…And the winner is: Lafe Long!
Thanks to all the contestants who submitted entries. We’ll put together a post to let you second guess us and laugh at your fellow commenters later. It was a close-run race and some of the people whose choice didn’t win are looking a little like Hillary’s fans after the election.

Glib enough for ya?
We’re working on getting a bunch of swag made with this guy’s mug plastered all over it. As soon as we take care of things like getting our liability limited and having a bank account to accept your cocaine and stripper sweat tainted dollar bills, we’ll be linking to the swag. Lafe, yours is on us.
Very nice. I was too lazy to cook anything up, but this is an elegant solution.
Well done!
An elegant logo for a more civilized site.
No boot-crushing-an-orphan?
I am disappoint.
Orphans are meant to be worked to death, not seen or heard.
Needs moar orphans!
Just kidding. Nice work Lafe Long! The outer circle is our monocle that we’re seeing Top Hat through, like the other gun barrel in the James Bond openings, right?
What? My monocle has a reticle printed on it, so I can accurately gauge the range of any orphans trying to run away. Bad enough you have to lose an orphan, wasting more than one round just compounds the tragedy.
Here I sit, listening to Morning Joke clips. Mika and Donnie Deutsch are practically WEEPING over Trump’s heartlessness and parsimony. And they haven’t even gotten to the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Wow. I’m impressed.
To give you guys a glimpse “behind the curtain”, the vote was close enough it came down to one person to make the tie-breaking vote.
I say that so that you know if you submitted but didn’t win, don’t fret – there’s a decent chance yours was one of the ones that garnered support, but in the final round of voting, just didn’t quite make the final cut.
I got so close to realizing my dreams as a logo designer.
It had the benefit of honestly describing the experience here.
Actually pretty good.
If it makes you feel better, you and Lafe both did a better job than me.
(Yours had some support, too. Just sayin’!)
Thanks, but I knew it wouldn’t really work as a logo. Way too busy, too (semi)-NSFW, and it would take a truly huge bumper sticker to make out the smaller items. …and then you’d be pulled over by the cops 3X a week.
Lafe did a great job.
I certainly got a Semi looking at it!
That is true. I thought it was a fun entry, anyway. š Just couldn’t get behind it for all the reasons you already said.
I voted for yours.
I figured the Mexican(s) and the pot would bring in a couple people. Given the ‘non-NSFW’ policy, I also figured I’d leave ass-sex up to the imaginations of the viewers.
lol, it was completely unserious and I didn’t submit it. You can trace it with crayon and put it on your fridge with other high-quality children’s artwork. Would fit right in, I imagine.
Yours feels more like the overnight links logo.
In a way, your’e all winners, but in another more accurate way, Lafe Long is the winner.
Can we see some of the other entries?
Weāll put together a post to let you second guess us and laugh at your fellow commenters later.
No reason you can’t put some of the runners-up on swag, you know.
I think we’ll be doing a lot of swaggy stuff. Don’t worry, we’ve got plans.
You know who else had plans about which you were not to worry…
Nancy Pelosi?
Alfred E. Neuman?
Whoops. It wasn’t WHAT YOU WORRY. Sorry.
Bob Marley?
M.C. Escher.
Mice and men?
we…we do?
Sure, why not.
(They’ll forget I said it in about 20 minutes anyway.)
If it’s the sale of product to finance the site I approve. It certainly provides a way for the audience to directly signal if the service is worth something to them.
What if it’s just to provide some extra hookers and blow?
Will the hookers and blow have the logo?
Riven got this as a tramp stamp.
I only said I made an appointment at the tattoo parlor!
I can’t decide between the logo and buttslut (in Cyrillic). I guess I’ll leave it up to the artist’s interpretation.
That sounds like a very progressive solution. Splitter!
You know, you guys should make plans to have lots of swaggy stuff.
Fucking perfect!
I was so worried it was going to be some dude fucking a dude in a sombrero in the ass while smoking a joint.
That’s the UNOFFICIAL logo.
We support everyone’s choice as to who to assfuck here.
You’re confusing the logo with the official handshake.
That is the direction I was hoping it would go. But with more of a religious tone. NSFW
Very nice!
Too nice for this wretched hive of scum and villainy, probably.
But thanks, Lafe!
I agree. We don’t deserve it, but we’ll take it
Very elegant! I like it.
Mmm. Quite!
I still thought mine should have won.
Yeah, my submission was about that classy, but with less college partisanship.
Is your choice of font colouring deliberately terrible?
Look at that Canadian politeness kicking in. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, making the letter u feel like it’s more necessary than it is. You’re a great guy, John.
Pfft. That didn’t even make the top 12 ways to scramble your eggs. Why would it win a different contest?
Hey! That’s not lobster girl!
They didn’t want to pay licensing fees for the use of her likeness.
Lobster ‘Girl’?
No, man. Here we be plural.
Mmm. Tasty.
OG lobster girl is more whimsical.
You dig arthropoda, I dig mollusca. Can’t we all just get along?
Probably NSFW
A few years ago I was out on the beach with a buddy digging up clams at low tide. (Ventura has some absurdly delicious long neck clams, by the way.) This cute, younger woman trots up with her dog and asks what we’re up to. “We’re digging for clams,” my buddy responds. “What kind of clams?” she inquires. “Bearded,” he says, and manages to completely deadpan the answer. “I’ve never heard of that kind,” she informed us. “They’re getting harder to find nowadays,” he says. I’m about to die if I don’t laugh. I can feel my insides just rupturing. Thankfully, she trotted off after that and I was able to guffaw uncontrollably for several minutes.
Congrats, Lafe Long!
Well done.
Congratulations, Lafe. Thanks to everyone else.
Every day this site keeps getting better.
You know who else had a logo to promote their political outlook…
The Soviets?
Hunter S. Thompson?
Why do I have a feeling that the Cobra logo would work perfectly for Hillary?
It apparently would work for Florida now, too.
The gays?
Astartes Legions?
President Hopey-Changey?
Like, a bunch of different people?
I like it. Sign me up for some stuff!
Thanks, Lafe.
Good logo. Nice one Lafe.
Logo looks like another white cis shitlord who grinds his Italian-shod heel into the poor and oppressed – so I approve!
Now to favicon.ico that g. š
Yes, I have a bookmark saved on my phone’s home screen and it’s been a black square for weeks. Eager to replace it with this dapper fellow.
We’ve had a favicon since the beginning….
I think it’s a black G on a transparent background? So it shows up as a black square on my phone. It was Harambe for like a week, which was funny.
classy but the oppression is too subtle for my tastes.
I never knew you had an old logo.
Urge to pedant rising . . . .
You don’t have to have an old one to have a new one.
But what does Frank think of it?
Beats the everlivin’ fuck out of the other place’s non-existent swag.
My “professional” $.02:
Two screens. Fairly easy registration.
Well done.
Very nice, really. Clean, “readable”, scalable. Good work, Lafe.
The “G” in the monocle is pro-level graphic design. Very well done.
Oh. My. God.
I hadn’t even noticed that.
This is why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
You know, last time I checked, my 3/5ths vote was worth something!
I will persist.
Yeah, uh, that’s the first thing I noticed. Geez.
*looks around nervously, edges towards exit*
Check your gender privilege, RC!
*checks privilege*
Nope, still no tits.
*checks privilege*
Privilege is five by five, green across the board, ready to deploy!
It looks like the font is “glass light regular” according to a font identifier.
Of course, they may well just be suggesting a paid font instead of a free one.
And, yes, I noticed that both the monocle and the typeface were meant to match.
Glass Antiqua GoogleFont
… so that it can be used on the site if the PTB want to.
Wait how do you expect the workers of the world to rally around that?
Rally around, gather to beg for crumbs, potayto, potahto.
We took that into consideration but felt this was too busy.
So the moneybag outranks the capitalist himself?
I am very disappointed that the logo i had in my head was not picked.
a money shot?
He didn’t say ‘in his face’.
I know, right? I told myself to send one in, but I didn’t. I blame myself.
I was going to do something with a donkey and elephant’s asses for the rhetorical point of not being OF THEM, but my photoshop skills are crap. So downloading references is as far as it got.
downloading references is as far as it got
You made it one step farther than me. Overachiever!
I have never put a bumper sticker on a vehicle in my life. I think I can make an exception here. That is perfect. Congratulations lafe, this is most excellent.
You knuckleheads that run this place hurry up and get your donation accepting status and swag selling capabilities in place. For a bunch of people that have real lives and real jobs you have done a bang-up job getting this place up and going. This is a lot of work and time you have put in and the site has taken off like a rocket. I am impressed.
you don’t fuck with an automobile
That’s not what I’ve heard
That video is blocked op copyright grounds. At least around here.
It’s an old SNL sketch about the Mercury Mistress. People fucking cars was just scandalous enough for 1998 jesse to be memorable.
I work for a German company (damn bastards outsourcing German jobs to Romania) and connect to the internet through a proxy in Germany and a shocking amount of stuff is blocked there. Many a YouTube with some music in the background is blocked by the Gesellschaft fĆ¼r musikalische AuffĆ¼hrungs- und mechanische VervielfƤltigungsrechte (GEMA for short)
It’s blocked here in California too.
I mostly wanted to use Gesellschaft fĆ¼r musikalische AuffĆ¼hrungs- und mechanische VervielfƤltigungsrechte in a sentence
I understand. It’s like when you open that Tupperware container in the back of the fridge after 3 months, and then carry it to wherever your wife is so she can smell it too.
I did that very thing this morning Mad Scientist except it was more than three months old and when I pulled the plastic tub from the back of the bottom shelf some amorphous, fuzzy black entity skittered around inside the container and then stared at me through the translucent plastic. I just cracked the lid, I was afraid if I opened it the damned thing would escape.
That could have been meatcake, Suthen!
Sounds like a Cowboy Bebop episode, Suthenboy.
Shush you, try this one
The preview image showed and I didn’t hit play. Didn’t realize the other one was a failed link.
OTOH “Mechanical Reproduction” is highly relevant.
Do they block stuff which the EU requires to be forgotten?
Because in case they don’t, those goats are all iiars.
They don’t block that sort of thing ion Germany of all palces
The inside of mine already resembles a rolling dumpster, why cant the outside be a rolling billboard?
I agree. This will be the first bumper stick in put on my car in 25 years. Also, please make some beer mugs/glasses. Cheers.
Damn! My first post ever, and I screw it up…twice. I’ll go sit in the gallery now. *sigh*
the ??? is the key here
I thought that was trademarked to someone else.
I’m going to assume my “The Mutton Flappertarians” came in second.
Does logo guy have a name yet?
Andy Glib
Alternatively: Glibby McGlibbyface
I loathe you.
*Takes off top hat out of respect*
*pours out 40 of single malt scotch*
RIP, JsubD
*Takes a moment of silence*
* wipes tear away
RIP, JsubD – I would support that be the unofficial name.
Cornelius Bertram Alexander Gustav Billy Bob
The third
No reason he couldn’t be a Viscount or a Baron too
Glibby Haynes
Glibwicke von Smasherton
I feel like it should have some heraldry / coat of arms to go along with it. Like a “Deep-dish-pizza in the shape of a shield, with marijuana on one panel, and firearms on the other”
Perhaps a 3rd panel with 50-gallon barrels of lube
No one needs 50 gallons of…oh, wait, I mean never mind!
55 gallon drums of lube are the environmentally friendly choice. Think about all the transport energy needed to ship 55 gallons worth of lube in TSA-approved bottles (2,071 of them) and all of the plastic waste from that packaging.
55 gallon drums of lube. Good for the environment, good for preventing chafing on your johnson.
Good for America!
The Patriots’ Choice!
I like it but….
Needs more woodchippers
This is great! Ill grab some stickers.
A journey of 1,000 miles, in this case the journey to world conquest, begins with a step, and that step is a logo.
Seriously, very good logo.
Now what is needed is some good content š
chat room
Second worst? Or did we take even the worst ever distinction with us when we left?
I am unclear on the fungibility of worstness. We need Nicole for this one.
She’s out shoveling her sidewalk at the moment.
An adequately abstract euphemism, Gustave.
Just for that I’m going to write some more bad content.
fx:: starts humming “One for the Vine” from Wind and Wuthering …
I just might have a paying commission for Lafe ….
Usually this sort of thing turns out shitty, but this is really well done.
Near perfect logo – font combo. Good job, whoever.
ā¦And the winner is: Lafe Long!
Ah; Lofe Lang. One of my closestest friends. Everyone says so.
Excellent choice!
I like the new logo. And I look forward to the merchandise.
I keep looking at it and keep really really liking it.
me too. Its solid. 10/10
10 drug-addled dogs ….
Congrats Lafe.
Well done.
I approve.
Now send it to Frank for his opinion.
55 minutes late!
Well, someone over at The Other Site has already shared it with a passive-aggressive comment about Republicans, so I’d say it’s a win. Great job Lafe! Looks great.
We done gone viral!
Dan.O/Cuffy Meigs/Kizone/Mary, I presume?
That fucker has gone completely insane with jealousy. She needs to be in a padded room.
I don’t know who Mary is, what’s she jealous about?
It was Dan.O, who I can’t figure out if he’s a leftist or what he is. I’ve seen him yelling at John occasionally.
I think dano is an old commenter who might not like that we left or whatever
Oh, that’s an old troll with a new handle. Neither left nor right, just whatever trolling seems like it will get a rise.
In the beginning, i thought it was someone butthurt about this cool club
It is someone butthurt about this cool club, they constantly bitch and throw little temper tantrums about how this place exists. And that all started after Cuffy was banned and Kizone bitched about this site’s troll control on google plus. How convenient.
that is some strong evidence. I just assumed it wasn’t her. I figured it was a long time commenter who got angry over the whole thing.
It’s pointing to trollperson at this point though.
Dan.O is Mary/Kizone/Other Aliases, a mentally ill and obsessive troll known for stalking H&R and constantly writing blogs about how we’re all monsters. After the Diaspora she came out of hiding on H&R and dances on its corpse with glee.
Damn. That’s some pretty batshit stuff even compared to what I’ve seen on Twitter.
Oh, she’s got a Twitter (Dalmia retweets her). She’s been doing this for years. She predates me on the site, when I joined she was just an old myth that forced you to register to comment because she’d spam threads. H&R attracts a very special kind of crazy.
Maybe Dalmia is her. A sock for what she really thinks about things but won’t say because her reputation would suffer more than it already has.
No kidding. Kinda glad I never got involved. Still browse there occasionally though, sometimes see some of the people here engaged in interesting arguments there.
Or John and chemjeff yelling at each other.
It wasnt so much spamming threads, as stealing poster’s names and making posts as them.
It happened to me a few times, reason staff actually deleted a few posts because they werent from my ip block.
Ja, I had Kizone leave comments on my audio gear blog… and my book blog, which I haven’t updated for years.
I had to put a lockdown on the comments for both sites.
You just didn’t want me making snide comments about horns. ADMIT IT.
These guys are cool. tubes is another good one. I got to see them live a few times now. Two went to school with my cousin.
I will admit nothing!
And I do like some horns, provided they are done well – ie, short. Also DSP/time alignment really helps.
Ideally I’m an electrostat guy but I don’t have the room!
“”my audio gear blog””
linky, please?
just curious. I am not an audiophile (glances angrily at Bacon); i am a hardware-fetishist, however.
Click on my name and your prayers shall be answered.
The more DIY entries are a few posts down as my build days are getting rare.
digging in. I need to get a good one going. My budget is more “estate sale”.
yeah – I haven’t been spending the coin like I used to on my audio hobby.
It’s all been art, furniture, and house updates. *sigh*
The last amp I built
and maybe the last ever??!
Valve amps FTW.
super cool.
My one thought on Audiophilia =
Most people who geek out over super-high-end amps and speakers and cables tend to overlook 2 huge things =
1 – the source material they’re playing has inherent bandwidth constrictions built-in which makes huge amounts of the audio firepower they bring to bear completely irrelevant
(i.e. you can’t ever improve the playback of a recording beyond the technological means used to record it in the first place)
2 – they tend to overlook the fact that the rooms they put the gear in have far more effect on sound than the gear itself
(*never mind getting their own ears checked, where they may be shocked to discover that they can’t actually even hear the shit they think they’re hearing)
i personally take a ‘whatever sounds
goodpleasing to me is good enough’ view. I don’t care about ‘accuracy’ or trying to hear stuff that the OG artists never heard while playing it.that’s it, pretty much. I still use a pioneer amp i inherited from my dad, which can be had on Ebay for around $100.
That said = the picture of your homebrew amp literally gives me an analogue boner
speaking of that Panasonic amp i have, my buddy (who IS an audiophile) had the same one (also from his dad -i think it was popular in the 1970s), and ripped it open and made some tweaks and uses it as an electric guitar amplifier, and it sounds freaking incredible. He A/B’d it with $5,000 Class A heads and was like, “you’ve got to be kidding”. the main problem was re-casing the thing.
panasonic = “pioneer”. brain fart.
If anything I’ve run away from the kingdom of audiophile-dom. So much weirdness and false claims. I’ve simplified – much of that has to do with my current lack of my own listening area – and a sort of anti-audiophile mindset. I’m more interested in the music these days.
I had a friend who was once running Quad ESL-63 electrostat speakers. He eventually got rid of them because they were, in his words, “too revealing”. He said that he could only enjoy 10% of his music collection.
But – in the right room and with the right speakers, source, etc – it can be a magical, almost drug-induced experience. But so few recordings are actually good enough. Most of the music I listen to – post-punk – definitely doesn’t fall in the well-recorded category so it got to be frustrating more than anything else.
yes. i’m totally on board with that, and there are even some styles of music which i appreciate from a purely-audiophiliac POV (some avant garde electronica, ECM 3rd-wave stuff)
but like you, most of the time my favorite styles of music don’t even benefit from that degree of detail. (think Stax recordings, or – even sillier – 1980s/90s hiphop)
*sorry, the term i was looking for was “Third Stream” (which shows how rarely i even think about it)
Holy shit, she got even more fucking insane then the last time I browsed her fucktardedness.
Does any company make custom patches?
Doesn’t anyone have any underworked female orphans we can get to do this?
I have one of these now, so I would put a glib logo near it on my headliner whenever i get one of those…
I almost want the winch one, it’s not a sword-like though. misses some of the joke.
aIf anyone has UNDERworked orphans they’re doing it wrong.
Motorcycle Club? We need a motorcycle club. We will need to get the patch approved first though.
You get the next one when you trade an illegal some pot for some ass sex.
I’m with DOOMco. Would definitely plunk down some dough on a custom Glib patch.
Yes, there are plenty of companies that do custom patches or embroider directly onto shirts or whatever. This logo is fairly simple so should reproduce very well.
The pro machines need a vector graphics file, generally a TIFF. Many companies will try to charge you an exorbitant bullshit setup fee even if you supply the artwork as a TIFF.
At least this isn’t your bracket. At least I’m not this guy
Does any company make custom patches?
CNC sewing machines are real.
This looks awesome! Beats the heck out of my offering. I’m digging the monocle “g” as well. That’s what I was going for in mine, but yours is way better, Lafe Long.
I’m not the best at photoshopping stuff, but I made a gold edition just for fun.
Can you do a rose gold edition? Asking for a friend.
You’re too kind.
Asking a colorblind person to add more reddish hues to anything is probably a disaster. I gave it a shot anyway. š
Much obliged! I had no idea you were so handicapped; I appreciate how you endeavored to persevere on this.
You’ve read what I post, yeah?
Looks more copper, to me. I like the original, um, variation.
Well, rose gold is just gold with some copper in it…
Here’s a side by side comparison of gold, rose gold, and copper. They are very close.
The copper content of that copper seems low.
Ooh, look at you guys fawning and scraping to impress the female libertarian ,,,
… enough to make a guy spew, so it does ….
Are you sure it wasn’t the abundance of green beers and Lucky Charms for breakfast that did it?
Hork the rainbow.
Impressive is probably not an adjective appropriate for whatever it is I do when I open Photoshop.
There are at least three other female libertarians around, not counting my wife who only reads. I’ve made anime body pillows of all of them. Glib harems best harems.
Nicole was worst girl, but who is best girl?
Not touching that one.
Well, Postrel is the most glamorous, of course ….
I won’t choose. You can’t make me.
Like this, but with body pillows underneath.
The logo is only hours old and we’re already revising it, horrible…HORRIBLE! (Can you add a mexican, smoking, buttsex, etc.?)
Motorcycle Club? We need a motorcycle club.
Be sure to stop and have lunch in Waco.
You know, I’ll give cops one thing… Whenever I see a whole passal of HP/CP/King’s Men vehicles at a restaurant, it’s a pretty good indicator that the food there is pretty damn good.
My dad always manages to find the best hole in the wall places when we went on a vacation. I think it’s genetic, because I’ve had great luck. Out of the way, grungy, with a full parking lot.
Yup. I always look for greasy spoons with parking lots full of locals. Its the high-percentage play.
He usually finds it after we get lost in the bad neighborhood. Or, the whole city of Newburgh. The Wherehouse there is really good.
It’s also an indication that the food is free.
and no one in the back has any good drugs.
At a cop hangout, the good drugs are in the cop cars.
Those baggies don’t throw themselves down, you know.
The wait staff sometimes put waaaaaaaay too much sugar in your coffee for you too.
No one wants to be the dissenting voice? Fine, I’ll do it.
Logo depicts someone both white and male. Probably cis-het male, too. Deplorable! The hat is nowhere near inclusive enough either. It should at least be a turban with a rainbow flag pin on it. Shame!
Just kidding, it’s awesome.
It others my gingerness.
Gingerness, you say?
well, it’s debated. My siblings are 100% ginger. I just have the read beard and pale skin. Hair is somewhere darker than blonde.
redbeard, dammit.
I know she tells you she loves it, but you gotta lay off that pussy eating for a weekend every once in a while or you will never be able to scrub that red out of your beard…
I think we can figure out the kind of ‘debate’ Jesse’s going to go for here …
I’m just gonna leave my sexual harassment implicit.
Not emphatic?
“is this how you wanted those poor women to feel?”
Solitary, at least.
Kind of reminds me of The New Yorker
The logo is only hours old and weāre already revising it, horribleā¦HORRIBLE! (Can you add a mexican, smoking, buttsex, etc.?)
I am disappoint
Their logos are disappointing.
Very nice Lafe!
(sigh) Oh well, at least I’m tied for first in the Sportsball thing, I’m pretty sure I’ll win that.
I was kicking myself for not entering anything (it would have been dick-like) but nothing I would have come up with (a dick) would have been close to this good. (Mine totally would have been a dick.)
Is this you?
I think this is him. NSFW
That logo is way too good for the rabble that populates these comments!
False advertising best advertising. 10/10, great job, will buy coffee mug (even though I know shipping will be more than the cost of mug – maybe buy a dozen to save?)
So I didn’t enter the contest. I can still be the mascot though when we play the other site in a yearly basketball (or hockey) game, right?
Seriously, if you guys are looking for a way to sell shirts, I know a local screenprinter/embroiderer from a previous job. Be happy to get a quote on things if you are looking.
I like how the fellow’s face is basically the same shape as the top hat, just upside down.
Great work! Looking forward to the gear.
I like it. Well done.
I really like it. But I’m thinking it needs to be incorporated into a banner div above all the navigation bars.