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Oh, a double-long feature for Sunday, nice. Great episode.
As a generic baby hater, I can only say, “Good riddance!”
Going to repost to make sure BakedPenguin sees how my fellow AZ residents are also becoming woke to living in the Trumpenreich of the secret Nazi President:
Yeah, I saw that. It’s hard to do satire or parody when real life is constantly outstripping your most outlandish ideas.
The Mexican weatherbabe and “groundbreaking program where college students lecture homeless men about their privilege” were the highest points for me.
Seconded. Top notch work on this one.
Indeed. I hope Maria Bonita is a recurring reporter too.
I just want ask more about alto-nimbus clouds. Spanish weather is hot!
“Mr. Frank Barney” – Barney Frank reference?
Yeah, I couldn’t think of anything actually witty at that point.
Which Glib commenter is Frank Barney? I know I have read that fish reference before.
There was a Knarf Yenrab at HyR.
Did he speak of eating bad fish rather than sodomizing it? I am kidding, I have never heard that, it just sounds like something one of the degenerates around here would say.
Most likely, yes.
I just ordered a new carburetor for my 914. A fake-Weber 38mm double pumper, to replace the fake-Weber 32/36 progressive [i’m running a 2 liter bus motor in it, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Haters, start your hatinz] .
Thanks, Secret Nazi President!
That’ll be a nice upgrade!
Bus motor as in VW bus?
(represses jealously harder)
I know they’re not expensive, but i retain a bizarre lust for those little things.
i heard there was a bizarre range of potential options for motors to stick in that thing. whats the most popular? Like a 1990s subaru engine?
Yea, most of the old boxer engines get updated to 95+ subaru 2.2 or 2.5’s. VW bugs make for a cheap base to throw a wrx/sti motor in!
I encourage this comic strip to go further and further into non-sequitur-territory, where narratives are interrupted at random by Frank Barney who just goes, “they done tolt me not to eat that fish, but you can’t fuck it”
I am going to use that line the next time some group is hassling me to buy their cookies or sign a petition in front of the grocery store.
I was expecting a “Millenium hand and shrimp”.
I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a 38mm double pumper until yesterday. America gets greater every fucking day.
Is there nothing our Secret Nazi President cannot do?
weber 45’s
Bus motor as in VW bus?
Si. Type 4.
Hopefully the new carb will lively it up until I can engineer a real [water-cooled] motor into it. It runs out of breath with the progressive on it.
Cool. Sounds like a fun project. I drove a bus, and later a camper van for awhile. Great engines to work on. I think the last one had an 1800 CC engine. I bet the 2000 will bark the tires on that little thing.
It runs out of breath with the progressive on it.
As do we all.
whats the most popular? Like a 1990s subaru engine?
Aside from the vaunted Small block chevy, the WRX turbo motors are quite popular. People are also swapping VW/Audi in line 4 turbo motors with the transaxle. I don’t know what they do for driveshafts.
Weber 45s
I was kind of looking at doing a 40idf downdraft install, but this one should “just” bolt on my existing manifold. New throttle cable mount, and done.
I like the part with the “titties”!
More Yanet plz.
I didn’t realize there were so many gear head glibertarians. Since that’s the case, I’d like to announce that as soon as I’m done with my lunch, I’m headed over to my shop to modify a Miata transmission to fit into an RX-7. Suck it, fragile 3rd gear synchros! You’re outta here!
Whoa there. That is way out of my league. I am a parts changer. I have only ever seen the outside of a transmission.
The insides are fascinating! Pick up a cheap one from a junk yard some time and take it apart. It’s much less mysterious when you can see how all the pieces work together.
Changing throw out bearings, and clutch plates is as close as I have come to that.
So, a Kawasaki mule that is used to plow snow on sidewalks and other light duty had a problem with the differential. But exactly a transmission, but gears and mystery and stuff.
Tore it open and it just made sense. Cost me like a hundred to fix myself, whereas Sun Sports (calling you out by name you hacks) would have charged more than that just to pick up and deliver. Probably would have ended up $600 plus and had it for two months.
Trannies are just a more complicated version.
I am sure they are. I have never had the need to get into one. Glad you sorted that out. I try to fix most things myself. My next vehicle will be 70’s/80’s vintage. Enough of this electronic malarkey. I am going full Luddite short of a horse and buggy.
Doom said Wynkoop in a week. If the snow storms evade us I should be able to come over. I need to get some plywood. The only marine plywood dealer in the state is in Denver as far as I know.
Trannies are just a more complicated version
Just what we need around here. More transphobia.
It ain’t no tricc to licc a thicc chicc with a dicc.
“Is that a shifter under your skirt or are you just glad to see me?”
What drives me crazy are the CVTs out there. These trannies need to make a decision and stick with it.
I looked inside a transmission once.
The shifter on the manual transmission on my first car wouldn’t actually shift, it just moved freely. Oops. This isn’t right. My dad helped me with it. We opened up the transmission, and found the remains of a pin that held some of the internals together. My dad went through a junk pile in his workshop and made a new pin. He put the linkage back together and then helped me reassemble my car.
One thing I learned with my first few cars, sometimes with my dad helping me and sometimes with me working on my own, was that I hate working on cars. I’ll pay someone to do it. Despite my hating working on cars, I really like cars.
I found that I like working on cars much more when I have the right tools.
*flashes back to learning how to change the oil with my dad, complete with burns from touching the hot lamp with my forearm, 30 minutes wasted finding the proper socket, crippling claustrophobia because the jack wouldn’t go very high, and a paper funnel because we had a small pan and no real funnel*
Having the right tools make a lot of jobs so much easier. Simple things like an air compressor and an impact gun are something you’ll wonder how you lived without once you have them.
When you have that little tool to pull out the plastic plus that hold body panels in, you can do without breaking those stupid little things. Probably pays for itself the first time you mess with a door window or lock.
(Yoda voice) A million examples of having the proper tool being useful DenverJ could give.
Having a lift and a pit make certain jobs much easier than jackstands and/or ramps.
Big plus one on the lift. I can’t stand sliding around under the car on a creeper any longer.
I’ve been thinking about Becky turning away in the second to last panel. Is she turned to the “Dark Side”? We could use more women over here.
Maybe Becky will become the one common sense voice on shows like the only sane person in this.
(I posted this yesterday and messed it up and edit fairy had to fix it) TW The View
This is the video I was trying to link to.
Not sure what happened there.
Despite the only sane person in that clip, I feel dumber having watched what I watched of that clip.
It is brutal is it not? Fuck me. Those women make money doing that. No wonder the country is in the shitter.
I was reminded of something. The budget guy said that the spending cuts are compassionate because they don’t take from poor people.
A while back during my first stint on facebook, there was outrage over some Republican proposal to cut spending. I don’t remember the details of the spending cut. A woman who was in my friends network during that first stint posted a rant calling the Republicans sadists because they wanted the people who would receive that money to suffer. I remember reading it, and thinking (sorry, I might trigger Mainer here), “What about the people paying the taxes to fund these programs?” I didn’t wade in to the “discussion”. Lots of people responded congratulating this woman on a “well-thought out” piece. Soon after I ended my first stint on facebook.
Goddammit. I watched Doomco’s video link and now I have to go down the rabbit hole and find out what kind of cylinder head they put on that Mini to get the intake ports on the front of the motor.
Very good BP. But did Sheryll Brown turn into Sheryll Hakim? Did I miss something? The sexy Mexi weathergirl was cool. And Trump is like super evil with swastikeyes.
Good catch, egould. I thought I’d changed it everywhere. I should’ve done a CTRL-F search.
Good grief
Not since your mom stopped paying me
Lesbian action.
She has been getting a little cheap lately.
Some of us do, Rufus. We can’t all live off of Canadian welfare payments like you, you know.
Yes, in fact, I’m doing a little work for my job in between commenting here and housework.
My reply was too racy?
It got ates!
Trapped in the spam filter, I set it free into the wild.
We’re going to have to deal with Trump for 8 years, part ∞ (there should be an infinity symbol there if it worked)
I’ll keep saying it, the Dems are being taken over by the activist wing of there party. You could say that to the same extent, this happened with bc the GOP and the tea party, but as it is, both of the bases have decided that working together is off limits.
(there should be an infinity symbol there if it worked)
I don’t see why Unicode posting shouldn’t work. 김치 ß Добрый вечер!
*palm to forehead*
It’s too bad ESPN decided they’d rather show an empty stadium of women’s basketball than Roger Federer’s trophy presentation.
(Then again, they’ve never cared for tennis; a few years back they let Tennis Channel handle the entire WTA Championships up until the finals, which ESPN didn’t show live, instead running a fantasy football show, and then chopped up the tennis match on tape delay because it ran long. Fuckers.)
ESPN has a little NBA problem at the moment.
Explain further.
(I know they don’t give a shit about hockey ever since they lost NHL rights. And their sports-ticker at the bottom of the screen is star-fucking of the worst order: for sports like tennis and soccer, they don’t give all the results, just the ones involving the big names.)
There’s a trend among teams (well, among three specifically) where they sit out their star players even in prime time slots. This is causing concern with the league office. The NBA signed a huge deal with ESPN and stuff like this doesn’t help their cause.
Ah, that. Perhaps the regular seasons are too fucking long.
I don’t bother with ESPN where soccer is concerned. I have to admit ESPN jr. (TSN) as well as Sportsnet in Canada have a decent soccer pundit line up. They don’t usually make me want to throw a slipper at the TV.
I don’t bother with ESPN for soccer either, since they don’t have any of the big competitions. It’s just obvious to notice that the ticker only gives the results for two or three Spanish teams, one or two Bundesliga teams, a couple of EPL teams, and maybe an Italian team and PSG.
In tennis, it’ll be things like, “XYZ Tournament Quarterfinals: S. Williams advances”. No mention of whom she beat, what the scoreline was, or who won the other three quarterfinals.
Not that I watch much on ESPN at all anymore, however.
He probably means that the NBA is pretty much their only revenue-generator until baseball starts.
ESPN has gotten unwatchable.
I prefer to listen to sporting events when possible, anyhow. Westwood One actually had Mike Holmgren as a color commentator a couple of times this year when they had extra games to cover because of the London games or the playoff rounds. He was great, being knowledgeable, and more importantly, not obnoxiously loud.
Brooks, i think its a kad 7 port.