Happy Pi Day to all my fellow nerdgineers and other mathists. Remember to hug a math-cripple, or “mathically-challenged” friend or family member and tell them its okay that they will never be a whole person. Today we shall review the case of the attempt to legislate Pi. Which is, I know you will find this hard to believe, even crazier than a bunch of innumerate legislative Hoosier Canutes.
- It’s becoming pretty obvious that the Hat and the Hair are for molesting fewer Americans with the regulatory state, while also being terrible on murder-droning and perhaps actual molestation by government agencies in pursuit of law’norder.
- Oh wow, and a late-breaking Executive Order mandating every agency present a reorganization plan to the OMB within 180 days. Do note that they will be accepting public comments and suggestions. Not sure if “Kill it with Fire” will be construed as a suggestion or threat.
- Not sure whether to give Rep. Gutierrez a prize or a raspberry for getting himself arrested by theatrically refusing to leave an ICE office. Yeah, buddy. You’re the modern Thomas Becket, speaking truth to the King’s Men.
- It looks like the Trump model has gone international — with French candidate Marine Le Pen telling a reporter that nobody trusts the media. Like they boy who cried ‘wolf’, we may live to regret how cheaply they sold their credibility — will they?
- Roseville, MN bans sale of cats and dogs at pet stores. Local Asian butcher shops have promised to fill the gap.
- Without the government, who would help the poor and mentally ill?
- …And, it looks like I will not be taking in the new version of It. I scream like I’m related to Janet Leigh at these sorts of things. It embarrasses my wife.

Happy pi day, nerds
New Zealand is totes better than America because they don’t focus on racist fascist things like “individualism”.
Yes, this woman criticizes our focus on individualism when talking about her move to NZ.
That’s it. I oppose immigration from New Zealand now
Strange to oppose individualism when it is exactly what made certain countries successful in the first place. Or was that oppression? I get confused sometimes.
New Zealand, the country that actually cut its government budget and thrived.
These people are morons.
Sheep are individuals, aren’t they?
I think in NZ, there can only be one rape case per flock per animal husbandry practitioner.
It’s not rape in New Zealand.
Well, not rape rape, at least.
Everyone knows that that is what the Hitler Youth was all about: individualism.
Corpses think clearer than leftist idiots.
The instructor under whom I took my required comm credit is an obvious lefty who harped on community vs. individual-centric cultures, and how much better off the former is relative to the privation and atomism of the United States.
Never mind what “community-oriented” cultures like, say, those practiced in Pakistan or India look like. It takes a village (to burn down another village).
It’s only right that hipsters spread there destruction of all cool places around the globe.
just a test…….
Can’t sleep. Clown will eat me. Can’t sleep. Clown will eat me.
Afraid of clowns? Or just a side-effect of too much Faygo and Meth?
Meanwhile, in (of course) Florida…
I mean, its not like he sucked a dick.
Psht, showoff
Thank you so much, if you’ll excuse me…
Paging Barfman…
Also, I see a future Florida Man story.
Line 1: “If you see a deadly suphan cobra in northeast Ocala, don’t approach it.”
Ocala, Florida: Home of horses, drag racing… and, I guess, deadly cobras.
Don’t forget that truck stop strip club that I’m guessing is all C-section scars and needle tracks.
I can’t remember if that was there back in the mid 90s when I was in Tallahassee and driving passing through Ocala driving back and forth from South Florida on a semi-regular basis. I may have tried to put the image out of my mind.
The Risqué Cafe. Ring any bells?
Sounds to me like it’s just another ingredient in the Floridah Man cookbook.
I used to like to draw pictures of Cobra heads and hoods when I was a kid, along with spidemans mask, and speed racer style cars.
Private charity.
I think you just triggered Frank.
I know who the guy in the Hard Rock shirt is. He’s not homeless. Well, he is an actor so he might be homeless.
You’re not really a nerd until you serve this pie on Pi day.
That one took me longer than it should have, although I have calculated that future Pi day threads should be posted at 1:45 AM for full effect.
This pi is teh awesome:
I thought all the real nerds celebrate on June 28th.
July 22 in Europe (22/7 = 3.14)
Edit: Misread “real pi nerds” not real nerds. Congrats, you’ve got me beat.
Had an engineering prof who celebrated then because it’s “close enough” and his calendar calipers are “only good to two decimal points, or one if I’m drinkin.”
Fixed your link, quincy.
Thank you, magical bearded tortilla holding man in the sky. *Genuflects*
Sigh. I really need a new pic
Yeah, it’s very clearly a potato pancake.
Photoshop in “Crepe” on it…
People will just think I’m calling myself a creep and have a learning disorder.
You post on a libertarian site. I think that is implied.
I aim to be the tallest midget, NaE
Just the nerds that nobody likes.
“Roseville, MN bans sale of cats and dogs at pet stores. Local Asian butcher shops have promised to fill the gap.”
A bit lacist?
You’re late, dude.
But welcome!
Penalty box?
Penalty box
For when you’re not sure if it’s a hockey reference or something particularly kinky.
It can be both.
You have sex on the mind constantly. I imagine you frolicking through the streets thinking “would, would, wouldn’t, woooooooooooood”. So…typical human being.
You say it is if it’s a bad thing to have sex on the mind constantly.
I’m not saying anything. I’m at work. Working. Yeah Rufus, people do work. *continues working*
Blackkawks … *snort*
Go Blues!
*narrows gaze*
*Plans trip to United Center to watch Blackhawks in playoffs.*
Never attempting first again. *vanishes in cloud of vapor and sizzling sound*
Don’t be like that, Hammy.
I have been rejuvenated in the Sacred Smoke Shed™ and now back to my bacony self.
*moons over the hammy; suddenly craves Denny’s*
Lenny’s has got to have the worst and most depressed servers I’ve ever seen. And I usually go during the day and not during the drunk rush at night.
But who else would tend the rabbits?
I’m only going to agree with you, and I also am a daytime Denny’s visitor. Or I was. Until I realized IHOP was miles ahead in our area.
The best places for breakfast imo are still the mom and pop’s. Mmmmmmmm bacon and fresh country eggs.
I prefer to make it at home: the dress code is waaaaay easier *and* I can make my pancakes proteiny
*Imagines Riven in undies cooking pancakes*
Yeah, we don’t even have a Denny’s or IHOP in NYC AFAIK. Plus the waitresses call you “hon” – at least outside Manhattan.
Bacon, you’ll be able to pull it off from now on. But, is Fist really somebody to emulate?
Rich kids are the ones most likely to silence speech that hurts ‘feelz’. I guess the rich white liberal stereotype holds
When you are a middle class grunt, or a poor trying to get through college, you ain’t got time for that shit. School, a job or work-study and attempting to have a social life will prevent much involvement in politics-BS.
Yes, as one who met those criteria, I was like the Jesse Ventura/Blain of college kids.
Nothing says “truth to power” like a bunch of extras from Dead Poets Society jumping on a guy’s car and putting a woman in a neck brace.
When people talk about ‘Millennial culture’ they actually mean upper-middle class urbanite bullshit. Millennials in the ghetto or rural areas? They don’t give a shit, and the ones who do tend to select themselves out of the population and move to other areas where ‘their kind’ thrives.
How about “Nuke it from orbit?”
Plasma cannon equipped Dreadnaughts are standing by.
Would you like to know more?…
Ships or half-dead Astartes?
“Please kill it with fire,” however, does not suffer from such ambiguity. Politeness pays off again!
Pi Day is an official office event a few years running after I explained it to HR. My HR manager brought in an oreo crusted Bailey’s cheesecake with chocolate ganache and I brought in a Dutch apple pie.
Someone brought in a couple of Costco pizzas and one of the doctors brought in a very tasty onion pie.
I ate a whole bunch of sushi rolls that were nice and round – does that count?
A round bowl of Pho must count as well.
That’s what I had for lunch today from Bep:
rolls? bleah … nigiri is where it’s at. Rolls are only good if you’re hungry and nigiri is to expensive. Sashimi beats nigiri obviously. The best is to catch a tuna and rip it apart with your teeth.
Yeah, raw fish for the win.
Sashimi for the anti-sugar crowd.
I multiplied by 3.14 and ate that portion of my lunch.
The BEST kind of apple pie.
Do you cook it in a dutch oven? How is that supposed to work? And doesn’t it make it smell bad?
The Dutch are now Nazis, so that’s now called a Hitler Pie.
Warm apple pie…
It’s always fun to show up with an all granny smith Dutch apple pie using my aunt’s recipe and have others show up with their perfect blend of various apples for the best consistency etc and then have everyone freak out about my aunt’s pie.
Very simple and absolutely perfect.
Hilarious baking mishap story!
I’d never made a dutch apple pie before. So I’m mixing together the crumble topping…and it’s only after I’ve mixed it into a uniform paste that I realize… maybe I wasn’t supposed to have done that…? Then I got it into my head that maybe it would change (and become appropriately crumbly) after baking. … Nope. But it was a delicious glaze-like shell on top of the apple pie… Probably wouldn’t do it again, but it came out alright anyway
Yeah, I did the crumble a touch too fine and threw in a little extra butter to make it chunkier. I’m sure people were upset.
Oh nooooooo, more butter.
Don’t they know the truth?
Way too much liquid, honey. I hope you used suet.
Use meh.
I used bacon fat for a British hot water crust a few months back and then used the bacon and some broccoli florets to do a quiche.
You’re so domesticated, Jesse, and quite the catch.
You hitched yet?
Y’all should use oat flour instead of wheat.
Suet instead of butter – Crisco at a push.
Brown sugar (reduce the proportion a bit).
Throw in a few rolled oats too, just to put some crunch in it.
Mix the crumble *by hand*. If you need to adjust the texture, and ran out of suet, *then* use butter.
Far better crumble, more like a Brit recipe – the suet doesn’t liquefy in the same way as the butter
I think I joined the bracket thing although I know nothing about it, but it didn’t ask me for any password. Is that normal?
I think you would have had to type the password somewhere to get to th brackets.
Did you get an email from yahoo confirming you joined?
You’ve probably already won.
I think the CIA has been handling that for everyone.
No password need to create a bracket, but you’ll need the password to add it to the Glibertarians league.
Spiked Online, the weird ostensibly anarcho-Marxist (NO IT CANNOT BE A THING NO I DON’T CARE ABOUT SUPPOSED WITHERING OF THE STATE) magazine and the home of my journalistic crush and sometime Reason contributor Brendan O’Neil, has an interesting article about Uber and their business.
Ouch! With such a gushing wound, why bother with hundreds of small cuts via media campaign against it (and it has to be relentless for even me to notice it)? P
I like Spiked Online. Those are some Marxists I can tolerate
I wish someone had told twenty year old Communist Me this.
Stop right there.
I take it they may not the most reliable of outlets, sometimes, then?
They have lurched so far to the left I’m not sure it’s not actually a parody.
Why not? It worked for “Snapchat”.
If I met an “anarcho-Marxist” I’d say:
That’s OK. Lots of people don’t understand politics.
Everything about this image is perfect
Seriously, it’s like every stereotype in one, isn’t it?
You mean like trying to make a law that strips constitutional rights from people on disability? Yeah, no doubt, the poor and ‘mentally ill’ really need more government.
Correction. I should have said ‘regulation’, not law. Laws are like so last century. Gotta wait on the do nothing Congress to make those. Fortunately for the poor and downtrodden on that one, Secret Nazi President killed it.
hurrah for Pie day
CNN, ladies and gentlemen
“Look, we’ve completely missed all of the clicks on this little girl in front of the bull thing. Get me a reason to run that picture on our Twitter feed.” –CNN Producer
She’s so brave!
But what if impressionable young girls start standing in front of angry bulls? Am I the only one thinking about the children?
*looks around* Yes.
*OMWC signal lit*
OMWC is always thinking of the children. And then touching himself.
“But what if impressionable young girls start standing in front of angry bulls? Am I the only one thinking about the children?”
We will get a popular YouTube video?
No one is safe from the hat.
If they can figure out a way to incorporate the countdown clock with the statue that will give them one more run at it.
Well, apparently my submission just wasn’t good enough for the afternoon links. A New Republic writer pens a long diatribe in favor of de facto secession, featuring a whole lotta high speed choo-choo slobbering. I don’t think he quite perceives the way this would be received by the public at large.
So it may surprise you, but we’re not all hooked into all of the mailboxes. I didn’t know you guys were submitting. I’ve been doing this shit all on my own. Why come nobody told me?
So it’s Riven’s fault is what you’re saying?
Nope. I’m blaming Sloopy since he’s away from the Interwebz today.
I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit.
I disseminated this in our “Links” area, including a screenshot with Chipwooder’s handle on it.
Oh yep, there it is. Right below the Naked Dude story. I missed it fair and square. I’m still blaming Sloopy.
Count me in! @Sloopy
It’s New Republic. They’re certified retard.
Apologize to the mentally challenged! They have done nothing wrong and you are a horrible person to compare the New Republic with them.
Brian Beutler may be the dumbest writer to ever live. And I mean, he’s competing with Bruni over at NYT!
Take out the second sentence and I completely agree!
Assuming this is tongue in cheek (“A modest proposal”), but it’s still dumb.
To be for sure, they don’t really believe any of this. No one is that dumb. They just want to whine and bitch because it’s all they have. If this were to really happen they’d all be screaming in 5 minutes ‘Hey, come back! We’re all in this together! Help us, heelllppp!!!!’.
Actually, I think the writer uses “A modest proposal” as a device to signal satire in a piece that really isn’t satirical. On the contrary, I think he means every bit of it….but doesn’t want to openly admit it, so he uses an identifying phrase like “A modest proposal”.
Good luck with all the out-of-work military personnel and the defunding of your major aeronautics/software research universities!!
We will raise our state and local taxes accordingly to pay for anything we might need or want.
Finally, without that outdated Constitution written by dead white men, we can have #FullCommunism
I recognize that icon, you neeeeeeeeeerd.
I used to rock the arena with my mage
PoM pyroblast inc
Bluexit. Even the name is fucking retarded. They’re going to ‘blew it’ alright.
Math is not the forte of the left.
The death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic pretty much explains leftie math.
It’s hilariously smug, and there’s some fantastic logistical errors. Like when he talks about the choo-choos, and says how they won’t stop in red states and will just pass through them to the blue strongholds. Yep, I’m sure that being openly antagonistic to the red states is going to make them approve your construction projects through their lands.
“For more than 80 years now, we—the residents of what some people like to call Blue America, but which I prefer to think of as the United States of We Pay Our Own Damn Way”
AAAANNNNDDDD one sentence in I’m already neck deep in bullshit. What happened to ‘You didn’t build that’? ‘Wealth redistribution’? Any of this ringing a bell, chief?
We Pay Our Own Damn WayYou just didn’t get the ‘with your money’ part of that.
Officer’s stolen gun was murder weapon in Minnetonka park and ride killing
I’m a little surprised at this one. The kid looks so normal…
Every time you buy a birthday card, you bolster that little cherub’s trust fund.
It’s always the ones you least expect
Hey I was going to post that one too. But you left out the part about how he already survived being gutshot himself.
Also hard to believe, huh?
Why is he still alive?
I was going to try to do something with this as a stand alone post, but… I didn’t.
The problem is that the country is still dealing with the unintended consequences of the DLJ IPO to this day. And, of course, back in 1970, very few people, if any, were paying attention to what a small private partnership on Wall Street was trying to do to change the system. And honestly, the importance of the DLJ IPO has still not been fully appreciated. But it was a seminal event.
Whereas for more than 150 years Wall Street firms had relied on the prudent use of their partners’ capital to take risks—which nonetheless occasionally went awry—and to run their businesses, knowing full well that a single mistake could spell the end for their firms, as well as threaten whatever fortunes they had personally built up over the years, the move by DLJ was destined to change the whole calculus of Wall Street. If DLJ were successful, if the public’s capital could be substituted for partners’ capital, if the public’s legal liability for mistakes could be substituted for the partners’ legal liability for mistakes, there would be no telling what the consequences would be both for Wall Street and for everybody who relied on Wall Street to raise capital, to provide liquidity in the buying and selling of stocks and bonds, and to help individuals manage and grow their wealth. Although it was unlikely the founders of DLJ could have anticipated all of what its IPO would unleash over the next nearly 50 years, they must have had some inkling that by substituting a bonus culture—where bankers, traders, and executives demanded to be paid for the revenue they generated in their various product lines—for the long-standing partnership culture—where the individual partners of the firm collaborated to make sure only prudent risks were taken in order to ensure there would be annual pretax profits for them to divide—Wall Street would never be the same.
A little history lesson, over at the Atlantic. Cohan has a tendency to lay it on a little thick with the “OMG casino!” routine, but I think we can accept the facts as solid. This is something which has bugged me off and on for a long time. I couldn’t remember if it was caused by a change in the law, or something else.
Nothing happens in a vacuum, and many other factors have affected Wall Street’s business model in the past decades, but the transition from partnerships to publicly held corporations was a really big deal. And I think the boo-hooing over “undercapitalization” is a little overdone.
No, that change was a big step in moving towards privatize profits/socialize losses. As you note, there were others. I would flag the Long-Term Capital bailout as another big step on the road to too big to fail.
LTCM’s contribution really was to let the leverage cat out of the bag. Sit in a meeting, figure out what you want to return for the year, back into the level of leverage you need commit to, and TRADE ON! … Until you close your doors and hold out your hand.
Not sure if “Kill it with Fire” will be construed as a suggestion or threat.
“Fuck you, cut spending” should be okay, though.
3/14 is “close enough to pi for government work” day.
I see I’ve opened myself up to a snarky joke based on 1 Kings 7:23.
Without the government, who would help the poor and mentally ill?
I vote for Bob Newhart.
I knew what that was before I clicked.
I hereby give my blessing and encouragement to any and all persons who want to get their twerk on with the “fearless little girl” statue.
I want to see the birth of a meme, people!
Lady Gaga did the best version
I had never seen a tasteful twerk session before.
Triple Godwin!
British Lord Compares Brexit Voters To “Hitler, Mussolini, And Stalin”, Rejects “People’s Will”
Or may that’s quadruple…
TW: Zero Hedge
That doesn’t even make sense with itself.
When I think of democracy, hereditary aristocracy is always the first institution that leaps to mind.
Yelling at the peasants that they are too stupid to think for themselves and they should listen to their betters or else.
He’s a Top Man, we should listen to him.
I think he’s a Life Peer – that is, he wasn’t born a lord, he got appointed as one, probably as an attempt to kick him upstairs when he got irritating.
This is why they need peerage review.
What’s the SI unit of peerage pressure?
Stalin sure did respect the will of the people. You have to give that to him.
Won by a landslide in every election – like Obama in a Philly district.
He wrote a memoir
“In 1973, Labour MP Dick Taverne caused a national sensation when he stood against his own party as an independent to win a historic by-election in Lincoln. Demonstrating the power of the individual against party politics, his bold move was a forerunner for the formation of the [Social Democratic (and Labour?) Party] some eight years later and cemented his own place in political history. Peppered with entertaining anecdotes, Against the Tide sets Taverne’s political battles in the context of a rich and varied life. After studying at Oxford University, Taverne juggled a legal career while taking his first steps in politics, before serving in Harold Wilson’s government during the 1960s. His later achievements included the launch of the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the founding of the charity Sense About Science, whose objective of advancing public understanding of science continues to inform public debate today. Still an active member of the House of Lords, Dick Taverne presents a thoughtful and compelling memoir, as well as a measured account of fraught and turbulent times.”
“I was born in a house on stilts in the jungle of Sumatra, in what was then called the Dutch East Indies. That was in October 1928. At the time, my father, Nicolaas Jacobus Marie Taverne, was employed as a geologist by the Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij, the Dutch half of Royal Dutch Shell, which ran a big oil field nearby in Palembang.”
Whew, just typing all that got me tired out, I think I’ll quit now.
So that’s British for gay bar?
Gay bar is British for gay bar.
The guy kinda looks like Dick Valentine.
The left started with an idea that was doomed to fail. Because they don’t understand human nature, or math, or a lot of other fundamental things you need to plan a successful society. When it completely failed, they decided to call everyone racist, Nazi, whatever. Their plan B is worse than their plan A.
And see how they’ve now twisted and distorted the word democracy so that it’s now completely meaningless. Just like they did with the word liberal and so many other terms that once had a meaning.
Dick Taverne sounds like the worst gay bar name ever.
Everyone went for the low hanging fruit…
If Swissy won’t do it, I will…
/Narrows Gaze/
Snowmageddon continues here in NJ. The wind is just crazy. I told the plow guy not to bother right now. The wind would immediately drift the snow right back over my driveway.
Nice euphemism you got there, Schultzy.
Snowmageddon here in Balmer turned out to be about 4 inches of sleet.
I’m guessing a foot and a half right now. It’s hard to tell because I usually look at my deck as a reference. With so much wind, there is hardly and snow in some places and huge drifts in others.
I can’t poke fun at Andy anymore.
I had to climb in through the passenger door to start my car because I couldn’t get the driver’s side open when I needed to move it for the plows.
The snow on my roof isn’t level at all.
A few clouds, but mostly sunny and 77 degrees here right now.
Big cool snap tonight. Going to be all the way down to 54 degrees! Brrrr.
That’s rough. Anything above 65 sucks. And a humid 65 sucks.
Meanwhile, it’s mid-90s in AZ and it’s getting blamed on global warming.
I told the plow guy not to bother right now.
“God put it there. He can come take it away.”
While the grammarian in me groans at “mathically”, it does enable a pun.
Pie is mathically delicious.
Pecan Pie is my favorite.
After that, I like apple, then pumpkin, followed by key lime, and then chocolate.
Poontang pie didn’t even make the list, huh?
Depends on the crust. You never want it to be too crusty.
The really crusty pies can be found in the sugarfree section.
It can get soupy
In August, with real vanilla ice cream.
Preferably in the company of a fetching young lady in those awesome Daisy Duke cutoffs.
*Tundra gets nostalgic*
In warm weather real key lime pie on a graham cracker crust and not one of those neon green monstrosities. Fall is pumpkin pie (spicier the better) or pecan. Spring is the time for butterscotch merainge (sp?) and for one glorious short period each summer wild fruit pie such as wild strawberry, wild raspberry or wild blackberry.
I’m sure there’s going to be a lot more ‘no such thing as’ in the future, as it’s starting to look like Democrats are having a hard time winning nationwide even with it. I’ve been expecting them to resort to violence for years. I’m sure it won’t be long.
Good thing they don’t believe in gun ownership.
See, this is where a lot of libertarians and conservatives get tripped up. They don’t believe in gun ownership for YOOOUU. THEY are the chosen people, the right thinkers. THEY can own as many guns as they want, because THEY ARE THE GOOD ONES, unlike YOU EVIL RACIST CHILD MOLESTER! Don’t think for a second that the liberals are not just as well armed as you. They may not know how to use the damn things since shooting is a barbaric past time, but they have guns, trust me.
They’ll shoot their eye out.
I mentioned that story a few days ago. My take on it was that this specific incident is being highlighted in order to red-herring the topic of “voter fraud”…. by pretending that these ‘isolated examples’ of individuals (in this case, teens) voting illegally is more common than, say, entire swaths of the city of Detroit unable produce a valid-ballot-count
Let’s be serious. Valid ballot counts are hardly a top level concern in 3rd world countries. Trying to get lead free water for the peasants is higher up.
Takin’ what they’re givin’, Rufus.
I like Huey Lewis and the News.
“I scream like I’m related to Janet Leigh at these sorts of things. It embarrasses my wife.”
All scary movies are the same; a string of gags designed to trigger your reptilian brain. Fuzzy figures lurking in the background, some entity with ill intent that you can never see, lay hands on or harm , sudden appearances of unexpected or distorted figures, etc. You have no control, you are prey, you are being stalked. They are just nightmares made into movies. Just keep this in mind (its just a dream/movie) and you are the one in control. They cant hurt you. Besides, once you recognize the pattern you can see the gags coming a mile away and the movies become quite boring.
Yes, I know, I am a blast at parties.
The creepiest part of that book is the underage gang-bang scene.
I had managed to block that out for 25 years…until you came along.
That scene was crap writing too. Should have won that Bad Sex award.
Midsummer Night’s Dream? Peter Pan? Oliver Twist? WHAT BOOK MAN!!
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Underage Gangbang.
His dad taught him that you can’t prosecute unless you go all the way.
I’m still not over that picture for the morning links. It’s the first thing I saw this morning. Make it go away!
Please check your email. I gots questions.
Sure, no problem at all.
Wisconsin voted for Trump. Now Wisconsin courts say you can kick people out because they are black! Clearly a causal relationship has been established between Trump and racism.
That is the sound of several points going right over the head of our local lefty columnist. The column is about six things that show what a danger Trump and Trumpism is to democracy in America.
Go through them and see how easy it is to replace Trump with Hilary. I dare you.
For example:
Anyone want to try to take a wild stab at finding a story where Hilary and her supporters might have tepidly suggested that the elections had been rigged?
The same columnist trying to make some point about nuts being too hung up on freedom.
I don’t know why I read this guy’s articles, but I do.
Thanks Holiness, I think I just got dumber reading that quote
belief that if the government makes you do something, that’s the opposite of “freedom.”
I, um, what, is it something else?
One of the famous “Four Freedoms” that Franklin D. Roosevelt outlined in 1941 was “Freedom from Want.”
Oh, he means the freedom to loot your neighbors. Funny how positive rights have this weird tendency to infringe on negative rights. Someone should explain that to this guy.
So FDR was a Buddhist?
From Instapundit, here’s your daily dose of Slate anti-speech idiocy. To be sure, free speech is a good thing, but ZOMG TRUMP YOU GUYS!!!1!
The fact that the author cannot see what is so completely wrong about that statement, stands on it’s own as a testimonial of the author’s ignorance.
Sometimes I start to think that these people exist only as objects of ridicule.
This piece is bigoted speech and should be stamped out.
You don’t get to decide, bigot!
“Why was Yiannopoulos’ invitation to CPAC rescinded? Because he held beliefs that offended and disgusted. When students oppose speakers on similar grounds, hacks shriek about thought-policing.”
When mobs commit riot and arson to block a speech which was duly scheduled under lawful procedures, then I think even CPAC can object.
The author seems to think that if a private entity decides not to invite a speaker – or to disinvite him once invited – that’s the same as rioters disrupting a duly-scheduled speech.
And, yes, William Buckley, as the author notes, said that Yale should promote Christianity and free enterprise, not undermine them, and should reject the secular idea of “academic freedom.”
Which Yale has the right to do, being a private institution.
But instead it advertises itself to the public as an institution where all points of view are valued, so that would mean they can’t sandbag you and suddenly invoke censorship.
this was also pointed out yesterday… but they went the extra step and articulated the argument as had only been implied before, eg =
”Pollack has been arguing that the tape somehow exonerates Brown because it purportedly shows him engaging in a drug deal, rather than stealing cigarillos.
“He was a weed dealer, not a petty thief!”…. ergo….. what, exactly?
it seems to be this sort of 9/11 truther attitude where if they can find one tiny detail that is *potentially* ‘not 100% as conventionally understood’…. WHAM We’ve JUST POKED HOLES IN THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE MAN YOU HAVE JUST BEEN INVALIDATED (raises fist)
*that wasn’t supposed to be strikethrough, obviously. i am so fail
•Your skillz be lackin’
You challenge me and you shall find yourself
oh shit i fucked up againAnyway, watch the video clip for some B+ Performative-Wokeness.
Well, that was his 15 minutes, so I guess we should be grateful for the lulz.
Did y’all change the nesting limit?
SP does as she will. We do not question her will.
*Flinches at loud noise*
I don’t know about nesting but there’s no limit on spooning! C’mere you!
*unwelcome memories of Without a Paddle*
The horror…
Janet or Jamie?
Janet, and it’s not particularly close.
It really isn’t.
I popped my head into that other place, saw the comment section on Gillespie’s article on Steve King’s comments, and I’m really thankful for this place.
,b>Donkeys threaten to shut down the government! Can you imagine! All their friends will be out of work.
Wait. I still remember some years back when Republicans threatened to do this and I distinctly remember Democrats saying that the world will end if we even do this for even one day. So Democrats now want the world to end?
So the Dems “shut down” the Federal Government. Trump responds by cutting programs and firing people until the government can operate on tax revenue alone.
Sounds like a win win.
That was before secret nazi president. Now it is your patriotic duty to resist tyranny, shitlord.
—So Democrats now want the world to end?—
I think the Democrats would absolutely love for ‘the world to end’ (in a figurative sense) if they could blame it on the Republicans.
Peter Suderman is a Democrat?
LOL these are the hills they want to die on? Oh, bring it on.
So if the EPA is chopped in half, then fully funded – we’re cool?
From the BBC , Turkish vs Dutch newspapers in a squabble of who is the boss.
Winner – Turkish newspapers, for picture of police dog biting a guy’s ass, helpfully circled to draw the eye.
I saw that pic too, and my only thought?
“Yup, that’s a dog attached to that ass… no doubt about it.”
Do the Dutch police use Dutch Shepards? Ouch.
I know little about the Middle East region, but I know at least this – dogs are *not* considered man’s best friend. If you want to insult someone, call them a dog.
Will they throw a shoe at you?
It’s really bad when a shoe throws a dog at you.
Interesting side note: I met several individuals from the middle east (not exactly sure where, possibly pakistan or saudi) and one of them was terrified, TERRIFIED of house cats. Yes, house cats. The place we were staying had 4 of them, including a little kitten, and if you picked any one of them up and ran towards him he would scream and run as if you were chasing him with a butcher knife. I have never seen anything like it before or since, and sincerely wonder if there is some cultural thing behind it because I have never met an American with that particular phobia.
Do they have tigers in Pakistan? Just curious, because an Indian friend of mine told me stories about when he was a kid in India, living in a small village and how sometimes a tiger would come to the village and eat a few unfortunate villagers. Never heard him mention house cats, so don’t know if it’s related in some way.
Jesus, when do you gets get done with work: “G” for GRAHAM PARKER (btw, I alphabetize my LPs by last name– but my singles by first. So I’m a weirdo.