Previously: Part One – If You Can’t See the Chains, Does it Mean They Aren’t There? & Part Two – Let’s You and Him Fight!
by Suthenboy
I grew up in a home where racism was not a thing. We acknowledged that racism existed but it was only ever discussed fleetingly and in vague terms. I spent my early years in Catholic Schools where racism was essentially non-existent. My brother and I had groups of friends that looked like rainbow parties. I was completely ignorant of the language, behavior, and thought processes that were more prevalent in the wider world outside of mine. My rude introduction to that world came when our Catholic School closed down, and I began seventh grade in the wonderful world of public schooling.
Acclimating to this new world meant making friends. I was moderately successful at that. I had decent social skills and could size up candidates in short order. One of the guys I kept running into I will call Ronnie. Ronnie was a tall, lanky Black kid who seemed good-natured. We didn’t have very many Blacks in that rural school district and though they mostly kept to themselves, there wasn’t any noticeable tension between the Blacks and Whites. Ronnie and I had a few friendly conversations and interactions in passing, and it seemed like our friendship was off to a good start.
One morning while changing classes, Ronnie and I passed each other in the hall. He blindsided me with a punch to my shoulder (something that was commonly meant as a gesture of friendship). My arm cramped up and I dropped my armload of books. I laughed because I hadn’t seen it coming, he had ‘gotten me’. Just as he was laughing and turning away I caught him on the shoulder with a quick jab. He laughed. I scrambled to pick up my books and head to my classroom, pointed my finger at him and jokingly said, “Watch out boy!”
Ronnie hit me hard in the face and I was on my ass. That was not a friendly punch and he was pissed. I was confused. I asked him why he had done that. His face was twisted and angry when he said, “You called me ‘boy’”.
What? What the hell was he talking about? ‘Boy’ was a common term built into the language of the 13-year-old ‘boys’ in my circles back then. It was just a word and an accurate one. It was inconceivable to me that such a harmless word would bring about a schizophrenic change in the guy I thought I knew.
Ronnie and I never spoke again despite finishing out our schooling and graduating in the same class. I felt bad for unwittingly insulting him, and he felt bad for reacting the way he had when no slight was intended. We found ourselves at odds in a world neither of us created because of a complex stew of economic and social reasons we did not understand. We were too young and naïve to know how to bridge that gap. The divide between us was not racial, it was cultural.
A simplistic misconception in the minds of most people is that the differences they see in people of different ethnicities is due to innate differences in those ethnicities, instead of the cultural influences one is subject to during their formative years. That those innate differences do not exist is painfully obvious for anyone who cares to look. Yet solving problems related to race remains difficult primarily because that conflation is actively perpetuated by those who gain from poisoning society with identity politics.
The first place I look is a small High School in Washington D.C. that was founded in 1870 named Dunbar High School. It was the first public High School in the country devoted exclusively to educating Blacks. Its founders operated on the premise they developed after noticing the stark differences in IQ scores between northern and southern Whites. In descending order, the regional IQs in the country were northern Whites, northern Blacks, southern Whites, and lastly southern Blacks. They sought to displace the culture that southern Blacks had absorbed from their White contemporaries with that of the north.
By holding the southern Black students to the same standards, or higher, as those of northern Whites, their students achieved a remarkable result. When IQ tests were given again in 1899, the students at Dunbar, the only black school in the city, scored second highest in the city. While the average IQ for Blacks nationwide was merely 85, the average for Dunbar students was over 100 every year until 1955. The majority of Dunbar High graduates were accepted into college, making Dunbar unique in all the country. Nearly 30% of numerous Dunbar grads who attended Harvard, Amherst, Yale, Williams, Cornell, and Dartmouth graduated Phi Beta Kappa. Dunbar grads became the first Blacks to: rise from enlisted man to commissioned officer in the Army, the first Black graduate from Annapolis, the first female Black to earn a Ph.D., the first Black federal judge, the first Black general, the first black cabinet member, Dr. Charles Drew who pioneered blood plasma. During WWII, large numbers of officers from captain to general were Dunbar graduates.
It is glaringly obvious that the success Dunbar graduates achieved was due to the cultural influences they received at their school and this was met with no small amount of criticism from both the Black and White communities as identity politics sought to poison it.
Dr. Thomas Sowell on Dunbar:
“What is relevant to the issue of culture was that this was a school which, from its beginning, had a wholly different cultural orientation from that of the ghetto culture. Seven of its first ten principals were educated in a New England environment. Four had degrees from colleges located in New England and three had degrees from Oberlin, which was established by New Englanders in Ohio as a deliberate project to plant New England Culture in the Midwest. Dunbar High School issued a handbook on behavior to its students that spelled out how one should act, not only in the school but in the world at large. The values and deportment these students were taught would today be called by critics “acting white.”
Nor did the difference in Dunbar students behavior go unnoticed by the local black community. Dunbar High School became so controversial among blacks in Washington that the late Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist William Raspberry said that you could turn any social gathering of the city’s middle-aged blacks into warring factions by simply saying the one word “Dunbar”.
In the end, identity politics and ghetto culture won out. Dunbar was demolished and the program dismantled by the cause to banish Black elitism.
While racism in the United States is mild by comparison to other countries, it still plays a very prominent role in our politics and public discourse, kept alive by those who benefit from a divided citizenry. Conflating race and culture is a strategy used by self-appointed elites to set people with common interests against one another, dividing them along the wildly ridiculous line of race. Vast oceans of human potential have been squandered before and after Dunbar’s existence by the absurd fallacy that a person’s potential is determined by the skin color of one’s parents, and we are all poorer for it. We are all human. Potential is individual, not racial. As my Grandfather was fond of reminding me “It don’t make a shit who your Daddy is. The only thing that counts is what YOU do.”
We should be looking to build a culture that maximizes everyone’s ability to achieve their potential regardless of race. We can rebuild Dunbar. It needn’t be for Blacks. It should be for Americans.
there is little to gain from actually solving problems. More by screaming about it.
Thanks. Good read.
That being said, intelligence has hereditary components – am am not talking between “races” but between individuals, so you will never be able to turn the entire population in academic high achievers. But the education system should allow those so inclined to thrive. But i do not trust any one size fits all government system to achieve this.
As long as we tax the smarter people, I’m cool with that.
I don’t think Suthen was claiming you could. But you should give the physicists the chance to be physicists and the ditch diggers the chance to be ditch diggers.
But no one needs ditch diggers And anyway ditch digging will become automated and what the? We must make the ditch diggers gender studies majors.
This is very true. I’m interested in knowing what the non-Luddite labor protectionist answer to this is. AI and robotics will progress to the point where it is as unprofitable to pay any human for purely manual work as it currently is to pay people to pick crops like cotton in the age of the combine. Barring any nootropic advances, what is to be done?
There is no answer because the market hasn’t come up with one yet.
Luddites are always predicting a pessimistic outcome from technology advances. The pessimism is not the real mistake. The hubris of making the prediction is.
Don’t have an answer to that as there is no way of knowing the form and timeline this will take, so beyond people will find something if left free to their own devices I can’t say. Maybe they won’t but in general in free market conditions people adapted. Off course past performance is no guarantee of future performance …
If we hit post scarcity i assume the whole conversation will change. To what i don’t know.
Unfortunately, it’s taboo to suggest that people only reproduce if they have the means to support their offspring in the event that those offspring can only dig ditches.
Well, my Black and Yellow friend, how do you enforce eugenic mandates in an anarcho-capitalist world that is presumably based on the NAP?
Now absent any social welfare, people who have children they can’t afford to feed will see their children starve to death. Would we see a return to subsistence farming?
I’m not suggesting enforcement. Just social pressure. And there’s no reason that social welfare would be absent in an anarchy. We have social welfare now because most people support social welfare. We’ll only ever have anarchy when most people support anarchy. Realistically, I don’t think that we’ll ever have anarchy. But if we do, I think its adherents will continue to support (voluntary) social welfare.
There will always be some people who slip through the cracks even under heavy social pressure against burdensome procreation. There’s nothing wrong with others stepping in to help if the parents fail (whether through negligence or bad luck).
I, personally, don’t include voluntary charity under the semantic umbrella of social welfare.
HM, you and I see it exactly the opposite, semantically. I only see voluntary charity as social welfare. Anything the government does I look at as forced subsidization.
Sounds like we need some rectifying 😉
Good point.
My wife and I still build our own furniture. Because we can. We do it for the pleasure we get from crafting something and the sentimentality attached t the things we create.
A post scarcity society will have an abundance of couch potatoes but there will still be many who do constructive things for the pleasure of doing them.
I eagerly await my own commenting robot so I don’t have to toil away at it.
And I think we see that with the hipster “artisan” “authentic” stuff.
But not everyone who works with their hands can be a skilled craftsman.
Where will the donkey workers go when there is no donkey work to be done?
They’ll still be in Tijuana. Don’t worry.
To the couch with their bowls of microwaved Totino’s pizza rolls to watch dancing with the stars?
@ sloopy
*narrows gaze*
But not everyone who works with their hands can be a skilled craftsman
Bullshit. Unless you are referencing some severe physical or mental condition, there is nothing unlearnable* about being a skilled craftsman.
* I’m sure there is a better, actual, word, but I hope you can suss my meaning.
Well, yeah, I was kinda talking about the retarded.
HM, sorry, I hear the ‘gifted/natural talent/hes got a knack for that’ BS often and it’s a sore spot. I work hard to be good at what I do and that kind of talk trivializes it and worse yet it instills in others an idea that they could never do the things those lucky ‘blessed’ people can.
Worse case scenario we get Ow My Balls as the numb er one show and Ass as the number one movie in the country. On the bright side Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho will be president so no more Trump hysteria
Sans govt intervention, expect general employment to increase.
The question is, will we need 5 robots standing around watching one robot dig?
we someone needs to do the catcalling
Very true. I would say that Obama’s ‘college for everyone’ is misguided, but of course it’s not misguided, just misnamed, something politicians are very good at doing. If he would have called it ‘indoctrination for everyone’, then ok, at least that’s being honest.
Not everyone needs or even wants college. And then there’s the massive cost of yet another entitlement program. One that at least half of the population will not take advantage of even if given. Massive, massive waste of tax payer money.
Very good article, Suthen. I wonder if Dr. King’s statement about people being judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin will ever be understood or lived by most folks.
Who? What statement is that?
As I understand it that statement has been struck off of the walls at one university. I think he is falling out of favor on the left because they claim he was too patriarchal. I am convinced that the main objection to that hasn’t got anything to do with inclusion.
Suggest people be judged by the content of their character and then watch to see who runs away.
It may have been a copyright issue. Not joking.
I went to a 99% white school – suburban wasteland at that – but never had a racist bone in my body until I went to college. At high school there was a half-black who was a bully. He and I fought a few times (I think I got the better of the exchanges) but I never hated him because of his race, but because he was an ass.
Seeing your friends end up in hospital for being randomly assaulted made me wary of blacks since they were usually the main instigators for theft and muggings in the college town I lived in. Of course back then I didn’t understand if you throw a bunch of middle-class college kids into a poor area going through a crack turf battle, there are bound to be conflicts. For my own safety I kept my head down, dressed like a white trash factory rat and stayed out of certain areas – and never had any problems with anyone.
After college I became friends with a black co-worker out of Chicago. We hung out all the time, hitting up the local strip bar and being part of the same bowling league. He was a great guy but I still felt a little self-conscious around him, always guarding my language a little bit as not to offend him. One time, while bowling, I gave him an “Attaboy!” when he had a strike during a very close game against another team. I immediately felt as if I had said something wrong. And maybe that’s why some whites self-segregate from blacks: the fear of offending. Dunno.
I had a good black friend in middle school. We were both nerds. At that age, I knew your typical race jokes but nobody seemed to take it seriously. My father wasn’t particularly welcoming of the friendship though.
He went to a different high school and the one I was in was mostly WASP and Jewish. So that’s just how it was.
Bad experience as a youth with as certain group especially when young can create deep-seated bias against that group, that can be difficult to fight even when one conscientiously tries to do so.
Ha! Europeans don’t seem to have that problem. When I used to go visit friends and family the casual use of racial language was incredible and out in the open. Suthen is right about the (North) American form of racism being mild compared to other places.
Sheesh, just watch a soccer game abroad to see this play out.
Throwing bananas at black players is just a way Spanish and Italian people show support for food aid to Africa.
But yes there is all sorts of racism going on in Europe, although it is quite complex, and varies from group to group. It is not about to get better i dare say
Most racist person I have ever known was a Swedish exchange student.
To be honest, I didn’t see any of that when I was an exchange student in Germany in the 80s. Maybe I wasn’t paying attention. If I had been more woke, I might have asked my black female schoolmate who went there with me about her experience.
I do think Germany is more… uh, self-conscious… about this stuff. If I had lived in, say, Italy…
And it depends on what one considers racist. I Barcelona most stores are closed Sundays and a few who are open are run by immigrants. I heard many of the locals call the stores and p[people who ran them “pakis” irrespective whether the people who ran them were from Pakistan. But it was just a standard word, although sometime said with some distaste.
Sadly it can be said that the issue is most people are not libertarians. They are collectivists weather right or left. As such they do not see individual they see group. They do not see a wide array of issues with different solutions, they see standard oppression/privilege on one side or bad group morals/values on the other- also at group level- and one size government solutions to it – without bothering to explain how it would help.
Go on…
I knew someone would jump on that – thanks, HM. I was not disappointed.
I knew that was coming…from HM no less. Ha!
I was hoping you might weigh in on this subject. You know a lot more about it than I do. I was particularly interested in your study of how quickly people learn new languages depending on what I think amount to cultural influences.
Well, I think it’s a common sense observation that if you can’t/don’t identify with academic high-achievement, your lack of motivation is going to inhibit your overall achievement. There is a lot of work in the 2nd language acquisition/learning field that suggests motivation as a key variable in the rate and overall achievement of language learning. Likewise, Jeanette Altarriba’s research, from an evolutionary psychology standpoint, suggests that if one doesn’t view new information as vital to one’s survival, then one’s mind doesn’t seem to devote a lot of cognitive resources toward the learning of it. A final thought is the ton of research that shows that high-achieving African-American* high-school students do a lot better in their first year of college if they go to a HBCU as opposed to a tier-1 research university.
*I use that term to distinguish from African immigrant students (1st or 2nd generation) in which this effect is not seen.
I can see why that might be the case. My personal experience is that high achieving/ highly motivated AA students leave those HBCUs after a year or two, enter mainstream schools and do quite well.
I should clarify that I meant AA students from Black-majority school districts.
And I think it is all about culture shock. I would expect a similar phenomenon for a high-achieving White student from Appalachia on his or her first day on the campus of Stanford.
“I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless.”
That may have been a fictional Marine but the Army sure beat that into ya….at least back in 1985 at Basic Training. Nothing makes every race, color or creed pull together like an Infantry Drill SGT/common enemy.
But are wops a race?
“I don’t care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork! ”
+1 Horse head?
“Jews, spics, niggers, and now a girl?”
Mark Twain on giving money to black college students.
Note the asinine question about whether he and Huckleberry Finn were racist. Did these idiots read anything he wrote?
What in the everloving fuck? Never change, NYT.
I don’t know about Twain, but his best friend Nikola Tesla was holy-shit for-reals racist and antisemitic.
Tesla also believed that he had a spiritually-sexual relationship with a pigeon.
So, they had a little electricity going, eh?
You, sir, are a scoundrel and a rogue.
I do not deny it!
I think a *narrows gaze* is wholly warranted here.
That’s the regressive part of the progressive left. Incapable of keeping history in proper context. Whether Twain was racist is completely irrelevant; he was from another time. There’s no way to ever prove or disprove it. BUT, the progressive, not being satisfied that applying a modern narrative sensibility is futile, will do the next best thing and attack his works; and by extension all of Western literature. If you follow their ‘logic’ (or lack thereof) you will find all sorts of things that offend. Homer, Dante, Chaucer etc.
Tell you what, if you Yanks ever start cutting reparation checks I will personally come down and slap you off the side of the head one by one. Can you imagine the obtuseness of a faux-thinker like Coates and a billionaire like Oprah getting a check?
Dave Chappelle did the perfect bit on reparations.
I remember liking Tom Sawyer better than Huck Finn, but then I’m boorish and uncultured.
I couldn’t find the text of this online, but it’s an early (1948) discussion about what two guys might have been up to all that time alone on a boat on the Mississippi.
And I remember the elaborate attempts to rescue POC Jim – I was thinking “come on, don’t make fun of a guy being in slavery, rescue him and get out of there!”
But Twain wanted to milk the humor of *any* situation – which he’d do whether the subject was race or anything else.
You know who else burned books?
(we’re still doing this, right?)
OT: If you have Notepad++, you might want to update it.
A couple thoughts about how common and bad racism used to be, from my mom’s stories of growing up poor and white in Texas in the bad old days.
1. She has a memory of being in elementary school and playing with a little black girl at recess, on the black playground, which was a patch of dirt. A nice teacher came over and gently led my mom over to the white playground where she belonged. It had equipment.
2. My mom was visiting some relative, who was a very nice man, and he gently explained that the Negoes weren’t intelligent enough to take care of themselves. The Jim Crow laws may have seemed bad, but they were necessary and in everyone’s best interest, and really a kindness.
3. My mom and her dad were visiting some relatives somewhere. The patriarch came home, saw my grandpa, kicked him out of the house, and told him never to come back. My mom thinks this is because my grandpa had participated in some civil rights marches when he was in the seminary. Though for all we know, he might have fucked this guy’s wife.
Anyways, things are better than they were.
Yes. Despite the best efforts of many on both sides things are much better than they used to be.
YMMV. My grandfather on my mom’s side grew up picking cotton in Oklahoma alongside plenty of black kids. His youth was something like out of a Steinbeck novel. His attitude was that when you grow up picking cotton, you don’t have any basis for looking down on black people. He studied hard, fought in WW2, went to college on the GI Bill, and got a nice job with Texas Instruments.
He thought Jim Crow was about the dumbest thing ever, since he knew plenty of black kids that were just as smart, hardworking, and ambitious as him, who never had a chance.
Meanwhile, my dad’s side of the family lived in Detroit and the surrounding suburbs. Most of my uncles worked for the big three automakers, and I dare you to find a more racist bunch of assholes outside of a Klan meeting. Everything that ever went wrong was the result of those damn black people. (Of course, they used the less polite word.)
Fortunately, I spent a lot more time with my mom’s side of the family than my dad’s.
There is a reason for the racism from the auto workers. My last job was as a factory worker. I was working alongside a 70 year old man. We will call him Ken, since that is his name. Ken told me about how he used to work for GM after getting out of the army. Ken wanted to become a foreman, but GM had a policy that you must have a college degree to do that. So Ken went back to college, and though it took him 5 years, he got his bachelors degree. Him working full time while going to school may have slowed things down a bit. However, once he got his degree and asked for his promised promotion, there was a problem. You see, Ken is white, and by that time affirmative action had been put in place, so they were not allowed to promote Ken due to his skin color. Ken then told me about the nice young black girl that he had to train right before they fired him and promoted her to foreman. To Ken’s credit, I never heard him blame the woman or any other black person for his misfortune, but he does kick everything with a Chevrolet badge that he walks past. It would not take much imagination to see how someone with a little less critical thinking could come to the ‘dey terk our jerbs’ conclusion that your uncles espoused.
Ok, Glibs. Time to fess up. Which one of you made this video?
I ask because I got a boner.
For two reasons.
That’s “John Titor,” isn’t it?
So the only “scholarly” sources are by the professor?
facts are patriarchy. If you are woke enough, which you don’t seem to be.
Wikipedia is bad though
Not sure how that is an answer, but I’ll accept it.
Stop that. She is young enough to be my daughter.
*covers boner with robe. Sips coffee nonchalantly.*
It’s worth noting that she’s a twin.
Based on the video, I’m guessing identical.
Yes, identical.
*fluffs robe and squirms in chair*
Embrace your creepy old man pervert nature Suthenboy, you’re already among your kind here.
Ho mah god would. Would and make video proof of it.
I want to know which one of you this is.
Somebody got a boner.
Who was the commenter who would pay a certain amount of money for the privilege of sodomizing Dora the Explorer?
I ain’t that pretty, and I’d disown my siblings if they took non-STEM at Ryerson, so no?
So it’s Pan Z.?
I’ve already received confirmation that Pan Z is in fact Canadian Rush Limbaugh with a Slavic accent.
This x1000
I have a similar anecdote. I am white and my best friend in elementary school was a black kid. I couldn’t figure out why, when I finally noticed it around 6th grade, that my teachers seemed to be making such a big deal out of it. It all became clear from 7th grade on. My HS was maybe half black, half white but largely self-segregated by then. This was in rust-belt NYS. “Race relations” were largely fine, there was nothing like the problems you hear about in some big-city schools, but nevertheless there was a noticeable tension just below the surface.
It’s the same crap everywhere. Here, the Anglos and Francos never really integrated. The politics just wouldn’t let it. It’s a shame.
The best man in my wedding is a 6’7 blue eyed blond white dude from Central Illinois. People are amazed at our friendship because how can a black guy from the Southside of Chicago and a white guy from Central rural Illinois have anything in common? What I tell them is that despite us being raised in different cultures, we looked past color and culture and found out that we have a lot of similar interests.
And he was the one that introduced me to libertarianism.
Yes, he told us he had roped in another Uncle Tom at the monthly Secret White Supremacist Libertarian Meeting.
Ixnay on the eetingmay!
You promised you would’t say anything about it on public forums when you got in the Meeting !
‘roped in’
I have no doubt that had I met ‘Ronnie’ later in life when we were both wiser and more mature we would be fast friends today.
What a fuckin’ shame.
I have always had problems with those who seek to eliminate the reality of race. To claim that it is a ‘social construct’ in one of that terms many forms.
It is not. It is a simple reality. The ‘social construct’ comes in human attempts to deal with that reality.
Humans are a single species. There are some skeins of older hominid species interwoven somewhat, but by and large, humans are a single species. They never managed to separate and survive long enough after their evolution to actually speciate again–but they did start the process. That abortive speciation is where we get ‘race’.
Like many animals, there are different types of human, adapted to different environments, with those longest lasting or most isolated types being the most specialized to those environments. Just like any other animal.
To truly study these different types, to try to determine how and why they came about, would be a great boon to science. But we can’t.
Because some of those differences are problematic. They show, in a general sense, differences in ability, in cogitation*, and, of course, in physical form. And too many people have assumed that ‘different’ means that there is some type of superior/inferior scale that one can ‘rank’ races by.
Along with the standard racists there exists now an entire ideology devoted to affirming and denying these differences at the same time–the SJW side of ‘identity politics’.
More than any other ideology that has arisen, this group is dangerous. They are promoting a general ignorance as intellectualism. No study of humanity can be started unless it is self-referential to, from, for, and by a specific group–and then only insofar as conclusions are tailored to mesh with pre-determined standards. The walls of isolation this builds renders such study as little more than propaganda.
We do ourselves a great disservice in accepting even the most innocent seeming part of this as fact.
*differences in cogitation are perhaps the most worrisome of all the differences, and many people want that annoying ‘IQ gap’ to just go away and are pretty willing to accept any explanation given so that they can scoff at it. But it is there. And it IS showing us something. And we need to know what that is if we are ever to actually be able to eliminate it or understand it’s possible usefulness (because it must have some use–useless traits atrophy or kill their bearers). And again I stress, there is no ‘inferior’ or ‘superior’ here–only difference. A difference that is better to understand, than deny.
I disagree, Guidos are not human.
Why is it ‘gwee’ in guido, but ‘guy’ in guide? Wouldn’t it at least be ‘gwy’?
We are NOT making Welsh a part of the English language, a line must be drawn.
*narrows gaze*
Because the first is a given name Latinicized from old German, the second is a French noun.
Our Western civilization is based on arbitrary retention of anachronistic verbal idiosyncrasies; your impulsive desire to reject them is a reflection of the contemporary social campaign to strip us of our vital European heritage. I reject it and suspect you have been spending too much time around Guidos.
I will admit that the only pizzerias I really like are run by guidos. But that’s a hazard of the cuisine.
What can you do? Eat ‘deep dish’? Never!
Where else am I gonna get a good potato and egg hero? Or a real white pie?
There is research that shows that Guidos score differently on the SATs than regular people. I will not say exactly what policy implications this should have, but it is a conversation that cannot be hijacked by sentimental attachment to Pizza Shops, Techno DJs, or Auto-Body Repair.
I was watching a documentary about the colonization of the planet by homo sapiens. Many interesting points were made.
One thing that I found cool was the (now dying) ability of Polynesian navigators to traverse the vast empty Pacific Ocean with no charts or instruments, a skill set that, say, the Apache of the North American interior would have no use for.
It is interesting to reflect how these different specialized skill sets could eventually lead to quite different mental abilities and specializations.
like digesting rote-information and spitting it back on an SAT.
“like digesting rote-information and spitting it back on an SAT.”
This is what I mean when I say,
“We do ourselves a great disservice in accepting even the most innocent seeming part of this as fact.”
The question of bias on tests–particularly the tests in question is one that people have been trying to eliminate for decades. To suppose that current tests share the same innate biases as tests made in the 50s suggests that modern test makers, despite all that they’re saying, are secretly designing racist tests.
And, this is the exact thing SJWs and their ideological brethren would have you believe–even though, in many cases, they are the ones designing the tests.
Additonally, lesson plans in schools abandoned the ‘rote-information’ standard about twenty years ago.
And yet these odd gaps persist. They’re showing us something. Why not figure out what that is?
It has nothing to do with bias.
it has to do with test-taking as the sole basis for measuring ‘intelligence’. You might as well ask why white people are so inferior at coming up with rap-lyrics, as though it were an obvious sign of their intellectual inferiority.
Are you under the impression that all of these ‘tests’ are sit down affairs with paper and pencil?
The term ‘test’ is referring to a wide array of things of which what you seem to be describing is just one.
There are actually ‘tests’ that attempt to quantify things like “coming up with rap lyrics”
And, I really have to ask, why are you assuming any inferiority? Of anyone?
My own theory is that the gap relates to nature vs nurture. The older, or more isolated types are more adapted to their specific niches. They have more ‘front loaded’ information–the nature/nurture quotient favors nature. This means that teaching methods must factor that in to facilitate learning.
I believe the ‘gaps’ represent the degree of reliance on that front loaded information.
There is no inferiority or superiority–only differences in cogitative methods that grew from different environmental needs.
No, what you are talking about is the human ecocline. “Race” is the division of that cline into discrete categories. Unless you are arguing that Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid exist as Platonic Forms in the Transcendental Realm, then such divisions are inherently subjective, and thus, constructs of a particular societal views. Because it is a social construct doesn’t mean it doesn’t possess utility. In everyday life, there are many situations in which it is appropriate to describe someone as White, Black, etc.. Especially when talking about the IQ gap, for example. However, let’s not pretend that when we say that, we are talking about a fundamental property of nature like mass.
I recommend everyone interested in the topic watch this series of videos*:
Race: Racial Ontology #1 (Introduction)
Race: Racial Ontology #2 (Naturalist Theories of Race)
Race: Racial Ontology #3a (Sociohistorical Theories of Race)
Race: Racial Ontology #3b (Sociohistorical Theories of Race)
*Standard disclaimer concerning the stupidity of Youtube comments apply – Consider yourself warned.
And speaking of psychological constructs like IQ, I think another one of my favorite psychological constructs, ambiguity tolerance–intolerance, explains a lot about how one views race.
This appears to be a slightly different way of saying what I just said. Perhaps a bit more sciency.
But this–“what you are talking about is the human ecocline. “Race” is the division of that cline into discrete categories. ”
Is this–“Humans are a single species.” (the human ecocline)…”Like many animals, there are different types of human, adapted to different environments,” (“Race” is the division of that cline into discrete categories. “)
If we are to split hares, let there be hasenpfeffer.
After perusing the linked Wikipedia article, it seems to me that this construct is a favorite of yours because of your extreme tolerance of ambiguity. 🙂
I went to a rural southern high school where about 1/3 of the kids were black, and the rest white. There was some voluntary self-segregation, but it wasn’t extreme. Other than the white girls who would date black guys mostly to piss of daddy ( The older generation was more likely to be racist, but most of us weren’t), I think mostly it was based on the neighborhood you grew up in and therefore who you knew from elementary school. But things like basketball and football helped people crossover. All the big parties were integrated, and people were friendly in school and after school. I don’t recall hearing many racist jokes other than when people would be trying to be edgy. There was one kid that his dad was allegedly in the Klan, including having a conversion van with the tag NITRYDR or something like that. When there were fights, there were almost never black vs. white kids.
Which brings up the craziest thing I ever saw. There was one black kid named Darwin. Smart guy, so he hung out with most of us smart kids. His parents had moved into the area from like St. Louis or somewhere. His dad was a doctor or dentist or something so they were pretty wealthy for the town. He was a fairly athletic guy, played basketball and baseball, but it clearly wasn’t his driving force and he wasn’t huge or anything. He was seriously into math and science and wanted to go to an engineering school, but wasn’t a total nerd either. He listened to classical music, dressed kind of preppy, spoke English more properly than most of the teachers He was just sort of an odd duck. Kinda like Carlton if Carlton weren’t as nerdy and goofy. He was a year older than me, on our academic decathlon team. Just one of those people that was good at almost everything he did and you could tell he was going to do some amazing shit.
Anyway, this one other black kid got it in his head that Darwin needed a lesson and that he was going to be the one to deliver it. This guy was probably a good 3-4 inches and 20lbs heavier. He started a fight during lunch in the middle of the open area next to the cafeteria by throwing a sucker punch. And Darwin just went fucking nuts on the guy, like old-school unhinged Mafioso nuts. Darwin went toe-to-toe and knocked him to the ground. Then while he had him on the ground, Darwin took off his belt and starts beating the shit out of him with it screaming, ‘Who is the fucking house nigger now!?’ over and over in his proper mid-west non-accent. I’d never seen someone so enraged, like full spittle flying from the mouth, eyes wide, veins standing out, murderous rage. Turned out the guy had been harassing him for /months/ and been slowly escalating it until the sucker punch. The two football coaches had to pull Darwin off him and separate them. The white kids were all just completely stunned. The black kids were laughing at the other guy, shaking their heads.
I bet that cocksucker never tried to jump another oreo ever again. If I could find your friend Darwin I would probably buy him a beer for beating the stupid out of a high school student before it became terminal.
The shit that some white people got away with in earlier times was just evil. Study the era of slavery and you’ll be shocked not just that it happened, but at the self-righteousness with which the slavers claimed the “right” to do what they did. And the mere *suspicion* that you might be for equal rights regardless of race was occasion for insults or even violence.
Now people (of various races) still feel free to express racist views if they think they’re anonymous on the Internet, but in public they wouldn’t think of saying the kind of stuff which was not only permitted but expected way back when.
And even the stuff which actually harms black people – subpar public schools, abortion, certain laws – were either done with subjectively nonracist feelings – a desire to oppress *everyone* – or the racial origin has been whitewashed and denied.
It’s a different world.
Not sure where you got the data, but there’s something wrong with the story. IQ wasn’t *invented* until 1912, nor did the concept of general intelligence exist until the 20th century, so those early tests must have been something quite different.
It’s not exactly true. Yes, the term “intelligence quotient” was coined in 1912, and the concept of g dates to the early 20th century, but psychometric instruments of intelligence date back to Galton and Pearson, at least. This is the 1880s to 1890s, which fits the story. Indeed, the The Binet test was published in 1903, but we still call it an IQ test even though it dates 9 years before the term IQ existed in English.