Friday is here. But to basketball fans, the weekend started last night. Three fantastic games and one blowout. Poor Purdue, they just didn’t show up in the second half. But on the bright side, Michigan lost (few things could make me happier), and Arizona lost (few things could make Banjos happier) to Xavier (my old hometown team representing). And I’ll admit, I’d have liked to have seen WVU beat Gonzaga, but the refs managed to completely take them out of their game by alternately calling every touch foul for 5 minutes and then letting them play a rugby match for five minutes. Totally schizophrenic officiating. Oh yeah, and Duke doesn’t play again until November.
Alas, this isn’t a sports website, so I need to get my focus back and get down to business. So here we go…

Senator Schumer.
President Trump has given congress an ultimatum: either pass the proposed Obamacare replacement this week or leave the ACA in place. I guess he’s unaware that there are grave concerns from House and Senate members in his own party that the replacement doesn’t solve some of the structural problems related to the terrible law and that it doesn’t sit well with people that wanted a better bill.
Next week’s House Intelligence Committee meeting ought to be interesting if this turns out to be true. And by “interesting,” I mean people ought to be walking out of there with subpoenas if what that story alleges is true. Lots and lots of subpoenas.

Coming soon to a ballpaak neah you.
Senator Moobs threatens filibuster on Gorsuch, which will pretty much mean the nuclear option if most other Democrats stay in line.
According to the LA Times, whites without college degrees are driving up the death rate. Silly me, I assumed the death rate was 100% eventually.
Keep your flappy-headed monstrous ideas north of the border! ::looks at photo:: On second thought, where can I find that in my neighborhood?
Rasmea Odeh, Convicted Terrorist, Pleas guilty to fraudulently obtaining citizenship. In exchange for no jail time, will surrender citizenship and self-deport.
Good riddance.
Why no jail time? She stole the place of somebody that deserved to be here. She should pay with a few years behind bars.
I’m okay with not having to pay to house and feed her for several years so long as she’s gone.
+1 Hillary.
The trouble is that she doesnt pay with a few years behind bars, the taxpayer does. Let her go back to dumbfuckistan.
I’m getting tired of all this winning.
It does get boring after a while. But just think of all the salty videos we can watch!
Something about being happy as long as you are doing better than others even though you might not be doing that well – so I like to get my relative happiness to 11 by watching others who are worse off than me. Does that make me a bad person? If not, I can share other horrible things about me, until you are convinced.
Ubisoft is still out of touch. Sadly*, The best write up of the problem was the reddit report.
Ubisoft’s repsonse? (Quote from another article on the issue)
Yeah, Mr. Kieken, you don’t know gamers.
*Virtue signal : I don’t frequent Reddit, I landed there from a link to the write up in question.
I haven’t played anything from Ubisoft since Anno 2070, and even then Uplay drove me bloody batshit.
FarCry 3 and 4 are definitely not improved by Uplay.
Co-op is incredibly bug-fucked.
That didn’t stop some people from trying back in the day.
*Conjures an image of the fat guy from South Park in a room full of piss bottles*
OK, I’ll back up Ubi here, and I don’t like their games*.
It’s an ongoing online game, with server maintenance, policing for cheats and exploits, and (OK giving them benefit of the doubt here) content updates. Hats are as good a way to pay for that shit because they have zero impact on gameplay. Lots of hats means lots of people spending money. If you want ALL THE HATS and to spend none of the money, then fuck it, grind for years.
Same reason I’m more than OK with Overwatch loot crate model. Damn, I need to get off the CK2 and go back to Overwatch, but Secret Jews….
* OK, Blood Dragon is objectively awesome, Child of Light was a delight, and Black Flag was way better written than an AC game has any right to be.
Yeah, but I think the deal is that the unlocks aren’t cosmetic. Like in Battlefield, where there are objectively superior guns that you have to invest time or money to get, it forces you to focus on one or two classes or else abandon your family, live on disability checks, and pee in a jar if you want to play all the classes to their full potential. I can sympathize with the argument even if I don’t really care about it.
I find myself making your argument on Paradox’s behalf pretty often, though. I’ll pay $20 for DLC that adds a mechanic and some sprites because it keeps the team working on the core game as well, CK2 and EUIV being prime examples. Same reason I buy the “season pass” and the odd paintjob from Frontier so they can keep working on Elite: Dangerous.
From the Reddit post:
Emotes, Executions, Effects, Outfits, and Ornaments.
That sounds cosmetic, but I’m not a FH player so I admit I could be wrong since I was relying on website reports. The maybe better case is that apparently new Heroes are going to be DLC paid for by Ubibucks of the game, and that’s super-lame.
Paradox, though I have all the DLC for EU4 and CK2 by now, actually kinda annoys me – sometimes they’ll put shit that should be patch feature into paid DLC (Reassign Council Position in CK2 being tied to Conclave is act of the devil), and the whole “oh, you can develop your province to get Institution faster – btw, Institutions are free patch feature, province development you pay for DLC” is just assholery).
That’s an unflattering picture you used. It looks like puke on a (paper) plate. Perhaps a more visually appealing image might sell it better.
There’s a reason for that. Canadian food looks and tastes the same in either direction.
It makes processing more efficient for the Canadian bots.
Hopefully they will have a store on site so we can buy rejects from the Milky Mushroom line like Jelly Belly offers deformed jelly beans.
gummies come to Wisconsin
Good to see Walker getting a jab in a Illinois.
For some reason, I read the company name “Haribo” and thought “The Japanese are back to buying up America?” Oddly they’re German. ‘Haribo’ does not sound German to me.
It’s an Adidas naming convention.
All day I dream about sex? That’s doesn’t seem very German either.
Should be ATTIVS: Alle tag traume ich von Sex
Den ganzen Tag, I think.
+1 Korn
Aldi = Albrecht Diskont
Well it is good to see Haribo is going to the Kenosha area. Maybe they’ll can get a gonga deal on the old AMC plant. They could have a contest where the winner gets a Pacer full of gummi bears. Eat the bears and blow up the car.
Huh….I always thought they were Swedish.
Mmm… Swedish Fish.
I thought candy makers were leaving the US because sugar is so expensive here? What makes Haribo different? Is it because they are a higher-end candy that’s more expensive anyway?
Gummis are largely animal leftovers anyway (sub glue-grade connective tissues)
You know that is just a myth. Go into any nice restaurant and you can get as much sugar as you want for any unsweetened drink. They don’t charge you anything beyond the cost of the drink. You pay more for crappy extra condiments at most places then you ever do for sugar.
U.S. Sugar Soars Above World Prices
It could be the miniscule amounts you take for your coffee in a restaurant don’t matter, but on an industrial scale, more expensive sugar could mean millions of dollars to a candy manufacturer.
Scale and margin differential is different from tangential cost burden at a restaurant of what is effectively a sparingly used condiment.
You also pay $2.50 for something that costs the restaurant $0.25 tops to make. They can easily afford to give you the illusion that the sugar/sweetener packets are free on 50-90% profit (depending on how many refills you take).
Friday Funny?
No, because what you linked was actually funny. A true Friday Funny sucks so that we can all mock it.
Do they still call each other “Comrade”? I’m not up on Russian slang.
No, now they say “tovarish.”
Pretty sure Tovarish was a commie thing, outside of trying to cosplay as Colossus.
I like it, but I can’t get the image of Pelosi’s toilet cam out of my mind.
Anyone have some mind bleach? Cosplay chicks might work.
14) I’ve come up with a couple Dad songs. Songs that reflect the lessons I’m trying to impart to my children. Not libertarian songs, necessarily. More anti-whining, you’re-not-the-center-of-the-universe type songs. Here’s what I have so far:
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
There Ain’t No Way But the Hard Way
What else?
Anything by CCR.
Howard Jones. No one ever is to blame.
Tom T Hall’s classic “Faster Horses” (The Cowboy and the Poet)
I would also suggest A Week In A Country Jail.
Surrender by Cheap Trick.
Young boys and men frequently want be a Soldier. It can be a honorable calling but having to do it “for real” will change any who survive.
SGT Mackenzie can take some of the glamour off.
The irony of the rise of SJW pussification has been that it has closed of an increasing number rites of passage for young males (and females). By removing rites of passage such as serious participation in team sports; learning how to fix things with your hands; shooting, hunting and fishing; “danger sports” aka mountaineering/river running/wilderness backpacking; earning and keeping a job; etc. the young of today have a harder time determining that they are adults.
Combine that with: “war porn” on YouTube and the inevitable aging of the veterans from the recent wars. Add a generational dash of “I’m not going to be like my millennial parents and Gen X grandparents. Mix in the desire from time immemorial of young to prove themselves to their elders and there is a potential for creating an aggressive younger generation behind the current snowflakes.
A Boy Named Sue maybe.
“Responsibility” by Fear
“Trinket Trading, Tick Toting, Toothless, Tired Tramps” by Guttermouth, to instill the proper hatred of hippies
Dyers Eve – Metallica
Amos Moses – Jerry Reed
Dude looks like a lady?
“You’ve got to stand for something” by Aaron tipping.
Second that nomination.
But more seriously, folks …
You can’t get Somethin’ for Nothin’. Rush
Born in ’58 Bruce Dickenson
More Traditional-ish/Folky/Counterintuitive
Bomber’s Moon Mike Harding and others.
One for the Vine Genesis
And because you don’t want your boys to be Rod and Todd- Alice Cooper’s “Schools Out”
As long as you’re not one of those stridently anti-Billy Joel people, “The Angry Young Man” is a really good choice.
And there’s always a place for the angry young man
With his fist in the air and his head in the sand
And he’s never been able to learn from mistakes
So he can’t understand why his heart always breaks
But his honor is pure and his courage as well
And he’s fair and he’s true and he’s boring as hell
And he’ll go to the grave as an angry old man
I bet that character wore a vagina hat sometime in his life.
Sort of On topic, My almost 5 year old asked me yesterday, “Did god make everything dad?”
my wife is a little christiany and I am an apostate of the catholic church. However, even though I’m not a believer, I think that a child benefits from Christian teachings so I teach jesus things in my house.
Anyway, in response to my boys question, I told little kurt that God made the earth and put people on it, but everything that doesn’t grow was made by man.
He asked how the roads were made, (libertarian moment)
I told him about how we use the rocks and sand to make concrete and he seemed to understand. He ended up saying, so god made the earth, but we use it.
I said, yes son, and was proud of him.
Let their be light.
Next up, dig out that old Readers Digest flipbook of “The Road to Serfdom”.
One from my youth
Cult of Personality by Living Color
Why can’t we get drunk and screw?
Anthem by Rush
My way by Frank Sinatra.
Oh please, that’s the loser’s anthem.
Nice selection from Queen Sloopy
Why thank you. It scored points on the homefront, too!
“either pass the proposed Obamacare replacement this week or leave the ACA in place.”
Another alternative: repeal it, see what happens. Revisit later if we must.
Yet another alternative. You be President while Congress legislates. When we get a repeal bill to your desk, shut up and sign it.
Yeah, I mean, does Trump realize that he can’t just scowl legislation into effect?
something about healthcare not being a legitimate concern of government and the repeal of all laws and regulations that have anything to do with it.
Hate Radio is already spinning this as “Nunes should be indicted for treason.” Their rationale is that he’s interfering with a Very Important Investigation, tipping off the subject about what evidence has been gathered. The immorality and illegality of the snooping is immaterial, apparently. Ladies and gentlemen, the modern Left.
What else can they do if it turns out they got the goods? Same tactic they used with the Podesta emails. “Uh, yeah, they’re authentic, but don’t look. They were stolen!”.
Yeah, look for them to double down on “but, but RUSSIA!!!11!!!”
They’ll blame Russia. Even when people involved in dissemination become whistleblowers and start naming names to save their own skin.
It would restore a little faith in the government if an Obama Admin official and maybe a Senator from Arizona did a stretch in federal prison for this. I wonder if he would immediately volunteer to make propaganda videos for the prison?
I’m surprised how little interest the Obama administration sabotage of Trump’s team is generating. Just the information published in the NYT story where administration officials brag about how they planted classified information about this Russia stuff all over the government so that they cold leak it after Trump took office is enough to make this the biggest political scandal in a century. This makes Watergate look like small potatoes.
Watergate was a couple of political operatives trying to spy on the opposing party during an election. They didn’t use any government resources, they were acting as members of the campaign. Team Obama is bragging that they used classified surveillance on US citizens in order to sabotage a succeeding administration. No president in my lifetime has used his office to undermine his successor. Clinton is the only one who spoke out against his immediate successor, and even he offered support for the military action in Iraq.
But to openly brag about misuse of classified information and spying on US citizens…. that’s pretty huge for something that isn’t even mentioned in polite company. Let alone the revealed intent to prevent your successor from being able to govern. This is not the same thing as speaking out against a president’s policies or working to mobilize political opposition. This is active sabotage within the government itself.
It also fits the narrative created by the IRS scandal (that was also largely downplayed by the media) that the Obama administration was perfectly willing to use the power of the government to go after their political enemies. What is new here is that instead of winking at the whole thing while covering their tracks, they gave interviews to the NYT.
It is utterly fascinating to discuss politics nowadays with friends of mine on the left. To a person, these people would identify as “anti-authoritarians”. Yet now they’ll stand on their head to defend the CIA/NSA/congress/the intelligence community. If Trump began to call for “trans equality”, drug legalization, or a more progressive tax system, im certain these people would find some reason to oppose those measures and then pretend they have ALWAYYS opposed them, and anyone who says otherwise is an ally of orange hitler or the kkkorporations.
One of the surprising things about growing up and getting a few years of experience under your belt is learning that Huxley and Orwell were writing from experience with real people, not from some hyperbolic fantasy used for literary purposes.
That’s what’s funny/horrible. These are some of the same people who have laughed at me for years for being such a cynical negative Nancy. Last year I got into a big group discussion about police brutality. A friend was taking the “just a few bad apples” tack, since he has a friend who is a cop and a “good guy”. I stated that it’s morally indefensible to work as a police officer under the current conditions. Unless you’re actually Serpico, the fact is that even the “good cops” enforce evil laws and stand silently when their coworkers brutalize the public. Several people chimed in to say that cops are just doing their jobs and that it’s up to legislators to change laws, that they just have to follow orders and enforce the laws as they stand. Obviously, I had no choice but the Godwin the conversation and say…..
“you know who else was just following orders?”
After that, I’ve been teased for being dramatic for hyperbolically comparing cops to Nazi CC guards.
Then all the sudden after 11/08, we’ve elected Literally Hitler Reincarnate.
It’s painful to see.
I can’t talk politics with people on the left any more. It’s just not possible to have a rational discussion. It’s all identity politics and personality cults these days.
I’ve found this too. It’s good vs evil, and if you don’t agree with all the ‘correct’ political positions you’re evil, full stop. I’ve just started telling people that I generally stay out of politics so we can talk about the weather or something.
So the other night my wife and I were watching tv and for some reason the topic of Canada’s top exports came up. Following obligatory jokes about hockey and syrup, we established that #1 is cars and #2 is fossil fuels. This of course sent my wife, the progressive eco-warrior, on a tear about how terrible fossil fuels are and how alternative energies are a growth industry.
Now, we’ve been married for seven years and together for something like ten. This didn’t happen by accident. I’ve learned to recognize mine fields before I’m standing in them. So, I mentioned something non-committal about how I think it would be nice to see more investment in nuclear energy. I was informed then that wind was the real deal, because “We can’t keep using non-renewable energy sources. We just can’t.” I didn’t say shit about how wind maxes out at something like 40% efficiency, or that even if you address the mechanical issues that make it inefficient any sailor can tell you that you can’t manufacture steady wind, so reliability becomes an issue. What struck me was that she led by stating an opinion as not only factually true but as a foundation upon which all further debate must rest. There was no discussion of why non-renewables are bad, no attempt to justify that position, no allowance for disagreement; just an assertion, and an assumption that the truth of it was self-evident to any right-thinking person.
Sounds like she loves you and fucking loves science.
You know, I absolutely hate that politics comes between people, I really do. I’ve laughed and judged along with everyone here at those people who made Facebook posts saying “if you voted for trump we aren’t friend anymore!!!!!111eleven”.
But like you said, if friends, family, and acquaintances really believe that people who think differently from them are evil/greedy/racists/etc, then that’s going to ruin my relationship with them.
For starters, while most of the stupidity and venom I see and hear from those around me is regarding politics, that’s simply the superficial form by which people are revealing principles and beliefs that go far beyond the political.
I’m not going to judge people who haven’t ever put much thought into politics, and are just reacting emotionally and then will move on. My own mother is a wonderful person, yet she says asinine things about politics all the time. Then she moves on, without ever getting involved.
But those who have thought about it, and do get involved? I’ll try to talk to them, show them different point of view, point out the enormous harm done by the policies they advocate for. If they get defensive, shut down and won’t hear a different side, or decide I’m just evil for believing differently from them? Then I’m going to have a hard time keeping a relationship going with someone who has really thought it through and is still okay with throwing people in a cage for doing things they don’t like.
Honestly though, it’s simpler than that. If someone who knows me can’t give me the benefit of the doubt that I’m not stupid or evil for doing things that they don’t like, or for believing differently from them, then they have no respect for me, on any level.
If someone is going dismiss my deeply held beliefs and ignore my arguments in favor of calling me a racist/greedy/evil/islamaphobic whatever, then good fucking riddance.
The problem is that there are a lot of good people who genuinely feel like (a) the government’s job is to solve problems; and (b) government action works. The funny thing is that I think that most people believe this in general, but almost nobody believes it for anything relating directly to their lives. But still, to the bulk of people out there, being in favor of downsizing the EPA is actually interpreted to mean that you want the environment to be destroyed. And advocating for actual free association for business owners is interpreted to mean that you are racist and hate gay people. Even if none of that is true, it all follows from the core belief in government that was pounded into them for 13 years during their youth.
Hence the “wtf I love X now” meme. This was particularly evident when it came to the TPP.
The adult way to tip off the potential defendant is to meet their spouse on a plane and “talk grandkids”.
This is why Trump is so dangerous. He doesn’t respect the traditional way of doing things.
Especially when the AG has no grandkids.
I’m interesting in seeing where this goes, but c’mon, Fox. No need to stoop to WaPo’s standards of specificity to score political points.
Notice that it’s also in the passive voice? Really that’s the only way you can write stuff like that. I’d ignore anything a journalist writes that is in passive voice, because they ought to know better, so they are trying to hide something.
Canadian group for transvestites?
TransCanada Receives Presidential Permit for Keystone XL
So Russ Girling is the president of TransCanada.
Bout bloody time.
Will there be more Littering Hippie protests, this time up north?
There’s more complaints about the BC pipeline, but right now they’re riding high on the election of Zoolander and Elizabeth May (Green Party) actually managing to get a seat in Parliament.
Schumer and the Democrats are vying for the title of the Stupid Party if they filibuster Gorsuch. Gorsuch was approved unanimously by the Democrats for the appellate bench, and there is nothing in his record to change that. His appointment will not change the balance of the SCOTUS since he is replacing Scalia. The Republicans will be able to simply and credibly paint the Dem’s use of the filibuster in this case as irrational partisan obstructionism, and will catch little blowback for using the Reid option to overcome it. Then the Dems won’t have use of it for the next nominee, which would be much more significant in terms of the balance on SCOTUS, and their hysteria over someone like Gorsuch will have destroyed their credibility regarding any criticisms of the next Trump nominee. So tactically stupid.
They must appease their base of shit-flinging monkeys.
But why? It’s not like the shit-flinging monkeys are ever going to vote Republican. And since most of them are in heavily blue areas like NY. LA and Chicago, it won’t matter if a lot of them don’t bother to vote. They are just squandering a potentially useful tactic for no real gain. Maybe they really believe the Republicans are too stupid or too much of a bunch of pussies to use the Reid option, even thought the Democrats have no problem using it on them. Who knows, maybe they’re right, maybe the Republicans are just that stupid.
Donation dollars?
Why? They have to keep signaling to their base because of inter-herd competition. Some young bull is always challenging the dominant one. The shit-flinging monkeys may not vote republican but they can sure vote for someone who signals harder.
Good points.
You are think much farther into the future than they can.
Say what you will about the Schumers, but at least Chuck writes his own jokes.
When you started out I thought you were going for a tit joke.
Chuck does have some serious moobs.
Amy is getting a rep as a joke thief.
Apparently the rep is well deserved.
Ouch. It’s a tough call as to which on you’d rather titty plow.
*projectile vomits*
So I guess motorboating is off the table too?
Well Amy seems like a Vespa.
Fun to ride until your friends see you?
Curves in all the wrong places?
I don’t like getting chest hair caught in my teeth.
So, I guess I’ll pick Chuck.
Thanks, you’ve just ruined my sexual interest in both genders.
Shit, I meant ALL genders….
There goes breakfast.
Speaking of tits. Female CEO Resigns, Accused Of Grabbing Boobs
From the picture… cute, but does not have tits of her own. Maybe was curiosity?
Chucky is his own joke.
It’s like they think if they can shut down several nominees, eventually the Republicans will have to accept a squish like Roberts or Kennedy.
Instead, they’ll get the nuke option and Gorsuch.
Or a failed filibuster attempt where a few Ds try to lambast Gorsuch, and then the Rs in rebuttal read the roll call of the Ds who voted to confirm him for his current judgeship.
I think maybe you give The Stupid Party too much credit.
It’s the ultimate Trump trolling job. Nominate a highly respected, relatively uncontroversial person for the job and either (a) get what he wants; or (b) watch the Democrats destroy themselves by rejecting an obviously suitable candidate. If (a), great, he wins. If (b), he can nominate somebody more “Trump-like”. Some Democrats (and lots of normal people outside of politics who identify as “liberal”) seem to be under the weird impression that by filibustering Gorsuch they’ll end up with a more liberal nominee. Are they that much in denial that regardless of what happens, the Republicans are still going to control the Presidency for just under four more years?
I keep seeing snippets here in the comments from people who peek in at TSTSNBN now and then. I haven’t done much of that but this morning I gave it a try. The first thing I see is Sullum asserting the ‘false but accurate’ defense for people slandering Trump. I am not going to put a link. I will say this – turns out my criticism of TSTSNBN is ‘true but accurate’.
It’s amazing to watch the professors insist that they are not ideologically biased, and then proceed in the very next sentence to engage in bias against a specific ideological position—a position that I suspect is wrong, but is certainly worth discussing at a university campus if someone wishes to argue the opposite.
Robby back at it with the, “Here’s my virtue signal. Now let me defend the free exchange of ideas”. I suspect he’s wrong.
Robby is trapped staring at the shadows on the cave wall. Every time he gets close to crawling out and seeing the world for what it really is, and he runs back to the shadows for comfort.
I was thinking more of a Dante character than Plato.
Sixth circle for heresy?
The Uncommitted. These are the souls of people who in life took no sides; the opportunists who were for neither good nor evil, but merely concerned with themselves. (Wiki)
I’d call Soave many things, an ‘opportunist’ is not one of them.
To be sure.
Wait a second. I’m putting him in the first ring. You’d put him further down?
Hey, I’m not putting him in Treachery or anything. Robby continuously fails to articulate anything based on actual libertarian principles. Rather than say, appeal to libertarian philosophy in regards to violence from the left, he argues that it’s bad because it makes their case unconvincing. He’s trying to assist the left-wing gain legitimacy. This is coupled with his pig-ignorant view of history, vapid virtue lecturing and general hackish qualities (the ‘Trump admitted to sexual assault’ article is still a stunning example of the Other Site’s drop in quality).
Concern trolling deserves its own ring. Wouldn’t need any rending of flesh. Just being surrounded by people like that would suffice.
I don’t even bother with that site anymore. I’ve peeked back just to see what’s going on periodically, but it’s still mostly low-quality cosmo journalism with the occasional decent piece. And the comment sections remind me of some sort of post-apocalyptic ghost town, all diseased scavengers and half-savage remnants of an earlier civilization. Really I’m only interested in keeping up with Hinkle and Tucille, but I think I can get that by following them elsewhere.
“Who rules TSTSNBN?”
“Mary rules TSTSNBN!”
John keeps challenging her to Thunderdome, but she keeps agreeing and just pouring sewage all over him rather than enter the arena.
Who keeps blowing the dog-whistle?
My favourite trolls are the ones who accuse the Other Site’s writers of being pro-Trump or at least insufficiently anti-Trump.
DanO, right? Is that Mary? I can’t keep up.
I see Tony on there from time to time. Apparently he’s decided to come out of his hole again.
DanO is an actual Tulpa sock. IMO.
DanO’s language structure is very similar to Kizone’s. Pretty sure it’s Mary.
Nah, No matter who he posts as, Tulpa is always Tulpa. Dan.O is AddictionMyth/dajjar after they banned those handles.
No DanO’s obsession is with the commentariat, which supports the Mary hypothesis. A day or two ago it was bragging about how all the racists were chased away and now it would ostracize the remaining ones (i.e. John). I’m talking about random comments from no-names who are clearly coming from progressive or left-wing sites that usually start ranting about how the Other Site is giving Rapist Hitler 2.0 the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, I think DanO’s schtick is that we’re all Trump supporters who fled the other site or something like that. I wasn’t around for the original Mary stuff, but from what I’ve read it seems like that would fit her MO.
I think it would be awesome if TSTSNBN would simply copy this site’s morning links verbatim one morning.
Or maybe AM links would be a single link to here?
Libertarian Hax0rz, Assemble!
Don’t bother.
I don’t see much point in trying to taunt the old site over our departure. It starts to reek of insecurity I certainly don’t feel over the decision. Things change, look forward.
You gotta admit, it *would* be funny.
Ya, I went over over a few times during my 1st week. Maybe 2 during the second week. It wasn’t that difficult to completely quit after that.
If I wanna piss myself off I can go pretty much anywhere on the whole internet. Don’t need a libertarian co-option sight for that.
If you told me abandoned JCPenneys were the remnants of some failed military dictatorship I’d believe you
I always knew Bugle Boy Jeans were fascist.
so operating a counterfeit jeans operation out of my car hole is basically like fighting nazis? awesome!
“They fell off a truck”
That kind of retail seems like it’s finally in it’s final stage of collapse, thank God, although I’m worried about what all the “Urban Planning” people are going to suggest be done with all that vacant property.
The former CIA guy who claimed the UK spied on Trump and shared the information with the Obama Administration has been thoroughly disappeared.
Border union on tween’s rape: ‘We failed the citizens of this great nation’
Yeah, I keep hearing the ‘it was consensual’ defense. That seems unlikely.
Actual rape is unimportant. Defend Jackie, defend these two POS, defend the narrative at all costs. It is stunning how completely amoral the left is.
He finally gets it. Too bad he just followed orders.
Those sweet pensions don’t grow on trees, you know.
That fucking pick cop that searched my vehicle monday had the audacity to tell me that he was just doing his job.
I bit my tongue pretty hard to not explain to him what that means.
The coworker I travel with always lets me go first through the precheck line because he thinks it is funny to watch me and the TSA guy “interact”.
The TSA goon has obviously been trained to ask some question to get you to respond in some way. In my case, my ID has picture of me with my righteous mullet. I have since cut it. But the TSA guy will ask me about it and I just stare at him without saying anything. Some of those fuckers will ask more questions because they think they really can catch a terrorist by asking a followup and I just keep staring. Finally they will hand you your ID back.
Like you, I have to bite my tongue real hard to keep from going on a tirade. That is what my coworker is there to watch. My blood pressure spiking.
I purposely live a life style that avoids interaction with government. When I am forced to to interact with them, I have a very hard time with it.
Also, you shouldn’t have cut the mullett. Mulletts are a great.
I got sick of the mullet. My hair is too nappy, so when it gets long it starts to take on a life of its own.
Of course, I resolved to have no haircuts in 2017 much to the chagrin of Mrs. Holiness
Trump: ‘I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president and you’re not’
Well, if you assume perfidy on the part of politicians and the government, it’s kind of hard to be wrong.
I’ve been avoiding broadcast news of any type for the couple of weeks. It’s rapidly spiraling out of control on both sides.
The Democrats seem willing to burn it all down and the Republican leadership appears to not have a fucking clue what to do.
This ain’t going to end well for anybody.
Fox has become schizophrenic. They aren’t sure what narrative they should be pushing. Sometimes that accidentally leads to real reporting.
Fo sho. To the extent I get any news these days I get it by accident and from this site, quite honestly. My wife, genetically predisposed towards progressivism, fills me in with the latest news about Trump being terrible courtesy of the NYT and MSNBC. It’s just noise right now, really. Nobody’s that interested in actual news, and I find my life is actually better this way.
This about says it.
I think Nassim Taleb had the right idea about following the news: you have to figure out some way to ration your news intake in order to find the signal of meaningful information amidst all the noise (eg, fake news, meaningless commentary, events of no consequence). For me, I read one issue of the Economist (not great, but better than most sources) per month, and otherwise ignore the news.
Tundra, what shirt are you going to buy?
I knew one of the old owners of Moby Dick’s (who sadly just passed away). I think I will get one of those. According to the owner if you brought in your AA chip, you would get a free drink.
Cool! I’m gonna get a Positively 4th. That was a great store.
Can I order the girl in the Porky’s shirt?
Can’t see anyone doing that kind of thing for Radio Shack or Sears.
Man tries to rob pizza place with gun magazine, employee slaps it out of his hands
Was it Gun Digest?
They used “magazine”. If you want to call it a “clip” get the edit fairies to do their job.
That was the first thing I thought. Wow, that is some magical thinking there; he thought a photo of a gun would work like crucifixes work on vampires.
In his defense, they suspended him from elementary school for drawing a picture of a gun one time.
So, not the pop tart kid. That’s a relief.
Nah, the drawing’s just a drawing, a carved poptart would be a relief.
*narrows gaze*
I hope this guy gets a bunch of money from the Mpls po-po.
Even more, I hope he is able to sue the whack job who accused him of rape. Or that the paper would name and shame her. After all this guy’s mug shot was on the front page of the paper in an orange jump suit with a headline accusing him of rape.
a University of Minnesota law professor who spent three weeks in jail on multiple felony charges before they were dropped for lack of evidence.
The average guy really has a chance if they are doing that to that guy.
Had a friend in the National Guard who went through similar shit during divorce proceedings. Luckily he was at a bar with many people he knew when he estranged wife was calling the cops to report the “rape”. He still spent a weekend in jail. Not a damn thing happened to her.
The original story
Never stick your dick in crazy. Especially post-menopausal crazy.
How the Mpls police keep making all these mistakes befuddles me since they’re led by the 22nd best leader in the World.
National Geographic weighs in on fake news.
Just stick to tribal boobies guys.
And that leads into a discussion of
climate changepolitics.“President Trump has given congress an ultimatum: either pass the proposed Obamacare replacement this week or leave the ACA in place.”
It’s like someone is unaware that he isn’t a dictator and that Congress can do more thoughtful things besides choosing between two terrible alternatives when there’s a plethora of better choices than that crap.
Like doing what they proposed doing multiple times before the election in actual legislation, and repealing the damn thing in its entireity.
Non-binding Motion 103 passes.
How many times have I said Canada is a joke especially under this crazed bunch of affirmative action douchebags?
Let’s make Muslims a victim group…meanwhile in Ontario a couple of Imams threatened to kill Jews….to the silence of that idiot in power. Whasshisname again? Pop Tart Parmigiana is it?
I get more and more tempted to cash in on the rising tide of disgust in this country and form a populist party everyday.
I draw the line at Motion-103 before I go full Dale Gribble.
I got a call from Kevin O’Leary’s people yesterday about whether I’d vote for him in the leadership race (not willing to spend the money to join that party, but I let them make their case). It pretty much summed up everything wrong with the Tories in this country. No solid principles, no mention of overarching values or a long term idea of what Canada should be, just constant bellowing about Zoolander and a promise to ‘fix the budget’ after years of failing to do so. The Tories’ ideology is just to react to whatever the Liberals do, and they effectively help their image as the ‘historical ruling party’ as a result. The Republicans in the U.S. might manifest the same issues and cowardice that the Tories do, but at least they have a group that espouses a core ideological conservatism that’s coherent. The right in this country is entirely headless and vapid.
I know. That’s what’s so depressing.
Is there some sort of Canadian libertarian party that gets 0.5% of the vote that you can waste your vote on like I do here?
Canadian Libertarian Party? *mind blown*
Yeah, I was doing some reading up about it.
Lauren Southern ran for office in some place over on the Pacific side and the party purged her from the ticket for some kind of heresy. So they’re influential to have internal purity tests at least.
They brought her back after a bunch of members threatened to resign, it’s not a cosmofest yet.
Yep. Their vote percentage increased 500% last election for a reason. Mostly because people were sick of the Tories and the new leader’s actually pretty good at spinning the libertarianism for Canadian audiences.
The problem is our Libertarian Party is even more incompetent than yours is.
Wait! What? America has a Libertarian Party too? I checked all the candidates in 2016, and none of them were saying anything at all libertarianish.
You joke, but this country’s libertarian party is really, really badly run. Fusion Joe used to bitch about it too. The attempt to purge Southern is just another in a long line of bad management decisions.
You should have seen the Libertarian Party of Canada’s website until they changed it a couple years ago. It looked like it was from the early 90s.
Are they preparing another long, losing trial against Mark Steyn?
He lives in New Hampshire now.
Doesn’t mean he won’t say something about Islam in Canada at some point.
Oddly, somehow, despite winning his suit at Human Rights Tribunal, he no longer has a column in Maclean’s magazine. Or anywhere else. Really, really puzzling…
He does come up and speak here from time to time so possibly he could be sued, though more likely is that whoever gave him platform would get hit.
Such radiance… and beauty…
Chelsea Clinton’s Chief of Staff Complains Her Boss ‘Never Gets a Break’
Why on earth does she have a “Chief of Staff”? Why on earth does she have a staff?
Hah, that cracked me up too. Personal assistant =/= Chief of Staff
Because she is the heir apparent.
Why the fuck does that human-bulldog hybrid need a chief of staff?
If I were Chelsea, bless her heart, I’d pay someone to invent reasons to avoid Bill and Hillary.
You, sir, owe me a new keyboard and a cup of coffee.
Oh, well, that’s totally different, then!
I wish I could never catch a break like Chelsea Clinton.
On a unrelated note but I thought of due to Sermon’s not-sermon above:
Worst lyrics to an otherwise great song?
There are some obvious ones (Imagine), but I am going off the board with this nominee:
Run to the Hills
I am not a Maiden fan, but I always liked that one.
I became a big Maiden fan, and I’ve always thought this was one of their best songs, but there’s something about a Limey lecturing me about oppressing native cultures that rubs me the wrong way.
I like Maiden, but if you’re going to do a song like that, have the balls to go full ManOWar/Spirit Horse of the Cherokee.
Also, every other song they ever did.
These aren’t great songs – or even good – but their stupid lyrics grate on me whenever I hear them:
Cyndi Lauper, “All Through The Night”
(verse two)
All through the night
Stray cat is crying
so stray cat sings back
All through the night
They have forgotten
what binding they lack
“What binding they lack”?? WTF?
Taylor Swift, “You Belong To Me”
She wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She’s cheer captain and
I’m on the bleachers
Ms. Swift – one does not sit “on” the bleachers; one sits “in” the bleachers.
Cats, more bran in their diet, they need.
I’ve sat “on” bleachers before if they are small rinky-dink kind at a Little League field. “In” them seems too weird.
There’s a thing I’ve noticed recently with people referring to queueing up as standing on line rather than in line.
” either pass the proposed Obamacare replacement this week or leave the ACA in place.”
I’m gonna guess the latter happens. Republicans are spineless.
Hmmm … passing Obamacare Lite or temporarily keeping Obamacare in place are the only possible options? Unlike, say, repealing it completely?
^This, unfortunately. Look for Democrat gains in the mid-terms as a result. Fucking idiots.
Republicans in 1980 – We’re going to eliminate the DofEd!
Republicans in 1984 – The DofEd is great!
Soros trying his best to wreck Macedonia. The conservative Macedonian government is fighting back and asking the Trump Administration for help.
Would it be too much to hope that Trump might stoop to Obama’s level and just drone strike the fucker?
Or maybe encourage Israel to have the Mossad grab him and try him for Nazi war crimes?
Rule of Law? Pfft. we’re so OVER that kind of thing …
Yeah, fuck it, drone strike it is! As long as he is put on the proper list approved by the DOJ, of course.
If we sell a drone to Macedonia for a dollar…
“disturbing reports” that the U.S. Mission “actively intervened” in domestic politics to promote “parties, media, and civil society groups of the center left.”
Irony, thy name is Democrat.
Soros is hellbent on the European open borders project. Macedonia is in his way.
Whatever his motives are, guilt, some misguided idea of utopia, vindictiveness…. it doesn’t really matter, he’s single-handedly pushing Europe to the point of civil war and ethnic violence.
He’s one person the world would definitely be better off without.
Vindictiveness. Remember, this is the guy who said he had no guilt and enjoyed himself when he helped the Nazi’s confiscate Jewish property.
The dude is about 150 years old. Kick off already old man.
Long time lurker on the other site, so I reckoned I would finally register and say hi. Also, FUCK OFF SLAVER!
Rufus, what do you think of that McGill employee making the fatal error of speaking the truth about corruption in Quebec in light of the storm last week?
Florida Man decides to burn his trash and a starts 696-acre wildfire.
So, I heard a report on NPR this morning that the EU wasn’t going to “allow” the Brexit unless the UK paid the EU. But don’t worry, that indebtedness will be calculated “scientifically.”
Future headling: EU Army invades England, arrested by an unarmed Bobby.
– gawd what I wouldn’t do for some more shut eye
One of my favorite quotes of all time, attributed to Bismarck, “If the British Army landed in Europe, I’d get the Belgian police to arrest them.”
Not a bobby. Clarence the boyscout wii do the job, as predicted by P.G. Wodehouse.
Are they wanting to start a war of Independence?
FWIW, the Krauts seem to be behind this. That never ends well.
I think the invasion of Poland would go differently this time.
These aren’t your grandfather’s Krauts. Germany is a self-emasculated shell of her former self. The next great military Germany is involved in building will be to grow the European caliphate.
Reunite England and Hanover.
O god, now you’ve lit the Jacobite signal,_Hereditary_Princess_of_Liechtenstein
The next queen of England?
No sir, Franz, Duke of Bravia is the rightful monarch. Mere pretenders sit on the throne currently
That link was to his neice.
He has gotten in part, the shape of a man, but more of a monkey – deny it, who can?
He has the tread of a goose, and the legs of a swan, a dainty fine king indeed!
He is not qualified for his wife, because of the cruel midwife’s knife,
yet buggering of Benting doth please to the life… A dainty fine king indeed!
I’m kind of curious as to how they think they couold stop them. The Brits actually still have some serious armed forces compared to the rest of them.
In comparison, to Europe, sure, but alone, they can’t project force far beyond Woolwich arsenal and Portsmouth Harbour.
Maybe true but it in this case the Brits don’t need to project power. They can tell the rest of the EU to go take a long walk off a short pier and the EU would have to invade the UK to stop them.
Given that it is a near certainty that the US would side with England in that fight that leaves the EU in a very uncomfortable position between an angry US/UK alliance and Putin’s Russia. Sure, if Germany recovered their past sensibilities and just renamed the entire EU Greater Germany they might be able to survive that way they would still not stand much if any chance of forcing the UK back into the Union.
Luckily they kept their currency seperate – so there really isn’t a damn thing the EU can do.
Apart from bitch and moan? No, I don’t think so.
I stopped following the whole Brexit issue about a month after the vote. It genuinely seemed to me that at that point, Britain were making all the right noises about protecting EU citizens’ livelihoods and rights of entry to the UK, and Brussels were being bitches about it, and I don’t think that’s gonna change.
They should hang up a fucking huge banner on Exit Day, with “OPEN FOR (FREE) TRADE” in 24million point Helvetica and reserve a runway at Lakenheath for the trade delegations to fly into.
Allow? I see.
One of the things I find most grating about Europeans is their authoritarian bent. There is a lot more ‘you are going to eat it and like it’ attitude there than here.
They’ve had decades of indoctrination, whereas in the US, even in the most blue environments, there’s always been someone – even if it’s just the janitor – who talks about fighting for freedom – either literally, or back in ‘nam or whatever.
You talk to a European vet, and the vibe of the conversation (since my childhood in the 60’s) was always more of “Those were bad days, it’s a good thing they’re over and we’re all friends now” – and that’s pretty true no matter whether you talk about Britain, France, Germany, Holland.
Kipling’s poem “Tommy” rang true 300 years ago, 50 years ago, and even today. There’s no cultural instinct that supports a muscular view of European History, and particularly with the Brits. “Don’t mention the war” was so funny, because it really captures the zeitgeist of the average Brit outside of the nattow confines of close confidants.
“Narrow”, of course.
When confidants get too close, it does start to smell like natto.
*Narrows gaze, crinkles nose in disgust*
Um, wasn’t “Tommy” written in 1890?
Around that time, MISTER PUNCTILIOUS.
… the point being that despite their military success, the social standing of the military in Britain usually hovers somewhere between “debt collector” and “undertaker” – and has been for centuries (at least)
No, dummy, it was 1969.
[Narrows the fuck out of gaze at Commodius]
Tonio can you hear me?
*joins Tonio in fierce narrowed gaze*
All that needs to be said about hoops is: “Bitch I’m Frank Mason!”
They’ll beat Oregon to death.
They look like they’ll beat anybody to death at the moment. A KU/UCLA Final Four game would be awesome
I’m pulling for Xavier to get there. I think they’ll beat Gonzaga unless the refs fuck tgem over as bad as they did WVU.
Oregon has a guard who gets AARP letters in the mail. Two games in a weekend and he bitches about getting his glucosomine.
Unless that little girl selling lemonade on the lawn gets paid maternity leave, health insurance, and pension benefits, then she’s being exploited by Big Lemon.
You mean they Hobby Lobbied her out of a diaphragm?
It’s BS, man. You don’t get to set the terms. You’re lucky I even want to work for this POS lemonade stand.
Cricket disagrees!
Yeah, during the Gorsuch hearings people kept going on about HL denying contraception or denying access to contraception. Not paying is different from denying their ability to get or use something.
If memory serves, it was even worse than that- their insurance DID pay for contraception, but excluded specific methods that were (in their eyes) tantamount to abortion in that they allowed fertilization but then either blocked implantation or flushed the zygote.
It’s a shame that God would see past the subterfuge and the wimminz would btch and moan, but it’s a shame HL didn’t just give all the staff an extra $10 a month in pay so they could go out and buy condoms for their trysts, ostensibly with money “out of their own pockets”.
+1 Couldn’t Mum wear some sort of pessary?
Hmmm no thought as to why people might prefer or be forced into freelancing… Every labor and business regulation is what keeps us from barbarism.
Ugh. There is only one thing worse than having to work hard.
Jewelry Shop Apologizes for Ad Claiming ‘Sometimes It’s OK to Throw Rocks at Girls’
Here’s the money-quote:
“This billboard is just one in a series of billboards that uses sexism as humor,” one Facebook user posting under the name Laura Hope-Gill wrote. “Of course, sexism escalates to misogyny that then moves into full-blown domestic violence.” She also added in a later post, “Social Justice is the most beautiful jewel.”
Sounds like a lot of guys just got a plausible excuse to save a couple months salary.
In exchange for celibacy.
The most beautiful jewel is fake, then.
Oh fucking… You know feminists won’t be happy until all women are thinking one way. Obviously the ability to think about something and come to differing conclusions means that you must be owned by the patriarchy.
six years ago, I threw a $4000 rock at a girl. she is now my my wife and mother of my son. It seems to work, social justice be damned.
Ain’t nobody throwing rocks at that chick
Not sure that is a chick.
9 Reasons Constitutional Originalism Is Bullsh*t
She pretty much just wants judges to take over the role of the legislature.
*hovers over link*
Cosmopolitan? Shouldn’t that headline be 9 Ways Constitutional Originalism Pleases Your Man in Bed?
You know, the WORST POSSIBLE outcome for the left would be a right-leaning justice or two who embraced the idea of a living constitution.
They should kiss Gaia’s filthy, dirty skin in gratitude if Gorsuch turns out to be a true Originialst Believer.
This exchange with Derp Durbin was a thing of beauty.
I don’t have time to read. Does she (he?) Have a clue about constitutional law?
Dang mobile phone!
This is where I would insert a /no .gif.
Almost all of her “arguments” can be summed up in the common “BUT THINGS CHANGE” category. If only the Constitution provided a way to change those things which we no longer like or need to be expanded upon. Hmm, o well, guess we just have to throw the whole thing out and make up the rules as we go along.
Her understanding of the 2A alone has got to be concern trolling.
I posted that one yesterday as a means of kicking ENB around a bit, since the article was written by a woman she fulsomely praised in the past.
Wow. That is one giant heapin’ helping’ of bullshit right there. Not one single concept she puts forward is sound. Not one. Every single thing she asserts is nonsense.
1. No one is an originalist because they overturn previous mistaken interpretations.
“Until recently, judges generally interpreted the Second Amendment according to the same narrow interpretation many historians say the founders held, as evidenced by the text itself: that the Second Amendment doesn’t give individuals the right to bear arms, but rather provides for the right of well-regulated militia to exist.”
Notice she restricts interpretation to the text of the amendment and disregards the ample words of the authors outside that text that made it crystal clear that the amendment protects individual’s RTKBA. Talk about cherry picking…
2. Our understanding of what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment has changed so…uh…I am not sure what she is saying here. The prohibition on cruel and unusual still stands. I agree that capital punishment should be banned but not for the reasons she thinks. So amend the constitution.
3. We have had trouble living up the ideals set out in the constitution so we should abandon the constitution?
” Do we really want jurists to interpret “equal” the way it was meant when the Declaration of Independence declared that “all men are created equal” — excluding all women and men who weren’t white?”
An originalist interpretation does not exclude anyone as ‘man’ in that day meant all members of the human race. The kind of rationalizing they used to justify ignoring constitutional protection then is the same kind of rationalizing she is using to do that now.
4. She repeats the argument of rights haters and tries to pin it on originalists.
” Take the Fourth Amendment, which guarantees “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” without a proper warrant and probable cause. Under a strict textual reading, would the Fourth Amendment apply to cars, which the founders didn’t have?”
Effects. Carriage…car…potato, patatoe. Only an idiot would think papers does not mean communications…which now includes phones and computers.
5. See #3.
6. “The framers of the Constitution didn’t offer any instructions for how to interpret the document, nor did they get into specifics on what each of its provisions meant.”
Yes, they did.
7. “If you’re a strict originalist — which in reality not even self-identified originalist judges really are — then it follows that if the founders didn’t specifically bar the government from doing something, the government is free to do it.”
No, the constitution sets out only what the govt. is empowered to do. It is barred from doing all else. This of course is largely ignored and it’s her tribe that is guilty of that.
8. “No longer would the Bill of Rights apply to state and local governments. No longer would there be protection of rights not mentioned in the text of the Constitution,”
Ignore the constitution. Believe what I tell you and not your lying eyes.
It is specified that the list of rights is not comprehensive and it is specified that the bill of rights applies to the states. If the dude she quotes here is a dean of a law school then he needs to stop eating paint and resign. Or go eat cake.
9. We need a country more like china with a strong…court. We have heard this before from people who aren’t familiar with the Iron Laws; Me today, you tomorrow.
I am sure she will still be singing this song when the courts wander away from her political leanings.
8. “No longer would the Bill of Rights apply to state and local governments. No longer would there be protection of rights not mentioned in the text of the Constitution,”
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
What sorts of methods does the government employ to limit the number of new doctors?
I have a vague idea that only a certain number of licenses are granted each year, but I haven’t studied the subject. Also, something about the AMA.
This is a question I have as well. I dont know if it is govt doing it.
The government is involved, or there would be a competing organization to the AMA.
How many different Kosher certification orgs are there?
Even more than I thought.
Occupational licensing is the big one.
Pretty much the AMA doing it. Class size limitations, accreditation of colleges, and so forth. It’s a trade union, after all.
So why isn’t there a National Medical Association providing competing licensing?
Same reason there aren’t two Teamsters unions, or SEIU. They don’t call themselves a union (well, “guild” would be a better analogy) but their monopoly status is protected by government.
They’d have their own SWAT team except federal agencies’ SWAT teams would hate the competition.
That was my point. Without government involvement, there would be competition to the AMA.
So, if I’m fine with seeing someone who completed all the education requirements to be a doctor, but lacks the AMA stamp of approval on his bum, no one will interfere, right?
Uh, yeah. Just ask any doctor trained in another country how easy it is for them to come to the US and start practicing.
State governments limit how many people medical schools are allowed to graduate.
State governemnts limit how many medical licenses they grant each year and in which specialties.
State governments regulate and limit how many beds hospitals may have, how many patients outpatient clinics can treat etc.
And despite all the best elements of Soviet Style central planning, things are fucked up!!!! That cursed bad luck again!
^this is what I suspected^
I assume these govt regulations are the result of AMA lobbying.
It was the AMA which got rid of female midwives in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. It was the age of science and midwives didn’t know science (+ they were women) so fuck ’em.
My little brother has a degree in biochemistry. He aced the MBA and applied to pharmacy school. He sells furniture now.
When he was 19 he was charged and convicted of minor in possession of alcohol and public drunkeness. Apparently that is a disqualifier for medical school.
not MBA, MCAT. my phone doesn’t always type what I tell it to.
I beta’d the MBA, and now they won’t let me sell furniture.
I don’t have time to read. Does she (he?) Have a clue about constitutional law?
I get the distinct impression that a lot of the people pinning their hopes on getting rid of Trump via some sort of Hail Mary removal of office attempt (be it impeachment or a 25th Amendment coup) have no idea that there is a clearly established path of succession.
“We did it. We got that crazy evil bastard Trump out of the White House! We’re truly American revolutionaries. We have saved the country, and made America safe for Our Kind of People.”
“I, Michael Pence, do swear to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution…”
Mike pence, Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, something tells me that the left wouldn’t like a single one of the guys who are first in line to succeed.
Rex Tillerson is next in line after Hatch.
What about Haig?
Why wouldn’t they like Ryan? He is a member in good standing of TEAM DC, which is the only team most of them care about.
Trump waved a rainbow flag at a rally and promised to protect the rights of the LGBT community. I think that the SJWs would like Pence less.
If Trump was gone and Pence became President, Trump would immediately become the “reasonable Republican” to the evil President Pence.
Mike who? They want the election to not have happened and Hillary ascends the throne. They have a narrative in place of a realistic grasp of reality. Life is like a movie for them. They think white hats are supposed to win. Deus Ex Machina is a legitimate story telling mechanism and that is what they are hoping for…really. That is what is in their heads.
In short, they are deluded.
Dude don’t you know? When trump is impeached, hillary gets the office. It’s like you don’t even grok, brother.
A number of my learned colleagues are convinced Trump – because of who he is – is going to destroy the economy. There are a plethora of false assumptions contained in that one statement.
There are a plethora of false assumptions
Starting with “learned”?
The progs are aware of the path of succession, but are engaging in magical thinking that they can change that. Pay attention to the narrative – Trump and his entire team are illegitimate because Russian Meddling, therefore they will get a redo on the election. They actually believe that.
Yesterday some member of congress said that all actions of the administration must be put on-hold until this can be “resolved.” No obstructionism there, folks.
That was probably the harpy Warren. I heard her say that on NPR this morning (right before I switched back to a more relaxing station that plays nothing but the sounds of fingernails on blackboards)
No, it was a congressman from, I believe, California. A name I didn’t recognize so he must be fairly new.
Ted Lieu, elected 2015 to fill Waxman’s seat.
They thought the movie “King Ralph” was a pretty good idea.
Yesterday some member of congress said that all actions of the administration must be put on-hold until this can be “resolved.”
I thought it was resolved. Hasn’t every single member of the intelligence and/or law enforcement communities that has testified said there’s nothing there?
That was probably the harpy Warren.
Warren has definitely said it. I suspect others have, as well.
They are like a flock of parrots. Once the talking point is put out there they all start squawking the very same words. They rarely put forward any kind of rational argument for anything, they just assert.
The political version of Rule 34:
If there is a bad idea, there is law made of it.
The political version of Rule 35:
The opposition party, having gained power, will want to tweak the bad law, not repeal it. This is a bad idea, to which Rule 34 applies.
Just thought I would say hi to all you weirdos 🙂