American Community Survey
I’ve recently become aware of the American Community Survey. And I am outraged at this overreach of government and violation of Constitutional principles and protections.
If you are blissfully ignorant of the ACS, as was I, allow me to disrupt your pleasant Sunday afternoon by sharing the gory details with you. Oh, take a moment to pour an adult beverage first. You’ll need it.
Each year, approximately 3.5 million US households are randomly selected by the US Census Bureau to receive the ACS. It arrives in your mailbox in a large official envelope bearing the legend YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. There have been some efforts to make it voluntary in the past, but it remains mandatory as of this writing.“If it’s voluntary, then we’ll just get bad data,” said Kenneth Prewitt, a former director of the census who is now at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. “That means businesses will make bad decisions, and government will make bad decisions, which means we won’t even know where we actually are wasting our tax dollars.” NY Times, 20 May 2012
So what is it?
As you are undoubtedly aware, Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution requires a decennial census for a very express purpose. This purpose is limited to enumeration to determine the apportionment of “Representatives and direct Taxes.” That’s it. This, of course, began to be perverted quite early on.
Started in 2005, the ACS “replaces” the long-form census questionnaire that was formerly randomly assigned to households during the regular census years. This survey contains an amazing range of intrusive questions. Here are just a few of them, and please note that these are summaries of the very detailed layered queries:
- your name and phone number
- gender (only the traditional male and female are given check boxes)
- age and birth date
- race
- relationship of all persons living in the home
- year the building was constructed
- actual sales from agricultural products from the property
- does the dwelling have hot and cold running water
- does the dwelling have a refrigerator
- does any resident have a computer, including mobile devices
- how do you get ‘net access
- how much were all your various utility bills last month
- does anyone receive Food Stamps or SNAP
- do you have a mortgage or home equity line, and how much is your payment
- what is the market value of your home
- what are your property taxes
- what time did you leave for work LAST WEEK (emphasis theirs)
- what is your income from all sources, including child support
- for whom do you work, what is the address of your employer and what do you do for them
- how much education did you receive and in what major is your degree
- where did you live a year ago – provide complete address
- how many times have you been married and what’s your current marital status
- in what year did you last get hitched
- are you raising grandchildren
- do you have a disability
- do you have difficulty climbing stairs or bathing
- number of persons living in the home
(Wait, what? They actually ask a question for which they have authority? Or anyway, they would have authority to ask it were this a decennial census.)
All of these questions, by the way, must be answered for each and every person living in the home. 28 pages in all, if there are five household members.
The Census Bureau freely admits that this entire process is a time-and-hassle burden (FYTW!), providing a “burden estimate” of 40 minutes right on the back of the form and in the brochures accompanying the letter from John H. Thompson, the director of the CB. If one were to actually provide accurate information for the detailed financial questions, it would require gathering of documents and calculations and would take far longer than 40 minutes if your papers are not perfectly ordered. (My total water bill for the last 12 months? Um….)
What happens to the data?
Now, all other considerations aside, filling out this form and popping it into the mail seems like a field day for an identity thief. In fact, the ACS seems so intrusive and shady to so many people who receive it, that consumer hotlines regularly get phone calls and emails asking reporters to look into it. Austin’s Bob Cole asked Politifact to check it out when he received it. Even the bureaucrats at the Census Bureau realize it sounds suspicious! (See the second question on their own website at right.)If you are concerned about mailing a form with all this info, you can simply respond to the survey online using the code on your form and a PIN they will assign you when you start the process. Yes, answering invasive government questionnaires from your personal computer seems like a fine idea.
But, hey, don’t worry. The Census Bureau is keeping your information confidential! We all know there has never been a problem with information security in government. Even the tags on FAQs on the ACS website seek to reassure you. “Keywords: security, online, safe, legitimate.”
Surely, too, there has never been a case of a government worker misusing their access. After all, the very pretty “Frequently Asked Questions” brochure that accompanies the form in the mail tells you that every Census Bureau employee has taken an oath and is subject to jail, fines, or both if they disclose “ANY information that could identify you or your household.” I feel better already.
How is the data used?
“The American Community Survey helps local officials, community leaders and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. It is the premier source for detailed information about the American people and workforce.“When you respond to the ACS, you are doing your part to help your community plan hospitals and schools, support school lunch programs, improve emergency services, build bridges, and inform businesses looking to add jobs and expand to new markets, and more.”
Yep, that means Starbucks is using this data to decide where to erect another tribute to burnt coffee. Which, you know, means jobs for your neighborhood hipsters and convenient access to overpriced coffee for you.
The Rutherford Institute has a handy article which expands a bit on the ACS and how the data is put to use:
“The Bureau lists 35 different categories of questions on its website and offers an explanation on how the information is to be used. For 12 of those categories, the information is used to assist private corporations. For another 22, the information is used to aid advocacy groups, and in nine of those cases, the Census Bureau states that the responses will be used by advocacy groups to ‘advocate for policies that benefit their groups,’ including advocacy based on age, race, sex, and marital status.”
Help me out here. I’m a little rusty on the Constitution. Which Article covers Target and Home Depot using the government to do their market research for them at the expense of citizens? And certainly the advocacy groups must be in there somewhere, too….
What are the penalties for refusing the invitation to participate?
According to Title 18 U.S.C Section 3571 and Section 3559 you can be fined up to $5,000 and/or imprisoned. However, nobody seems to have been penalized for failing to attend this particular soiree.
It is far more likely that you will simply be hounded and harassed by Census Bureau field agents.
In order to collect the required American Community Survey (ACS) data, we use a multi-part strategy, including Internet, mail, telephone calls, and personal visits.
First, we send a letter to let you know your address has been selected for the ACS.
Then most respondents receive instructions to complete the ACS online. If the survey is not completed, we send you a replacement questionnaire in about two weeks.
If we still do not receive a completed survey, we may attempt to call you from one of our call centers. You may also receive a telephone call if you completed the survey, but clarification is needed on the information you provided.
If we cannot reach you by phone, we may send a Census interviewer to your address to complete the interview in person.
If you think this sounds fairly benign, read through the 900+ comments on this article. Even discounting the, er, less stable commenters, there is a clear pattern of harassment for not playing along and voluntarily giving up your privacy.
What can you do about it?
This is certainly a perfect opportunity to be a thorn in the side of your Congress humans. Not that I think they will care one little bit. Unless perhaps your Representative happens to be Daniel Webster, Jeff Duncan, or Justin Amash.You can try simple avoidance techniques, but those field agents are a wily bunch and very determined not to let your privacy remain intact. Perhaps it’s better to take the advice of the Rutherford Institute and hit it head on. They’ve provided strategies in the article linked above and have created a form letter that you may send off to the Census Bureau.
Good luck!
As for me, I’m going to go pour another drink.
Every day, I become more like my father.
I’m having difficulty bathing. Come in the bathroom and luffa my back!
Not for you or any man!
ewwwwww /teenage girl
-Danny Noonan
What’s a matter, OMWC, everyone in the neighborhood knows about the van trick now? (;
The kids do. These immigrants, they’re too fucking wily.
Just tell the immigrants to come over to your house for some tree chicken tacos. Their insatiable appetite for some taste of home will overcome their wiliness.
Next door neighbors were stunned that I knew what pupusas were and even more stunned that I knew how to make them. No shortage of tree chicken here, and our dog makes sure that they’re in top aerobic condition.
+1 BBQ’ed Iguana
“If it’s voluntary, then we’ll just get bad data,” said Kenneth Prewitt, a former director of the census who is now at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. “That means businesses will make bad decisions, and government will make bad decisions, which means we won’t even know where we actually are wasting our tax dollars.” NY Times, 20 May 2012
And that’s how you get Trump. Or ants. Or something.
No, that is unpossible!
It’s a 100% guarantee that they will make bad decisions. They have a perfect track record, and no amount of questionnaires is going to change that.
But this will help them make better bad decisions.
The decisions are only bad from your POV. They’re perfect from the POV of the insiders who benefit.
I have been known to fail to respond to census inquiries in the past.
Did you resupply the fava beans and chianti?
let me see… trash bin… trash bin… contact lawyer (aka my wife)
Is there a penalty for just making shit up? The only way they would know you’re lying is if they already had contradictory information, rendering the survey useless in the first place.
Falsification of data on a government form is typically a crime. I’m not aware of prosecutions, but I’m sure they’ve used it as leverage in the past.
Name: Mantis Toboggan
Number: 1800-965-3252 (1800WOLFCLA)
DOB: November 17,1947
Race: White
Relationship of all Persons Living in the Home: Ex-husband/Sleeping partner/son?
does the dwelling have hot and cold running water: No, Hwang won’t fix it.
Employer: Paddy’s Pub- Co-owner. Wolf Cola-CEO
Too lazy to look it up now (or read the link)… but i have a vague memory from when i recieved the ACS a few years ago at my last residence, and looked up “what to do”, and i think i just answered the basic bare minimum census questions about “how many people live in the household” and age/income bracket, etc. … basically, the first 4 questions above? and then just mailed it back with the remainder blank.
never heard from anyone. I think i even got a “Thank You” letter in response when it was received. I think Reason did an article about the ACS a while back and mentioned that like huge swaths of the returns are similarly mailed back, ‘mostly blank’.
@*&#(@$&@(*$ threading!
FYI in this case i actually refreshed the page and tried posting in the comment box at the bottom. Basically, if you click reply to someone… its going to thread the comment there unless you close/reopen the browser, as far as i can tell.
Do you click the “cancel reply” option before going to the box on the bottom?
there’s a…. (looks)
I use it often. Most of what I type is stupid and gets deleted/canceled before I post comment. Some sneaks through though.
Only most of it? :-p
You mean… you didn’t mean to reply to me? Ohh. Ok. It’s fine.
“Your response is required by law”
My two possible responses:
A: Fuck off. That is my response.
B: Every answer complete gibberish.
I would mix gibberish and “I cannot recall”.
Here is my least untruthful answer.
I have been selected twice for this. I’ve never filled it out and I told the person that knocked on my door that they could go piss up a rope.
They never pushed the issue, but I can see some slapdick bureaucrat going all hard-ass and getting thumped by a person that was as angry as I was when I looked at the invasive questions. But I doubt its happened, since if it did it would have already made the news under the “Right Wing Violence” tab.
So that’s three B1G teams in the Sweet 16, and one to go.
Yep. And somebody yesterday was talking smack about Wisconsin having to carry the whole conference.
Well, after Minnesota and Maryland… leave it to another M school to bail you out.
It is possible that one of those tools got thumped and it was kept quiet. That last thing they would want to do is draw too much attention to this as it might get shit-canned…probably why not many people know about it now.
I remember getting one of those some years ago. I don’t remember if I chucked it, filled it out, or if I may have identified as a Hispanic single mother with ten kids that day.
I do remember being enraged by the “under the penalty of law” phrase and the intrusive questions. Thanks for reigniting that rage SP.
*makes a margarita*
“Identified as a Hispanic single mother”
I thought you already made a Margarita?
Off topic:
Hey guys, Duke reports a sexual assault rate 5 times as high as the worst city in the US. I propose the federal government take over Duke and surrounding areas because obviously Duke can’t keep its students safe. Anybody disagree?
Steve Smith U?
Why do you think parents pay a fortune to send their daughters there? Who would cough up their life savings to send there child to a school where they cant even get raped? People want their money’s worth. I mean, C’mon.
Just shut it down, it’s a rape haven anyway. Only solution, shut it down.
No duh, after the lacrosse team got away with rape all the other males on campus figured they could do it too!
I love the feminist/SJW narrative assumes that all men will rape if they think they can get away with it. In their minds males are two dimensional cut-outs with perpetual erections, wind-up mannequins that walk around humping air like a dog and irresistibly drawn to pussy.
SP will attest that I am indeed “a two dimensional cut-out with a perpetual erection, wind-up mannequin that walks around humping air like a dog and irresistibly drawn to pussy.” Not rapey, though.
Instapundit has an article about it. He then has a video about the fictitious “Reynolds Online University.” The big benefit is your daughter won’t get raped.
On my tablet – here’s the link:
Been there, done that. Last Census, I failed to fill it out as required. Not sure if they called, because if I don’t recognize a number, I ignore it, too many scam calls. So finally, one of their ‘field agents’ showed up at my door. She was very aggressive and pushy, and could barely speak some broken English. I told her we’re leaving in 5 minutes, which was true. She asked when I will be home so she can come back. I said ‘I won’t be here’, and shut the door in her face. So far, they haven’t came after me. Maybe they will, who knows.
We have a 100+ pound loud, snarling, threatening -looking beast with an unerring sense of who we do not want around. What usually works is for us to ostentatiously be barely holding her back, while gasping, “Make it fast, don’t know how long I can hold on here, and it’s getting close to dinner time!”
How long ago was that? Doubtful you will hear from them again. You need a fenced yard with a dog they have to get through to get to your door.
It was the 2010 Census. The woman at first acted like she was just going to walk through the door, but I stood in the doorway and made it clear that she’s not coming in. Then she, I couldn’t understand her completely as her English was so heavily accented, was saying something to the effect of ‘it’s required and you have to fill it out’. I know she could tell by my expression that I’m not going to do it and I wonder how many other times she experienced the same thing. No one ever threatened me with fines or anything like that. But it was apparent to me that if it gets to the point they send out someone, their tactic is to be very aggressive. Maybe that works with some people.
I think I read somewhere that the illustrious Marlin Brando would invite unwanted callers in, be very polite to them and then offer them cookies which turned out to be dried turds on a plate. I cant remember if they were dog/cat turds or his own.
I knew a guy who built a tiny room in the farthest corner of his basement, furnished it with an old card table and folding chairs, he would invite jehovah witnesses and other solicitors down there to talk then quickly make an excuse and leave ‘for a few minutes’ he’d come back 20-30 minutes later, talk for a minute then excuse himself again and repeat. He claims his record was five hours.
That’s a good idea. I may try that with an enhancement- when I leave the room, there will be the sound of loud hammering and screaming. Then I come back and say pleasantly, “Now, where were we?”
Probably would be something like this:
I went into the CoC’s office a few years ago to do some business. When they saw me they wanted to know why I hadn’t answered their call about jury duty(? I think that was it)
“Oh, I didn’t answer because I didn’t recognize the number.
I used to answer calls from numbers I dont recognize. The first time it was The One True Prophet of God who needed some help making travel arrangements. Then I got the Prince of Nigeria who needed some assistance with banking here in the US. The last time was a nice gentleman who promised he could help me out with my credit card account. I am sure they all meant well but I just dont have the time.”
Yeah. If you aren’t on my list of contacts, good luck.”
They grumbled but left me alone about it.
“Yeah. If you aren’t on my list of contacts, good luck”
This. My wife used to answer any call and I told her to not do that unless it’s someone we know. One day she got the now infamous scam call from the shitheads in India pretending to be the IRS. I just happened to be there and was listening to her and she told the person just a minute and told me it’s the IRS and…’ and I said ‘give me the phone’. By the time I was done, she was like ‘OMG!’. The person hung up on me as I was being extremely nasty with them. Probably the nicest thing I said was ‘your mother’s a fucking whore, why do you have to do this, doesn’t she make enough?’ I wasn’t in the mood for joking or playing with them.
Cursing or insulting them is no good. Nothing gets to them. The best you can do is waste their time. Troll the shit out of them and see how long you can keep them on the line.
Tell her to talk to them in Portuguese.
I’m just about done with my land line. I only keep it because I’ve had it for 20 years.
When i decided i was done with my land-line, the phone co played all sorts of games with me to try to get me off the phone and call them back later. I had my account number and all this security-info they wanted, but then they were like, “Uh, now we need you to tell us what your bill was from 6 months ago”… and i was like “i don’t have that in front of me” /or i’m going to have to get on the internet and log into my account (which i never used) to find old bills… and they were like, ‘OK call us back when you get that’. Nuh uh, motherfuckers. They fought me for like 30 mins trying to come up with 100 reasons why “for security reasons” they couldn’t cancel my account over the phone. “We’ll mail you some shit” and you mail it back.. and on and on. And i could tell the call-center people had this script in front of them that basically said, “keep stalling them for at least 20mins before putting on long-hold, and hope they hang up”
Verizon found out that I cancelled my land line service when I ported out the number to google.
Much easier that way.
So now I have free VoIP through google voice with my landline number, but it still isn’t worth it.
I think I’ve used it for court maybe 3 times because they don’t allow you to call in from a cell phone.
don’t even know what that means. Google offers VOIP for free?
I did my thing in like…. 2009? so i don’t even know if that was available at the time.
Me too. I was just thinking about because I realized NO ONE uses it to call US. However, we live in a small court with hills on 3 sides and cell coverage is not good.
I’ve never gotten one of these ghastly intrusions of privacy but I would be inclined to treat it the same way as a jury summons.
That’s probably a little risky in some areas. I’ve always responded to those and showed up when expected, with the full knowledge they’re never going to allow a cantankerous old asshole like me anyway near a jury.
Do they send you the summons by registered mail that you sign for?
Nope, they just stick a regular old letter in the box. Thing is, I know someone here who ignored one of those and they got another more official notice to appear before a judge and had to explain why they didn’t show up. Maybe that doesn’t happen everywhere and I’m not sure how far they might push it if you just refuse to show up.
We get a regular letter that has a PIN number on it. If you call the number and enter that PIN, they know you’re a real person, and they’ll start bothering you.
I’ve gotten 7 regular summons, 2 federal, and one grand jury. Didn’t respond to a single one. No problems.
“BOLO for a flavored-beer drinking man – Wanted for ignoring the King’s summonses.”
Lat time I ignored a jury summons a court clerk actually called me to schedule an alternate date I could come in.
I got a jury summons a couple years ago. I called and said I would not be in the area, and was going to work overseas. She said I had no choice and if I didn’t show up, they would issue a warrant for my arrest. I asked if I could be placed on a jury in a month when I would be back. NO. I said well then issue away. I will be back in a month. They cancelled the trial, so I stayed out of jail. I am sure the Sheriffs Deputies are so bored around here they would love the opportunity to serve those warrants.
I had to miss a summons once because I was traveling a lot. So I came home after being gone for a while and had received a summons. The date of the summons was on a day when I would be out of the country, so I called and told them. They were actually very nice and told me they’d send me another summons for a different day. They did and I showed up. They also said that you can only do that once.
The chance of you actually getting on a jury around here seems pretty small, since most everything winds up a plea bargain.
Ya, I am sure that is the case here and there are very few jury trials. But the lady I talked too was adamant that they would not reschedule me. It is slow here. They cling strongly to the reasons to fuck with you. I avoid any interaction with government officials as much as possible.
The first time I got called in to jury trial was because I had been arrested for DUI. Lol, seriously, that’s where the county got my info, from my arrest.
I thought it was hilarious and didn’t bother to show up since they wouldn’t have accepted me anyway. Maybe when I’m retired I’ll try to keep my opinions to myself and sneak into a jury so I can keep the prosecutor honest.
“Yoohoo? Can I get a large drum of vaseline over here? We gotta an anarchist to search.”
I’ve been open to serving on a jury with a mind towards possibly nullifying some bullshit, but for my entire life the result of every summons was my entire juror group being pre-dismissed.
Two out of the three times I had jury duty the county needed no jurors that week; the other time we had to go in but the case was pled out just before we would have been interviewed. At least the way our county does it isn’t so bad. You’re only on for one week (or one trial if you’re empaneled) and you call in the night before to see if they need you.
First of all, fuck Michigan.
Second, shameless plug:
Do you like guitars all sweet and jangly?
Do you like guitars all scratchy and noisy?
Then follow my Spotify playlist Jangle Noise
Featuring over 3 hours of guitar based rock, shoegaze, noise, psych, garage, powerpop. Recent adds include Buddy Holly, Cloud Nothings, Mumrunner, Thin White Rope, Galaxie 500, Big Star, Unwound.
Also, fried chicken.?
That is what I call easy listening music. Nice stuff, thanks. I do not Spotify, though.
Who cares where they’re being wasted?
.which means we won’t even know where we actually are wasting our tax dollars says the guy wasting our tax dollars.
I mentioned yesterday I was doing CERT training yesterday. It’s basically volunteer emergency response, although honestly I can’t imagine what good a bunch of volunteers with a weekend of training and hand tools are going to do in a natural disaster but whatever. The main reason I am doing it is I get an ID card that can get me through police checkpoints in case SHTF.
Anyway, they made a big point about documenting everything you do during your actually duty as a CERT. “If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” They repeated that multiple times. And WHY do I need to write everything down? So that we can show the documentation to the federal government afterwards to get paid of course. And no, I am not paraphrasing. They told us to make sure we stop and write shit down in the middle of an honest to god disaster (because that’s the only time CERT is activated) so that these fucking leeches can get paid for it afterwards. I almost flipped the fucking table I was sitting at right over.
Who gets paid? The state?
They didn’t explain exactly, but my assumption is the local emergency services that actually deal with the disaster.
“So that these fucking leeches can get paid.”
yeah, good luck with that. Volunteers put in tens of thousands of hours after Katrina, me being one, on the promise of being paid. The state of LA stole all of the money and refused to pay us.
By ‘these fucking leeches’ I did not me myself or the CERT volunteers. By definition we are volunteers. In fact it was explicitly stated we were not even allowed to be paid by anyone. They require US, the volunteers, to document our activities during an active disaster in which human life is at stake, so that afterwards they can say ‘look massa! we train ours boy good! We should get more money!’
Ah. Ok.
Well, in my case they did say they would pay us, but it wasn’t announced until after the fact. I jumped in the middle of it because the system was overwhelmed and there were thousands of people that barely had the clothes on their backs. They had lost everything. By everything I mean EVERY-THING. They had no food, transportation, change of clothing, identification, medical care, money, NOTHING. Many of them had lost or lost contact with family. That was on top of being traumatized by the storm itself.
Really, who could stand by and do nothing? No one really cared about empty promises from government about being paid.
That’s kind of my thinking for doing the CERT. If it’s something I can help with, awesome I’ll get first dibs at it. If it’s something I can’t help with, well I have this nifty card that can get me and possibly my family the fuck out of dodge. It’s just the point of they want us to sit there and fill out paperwork while people are dying so that they can put their dick in the honey pot after the dust settles that really grinds my gears.
When the shtf you do what you have to do. Scribble some made-up bullshit after the fact.
This. I haven’t kept track of actual hrs since I was in my twenties. I do what I need to, maybe jot down a note or two, then basically make shit up in regards to actual times.
In an emergency, why the fuck would you stop to document your activities?
Job’s not done until the paperwork is complete, amirite?
You’re a good man, Suthen. I don’t care what Gilmore says about you!
Oh, but i can. I see the makings of a great comedy film, with the rough working-title of, “You’re Not Helping”.
It was my experience that the vast majority of effective aid is rendered by volunteer amateurs and that the biggest obstacle they have to overcome are the official ‘helpers’. In a pinch I will take help from an amateur with hand tools, trained or not, over cops, ambulance dude, or some FEMA tool.
+ 1 cajun navy being stopped from helping during the floods unless they had a “certified” first responder with them.
Katrina too man. I saw the LANG and LSP stop volunteer shipments of food, blankets, water and fuel at gunpoint and hold them on the highway for days because it wasn’t official. Tractor-trailer loads of badly needed aid sent by Dasani, Wal-mart, and numerous other evil corporations. People died because of that.
Katrina was a first rate shit show that was largely unnecessary. If baffles me people who put their faith in the Government for anything really.
+1 Brownie, you are doin a heck of a job!
In case anyone is thinking it is for no reason other than government’s intractable stupidity or incompetence, it is not. There is enormous opportunity for graft, bribery, and wild overpayment for services and supplies in a disaster. They stop the donated stuff because they aren’t getting their beaks wet. It is as simple as that.
This is why the term “first responder” ticks me off.
I wasn’t suggesting that amateurs are by-default awful; just that it does actually make a great premise for comedy.
the story you have re: Katrina was basically replicated in the NE in the context of Hurricane Sandy. The stories of FEMA incompetence were epic. In some cases they showed up and did nothing but prevent volunteers from doing anything useful.
Yes, Sandy was a repeat of Katrina. People’s ridiculous notion that govt. is there to help them, that it is some kind of savior is a mystery to me. All experience says otherwise.
I spent 6 months working for the Red Cross in Homestead after hurricane Andrew in the early 90s. Same story then. We had hundreds of tons of donated roofing materials sitting in a parking lot that we could not give to anyone who wasn’t licensed in Dade county to repair roofs. The stuff just rotted, or was stolen (most often by the other volunteers).
Reminds me of a guy I met in Biloxi after Katrina. He drove from Texas with a small trailer attached to his truck full of tools to give to the first Red Cross checkpoint he ran into. Red Cross basically turned him away saying “we’re only accepting monetary donations right now.” Totally blew this guys mind since Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, etc. were all sols out of supplies at the time.
So he kept driving and met up with our group of volunteers and stuck around for a few days to help fix up some homes.
Today, in intellectual Property Follies
From his desk in a downtown workshop, Greg Hankerson is at war with a Chinese company half a world away.
Mr. Hankerson and his wife, Sim, own Vintage Industrial, which designs and makes antique-style tables, cabinets and other furniture. The 25-employee start-up produces everything at its Phoenix factory, much of it by hand.
But that hasn’t protected Mr. Hankerson from counterfeiters, who peddle cheap copies of his creations on internet marketplaces run by Alibaba, China’s largest e-commerce company. He can find hundreds of suspected counterfeits of his furniture on Alibaba’s various sites, including Taobao, a free-for-all shopping platform on which the Chinese hawk items as varied as T-shirts and televisions.
Oh, no! Chinamen are making tables, too! Where will it all end?
On one hand I sort of understand where they’re coming from, because if you put a ton of R&D into something and someone else reverse engineers your design, they can sell for pennies on the dollar. However, that is obviously not the case when you’re dealing with furniture. Here’s a thought: Change your designs? If they’re always copying you keep coming up with new shit people want better, and beat them in quality. If their quality per dollar is that much better than yours, then maybe you just make shit furniture.
Why don’t you want to make America great again, P Brooks?
Anyone here know what ‘Alibaba’ means?
Unless that was the set-up for a joke, the answer is “Papa Ali”.
*scratches head*
I may have gotten that mixed up with something else.
Never mind.
No, I remembered right.
From first hit:
“Iraqis have a slang term for those whom they believe guilty of thievery and chicanery, those people who steal, lie, cheat and are endowed with low levels of scruples. This term, Ali Baba,…”
I guess I just didn’t know the literal interpretation.
Reference to the story of “Ali Baba and the 40 thieves” from ‘The Arabian Nights’ (1001 Arabian Nights?) stories.
the implication being, like a Genie who will grant any of your wishes, a retailer who ‘stocks everything you could desire’.
I doubt the chinese expected that to work w/ chinese consumers, but they probably (mistakenly) thought it was a fantastic brand for the rest of world
**and before any pedant shows up =
i know the actual story of Ali Baba involves no genies. I was just saying that any reference to the 1001 nights has that as its base-template “idea”. They (the 1001 nights stores) are always about a person stumbling upon vast riches, but foiled by some minor personality-fault; the lesson being you get everything you desire only if you deserve it first.
Interestingly, the actual story of Aladdin is set in China.
The original story also has a scene where he’s cheated out of his money by a Jewish merchant:
I always thought the references to “China” in the arabian nights stories were sort of a proxy for “Anywhere to the East of here” (here being ‘Arabia’), and usually ended up sounding more like ‘india’ than China when you looked closer at the details.
(i have some vague memory of this being explained to me at some point, so i’m probably getting it half-assed)
I think its sort of interesting that the “wealth” of the arab world always stemmed from basically ‘ripping off/taxing people who were traveling through arabia’; because they were the bottleneck of the silk-road? (or at least the main trade routes to Asia from europe);
it can explain a lot about their society if you dwell on the idea for a while. they basically saw outsiders as sheep to be herded and fleeced, occasionally killed. the idea of actually “making” things, or earning a living from some productive enterprise… seems to never appear in their literature. Whereas lots of European folk-tales seem to have the “industrious farmer” or “ambitious craftsman” as their folk-hero, in Arabian Nights its just some guy who stumbles on a pile of treasure (or manages to trick people out of it)
Could be. Though, the Islamic world was much more familiar with the Far East, geographically and culturally, than their peers in Christendom. I think the explanation that makes the most sense is “China” in Aladdin referring to the Uyghurs of Xinjiang, which was a major Silk Road stop.
Damn jews!
I watched that yesterday, only thing I saw wrong was the Chinese were using photos of that guys tables in their ads, which is really a case of fraud not IP theft, and the people buying the cheap table should be pissed not him.
I remember getting one of those around the time it came out and going on a major rant about it with a Libertarian friend. I got hounded about filling it out for quite a long time. It’s so long ago, but I know I either never filled it out, or just filled out a couple basic questions and sent it back.
I think I’ve used the minimal answer strategy a couple of times. On one occasion, I did write out the relevant text from the constitution.
Good answer!
The last census thing we went though took awhile to end.
They kept coming to the door and we kept not answering, they’d leave a “we missed you” sticky on the door which we would through away. This went on for weeks. One time I saw one of them standing at my door so I rerouted and went to the sliding door in back and sneaked, like a thief, into my own place.
And then one day I’m walking through a local shopping center and I see one of my then wargaming buddies sitting at a table with a bunch of people so I start walking up to them and I see they all have those census-taker messenger bags.
So I say “Hey man, I didn’t know you worked the census.”
“Yeah, I’m the crew leader for this area.”
“Ah, really?”
“Yes.” and he’s looking at me like he knows something. “So you’ve filled out your form, right?” he asks.
“You know, my wife handles that sort of thing.”
“Ok, make sure she does. Anyway were about done with this area and will be moving on.”
“Ah, well then…I’ll tell her.”
We parted and later I got to tell my wife the good news that the census drones were not going to be bothering us anymore.
I’ve only seen the guy a few times since and he’s never mentioned anything. Legally he might not be able to, even if he realized we never cooperated. Though I’m sure they had a separate list for our sort and he would know who was on it. And it’s not like he didn’t know mine and my wife’s name.
Regardless of what the statute says, we faced no sanction.
For jury duty in my area they send you a notice and you have several weeks to call in and “report” for duty. Well my wife figured why call in right away? Call at the very last moment.
It works. Apparently they fill the jury pool on a first call, first serve basis and by the time the reporting period ends they’re all full.
Doesn’t seem like the brightest way to select a jury, but it works for me.
*select a jury pool
For religious visitors there’s a thing I’ve thought of but have not had a chance to try.
If I get the chance I’m going to pretend I’ve never heard of Jesus, Christianity or religion as a concept and make them explain the whole idea to me while I ask incredibly basic and skeptical questions.
You are a decade or three late. You could have some to the deep south thirty years ago, gone anywhere public and sat still and quiet like a bump on a log and had that done for you without any provocation.
What exactly do you hope to accomplish by that? Victory? Profit?
I am off to take the grandson home…I will check later for the answer.
Waste their time for presuming to waste mine. Plus it might be fun.
“A virgin gives birth? Umm… You do know where babies come from right?”
Or “A virgin gives birth to a God on Dec 25th? Oh! You’re talking about Horus! Yeah, I know that story.”
The Mormons are using cute young chicks now. Clever bastards…
Generally speaking those people are misguided but well meaning. Also largely pacifists. Go pick on someone that doesnt turn the other cheek. Challenging a bully is one thing, this is another.
Picking on them? The only way this happens is if they come to my house and disturb me. I’m not going looking for them to do this to.
That means businesses will make bad decisions
Yeah, Apple would never have done the iPhone without this surveys results.
That dude needs a hard slap on the ear.