Good morning, friends.  Getting antsy about the basketball tournament getting back underway?  You’re only one day away.  And yes, Duke is still eliminated…thanks to those trans-hating bigots in the North Carolina legislature. Or something like that.  Either way, the important thing is, they’ll be watching the last last 15 games, same as you and me.  And that’s reason to rejoice.

You think you got the votes?

But I digress.  I have a reason to be here.  And that reason is to provide you with fodder for conversation.  And a pretty little forum to do your thing.  Enjoy.

Rand Paul says the Obamacare “repeal” bill doesn’t have the votes. He’s predicting that his party will pull the bill and start over.  Hopefully they do and use his bill as a template.

More details coming out about the two illegal aliens that allegedly raped a 14 year old girl in the bathroom of a high school they all attend.  The 18 and 17 year old freshmen from Guatemala and El Salvador both have outstanding immigration orders against them and at least one was stopped in Texas seven months ago after he entered the country.  Sound like Dreamers to you?  17 and 18 year old freshmen.  Needless to say, there are a lot of people in deep blue Montgomery County right now that are rethinking things.

Hollywood continues their tradition of having no original ideas.

Are we all less safe when a politician lies*?  Susan Rice wants you to think so. Of course, our intelligence community nor the Brit’s version has ever told a lie, so when they refuted the “wires tapped” claim by Donald Trump, we can surely take them at their word.

One of the most schizophrenic and exciting games I can remember is being made into a movie.  Let’s hope they keep Michael Bay out of it.

The Panama Canal for norsemen.  As Brett L said elsewhere about it: “this would be badass if privately funded.”

Maine Man (although he is actually China Man?, Chinaman?): the Florida Man of the northeast.

Yes, there will be a music link as usual.

Susan Rice has a short memory. But her old boss had a loooooong nose.

*”Lies” apparently doesn’t include things such as: “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, “I didn’t call the Islamic State the JV team”, “Let me say this as plainly as I can, on August 31, 2010 our combat mission in Iraq will end”, “we have not had a major scandal in my administration”, “Over the past eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed an attack on our homeland that was directed from overseas”, and “90% of the budget deficit is due to George W Bush’s policies”.  And a bunch of other ones I’m sure you can repeat in the comments.