WWZD? Drink Irish Coffee.
IM DELETING YOU, BROTHER! ██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete….. ████████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete…. ████████████]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete…. █████████████████] 99% complete…..
?ERROR!? ?True? Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable ☪I could never delete you Brother!? Send this to ten other ?Mujahideen? who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called ☁️Brother☁️ again If you get 0 Back: Juhanam for you ?†✡? 3 back: you’re off the martyr list☁️? 5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly☪? 10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ!??☪??
La la la.
It’s St. Pat’s, not Eid.
Don’t you mean, ied?
Get with the Program
I was just a boy when the infidels came to my village in their Blackhawk helicopters. The infidels fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my goats were consumed by the fiery black liquid death.
In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the infidels were gone. It was on that day I put a jihad on them. And if you don’t believe it, then you’d better kill me now, because I’ll put a jihad on you, too.
You know what they did when the Blackhawks came back to the base?
I obviously have not been drinking enough.
I sure as fuck have.
Go on…
And this is the more civilized and stylish Irish game.
Kiss the Blarney Stone? I’m going to grab it’s pussy, and is going to like it!
As you may know, I am fictive otherkin but these days I am transotherkin because I am transitioning into a cat. I feel this has always been who I am, and my fictive otherkin identity was a bit forced.
I’m learning how to eat cat food (which to be honest doesn’t taste good at all) and I’m spending more time with cats. I’ve noticed a lot of attraction towards cats in general, but specifically female or trans cats (I know a male cat without a penis, it was emergency surgery but he is basically a trans male cat). I have found myself becoming VERY sexually attracted to my neighbor’s cat Ruffle because I can tell she is a lesbian. I caught he licking another cat’s vagina last week and I’m not going to lie, I watched for a really long time.
I know my attraction will never be consensual which is one reason I will never put it in action. I don’t even know how I would have sex with a cat, and this is even causing me to question my demisexuality which is VERY fucking triggering. But I’m not going to hide from who I am, I find cats attractive. Period.
I also feel that Ruffle is an otherkin in the sense that she identifies as a human; her spirit is very human, and sometimes when looking at her I feel like I AM THE CAT and she’s the person. So maybe sexual relations are possible down the road but for now it will have to be non-physical. She is actually older than m e in cat years, so it’s not an issue of statutory rape but it is still rape is she can’t explicitly consent. Sigh.
Anyway, just wanted to get this off my chest. It’s been a really conflicting week for me.
Is that cat wearing a little sheep, or is it a chia cat?
It’s a rug, Lebanese cat.
I believe it’s poking its head out of one of those cat logs.
Well, you would know. It is your cat.
True story: I stabbed myself in the thigh making one of those for the first ex Mrs westernslopers cat. It is a dangerous operation cutting carpet off the floor level. Pissed me off.
Photoshop. Fake cat picture!
Everything else involving words happened exactly as described.
“I don’t even know how I would have sex with a cat”
I thought Ruffle gave you instruction?
Is that a Heroic Calico?
She’s into you, dude. Go for it.
From what I’ve seen “the cat grooms herself amorously” is pretty much already Japanese porn title syntax.
Neyow. Maybe a little NSFW.
Would smash.
The face mask with whiskers and a nose is a nice touch.
I searched for this paragraph on Bing, and it couldn’t find it, whereas Google could.
Conclusion: Bing is so not woke.
That makes me feel more justified in using Bing over Google for the past several years.
Were you featured in Nature’s ‘The Story of Cats’ on PBS?
Friday night party music.
Also, I almost forgot to watch this today.
*closes laptop*
*scoots away from desk*
Let’s party like it’s 1999 BCE.
A version of the Epic of Gilgamesh that lasts less than four minutes? I guess he skips the “boring parts”.
Does it read like a drunk person wrote that sentence, or am I drunk?
Any answer would be correct.
They just get points on their license for DWI?
Wiki says 2 year ban first offense
I can tell you this much. In some of those countries, you’ll pay a fine and that’s it, most of the time. I don’t care what the law says. I don’t drive drunk anywhere, but I think the former USA limit of .10 is a sensible limit. There’s no way I would be impaired at that BAC. In fact, I think I would probably be paying more attention just because of several drinks. That’s probably about 4-5 beers.
CO in the ’80’s had two levels. .05 for DWAI, and .10 for DUI. Harsh. They got me when I was 19 for DWAI. I know now that I should not have been driving after drinking at all, but it was a very low standard. They pulled you over if it was early morning say 2am. I don’t drive after even one beer now though. It is easier to take a cab or walk.
It was the wording that threw me off. I know what they mean. Not that I am a fan of ratting out ones friends, but killing others when drunk driving aint cool either.
Forget, westernsloper, it’s Ire-land
WWZD? Drink Irish Coffee.
Good choice. I had two with breakfast.
I don’t recall giving anyone here permission to use a photo of my mom as the logo.
We don’t like IP laws
Above all, in a democracy, we have the duty to preserve the liberty of the people by keeping the enormous powers of the national government separated. We are judges, not Platonic Guardians. It is our duty to say what the law is, and the meta-source of our law, the U.S. Constitution, commits the power to make foreign policy, including the decisions to permit or forbid entry into the United States, to the President and Congress. We will yet regret not having taken this case en banc to keep those lines of authority straight.
St Patty’s day when I toast my Great^2 Grandfather and Grandmother to thank them for leaving Ireland.
Heh good point. I could have been English or German 🙁
Or even worse, he could be living in Quebec and speaking frog. *raises Pacifico to mikeys grandparents for being lucky enough to be filthy Irish*
There’s frog on my Mother’s side. The non-irish side from my Father is all English fundamentalist preachers and prohibitionists. And yeah, a lot of the Irish were drunks.
Someone in my family did a genealogy thing years ago. My lineage is such a mut mix it is not even worth picking a country. I worked with some Dutch guys who said my last name was very much Dutch. I said, “no shit?” I had no idea.
From NPR’s Here’s and Now should you go where eagles dare.
Miles Davis (not the good one) is a student from Baltimore County, MD, and he says: “I think the love was one of the most exciting things and one of the most empowering things about it. Everywhere I went, I felt safe and felt like people were not going to do me harm. I felt the love from people.”
Ghana has a recorded homicide rate of 11.6 per 100,000 compared to the United States’ rate of 5.9/100,000.
All about the feelz for some. Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp.
The followup interview afterward on the same programme this afternoon with the single PhD in physics presently elected to the US House of Representatives was a treat as well.
You just have to bring up NPR don’t you?
Uh… while the United States has half the murder rate of Ghana… the City of Baltimore, seat of Baltimore County, MD… has a murder rate of 54.98/100,000.
The students in question were likely much safer in Ghana than they are in their home town.
I am sure the kids in that segment do not hang out in the areas of Baltimore that contribute to that statistic. Not that Ghana is unsafe by any measure. I have heard nothing but great things about the county actually.
Population of Baltimore City : 621,849
Population of Baltimore County : 831,128
They seem significantly more likely to live close to the murder rate quoted above than far away from it, based on the above.
Oh, I clicked through. The students are from a college in Pennsylvania, not Baltimore.
It doesn’t matter. One kid said he thought his ancestry came from Cameroon. I have been to places in Cameroon that make the shadiest places in Baltimore or Pennsylvania look not so bad. Electricity is not a given in much of the world. It is the kids implying that he feels threat or harm in the US. Where does that come from? His neighborhood, or what his professors tell him?
CNN on the handshake not seen around the world.
He did shake Chancellor Droopy’s hand already. Evidently if you don’t jump at commands by the press corps, you’re filled will burning hatred.
That is the first CNN clip I have watched in months. I was better off before I watched it.
I know you yokal-tarians don’t seem to care much for baseball, but fucking-hell Jim Leyland, it’s only the 1st inning. Yank Marcus Stroman before it’s too late! Puerto Rico is already up by four runs. Shit, “other” me all you want but as far as I’m concerned baseball is the only game that fucking matters.
^This guy knows what’s up^
Thank you, H.M. I appreciate it. I’m celebrating St. Patrick’s Day the same way I celebrate any Friday– drinking, watching sports on the TV (with the sound off) and listening to records. Have a good one.
Yup, yup. Sports center on, soul 45 station on, and the standard amount of booze. Baseball is mere weeks away. I have money on the Giants winning the NL Pennant. Can’t wait till April.
I’m sorry, I fell asleep as soon as the word ‘baseball’ was mentioned. When will you people have a proper sport, like hockey or Australian rules football?
We have bull-riding. Not a more entertaining sport in the cosmos than bull-riding.
Fuck baseball.
And why did Bayern have to get such a shitty draw?
Can we buy WWZD coffee cups @ the Glib Swag Emporium? Because I needs it.
Reading the Wikipedia entry for Zardoz, it sounds like a really interesting movie.
It’s a movie?
You neglected it, here is some money from the rest of us to fix it.
A proposed budget has zero weight. I am not sure how that even deserves a mention. Where are the facts as to how Detroit let their water distribution system deteriorate to where it is poisoning people?
You fucking mammals and your alcoholic based holidays. No wonder you haven’t invented a warp drive yet.
We should apply for a government grant to see if we can get Mr. Lizard drunk out of his gourd.
I wish people would do stuff like this for real.
The music is the Tiger Rag, by the way.
I am so sick of Meals on Wheels pieces already. Apparently EVERYTHING ELSE in Trump’s budget is just fine, except for fucking Meals on Wheels. Which isn’t even a federal program in the first damn place. If it’s so damn important, I’m sure California will be more than happy to kick in the difference. Or, y’know, all those rich leftists bitching about it could donate to it.
Which, while I’m on the subject, all those douchebag tech CEO’s who signed the Support for Planned Parenthood. Why don’t all you Super Rich jerkasses donate 10K each? presto funding! I am so sick of these whiners who just want other people to pay for shit. you want it, you pay for it.
indeed. do they not have an abundance of cats? its like old ladies have been farming a ready-made food supply all this time.
You should do a PBS program on how to skin and prepare a cat for PBS before gets its funding cut. Work in some turntables and catchy lyrics and I think you have a hit show. Plus help feed the elderly.
Pressure cooker. You don’t even need to skin it.
Ok. Will do. My neighbors cat buried a whole duck in my portico. It may have been a fox, but I am blaming it on the cat. Amazon.com pressure cooker and traps for me. I will cook something.
You can’t tell the difference between a duck and a fox? 😉
They are tricky little quackers.
The neighbors cat really likes you, by the way. They only give prizes to people they like.
It’s a high complement from a lower-order species.
All this time I thought crazy cat lady kept them because she’s crazy, when they’re actually her free range larder.
How utterly selfish of you. If you were a generous person you would want the government to use its power to force everyone to pay for these programs.
Are you a Californian? And I agree. I hear about the whole free lunch and breakfast thing on the radio here. All local. Which kind of makes me wonder about people who have kids when they can’t feed them lunch. If I had a dollar for every white bread and bologna sandwich I ate as a kid, I could retire.
Tuna fish, pb and j, and bologna sandwiches with a piece of fruit cost almost f’n nothing. That and some milk was my typical lunch for most of my childhood school days. If you can’t afford that you should not be having kids.
Is it that now it is cruel and unusual punishment to feed a kid bologna or tuna fish? I honestly don’t get it.
It’s just part of the “evil Rethuglicans want old ladies to eat cat food, kids to starve and Big Bird to be shot” virtue signaling. You will never get a straight answer from them when you question why these all couldn’t be dealt with by private charity.
It’s never about efficacy, it’s always about control.
If things are done privately there’s no room for them.
And while they would not lose much if MoW became all-private they don’t like to give up any ground.
Tuna fish– mercuryPBJ– peanut allergiesbologna– processed meatExactly. What ev’s. #BlowMe
Give the kid some calories already.
I’ll leave this here just to enrage you.
Aww, comments are disabled for this video. Wonder why?
It was on my sister’s FB wall. She’s 50 and has had a year where she paid more to the govt than she took. One of my brothers, the evil Republican, is very well off and offered to help her financially a few years back. Of course he had a few reasonable stipulations, like she hold a job for more than a year and move to a better neighborhood. “How dare you tell me how to live!”. Yeah, he didn’t give her the money.
*hasn’t had a year
the sidebar to that video =
Interesting. It almost sounds like they are suggesting this is a big deal
(takes 2 seconds to check)
e.g. “”Currently only about 3 percent of the funding for the running of national association resource center of Meals on Wheels comes from federal funds”“
also interesting =
Sounds like they are good to go. What is the problem?
people (e.g. MoveOn and the makers of similar videos mentioned) seem to be
undertrying to create the impression that without federal support, Meals on Wheels will instantly dissolveMoveon.org? Oh holy back hand slap to the face. They are infuriating with the shit they pull. I have/had too many FB friends who posted their gibberish that it caused my FB sabbatical.
Move on was started to encourage the country to get over a President getting sucked off in the oval office. I could not give two flying fucks if Clinton liked to bang the interns, But defending the guy does not a political movement make.
thanks to ZARDOZ for the new site too.
A. Don’t click links on drunk nights.
B. I know y’all are all still drooling on your pillows.
C. Heard last night on TV a brain dead hippie explaining why TrumpHitler cant cut the NEA: Because the NEA brings in ten dollars for every dollar we put into it.
Yes, thats right: The NEA makes a 900% profit so we cant quit subsidizing it.
As for Big Bird, pluck that bastard, make a huge pot of soup and donate it to meals-on-wheels.
B. Some of us had to drag our asses out of bed at 5 this morning to make it to work.
I have no sympathy. I was on my third cup of coffee then. I had to entertain myself watching stupid Youtube videos.
Speaking of coffee…time to make another pot.
c. What do you reckon the odds of any of these Trump! budget cuts actually happen? I have always assumed that the ratchet of government only turns in one direction. This is the first serious proposal to reverse that ratchet in my lifetime. Given the pants shutting over meals on wheels, how will our congresscritters ever have the back bone to push through a budget with major cuts?
I remember how easily they folded when the D’s ran ads showing Ryan(?) pushing granny’s wheelchair over a cliff, but it is hard to say. The D’s have shot their credibility so badly people may not buy into that shit anymore. As to whether the R’s can figure that out and grow a pair is another story.
I think a big part of the problem is that it is so easy to find people who will be hurt by the budget cuts. It is difficult to show how cutting down the fed benefits everyone because the benefits are so disperse.
The Ds will trot out any number of individuals who are going to lose their subsidized jobs, have them tell their sob story and it makes the Rs look like monsters to people who can’t see the bigger picture.
“…so easy to find people who will be hurt by the budget cuts.”
I suspect they had that in mind while they were spreading that lucre around so liberally. My hope is that the mood of the country has changed. It is going to take a Trump to sack up and get out the knives, ignore the screeching and crying and start cutting. Now is the time to do it so that it will be forgotten by election time. By then people will realize it really didn’t make that much difference in their lives.
I guess this is also also assuming the Rs are actually serious about cutting the budget and reducing the size and scope of the fed. Maybe this time they are and I hope so. A lot of them were sent to Congress in 2010 specifically to kill the ACA. If they can’t even mangage that, I don’t know what happens then. Maybe a bunch of Trump styled senators get elected in 2020? I honestly don’t know.
If half of them do, then it will be more than Trump probably expected.
Just like half the shit he says is nonsense he’s likely to amend later. He builds in lots of disposable demands. Its how a lot of people ‘negotiate’: ask for things you don’t want so you can concede those demands later in exchange for something you did want.
Every Republican congress-critter I’ve seen quoted is talking about how we can’t make such draconian cuts.
I guess they aren’t going to pitch small govt any more? Or if they do, that should make it open season to punch them on the nose.
Real radio think pieces.
“This is the first time since the NEA was created more than 50 years ago that a president has proposed eliminating the NEA,” Walker says. “So I think it’s a very sad day for our country.”
Sad day for those who have grown accustomed to no strings attached cash awards (derived variously from “voluntary” income tax or padding the public debt – take your pick) for pet art projects as a default expectation.
Walker also says it’s ironic that this news comes during the year that marks the centennial of Massachusetts son John F. Kennedy’s birth.
Yes, so ironic, or completely coincidental unless you’re looking at this matter through the creepy numerological lense of personality worship of a corpse.
“He was the one that laid the ground work for creation of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities,” she said. “Because he believed that great civilizations embrace and build their foundation of freedom on an artistic platform.”
Because artistic expression and private initiatives never existed without cash grabs from a pool of confiscated funds/debt spending. These whiners’ idea of having skin in the game is temporarily fronting the cash for a project, and then going “gimme gimme” to get partial or full costs wiped out by a cash grant. Fuck you, cut spending.
This year, the NEA is making $3.5 million in grants in Massachusetts. About $1 million of that is being distributed by the Massachusetts Cultural Council to fund more than 700 cultural organizations and councils statewide. Walker says the money fuels big museums, little theater companies and everything in between — from the Cape to the Berkshires.
If there were ever a place in the United States that was an arts desert, it’s fucking Massachusetts.
“These are not huge grants — they’re from $30,000 to $75,000 — but they have an enormous impact on their communities,” Walker says.
Oh, well I’m sure then most of these projects are important enough to exist in perpetuity from private donors going forward, right? Get hustling, assholes, and don’t forget the lipstick and flavoured condoms!
“The Double Edge Theatre which is located in Ashfield, Massachusetts, got a grant from the NEA this year, and it’s being used to raise the visibility of farms and artists and crafts people,” she says. “And in New Bedford, there’s a Working Waterfront Festival celebrating the history and the working skills of the fisherman in the area.”
Cultural scenes in smaller towns and cities rely on grants from the NEA, says Fitchburg Art Museum director Nick Capasso.
“Unlike Boston or Cambridge or even Worcester, Fitchburg has no local infrastructure of arts philanthropy,” he says. “There’s just nothing. The only way we can really raise money for some of these visionary projects is with the help of the NEA.”
Those “visionary projects” include public art works that Capasso says resulted from the $75,000 Our Town grant the museum received directly from the NEA in 2012.
Strangely, even if the Board of Directors’ compensation schedule is public information, it’s hard to find. It’s not in the job req.
“I think it’s important even for conservatives like me to understand that our culture is a fragile thing and it’s not going to survive merely by people who buy tickets to concerts and tickets to museums,” Tuerck says.
Fuck off. You know, as a parting note, when it’s convenient, coastal elites like to complain that their jurisdiction is a donor state at the Federal level. What’s the benefit of staying in this toxic relationship if a State isn’t receiving their fair share?
What I love about this radio piece is how the intellectual midget of a journalist never bothers to dig deep enough to present any kind of example fr waste or – frankly – really stupid allocation awards. My 15 minutes of googling pretty much ends here in terms of the State-level distributions. For 2015 at the Federal level, we learn from a summary piece that the biggest distributions from the NEA tend to benefit some of the largest institutions that the affluent elite patronise, including the fucking Boston Symphony Orchestry of Tanglewood fame (a total of $125k), and some dance circlejerk almost nobody has heard of ($100k). For 2015, at least 40% of the NEA distribution appears to benefit deep metropolitan Boston high society.
Nothing left to cut.
“”some dance circlejerk almost nobody has heard of “”
Jacobs Pillow + Tanglewood are actually both “kind of a big deal” in the dance/classical worlds, but you’re correct that they (like the big institutions) already the recipient of largess mostly from hordes of wealthy parents of aspirant performers. I knew people who performed/worked at both and they were all, without exception, the offspring of the super-rich. Of course there may have been a handful of ‘scholarship’ performers attending who received financial aid. but i don’t think they’d be left playing their violin in the ghetto absent federal funds.
Isn’t “almost nobody has heard of” compatible with “kind of a big deal” in the dance/classical worlds”.
Local pub added this on tap not to long ago. Really like it.
“Schwarzbier” is my favorite style of beer.
Yeah, I’m a big fan of it as well.
I love how their review scores go to 1/100th of a point: “3.29/5”.
it calls to mind the saying = “67.4% of statistics are just made-up to sound convincing“
Or the guy who said you can tell macro-economists have a sense of humor because they use a decimal place in forecasting. [Kinda goes for climate scientists too.]