Don’t drone me, bro!

You people in the northeast still with us?  Did you survive the snowpocalypse?  Let’s hope so. Now let’s get down to business…

Remember the great things I had to say yesterday about the budget?  Well, one surefire way to lose all that good feeling from libertarians is to do this.  Come on, Trump.  Don’t go down that road.

I do want to point out the ironic stupidity that is the WaPo’s first paragraph. Read it below and stand, mouth agape, marveling at its simplistic, revisionist retardation. (emphasis mine)


In his final months in office, President Barack Obama sought to lock in a structure and set of rules governing targeted killings and drone strikes so that the in­cred­ibly lethal tool would not be abused by his successors.

What the shit?  Abused like, oh I don’t know, killing American citizens not even charged with a crime? Or their teenage kids? Or killing more civilians than your predecessor did? Or killing more people in more jerkwater shitholes lacking the means to cause America any harm whatsoever than can be counted?  Keep licking those boots, WaPo. That’s gonna continue building your well-deserved reputation of being a myopic shill for Team Blue.

A proud Scot in his native attire.

::deep breath::  Moving on…

If Scotland are gonna leave Britain, they’re gonna have to wait until Brexit is complete before they get a chance to vote on it.

Is Europe about to spiral out of control?  We can only pray that she does.

Just in case you weren’t aware that California government can be stupid as shit and caters to their pubsec union overlords, then read about their latest hare-brained scheme.

I almost hope UCLA makes it far in the tourney (don’t forget to sign up for the bracket challenge, dammit!), just so we can spend more time with Lonzo Ball’s dad.  Dude is off the chain!

Looks like Florida Man will have to pleasure himself at home today rather than the bank.  The CDC is telling people not to donate their baby batter in three counties due to Zika.

That’s all I’ve got.  Except for libertarian music! (Not that anybody ever comments on the music I post anyway.)