In this installment, I asked the prog about Detroit and the case of Abner Schoenwetter, whose story was featured on the John Stossel special “Illegal Everything”.
A response to this article on Detroit:
I am not really well versed enough in the policies or politics of Detroit or much of upper Michigan for that matter. Conservatives like to claim that Detroit is a failure of liberal policies because of the rampant crime and poverty prevalent there. But a lot of Detroit’s problems are rooted in the fact that it was built around the auto industry, and the auto industry took a big hit with the advent of the foreign car boom in the early 70s. In fact, if you look at the popularity of foreign cars and their rise, you can see a correlating decline of the US auto industry, and with it, Detroit. Detroit also used to have a booming music industry. The issue is, in most of these major cities that are crumbling, is the industries that were once holding them up, abandoned them. And for every example of “liberal failures” that conservatives love to harp on so much, look to all the southern red states. Your home state of West Virginia for instance, has the worst education and poverty in the country yet the coal industry is thriving there. Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, etc. Are all failures as well. In fact there are more rural whites in red states on welfare and food stamps than any other group. For every Detroit, there is an entire red state that is failing due to the polar opposite policies of suppressing workers rights, civil rights, education, minimum wage, etc. Perhaps the answer is in a healthy balance.
He sort of punted on this one, but at least he hinted that Team Blue may not have all the answers. He correctly traces the problem to industries leaving cities but never elaborates as to why. Better just to pivot to a tu quoque, I guess.
As many have noticed, this guy can barely put a sentence together without making a fallacy. I tried many, many times to explain what he was doing wrong but it never took. I even tried to boil it down to something simpler. I told him there are many ways to argue dishonestly, but the only ways to argue honestly are to show the errors in your opponent’s facts or logic.
His next topic was this Stossel video:
The video reports the case of seafood businessman Abner (Abbie) Schoenwetter. He was charged, convicted, and sent to prison for 6 1/2 years by federal prosecutors because he used plastic instead of cardboard to ship lobsters, which violated an obscure Honduran regulation.
So here is my response to the Stossel piece: While it is true there are likely dozens and dozens of superfluous and burdensome laws on the books, they are almost never acted upon by law enforcement. Very rarely if ever will police officers waste their time enforcing lemonade stand or girl scout cookie sales kids soliciting laws unless there is a complaint, or several complaints from other citizens. Just like police would never on their own accord enforce a noise ordinance unless there was a complaint. So it is not superfluous and burdensome laws that are to blame in these situations, but asshole citizens who want to ruin everyone else’s fun and just need to complain about something. Every neighborhood has that one nosy, crochety, old asshole that has nothing to do all day but call the police on skateboarders and teens talking to loudly as they walk through the neighborhood. You, I, and everyone that was ever a child has fell victim to these types of people, who basically annoy the police into enforcing dumb laws that exist that they would rather not enforce. And in general soliciting laws, and I am sure lobster container laws, exist for a purpose….
For instance, to keep every street corner from having guys selling everything from knockoff bags and jewelry to stereos and socks put of their vans on every street corner. Here in Chicago you have probably seen the many street carts of fried foods, ice cream, and pickup trucks selling fruit on the side of North Avenue. Almost none of those people have licenses to sell that stuff, or have passed proper health inspections, but even in a revenue hungry city like Chicago, the police drive right past them and don’t bother wasting their time, unless of course, some old bored asshole calls to complain.
I must say I was stunned that he would even attempt to justify the govt’s actions shown in the video. When I pressed him if he really thought a man should go to jail over lobster boxes, he said this:
Sure it is, but like I said, things like that don’t happen without reason usually. Perhaps the guy was warned or fined time and time again and continued to skirt the law. In some cities you can be arrested for not mowing your lawn if you continue to ignore the ordinance and refuse to pay associated fines. Do I think that’s dumb? Yes. Sure. But these types of examples are extreme and rare. I mean I wouldn’t say I was a victim of the system, but I certainly believe their should be a distinction between grabbing girls asses, and child rape. Or that a 19 year old dating a 17 year old should be charged with statutory rape. More often than not, when these things happen, it’s because the person on the receiving end pissed off the wrong person. In my case for instance, one of my victims, was the court stenographers daughter, and the prosecutor was a rape victim. So they really wanted to throw the boom at me and pretty much saddled me with as much as the could for misdemeanors. But that doesn’t mean I believe there shouldn’t be sex offender registration or laws for these kinds of things. In most cases, the system just needs to be revised and amended, not torn down. If your boat is leaking, you try to patch the leak, not sink the whole damn thing.
I forgot to mention this guy is convicted sex offender. He spent the ages from 17 to 20 grabbing the asses of dozens of random women. Yet last time on I checked, he spends most of his time virtue-signalling on Derpbook. Go figure.
There is a saying that a thief thinks everybody steals. Maybe it’s the same with him. That is, the only thing that keeps him in line is punishment so he assumes everyone else is the same way, and that is why he supports harsh laws and punishments despite being a criminal himself.
Thank you Derptologist for providing us with the daily derp. It’s a hard and terrible job, so again , thank you.
I have a lot of progressive acquaintances who complains about police brutality but never ever see the connection between government power and police abuses. If you tell that perhaps we need to decrease the power of government and create less laws to decrease police brutality, they will look at you like you have a giant hairy mole growing on your cheek.
So the dude likes to play a little Slap-Ass. Who doesn’t?
I forgot to mention this guy is convicted sex offender. He spent the ages from 17 to 20 grabbing the asses of dozens of random women. Yet last time on I checked, he spends most of his time virtue-signalling on Derpbook.
This clarifies things enormously IMO.
Conservatives like to claim that Detroit is a failure of liberal policies
Merely a bizarre coincidence.
The issue is, in most of these major cities that are crumbling, is the industries that were once holding them up, abandoned them.
No thought as to why these industries left? And are thriving in other states?
For every Detroit, there is an entire red state that is failing due to the polar opposite policies of suppressing workers rights, civil rights, education, minimum wage, etc.
Actually no, there aren’t. Hey Derpy, does this guy know you regularly post his stupidity so that he can be mocked? Or is it just a fun secret?
This is the whole “nation of laws vs nation of men” thing. I personally have a problem living at the mercy of nosy neighbors and asshole cops, who can make my life miserable whenever they feel like it, and leave me without recourse.
Also, if laws are only enforced some of the time, what’s the point? Either it’s important enough to be enforced all the time, or it’s not worth having on the books.
“Also, if laws are only enforced some of the time, what’s the point? ”
That sentence is self explanatory.
+ 3 felonies a day
I love how he handwaves away everything with a box of qualifiers. ‘Well “maybe” he did something wrong before, well “perhaps” there were other circumstances, well “probably” it was a nosy neighbor.’ And then he pulls out the old stalwart ANARCHY! argument.
I had a dumb argument with a Canadian prog that pulled out the ‘ANARCHY!’ argument over having unqualified free speech. Apparently speech must be responsible and productive (he honestly thought that free speech meant that he had a right to have a debate where his opponent argued in good faith, as defined by him) or society falls apart. This guy also thought the only reason you would defend free speech is if you ‘were a right-winger who wanted to promote hate’ and actually pulled out the ‘fire in a crowded theater’ statement (probably because he was blindly regurgitating Zoolander’s talking point).
I hope you kindly pointed him in the direction of that fire crap being mostly misunderstood and debunked.
He said that immediately after stating that people shouldn’t be punished for voicing their political opinions unless they’re racist, sexist, islamophobic, etc. I made sure to point out that he just actively argued in favour of locking people up for challenging the draft.
I swear the Westboro baptist church Antigay free speech did more to move the ball for gay marriage than anything else in society. Let true bigots make an ass of themselves and most people want to join the other team.
Hey y’all need to stop impugning the name of Derek Zoolander by comparing him to your PM.
For instance, to keep every street corner from having guys selling everything from knockoff bags and jewelry to stereos and socks put of their vans on every street corner. Here in Chicago you have probably seen the many street carts of fried foods, ice cream, and pickup trucks selling fruit on the side of North Avenue. Almost none of those people have licenses to sell that stuff, or have passed proper health inspections
The horror.
Dogs and cats having sex! Jews and muslims kissing in the streets! Bedlam! Mayhem! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Jews and muslims kissing in the streets!
There is probably a market for some Israeli-Palestinian pornography…hmmm, if I can somehow get actors willing to accept death threats I could probably make some cash off of this…
As a jew I would have absolutely no problem hate fuuuuuuhhh I mean improving judeo-islamic sexual relations in any way possible.
Call me.
Oh the hate fucking part is central, the stories write themselves: Palestinian women trading sexual favours to Israeli border guards, a rape fantasy about a Palestinian fucking a female IDF soldier…
I’m going to have to work on my israeli accent.
You sound like Larry David.
Are you under the impression that such a thing does not already exist?
I don’t regularly google “Israeli Palestinian two-state fuck”.
If it exists there’s still a market to popularize it.
Larry David beat you to it.
NSFW, plus I’d never recommend you watch such trash anyway.
I love a lot of CYE clips in isolation, but just couldn’t get into the show.
I’m already aware of it, I’m talking about taking the next step.
Deep down you know Larry David isn’t a prog if he can create stuff like that.
Also, I need to constantly remind myself to scroll down.
Larry David approves.
The episode with Gina Gershon, too…my God she was sexy af in that one
They might not even be free range hot dogs!
This goes back to the idea of jury nullification again.
How do you find 12 people who would go along with jailing a guy for 6.5 years for a box?
brainwashing is a hell of a drug.
I do have hope though. The guys that took over the wildlife preserve got off, and they were definitely guilty of something.
The guys that took over the wildlife preserve got off
And he weren’t jailed neither.
Usually what happens is that the judge explains to the jury that the letter of the law was violated and they have no choice but to find the defendant guilty.
Judges also don’t like it when the jurors inquire about the penalties for the crime.
And then the jury pool is whittled down until it only contains jurors who raised their hand when asked if they love to lick cop boot.
In CT I have basically all but been removed from the Jury Duty call list because amongst the first things they do is lecture you about jury nullification not being allowed in this state. I laughed and told the Judge I guess I better speed dial my lawyer before I nullify some stupid case then, and after threatening me with contempt of court they told me to leave and have not asked me to come back.
CT could do with a bit more anarchy.
You’ve missed your opportunity, you’re supposed to get on panel then explain it to the rest of the jurors in deliberation. If you’re never called an never empaneled you can’t change anything.
There’s no such thing as jury nullification not allowed, unless it is now a criminal offense to make the ‘wrong’ decision as a jury.
In Minnesota, technically jury nullification isn’t allowed (or an option). If you were too outspoken and said that you acquitted a guy because of nullification, a dick prosecutor (I know, I know) could possibly make legal trouble for you.
Which is too bad because it would be better if more people knew about it and knew it was an option. And one of the best ways for that to happen is for people to speak out about it.
Under what statute? They can’t prosecute you for making a decision on a jury, so unless the first amendment is suddenly suspended I don’t see a case here.
/not a lawyer
I’m not a lawyer either but there have been examples of being charged with tampering or obstruction.
I agree that they are BS, but like most things the process is the punishment.
Yeah, I got kicked out of a jury pool because of that. The judge and I got into it because somehow it came up that I was totally into jury nullification.
She got very huffy and told me that she would rule on the law and the jury could only rule on the facts of the case. I said that I didn’t agree with that at all. She huffily said that jury members take an oath to do just that and it was binding. I replied that no one could force me to take an oath to violate my own conscious.
We almost started arguing the ethics of it and then she calmed down and sent me back down to the jury pool to wait to be called again. I think the defense guy loved me because I definitely let the other jurors who remained know that nullification was an option.
Preface: This is not legal advice and is only my speculation.
In a Criminal case, having said that in the pool and in front of other jurors creates an issue on Anders review that could likely be grounds for retrial as those statements may poison the pool. As a legal matter, it is much more difficult on appeal to set aside a jury verdict once it has been rendered – especially given the sacrosanct confidence of a jury’s deliberation. IF your goal is to be effective in nullification, step one is, and must be, get on the panel by whatever means required.
The lobster case is more bizzare than that even. The Honduran law wasn’t even on the books (a necessary element of the State’s cause of action) at the time of Abbie’s “offense” – it had been repealed for years. The way the laws are published in Honduras are, unsurprisingly, different than in the U.S. For tractability purposes they don’t interlineate, strike, or remove old laws, they just add a new section repealing or nullifying the old portion. The Honduran supreme court filed amicus with the district court hearing Abbie’s case describing how their laws work and stating that Honduras had repealed and no longer enforces the law. The DC in its decision basically pats the Honduran SC on the head and says, “That’s cute, you guys think you are real Jurists and can write laws. We actually know best how to interpret the law.”
“Whaaaat? I never said, coup specifically. That would be wrong.”
Well, your boss has engaged in such a smear against his predecessor. But Trump’s party, his daughter, his sons, his son-in-law, his chief strategist, his spokespeople all want us to just move on, to give him a pass, and his attorney general is already so tainted that he’s had to recuse himself.
And that is why I’m coming to you few good men.
I’m not asking you to quit; I’m asking you to act — to collectively or individually sit the president down and make clear that you can’t effectively advance our national security unless he does the right thing and apologizes to President Obama, and unless he releases his tax returns to eliminate any questions regarding what we now know is already an eight-month-old F.B.I. investigation into possible collusion between the Kremlin and Trump’s campaign to hack our last election.
Tom Friedman wants the “grown-ups” to take their boss aside and teach him some manners. Because he kicked dirt on that nice little nerd’s shoes, and now the aforementioned snot nosed nerd is weeping inconsolably, as are all his friends. And the party is ruined.
Does Mitt Romney get an apology from Harry Reid at that point?
He could look forward to pissing on Reid’s grave if he weren’t such a classy man.
Considering the FISA warrants, I’d say he has that backward.
What? Tommy doesnt think we need a government more like Chinas where a strong leader issues edicts anymore?
I swear that guy’s brain is moldy poop.
Friedman has to be one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest, syndicated commentators out there.
Gosh Tom Friedman is one of the worst scumbags out there.
Hey let’s make shit up and then compel someone to do something based off of it.
Friedman, lol. Him and Bruni are the court jesters of media.
But Trump’s party, his daughter, his sons, his son-in-law, his chief strategist, his spokespeople all want us to just move on,
I like the unironic use of the phrase “move on”.
Regarding Detroit, a salient question might be why American carmakers were so unsuccessful at fending off challenges from foreign makes. The UAW couldn’t have anything to do with that, could they?
Also tariffs. Free trade would have made these companies more competitive (granted they didn’t have many competitors after the end of World War II). The failure of ‘national champions’ in South America are a testament to how tariffs end up hurting domestic industry in the long-term.
I was going to add, it’s not just ‘demand’ and ‘poor decisions’ that played into. There were other factors, like pensions and the UAW.
I’ve got mixed feelings about the revelation thing. That doesn’t really disqualify any of his views on other topics. That just makes him a POS who also happens to argue fallaciously.
True, but the information was kind of necessary context for what he was saying about the lobster case. In general, though, you are right that it is best to try to separate the quality of a person from the quality of their arguments. Not that it helps the guy in this case.
Never fear. The highbrows who eagerly await the arrival of their talking points know how to read between the lines.
Robert Hall is a trusted commenter NJ 1 hour ago
What Tom is saying is that it is time for these people to start thinking about their roles in invoking the 25th Amendment to save the nation.
“Save the nation” now translates to “let’s start a civil war.”
Look at Trump’s poll numbers and support among the military people. You don’t want to try to start this fight. You will lose, horribly.
Shit, I’ve been saying lets pop it off for a few years now. If they’re in agreement too I see no reason not to.
Someone should really explain to the coastals that the rest of us own some really scary guns and actually know how they work.
While that sounds cool in theory, I doubt the outcome of any sort of armed civil conflict would be any advancement for liberty.
Yeah, I’d prefer to avoid the military rule and mass graves that will likely end up as part of the outcome. Call me an idealist.
Omelette, eggs, you know the rest.
And this is where I log-off.
“Glibertarians? What’s that? Never heard of it”
Oh silly, no need to run NOW. You’re already on the list!
You don’t want to start that fight because every possible outcome sucks for the vast majority of the populace.
True, what should be done instead is push for an amendment allowing for secession, so if differences do become irreconcilable people can just leave peaceably. With the increase in acrimonious partisanship paired with certain factions’ desires to stick it to their opponents plus the rise in support for censorship and disarmament there needs to be some sort of escape valve so that things don’t come to a head down the road.
I don’t know, if the outcome is “Terran Federation” that would probably be a net win for the majority.
The last sentence is not part of the quote. Sheesh, the amount of cats you have around here should reduce the squirrel population.
Um, were a little short on pussy, if you haven’t noticed.
We have to get some of those pussy hats and paint a Gadsen on them. Make all the female libertarians wear one so we can identify them. How can we get 3 of those things?
3 might be pushing it.
There’s like 4 here!
Have you seen all 4 in the same room?
*Reads above comment, begins imagining*
I’ll be in my bunk.
Well, that would be all of them and it would mean, never more than 3 at a time. So 3 hats will do it.
It’s Glibertarian Law that prevents us from having more than 2 in the same room at the same time. Otherwise, one tragic explosion later and our breeding stock is wiped out.
Wherever four of us are gathered there will always be a fifth
Not squirrels, it’s some sliced smoked pig belly putting his closing tag at the end instead of after the actual end of the quote. Just sayin’.
it’s some sliced smoked pig belly
I don’t think he needs to put up with your anti-Baconite slurs.
Thanks John, OMWC is just mad that (((pork))) is so delicious. The forbidden candy of meats.
I did not sir. I’ll have you know I own up to the gazillion mistakes I’ve made in my lifetime.
What?! I thought you said you were a salesperson. I ALWAYS blame the tech guys when something goes wrong.
I never said I was a good salesman.
“For every Detroit, there is an entire red state that is failing due to the polar opposite policies of suppressing workers rights, civil rights, education, minimum wage, etc. Perhaps the answer is in a healthy balance.”
What nonsense. Firstly, Detroit (like most industrial cities) started losing population after the 1950’s (before the advent of foreign car competition). Secondly, the Southern states that are referenced are not ‘failures’. I suppose it comes down to how you determine ‘failure’. I view the failure of a government being poor management of finances and a declining economy. Most of those Southern states may have wealth levels below the national median, but it is also cheaper to live there. And the financial position of these states are far better than Left-wing bastions like California, New Jersey, and Illinois (especially Illinois, which would be dragged into bankruptcy by its creditors if it were not for the fact that states are sovereign).
It’s also important to remember that just because Southern states are red, doesn’t make them limited government bastions. The whole switch to Team Red only happened roughly 40 years ago; before that (and still true on the local level. I had to register Democrat just to vote in my local elections because the Democratic primary winner ran unopposed) it was all Team Blue. And a lot of people in the South are still New Deal era conservative democrats in ideology.
Cronyism and shady expansions of government into sectors that benefit friends of the connected is as real in Kentucky as it is New Jersey or California.
One thing that commonly gets left out of the fall of Detroit is how short of a distance the industry/people moved.
Ford is in Dearborn (suburb), Chrysler is in Auburn hills (20 min away), and most of the suppliers followed. Even the people didn’t move far. Most of the white flight ‘burbs are within a very short drive.
The cars didn’t even leave the state for another couple decades (thanks, UAW), they just left the horrible management of Detroit.
That 2% business tax and 2.4% income tax is a little steep to live in Detroit these days.
That correlates better with Detroit’s decline. After the riots, Mayor Cavanaugh instituted the income tax and the population began to decline more precipitously.
My family left in the riots. One of my buddies whose family waited still have the rifle the police gave them.
True. Detroit has some really nice suburbs. I used to work for a company based in Birmingham, and when I was sent there for training it was really eye-opening to go through the Snake Plissken Fantasy Camp that is Detroit to the posh environs of Birmingham.
Well, this is bad:
Parliament in lockdown: Police open fire outside Westminster and shoot knife-wielding man amid reports of explosion and ‘at least 12 pedestrians mowed down on bridge’
Two thoughts:
(1) The timing is suspicious, and the use of cars and/or knives to kill random people fits into a pattern we have seen before.
(2) “Asian” is often the Brit euphemism for “Muslim”.
Too early to say for sure, but this stinks of Islamonutter.
Those Korean terrorists are everywhere!
John (from the olde site) actually had a funny line about this: “Damn Amish!”
i’m telling you its those damn fundamentalist mormons again. We should have just taken the stupid pamphlets and let them talk!
Darn straight!
“Damn Christians”
-NYT Editor
I think what you mean there is that they use “Asian” as a reference to “persons of Pakistani/Indian”-extraction
i think most people make the leap from that to “muslim”, obviously, but i think its more of an Americanism to refer to ‘an islamic man’ as though its an ethnicity rather than a religion; they’re more scrupulous about not presuming a person’s religion merely based on their nationality/ethnicity. (*whereas US press avoids identifying them at all)
“*whereas US and German, and Swedish, and Danish, and Canadian… press avoids identifying them at all”
I think the phrase “the motive remains unclear” probably accounted for a few percentage points of “why Trump won”
How many of those attacks in Europe that occurred in 2015/2016 which were reported as ‘unclear motives’ have since become clearer (to someone) now that no one actually reports on those stories anymore?
All the press has to do is pretend to stroke their chins and pose as though they’re doing the Journalistic-Integrity thing and not jumping to conclusions, and wait for the news cycle to move on.
Meanwhile, they’re perfectly happy jumping to conclusions on just about everything else, of course.
Somebody peed in his cornflakes, obviously.
All the press has to do is pretend to stroke their chins and pose as though they’re doing the Journalistic-Integrity thing and not jumping to conclusions,
Yeah, when the guy has been in contact with ISIS, has a social media history that is pro-jihad, and shouts “Allahu Akbar” during the attack, you are definitely pretending that conclusions would have to be jumped to.
they’re perfectly happy jumping to conclusions on just about everything else, of course
Not a molecule of evidence that the Russians hacked the elections doesn’t slow them down. Their own farging headlines about leaked wiretapped transcripts doesn’t prevent them from leaping to the conclusion that there was no wiretapping. Repeat ad infinitum.
By Asian they mean ‘right wing extremist’, right? And by terrorist, they mean ‘right wing extremist’, right?
Usually, my splodeysenses would be tingling to this one. *MAYBE* it’s terrorism, but at the moment it looks like someone running amok in the traditional sense.
Mow down some pedestrians, get out of the vehicle and get stabby with some cops in one of the most heavily policed areas in London?
If it is terrorism, it doesn’t look as though there was much planning. Sure, there are lone wolves and lone wolves, but this one seems to have got his training watching Four Lions.
In front of Parliament?
I don’t think its a stretch to assume people ‘randomly running amok’ in front of the seat of govt chose their location for running-amok for a reason.
again – the fact of its location implicitly suggests planning. If it happened on the sidewalk outside the local chip-shop, i think it would be a different matter.
the link provided a handy visual aid for my point
Yeah, but if I lived in Tooting, London Southside, and I woke up this morning, a bit pissed off at the world in general, I could just shave my body, get dressed, eat some Weetabix, and make my checklist:
Car? Check
Enough gas to drive 16 miles? Check
Big ass knife? Check
Koran? Check
A-to-Z Map of London? Check
And off I could go. It’s not difficult to just ramp the sidewalk, mow down some filthy kaffir, crash the car, get out, run to where all the guys in suits are milling around, throw d6 for initiative, score 4 , gets you 12 seconds of free action,
stab a copper (7 seconds),
run over to another (3 seconds),
initiate stab using remaining 2 seconds
have to roll for initiative again.
Throw 3.
Cop throws 5.
Shit! Cop has initiative.
Cop pulls gat. Perforates you easily with his THACO of 4.
Fail save.
Start to bleed out.
This combat turn is over.
Call for cleric with healing spells.
Just to be clear, it certainly demonstrates mens rea and forethought, but it’s not as though he sat down with Martin Landau and Leonard Nimoy to plan this thing properly.
There were two assailants, and it is the anniversary of the Brussels Airport attack. Even the Brits are calling it a terrorist attack.
I suppose you’re just using a narrower-definition of ‘planning’.
I think if you think far enough ahead to go, “i’m going to do my Amok’ing in front of Parliament” (as opposed to the sidewalk outside the kebab shop), you’re engaged in a ‘planned’ attack.
I forget the exact legal requirements for determining premeditation, but i’m pretty sure the boxes needing to be ticked are something like “any 3 of the below which be proven were decided in advance” =
– target
– time
– place
– action
e.g. any one of those things could be ‘spontaneous’, but if 3 had been preconceived, its a premeditated act.
in this case, i suppose you could argue about any one of those (perhaps except ‘place’), but i don’t think you’d have a clear case in either direction.
Well, I think it was certainly premeditated.
Maybe I’m being too hard on the guy, but even the trainee “active cells” of the IRA managed more mayhem than this. When you compare him to Richard Reid the Shoe Bomber etc, he’s actually shaping up as being pretty effective, but in absolute terms, nah.
Of course, we *should* be grateful these morons are so shit at this kind of thing.
The moozies take a certain degree of pride in their passionate-amateurism. The KSM’s of the Jihadi-world seem more the exception than the rule.
Take the recent NYC bomber, for instance. He had the technical means to design bombs that would detonate remotely (no mean feat); he even managed to make these bombs go off in some relatively-coordinated way. And he picked targets that might have led someone (who didn’t think too hard) to believe they were prime opportunities for mass casualties.
Yet he killed no one. And he use a personal phone containing personally-identifying information as a detonator, allowing police to ID him within hours. and he got caught while passed out drunk in a public doorway.
you can’t dispute that the entire scheme was highly “planned”. but the results were shittier than if he’d simply just swerved out of traffic while driving through Times Sq.
Which is why i think its wrong to assume that the people who do things like this (using a vehicle as a weapon) are inherently ‘less likely to be planned’, necessarily. Or trying to backward-rationalize the degree of planning from ‘modest results’.
Is there such a thing as Terror-LARPing?
“D6 for initiative”
Dafuq is this?
Yeah, I thought it needed to be a d20 or not at all…
AD&D 1st Edition FTW.
Per the OSU attack, “run over people then get out and start stabbing” seems to be the new ISIS-affiliated lone wolf MO. If you can get a bigger truck to run over people with, even better.
THE OSU attack
Yeah yeah yeah.
I’ve seen Bend it Like Beckham.
I think what you mean there is that they use “Asian” as a reference to “persons of Pakistani/Indian”-extraction
I think you are correct, sir. I recall it being a euphemism for any number of Islamonutters, from Rotherham through the one that beheaded the soldier on the street and on and on.
Not only is it inaccurate in fine (why use a general term when a more accurate specific term is available), it is inaccurate in gross (India and Pakistan are not part of Asia). As applied, it is used to obfuscate the Islamic/Paki identity of terrorists.
CNN: Parliament on lockdown; Police treating as terror.
Yep. Unknown terror. Just terror, I guess. Like, terror terror, not another kind.
I’m sure Trump will be tweeting soon enough.
It’s the One year anniversary of Brussels
but that was a leap year?
*narrows gaze*
*looks at picture of attacker*
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I just zoomed the image. What we typically call ‘Asians’ in Murika, do not wear beards like that. There is however one group that often wear beards like that. I’m having a hard time … it’s right there, but… I just can’t …
Beard without mustache. Amish, obviously
That was it! Thanks!
Rick Ross?
hasidic jew… I fucking KNEW IT!
Hipster bartenders?
Brown person? Check
Shazam! Beard? Check
Pointy shoes? N/A
Couple cops surreptitiously pushing thumbs in carotid arteries? ….
Probably an EU-remainer! They hate Brexit so much they have to do something about it.
I learned theres a cobra commission.
Regarding Detroit, a salient question might be why American carmakers were so unsuccessful at fending off challenges from foreign makes. The UAW couldn’t have anything to do with that, could they?
There’s plenty of blame to go around. Somebody on the other side of the table signed those labor contracts. Somebody signed off on the Cadillac Cimarron. Somebody OK’d the Oldsmobile diesel. Et cetera.
I have a soft spot for the Cimarron. Not as a Cadillac, but as a J-Car with a possible V6/five speed combo.
“So here is my response to the Stossel piece: While it is true there are likely dozens and dozens of superfluous and burdensome laws on the books, they are almost never acted upon by law enforcement.”
Umm, that’s sort of like the worst part. Feature, not bug?
So, this guy really believes that it’s ok for government to have dozens and dozens of superfluous and burdensome laws, as long as they only enforce them selectively? Can we just go back to surfdom to satisfy this clown?
Surfdom sounds good to me.
I’m very disappointed. X? That wasn’t even PG-13.
Damnit! I knew something looked odd about that word. How about serfdom? I guess that’s not as funny.
yeah, if the law isn’t enforced, why have it?
To punish your enemies, of course.
Re the W.Virginia, Mississippi and south angle.
Weren’t those places historically governed mostly by Democrats?
I was going to say that WV has traditionally been considered a blue state up until very recently and the other southern states were blue until about 40 years ago.
Yes, WV didn’t start going GOP in presidential elections until 2000.
Those damn japs with their reliable, fuel efficient, well designed cars! DEY TERK ER JERBZ!
we barely imported from England.
Maybe it was detriot’s fault for making their ‘efficient’ engines unreliable and terribly underpowered? I guess they looked better than the commie’s cars, but that’s not hard.
Blame Ed Cole’s impatience. The Vega four could’ve been an excellent engine if they had just given the sleeveless technology the time it needed to mature.
Asked over on the MU- what year Sti do you own?
just replied. 2007. I have a 2016 limited that I bought salvaged I’m getting ready to fix up but it needs professional body work done first. Last owner broke the poor girl’s nose but good.
I was promised street samurai and hot punk girls on the streets of Kobe would come with Japanese economic dominance. You lied to me, 80s cyberpunk!
Hyogo prefecture suck! Kyoto prefecture rule!
They make those damned things in Ohio, not Michigan.
Too early to say for sure, but this stinks of Islamonutter.
“He had a big knife, you say. My guess is, he was also painted blue, and wearing a kilt. Just as we feared, boys. Scotsman.”
But was he a true scotsman?
we barely imported from England.
You can only build *so many* cars by hand, in a shed with a dirt floor.
Oh, classic TVR, how I love you.
I thought he meant British Leyland.
Them too. Was Austin the only one with a plant?
In the end. There was Morris, MG, Austin originally formed BMC (British Motor Company) – then there were Rover and Jaguar added into that to form BL. There were also a few firms that had been absorbed into BMC a in the early 60’s, such as Wolesley, Riley and Austiin-Healey.
Many of them copied designs and had models that only really differed in trim and finish, but when BMC became British Leyland, there were still about 10 or 12 large auto plants in the UK – about half of them near to or in Oxford and most of the rest near or in Birmingham.
Good to know! I knew BMC was the brit version of AUDI, and figured it was the same as the new GM- Austin, Morris, BL and Rover all made minis over the years. Do you know how or why Rover got out?
When the whole of British Leyland blew up, just about the only net assets they owned were the names and associated goodwill from customers who didn’t know anything about Lucas Electricals or Lockheed-Girling brakes, so the UKGov rebranded what they could resurrect as “Rover Group”.
British Aerospace bought it, played around with it for a few years and sold most of the car side of the business to BMW – which is how we have today’s Mini. The Rover marque was sold to multiple buyers. The remaining crud was worthless except the Land Rover marque, which got sold to Ford, and the MG marque which was, IIRC bought out by a private consortium.
So it’s all gone. Owned by German, Indian, Chinese and American firms. Good riddance really.
Yeah, on the whole it was struggling. I still have a love for mini’s, but even then I’d want the Austin one over BL or morris.
Didn’t know ford bought land rover.
I highly recommend this link for the Rover/BMW story of the new MINI – holy cross-purpose, infighting, etc It reads like a mini-thriller.
For general car make/model history, this site has some great information on most of the major car manufacturers.
Very in-depth on how certain models were created, the problems, and the political fights.
Nice site.
MG’s owned by the Chinese now. They produce a car based on the last modern Rover, as well as attempting to bring back MG to Europe several times. AFAIK no successes yet.
Don’t forget Morgan. Those are made entirely by hand too.
Last time I was there (~12 years ago) Caterham Cars had dirt floors in some parts of their factory complex.
Likely because the couldn’t get permits from the local council to actually lay down cement.
And that’s ignoring trucks. Some of the British built trucks were actually pretty good. Competitive with US manufactured stuff.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. Off to the internets!
Even when they’re on fire?
You know why the British never made televisions? They couldn’t figure out how to make them leak oil.
I’ve inherited an early TVR Vixen. It’s living with my parents till I get a house. MY great uncle had that, an early MG (rhd) and an Austin-Healy 3000 that my dad bought when he was 17. The garage at home looks great!
Leaking oil means the oil stays fresher!
Oh shit, and yeah, let’s not forget Triumph since we’re talking about oil leaks.
They escaped being rolled in with the nationalization that formed BMC, but they never kicked the Lucas habit.
Shit seals and bad tolerances.
I’d have said because their seals couldn’t hold a vacuum . . .
You might be interested in this
A Jeremy Clarkson show: Who Killed the British Motor Industry?
(or maybe you’ve already seen it)
I have not! Thanks.
Hm. maybe I’m the only one who likes when a cars production doesn’t change for a while. 20 years is a little long, but now it feels like 1 or 2 years.
Nobody wants to drive around in an Austin 1100 for 10 years, go back to the dealer and find what they’re selling looks identical to the rusted-out, knackered hulk you want to want to get rid of.
It’s mostly for parts, I guess. A good 5-6 year run lets the used part market be rich for years. Nice for my truck. The base is two productions, 1969-1975, then 1975-1984. There are changes that happen in the middle of each run, like the blinkers(1972,1980). Some things I need I can get from any year. Some I’d want to update a few years, like the jump seats.
Well, that was one of the nice things about British auto part stagnation. I worked for an auto parts store, pretty much a private owner version of Pep Boys. Back then (this was also true of Ford, and to a lesser degree, GM), BL had about 4 or 5 versions of a Girling master brake cylinder. That was it. The determination really based purely on capacity of the fluid reservoir and piston diameter. Back then, there wasn’t this issue of designing all the parts around each other – all you had (as you will have seen) is a chunk of spare superstructure big enough to bolt the bugger to. So, not THAT much need to have a version 2 of hardware.
Also, primitive enough that at a push, you can swap in someone else’s parts.
An easy upgrade, no new drilling or messing around. just get a bigger brake cylinder.
Pretty sure, without having read it, his answer is trade unions.
So, over at DU, they’ve already figured out that Trump paid the London guy to do the attack. I’m just glad someone is on top of these things.
I’m both lazy and working at the same time. If you go over to the swamp of eternal derp, you’ll find it easy enough.