, put him on the bank 5 feet from the water and watch what he does.
on March 11, 2017 at 7:00 pm
“…abstractions distinct from perceivable phenomena.”
Aaaaaaand right there the whole thing goes up in smoke. There is no such thing. Dig down and you find that our abstractions are built on a foundation of perceivable phenomena.
on March 11, 2017 at 10:41 pm
“Distinct from” doesn’t necessarily not mean “based on.” But at some point you want to take a leap to generality. Limiting oneself to perceivable phenomena isn’t sufficient to do so.
…..maybe? Anyway, I’m not convinced that there’s “no such thing”—nor convinced of the converse. At a certain point the most durable philosophy gets a big shrug from me. ‘Sure of the falsity of many propositions but unsure of the truth of any’…. or something.
Dammit! I scrolled all the way down to make a Star Gazer reference and Ted S. already had it in the bag.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:19 pm
I get some satisfaction in the knowledge that these people will go through the rest of their lives being that stupid and unhappy. I’m not very nice I guess.
Somalian Road Corporation
on March 11, 2017 at 3:31 pm
I don’t know if “unhappy” is really the right term. They get a masochistic pleasure from being outraged to the point where they’ll fake hate crimes and create concepts like “microaggressions” so that the outrage never stops. There can be no appeasement or victory: grievance is an end in and of itself.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:37 pm
See: Bigfoot believers creating hoax Bigfoot videos. The false flags are not just to get everyone else to believe, they are also trying to make themselves believe harder.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:47 pm
I work as a consultant. I have seen multiple men and women who are set in their SJW ways come and often times go. Some learn that they must be more of a value than a cost to our clients and they have grown and succeeded. Others try to get our clients to change their ways to meet the SJW norms. If the clients come to the company we will often try to counsel them on the ways of the real world. If they don’t respond, then these young “warriors” find out what term “at will employment” means.
A few months back I ran into one of these ex employees. Over a year after he was let go he was still nursing a grudge about how unfair it was that the world did not revolve around him. He had good technical skills but remains unhappy and underemployed and I expect this will remain the case.
on March 11, 2017 at 7:03 pm
I see those people as victims. I would be happy to shoot the balls off of those responsible for brainwashing them. What a waste of life and talent.
on March 11, 2017 at 11:33 pm
That would be a metric shit tonne of ammo. I don’t know if I can reload enough. I mean almost every teacher, many coaches, entire university staffs plus their assorted friends and relatives. Maybe if it is a small caliber .
Seriously Suthern. I am not sure what crises America would have to suffer before accepting changing our cultural norms among the key communicators. Plenty of “fly over” places and certain industries on the coasts value individuals with the self worth to accept the universe does not revolve among them. But among educrats, MSM and others they are so invested into the grievance industry I am not sure what will precipitate changes.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:20 pm
A minor point = doesn’t “Guest Contributor” normally have a name?
I made the mistake of reading the conversations below. *feeds self into woodchipper feet first*
on March 11, 2017 at 3:32 pm
Is that fourth panel Elizabeth Warren?
on March 11, 2017 at 3:38 pm
Her spirit-daughter.
on March 11, 2017 at 3:44 pm
Walks With Rage?
on March 11, 2017 at 4:28 pm
Aligns With Idiots.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:46 pm
Arches Brow With Condescension
on March 11, 2017 at 4:47 pm
That’s Mom, by the way
on March 11, 2017 at 5:03 pm
Smug, smarmy condescension is always annoying. It can also be funny, though, as when a prog is explaining something like ‘mansplaining’ without noticing the hypocracy.
The Late P Brooks
on March 11, 2017 at 3:40 pm
Everybody knows beer makes you smart. I’ll be educating myself soon enough.
I did not click your link. You lost me at “other site”.
Rufus the Monocled
on March 11, 2017 at 4:46 pm
What are we supposed to do with all these woodchippers?!
on March 11, 2017 at 4:16 pm
We have an idea of how awful Preet was from the experience of one of our own. What I wonder, is how many other people we have never heard of did he screw ove>. The odds that chippergate was an isolated event are extremely low and inconsistent with the behavior required to excel as an US Attorney. Preet’s supervisor, the unlamented Ms Yates, was quoted as demanding a body because of the resources used in an investigation. Justice be damned, bring me my flesh. If that is how you move up as a USAttn. I imagine many people felt the lash of unjust prosecution.
The fact that he went after several rotten NY politicians is a mitigating factor when cosmic karma determines head or feet first into the ethereal woodchipper.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:49 pm
My hot take is that he is no better or worse than any of them. It is what they do.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:53 pm
I agree with your observation. That does not move me over his cosmic fate. People who wield the unlimited resources of the Fed state must remember that justice and not “get me a body” convictions protects the rights of the People of the USA. Abuse that trust and people will remember the only right in the Declaration of Independence that is mentioned twice and spoke of as a duty.
The Late P Brooks
on March 11, 2017 at 4:16 pm
What are the odds preet and assorted other flying monkeys are busily drafting articles of impeachment?
They seem to think the Emoluments Clause is the slam-dunk case
(from “impeach donald trump (dot) com”)
Many of the Trump Organization’s extensive business dealings with foreign governments, businesses owned by foreign governments, and other foreign leaders violate this ban. A recent legal analysis by Prof. Laurence Tribe of Harvard Law School, Ambassador (ret.) Norman Eisen (former chief ethics counsel to President Barack Obama), and Professor Richard Painter (former chief ethics counsel to President George W. Bush) concluded that Mr. Trump would be violating the foreign emoluments ban from the moment he took office, due to “a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents” deriving from his existing business arrangements.[5] As a result, since he did not divest his business operations before inauguration, he has been violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause since the moment he took office.[6]
How Clinton managed to be secretary of state while the Clinton Foundation continued to operate remains a mystery.
on March 11, 2017 at 7:07 pm
I find it funny when principaled people start invoking principle. They think we dont notice because the truth of it is they cant tell the difference themselves; they think there is nothing to notice.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:37 pm
Felling terrible from this cold I can’t shake, but happy to see the news of Preet’s firing. Also found this little gem of progressive insanity that had me laughing. It is almost Onion level parody, but he really is serious.
It’s everywhere. The collective anxiety is palpable. Stress levels nationwide have skyrocketed. Schoolkids are freaking out. Immigrants are panicking. Psychiatrists are busier than ever. Airports are sort of surreal. Foreign countries are steeling themselves against America’s imminent tidal wave of thuggish violence and isolationism. Hate is begetting hate, trolls are begetting trolls and it’s all you can do to take a deep breath, meditate for 15 minutes and pour a bottle of wine down your face, lest you spontaneously combust.
Ha! Excellent advice that I may have to take up. A hot whisky is medicinal…
on March 11, 2017 at 4:55 pm
It’s good to get your mental illness out into the open like that. Maybe now he can get the help he needs.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:03 pm
This columnist started the term, “Lightworker”in non ironic reference to Obama. The mind boggles.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:06 pm
I had to go and find the exact phrasing he used. Hilarious. This deranged individual has has a column now for over 15 years with the SF Chron and/or its online version.
“Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment.”
on March 11, 2017 at 5:10 pm
Wow, that is world class fucking retarded.
“the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet”
You mean the ability to shove shit people don’t want down their throats like a tin pot dictator?
on March 11, 2017 at 5:33 pm
yeah, it’s funny how much the new way of being on the planet looks just like the old way of leftist authoritarianism.
on March 11, 2017 at 6:03 pm
Jeebus the derp is deep in and around Mark. If this is worst time for humanity in history then how did anybody deal with these strains in the last 100 years: The Cold War, World War II, the Great Depression, the Spanish Flue, World War I, the Russian Revolution and its aftermath, Pol Pot’s genocide, Rwandan genocide, Stalin’s genocides, Mao’s genocides, Armenian genocide, various Balkan wars, multiple famines, and cancelling Wide World of Sports?
And his “spiritual” version of “religious” is completely OK, while traditionally Christian “religious” (because I doubt this guy would call Muslims “coweringly religious”) is completely awful.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:07 pm
Whiney little pussies.
on March 11, 2017 at 6:00 pm
This same columnist penned the following previous stories =
• When the president is a madman
• Week One of Go to Hell, America
• This way to the resistance: Your guide to defying the Trumpocalypse
• The day democracy died: An epitaph
• The venomous cancer of the Trump presidency
• California floods, America burns, irony explodes
• Resolutions for the hopeful, and the Trumped
• The Trump era: How wildly doomed are we?
I’m starting to think there’s a trend here, but i can’t quite say what it is.
on March 11, 2017 at 6:06 pm
“Trump’s Election Causing Killer Asteroid to Head Toward Earth, Can the Lightbringer Save Us?” NYT, SFCh, WaPo tomorrow
on March 11, 2017 at 6:21 pm
I suppose there’s always the possibility he just pens that stuff because it’s what the readers of that outlet expect.
on March 11, 2017 at 6:35 pm
Those are indeed idiotic articles
but have never looked better in such a fine bullet pointed list
(this is a test)
on March 11, 2017 at 6:35 pm
Damn, how do you do bullet points?
on March 11, 2017 at 6:39 pm
ThisIsA test</listIf it works I figured it out. If not I made a fool of myself.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
They seem to think the Emoluments Clause is the slam-dunk case
They’re quite enamored of the 25th Amendment, as well. Nicholas Kristof wrote a column in the NYT a few weeks ago which was an open plea for a coup, by Mike Pence and the Congress. Strange to tell, the Usurpation remains on hold.
on March 11, 2017 at 4:58 pm
The Occupy Wall Street guy looks exactly like a three-year-old crying for his toy.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:03 pm
Yeah, except my daughters at three were a lot more mature and mentally tougher than that guy. I remember when dudes would be ashamed to act like a giant pussy.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:00 pm
I would really love to see Polanski extradited if for no other reason than to watch what happens when the Hollywood left comes out to defend him after the SJWs went after Milo for much less.
So… He should have gone to jail in the 1970s. Before the… lists.
Lawyer fail.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:25 pm
RE that link you posted last page. The one Sloopy responded to, and then someone linked him to Derps article. I would go back and pull quotes from the fuck chops reply, but I don’t want to give him another click. I am not sure I have words for how much his reply pisses me off. It is ass hats like that who have never made anything with their hands that other people will spend gob load sums of money to purchase that are the ones who think it is ok to give the so called “rich” a reason to not purchase your work due to a “luxury tax”. Fuck that guy and everyone who thinks like him.
Rufus the Monocled
on March 11, 2017 at 5:29 pm
His responses were the standard smug prog rubbish.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:35 pm
The smug is strong with that dude.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:37 pm
Well, he has read my “article” a dozen times already…
on March 11, 2017 at 5:45 pm
Maybe he recognizes the people being interviewed.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:39 pm
“standard smug prog rubbish.”
Raven Nation
on March 11, 2017 at 5:39 pm
“But why else is it fair that I make more money because I was born smart? Personally, I think I should make less money since my brain is my favorite toy. I wrote a little about this recently, American Libertarianism Is Fascism-Friendly.”
Umm, I’m pretty sure you can go to your boss and ask for a pay cut. And, if that’s not possible, you could give away more money than what you do now.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on March 11, 2017 at 5:41 pm
What the hell does rewarding merit have to do with fascism?
Raven Nation
on March 11, 2017 at 5:45 pm
Previous sentences: “I’m in favor of progressive taxation because humans are social animals and one person’s success is not theirs alone. All this talk of “punishing success” is just the modern version of eugenics. Sure, no one talks about it that way because of the Nazis.”
In his original post, “American Libertarianism is Fascism-Friendly” is a link to another one of his articles.
Of course he also argues/states that conservatism and libertarianism are the same thing.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on March 11, 2017 at 5:48 pm
So he’s retarded. I understand now.
juris imprudent
on March 11, 2017 at 8:15 pm
The interesting bit is that he wasn’t born that way, he has had to work, probably rather diligently, to make himself into what he now is.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:43 pm
“I’m pretty sure you can go to your boss and ask for a pay cut. And, if that’s not possible, you could give away more money than what you do now.”
But he want’s to force everyone to do that. Preferably at gunpoint.
on March 11, 2017 at 5:07 pm
I’m putting this here because I don’t like posting in dead threads. In the video, some idiot tries convince Milton Friedman that raising taxes is good because it forces people to work harder.
Word on the street is that ZARDOZ will be floating by in, oh about 12 minutes with moar lynx…
on March 11, 2017 at 5:20 pm
I think the idea some people have about money being wealth as opposed to goods and services produced being wealth is a major source of confusion when they talk about economics and particularly government spending. The Same fallacy behind Krugnut’s alien invasion. Just another manifestation of the broken window fallacy.
There are few strategies that have been proven to reduce calorie consumption for an entire community. One of the most effective strategies is taxing sugary drinks.
The Soviets also had some very good strategy for reducing calorie consumption for whole communities.
But whether the revenue generated is used for health, education or community programs or to run essential government operations, soda taxes are effective.
Because taxes work, the soda industry will continue to lobby aggressively against them. But governments that tax sugary drinks save lives, generate revenue and protect kids and adults.
Well, she’s right. Unfortunately for her that she’s also a hypocrite that nobody will take seriously.
If Team Blue were smart, they’d have trotted out somebody that wasn’t around in 2009 and had him/her/xer say it and follow it up with “I wasn’t around in 2009 but would have said the same thing then as I’m saying now. Just because my party made a mistake then doesn’t mean we should make another one now.”
on March 11, 2017 at 7:07 pm
my party made a mistake then
Good one.
juris imprudent
on March 11, 2017 at 8:23 pm
Like those words could pass the lips of any party leader (without their head quivering, swelling and then exploding).
on March 11, 2017 at 7:52 pm
I don’t think there ARE many Democrats around today who weren’t around in 2009. They’ve basically had their balls handed to them recently.
Ok. I am pretty sure I know what a basketball looks like. I will get in on this. What is the NCAA though?
on March 11, 2017 at 8:28 pm
Hey, BP, one of the best things here on Glibertarians. Please continue, this, it’s hilarious.
on March 11, 2017 at 10:10 pm
Thanks, it’s much appreciated. this is something I did after it became clear that Obama wasn’t going to fulfill his promises regarding transparency, etc. a few months into power. It was originally at Urkobold, which was meant as more of a companion site than a replacement, but then the writers weren’t as bad as now.
on March 11, 2017 at 10:13 pm
..but then the writers weren’t as bad as now….
Regarding H&R.
on March 12, 2017 at 1:25 am
I agree with Hyperion, keep at it.
Do you want people to point out typos or not? I am unable to not-see them.
Oh God, where’s the trigger warning for having a picture of the red haired feminazi!? I need my safe space now!
I like how “it’s not my job to educate you” became a cornerstone. Actually celebrating the outright refusal to present any sort of counter-argument except raw emotional indignation.
Being awash in righteous indignation feels like a win. Does it feel like you won? Then by God, you won. Now, go educate yourself (I am just saying that. I dont really know what that means)
I dont really know what that means
Imagine you are the pigeon on the chessboard.
What, you expect them to actually know the facts themselves to show you how you’re an oppressive shitlord?
they are not going to enact that labor on your behalf, shitlord
But they’ll make shitlords enact labor on their behalf. Interesting how that works out.
I especially like when they describe it as “labor” to.. explain.. what.. they’re… saying, and demand remuneration for their labor.
I am assuming that the prevailing opinion on Becky is a big ‘would’.
I concur.
Yeah, that’s the general consensus. I’d concur.
None of the women or gay men here have commented on Cortez, although that may be due to the X-Ray specs concealing his eyes.
Meh. He looks like Anthony Edwards.
I had the actually great Miracle Mile in mind, but yes.
Nah. He has a weak chin and his choice of eyewear is off-putting. two drink minimum for ‘would’.
I appreciate the feedback, and I’ll try to get hunkier guys in future. I would point out that his x-ray glasses are necessary to see into Secret Nazi President’s black heart
You’re getting better at pointing the speech bubbles at their mouths, though. I’ll give you that.
two drink minimum for ‘would’.
You can’t fool me!!! Everybody knows there are no female libertarians.
I voted would on Becky early on.
I do too, though it would probably be a one time thing.
(educates self)
Yeah, not making any more sense now.
Has anyone filmed their reaction when someone says “I did educate myself, your points are wrong.”
Isn’t that when they say “Hey, I need some muscle over here!”?
There is often an awkward silence when i point out to ranting feminists that i have in fact already read Simone de Beauvoir, Julie Kristeva, Carol Gilligan, Helene Cixous, et al, and considered the experience one of the most useless wastes of time in my life.
People who admire critical theory (or Feminist critical theory) are the people just smart enough to grasp the outlines of the ideas. If you’re smart enough to grasp the entirety of what its about, you’re smart enough to see why its completely full of shit. Its a form of intellectualism which appeals to people who easily confuse ‘complexity’ w/ intelligence. They love the jargon and the catchphrases and swap them among each other and call it ‘debate’.
The whole point of critical theory is to undermine the western enlightenment. If wasn’t so lazy I would look it up, but I am pretty sure the dingleberries that came up with it admitted that outright. It is designed to scramble your brain so you cant think straight, to pollute society with idiots to the point that society cant function. Looking around it seems they are making some headway but they will fail. In our society the culture of useful idiots has a critical mass beyond which it self-destructs. This ain’t Russia, Cuba, China or Venezuela and we still have the second amendment.
Adorno and Horkheimer
As I understand it, critical theory was the earliest response to the revelation that Marxism always devolved into totalitarianism. It was an attempt to salvage the idea that society can be engineered. As much as they reject positivism, they seem to like the idea that they can “social science” their way to utopia.
It’s all progressive bull shit to me.
“…marxism always devolved into totalitarianism.”
“…salvage the idea that society can be engineered.”
What did they think marxism is if not an attempt to engineer society? Engineering society is a nice way of saying ‘coerce people into being the way we want them to be’; totalitarianism. It looks like a case of fish not knowing they are in water.
*That analogy about fish works fine as a way of illustrating a lack of awareness but it has a problem. It isnt true. If you dont believe that then go catch a fish, put him on the bank 5 feet from the water and watch what he does.
“…abstractions distinct from perceivable phenomena.”
Aaaaaaand right there the whole thing goes up in smoke. There is no such thing. Dig down and you find that our abstractions are built on a foundation of perceivable phenomena.
“Distinct from” doesn’t necessarily not mean “based on.” But at some point you want to take a leap to generality. Limiting oneself to perceivable phenomena isn’t sufficient to do so.
…..maybe? Anyway, I’m not convinced that there’s “no such thing”—nor convinced of the converse. At a certain point the most durable philosophy gets a big shrug from me. ‘Sure of the falsity of many propositions but unsure of the truth of any’…. or something.
[insert Gödel]
I miss Jack Horkheimer.
Dammit! I scrolled all the way down to make a Star Gazer reference and Ted S. already had it in the bag.
I get some satisfaction in the knowledge that these people will go through the rest of their lives being that stupid and unhappy. I’m not very nice I guess.
I don’t know if “unhappy” is really the right term. They get a masochistic pleasure from being outraged to the point where they’ll fake hate crimes and create concepts like “microaggressions” so that the outrage never stops. There can be no appeasement or victory: grievance is an end in and of itself.
See: Bigfoot believers creating hoax Bigfoot videos. The false flags are not just to get everyone else to believe, they are also trying to make themselves believe harder.
I work as a consultant. I have seen multiple men and women who are set in their SJW ways come and often times go. Some learn that they must be more of a value than a cost to our clients and they have grown and succeeded. Others try to get our clients to change their ways to meet the SJW norms. If the clients come to the company we will often try to counsel them on the ways of the real world. If they don’t respond, then these young “warriors” find out what term “at will employment” means.
A few months back I ran into one of these ex employees. Over a year after he was let go he was still nursing a grudge about how unfair it was that the world did not revolve around him. He had good technical skills but remains unhappy and underemployed and I expect this will remain the case.
I see those people as victims. I would be happy to shoot the balls off of those responsible for brainwashing them. What a waste of life and talent.
That would be a metric shit tonne of ammo. I don’t know if I can reload enough. I mean almost every teacher, many coaches, entire university staffs plus their assorted friends and relatives. Maybe if it is a small caliber .
Seriously Suthern. I am not sure what crises America would have to suffer before accepting changing our cultural norms among the key communicators. Plenty of “fly over” places and certain industries on the coasts value individuals with the self worth to accept the universe does not revolve among them. But among educrats, MSM and others they are so invested into the grievance industry I am not sure what will precipitate changes.
A minor point = doesn’t “Guest Contributor” normally have a name?
Our split personality is undecided at times.
I guess you’ll all be in your bunks now
h/t other site
*starts woodchipper*
I made the mistake of reading the conversations below. *feeds self into woodchipper feet first*
Is that fourth panel Elizabeth Warren?
Her spirit-daughter.
Walks With Rage?
Aligns With Idiots.
Arches Brow With Condescension
That’s Mom, by the way
Smug, smarmy condescension is always annoying. It can also be funny, though, as when a prog is explaining something like ‘mansplaining’ without noticing the hypocracy.
Everybody knows beer makes you smart. I’ll be educating myself soon enough.
An excellent idea. I may partake of a lesson or two tonight.
Nah nah nah nah, Hey heeey, good bye
no hat tip for me?
You were third to report it here.
Isn’t three supposed to be a special number?
A magic number
-1 Tootsie Roll Pop
It doesn’t take three to make a thing go right.
I did not click your link. You lost me at “other site”.
What are we supposed to do with all these woodchippers?!
We have an idea of how awful Preet was from the experience of one of our own. What I wonder, is how many other people we have never heard of did he screw ove>. The odds that chippergate was an isolated event are extremely low and inconsistent with the behavior required to excel as an US Attorney. Preet’s supervisor, the unlamented Ms Yates, was quoted as demanding a body because of the resources used in an investigation. Justice be damned, bring me my flesh. If that is how you move up as a USAttn. I imagine many people felt the lash of unjust prosecution.
The fact that he went after several rotten NY politicians is a mitigating factor when cosmic karma determines head or feet first into the ethereal woodchipper.
My hot take is that he is no better or worse than any of them. It is what they do.
I agree with your observation. That does not move me over his cosmic fate. People who wield the unlimited resources of the Fed state must remember that justice and not “get me a body” convictions protects the rights of the People of the USA. Abuse that trust and people will remember the only right in the Declaration of Independence that is mentioned twice and spoke of as a duty.
What are the odds preet and assorted other flying monkeys are busily drafting articles of impeachment?
What i find odd about the left’s current fascination with impeachment as the “solution” to a Trump presidency…. is that it requires a republican congress to go along with the idea.
They seem to think the Emoluments Clause is the slam-dunk case
(from “impeach donald trump (dot) com”)
How Clinton managed to be secretary of state while the Clinton Foundation continued to operate remains a mystery.
I find it funny when principaled people start invoking principle. They think we dont notice because the truth of it is they cant tell the difference themselves; they think there is nothing to notice.
Felling terrible from this cold I can’t shake, but happy to see the news of Preet’s firing. Also found this little gem of progressive insanity that had me laughing. It is almost Onion level parody, but he really is serious.
Game over man, GAME OVER!
‘We’re gonna leave alone the shit out of you!”
Oh shut up, Mark.
/throws diaper at his feet.
What could be making Americans so paranoid?
Ha! Excellent advice that I may have to take up. A hot whisky is medicinal…
It’s good to get your mental illness out into the open like that. Maybe now he can get the help he needs.
This columnist started the term, “Lightworker”in non ironic reference to Obama. The mind boggles.
I had to go and find the exact phrasing he used. Hilarious. This deranged individual has has a column now for over 15 years with the SF Chron and/or its online version.
“Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment.”
Wow, that is world class fucking retarded.
“the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet”
You mean the ability to shove shit people don’t want down their throats like a tin pot dictator?
yeah, it’s funny how much the new way of being on the planet looks just like the old way of leftist authoritarianism.
Jeebus the derp is deep in and around Mark. If this is worst time for humanity in history then how did anybody deal with these strains in the last 100 years: The Cold War, World War II, the Great Depression, the Spanish Flue, World War I, the Russian Revolution and its aftermath, Pol Pot’s genocide, Rwandan genocide, Stalin’s genocides, Mao’s genocides, Armenian genocide, various Balkan wars, multiple famines, and cancelling Wide World of Sports?
And his “spiritual” version of “religious” is completely OK, while traditionally Christian “religious” (because I doubt this guy would call Muslims “coweringly religious”) is completely awful.
Whiney little pussies.
This same columnist penned the following previous stories =
I’m starting to think there’s a trend here, but i can’t quite say what it is.
“Trump’s Election Causing Killer Asteroid to Head Toward Earth, Can the Lightbringer Save Us?” NYT, SFCh, WaPo tomorrow
I suppose there’s always the possibility he just pens that stuff because it’s what the readers of that outlet expect.
Those are indeed idiotic articles
but have never looked better in such a fine bullet pointed list
(this is a test)
Damn, how do you do bullet points?
ThisIsA test</listIf it works I figured it out. If not I made a fool of myself.
Maybe with typoes.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
This is not a bullet point.
Now to see if it works….
Nope, didn’t do what I wanted. I guess I need admin privileges.
(Us normal users don’t get the ol and ul tags, do we?)
My search said ul and li. Obviously wrong.
HTML ol tag.
Giving it a tryHope it works
Yeah, didn’t work.
They seem to think the Emoluments Clause is the slam-dunk case
They’re quite enamored of the 25th Amendment, as well. Nicholas Kristof wrote a column in the NYT a few weeks ago which was an open plea for a coup, by Mike Pence and the Congress. Strange to tell, the Usurpation remains on hold.
The Occupy Wall Street guy looks exactly like a three-year-old crying for his toy.
Yeah, except my daughters at three were a lot more mature and mentally tougher than that guy. I remember when dudes would be ashamed to act like a giant pussy.
I would really love to see Polanski extradited if for no other reason than to watch what happens when the Hollywood left comes out to defend him after the SJWs went after Milo for much less.
Whoopi will whip out ‘it wasn’t ‘rape- rape’.
Qualuudes, Hot Tubs, and 13-year-olds. I mean it’s just a little innocent fun. He’s an artist you know. It’s all very different.
He raped a 13 year old in the ass, but it was for a good cause.
I look forward to those cunty celebrity videos defending the piece of shit.
She was probably just some white trash bimbo. Why are Republicans always so uptight about sex. ~ Joy Behar
Now THERE’S some piece of work. She’s the poster retard for the ‘unthink.’
I feel like you’re all judging me.
Polanski had the resources to get away with it.
Do 13 year olds go for the free candy gambit?
Girls never outgrow chocolate.
*Remembers the Godiva Sea Salt and Dark Chocolate bar that was forfeited to Mrs. Trshmnstr*
True dat!
To be fair, it was the 1970s.
Ah yes, the 1970s
So… He should have gone to jail in the 1970s. Before the… lists.
Lawyer fail.
RE that link you posted last page. The one Sloopy responded to, and then someone linked him to Derps article. I would go back and pull quotes from the fuck chops reply, but I don’t want to give him another click. I am not sure I have words for how much his reply pisses me off. It is ass hats like that who have never made anything with their hands that other people will spend gob load sums of money to purchase that are the ones who think it is ok to give the so called “rich” a reason to not purchase your work due to a “luxury tax”. Fuck that guy and everyone who thinks like him.
His responses were the standard smug prog rubbish.
The smug is strong with that dude.
Well, he has read my “article” a dozen times already…
Maybe he recognizes the people being interviewed.
“standard smug prog rubbish.”
“But why else is it fair that I make more money because I was born smart? Personally, I think I should make less money since my brain is my favorite toy. I wrote a little about this recently, American Libertarianism Is Fascism-Friendly.”
Umm, I’m pretty sure you can go to your boss and ask for a pay cut. And, if that’s not possible, you could give away more money than what you do now.
What the hell does rewarding merit have to do with fascism?
Previous sentences: “I’m in favor of progressive taxation because humans are social animals and one person’s success is not theirs alone. All this talk of “punishing success” is just the modern version of eugenics. Sure, no one talks about it that way because of the Nazis.”
In his original post, “American Libertarianism is Fascism-Friendly” is a link to another one of his articles.
Of course he also argues/states that conservatism and libertarianism are the same thing.
So he’s retarded. I understand now.
The interesting bit is that he wasn’t born that way, he has had to work, probably rather diligently, to make himself into what he now is.
“I’m pretty sure you can go to your boss and ask for a pay cut. And, if that’s not possible, you could give away more money than what you do now.”
But he want’s to force everyone to do that. Preferably at gunpoint.
I’m putting this here because I don’t like posting in dead threads. In the video, some idiot tries convince Milton Friedman that raising taxes is good because it forces people to work harder.
They are only dead because people don’t continue to post in them. Nice job perpetuating the problem, jerk.
Oh like you wouldn’t have called him a jerk if he posted that in the dead thread, At least I hope you would have.
I’d post a witty rejoinder but i’m afraid this thread might be dead by then.
Until the links drop, this thread can’t die!
There’re links?! You guys are putting up entirely too much weekend content.
Oh wait, you’re not part of the cabal, are you. never mind
No, I’m not. I’m one of the personalities of Ghost Contributer Harambe
Word on the street is that ZARDOZ will be floating by in, oh about 12 minutes with moar lynx…
I think the idea some people have about money being wealth as opposed to goods and services produced being wealth is a major source of confusion when they talk about economics and particularly government spending. The Same fallacy behind Krugnut’s alien invasion. Just another manifestation of the broken window fallacy.
from CNN: This tax could save your life
The Soviets also had some very good strategy for reducing calorie consumption for whole communities.
Taxes are inefficient.
They rarely lead to desired outcomes.
Just don’t tell Frank.
I need my mommy! Tax me mommy! Make me behave!
I don’t drink soda, and I could stand to lose some weight.
What would you like us to tax for you?
Everyone on your best behaviour. Frank is reading!
I’m afraid our “Best” is unflattering.
As long as you do your best it’s all we can ask.
Frank Zappa is always watching
And he “Moved to Montana” to raise him some dental floss. I heard his ranch was near Billings. That’s the rumor anyways.
Frank’s the guy we’ve been referencing above trashing libertarians.
Frank of the backpfeifengesicht?
Time for a drink. This is not bad at all.
Next drink. It’s OK.
File under YGTBSM
She wins. That the the chutzpah award.
To be fair, she probably doesn’t remember the late aughts all that well.
or anything. I think she died in the mid-nineties.
Well, she’s right. Unfortunately for her that she’s also a hypocrite that nobody will take seriously.
If Team Blue were smart, they’d have trotted out somebody that wasn’t around in 2009 and had him/her/xer say it and follow it up with “I wasn’t around in 2009 but would have said the same thing then as I’m saying now. Just because my party made a mistake then doesn’t mean we should make another one now.”
Good one.
Like those words could pass the lips of any party leader (without their head quivering, swelling and then exploding).
I don’t think there ARE many Democrats around today who weren’t around in 2009. They’ve basically had their balls handed to them recently.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Glibertarians NCAA basketball tourney bracket challenge!!!
Password: Podesta
It’s free. We’re giving away a few prizes. And you know you all want to play so you can lord over somebody else on here.
Don’t forget to what?
I know, you’ll edit your comment so it’s a complete sentence.
Drink your Ovaltine.
I didn’t get the decoder ring!
Then you didn’t get gypped.
Ok. I am pretty sure I know what a basketball looks like. I will get in on this. What is the NCAA though?
Hey, BP, one of the best things here on Glibertarians. Please continue, this, it’s hilarious.
Thanks, it’s much appreciated. this is something I did after it became clear that Obama wasn’t going to fulfill his promises regarding transparency, etc. a few months into power. It was originally at Urkobold, which was meant as more of a companion site than a replacement, but then the writers weren’t as bad as now.
Regarding H&R.
I agree with Hyperion, keep at it.
Do you want people to point out typos or not? I am unable to not-see them.
(“it’s” vs. “its” in panel 4)