Back to little old me, for links. We simply cannot count on the awesome presence of ZARDOZ every day, you know. With that in mind, have some Links before Happy Hour (assuming you are in a civilized time zone, i.e. Central)
- A follow up on the STEVE SMITHED bull fighter.
- Borderline NSFW Daily Fail for those that like the wimminz. [UPDATE: previously revealed (heh heh) by Just Say’n]
- Slim pickings at the Daily Fail, for those like the menz, so look at this Scottish rugby player.
- Say, a few years back, I remember hearing something similar to this. Live Hilarity Updates here. And down for the (short term) count?
- Um, wut?
Right then. Promptly ignore these and talk among yourselves!

Got Lynx?
Right then. Promptly ignore these and talk among yourselves!
Don’t be a salty Swiss.
Hey! A first for Florida Man! What do I win?
See the above Matador story…
But I’ve already had anoplasty!
*kicks rock*
A primer on tags
Oh, am I disqualified for not using HTML?
Not technically, but you do get chastised for it.
Mmmm… I would say not. That is simply a convenience.
I don’t if it just me, but the tags I use to use over at the old place don’t work here. Are there different types of HTML tags?
Some tags were considered deprecated, though they are coming back into use, usually people get tripped by [i] and [b] tags – use [em] and [strong] instead.
I would also say that, since Glibs has chosen to respect its heritage with a Reason-style “indelible” comments system, rather than the eternally flexible Disqus or Reddit type deal or even the “moderate” ones where you can e.g. edit for a few minutes and always delete, and yet has not even included the “preview” feature that Reason has, putting those tags in there is risky business. One easy typo, and your brilliant, witty comment is nothing but a laughingstock for the cruel egoist commentariat masses. Much safer to go with a couple simple asterisks.
I like Glibs, don’t get me wrong. But I am a bit baffled by the choice of commenting systems.
This is FUN
ease pardon the interuption to ypur normally programed thread.
I interrupt this thread to bring you this message.
I just dropped a major stink bomb on TSTSNBN without naming this site since I am not member of the inner circle and have therefore no right to.
I did however just trash their PM links thread by pointing out that it had now become nothing more than an echo chamber of those who were , not so long ago, considered mere trolls at that site but now seemed to dominate the thought process.
I was taking a really long crap the other day and I was bored, so I got out my phone and started perusing my old bookmarks, which included that old site.
You’re right – the comments were pretty fucking sad. It’s just a zombie of its former self.
PSA: Do not ignore the Daily Fail link, if you are of pro-ladyfolk sexual orientation!
Someone ask her to move that arm.
Miss, would you move your arm for my friend, here?
Dude fuck those pics.
Why do you think there are only fat old people on the German beaches?
The young ladies are super-self conscious. Worried someone is taking shots with a camera and sending them to the Daily Fail.
Now the young mademoiselles aren’t even taking their tops off on the French Riviera anymore.
What has the world come to. *ends misinformed rant, heads to bunk*
one edit to my rant: *german NUDE beaches*
While a good rant, paparazzi taking pics of hot young celeb-lites has been a proud tradition for decades, and part of the reason we got the nudie beaches in the first place.
We must protect the traditions of Western Civilization, not abuse them (i.e. pls keep it to reputable tabloids with clear cooperation and/or pretend spontaneity on the part of the celeb-lite).
Those are some concrete examples of nice Links!
Are you wanting some of those shoes?
No, but I know a few people who I’d like to send them too. Preferably when they are boating.
*narrows gaze*
Apparently, Nunes cancelled the intel briefing that was supposed to happen today. Dems pissed, accuse coverup.
Damn that Putin!
Looooong strings back to Moscow.
I think they are hacking Republicans wirelessly by now. Only Nationalized Health Care Thoughts can keep the evil mind control Putin rays at bay.
Methinks the Slav doth protest too much…
*eyes Pan suspiciously*
My avatar is a proud Polish chauvinist and would have sooner return the belt of Gustavus Adolphus to Swedes than defend the Russians!
And God knows he worked hard on the subject:
Yes, yes, you claim to have a Jan Sobieski body pillow, but it all screams like you’re compensating. Almost like you’re a SECRET RUSSIAN SPY. How’d they get you Pan? What did they promise you? A new Greater Yugoslavia? Young Slavic women dumped at your doorstep daily? A shirtless Putin calendar?
All Putin had to do was open a Ukrainian Female Pipeline to the west, but nooo, he had to fuck it up.
Russian ladies are fine and all, but they ain’t no Ukrainians.
Thanks for the Sean Lamont link, Switzy.
I aim to please everyone.
/Googles xHamster + Swiss Servator
My PM Link
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No! Thwarted by condensing!!!
Wait….is it STEVE SMITH lurking at the edge of the woods?
*throws Ocarina of Time case at Swissy’s head, walks away grumbling*
I definitely see a boner.
Wonderful work Trigger, I’ll put this right on the fridge. /Mom
Can a 1 year-old do that? (referring to the letter/symbol vomit from TH)
Life without comment previews is a motherfucker…
Ha. Bacon delivers!
Although I think I can see Link’s balls.
I sometimes feel inadequate with you people.
Whadda ya mean, ‘you people’?
You people!
Must get link button thing. Gawd.
You People.
what do you mean ” some” of the time ?
I’m sure it was a fine drawing of a penis.
( ¤ )
] [
Hey, I posted that Arianny Celeste link in the post about the Single Land Tax. I deserve some credit
I missed that….lemme fix that!
My link from Barstool Sports. Pictures are more thorough than the Daily Mail
MORE?! Uh, I’ll be back….eventually.
Good links, sir
Indeed, and it was as glorious than as it is now.
One more and you qualify for sainthood!
Well, you gotta die first I guess…
Why else would I post girly pics?
Um, wut?
Well you don’t want TOO much progress Indonesia. Enjoy balancing on the knife edge of starvation.
Yep. I thought they chose the perfect symbolism. Fuck them. Oh wait, they are already doing that to themselves.
Promptly ignore these and talk among yourselves!
You ain’t the boss of me!
–>Um wut: Indonesian farmers cement feet to protest factory
Ironically, it was a shoe factory.
I G N O R E was my nickname in college.
Huh. Small world.
Borderline NSFW Daily Fail for those that like the wimminz.
Wait, who doesn’t like the wimminz?
That being said, ring girl could stand to lose a few kilos
Not the top half
I officially understand the phrase, “I can’t even” now
Maybe Rumanian chicks be all emaciated
Me? I mean I like them, just not the way you do.
Well obviously, but you do like them. Everyone likes tits.
The matador ended up with the bull’s horn some 11 inches up his rectum, causing “severe” injuries.
Rectum? Damn near killed him.
Go to your
roomden, Tonio!Strikethrough works here? Cool.
Real crappy pun there. If half his colon is gone that would be a semi-colon right?
You bastards are going to wear Swissy out to the point of breaking his narrowed gaze. What are we gonna do then? Huh?
*narrows gaze*
*shifts narrowed gaze over to bacon*
Get a room, you two.
Nah, that was the power of his narrowed gaze burning my bacon.
Sizzling could mean a few things. Like nipples getting hard.
Huh, learn something new about sicko pervert speak here everyday. Thanks perv!
Or a burger.
Mmmmmhmmmm bacon cheese burger.
Legitimate news from a legitimate source.
The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, is running the most explosive counterintelligence case since Soviet spies stole the secrets of the atom bomb more than 70 years ago. Some of those atomic spies didn’t speak Russian: They were Americans. We now know that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia attacked American democracy by meddling in the 2016 election. Did he enlist American mercenaries?
Sensationalism? Nonsense. We merely report the facts, as we see them.
To be fair, that is in the “opinions” section of the rag….
Is there a band called ‘The Atomic Spies’? There should be.
I think there was. It was a duo. Julien and Ethel Rosenburg.
They sound lame.
“We now know that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia attacked American democracy by meddling in the 2016 election. ”
How, exactly. Details and evidence or shut the fuck up.
They are going to double down on this to distract attention away from Obama spying on Trump.
I certainly don’t have a particularly positive opinion of the NYT, but it still surprises me that they’d actually print something THAT ridiculous.
Then again, they employ Krugabe.
“Soviet spies stole the secrets of the atom bomb more than 70 years ago”
And after 70 years leftists finally acknowledge that fact.
I know, by the first anniversary of Trump inauguration, they will be bemoaning the detente, unveiling a statue of Joseph McCarthy, proclaiming the date of Battle of Tsushima a national holiday and demanding the restoration of the Peace of Brest-Litovsk.
Fuck! That was my first thought after reading it. Well, now we know they are liars and not morons. (I reserve the right to call them morons in the future)
I’m just wondering how long they’re really going to try and keep up the shrill tone and nonstop pace of this stuff, but I’ve already noticed they’ve managed to convince plenty of idiots with the same fucking story that “anonymous sources” told them that somebody “possibly maybe might have” done something to “indicate” that it “appears” that there’s a “chance of a connection” etc.
It’s easy to convince people of something they want to believe.
It’s past my time (that’d be shit like He-Man and Robotech), but I know there’s young ones about, so have some Power Rangers Canadian content:
How moving to Canada helped Amy Jo Johnson, the first Pink Power Ranger, reinvent her career.
So you may have gotten Bill Shatner, John Candy, Dan Ackroyd, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Reynolds… but we got the Pink Ranger off of you! And damn, Toronto seems to agree with her!
She transitioned from Pink Ranger to White Walker?
When you fail in America you go to Canada. That’s just the natural progression of life. Look at all the football players we send over to the Canadian Football League.
But, when you make it big, you leave Canada.
There’s moving to Canada, and then there’s moving to Toronto.
They are not the same things.
Indeed. All good Canadians come from Toronto — and the better they are, the faster they come.
Bah, backwards city living, the center of vapid WASP influence in this fine country. True Canadians live in the backwoods, carving out civilization from a harsh wilderness, as our forefathers did!
Not by the Holy Gospel Of Our Perpetual Beloved State Broadcaster!
She has released three folk-rock albums
So she has fully succumbed to Canadianess. Poor girl probably never saw it coming.
Some wrestling related THICC
…go on…
1st sex reassignment inmate says women’s prison is ‘torture’
The first U.S. inmate to have taxpayer-funded sex reassignment surgery says she’s been mistreated since being transferred to a California women’s prison, where she now has a beard and mustache because officials have denied her a razor.
In a hand-written federal court filing, convicted killer Shiloh Heavenly Quine called her new housing at the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla a “torture unit.” She said she’s unnecessarily isolated from other inmates and denied basic items.
State officials say she’s being treated like other female inmates. All initially are denied privileges like razors and TVs as they are evaluated.
Read more here:
It’s not all pillow fights and late night gossip sessions?
You should watch Caged.
she now has a beard and mustache because officials have denied her a razor.
I laughed. And I don’t even feel bad about it.
She said she’s unnecessarily isolated from other inmates
Be careful what you wish for, hon.
“Quine’s attorneys at the nonprofit Transgender Law Center did not respond to repeated calls and emails over two days.”
I’m guessing that’s because even they’re sick of hxr shit.
At the women’s prison where I work (until I start my new job) there are several women who want to get hormone treatment, male undergarments, etc.
For all the trash-talking we do about government workers here, the staff at this prison are smart enough to know that if they do something small like give an inmate special underwear, it’s going to be a slippery slope (since they’ve thereby acknowledged that the inmate is gender dysphoric and requires corrective measures) and pretty soon, they’ll be giving sex change operations to any inmate who asks.
As an aside, I think they should just give all inmates in the state some kind of unisex underwear. That’s one thorn-in-the-side removed.
I don’t grovel often, but when I do, it is to find a job..
If anyone in the BWI corridor (NVa ok) can use a sys admin/software engineer/process automation engineer, I’d appreciate the consideration.
I’m not particular about the industry, I just like solving problems and designing solutions.
Are you new here? I haven’t seen you post before, but then again I do have half-heimers.
Anyway, if you are new: We are a suspicious lot. I suggest sending, nude pics to SugarFree, in order to, uh, break the “ice.”
Pay attention, Jimbo! Greasonable is definitely NOT new.
I always enjoy being recognized. I’ll fit in with the old folks home residents way ahead of schedule. Thanks!
Ok, ok! I just assumed that since no one was responding to him. That, and SugarFree pays a referral fee.
Next, you’ll be sending me to Warty for some light entertainment.
Regardless of one’s faith, it is always disappointing to be dismissed by the pope (or is it former, or anti-?)
Pope Jimbo is a fraud! He’s just trying to appear more pious than me.
How can I get a message to you? No promises but I work with vendors all over. I’m out for the weekend so post again on Monday and l can reach out.
Dealing with recruiters (eventually) gives one immunity from expectations of promise, so no problems there.. I don’t expect you to remember this, so I will remember you..
Should anybody feel like they want to send me anything, send it to sthgrau at gmail dot com
Oh for the love of fucking god come work for us if you know anything about VMWare. Anything. I currently know more about VMware than our VMware expert. And I’m the networking guy.
I apologize for the late reply.. I do have some Vmware experience, mostly with the powershell interface. In my last job, for the last 5 years or so, I was in charge of the orchestration engine to automate physical and vm builds for my employer’s cloud product.
College ‘Diversity Council’ Admits to Posting Fake Racist Flyers On Campus
When was the last time one of these incidents was real? So many false flags and hoaxes that my default position is “FAKE” until proven otherwise.
When all of your boogeymen live in your head, when all of your causes are rubber dogshit, false flags are all you’ve got.
There was some incident in Austin a few years ago where “anti-minority”/ “pro-gentrification” stickers were struck on city buses. You can take one guess as to what wasn’t the color and political slant of the person who did it.
Pro-gentrification stickers. Sounds legit.
Even though THIS incident wasn’t real, I’m sure it still serves as an important reminder that this kind of thing exists for real and we should all remain vigilant about it.
*taps finger on sarcasm meter* Is this thing working or not?
Even if there actually is one or two that was real, the ratio has got to be something like 200:1 in favor of fake.
So far as I’ve noticed, basically all of them are fake. If something turned out to be legit it would be endlessly repeated; the demand of hate crimes outstrips the supply by so much it’s just absurd.
The one weird trick the media uses: Report on it when it comes out. When it’s outed as being fake, ignore it.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
You know who else was a racist flier?
The Red Barron? I assume all German’s are racist, because I was educated in government schools.
Charlie Lindbergh. Duh.
Michael Raffl? (he’s the only Left Wing-er listed on the roster)
Its different when you’re “trying to start a conversation”
A conversation like this?
“So, Gilmore: How long has it been since you stopped fucking sheep? Just trying to start a conversation!”
I am sure this did not offend you, since I was only trying to start a conversation!
They really believe that, don’t they?
Slate Star Codex just did a post today doing a takedown on the entire method of “debate”. A brief excerpt:
man, not cool.
you don’t need to remind me about how she dumped me.
I hope they all have to face the same tribunals any other student would for doing such a thing.
I dont know what to do. We are a bunch of contrarians so obviously we are going to ignore the links posted and talk among ourselves….but we have now been instructed to do that. Aren’t we supposed to flip the bird and not do as we are told?
Dammit Swiss.
Just ignore his instructions.
I do what I want.
It’s my hot body
We’re inside the looking glass, people!
Someone should have handed her a round placard and then that link would have been da bomb diggity.
Canada is tackling the big problems.
Glad to see they want to deal with the horror that is Islamophobia up north.
That is a major issue
Er, SugarFree’d the link?
You Gilmored the SF link.
/Am I doing it right?
I think a “Gilmore’d” should necessarily include failure to close brackets and a visual clusterfuck of text-html
i mean, i need to protect my brand here.
Any bullet-point which is non-indented is a failed bullet-point
So, he did it right, correct?
• The correct way to bullet point
you will notice the indentation after the bullet. YOU WILL.
or not.
I thought it worked?! I feel like my world is collapsing.
I really need to go to joke school.
I was pointing out his incorrect use of indenting is kind of like your horrible (I am trying not to remember it was so bad) link in that other thread. It’s a shorter version of “Gilmore’d.” I like simplicity.
Just use “•Yes” and we all know what you mean.
Alright, not sure why that just linked back to here. et’s try this again.
This time, please?
The Conservatives had offered an alternative bill that condemned racism and discrimination against Muslims, Jews, Christians, and other religious groups, but did not include the word “Islamophobia.” That bill was defeated by the Liberals in February. They claimed the bill was an attempt to “water down” M-103.
Protecting all religions counts as watering down, huh? Crazy Canadians.
I don’t like Zoolander and his ilk, but they are right. This is done to give Muslims special protection, not treat them like any religious group.
All religions are equal, but some are more equal than others.
ThirdFourth time a charm, eh!?Apparently Islamaphobia is in the eye of the beholder
Yoo-Hoo! Here’s my fabulous definition.
Wait, what? Is that for real?
Hell, I don’t know. I learned from everyone here that if it exists, you will find it on Google. So I Googled: Slamming a phobia.
Cool links, bro.
I thought he was going for a meta link by linking back to the links…
What amazes me about the Democrats’ Russian line of attack on the Trump Administration is how vulnerable they are on the subject.
The Clintons were neck-deep in Russian bribes as even the NY Times wrote up. Podesta’s lobbying group also had shady Russian clients. Think this whole thing blows up in their faces.
Yeah, I’ve yet to a get a prog to pin down the moment from when it went from okay for Russia to get uranium and “donate” to Hillary and when they became Public Enemy # 1.
Sometime between the election and the inauguration, apparently.
They are the correct team though. Nothing to see there.
So no chatter about the incompetent GOP congress dropping the ObamaCare “repeal” because they didn’t have the votes?
I’d say I’m shocked, but that would imply I thought that they were competent at anything.
No one will be surprised when they do something stupid. Not even themselves.
We just need to elect different politicians. They’ll do something!
The Stupid Party is as stupid does
Last link of the three-in-a-row was supposed to cover that.
*hangs head in shame for not clicking the 3-fer*
I respect Swiss, so I googled ALL 3. So there!
I mean I clicked on the link (“google” was in my cache – did I use that term correctly or am I being a dweeb?)
Whut links?
You’re the one who said to ignore the links.
Ryan is basically a moderate Democrat from the 90’s. Anyone who thought he would drive through a true repeal with a free market approach to healthcare was delusional.
Look for him to fuck up tax reform and the budget in much the same manner in the coming months.
It doesn’t stop idiots from screaming for years now that he’s the second coming of Ayn Rand. If only, if only.
A blessing in disguise.
Les Filles de Illighadad, two Tuareg girls from Illighadad – a hamlet in Niger
I dont think you are supposed to mention that. I’ve heard Tuareg Slavers play guitar that you would swear came from down in the delta here. It took me two-tenths of a second to think “Oooooooooh. So thaaaaats where that came from. Of course.”
Old and the new:
Wow. I love that.
I posted a brief into as a long time other site lurker in the AM lynx, but it got caught in moderation. anyway, howdy and FUCK OFF SLAVERS
also, rufus, that mcleans/mcgill thing is quite the shitshow. completely gutless move by the admin to take to twitter to disavow the author’s affiliation to mcgill. i don’t recall them doing that anytime one of their other staff gets a piece online or in the papers.
Welcome aboard.
Thank you.
I started lurking in the GWB era. Jesus. That’s a long time ago.
*References a Tragically Hip song, talks about McGill*
*looks up that shit band*
I chose it because my first choice I registered didn’t take and I’m not very creative. I guess one too many nights passed out on the couch during the CBC sign off sunk into my brain and stayed with me.
*looks up that shit band*
As a man who lived in Kingston during my teenage years I’m now required to fight you to the death. Sorry.
Did you run out of sheep to fuck???
I kid, though.
Kingston is okay. Ended there during Queens Homecoming one year and definitely had my fill of booze that night.
I’m from north of Thunder Bay, Kingston was downright cosmopolitan to my backwoods ass.
I never made it west/north of Orillia, but i’ve lived in remote communities so I get where you’re coming from.
B-but . . . there’s . . . nothing north of Thunder Bay.
That’s what we want you to think.
I lived in Kingston during my teenage years. Of course, it was Kingston, NY; not Kingston, ON.
Someone has a sense of humor.
It was an option on Ford’s website for a while – but the price tag was 1.21 gigadollars.
That is awesome.
The only time machine that is better than BttF’s Delorian is the one in Napoleon Dynamite.
I loved this:
Plutonium not Available at O’Reilly Auto Parts. Please contact your local supplier.
Yeah, but nowadays if you trick some Libyans into giving you plutonium by saying you’re going to build them a bomb, you’ll end up at Gitmo or something.
The Libyans will actually be undercover FBI agents. And they’ll also supply the plutonium.
Does the FBI ever foil actual terrorist plots, or do they just discover ones they started?
Now that they can pad their statistics by catching themselves, why would they bother doing anything else?
So, at the end of it all, the Russian hackers are FBI employees?
From the links:
Voter opposition to the Republican healthcare bill is the result of misunderstanding, and lawmakers will be able to “really explain it” once it becomes law, Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) said Thursday.
It really is just one political party, isn’t it?
What stops them from “really explaining it” BEFORE it becomes law?
Nancy Pelosi?
..amendment process…mumble mumble….reconciliation…mumble mumble… something…
Isn’t that pretty well identical to what Obama and Pelosi said in 2010?
If it were me I would sit the R establishment down and have a 500 lb guy named Guido hold their shoulders and say “Fuck you, fix it now. You had seven years and seven minutes to line this up. You dicked around and now you are down to seven minutes. Here are three sheets of paper and a pencil. Look, I’ve already started it for you.
*Part 1. The ACA is hereby repealed.*
“You have six minutes and 20 seconds to finish it by freeing the market in medical care.”
The ACA will die of a heart attack within 40 seconds if the manner of death is not specified.
And now, from the unintentional hilarity files…
Predator Colleges May Thrive Again
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos seems poised to undo rules protecting students from taking on excessive debt for useless degrees.
Columbia Journalism School hardest hit.
UT Austin announced today that 15% of students are raped while getting a degree.
Not sure about you, but it sounds to me like they need to be shut down immediately and stripped of funding. You know, For The Children and all.
I got raped hard on a Finance test once. Our professor was actually known as “Draper the Raper”. Is that what they mean?
In deference to our kind hosts, I won’t post the link, but you’re not far off.
Basically “Oh, I got real drunk and regret what I did” is now classified as rape.
FWIW, the guy who played Draper on Mad Men went to UT and allegedly gave some bad touches to a pledge in his fraternity.
I thought that all Frat Bros did. It’s part of why I never had an interest in joining one.
You make a good point, if rape is more prevalent on an American college campus than it is in the Congo where rape is used as a tool of war… than it really makes a lot of sense to just shutter the school.
Or send the students to The Congo.
Or shutter The Congo and open an American college in its place.
The Congo-American College of Rape.
Seems like a kinda one-dimensional curriculum, but whatever…
RAPETUITION AT STEVE SMITH UNIVERSITY!UT Austin announced today that 15% of students are raped while getting a degree.
Right there in the finance office.
Well, that was back when Tong Po was a Longhorn. Once they shipped him back to Thailand, the situation improved.
What, like right there on the stage?
15% is not the usual 5 out of 4 statistic they cite. If they are going to lie their asses off they should try to be consistent.
It’s actually one chick getting raped a few
hundredthousand times.Why am I even surprised that’s the side Trump chose in the Alien vs Predator conflict? It was right there for all to see: wall, grabbing by the pussy, The Hair…
well the other side wants to force something down your throat and has acid for blood, so it makes sense.
Predator College is actually pretty rad.
Buttshucking? Yes/No?
Ok, I admit I clicked on that. *slurps oyster down*
I thought it was going to involve ears of corn and corn holes. Not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed.
From the article:
Preparing seafood or STEVE SMITH explaining his methods?
Tundra, posted in the SLT post, but dont think you’ll see that.
a great video of a game showing some great LSM and defense against a man you can’t defend.
Great video, Doom, thanks!
Passed along to the kid. That might be the lowest scoring game I’ve ever seen! Particularly impressive with how much size the D gave up.
They had to really focus on that one guy. It shows how important a good LSM can be.
Link stolen from TSTNNBN
tl;dr: Detroit cops murder dogs. Dog owners sue. Detroit argues they had no 4th amendment rights in the dogs. Their reasoning is that the dogs were unlicensed, and because of that they were contraband and therefore they had no rights.
Woodchipper needed in Detroit.
Most places require dogs and cats to be registered and bearing tags if outside, and will confiscate animals that don’t have them. And by confiscate, I mean take to the pound, which typically means euthanasia in a week or so. In fact, that’s how “breed bans” work in most places that have them. They don’t pass a law that says owning a pit bull is illegal, they pass a law saying that no new registrations will be issued for pit bulls. It’s already illegal to own an unregistered animal, and registrations have to be renewed annually. You see where this gets you, of course.
Graham Spanier’s verdict is in, and it’s…….GUILTY! Enjoy prison, you child-rape-enabling piece of shit.
“Dolezal has penned a memoir in which she compares her travails to slavery and describes her harrowing childhood as a pale, blond girl growing up poor on the side of a Montana mountain.
As she toiled in the garden for her strict, Evangelical parents, she’d dream of freeing her inner blackness, Dolezal writes in “In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World.”
See, she’d read her grandmother’s National Geographic magazines. So she knew about blackness.
“I’d stir the water from the hose into the earth … and make thin, soupy mud, which I would then rub on my hands, arms, feet, and legs,” Dolezal writes.
“I would pretend to be a dark-skinned princess in the Sahara Desert or one of the Bantu women living in the Congo … imagining I was a different person living in a different place was one of the few ways … that I could escape the oppressive environment I was raised in.”
Oh brother. I would be interested to see how her siblings/parents say about her book and how much of it they call bullshit on. She is definitely crazy but whether that is result of how she was raised or she just naturally has something wrong with her brain chemistry would be interesting to know.
Swiss’s link on the bullfighter is nightmare inducing. I wonder how he takes a shit without dying of infection. Also isn’t bullfighting where they tie barbed wire or something around the bull’s testicles and then eventually stab it to death. If so karma’s a bitch.
Tell me that this was written by Talcum X.
Someone at the other site called her Mayo Angelou.
Milli Vanilla.
I’ll be in my bunk.
I suspect the bull torturer has been given a colostomy which they will later attempt to reverse.
“I was born a poor
blackblonde child”“Southern trees bear a strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Blonde bodies swinging in the northern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the Montana pine trees.”
Behold: Kamala Harris’s supreme leftist stupidity.
She’s a legislator. He’s a judge. If she doesn’t think the law is empathetic enough towards the people, it’s her goddamned responsibility to change the law, not his to read entrails and tea leaves to figure out what he feels that the law says.
Rule of written, objective law is racist and sexist, judges should be guided by nothing else but a “revolutionary sense of justice” like in the Soviet Union. That worked out really well.
wow, that’s pretty fucking ridiculous.
Its a nice example of the contempt for rule-of-law prevalent among the left overall. She’s basically saying, “subjective political-feels” trumps “law”. And no one on her own team will see anything at all wrong about that.
Apparently, supporting the rule of law over the feelings of William Roper is a bad thing.
Al Gore says global warming was the principal cause of Syrian war, Brexit
So, by “those in the region” Al Gore means who exactly?
I had a nasty boil on my taint once. Was the cause to much dairy, or global warming?
Your thumbnail …. some connection … or just coincidence?
I’m a medical marvel!
Hammer says Nail is the problem, offers solution.
Hammer says not to touch this.
So if the globe which is 70% water is warming up. Wouldn’t that create more moisture in the atmosphere thereby creating more precipitation. This would reduce drought. In other words think more Amazon less Arizona. I gets confused over these matters of science.
Actually rainfall is primarily the result of air masses of different temperatures meeting…specifically warm, moist air cooling as it rises and losing it’s ability to dissolve water. Never the less, you are correct. The bullshit these people come up with is of the pure variety.
Since we’re having droughts they blame climate change. If we were having record rainfall they’d blame climate change. If shit stays exactly the same they’ll blame climate change.
Climate change is making me want to punch Al Gore.
This euphemism is simply horrific.
Good weekend ladies and gents. I’m walking up from my office to open a Founder’s KBS and enjoy 70 degree weather for a day here in the mitten.
I’m enjoying (as much as my sinuses are allowing me) a Nu Skool IPA from Southern Tier… don’t blame me, the radical spelling is their idea.
2 beer lunch. Forgot the name of the beer, so it must be good.
I ran out of good beer a few days ago. My beer has a ribbon on it, I think it won some award back in the day…
I ran out of beer completely. The wife feels self-conscious buying beer while obviously pregnant.
Ha, I don’t blame her. I was 13 when mom was pregnant with my youngest brother. I can remember a few awkward glances when she would buy beer for dad when we ran errands. I think she was more in a IDGAF mode at that point though.
It’s the same with how much they worried. I didn’t get a pellet gun till my 10th, but my brother got one the next year, at 9.
By the time the youngest was running around, we’d hear a thump from him falling or whatever and she’d yell “you good?” in this almost-passive tone.
+1 You’ll shoot yer eye out, Kid!
Ah, that’s a nice story. You make your woman buy your beer. I wish my woman could do that…
It’s not so much “make” as “while you’re buying half the store at Target, could you pick me up a six pack?”
She should buy a box of tampons too. That way, people will know that it’s not for her.
I never run out of beer. Sometimes I don’t drink any beer, but I always have it around. Having some tonight. Yummy delicious, chilled to perfection, Heineken, Yeah, I know you’re jealous.
The Peber’s are doing fine.
I only did that because everyone always gives me shit for drinking Heineken. I still don’t get it.
I drink cheap beer, so what? Fuck you.
Stella is some damn good beer, the cheap beer rider got it all wrong on that one.
I never run out of beer either. I live a 5-minute walk away from a microbrewery:
The only reason I’m not there right now is I’m fighting a head cold and still have to make dinner for the spousal unit.
I’m having Vitus as warm-up before I get into the bourbon for the Kentucky game.
Spotted at Ace of Spades: Cosmo Worries That Men Are Deriving Too Much Pleasure from Giving an Orgasm to a Woman
Ace is no libertarian and his stuff tends to be hit or miss, but sometimes he unleashes rants that are F5 tornado quality.
Stolen from Ace of Spades: Cosmopolitan writer worries that men get too much pleasure from giving a woman an orgasm….and that is NOT OK!
Look, yes, I have banged hundreds of broads. Internationally. But know this – I wrap my rascal, two times, cuz I like it to be joyless and without sensation. It’s a way of punishing supermodels.
Now that you say it, I can totally see the resemblance. Like, in the cup region.
Brutananadilewski is it then?
So I’m not allowed to have all the possible fun from fucking? I have to be content with only a percentage?
It is known two people can’t enjoy something at the same time. If you’re enjoying your lady friend’s organism, then she can’t. It’s science.
*shakes fist at science*
Ahhhhhhhh urrrrrg ooooooooohhh gahhhh
That’s right, FM. Imagine enjoyment as a pie: There’s only so much to go around. If you get more, I get less.
me to “feminists”: STOP HELPING ME. I don’t want your help. I don’t need your help. I certainly don’t need your joyless, neo-puritan existence.
have some Links before Happy Hour (assuming you are in a civilized time zone, i.e. Central)
It’s five o’clock somewhere, and there is nothing civilized about the Central Time Zone.
Well, this is interesting:
New Analysis: Obamacare Regulations Drove Up Premium Costs by Up to 68%
Milliman is a solid and well respected firm in this area. They come up with something like 45 – 68% of the premiums for health insurance is due to the OCare requirements. You know, the stuff the idiot Repubs can’t seem to repeal. Caveat: when I looked for actual study itself, I didn’t turn anything up.
That’s new?
And of course the news never ran stories of people whose premiums were jacked up.
HTML test
Well, one works at least.
blink tag test, this better not work
Bold is <strong>, italics is <em> (emphasis).
and what arcane magic allowed you to display those terms without them affecting your own post?
*(i presume theres some ‘HTML off/back on’ wave of the wand involved)
ampersand LT semicolon for left bracket, ampersand GT semicolon for right bracket.
< = < (less than)
> = > (greater than)
& = &
Forgot to & on that last one.
Because there are no end tags, I presume, which would cause them to be displayed as plain text.
Nah, Playa has it right. I used < and >.
Yeah, we’re not on now.
Time to get semantic wid da web.
Maybe he’s anti-semantic.
*narrow gaze*
Filling in for Swiss (he is overworked, I tell ya!)
Sorry for the Noobage
What about the people who are into Zirs . some of use who only like those who are gender fluid are being excluded and thats not okay
Gender fluid? See Chipwooders link above.
I have some gender fluid. I call it Warren’s Spunky Tit Rub.
Once it is recognized that the business of issuing notes for circulation, promising payment, and payable on demand, is essentially similar to any other business in instruments or forms of credit — once it is seen that, historically and practically, note issue is no more a prerogative of government than life insurance, receiving deposits at call, or drawing foreign exchange, the way is barred to many a fallacy and delusion. The cry that “the profits of the circulation should belong to the government,” then appears no less ridiculous than the plaint, “the profits of the flour mills, the shoe factories, the building societies, should belong to the government”—Roeliff Breckenridge
From this article. Do read the first part as well.
The number one rule of government success: obfuscate. If nobody can find out how bad you are, then you must be doing a great job.
Facebook just suggested I might like Robert Reich’s page. Bad algorithm or are they trying to “expand my horizons” by getting me to expose myself to opposing views?
They (the algorithm) must know that everytime my few lefty friends do something that causes a lefty/proggie piece of shit to befoul my feed I tell FB to never show me that sort of thing again and to block that site in particular.
However I know that Zuck and his top people are overwhelming of a proggie disposition and don’t like the idea of having their views shut out by rational, thinking people so maybe they contrive this sort of thing as a last-ditch effort to put their idiocy in front of people.
I got linked to North Koreans Try American BBQ, which I actually found amusing, and now even months afterwards my suggested Youtube list wants me to try and move to Japan and get a Japanese girlfriend. A friend of mine from high school had a case of yellow fever so terminal he actually attempted this, but I’ve lost touch with him so I don’t know how that endeavor ended up working out.
Oh, and now that I look again, and more in line with your complaint, I watched that Newsish John Oliver critique and now it thinks I want to actually watch that smug limey fuck, and Trevor Noah too. Yeah, no thanks.
It’s apparently doable. I knew a guy, well still know him, except that he ran off with his Japanese GF and is living in Japan now.
I feel retroactively vindicated
It is dead
Maybe because you were not repealing it dipshit.
Maybe just repeal Eddie Munster instead?
This is a victory for the curly haired one.
I’m not disappointed, at all, it’s better to just let the damn thing die than replace it with something just as bad that will extend the life of it.
I am not disappointed either. Maybe if they let the thing self implode, the free markerters can make the case to scrap it all like the asshats have been promising for the past seven years. I have little faith in that also though. Too many people like free shit, and health care is a “human right” now. Obama knew what he was doing.
Ryan isn’t going to cry like Boehner, is he?
No, he’s just going to do his saddest Eddie Munster, like this:
Sad Eddie Munster
Alright. Training day and first day both done! lots on the feet, but my brain feels like its 9 or 10am.
This will go well for my home schooling.
Ran into a bunch of people who I knew as customers from my old job in locks too. They all seemed petty excited to see me again.
You worked in a canal?
locksmithing. I don’t call that security or whatever people like to say.
I’m looking to upgrade from my Galaxy S5 to a new Android phone.
I’ve liked the Galaxy line so far, but I’m not sure I like the S7’s feature set v. price point. I’m not a heavy user. I just want the ability to stream the occasional video, take decent pics, call/text/email, and do so without having to plug my phone into a charger 3x a day.
To some extent, all of the flagship phones are impressive, but I find myself struggling to make a decision. Should I stay with Samsung, go to HTC, or go to LG? Perhaps there’s a phone I’m not thinking about that would be worth a look?
I guess I should mention the biggest requirement: I want a phone that can hold up to two years of use without becoming a quirky mess of a device.
Isn’t the S8 coming out soon? Also, I still have my S4: I will be buried with that phone, if I have anything to say about it. I really don’t care as long as it gets calls and texts.
Fun story: My brother finally had to get a new phone. His flip phone was 2G and his carrier told him they no longer support it.
I’m really happy with the S5 but for three things. 1) My experience with the Galaxy line (I’ve had S3’s and an S5) is that it needs a factory reset once a year in order to keep in smooth working order. The last factory reset didn’t have nearly the effect that prior ones had.
2) The battery life is suffering as a consequence of age (fixable) and #1
3) I got one of the S5s that isn’t rootable or reflashable. I’m stuck on AT&T bloat mode unless I get a different phone.
I’m tempted to hold out for the S8, but I haven’t been following the latest phone news very closely, so I don’t know what is out there or soon will be.
You could go the Pixel route, I’m happy with mine so far.
It’ll be my next. I’ll end up on Google’s network, too.
You can get a phone from Amazon/Ebay/Wherever (caveat emptor) that comes without all that bullshit ATT bloatware.
I ended up with a factory unlocked Moto Droid that took the SIM card for ATT and I was able to plug n play and not have to deal with all that ATT garbage taking up 3/4 of my phone. Also, if/when you get drunk and drop it in a creek or whatever, you’re only out $250 vs. $800 for a top of the line S7.
I am using an Iphone6. I don’t talk on it much or surf the web on it, but I charge it every four or five days or so.
but you said android……..disregard
My s6 is almost as bad as my old HTC.
The next one will be the google phone, Pixel or whatever.
Hey, I have been watching the weather. Looks like some more is coming, but looks to be not a big deal. I plan on being over there Sunday. Is that still a go?
I’ll be there!
So after our floods up here, there’s still a lot of damage to be fixed. One park got really wrecked and you now what the excuse is as to why they can’t fix it yet?
It’s still mostly underwater. Can you believe that?
What the fuck? Do you not have the American can-do spirit? Fix that shit!