You goyim may be familiar with the High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) as well as the Popular Trash Holiday (Hanukkah), but we save the best Jew holiday for ourselves. And now that it’s over, I can reveal it: Purim. Despite the lack of publicity, Purim is absolutely fucking awesome- it has a sexy backstory, bloodshed, Iranians, funny hats, and massive drunkenness. Really, what else can you want?

The Megilla
The holiday’s story is told in the Book of Esther, which is the Pluto of the Bible’s solar system: unlike every other book, it’s written on a single scroll (called The Megillah), rather than the usual double. And although, like the other books, it’s read in song, it has a wholly different set of notes and tunes than any other book. Set in ancient Persia, the story starts out on the right foot with a massive nationwide drinking binge. The king, a guy named Akhashveros (I’ll call him Heshie), based in a city called Shushan, had been joining in the celebration, accompanied by a bunch of his carousing buddies.
As drunk sausage-fests tend to do, the conversation turned to pussy. Heshie was married to some fine trim, housed in the body of Queen Vashti, and to prove why she was kingworthy, he directed her to strip and show the goods to his friends. OK, so far, this sounds like a typical Glibertarians get-together, but things took a bad turn- Vashti told him that he and his friends could go fuck themselves, SHE was keeping the clothes on. As was the custom in those days when royal women disobeyed, Heshie had Vashti de-queened and then set about finding some equally fine arm candy.
He organized the Iranian equivalent of Miss Teen USA, and had all the Persian girls who scored above a 9 brought in for judgement. This presaged several reality TV shows, another case of successful Biblical prophecy. Unlike Trump, Heshie didn’t have to barge into the dressing room to catch some young female nudity, they were happy to show it off to him. It’s good to be the King.
Of all the table pussy in the room, the standout was a Jewess named Esther. Not that you could tell that she was a Jewess, given the lack of female circumcision in those days. And she would have had pubes, anyway, and Jewesses tend to be a bit forest-y down there, especially Iranian Jewesses. Heshie spotted Esther and declared, “OK, that one!” and suddenly she was Queen of Persia. This came as a pleasant surprise to her Uncle Mordechai, who had raised her. Morty thought, “This is almost as good as winning the lottery!”
With a sudden interest in the goings-on at the Court, Morty caught wind of an assassination plot against Heshie. Sensing the possibility of reward, he informed the Iranian equivalent of the Secret Service, and the guys who were plotting were arrested, read their rights, and then hanged. As a reward, Morty’s story was recorded in the Congressional Record. And that… was it. Fuck.
What’s worse, Morty pissed off Haman, the Iranian Jeff Sessions, by refusing to bow down to him. Ever the vindictive bastard Haman, who decided, “Well Morty is a Jew, these Jews are annoying fucks, let’s just kill them all.” He wheedled Heshie about this idea, and Heshie, who really didn’t give a shit one way or another, said, “Sure, Haman, kill ’em if that will get you to stop bugging me.” Haman, always the planner, decided to roll dice to pick the day that the Hamancaust would happen. The reason for this is completely mysterious, but the word for dice is “purim” so if he hadn’t done that, we would have had to name the holiday Pussy or Bunch of Guys Getting Shitfaced or something like that.

Esther – Artist’s Depiction
The ever-snoopy Morty found out about the planned Jewkill, and understandably freaked out. He asked Esther to talk to her hubby. “Heshie hates when he’s nagged by his bitches,” she replied, “but seeing as how this is a bit of an emergency, let me see what I can do.” She set up a dinner with Heshie and Haman, during which she said, “Heshie, isn’t this fun? Let’s do it again tomorrow and maybe, you know, bumpetta-bumpetta after?” Heshie, always the horndog, eagerly agreed. In the meantime, Haman got dissed yet again by Morty, so he arranged to have a gallows built to give Morty the Big Drop the next day.
Heshie had trouble sleeping that night, perhaps because of a boner thinking about the next night, though that’s purely my speculation based on experience. “I know,” he thought, “I’ll have the Congressional Record read to me by a manservant and if that doesn’t put me to sleep, then three Seconal wouldn’t do it, either.” The reading began, and when the manservant got to the part about Morty saving Heshie’s life, Heshie asked, “Hey, did we end up doing anything for that guy? Cash award, Medal of Freedom, whatever?” “Nope,” was the answer.
Now, though Heshie was a horndog, he was actually a pretty decent guy. Feeling bad about this oversight, he called Haman in. “Haman,” he asked, “suppose there was someone who I wanted to reward for a great service to me, how would you do it?” Haman, being a bit groggy from being awakened by King Heshie’s whim, thought Heshie was talking about HIM and replied, “Well, dress him up like a king and lead him around on one of your horses as an honor.” Incentives in those days were apparently pretty lame, but still, when Heshie said, “Cool beans, the guy’s name is Morty, get ‘er done!” Haman could only think, “Fuuuuuuuck! This puts a crimp in my plans to hang the dude. Well, I can put it off for a day or two.”
The next evening, at Esther’s second dinner party, she told Heshie, “Haman wants to kill all the Jews, you know.” Heshie responded, “Yeah, whatevs. Are we doing the nasty tonight or what?” Esther said, “Well, that’ll be kinda hard since you’re going to kill all the Jews, and since I’m one of ’em…” “Wait, WHAT???” “Yeah, I’m a Jewess, and you told Haman to kill me and all of my relatives.” Heshie, who (unlike Justin Trudeau) was not a slow fellow, realized that this kill-the-Jews thing might not have been his best idea, then remembered that it was Haman’s idea. And with that, well, it’s always the underling who gets thrown under the chariot, so in a coincidence worthy of O Henry, Haman got hanged on the gallows he had intended for Morty. Yayyyy! Oops, not so fast, what about the Jewkill?
Heshie said, “There’s a bit of a problem. I gave the orders to kill the Jews and because of Article 3 subsection A of the King’s Rules, I can’t take that back.” With some Jewess trim hanging in the balance, Heshie came up with an inspired idea: “Hey, I can issue an order that the Jews can all be armed and kill the Iranians who are coming for them!” Actually, it was Mordechai and Esther’s idea, but one of the secrets to managing your manager is to convince him that your great idea was actually his.
So the Jews armed and killed a fuckton of Persians. If we’re to believe the Megillah, something like 76,000 of them. And that was OK because Heshie got laid.
In honor of killing a fuckton of Persians, every year (((we))) have the Purim celebration, in which (((we))) are commanded to get drunk, make a lot of noise in the synagogue, exchange gifts, get drunk, fuck, make noise, and get drunk. Oh yeah, we also eat some little triangular Danishes called Hamantashen. But really, who cares, get drunk and fuck.
This is a great holiday.
Esther looks hot!
wow, no other comments? Do Glibertarians really hate the Juice that much?
He didn’t bring enough hamantaschen for the whole room. Boycott.
You’re confusing us with that new transfer student, Johnny Hitler.
Though I heard he’s dreamy…
He’s the king of lunchball.
Hitler-senpai, kawaii desu ne?
Also, were you raised in a barn?
Talking the native language, to make sure non-native speakers don’t know what your talking about is generally considered rude.
What are you talking about? I speak Internet and I understood him just fine.
Sumimasen, I don’t quite get speaking foriegn languagses, I suppose I should study them harder.
Played by Joan Collins in Esther and the King.
IMDb should really use the pic of Joan that was from 1960. The one they show is not hot.
I like OMWC’s rendition better.
But not bad.
A glossary of popular social-justice themed terms, and some not so popular, published by the University of California, Davis plainly asserts that only white people are capable of racism.
A related list of “Words That Hurt” discourages even self-deprecating references to being “fat,” explaining that they “demean and devalue fatness/fat bodies” and imply that “there is an acceptable amount of food to eat.”
Linky no worky.
Right. You people it is then.
I’m a big fan of the phrase “you lot”. Only proper way to address a crowd of orphans, for example… hillbillys figured that out decades ago. ‘Y’all’ works quite nicely. (especially when it’s followed by ‘can kiss my ass’)
I guess the entirety of Latin Romance languages used by hundreds of millions of people is now racist. Anytime you refer to a group of people of mixed genders in Portuguese, you would use ‘Eles’, the masculine. You would only say ‘Elas’ if the group were only female. These people are retarded and even more retarded because they don’t know they’re retarded.
Yes, a lot of languages are gendered towards everything. I am wondering how they deal with that. Are you othering others by using gendered language or are you othering entire cultures by forbidding the use of their language?
I am so confused.
They’re completely unaware. I guess that must be ‘woke’, or something. They may get a few people in countries who speak those languages to go along with their insanity. But it will be a tiny minority. The vast majority will tell them to go fuck themselves. Woke, my fucking ass.
I’ll make it simple with a handy SJW rule. If the speaker of the language is a European, their icky language is clearly utterly sexist. If the speaker of the language is a cute little brownish skinned native, it’s utterly racist to demand they not use gendered terminology.
It’s all about principals, not principles.
I’m an anti-semite. Marrying him was a great opportunity to make a Jew miserable for life. (And I look just like Esther.)
(And I look just like Esther.)
Libertarian’s are known for being grounded in the scientific method – we need proof.
We’ll need to see detailed pics to determine the veracity of your claim.
Pics of me would bore you.
I don’t want to see you WITH clothes on.
SP spilled the beans?
Something like this, but with less Aryan eyes
*Looks at teeth, crosses blowjobs off the list*
Can’t you wait until Thursday?
*checks calendar* Yes, I can!
Well, thanks, OMWC, now after all these years, I finally understand the Jews. Now, can we lurns them to drive? (:
Your experience is invalid.
I know 3 orthodox Jewish women who are horrible drivers. Not the worst I’ve ever seen, but pretty awful. But their husbands are very good drivers.
Are you sure you’re not confusing Jews and women?
You have a point, Playa. I was just trying to not be sexist. But, I am specifically speaking of the Hasidic Jew wiminz min-van brigade.
The minivans are EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
There’s a woman who has about 90% of the same route home as I do when dropping the youngest off at school.
I won’t go the way she’s going. It’s INCREDIBLE. Always driving too slow, but never stopping at stop signs.
Wait until you get dozens of them going the same way at the same time. That’s what my rant was about a couple days ago. I tend to go 2 miles out of the way at certain times just to avoid that chaos.
I’m an excellent driver. I drove slow on the driveway when my dad came to Walbrook.
Yeah, definitely.
They have to drive like crazy to get home before Shabbat.
Man, one of my best friends from college is ((( ))), and he only ever mentioned this briefly in passing.
I’m going to text that motherfucker tonight and give him an earful for holding out on me.
holding out on me
Now I’m imagining some Gojira/Jew slashfic
*sigh* Because he’s a Jew and my good friend, I won’t pass up an opportunity to shill for him.
If you have any interest in US Army helicopters, he’s written a few books.
Bernstein? Is he by any chance a bear from an alternate universe?
He IS short and furry…
Go on…
Jesse now identifies as an attack helicopter, and would like to meet your friend.
I think my friend’s wife and two children would put the kibosh on any plans Jesse has, that are non-military aviation related.
So is this like a long-time rivalry-turned-friendship here? He spends twenty years designing aircraft for the JSDF to kill you, and eventually you develop mutual respect?
Give the effectiveness of JSDF in multiple encounters, I’d argue his friend is sabotaging them from within.
It’s not like the U.S. military has a great track record either.
(90s Godzilla movie does not count, shut up)
I have a great interest in US Army helicopters, as in I am greatly interested in NEVER GETTING IN ONE AGAIN.
Let me guess, got one the dick pilots who like to freak people out? Those guys are fun.
And don’t get me started on the RAF Merlin pilots…
+1 shithook
Yeah, fun in one of those when you hang there while some crewman stomps over to fix a blown hydraulic line. JUST LAND, ASSHOLES!
In the US Army the CH-47 is known for having hydraulic fluid everywhere, all the time. As the old crew chief saying is, “Don’t worry, as long as it is leaking we know we have fluid.” But the Germans keep their Shithooks from leaking. When I was in jumpmaster school in Germany we had mix of experienced US and fresh German paratroopers (fallshirmspringer) as our parachutists. We had to put out jumpers from various A/C including said Shithook. We were getting our our jumpers on and there was a small pink waterfall at the ramp hinge. The US jumpers just hustled through but the German eyes got big. The crew powers up and a few feet off the ground the crew chief unplugs his headset and rushes to the front of the A/C opens a tool box, grabs a wrench and races back to try to tighten something. After a bit the crew puts the bird down and says it’ll be a few minutes so hang tight. The German NCO stands up and motions his troopers off. I don’t think we ever got them back on a US copter. Plus the CH-47 makes a too big and too slow target in combat. I even prefer the Osprey to a CH-47 downrange.
If you’re a Persian king, small price to pay for some quality poontang!
Lovely story, though I think you undersell Esther’s charms, if she managed to beat every Iranian woman in the kingdom looks-wise. I mean, DAMN!
So, that story was the whole megilla, eh?
Good lord Swiss. Can you narrow your gaze so far that it collapses in upon itself?
That was just such an old man joke. If my father was alive, he might have said it.
Someone had to say it.
it was my first thought as well.
I was looking for a Magilla reference
*narrows Gaza*
You can’t narrow Gaza!
The sequel featuring Butthead was much better.
I always thought that if we were evangelical, we could absolutely clean up on conversions around Purim. A holiday where you’re commanded to get so drunk you can’t tell the difference between good and evil? Half the college students in the US would convert just for that.
Hamentashen are awesome.
Considering there are pagan holidays dedicated solely to drinking and fucking, you’re probably going to have to work harder than that.
Your boss or professor usually won’t listen to you if you tell them you’re taking the day off for a pagan holiday.
Progs recoil in horror on at the thought of a balanced budget:
The versions of the BBA I’ve seen would require a 3/5 vote to unbalance the budget and in wartime would allow a mere majority to unbalance it.
Progs recoil in horror at economics.
Long term debt is immoral. My kids didn’t get to vote on it. Nor my future grandkids.
While I oppose the death tax, I don’t think I would oppose one that charges you your per capita share of the national debt at the time of death.
I think it is around 60k right now.
So if you die, the first 60k or your estate goes to pay the debt. And that is it.
It is horribly regressive, but pay your damn share.
And it would never get passed like that, as most estates would be totally wiped out, so there would be exceptions for the first blah blah blah, and the whole point is lost.
How about we limit that tax to just those who were in Congress?
I think it’s safe to say they don’t care that much about budget deficits.
Seriously, it seems for many of you this was your first exposure to the Book of Esther.
“Hanged as high as Haman” used to be a popular expression, not just among Jews.
What happened to Biblical literacy?
Paine and Ingersoll had a lot of fun making fun of parts of the Bible – because at least they’d studied it.
It’s in the Bible. I seem to remember it being told without as much pussy and drunkenness. Although, I do enjoy this version more.
Ya, in the bible version Esther doesn’t have a rack like that. Or if she did, they kept it a secret in Sunday school.
With a rabbi like OMWC, I might be willing to set foot in a synagogue.
With a rabbi like OMWC
I think there’s already another religion with kiddie diddling on lock down…
You know, now that you mention it, I do remember hearing that phrase before.
But it’s been a long time, and I’d never have been able to tell you where it came from, though I was raised alternatively Church of Christ/Southern Baptist.
Learn (((something))) new every day.
Not for me; see upthread.
Sunday School tends to focus on the less fun parts. For some reason.
You can always read the Bible on your own.
Knowing this crowd, I bet you’d want to start with the Book of Judith…wait, that’s not in the Protestant canon, is it?
Fortunately, *we* still recognize it as canonical – and it shows you how to get ahead in life.
I did, lost interest, prefer the classics. Enjoyed David’s Foreskin Hunt and Jacob’s Ladder Match Against an Angel though.
How do you feel about Elisha and the she-bears?
I will probably appreciate it more when I’m old and want kids to get off my lawn.
You mean the story where a gang of juggalos threaten a man who just saved the town from dying of thirst?
My personal fave is Job.
Chrissy Metz Is Gorgeous In A Pinup-Inspired Spread For Harper’s Bazaar
This must be some strange usage of the word “gorgeous” I was not previously aware of.
She’d probably be pretty if she lost 900 lbs.
Also, pinup? How the fuck can you pin that up? You’re gonna need some industrial strength meat hooks to pin that up.
Random thought: I find it odd that there have been all these anti-Semitic incidents in prog areas. I mean, I’m expected to believe the kind of people who would vandalize a cemetery would wait until after an election to do it?
I saw a CNN report about NYers who sprang into action to clean anti-Semitic graffiti off a subway car. Conveniently, all the the graffiti was written with markers on surfaces which wipe clean with alcohol. Which they all had.
But more importantly, why would someone who hates Jews want to live in NY? Target rich environment?
My take on it, just from random observation, has been that American progs are some of the most anti-Jewish people, ever. I don’t know what that’s all about. Something about poor Palestinians and Zionists. The latter seems to be Alex Jones level shit.
I knew when I read the headline and saw it was Huffington that I should have not scrolled down.
Son, there’s a difference between a woman with a big ass and a big-ass woman.
What the actual fuck. No one is so brainwashed to buy this. The entire readership of HP must be trolls constantly rick rolling themselves. I fucking REFUSE to believe this is legitimate.
You do realize their readership considers Lena Dunham both intelligent and sexy.
compared to her Lena Dunham is definitely sexy and possibly intelligent. Then again compared to her those particular attributes can be applied to almost any random object, cause I would want to have with just about anything other than her.
That woman is definitely prettier than Lena Dunham. She’s just morbidly obese. I mean, that’s really unhealthy level obese.
Weight is a factor in attractiveness. Yes, whale girl has a pretty face, but her sheer hutt like size completely negates any of that. Metz certainly has the potential to be prettier, but Dunham wins by default for not being 3 fries short of a quadruple bypass.
Dunham actually loses by being such an ugly human being. But that’s just my opinion.
Well it’s the quality of looking healthy I think that does it for me. Size isn’t a factor for me if a woman’s pretty, but looking like you probably wear ankle braces to walk around and have the beetus is a disqualifier.
You dont have to believe it, all you have to do is say the right words. That is how virtue signaling works.
The person who used that term
I would need a stud finder to pin her up.
Language is being rendered useless.
When everything is EPIC, nothing is.
If they believe she’s “gorgeous” (are we sure they didn’t misspell engorged?), every last one of them should have to sleep with her every night for a month.
every year (((we))) have the Purim celebration, in which (((we))) are commanded to get drunk, make a lot of noise in the synagogue, exchange gifts, get drunk, fuck, make noise, and get drunk. Oh yeah, we also eat some little triangular Danishes called Hamantashen. But really, who cares, get drunk and fuck.
You understand that “signing up” involves cutting stuff off your dick?
Wait… what? Do they advertise that before you sign up? I’m thinking it’s time for we libertarians to get our own religion. It should definitely involve drink and pussy, but no cutting stuff off dick!
There’s a reason that (((we))) have such a low conversion rate.
Maybe some of Hindu branches have that covered already?
On one hand, I value my tackle deeply.
On the other, extended access to (((females)))…
Damn, you people do love those hard choices!
Not to let the cat out of the bag, but the vast majority of the goyim are cut at birth these days.
Not me. I’m still an actual man, and neither Jewish nor Muslim, which I believe all of the cut secretly are. It’s part of the (((conspiracy))).
I dunno about today but that was certainly true in the sixties.
Vintage 1978, and I am. Although I was born in a military hospital so that might have had something to do with it.
Before we knew we were having a daughter, the folks who gave us the tour of the hospital mentioned that we’d be asked if we wanted our kid circumcised if it was a he. My wife had read up on a lot of the mom-to-be forums and there’s apparently a big push to not circumcise, but it’s from the same people who want to go back to cloth diapers and breast-feed in a crowded elevator.
Yes, and it remained popular through the 70s as far as I know. I assume it was a religious thing. Something something unclean pagans and sodomites, or something.
’83 and most of the American born white folks in my age bracket I know are cut. It seems like the big shift was in the ’90s at some point. Latinos rarely, Canadians much less frequently, Europeans rarely, Koreans at age 12 (mostly because America told them it was a good idea in the ’50s) Australians more frequently than not.
Years ago, there were many claimed benefits in having circumcision performed on a baby, but most of them really don’t pass the sniff test.
It was claimed it would stop the kid masturbating, which was probably some Kellogg stupidity writ large, and we had one of doctors coyly suggest that it was “cleaner”, to which the appropriate response would, I guess, to be that you intend to teach your son basic hygiene.
There’s some justification I guess if you leave all manner of biological waste festering in the folds of your johnson, but I figured that if our son was so hell-bent on a cosmetic body mod, he could have it done when he’s 18 instead of getting a tattoo.
Yeah, I’ve hooked up with a lot of Germans (long story, don’t ask) and it was only an issue once. He hopped in the shower and that was that.
Also, saw your question in the links and no, not hitched, either on the cusp of being very single or being in a de jure relationship with someone I’ve been in a de facto relationship with for …two years now.
You know who else hooked up with a lot of Germans?
Lilly von Schtupp?
Just checked out Wikipedia again to remind myself what an evil shitstain John Harvey Kellogg was … bearing in mind his national prominence, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t a hugely influential reason for widespread circumcision of gentiles.
Did you not want your clitoris burned off with carbolic acid to make sure that sex was only procreative and not pleasurable?
But yeah a lot of his health recommendations were pure madness and somehow still had currency for quite some time.
It was more that silver wire that got me ….
The WHO and American Academy of Pediatricians say the benefits outweigh the risks, though even they agree that the decision should be up to the parents or individual.
I am sporting the required team helmet in my equipment locker. It was a thing back then even for us filthy goyim, or whatever you call us.
I thought we were gentiles. Not the chosen people, but some seriously righteous heathens, amirite?
It was considered a health issue back in the day in which I was a tiny little Gentile (so I have that part out of the way).
Let’s go back to discussing the drinking and pussy.
Yes indeed. And I can only assume that converting with that snipet out of the way, the ritual would pretty much revert to a hand job followed by cake and punch.
joke I heard a while back:
A Christian has to say “in chapter this and verse that of the Bible it says…” but a Jew can say “on page one of the Torah, it says everything because it’s a scroll.”
OMWC…that had me rolling. You should do your own version of the whole Bible. New testament too. Make sure to include pics. I’d buy it. Also, would Esther. I will be celebrating your holiday next year.
Seriously, one of the best Slate series I’ve read (yes, shortest midget, but this is from waaaaay back when it was merely a thinking man’s Salon) was a secular Jew reading through Old Testament in order, and in context. There were some surprising reactions from him (e.g. he started to sympathize with God because every. fucking. time. God says something to the Jews it’s immediately “Really? Do I/we have to? OK, so I/we have to but can we cut a deal here? Meet us half way? Oh, when you said this very clear thing, you meant it in this very clear way?”).
One of the reasons I appreciate Old Testament God more than New Testament God. Call us on our bullshit O Lord.
Hmmm, getting shit faced and fucking for a holiday, in exchange for cutting off a piece of your penis.
I think I’ll stick with being a foul pagan.
Who knew Jewsday posts would light the Nicole/Tonio signal so bright.
Hey, if I can get shit faced, fuck, and have my penis remain intact, your religion offers nothing to me. Except tasty snacks.
Check your Canadian privilege, shitlord
It’s cold and I have my culture mocked on libertarian websites?
on libertarian websites
I hate to tell you, but it’s not just libertarian websites.
I can go over to Salon or Jezebel and have those people furiously masturbate over my country’s mere existence. Or at least the version that exists in their head.
Hey man, if a participation trophy is all you want, chef don’t judge.
I have standards. I’d rather be mocked by a gaggle of perverts, madmen and moral degenerates then be praised by a gaggle of perverts, madmen and moral degenerates.
Well, that’s why you need a reality check, and Glibertarians is here to help.
“I’d rather be mocked by a gaggle of perverts, madmen and moral degenerates then be praised by a gaggle of perverts, madmen and moral degenerates.”
That’s some fucked up standards you have there John.
Something like three millennia of history, tradition, culture and philosophy and somehow it all ends up being about dicks.
Least my mom took me to NASCAR.
3000 years of beautiful tradition from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you’re goddamn right I’m living in the past.
A Jewess I dated told me about Purim. Excellent holiday.
Esther – would.
Biblical Esther, at least; not Esther Rolle.
Well, a young Esther Williams, too.
A Google image search on the artist’s depiction of Esther says the woman is Sara Lime. Her instagram page, possibly NSFW. It does not have the picture posted above, but you can find that easily with Google.
Speaking of somewhat deceptive pics – did I miss the local discussion of this?
Is Brazzers University associated with the illustrious film studio of the same name?
Maybe. A search led me to this Mia. I am not familiar with her work.
I’m of course only familiar with well-endowed but incredibly British Brazzers actor Danny D (SFW), who used to go as Matt Hughes when he was doing the gay-for-pay circuit.
No. What really happened?
Mia trolled the shit out of Laura Sarsour [progtard extraordinaire].
Wait. Who’s Mia? Needz moar info.
Lebanese-American porn star with large breast implants and excellent deep throating skills.
Her wikipedia page. SFW. Her boobpedia page is NSFW.
Ahh, I see.
You know, I don’t have a problem at all with anyone wearing that. Or whatever they want to wear. The thing I have a problem with is idiot progs acting like it’s some sort of badge of whatever the fuck.
There’s a lady I see at work several times a week when I’m in a certain area that wears one of those, always black. I never really think about what that signifies as I don’t care. The first several times I saw her, she was very quiet, never said anything, just nodded and smiled a little. Then I thought, well fuck, I’m gonna joke with her just to see what happens. Now I can’t get away from her, she talks my ear off.
Well, that’s the last time I sneak in a preview of Thicc Thursday.
I shall be in my chambers contemplating a new source ofThicc for this week.
You hang out with Agile Cyborg? Awesome!
What ever became of him?
Saw him commenting on TSTSNBN today. Wanted to reply to him, but … heh … the commenting was broken again.
Yes, I see him every now and then over at the other site. I’ve seen him a bit more often in the morning than I used to.
Seems like a good guy. He would be, in my opinion, a nice addition to the commentariat here, with his esoteric writing style.
Well, I’m glad he hasn’t ODed yet.
Sometimes, I worried that he would die mid-thread.
I’ve lived a sheltered life. The first time I ever heard about Hamantaschen was watching Archer. I now associate it with botched assassinations, police racism and anxieties about getting into private school.
Hamantaschen or Archer?
That particular episode, silly.
Dude, is that a snake on your light switch?
Yes it is, but not in gay way.
I’m just a little curious as to how one gets a snake on their light switch. I mean unless you put it there.
I have no idea how it got there. It puzzles me to this day. It fell from the ceiling? Ugh, fuck no.
Lol. When I used to stay down at my Grandfather’s place in eastern KY in summers, I saw a lot of snakes. One day I was sleeping in and someone was knocking at the door. I reluctantly got up and went to the door. One of the neighbors asked me if my grandfather was home, and I said no, he’s away for a few days. Then he tells me ‘your yard, right down by the fence is full of baby copperheads. There must have been a thousand of them, gross. He told me, I’m gonna have to kill em. I was like, whatev.
One weekend when I was a kid, Dad was doing electrical work down in the laundry room, and had the storm cellar door open because he was going in and out that way.
Monday morning I found a snake in the bathroom immediately above.
A slightly different Purim
*also involves hot exotic chick
**also, one of them is Jewish.
Which one? Stan Getz? DeJohnette definitely isn’t.
yes Getz. I thought it would have been self explanatory.
i had to double-check on Miroslav Vitous. You never know! that guy has done everything.
I wonder if Haman shouted ‘MORTY’ a-la Newman just as he hanged.
Great story.
You have a get drunk and fuck holiday…and many of you celebrate christmas because it is a really cool holiday too. Good for you. It kinda pisses me off that we haven’t added a get drunk and fuck holiday to our…oh. St. Valentines day. Never mind.
I’m still not convinced that this drunk and fuck holiday exists outside of the OMWC Jewish sect. They may all fit into that van as far as I know. But I definitely await more entertaining stories.
The Brazilians have a shit ton of get fuck and drunk holidays, all of them, though they’re not a religion.
I thought that religion exists solely for the sake of STOPPING you from having fun. But I suppose my narrow experience, consisting of only Baptist fundies, might be limiting my broader knowledge or religion.
The Brazilians do not have a shit ton of get drunk and fuck holidays, they simply get drunk and fuck on their own initiative.
And ironically, half of them are called ‘Saints something something’ day.
Well, Christians also have St. Patrick’s day, and while the ‘and fuck’ part is omitted, it’s pretty much subtext bordering on text at this point. There’s also Mardi Gras, which is actually part of the Christian calendar, and if you can’t at least see see some titties during Mardi Gras, then you’re either not trying or blind.
It’s seriously mainstream Jewish custom. There’s also costumes, masks, noisemakers (called groggers).
Damnit, OMWC, you are making me take a serious look at the Jews from a different perspective. Maybe they are more fun that I previously thought. Do the Hasidic ones practice that? Some of the women around here are really attractive.
You must not be near the Park Heights Jew community. Those women are plug ugly.
I thought that religion exists solely for the sake of STOPPING you from having fun.
My friend, allow me to introduce you to the wonderful world of Taoists learning how to fuck really well.
Because their religion said so.
Great story, Sara Lime pic, well done.
Enjoy yourself tonight, you dirty shyster.
CNN alert on my phone just now: “Depression, anxiety, PTSD and more: How climate change could affect your mental health”
And they wonder why people think they are a propaganda rag.
Have these people every heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder?
If they had twice as much intelligence, they’d be wits.
See you could have really made it good by saying ‘if they had twice as much intelligence they’d be halfwits’. A for effort though.
That joke wasn’t original to me.
Like demographics, that’s a myth.
/prog logic
Almost as good as the story of the Bravest Little Statue from earlier.
What is that even about? Did they watch Wolf of Wall Street or something and get all of their opinion of Wall Street from that? What in the fuck is wrong with these loons?
Eeum eeum slap slap eeum eeum.
We are wondering why you have CNN alerts on your phone. ?
Honestly I dont know. My wife keeps getting the latest phone and I inherit her old ones. I thought I wiped it clean and started from scratch. I think she sets stuff on it, changes things the way she thinks I would like it. I find this very frustrating and generally forbid anyone from touching my phone. My past experience is that when I get it back I cant figure out how to use stuff or how to undo the things they set on there.
A couple of weeks ago they just started appearing.
I make calls, I text rarely and play word games to kill time. I dont need a damned complicated super computer to do that.
I was kidding of course. On a related note, I tried to turn off my “amber-type” alerts and I was able to do so…except for Presidential alerts. Anyone know what that means?
*narrows gaze* Hey suthen, what you doin with that CNN shit on your phone? You one of them commies?
Well it was warm enough to turn that snow into mashed potatoes. Big fat skiis turned into sweet water pontoons.
I think the gods have blessed me, SP!
Not sure what happened here in Balmer last night. We were supposed to be having heavy snow, except it was sleet, or some form of little ice balls. It looks like there’s 4-5″ of snow on my deck, only it’s solid ice. You can stand on top of it, I’m talking solid ice. Last night I was making ice balls to throw at the squirrels.
I cant understand why y’all insist on living in a frozen wasteland. Blue skies, sun, green and flowers here.
This is very unusual for here this time of the year. Baltimore is a tropical paradise compared to where I lived before. Honestly, the climate is very pleasant here most of the year.
Well, for starters; there are no alligators here
Like I said, I cant understand why you would live there.
I want some gator tail. What kind of sauce is best for that?
One day I will leave for a place with no snow. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Trebuchet to launch them?
The squirrels? Great idea.
I thought so.
I’ve been incommunicado, bro. Do we still want to do the meetup? And is Sunday OK? The 26th? Or do we do the 25th to entice more people. Or will people even show?
Im fine with sunday, if western can do it. B.P and AnonCow also said they would. Can someone up top swap some emails for us?
Tasty, Wigga.
“We don’t want our food to get Americanized,” said Gulziba Ekber, daughter of Dolan chef Ekber Keyser.”
Too late lady. You brought it here so Americanization has already begun. Thats what we do; we take other people’s stuff and make it better. Cultural appropriation for the win.
Besides, it looks pretty close to texmex bbq and pepper steak to me. I guarantee you that someone somewhere in the US is already doing it.
One of my neighbors, actually.
He’s married to a central asian woman and for about 2 years, she’s been pretty cagey about *where* – it was clear her family was from somewhere in central asia, but he’s an South Carolinean and he knows his BBQ. We went over in fall and his wife cooked – almost exactly that – so the issue came up in conversation. Very sensitive about being the “right kind of muslim”, which was kinda sweet and unnecessary.
But the food was primitive (ethnically authentic?) but excellent. Although for me, it’s almost impossible to imagine a bad meal if it contains lamb.
Sadly, it doesn’t always work like that.
Like, this shit is worse than childhood cancer.
Somebody might want to point out to her that potatos are American. Her Potato and Lamb recipe is already Amercanized, and not authentic, for any given value of authentic. I can say without a doubt, that no Uygher was cooking anything with potatoes 500 years ago.
Your food was already Americanized several hundred years before you born. Suck it up Buttercup.
So, I just poured myself up a big glass of scotch on the rocks. Am I a real man now? *takes sip, runs to mirror to see if more hair on chest*.
I just finished a nice little shot glass of scotch from a place in Sonoma, CA. It went well with my Trinidad Fundadores.
Needs less ice. I have a slug of Knob Creek 120 right here, and I have to admit, there’s a wee dram o’ water in it.
It gets drams of water from the ice melting.
Problem is if the ice loses more than about 10% of its mass, it’s too much water, and it chills the scotch (changing the way it tastes) .. If you won’t take my word for it, ask Riven.
Well, I’m here to be edumencated, and I’m sure I will be. That’s why I love you guys.
Bourbon is different, to me, especially the 120 proof. Besides just being strong it will numb your tongue and you won’t be able to taste it after a few drinks. I generally prefer my bourbon on the rocks and my scotch neat, unless I happen upon a chance to sample some Pappy’s.
What kind of scotch? Blended, I hope. Would be a shame to ruin a good single malt with junk like ice.
Heh. Someone lit the Riven Signal
I do love me a good scotch. Will drink whiskey on the rocks occasionally, but scotch is always neat unless it’s from Islay.
It’s a shame you’re married and I’m a man old enough to sit down next to you and creep you out.
*kicks pebble ruefully*
He only creeped me out because he was creepy. Just don’t sit down next to a young lady in a booth–a booth next to a wall–and tell her, “Now you can’t get away!” I mean, that he was older was just coincidence.
Chivas Regal. Ok, you scotch snobs can now commence your attacks. I can take it.
Chivas is good enough to care about how its served, and you get props for not adding Fanta or Root Beer to it.
I was gonna put lime koolaid in it, but we were out of lime koolaid.
/I keed, I keed!
Haven’t tried it, so no judgment.
A competent blended.
Enough character that a single malt drinker wouldn’t mind it, but for the price, you might as well go for a single.
It’s blended. All I know is that it’s pretty damn expensive. Expensive enough that if it were a vodka or gin, things I actually know a little about, I’d be really disappointed if it wasn’t good. Tastes good to me. Compared to the $160 bottle of Cachaca I just finished off not too long ago, not quite as smooth, but still, tasty on the rocks.
One you might want to look at if you want to stick with blendeds while you get your feet, is Crown Royal. I was very impressed, and it compared VERY favorably with Chivas.
Another would be Bushmills white label, but you’re not to let on when you buy it if you’re Catholic; it’s an Irish thing.
With blendeds, really, if someone gives you a 20-year old, thank them, but for blendeds, age really doesn’t matter that much.
Of course, neither of the above are actually scotch – Crown is Canadian – but there’s a lot of fun to be had just comparing good blendeds, but at some time you’ll move to the dark side.
On the Irish whiskey side, I actually prefer Tullamore Dew as the standard entry level to both Jamesons and Bushmills. I think it’s smoother, and considering it’s at an equal price point, it’s my go to.
No need. You said it all yourself.
Late to the party, but I prefer my scotch neat or if it’s a hot day chilled with whisk(e)y stones. Little cubes of soapstone that you keep in the freezer. They’ll chill the drink without watering it down.
It tastes great to me after the ice melts a little. But I’m not a regular scotch or whiskey drinker, so I don’t have much experience to judge it against. It’s giving me a nice buzz, I know that much, (:
I’ve tried several variations of those. Even the ones that are gel that you actually freeze. They don’t get it cold enough. Went back to ice.
Love the idea of not watering it down, but I enjoy my bourbon and scotch cold. I guess I could refrigerate/freeze, but that’s also problematic.
Chilling the glass doesn’t work particularly well.
I’m fortunate, I manage to keep the kitchen at a pretty regular 60-ish most of the year which is a only a bit too hot. If I know I’m going to start a sesh, I’ll pop the bottle in the fridge for 30 minutes to drop the temperature a bit.
I’m starting to fell all uppity and stuff hanging out with you snobs. I just repeated some of the things you said about this booze to the wife. She’s impressed! I’m getting some tonight! *beams with pride, pours another glass*
*feel* Damnit, I blame the scotch (blend)
Whisk[e]y is easier than wines. An hour of banter on here will turn you into s theoretical pro.
A practical pro takes decades, and about 3 livers.
Fuck wine. I hate that shit. Most overrated stuff ever. Wife likes it, so I occasionally drink a glass with her because she enjoys it when I do. Wine ‘tasters’ are the most insufferable assholes on the planet. I’m fine with connoisseurs of any other alcohol, but there’s something about wine sippers that I cannot stand. ‘I like to taste a little wine with dinner’. No you fucking sot, you like to drink 3 bottles of it, STFU, pretentious assholes!
I’ve been a beer drinker, long time. Also really enjoy vodka and gin. Damn wine Nazis ruin it all!
Ok, there’s some good wine drinkers. Only 99% of them are Nazi assholes.
Hyperion, I got introduced to some wines that I enjoyed by one of the best servers at a wine bar I have ever met. If you asked for a suggestion, he would ask what tastes you preferred, discuss it with you, then pour you a sample. He would then ask what was wrong with it. If you said it was fine, he would press harder. He would spend 15-20 minutes with you pouring free samples until you find a glass you liked. The man then had a story to go along with each of the wines that I ever ordered from him. It was a shame when he left that establishment.
And one of the funniest smackdowns I’ve ever heard to a wine snob was a at a mixed beer/wine tasting. I was at a table that had some wines and some beers, and was going over my taste preferences. A passerby heard me mention hoppy as a taste preference, and decided to loudly state how all beer just tasted the same. The person pouring at the table, looked directly at her and said, “Ma’am, wine is a simple drink, it has at most 3 ingredients: grape juice, yeast, and oak. Beer is a much more complicated drink, as it has at least four ingredients: malts, hops, yeast, and water. There is a much greater range for difference in beer flavors then you could ever achieve in wine.” He then turned back to me and went right back into the conversation we were having.
That’s a great story, thanks for sharing! And you’re fortunate to have experienced a conversation with a knowledgeable wine advocate. I’m not saying that any of the wine snobs I’ve had experience were totally ignorant of the subject, it’s just that the puffed up assholes when asked to share their knowledge, suddenly seemed much less knowledgeable and more pretentious than just a couple of moments prior. And admittedly, my experience with wine is that I just don’t like it. I’ve failed to find the pleasure with it that I’ve found in beers and liquors. I mean, not even close.
The mean streets of Baltimore have broken you.
Oh, and this is just wrong. Port casks, sherry casks, even sauternes casks – OK .. But this is a bridge too far. Beyond the pale, one might say.
I triggered myself. Time to open that second bottle of Quinta Ruban Glenmorangie.
You guys are a bad influence.
That is definitely made to entice ignorant hipsters. I doubt that’s a big enough market to sustain, but who knows. Some of them have money, or parents money.
IPA sucks. I don’t even want to delve into any liquors if it involves that foul bitter tasting crap.
Speaking of craft beer, reminds me of a couple of decades ago when I was attending a party of a business associate. The guy asked some of us to come down to his basement to have some beers. He had a really nice place and all. So he opened up his beer fridge and told us ‘You gotta try this new beer, it’s Leinenkugel’s’. I was all pumped for some new beer experience, so I started perusing his exhibit. I saw some labels with stuff about lemon and lime and peach and whatever. I thought ‘that sounds weird’, but I wanted to try. I took one that was lemon something and walked back outside. I took a drink of it and thought I was going to throw up right then and there. It tasted like Bud with store lemonade, I’m talking about Country Time style lemonade, dumped in it. *blech!*
I have most of my booze in the basement, which keeps a pretty consistent 60 degrees. I also have a converted wine fridge that I use to keep my better beers at the appropriate drinking temperature. Man… thinking about it, I have a small fridge that’s holding beer, a freezer that holds my kegs on tap, a freezer converted into a fermentation chamber/keg chiller, and a shelf in the regular fridge holding the everyday drinkers.
But to each their own, if it’s your drink, drink it how you like it. I may make suggestions for how you may better appreciate it, but I will only enforce them on the liquor I’ve purchased. No… you are not taking my Midleton Very Rare and mixing it with anything.
Your suggestions, at least to me, are welcome bro. So what do you think is the perfect temp for beer? I’ve always heard 40 F, but I like it so chilly that it almost, but does not, have ice in it.
I will gladly discuss drinks and selections all night long. And the perfect temperature for a beer depends on the beer. If you’re talking a lager, then I would probably be serving that at around 35-37 F, if you’re talking about an IPA, then step that up to 40-45 F, once you start getting into Imperial Stouts/Barleywines, then 50-55 F is my preferred temperature. And it may sound snobbish, but if it’s a good beer in a can, spend the time to pour it into a glass. It really does change the flavor and aroma. I had a friend who didn’t understand why I recommended Avery’s Joe’s Premium Pilsner, because he just drank it straight from the can. The first time he poured it into a glass, he came back to me and apologized, and to this day it’s one of his go-to Pilsners.
Of course. I can drink a stout pretty much at room temp, although even that, I do prefer it to be a little chilled. But I do agree with you about lager, my fav, I want it closer to 35 or even lower as long as it doesn’t start to get ice crystals in it.
John Cleese had an excellent VHS on wine tasting. He ended by saying to remember the one rule for wine. “If you like the way it tastes, it is good wine.”
This is available on the internet, FWIW. Good fun, indeed.
Just passing along. Over at TSTSNBN, it is being ‘lamented’ that… Ok, wait, let me start again. It is being lamented that the ‘splitters’ have caused a great migration and there’s an extreme deficit of comments in the linx. Well, damn, I bet that the fact that I tried once again today to post ONE FUCKING COMMENT and the server ate it, has nothing to do with that.
Well, having a commenting system that behaves consistently, posting one and only one copy of any comment entered, is always going to be appreciated, and really, I dunno whose fault it’s meant to be when the material we want to respond to is unfit for purpose.
It’s like some kind of bizarre market failure, I guess.
It’s totally inexcusable is what it is. You know, it stops being funny when it goes on for years and gets consistently worse and there’s no evidence of any attempt to fix it. And they want my money? FUCK NO.
Did they ever find a new hire to do all that?
Apparently, not one who knows what they’re doing. Like I said, it’s inexcusable. Very reliable web hosting is available today for dirt cheap with 24/7 support. If you want to roll your own server, at least know what the fuck you’re doing to some degree. It’s the worst comment system I’ve ever seen on the internet. And by that I mean, it’s always broken. It’s a shame because they do still have some very good articles strewn between the Trump pants shitting.
When you actually look at the functionality of the site they could *almost* do it on
God that guy is trite
I just hopped over there and had a look. Nothing of substance in the comments. half trolls, all half-hearted snark, nothing insightful.
Oh, and even my articles here have more comments. That is just sad.
There’s a real danger that some of the articles here could be anthologized.
Have you been listening in on the meetings of The Founders?
I went over there and re-emphasized the toxicity of trolls who argue in bad faith to interesting community discussion.
I know Libertarians hate authoritarian solutions to problems, and I appreciate forums where anons are anon and everyone is assumed to be shitposting.
But not everywhere is for anonymous shitposting. Some places are for recognizing people. These places have a richer community as a result of shared “experience” together. Trolls have and will destroy such communities if they are not excluded.
It’s actually not very difficult to identify who is a troll, especially for those of us who have 20+ years of experience with them.
Hey, how you Jewin’?
Mazel Tov cocktail to you too!
Sounds like a 2nd Amendment holiday to me. “Let us arm ourselves and we’ll hold our own”.
Great story, thanks.
… Hobbit
Why not get a Muslim lesbian to comment?
Sorry, I just love this song.
Fuck you, HTML.
Jeez, you’re almost as old as I am.
Great song though.
We just had a libertarian Muslim in an interview, so I guess a lesbian Muslim libertarian should be next. That’s the thing about we libertarians. We don’t exclude anyone, neither do we have any favored groups.
Except guidos.
I forget, do we exclude them or favor them?
That depends on how much cheap coke we need, or whether you need advice on eyebrow threading.
Wait, what? Are those Italians? I thought that if there’s one group we get to hate, it’s Canadians? Can we have a vote here?
Oh fuck, FDA, you know there cannot be both, when Canadians are the worst!
That depends. This is an Italian. This is a Guido. Can you tell the difference?
No, I can’t tell. Which one is Cuomo?
the first kind, only badly brain-damaged
I think I fixed it.
Thx, Jesse. x6 – yes, I’m old. And yeah, great song.
Hyp – there was a poster at the Olde site who promoted “Islamolibertarianism”. And yes, I thought of him when I read OMWC’s interview. You want freedom? Let us know how we can help.
Jesse – you did, thanks.
A note: “Let us know how we can help.” was not meant as satire/parody/whatever. If there is a way we could help majority Muslim communities realize the benefits for freedom, in a voluntary way, I’d be very much for it. Tunisia is an decent standard for a good Muslim country, if we’d stop fucking with their neighbors.
Just took a peek at Frank’s blog and noticed Kbolino responded there. Does Kb post here? If so, if haven’t seen him/her. If not, too bad because I always appreciated his/ her comments.
Frank has a blog? I have never seen that. How do I find it?
Don’t. It’s not worth it.
Not Frank D’. Some odd site that pops up when you google glibertarians. Sloop went over there and tried to engage him and all he got back were, “Well, it is known…” and “All right thinking economists accept…”.
Ah, ok.
So, like a kind of retarded 8-ball?
OMG, spare yourself and don’t find that. I asked the same question. And do you know what the first sentence I read there was? Hint: It proclaimed Brian Beutler as a writer of an interesting and much discussed article with a great headline. Brian fucking Beutler, the retard of retards. No one could be dumber than Beutler even if they devoted an entire lifetime to being so. Do you need to know more? How about a little Frank Bruni to spice up your evening?
It’s a trap!
He posted and Frank didn’t shitcan the posting?
I appreciate the shout-out. Frank locked the thread, so I can no longer comment on it. He didn’t address any of my points and instead decided to make a bunch of allusions to Marxism while swearing he wasn’t a Marxist. I’m not going to argue with somebody that disingenuous on his own blog any further.
I might start commenting here more but for now I’m mostly just lurking and reading.
So, how do I convert? (I’ve already been circumsized.)
Shit, I just realized, I’m safe also. Just in case in the future if I find myself all alone, I’m already living in a Jewish community. There’s probably 3, well I’m sure, 2 synagogues within walking distance of here. Many of the women are good looking. Do I just have to find a milf to nail and I’m in?
Well, depends on whether they’re orthodox or reform.
The reform ones often go like a sewing machine.
I don’t even have an idea what you just said. I need simple answers about nailing milfs, since it’s one of the few topics, along with making sites on the interboobz, that I’m well versed in.
I assume you’re a webmaster for a MILF porn site?
If not, why not?
I guess I’m missing my great calling. BTW, HM, I have to get you some links to some of the actresses from the Brazilian soap operas. Holy fucking thiccness!
We’d all have to hate you.
Just trim off a bit more.
I think we should pull the trigger for sunday.
OT: Nancy Kerrigan will be 48 years old this year, and she’s still a jaw-dropper, giant teeth and all.
MOD: Unblanked your hyperlink
My thoughts exactly!
Well said
A man of no words. I like it.
Edit faerie, help!
Ouch, that hit too close to home.
I want to see her wrassle Tonya Harding. Then I’ll decide.
Neked…with ASP telescopic batons.
In the day, I thought that Tonya was the hottie.
Me 2
Because of the pipe beating?
Whatever floats your boat.
Also… There’s a video on the internet.
Yeah, ok. No, because she had the better body and I thought she was more talented.
I was bummed she turned out to be a shitbag.
Food for thought
In the Bible when Cain kills Abel, it says that Abel’s blood cried out from the ground. In the commentary on this in the Talmud, the explanation is that the actual words are “Abel’s bloods”. This is taken to imply that by killing Abel, Cain had also killed all his potential descendants. So the Talmud remarks that whoever takes a life, it is as if he killed everyone. And if he saves a life, it is if he has saved the world. This line is famously quoted in Schindler’s List. It is the inscription on the ring given to Schindler. This line also made it into the Koran. Mohamed heard about Jewish teachings during his travels as a merchant, so that’s most likely how it got there.
Screw it. Mariska was hot for her time. do not Google what she looks like recently. Or go ahead, I don’t care, just think ‘Nancy Wilson’.
Also, I want to punch the bassist for playing an obviously fake line and steal his bass, because he doesn’t deserve it. Fucker.
“Mariska Veres died of cancer on 2 December 2006, aged 59.” Shouldn’t that be more like “just think ‘the Cryptkeeper‘”?
My apologies. I was unaware.
Whatever floats your boat, man.
Not trying to destroy the funny, but… I didn’t know.
Damn, I forgot all about that. nice reminiscence!
But, Nancy Wilson? Meh.
Her sister was one of the hottest music vixens ever, before she gained 300 pounds.
Ann Wilson
Younger, thinner, no less gorgeous or talented Ann Wilson:
Fucking shit.
Ann Wilson, delicious milf
So it looks like Rachel Maddow produced the scoop of the century tonite. Impeachment is coming any day now and the oceans will recede and the planet will heal.
She thinks impeachment brings back the former POTUS?
Did White Sqaw demand a recount yet? I mean, anytime something is inevitable, I have to ask that.
She missed the part that said “CLIENT COPY”.
Trump is a absolute friggin master at playing them for fools and they just can’t seem to get it. It is highly amusing.
The master of the obvious?
I’m not sure she cared all that much. She HAD to know.
This was a ratings teaser, and it probably served its intended purpose.
But yeah, I fully expect to see a lot more of this.
I just don’t see how this helps her in the long run. It just seems to make her look foolish. Yes, they will keep at it I’m sure.
And yes, it is obvious, but not typical.