Ah yes. Nothing better than waking up at 7:00 to that fresh smell of eggs and bacon. Except, you know, its not 7 anymore, its 8. Thanks, dickhead government.
Anyway, here we go…
I know you’re all excited for the field to be set today so you can participate in the Glibertarians NCAA Mens Basketball Bracket Challenge Contest. (Password: Podesta). There will be prizes from your hosts for the winners and some losers, so get in there and play. And speaking of contests, you need to hurry up and get your submissions in by noon on Tuesday for the Logo contest. We’ve had some really good stuff submitted. Remember: every serious entrant gets a free Glibertarians.com bumper sticker with the new logo!

Today’s weather forecast.

Global Warming my ass!
Global Warming is cold as shit!
FBI foiling lots of terrorism plots. Of course, most of the ones they “foil” are of their own design. You know, just like libertarians have been saying for years and years.
New York Magazine could use a history lesson. A good starting point would be 8 years ago. or 16. Or 24.

Crazy bastard!
Florida Man takes “dey terk our jerbs” a bit too far. Also he replaced Messicans with Ay-rabs.
Since Spurs are playing today, I’ll play this song for you. It’s from the same area.
Have a wonderful day!
*Checks for eggs and bacon*
I don’t know basketball, but will you bring back the old Reason fantasy football league this year?
Yeah. It’ll be our seventh season. It’ll always be the J sub D Memorial, too.
God bless that guy’s soul. I miss him.
Fuck off, slaver!
*bows head reverently*
I was wondering when links would be up this morning – what with all that discussion of drinking cheap booze last night.
I made mutta dosai for breakfast. Much better than bacon.
This makes no sense.
Come on.
I know how to cook. My mutta dosai is ambrosia.
It still ain’t bacon. Nothing is bacon.
My dog thinks cat shit is better than bacon. Doesn’t make it true.
Maybe your dog has a higher regard for the commandments of Yahweh than you do.
“Mmmm, crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside!”
I had the proof right in front of me. In a few hours, it will be right behind me.
I’m barely awake and I’m already being bombarded with fake news.
I propose we change his name to “Old Man With CNN” based on this statement alone.
This guy gets it.
Yeah, it looks fine. Actually it looks very good.
But bacon, dude. Bacon.
You haven’t tasted it yet. Now UCS might not care for it because it has actual seasoning.
“But I wanted to work in advertising!” “Look, kid, don’t make the same mistake we did.”
Only 6.7 percent of U.S. women and 16 percent of women globally graduate college with science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) degrees, the mini-movie tells its participants. Pulling no punches, it continues: “Odds are you won’t solve these problems.”
Clearly the people who wrote this mini-film (if they were women) are among them. This is vs huge statistics failure, and is obvious to see after just a brief glance. Do you think that the market support a much higher concentration of STEM people overall? Saying that only 6.7% of women graduate in STEM doesn’t tell you anything about how successful women who start out doing STEM degrees are. I’m
Did they give the %age of men that get degrees in STEM fields?
Considering the typical ratio in stem classes. I would guess 20%.
20% of men globally, or in the US? Because if its globally, that’s not a huge disparity.
Nope. The worst part is them telling these kids ‘odds are you won’t make it’ when the statistic they are using has nothing to do with the is of successfully completing a STEM degree given that you start one. (Granted these are teens so they hasn’t started one, but the point stands, that these kids are not representative of the general population).
Good morning! From reading yesterday’s comments, it looked like y’all had a fun day dealing with a catbutt initiate.
I think we all learned something yesterday. I learned that a latex anus of an anime cat/human character is 3.5″ deep and is a vacuum.
And yet that is still deeper than Frank’s insights.
Poor Frank. I hope he changed his cats’ litter and fed them this morning., You know, because they’re the only other living things he woke up in the same house with.
Wait, who’s Frank?
This is Frank. And he’s not as curious as the name of his blog would lead you to believe.
And it would appear some chick named Elizabeth is there to white knight for poor little Frank. He’s “an expert” after all. You know, with that degree in atmospheric physics that taught him so much about why socialism is superior to individual liberty.
Elizabeth seems like a charmer too.
Good debate. Did he come over here or did you and he stay over there?
He’s not coming over here. Like I told him, he’s got tens of comments to go through every week. He doesn’t have time to engage with me on my turf where he’ll get pummeled to death with his own strawmen.
Frank Just Frank
Every time I hear prog derp I will shout, ‘Frrrrraaaaaaank!’
Damn. I go on the road for a week and lose out on some world-class deep. Need to work less, lurk more.
Which thtead? I missed it.
So what was Florida man’s favorite OJ. What kind of hack reporting is this?
If I know Florida Man, it was probably Sunny Delight anyway.
Don’t knock Sunny D. I love my beverages when they have an orange/grapefruit flavor and the viscosity of a heavy duty motor oil.
Do you spy on me?
The correct answer is of course Indian River.
The Continuing Series: Letters to the Local Rag / These People Vote
His hair was perfect.
+1 Pina Colada
Little old lady was microagressed last night.
Werewolves of climate, again.
I snickered
“Every architectural firm should be required by law to have a sight-impaired individual discuss and approve their plans before constructing or renovating a building.”
I think the blind employees are the ones responsible for the aesthetic design of buildings.
There worse things than cat anus. SFW and SFSunday.
That was…disturbing.
*furrows brow*
I think therapy would have been cheaper.
And of course all of that simply must be covered by any fair system of health care. /derp
“When people ask me how I’d label myself, I tell them an ‘extra-terrestrial, hot mess, self-obsessed.’ It’s becoming my slogan.”
Sounds like he knows. Too bad he’s surrounded by enablers.
My wife was watching “My 600lb Life” the other day. It’s one constant stream of self-pity and enabling. I couldn’t take more than 5 minutes of it.
I was listening to a Jordan Peterson lecture where he says something along the lines of, “Howard Hughes locked himself up in multiple hotel floors with blacked out windows and surrounded himself with jars of urine. You can’t do that without millions of dollars.”
You gotta have the cash or the enabler.
Just googled it-they’ll make a show out of damn near anything won’t they?
Yes. Yes they will.
I watch that show with my wife. The best part is when they slice off huge chunks of fat goiters off their legs. Some of them weigh as much as 50lbs.
You and your wife have a weird fetish.
All I got out of that is that there are ethically impaired surgeons willing to indulge the mentally ill. There is nothing good in that.
Why do all the pictures link to Pintrest? I thought Pintrest was for
femaleswomyn?the wife assures me it isn’t, yet i have never felt compelled to use it. it seems to be a form of online hoarding.
Yes. I do enough real life hoarding. I don’t need to do it virtually as well.
There are totally guns on pintrest. And cars. Of course they’re always bracketed by my little pony fan art, but hey you take what you can get.
Today’s sermon at church….
“Circumcision : Set Apart – Genesis 17:1-22”
CDT=EST aka God’s time. Its a good day.
EST, the one thing Indiana got right, and they screwed it up.
and basketball. briefly.
Didn’t realize we were getting these links. Scruffy made it ten seconds. How long can you last? *No muting or looking away.
You’re on thin ice. That’s cat-butt worthy right there.
Hey, OMWC, can I get some muscle over here?
As soon as SP wakes up, straffinrun is going to be straffinlimp.
Too bad coppers. I’m going to bed. The plan is to have a lucid dream and do unspeakable things in front of those laydees.
If only she had a brain to match the voice.
I lasted 1:11. I dare anyone else to beat that.
1:37 and I am regretting it terribly. Maybe this will help me forget.
If you mute the buzzfeed video and listen to that… I almost gave myself a hernia. Good call.
Watched the whole thing.
It’s replete with references to groups that are dominated by marxists. Not even kidding, go hang out on boards where commies do their recruiting and where they tell new recruits to get involved, then look at the signs these people are holding up.
I know what men want – a sammich!
I didn’t get past the ad. Based on the title, I already suffered through that when Computing Forever did a response video to it the other day. Not watching that shit without commentary.
The irony about claiming you can’t speak or have your voice be heard when you can make videos with millions of views and dominate news coverage with marches for… whatever it is you are marching for. Rights you already have are totally worthy of marching around in giant vulva costumes.
Damnable skwirrelz! Watched it all, lol’d for realz. The Captain Morgan’s Black Spiced Rum helped I’m pretty sure.
I started wondering what this site’s policy is on shilling books. Is there one?
Wow, just one shilling? That’s cheap, and cheap books should be encouraged!
That’s the promotional price – it goes back to regulat price after a while.
Nine pence?
One tanner.
Shill away.
I haven’t finished yet. I figured I’d ask before it became an issue.
Just don’t overdo it, otherwise go for it when you are ready.
I don’t think UnCiv has overdone anything in his life.
“Best Recipes for Tofu Without Seasoning”?
Tofu had the texture of foam rubber without the flaor, I never had it a second time.
Contrary to popular joke I am not a fan of bland food.
Shorter UCS: “Tofu too spicy.”
My lazy Cooking
Not my book, but saw that Libertarians on the Prairie: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane, and the Making of the Little House Books is only $1.99 (about one shilling?).
Here’s one I *won’t* shill for.
What happened to O’Rourke? He used to be cool. He used to be *funny.*
I don’t expect much from the majority of talking heads or the pundit class but in his case, I’m Extremely (with a capital ‘E’) disappointed.
It is very sad that people thing that something went wrong with a particular election instead of being the predictable result of misguided democracy.
He had kids and became a lame dad.
I cant wait to hear how 2017 is the hottest year ever (despite no observable rise in temp or observable change in the natural world around us).
We are having an early spring here but nothing too out of the ordinary. I have seen it before. I also remember the early nineties when we had an early spring like this and then one-hellofa ice storm in mid-april. Not one damned nut or fruit that year. I am cautiously optimistic. Flowers and sprouts everywhere here…bees going great-guns…I am crossing my fingers.
We’re having early spring here too. Snow was all gone by mid-February. I knew it. We’re all going to die
You live in Mississippi right? I live a ways to the east of you and we haven’t had a winter to speak of. Not really sure if it’s indicative of anything though.
Louisiana. We had a mild winter too, but not so mild as the late nineties when the grass stayed green all winter.
Our winter here in SC has been crazy. One week it’s high 70s then two days in the 40s then back to the low 80s then back down again for like a day. I had pollen all over my car at the end of February.
I remember – ’90? ish – in college it was warm enough in March that the gals on campus were wearing skirts without tights. There was much rejoicing!
We had a great Feb here in the NE but March isn’t looking so hot.
Goddammit, I hate Daylight Savings. One of the few things Arizona got right.
I would be okay with daylight savings if we just “fall backward” twice a year instead of this spring forward nonsense.
Some people might claim that this would not be practical, but when we have an economic policy based on making money simply by spending it, I figure this makes at least as much sense. Two extra hours of sleep every year! What’s not to like?
When the daylight fills the hours designated for sleep…
Ugh…I was awake all day!
Few? FEW?!
We’re 90% of the awesome of California with 10% of the bullshit. I would say that’s quite a bit to get right. Educate yourself.
There’s nothing more invigorating then suffering from a terrible cold but still getting your weightlifting session in. I feel like I just ran a marathon. *kaff* But still I’m very happy with my latest results – I haven’t looked this good ever and I’m stronger than even in my early 30s when I first started this hobby.
random thoughts:
Against my better judgement I watched – for the first time – the movie Prometheus, hoping for some Aliens type action. Nope. Great visuals – but too many characters and too much yak-yakking. I always wonder how directors that I enjoyed began to lose the thread of how to tell a story as they age, I don’t want a philosophical dissertation, folks!
The latest podcast of Embedded has the story of Jonathan Ferrel, who was shot and killed by Randall Kerrick in Charlotte, NC. Good backstory on the whole incident, including interviews with Ferrel’s girlfriend, the retired chief of police, after incident interviews, and recorded court testimony.
Also: I’m stuck with Beefeater gin! Send supplies! /radio message out
*roots through liquor supplies* Ummm… the only unopened bottles I have are Krupnik.
I really hope Scott doesn’t murder Blade Runner like he did Prometheus. I won’t be able to forgive that.
He’s not directing at least. I have faith in Denis Villeneuve.
The really creative years are over by 30. After that they are just faking it. They know the technique for putting it (movies, music, visual art) together but the really innovative thinking part of the brain has cemented over. Look at Steely Dan’s latest stuff. It definitely sounds like Steely Dan, has the right structure/composition etc, but turns out to be highly annoying instead of the grab you by the balls stuff of their early years.
Alfred Hitchcock says “what?”
So does Stanley Kubrick.
As a general rule. We do have Hitchcocks and Da Vincis.
Kurosawa would also like a word.
I disagree – to a degree – I’ve heard a few musicians who actually made music just as well as their early years. It’s rare but it happens.
The Wild Swans in ’88
The Wild Swans in 2011
I loved Bringing Home the Ashes – didn’t know there was something newer. Will check it out.
I can’t say enough good things about The Coldest Winter for a Hundred Years
Rhywun, that is a great, great album.
Agreed! Here is another:
For Against in 1988
For Against in 2011
Ugh, the 2nd link (assuming it comes out of moderation…) should read “2008”. Sadly they’ve gone into hibernation again. They tend to release an album every five years or so.
I think it has more to do with using all their best ideas first. After that, they don’t know where to go with it. The ones that do keep reinventing tend not to keep their popularity as their fanbase changes.
The problem with Scott is that he gets halfway through a movie nowadays, and changes his mind on what he wants it to be. Prometheus starts out as an alien prequel, then he starts thinking about God, philosophy and Chariots of the Gods nonsense and wants to work that in somehow. You just end up with a complete mess of a film.
I got back to lifting two months ago after several years away from it and letting the ole middle-age spread happen. I’m was basically starting from scratch. Two months and I’ve made quite a bit of improvement. I’m ahead of my goals, dropping fat, and firming up. And the wife is getting handsy again. Consent violations all over the place. I’d really forgotten how quickly you can transform yourself and ramp back up. I had one of those days last week. I came down with a cold AND was on my sixth straight day and didn’t want to go. But I watched some Lifting Motivation on YouTube . and went anyway. I did my workout, cleaned up behind me thoroughly, and while I was exhausted enough to nap after eating, I woke up and felt better. Probably just the placebo effect, but I felt like the workout helped me get over the cold faster.
I’ve said it elsewhere (and I’m not the first to). But, I really like Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gbYkuFjs2A
“7”. Ha! More like it’s not 9:15, it’s buggering 10:15.
This is the kind of shit that really is making me think about quitting this country. Derp to the left of me, derp to the right.
The major parties owe the false choice fallacy for their existence.
I get where you’re coming from but it’s just as bad or worse everywhere else unless you’re planning on moving to Antarctica.
And in Antarctica, you have to deal with the shoggoths.
Only if you go too far south.
Close – Chile and New Zealand are the top of my list. I have no illusions about anywhere else being fundamentally better; my delusion is that if it isn’t really my country, my tolerance for it should run higher (less actual emotional investment in watching the not-slow-enough death of a good thing).
New Zealand sounds great in theory but it is so far away from everywhere else. Maybe that’s the point … But good weather though, nice sights
I found that it worked that way for me, up to a point.
Breakfast… time to make a protein shake (insert joke here)
You’ll be using lettuce?
You know, it could have given me a three-day weekend if it wanted to. Bitch.
Riiiiiight. Because 2008-2016 wasn’t the comedy-amateur hour. Riiiiiight.
Up here, I sometimes catch Parliament in action. I’ve never seen a more amateurish and sophomoric bunch than this edition of the Liberal party. Never mind that when under attack, they react as if they’re about to cry. Their rebuttals are so lame.
It’s downright embarrassing.
Some classic Maggie Thatcher
We’re so far away from that it’s depressing.
The kind people
Have a wonderful dream
Margaret on the guillotine
Cause people like you
Make me feel so tired
When will you die?
When will you die?
(ad nauseum)
Morrissey sucks.
How did Johnny Marr manage to spend so much time with that preening fuckhead without killing him?
LOL. I’m a huge, huge fan of The Smiths and even I have to agree with the above sentiments.
The Tories aren’t much better right now either. I expect the NDP to always be lame cowards in the House but the Tories have an opportunity to come off like the firebrand adults-in-the-room but they just keep dropping the ball.
Shah Jahan frowns on this bullshit.
The people,of the Muslim Race need to get surgery so they aren’t mistaken for Indians. I think our “alien” friend, mentioned upthread, could serve as a model.
No true Indian…
I feel like someone needs to speak up on behalf of the mentally ill and point out, this isn’t technically “crazy” as much as “bone stupid”. My crazy brother might believe the Television is reading his mind, but he’d never believe that beer would function as a fire-accelerant.
I didn’t RTFA but I do think there a quite a few Indian Muslims.
Not daylight savings yet round these parts.
The kids are dancing to Sly and the Family Stone this morning. At least I did that right,
Cultural appropriation is alive and well, it seems.
How do you know his kids aren’t just dancing to the two white band members?
That dude with the ginger jew-fro was one ugly fucker. I forgot about him.
It’s true. I split the instruments to separate tracks and mute out the the non-Caucasian voices/instruments. The remaining parts sound like Abba.
Have links to this been posted yet (man eats human brain so click at your own risk)?
And I thought real journalism was dead.
Now Reza Aslan has more brains in his stomach than he does in his head.
And BSE.
Oh, come on. It’s not like he ate a feminist.
The New Yorker could use a history lesson. A good starting point would be 8 years ago. or 16. Or 24.
Before the election, these sort of articles were persuasive.
Who determines “serious” for NCAA purposes? What are the criteria?
Oh, that’s for the logo contest.
All brackets will be taken seriously.
“All brackets will be taken seriously.”
You’re not the boss of me!
Probably true, but New York magazine isn’t “The New Yorker“
WTF are you talking about, gilmore?
glad i could help.
…okee dokee.
*backs up slowly*
I tend to browse the https://twitter.com/RealPeerReview twitter account every few days and am still amazed sometimes by some of the stuff they post. I am just not sure whether some of those things are actual parody …
I’m shocked, shocked that this is apparently the second account of that nature on Twitter, the first iteration being suspended… probably due to utterly bogus claims of “harassment” from the perpetually triggered. Who could have guessed, with Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council being wolves guarding sheep?
The 6th Round of the FA Cup is where the magic goes to die.
After all of the hand-wringing about how the FA Cup isn’t relevant to the big clubs, what do we have amongst the last 5 contestants? Somehow I don’t expect to be reading a bunch of sportswriters discussing their favorite recipes for crow.
The gulf in talent between the top 4 or 5 and everybody else is so big they win without hardly trying.
At least Tottenham killed Millwall, so any rioting will be limited.
Best day of the year. Happy DST day, Glibs.
Oh, and fuck anybody who doesn’t like the sun still being up at 8 pm.
That is all.
So after Playa did something or other and changed my time stamp on the ZARDOZ nightly links yesterday, I couldn’t post comments. It kept giving me an error: “commenting too fast” or something like that.
I hope it’s fixed otherwise I’ll feel like my balls have been removed (and I DON’T want to be an alien!).
DST is an abomination. I’m not a morning person and I hate getting up before 8-9am. I typically just wake up without the alarm at 8:30 or 9, but now that will be 9:30 or 10, so I have to start setting the alarm again and will feel totally exhausted all day for weeks.
That wasn’t supposed to be a reply, oh well.
I hate you.