Judge Andrew Napolitano
Oh what a crazy world we live in. The Gorsuch and Comey hearings at the same time, with virtually nothing of consequence happening in one (Gorsuch) and a whole lot of consequential things possibly happening in the other (Comey) but both overwhelmed by partisan grandstanding and the reporting varying wildly from network to network.
One thing is for sure though. It has, temporarily at least, cost Andrew Napolitano his job. Because conjecture and unverified sourcing of stories has no place on network or cable news today. And because “wiretap” means physically installing a bug on one’s desk phone. Come on, Fox. Have some balls and have the back of the guy that ends up being proven right every time he opens his mouth.

Canadian immigration policy.
What a bunch of racist bigots. Almost half of the people in a recent poll want illegal immigrants rounded up and deported. Most of those are concerned the illegals will make the nation less safe. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the poll was taken in Canada.
Remember when confirmation hearings were about the person nominated and their qualifications for office? Apparently those days are gone for good. Also, how does someone have a “contempt for our democracy” when they won fairly within the rules established? Wouldn’t the people calling the president illegitimate the ones with contempt for our democratic system? (Bonus link on the same topic. Because doing one’s job and confirming an eminently qualified person to the Supreme Court that not a single sitting Dem Senator voted against last time around is “rolling over”.)

Proof for the first dollar of the California Republic.
Has the bell tolled for the California high speed rail project? Based on the 10 year funding plan going tits up, it very well may have.
Just go away, Dukies! The world already hated you enough. But they’ll probably be hating you even more after some of your fans blamed your early tournament exit on the North Carolina bathroom law. Seriously, just crawl back into your hole in Durham and let the rest of us enjoy the tournament without having to see your rat-faced coach berate officials all game and hear the commentators metaphorically cream in their pants every time your team takes the court.
Is this not what you expected when you gave a freeloader 26,000 GBP to get off the dole? Because if its not, then you’re an idiot.
From the same source as the last link (because its just too bizarre not to also give you), looks like not all of those Japanese anime sexual genres are so far-fetched now, does it?
Wrap it up. These links are done….
The zombie project will still be on the books in 2118
The first comment is in reply to one of the actual links? Is this bizarro world?
Thank you, UCS.
You’re welcome, but I’d been trying for second and overshot.
More #2?
Paying interest on the bonds that were issued?
…to pay the interest on the first set of bonds.
Yet Bernie Madoff is a criminal when he does the same thing….
This from the organization that created Social Security and prosecute people for running pyramid schemes without a single shred of irony.
Also why is the alt-text for the Judge not in the form of question?
Fixed just for you. Good catch.
My hover won’t hover long enough! It took three times to read that. But apropos.
Ancient statues are holding modern handbags in 100% definite proof of time travel
Um, a pouch with a strap is not exactly high technology.
I have two reactions – “It’s a bag you morons!” or “At least it wasn’t a fanny pack”.
I don’t know Swiss, “Fanny Pack of the Gods” sounds like blockbuster hit.
You mean “Fanny Packing Gods”, right?
-Vivid Video exec
Boom Chucka Wow wow.
“I’m here to put in the cable.”
Clearly it’s a Chinese knockoff just look at the stitching.
Contained Al Franken votes.
I await John Titor for comment.
Do you have a statement on his denial, Rufus?
He’s writing from the worldline where I didn’t post that comment (and I still didn’t do nuffin’).
Paging Dr. Adder! Dr. Adder!
Mum left with ‘deadly vagina’ that ‘BIT’ her partner during sex after surgery for stress incontinence went wrong
That was one of the actual links, Lord H
I actually skimmed through the links – guess I got distracted.
But I didn’t click on them – saw Japanese anime reference and thought it would be about tentacles
Cool story, bro. I think I might have read about that somewhere…

I’ve seen that movie before
I saw it too. It was ridiculous.
I don’t think anyone’s made a movie of Dr. Adder. Which was a great read. Farewell Horizontal was good too.
Comey: “The Russians Concluded Trump Was Hopeless Last August”
And Comey will offer zero evidence to support this, or any, claim…and the media will continue to present what he says as the gospel truth.
We already know he ignores what words mean.
Hey FBI, remind me again, is your purview international operations?
“We have the ghost of J Edgar on the line. Something about being the law?”
Has anyone ever said exactly what the Ruskies did to influence the election?
Magic furious typing!
Haven’t you ever seen hollywood hacking in action?
They exposed what duplicitous shits the Democrats were. Duh!
Something about fake news that nobody saw and fewer believed.
The sheer, unabashed partisanship here on the part of the media is disgusting. When Comey was investigating the Clinton emails, he was a traitor and a criminal. Now these same fuckers are clinging to his every word in the hopes that they’ll find something to pin on Trump. Maybe I’m misremembering, but I could’ve sworn that the people who are investing Comey’s testimony with unqualified credibility were calling him a partisan hack not five months ago.
Woman assaults mother with cheeseburger
Good God A’mighty!
Wasn’t the daughter in this case almost 40?
Someone has been reading SugarFree…
Maduro has a message for Trump. But no one’s sure what it is.
LH, you did see that sloopy provided links, above, yes?
Delete it if you wish…
Censorship! Leave the link!
NEVER! I leave, just want a little restraint.
My dogs of war will show you restraint.
You are giving us an idea for “Guest Links” – care to try? Reply to my earlier email if you do have an interest.
Would love to – when my work craziness goes to a simmer instead of a roiling boil. Argh!
You can say that again!
Mr. Trump, open your hair?! Does Maduro read SugarFree?
Well, socialism ‘is’ incoherent.
Am I the only one who hears “Please send us money”?
Is this not what you expected when you gave a freeloader 26,000 GBP to get off the dole?
Iron Laws gain more proof every day.
We passed pure alcohol a ways back. What exactly is 600 proof made from?
Distilled Derp?
She voted Trump?
What’s extra sad is that she could have just tried the “one simple tip to a better sex life” that’s linked just below her story and she’d have been fine.
Or, you know, she could have just developed a golden shower fetish. That bladder would have come in handy for that.
Trump Winery in Virginia seeks more foreign workers
The minimum wage in VA is $7.25 So I find it hard to believe that they can’t get people to work for $11. Unless “planting and cultivating vines, adding grow tubes and pruning grape vines” is skilled labor. Then they aren’t paying enough to compete with other vineyards.
Chelsea Watch #145
Who Is Going To Save The Democrat Party? Chelsea!
Chelsea Clinton shouldn’t be the “face” of anything.
Unless Kibbles N Bits comes calling.
Low blow. My dog eats Kibbles N Bits. How do you think it makes him feel to be compared to Chelsea. Think before you speak
I’m just annoyed that Expedia hired someone without qualifications to the board.
I can ignore NBC since I don’t have to do business with Comcast, but I’d been an Expedia customer.
I emailed them asking for an explanation as to why I should trust a company that gives someone a $300k a year board spot to a person so unqualified as to be laughable, and to close my account if they did not want to provide me with one. They have yet to respond. That was Friday.
And it’s sucks, because I’ve used them in the past to keep others honest. But frankly, with Priceline doing such a good job with their hot rate and make offer function lately, if I’m not staying at a Hilton property, that’s the only place I go for a hotel anymore.
There’s also the whole ‘Clinton’ last name thing. Tribalism runs deep, sure, the hard left Democrats will flock around her to save them from the Trumpenreich, but good luck running any candidate with substantial connections to Hillary for the next decade or so.
Actually, no, I should correct, the hard left Democrats have their own agenda, Chelsea’s a neoliberal corporate stooge to them, it’s the Clinton hangers-on that will try to elevate her.
Well, to be fair, no one can be hard over Chelsea.
Oh my god, agreed. Please, Chelsea 2020! I can’t think of anything more entertaining than a Chelsea run at the White House.
If Trump had respect for democracy he would resign and the Real President can take over and fix his mess. Or is abdicate a better word?
Mike Pence is REAL PRESIDENT. Thursdays this fall on NBC!
California should wait for the next stock market drop when the train will be shovel ready.
You need to invest, after all, if you want the technology of the future today.
So to get the technology of the future, we buy a project out of the past?
Works with Democratic Socialism.
High speed rail is the first step to colonizing exoplanets. The day the train is ready is the day the Human Interstellar Empire begins.
A high-speed rail project that shoots progressives into outer space?
Where do I send a check?
So if we find out that the Brits really did spy on Trump – does Shep Smith get benched and the Judge is on TV every day? That would make me much more likely to watch Fox.
I love the judge, but Shep is fun to watch. He’s just self-deprecating enough, and in fridays in the fall you can tell he wants to gtfo so he can go get drunk and watch football. I mean, sure it’s Ole Miss and they suck, but at least he’s got his priorities straight.
Shep is really at his best during police car chases
True. A car chase with Shep on the air is magical.
These euphemisms are getting … depraved.
He’s a moron when it comes to anything political. I swear Lindsey Graham’s hand is up his ass sometimes.
/Teenaged Girl
I don’t see what Napoltitano did that was so wrong. Reporters report what anonymous sources say, all the time. And that Comey said he didn’t find any evidence of what foreign spies allegedly did in secret isn’t much of a point.
He went against the media narrative. Anonymous sources, like leaks, are ok if they work for what you’re sellling.
So Fox is going out of their way to defend Obama and discredit Trump? It’s not like he worked for MSNBC.
This is just down the road from where I work. As I was heading home last night Ash was falling from the sky.
Were the Deadites chasing him?
+1 Boomstick.
looks like not all of those Japanese anime sexual genres are so far-fetched now, does it?
I can’t help but feel we’re being judged.
Fury over transgender double rapist being relocated to female-only prison
This dude in NOT Bradley Manning.
Your tax dollars at work. Jesus forgives, but the government pays to indulge criminals’ mental illnesses.
Did they actually surgically emasculate him, is is he just claiming to be a girl?
I don’t know what $12,500 gets you these days.
A little off the top.
I almost spit coffee all over my office. Thank you.
Well, not my tax dollars since this happened in limeyland. 😛
Wife just got a job and now looking at having insurance for the first time in 6 years. How the fuck do they expect anyone to buy insurance when it cost $1k a month with a 4k deductible. This isnt healthcare, its extortion.
I’m almost ready for single payer. They clearly arent gonna fix this current bs. It’ll prob drag out like this for a decade or so till they end up doing it anyway. Its disgusting. Adult decisions suck, i want to make kid decisions again. Its a lot nicer when your toughest decision is whether or not to stick your finger in amary Jane Rottencrotch.
Yeah, you guys are going to have fun with single payer. Get ready for every election cycle being about how fucked up the system is but don’t worry, reforms and more funding will solve the problem!
Thats different than now how? I guess one side thought it was already fixed perfect but next go around the dems will be complaing and the reps will think its fine.
Now you get pretty good service for what you’re paying. Single payer means controlled rationing and long wait times. Have fun with those.
American progs who angle for single payer have no idea what they’re in for and what they’re talking about. What the left is doing to American health is abhorrent. But hey. Free!
I have a prog-leaning American friend who was introduced to our glorious free healthcare through my recent experiences. I messed up my back and got a referral to a specialist, complete with 8-12 month waiting list. I then asked if I needed an MRI and my doctor refused to put me on the 7-month waiting list basically because my symptoms weren’t bad enough.
All of this left her flabbergasted. I suspect if she needed the same specialist she would have an appointment fairly shortly, and she knows it.
I had an argument with someone pro-single payer wherein I mentioned how I hobbled into an urgent care center, no appointment, got a pack of x-rays to verify that nothing was broken for $66 out of pocket. They protested that “not everyone has $66”. And how they liked that it was there “in case they needed it”. Were I a better debater I would have pointed out that it was not, in fact, there when they needed it as this same person in the same conversation had admitted that they’d learned to stitch their own lacerations because of A&E (ER) wait times.
If they do move to single payer it’s just going change the extortionist to the feds.
Dude, I live in a country with basically single payer. Between that and the insurance I buy to pay for the shortfalls of the single payer, I’m paying a shitton a month. Deregulate the entire industry and you’ll see a massive drop in cost.
Health care costs were much cheaper back when most of it was paid out of pocket, and increased greatly as more and more was “covered” by insurance.
This is a good summary.
SF’d the link try again.
That’d be great but folks dont even support paying cash for birth control and tampons
So deregulate, and let them pay for the high premiums on those type of plans if they want, while the rest of us can go back to having actual insurance, which is intended to cover large, unforeseeable expenses.
Do you see an impending libertarian takeover on the horizon. I sure as hell dont. The statists outnumber us 10-1. We are screwed.
No, it’s #resistwemuch.
The Libertarian Moment is right around the corner!!
By the way, it’s more like 1,000 to 1.
I dont think it is 1,000 to one. I think we probably out number them in reality. But felons cant vote and the people who can chose apathy because they are gonna do whatever they want anyway.. Then there are all the small gov people who are small gov “except for that one area”. You add up all those peoples “one area” and suddenly thats a lot of shit. Then you must consider theres only two options anyway so it grows and grows.
It was also much less expensive when there were much lower administrative costs.
I live in a country with single payer where you pray not to need a hospital. Not that this is representative of all systems.
No, just all systems with single-payer.
Isn’t Romanian healthcare just reversing gypsy curses and getting bitten by vampires? Explains why you need so many blood banks.
That may be but at least it is just a 10.7% payroll tax to pay for it. Plus vampire insurance.
That was my thought, 10.7% is a lot!
I pay 1.25% of my paycheck. Not sure how much my employer pays (at least the same) and that also isn’t including my additions to the HSA.
The point being, lot less than 10.7%.
At this point, I don’t think deregulation is coming. Single-payer will be the next step after the Republicans fuck up again.
Reluctantly thats my thoughts. What little pragmatist there is in me says just get it over with so we can all act like its fixed. It doesnt actually have to fix it, just so i can not know any better when i slide into apathy in the near future. Ignorance has gotta be bliss.
I bet I would be a lot more relaxed if I bought a farm and became Amish. At this point I would rather visit the village witchdoctor and pay with a chicken than deal with the clusterfuck we have made of our health industry.
I live near amish. They always look pissed off for some reason.
Huh, the Amish I know/deal with are always quite chipper.
You must be near a more chipper bunch. Ive no-shit seen these guys beat their kids with tobacco sticks. We have a libertarian sect here. Fought all the way to the state house for the right of their horses to shit in the street.
Wait, do I get to shit in the street too?
Only if you wear this horse costume. The back part, that is.
eh, shut up and give me the back already
What happens if you want to shit and you’re in the front half?
uhhh, nah, don’t need to know ….
Equine Centipede
Maybe because they live near you… you never know…
Sorry scruffy, state says u gotta tie a catch-bag to your nuts to catch your poo. Dont yell at me though, im just the messenger
I’d assume many doctors are just going to move to the cash only model. If all the good doctors are only available to those with cash on hand, the govt will have to force them to start accepting Medicare and/or insurance paying patients. At least that would make it crystal clear that they are enslaving people.
I had a urologist back in my teens who had fled the British healthcare system when they fully socialized it. I’m not sure where US doctors can go to.
The Ukraine?
Duh. Somalia.
When I got my current job a few years ago it was the first time I ever had both a decent salary and good benefits. Following the birth of my daughter, I decided to do the adult thing and go get a checkup. Since I work for a state university, and I have insurance through my job, I would always answer “yes” when receptionists for prospective GPs asked if I had insurance through the state, and they’d all reply that they weren’t accepting any more patients on state insurance. Took me a while to realize that “state insurance” was a euphemism for Medicaid.
My question with single payer is what happens to the millions of health insurance workers? What politician is going to take credit for 3 million plus people losing their jobs.
They will simply move into the government single-payer health care bureaucracy.
Where they really can be totally uncountable and unionized…
It isn’t insurance. It’s healthcare redistribution administered through agents of the federal government such as Aetna and Blue Cross.
When I first started working I had actual insurance. It paid for nothing until I hit $1k (which I was never going to do in my 20’s) then 90% of everything after. It cost about $20 a month and was there in case I was hit by a bus.
Ten years ago I had an HMO plan for the family that was about $200 a month. That paid for just about everything. We had a kid and left the hospital without owing anything, pretty nice.
Then Obama promised that I could keep that plan if I liked it. Now I pay $300 a month and pay the doctors whenever we have to go.
This isnt healthcare, its extortion.
That is because insurance is not supposed to be “healthcare”. People used to be able to pay out of pocket for normal visits to the doctor, and have a catastrophic insurance policy for the unforeseen. I did that for years. Somehow that got lost and everyone thinks any visit to the doctor should be covered by insurance.
Hell, I didn’t pay off the birth of my son until he was two. I didn’t have insurance, but they did take payments. What happened for paying for services rendered? That is healthcare.
Insurance should cover routine checkups, birth control, and food otherwise what good is it at maintaining health?
Insurance should be whatever the insurer and customer want. If people want to insure for routine stuff, fine, but there are a lot of us only interested in catastrophic insurance. Otherwise, retail healthcare.
Are you insane? That way lies anarchy. ANARCHY I say. You can’t go around letting people do what they want.
*slaps self across the face*
Sorry, I don’t know what happened there.
That’s crazy talk. Are you seriously advocating economic freedom otherwise known as “capitalism”?
It’s completely irresponsible to let common people enter into contracts without government guidance.
I mean, what if those people enter into contracts for conduct that some of us disagree with? We can’t have that, you know.
Even worse, what if some of them enter into contracts that don’t obligate them to pay for other people’s shit? Anarchy and people dying in the streets, I tell you!
Insurance should be whatever the insurer and customer want.
I got in a discussion with an ex-girlfriend who is quite the prog but I am still friends with. She argued of course insurance should cover birth control. I asked why should others in the pool pay for someone elses birth control? Pay for it yourself it is a voluntary thing usually not prescribed for health issues, I said if you are banging me, hell I’ll pay for it. I got the stern you are a shitlord look.
“If I’m paying for birth control, I expect to get some use out of it.”
*prolonged applause*
In the spirit of supporting mental health, I demand that health insurance cover $500/month for entertainment-related purchases, to include but not be limited to video games, range fees and ammo, porn, and booze.
$500 a month? That would cover a long weekend for me…. and I get my porn for free.
Are you suggesting that people should shoulder the costs of having kids themselves?
Now that’s crazy talk.
well if *you* had 9 kids you would know how difficult and expensive it can be
I was told awhile back that the state of CO covers all childbirth in the state now. I haven’t been interested enough to confirm this, but I would not be surprised.
I was told insurance and healthcare are exactly the same thing….
Always worth emphasizing: the downside of having “normal” visits covered by insurance is that the coverage for catastrophic events is not what most people expect. Even if you have “insurance”, it’s very likely that you’ll face financially ruinous cost-sharing if you something like this happens to you.
It’s like car insurance that pays for your oil changes but not accident damage.
“I’m almost ready for single payer.”
This will magically make healthcare cheaper?
“Adult decisions suck, i want to make kid decisions again.”
I think you just did.
*rattles Suthen’s sarcasm-meter*
Yup, needs some work.
I do say that mostlt tongue in cheek but I do think its inevitable and at some point, not sure when, single payer will prob be better, at least in some ways, than this bastardized shit we have going on now. I dont want single payer but i dont want this nonsense either. Like picking which cancer you want to get.
I don’t think single-payer is inevitable. The current system is shit, but it can get much, much worse. Ask a Canadian.
The fact that I can stroll (or roll in the second case) into urgent care on a Sunday morning and get an x-ray and get home in a short period of time is proof it can get much, much worse.
I had to do this twice recently.
From the WaPo link:
It is unprecedented for a President to criticize the judiciary? Ya, that has never happened before
I guess you can only criticize the judiciary if they might not uphold an obviously unconstitutional piece of legislation if you are Barrack Obama.
Don’tcha know, Barry O is allowed to say anything and not be called out on it.
Calling him out is racist. You racist shitlord,
Man what I would give to see it be repealed and see the look on his face. He arrogantly shoved it through with a terrible roll out and he goes all judicial activism? He’s protecting his legacy more than anything when he keeps tapping about it.
Ya, no kidding. Go Rand Paul. He is being pretty loud about it. A few others, but not near enough.
Like FDR never happened.
And Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) laid a robust groundwork for compelling Gorsuch to be explicit in stating his independence not only from Trump’s political manipulations, but also from his assault on the separation of powers. Blumenthal caustically called out Trump’s “campaign of vicious and relentless attacks on the credibility and capacity of our judiciary to serve as a check on lawless executive action,” adding that the president “has shaken the foundation of respect for judicial rulings.” Without respect for judges, and their independence, Blumenthal went on, “our democracy cannot function.”
Either Trump’s a really fast worker, or the judiciary have been pretty effectively undermining respect for themselves for decades.
Exactly. Two months in office and his most controversial executive order has been stopped by a judge that is almost certainly overstepping his authority, based in historical evidence. Yet he’s managed to completely upset the apple cart of separation of powers and has torn down barriers in place that prevent an elected branch from calling out an appointed branch in the media.
Fucking hypocrites.
Brooksie, I saw your 914 post last night. Awesome.
It was in the Manly Monday thread.
One of my fucking representatives. What a total shitheel – but everyone knew that – and elected him anyway.
Maybe the Democrats should ask Gorsuch if he plans to rule by divination, consulting Oracles and reading entrails and such.
You know, like the judge in Hawaii, who ignored the plain language of the order to delve into Trump’s past “state of mind” and presumptive heartfelt feelings about the dreaded Mohammedan hordes.
I am beginning to think that peak no-credibility is like peak derp; asymptotic.
Well, the Democrats seem outraged that Gorsuch has a record of generally ruling based on the law and constitution as written, instead of ruling to achieve “good” outcomes in spite of the law.
Sam and Dave. Nice.
Sam performed at The Donald’s coming out party and made the proggies sad.
Obituary has a new album. The cartoon is great.
Starbucks has taken a real hit since their CEO went full Prog retard. Glad I don’t won their stock any more.
I used to go daily. Now the coffee is too expensive, doesn’t taste as good, they seem to rotate varieties less often, I have to stand in line while people order milkshakes or whatever that crap is, and when I finally get to the front of my line to have my travel mug filled with plain coffee – the “barista” makes me wait while she pulls a dozen online orders out of their their printer.
Did they recently oust that CEO?
He’s ‘stepping down’.
I believe he is “planning to retire” in a month or two. So yes.
I think it was in the links on Friday morning. Or recently.
Schultz is leaving. Most people think he’s priming for a political run.
Maybe I’m not made of the stuff that makes a good CEO, but if I were running a company I’d try to remain as apolitical as possible and only engage in charities that are really hard to complain about (stuff like sending poor kids to camp and such).
what kind of camp you fascist?
Whatever kind of camp you like, loyal customer.
a place where they can concentrate on work?
Work does make you free, after all.
I think you might be on to something…
/Mr. Hilter of Minehead
Starbucks is a victim of its own success. They’ve made so much money for so long that they feel they’re invincible. That leads to poor business decisions.
*points to Apple’s electric car*
Apple made an electric car? I’m gonna get in my MacBook, open safari and see what I can find out about it.
Rumor. innuendo and corporate maturbation:
Based on the artist’s concept there, I look forward to watching it taking its first speedbump.
It’s almost like they’ve never seen snow, potholes, speedbumps or curbs.
That would not survive winter conditions even in the relatively mild northeast.
I can see a great use for it in the Northeast.
As a zamboni.
Heh. The Mac 2 mockup is pretty good.
Don’t forget to take it to the Apple Genius bar when it malfunctions.
If I wanted the opinion of drunk hipsters, I’d bludgeon it out of them with a rock.
Yeh. Not sure why businesses get political. I own a small business and avoid politics like the plague. There’s nothing good that can come of it. It alienates your customers. I’d like to think the board felt the same way and pursed Schultz.
Shit, I can’t wait for a member some aggrieved class to want my services, I’ll make ’em sue me and then reap in all the reverse outrage money that always seems to follow.
‘Ousted’ fucken auto spell.
I thought maybe “pursed” was a Canuckistani version of the British “sacked”.
Smart C-levels will go to great lengths to stay neutral, and very smart ones will donate the maximum allowed personal contribution to both parties at election time.
Yeah, it kind of seems obvious that you don’t want to piss off 50% of your potential clientele.
I had lunch with my boss and our CEO (of a fortune 500 company) a week before the election. He wouldn’t even hint at who he preferred in private.
What nonsense that Judge Napolitano is penalized for spewing unverified information. How many times have we had WaPo, NYT, and CNN insisting that Trump and his associates have been colluding with Russia, without any verification provided?
Add to this the hit piece that the NYT did on the Judge yesterday and I’m livid.
There’s no point in watching Fox News if Judge Napolitano isn’t on there anymore. Now they just have their 6pm to 8pm ‘Yay Trump’ bloc of nonsense.
Actually the 6 pm panel is turning into the “Yay Paul Ryan and other big government Republicans” bloc of crap.
Depends on the time zone.
Hi guys. Long time lurker, first time poster. Was at the other place and didn’t see any mention of The Judge. I guess that is just a local news story, huh? Nice place you got here.
Fuck you.
/standard automated greeting.
You forgot the refrain
“Cut Spending”
Ah yes, there is the love I have come to expect.
My immediate reaction to reading your name.
It’s what I got out of the Anthony Weiner/Carlos Danger name generator way back when. I’m a bearded 30 something. Sorry to disappoint fellas
Can’t be disappointed when There Are No Female Libertarians.
Fuck You
/ typical response
actually, Hi
They are adamant that loyalty is not a libertarian trait.
Didn’t they use to push The Judge pretty hard when it was just him and Stossel that had libertarian perspectives on tv?
They pushed him whenever their views coincided and ignored him when they didn’t.
“local news story” Heh.
Welcome aboard.
“The Great British Benefits Handout”
This is a thing? I hardly know what to say. These are the people that had an empire the sun never set on?
No, these are the detritis left after those people died out.
The world wars killed most of the quality Englishmen.
Well, that and the state of their dental care.
Nah, that just made them goofy looking.
And unable to find mates…
*narrows eyes*
An Indian (dot) friend of mine thinks that most of the countries were glad that the sun never set on the British Empire, because in the dark, they could have stolen even more.
This is the second time FOX has fired Napolitano, isnt it? And for the same offense…saying what no one wants to hear. I like the guy more and more.
His final diatribe on his FBN show still gives me chills
In my Presidential administration, Judge Nap is Attorney General until I need a SCOTUS nominee.
Too many questioning opinions.
This sounds great until you have to sit through Cabinet meeting after Cabinet meeting where he does nothing but ask questions.
I’ll just say this.
I find it… confusing… that Comey, who not so long ago was the Enemy of the People for having stolen the election from Hillary, is now the Saviour of Democracy for investigating Trump’s ties to the Russians..
Also, has anybody catalogued Hillary’s contacts with foreign emissaries during the campaign?
That’s the sleeper there. A lot of people are saying the whole “investigation” might turn up more dirt on team blue than it does on Trump. Which is what I honestly believe has happened up to this point. The only thing is, Trump is too stupid or insane to keep his mouth shut and let the intel community destroy his opponents for a couple decades.
Tru that. Trump is his own worst enemy.
Whatever they find on team blue in the investigation will not matter. The idiotic vote recounts showed us that almost all of Detroit runs sham elections and no one cared.
Discovery is a bitch.
Unfortunately, it’s not so much what the “investigation” finds, but what is “reported” by the media.
She let them buy up most of our domestic uranium production in return for millions of dollars in fake speaking fees for her fake husband their fake charity. But let’s ignore that and focus on some vague allegations about Trump.
We have always been at war with East Asia, Brooksie.
I had to drive out to visit my family last night. The car radio was tuned to NPR as it always is thanks to my lefty wife (please withhold your judgments), and I was too lazy to switch to Bluetooth. The talkers were caterwauling on about how the Russians influenced the election by “hacking” and that Comey’s statements are irrefutable proof of it. One of them must have repeated the claim that “Putin wants to undermine our democracy” over a dozen times during my half-hour drive, yet the only mention of what specifically may have been “hacked” was a reference to Podesta being scammed out of his email credentials like a fucking idiot. The left has morphed into third rate marketing hacks. Their last ditch tactic seems to be to just keep repeating a slogan verbatim in hopes that it will somehow implant itself into people’s brains.
interestingly, most people i meet desperately want to play along
what’s amazing is that the TEAM-Building lies don’t even have to be remotely plausible: as long as everyone wants to play along, it hardly matters what the grand lie is.
Remember “binders full of women”? Repeating thoughtless catch phrases is nothing new.
Prepare to get more confused. Comey is now once again a villain on the left because he didn’t announce the Trump investigation when he gave Hillary the “Nothing to see here” speech.
(stuff like sending poor kids to camp and such).
Oh, so you want to round up all the kids and send them to camps? You’re a monster.
Just the Japanese American ones.
-ghost of leftist past
Everyone is welcome at Titor Co. Fun and Wellness Camps, operating out of the Autonomous Resource Zone of beautiful Jakarta, Indonesia! You’ll learn such valuable skills as…making wallets and clothing and uh, low income hygiene?
Aussie not happy after transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard achieves New Zealand sporting first
He even still looks like a man.
Yes. I’m all for LGBTWTFBBQ or however an individual wants to express their sexuality or live their own life. But sports shouldn’t let the genetic males compete as women, regardless of their gender. That’s just unfair to cis-women.
Fuck you, proggies. Now there will have to be another category, ‘gender-faithful’ or something…
He’s not a transgender woman, he’s a cheating man unfairly competing as a woman.
Oh cmon, that’s a dude with long hair. There is nothing remotely female about that guy, hormones or no hormones. Hormones aren’t going to alter his bone structure.
Or, apparently, reduce his muscle mass.
Also, how does someone have a “contempt for our democracy” when they won fairly within the rules established?
So on a related tangent: my boss and I were taking about the flaws with democracy, and how it worked. In essence, democracy is the belif that the average person will have an above average understanding of the issues at hand. My boss thought the big flaw was that there was no process to ensure the people who were leading our government are a cut above the population from where they come. He cited this article that talks about how senators in the tlaxcala government were beaten as part of their candidacy. I’m of the opinion that that’s a great idea, but it’s just a best solution to the symptom, and that the flaw with democracy is that it still seeks to rule over people, and that no matter what you will still get bad decisions.
What are y’alls thoughts?
No governments?
Oh, don’t be rash. We could have a democracy that is restrained from trampling rights by devising a piece of paper that grows big teeth and bites anyone that tries to violate those rights.
If only some science fiction writer dealt with this…
That’s a great book. And the central element to me was about the voluntary self sacrifice for your team.
I’m about halfway through The Peloponnesian War (highly recommended). In grade school the Athenians and other democracies are portrayed as the good guys. When you get into the details, you see what an idiotic murderous pack of scum they were. In the end, the greed and stupidity of the mob – caused their downfall.
Added to my wishlist, thanks!
It’s a shame they all couldn’t have lost.
They all lost eventually and became a backwater for the Roman Empire, then the Byzantines, then the Ottomans.
‘A backwater’ doesn’t really accurately sum up the whole “massive cultural contribution and continued influence in the Roman and Eastern Roman Empires” though.
My thoughts are that all candidates should be beaten. But probably for different reasons.
I also think if they’re supposed to be “a cut above” the rest of us, they should have stricter application of ethics laws (insider trading, etc) and should suffer more severe penalties when they violate them.
I see public hanging as the correct punishment for corruption.
I see public hanging as the correct reward for politicians.
I think that the knowledge problem is an issue, but an incentive problem also exists. Actually understanding what is going on doesn’t guarantee you’ll pick the best solution for it (without even getting into the subjective issue of “best”) if you are given good reason not to (old people voting for SocSec, etc.).
You will almost never find a candidate that reflects your own preferences on every single issue you may care about. If plebiscites are possible on an issue by issue basis that would be better than just voting for people, though there would still be enormous problems with execution.
This is why Plato is a cunt, and needs to be called out on it daily.
A professor at The University of Arizona has written guidelines for faculty to instruct their students to say, “Ouch,” when they are offended by something that was said in the classroom. The correct follow-up response by the offender? “Oops.”
Jesus Trevino, the university’s vice provost for Inclusive Excellence, recently wrote a 20-page handbook for faculty called “Diversity and Inclusiveness in the Classroom,” which lays out suggestions for how to handle difficult topics. He is paid an annual salary of $214,000 for his position in the Office of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, the university confirmed.
I have to respect a guy who makes that kind of money doing that
Said the collective Arizona taxpayers
The correct correct follow up by the original speaker is “Grow up”.
vice provost for Inclusive Excellence
You have got to be shitting me. The higher ed bubble can’t pop soon enough.
This kind of crap is going to be in the history books as a reference on how America lost its mojo.
Gee, I just can’t understand why the cost of tuition keeps skyrocketing.
Also, nobody fucks with the Jesus!
Who decides to create these absurd positions?
Often, administrators who fear being cited for a Title IX violation.
My girlfriend’s kid was doing this the other day. I couldn’t figure it out. I thought it was just something maybe the cool kids were doing now. I mean it was almost like he was adding a verbal period “ouch” after everything I said. I am a bad person.
Why the legislature doesn’t put a stop to this nonsense, I have no idea.
Cut hospital funding? No problem. Raid Medicaid to balance the budget? You bet. Get rid of useless administrators? No fucking way.
He cited this article that talks about how senators in the tlaxcala government were beaten as part of their candidacy.
I have long believed any person who actively seeks elected office should be by definition ineligible.
Change that to “beaten to death” and I’m on board.
Yeah, government service should be like jury duty. Eligible people get randomly selected for a specific term and then go back to their jobs after their term of service is up.
Maybe a draft like the NFL? The poor slobs who get picked have to serve a few years before resuming their normal lives.
Government is what we call the poor bastards who pull the short straw.
Grandstanding Democrats Embarrass Themselves At Gorsuch, Comey Hearings
Hot off the presses.
Feinstein is a fool. The article did devolve into Russian hating at the end. You know what is a bigger threat to Western democracy? Themselves, they haven’t done a thing to show that they care about paying b the liberty that supposedly makes them unique.
* protecting not paying.
The article did devolve into Russian hating at the end. You know what is a bigger threat to Western democracy? Themselves
Exactly. The author’s other article about ‘Russian hacking’ (again, without any evidence other than the use of a Cyrillic keyboard, outdated Russian hacking tools, and a few other things that is not some smoking gun) says that it’s all about undermining American democracy. Guess what, when their plan is to expose the blatantly undemocratic management of a ruling party, they’re not the ones who are the problem. Even if it were the Russians, the greater focus should be on the thing that is actually delegitimizing you (which it will never be, because this is more about constructing a distracting Other than actually addressing these problems).
That, and even if the hackers were Russians, that doesn’t mean it was “the Russians.” If you hacked this website, no one would say it was “the Canadians.”
it was “the Russians.” If you hacked this website, no one would say it was “the Canadians.”
Yes…of course it wouldn’t be “the Canadians”.
*shifty eyes*
Modifications to Ohio CCW law go in effect.
No! What will he do? Can we get another ruling? How can we help him? Who’s with me?
Who is this Napolitano guy? Why should I care about him? Cause honestly I don’t… /Sparky
Judge Nap rocks.
I hope my sarcasm crept through. I thought you would enjoy it as you have had run ins with the asshat known as sparky at TSTSNBN.
I caughts it. Lol.
[golf clap]
Nice logo by the way.
You know who else had a nice logo…
The Imperium of Man?
Blue Sun Corporation?
The Salvation Army?
So cool, so hip, so smooooooth
But now politics are being waged as infotainment — and all too often, mis-infotainment.
Mr. Trump won the presidency by turning his campaign into a prodigious content studio. It pumped out programming that obliterated all opposing messages in its path, across all media. For news organizations, it was a traffic, ratings — and therefore ad-revenue — bonanza.
His White House is running much the same way — operating less in the real world of actual intelligence reports, solid data and expert analyses, and more in the media sphere’s mix of hard facts, rumor and wild conspiracy theory.
Three Obamanauts, keeping the torch lit for the Ascended One.
It’s a hipster love story.
I love the way he actually admits that the media doesn’t traffic in truth or good analysis, but in “hard facts, rumor and wild conspiracy theory”. And then blames Trump.
The photo accompanying the article linked above is quite something.
“Okay, guys, look awesome! Oooh, perfectious!”
Might need a ruling from Derpy on this. Is it derp, or a new mutant breed?
From a review of “The Martian” in “Fantasy and Science Fiction”:
“So what deep source of societal angst is ‘The Martian’ assuaging?…I don’t think we have to look any farther than a basic plot summary to find the answer: brave young American survives alone on Mars by farming Idaho potatoes in his own shit. Sure, the average American might not be able to complete astronaut basic training or even get a passing grade in the required math and science courses. But we can all make fertilizer, can’t we? So quit worrying about climate change already! If worse comes to worst, we move to Mars, dance to disco and watch ‘Happy Days’ just like Mark Watney.”
This review is porrly thought out and not to the point. It fails to address the key aspects that make a good review – it lacks wit, a reason to see or not see the film being reviewed, and manders all over like a drunken stream of consciousness. One Zombie Siskel out of five.
TBF, that’s just an excerpt.
hmph. So they’re also lacking brevity?
Sounds like typical prog butt-hurt about anyone who actually builds something. Andy Weir is known to have libertarian leanings, so his work must be derided.
It’s the inverse of the insecure redneck “what, you think you’re better than me with your faggot book learnin’?” statement. “What, you think you’re better than me because you have capacity to actually construct something independently with your own two hands?”
“If we can’t get you into Oberlin for that course in Art History and Puppetry, you’ll end up like that guy who just hand-washed our Mercedes”
“If we get you into Oberlin for that course in Art History and Puppetry, you’ll end up like that guy who just hand-washed our Mercedes”
Maybe a draft like the NFL? The poor slobs who get picked have to serve a few years before resuming their normal lives.
I have actually moved away from the “draft” model. Too much like enslavement.
My model is currently a lottery. Tickets may be purchased in unlimited numbers, with the proceeds to be deposited directly into the Treasury. These tickets are transferable, and may be purchased on behalf of one’s preferred candidate. No advertisements, no campaigns, no
political consultantsparasites siphoning the donations of gullible simpletons into their own pockets. The drawing would be held on the traditional Tuesday in November, with the holder of the winning ticket announced at noon of the following day. The ticket holder could then either accept the job or announce his designated choice. That person would be free to decline.SoCal waiter fired for supposedly asking customer for proof of residency status
Saw this on tv at the gym last night, in a long segment where they were interviewing one of the women who made the report. Immediate reactions:
1) Why the hell is a Canadian news program wasting this much time covering a local US story?
2) Is it bad that I’m suspicious about whether things actually happened as alleged?
So many deranged people making fake allegations since the election really ups the skepticism.
Bullshit. Given a choice between
a) a waiter invented an unheard of and illogical policy, knowing it would get him fired and get him and his boss pilloried, or
b) the women were declined service on some legitimate grounds or were otherwise dissatisfied and took to social media to lie about it,
I know which sounds likelier.
My first instinct was that they got carded and whatever ID they produced was rejected for whatever reason.
So many deranged people making fake allegations since the election really ups the skepticism.
If you try to deny the legitimacy of the vast surge in hate crimes since Trump won the election, you are a hate criminal.
Hate criminals are a step above war criminals, this is why no one needs to be tried for then. We can immediately brand then as such and be done with it.
And where do thought criminals go on that ladder of depravity?
“If we can’t get you into Oberlin for that course in Art History and Puppetry, you’ll end up like that guy who just hand-washed our Mercedes”
“You’ll end up like that guy we just paid eighteen thousand dollars to fix your Mercedes because you didn’t bother to check the oil for two years.”
The free service for the first 3 years has pretty much solved that problem. Also, it makes well serviced but out of warranty luxury cars fucking cheap.
It’s pretty much the whole business model behind the Certified Pre-Owned programs that dealers can offer.
Ugh. I wish the search feature would search articles AND postings.
Who was looking at Far Horizons Bags last week?
I just ordered one of the camel hide ones, so if you want to hold off for a review, mine should be with me by the weekend.