Once upon a time I was visiting the Andong Hahoe Folk Village (안동 하회마을) in Korea. One of the interesting features is a garden full of carved tree stumps in phallic figures. Now dicks have been a good luck charm in cultures the world over. Or at least as a decorative embellishment (see picture to the right). Often dick art is whimsical and Andong is no exception.

A sake serving set (Enoshima, Japan)
Other Korean towns have tales to explain their dick-totems. But unfortunately I don’t know if Hahoe Village does or if it’s just a fun way to pass the time when you have a bunch of tree stumps around. I’ve included a few examples below. So about now you might be wondering why this is showing up in Fur Fridays, no?

Never let your mother cut your hair

Female tree with penis knees
The short version is that I’d planned on doing a Fir Fridays joke and post a bunch of trees (maybe some upskirt shots), but I realized that that probably wouldn’t be that entertaining, then got distracted by a McSweeny’s column about romantic entanglements with a sycamore tree, and then realized I had pictures of me stroking a giant wooden dick carved for good luck, so here we are…reminiscing about that time I walked a dick forest in a historical village outside a small town in The Republic of Korea.
And of course, for those of you with less…ecumenical tastes in wooden genitals, here’s a thing I found when searching for sexy lumberjack pictures (safe for work, but you might get funny looks).

The author, c. 2007 with much less beard
Andong Hahoe…
So many jokes…. so many…
I posed for that statue.
I assume you mean the dickhead one?
No, the one with penis knees.
You must be related to George Washington
So what you’re saying is the statue isn’t lifelike at all.
You know who need to be banished to this dick park?
Topical bracket humor, or do you just like seeing Methodists uncomfortable?
Silly Rufus, eveyone knows that the Catholic kids are better players.
Oh, did Rufus lose a place in the bracket?
I had planned on filling one out using my scientific method of which mascot would win in a fight, but Sloopy had misleading adverts. I thought we had all day Thurs to fill one out and play started today.
Female tree with penis knees
If it pees Maple syrup, wherever it wants.
many Tobias Funke jokes to be had there.
I searched and that reference still is beyond my knowledge.
Cleary your knowledge is in a state of arrested development.
Tobias Fünke: You’re forgetting, Lindsay, that as a psychiatrist, I was a professional twice over – an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first “analrapist”.
Well, I saw that, but what does it have to do with maple syrup?
Hell, I don’t know.
I’m afraid I just blue myself.
See, I think Doom is drunk and has gorged himself on too much corned beef.
That would be ICD-10 code E71.0, by the way.
Fucking hilarious. Lol
There’s an herb that’s used to encourage increased milk production in mothers, I think it’s fenugreek, but it has the side effect of giving the milk a maple taste.
I’m now triggered, as my last ‘real’ job was medical billing. I got out right before that ICD-10 madness, thank Allah.
Oh, and Wood.
I think you managed to troll everyone, Jesse. Well-done.
I came very close to referencing Treebeard, who tells us that trolls were made in mockery of the ents. Of course, only Los Doyers would care about a detail like that.
Oh I don’t know Tonio, I am not feeling trolled at all. I would think if one was a triggered sort, they would never hang out in this place.
Tell me I have to pay taxes to support your giant penis art, then I am trolled. But only because I can do the best penis art and you would be ruining the free market.
Oddly my Korean friends never mentioned the magical cock forest in casual conversation.
I can’t wait to show them this and ask them why.
Too busy screaming and running for their lives, perhaps?
Have they at least told you about Loveland on Jejudo (제주도)?
Jeju Loveland: World’s Kinkiest Theme Park? (NSFW PHOTOS)
I worked with a French-Canadian Korean years ago. One day he walked in and told us he ate 12 slices of white bread.
Just a story.
A deeply moving story, Rufus.
Well it did lead to the comments below.
So, I guess that means he was full of wonder.
At yeast he was full.
K. You stumped me with that one.
I pine for the day a thread doesn’t splinter into factions.
I’m going to leave this thread now, as I see it branching into a series of lame puns.
I’m sorry. I like to go against the grain now and then.
knot more wood jokes! someone needs to go against the grain with this.
You beat me to my comment. That’s why you’re so poplar.
Rhy! Thanks for the Plush link last Friday.
I haven’t had a screwdriver or two, I swear.
Speaking of lushes…
It’s always about drinking with you isn’t it.
Well, considering that you didn’t even to bother to phrase that as a question, yeah.
file under: Pakistan, Urdu for “land of assholes”
Kashmir: Jihadi imam killed, 70,000 people attend his funeral
Okay… not going to Pakistan. Got it.
For those not in the know (I assume not many here, but just in case): Throwing a shoe in muslim countries is like throwing a dog turd at someone. It doesn’t get any more disrespectful than that.
…lots of fun?
Judges? Ooh, sorry… the correct answer is ‘A really good way to get shot.’
In a Muslim country? I thought that was just “Being
AmericanNot a Salafist”.Which is a shame: I’d love to visit some of the ancient sites there.
It’s nothing compared to the way we treat women in this country.
/Tavis Smiley.
Today’s own goal brought to you by Everyday Feminism:
“But this [the Confederate flag] isn’t just a matter of “political correctness” (also known as respecting the wishes of others). ”
Well, if you’re so big on respecting the wishes of others, why are you hassling people about a flag?
As if any of these shitheels would stop wearing Che shirts if people complained.
I love how she gives the 6 weakest arguments to keep the flag. That article should have been 1 sentence: “First amendment. Now shut your whore mouth and make me a sandwich.”
real life PC Principal tries to privilege check random Trump supporters:
No dick nipples? How disappointing.
Seems like there’s a market niche not being filled, coax. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Another gem from Everyday Insanity
Yep, must be the movies.
Well, at least they Crusades weren’t mentioned.
Link, SF’d, etc.
here ya go: http://everydayfeminism.com/2017/03/queer-person-support-muslims/
I’d fix it but there’s no actual url in the broken html
In other news, derpy is drunker than usual.
You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
I’m not as think as you drunk I am, [hiccup].
This might be it:
From a similar article at the same site:
“Islam rejects oppression, instead privileging the implicit equality of all humankind. Feminism does the same. In this sense, the two are natural partners.”
I’d really like to see the mental gymnastics required to square purdah, burqas, and niqabs with feminism.
/blank stare.
“Islam encourages oppression, privileging the slavers of humankind. Feminism does the same. In this sense, the two are natural partners.”
That was easy to fix.
I am worn out on bullshit and trying to pick apart the lies and bullshit these people spew.
Feminists arent feminists anymore. They are pinko shitbags pretending to be feminists. They love them some Islam because Islam and socialism see enslavement in very similar terms. They also think that the culture from Islamic countries are the most likely to destabilize society here.
I am gonna go with what was said earlier – To feminist detestable pieces of shit “shut your fucking mouth and go make me a sammich”
“Feminism is just Marxism in drag.”- someone wittier than me
OT = Look I like these guys (and i think it was someone here who pointed them out at first) but FFS its been like 4 fucking years and they still haven’t even put the bloody engine in.
They could have crafted a car from Popsicle sticks by this point, but all they’ve done is take the body of an old Mini, weld stuff on it, then grind that stuff down again, and repeat that activity 10,000 times over. It went from being an amusing “build”-show, to something more like “The Prisoner”, where you’re unsure what’s going on any what the purpose is anymore.
Being a blue-collar asshole who can make cool shit(wasn’t always a PT/Coach, you know), I’ve never understood the appeal of watching other blue-collar assholes make cool shit. To me that was just being at work.
I think its like a cooking show. Its less about learning something, and more the vicarious pleasure of watching someone do something you enjoy, without the trouble of getting your hands dirty. Obviously, its also about the person (the host) being someone charismatic and interesting to listen to.
I have a friend like that. He’ll spend years getting… I’ll be generous and say 75% of the way there, then give up in disgust and move on to something else.
Thanks. Now I feel totally inadequate with all the shitty welds on my own restoration – and it’s still taking years.
The is great stuff.
FBI Arrests Man Who Allegedly Gave Kurt Eichenwald a Seizure Over Twitter
And yet he is still on Twitter.
Do we have a new crime here? Assault with a deadly .gif?
He should have posted Mary Hart videos.
It’s actually interesting to think about legally. If you can prove that he knew Eichenwald had a seizure disorder and sent him a GIF with the specific knowledge that (i) he had GIFs auto-playing (which is stupid) and (ii) the GIF was sent with the knowledge that it would trigger a seizure, I suppose you could make a case for assault.
Former ‘Power Ranger’ star Ricardo Medina pleads guilty to killing roommate
Kill somebody, plead guilty, and get 6 years? Damn.
Burying the lede- which ranger was he?
(Red ranger on one of the newer spinoff Power Ranger series, oh and FUCKING AUTOPLAY VIDEO)
Bald murderer allowed to wear toupee in prison
Speedtrap: good sound, cool cover art
It’s a guy shooting a guitar-shaped Gatling gun.
That’s more like a belt fed guitar. A gatling gun has multiple barrels.
*ahem* Uh. Hey.
(Jesse is a cutie.)