Food should signal virtue
One of my insufferable Facebook friends posted about a social-signal dinner he flew over to Paris to attend, the theme of which was dishes from countries on Trump’s “banned” list. Because: “This is what people in decent, kind, intelligent countries do. Thus: not ours.” We certainly have work to do before we reach this level of kindness. And what France needs is common sense hammer control regulation.
The concept of moksha is characteristic of Hinduism, and may be attained in many ways. This may not be one of them.
Missing children numbers in DC have been declining, so we need to Do Something. Break out the milk cartons! The government is on the job!

I want these right now!
Folks who don’t live around here are likely unaware of the wonderful, junky deliciousness that is Wisconsin Cheese Curds. I’ll put in a plug for the ones from Culver’s, which are approximately 153,000 calories per serving, and absolutely irresistible. But besides imminent heart attack and stroke, they carry their own particular brand of insidious danger. (Warning: autoplay)

Nice rack!
Every once in a while- rarely, but not “never”- something positive for liberty happens. And this time, it happened in one of those flyover states. This is a state that our local Hate Radio guy ranted shouldn’t exist. And he was being serious. I can’t decide which is my guiltier pleasure, Culver’s cheese curds or Hate Radio. Anyway, celebrate this in an appropriate way, like randomly firing guns in the air.
There is a first for everything
Just renewed my CC permit yesterday. It was a surprisingly painless process. It seemed more like a BS formality. I just had to provide two non family members names and phone numbers to vouch for my character.
That must have been the difficult part.
I think that is the idea. If you can’t find at least two people who think you should have a concealed weapon, you might be psycho. Or you might just be a lonely soul who only hangs with his or her family.
Here, they want four – and your social media information, and a “good reason”, and if you fill out the form in blue ink you’re rejected for failing to follow instructions.
“You need to have your 27b/6 form filled out, sir. Central Services won’t do anything without it.”
We need to provide a reason as well, but you check a box.
Self defense, target shooting, etc.
I will say PA is a island of reason surrounded by 2nd amendment retardation. NY and NJ laws are very restrictive.
Relative reason of course. As Swiss indicated.
We can however open carry. You will scare enough “right thinking” people to garner unwanted attention from the boys in blue.
Technically speaking, you don’t have to supply a reason, the PA uniform firearms act states that the field is optional and only for statistical purposes, but good luck explaining that to the sheriff.
When I first got my LTC, I checked the “other” box and write in “all lawful purposes”. The sheriff was amused, but he still handed me a new form and told me to fill this one out without being a smart ass.
Our sheriff’s office was manned by one guy who appeared to hate his job of reviewing forms and another who printed the permit who was completely content and pleasant. The role of Sheriff in my county is little more than prisoner transport and directing traffic at events.
Pretty much the same at my sheriff’s office. Well, old sheriff’s office. That was back when I lived in Susquehanna county, so there was never anything for the sheriff to do but paperwork. Pleasant enough guy, and when I walked into the office there was a large printout of tongue in cheek stats that demonstrated how doctors kill more people than guns, so I figured I wouldn’t have any trouble getting my license.
I’m in Luzern now. Not to far away.
I will say PA is a island of reason surrounded by 2nd amendment retardation. NY and NJ laws are very restrictive.
And if it doesn’t stay this way, there would be major civil unrest throughout the whole of Pennsyltucky from Pittsburgh to west of Philadelphia. Deer hunting season is a de facto public holiday. All of my colleagues in and around Harrisburg are nowhere to be found at that time.
It’s the same in rural upstate NY despite all the hoops.
Well, PA has that deplorable frontier once you get west of Harrisburg.
Having a very prominent hunting culture helps.
Show-offs with your free state privilege. No CCW for the peasantry in NJ.
A key reason we chose PA over MD (or DE) in our relocation from the Glorious People’s Republic of Californistan.
I’m trying to convince the wife that we need to leave Maryland, but it’s a tough sell. Gun laws here suck. Not quite NY or CA bad, but close. The hope is that Hogan will be able to make some headway on a repeal of our idiotic “Assault Weapon Ban”. There’s also a surprising amount of momentum behind a constitutional carry. I’d settle for “shall-issue”.
Yeah. The wife and I live in southern CA. It’s next to impossible to get a CC license unless you’re a celebrity or politician.
She has a good gig working in engineering for the city and makes considerably more than me (she often complains about the laziness of many govt employees – she’s beginning to see the light!). So, we won’t move out of state until she retires.
We both prefer a warm climate (I grew up in the Chicago area). Plus, I want to move to a state without income tax. I guess Texas is our best choice.
Since we’re on the boomstick topic, are there any Glibs near to or in CT that want (or need) to take NRA Pistol Qualification as a prerequisite of applying for their State Carry Permit?
For those who know how the new NRA system works, part 2 of the training requires a meat-world interaction with an NRA instructor who grades the student on practical shooting etc. I’m prepared (at present) to undertake part 2 for any Glibs that need (or want) to go thru’ the hassle of qualifying, with me, for free.
Now, libertarians giving away shit for free? Unpossible!
Well, it’s like this.
* I have to do two training sessions every 2 years to maintain my certification, so I benefit from doing the training even if I make no money out the deal.
* My club is a 501(c)(3), so charging money compromises the club’s charitable status
* You all seem pretty fine people, considering
* The spirit of ZARDOZ moves me
If anyone wants to take me up on this, let me know and we’ll try and set something up.
It was fairly easy in Ohio, too. I just had to take a 12-hour class from a certified instructor, and almost every gun store and gun range in the area offers such a class.
The CC processing clerk was a very, very nice elderly black woman who, for some reason, had a Les Baer Custom ad torn out of a magazine and mounted in a picture frame on her desk.
North Carolina required an (8?) hour class and application to the county sherriff’s office.
Unfortunately, it took over three months for the processing in the county I was living at the time to complete. If I had waited two weeks I would have moved one county over and the wait would have been a week.
(Typing with one hand while euphemistically stroking my new Sig p938 Nightmare)
Hitting people with slippers with Pune on his mind. “I am booked on a 4pm flight to Pune,”
Naked group slaughters sheep at Auschwitz death camp
Their motive is unclear
The comments there certainly dont help much.
Unless, “retarded” is considered a motive.
It should be if it isn’t. That would explain a lot of events
Something something doner kebab?
Obviously more of a shawarma fan …
*narrows gaze*
Quiet around here
Oh so quiet.
Go ‘way, davenin’!
You’re a Goyim!
A goyim?
Next thing we know you’re going to start using “the hoi polloi”. 😉
He meant (((Goyim))).
So, where da shiksas at?
Speaking of missing children in DC, the GOP Congress failed to pass an Obamacare repeal bill. On Zardoz’s forum last night, there was some discussion whether that is a good or bad thing.
An element of the “RyanTrumpCare Bill” that was discussed was its elimination of the individual mandate.
From Cato (Inspector Clouseau’s valet, not the libertarian think-tank):
To the extent the bill’s modified tax credits are tax reduction, however, they are the functional equivalent of ObamaCare’s individual mandate. The flip side of tax credits that are available solely to those who purchase health insurance is that those who do not purchase insurance must pay more to the IRS than those who do. Just like a mandate. And since the effective penalty is just an increase in the taxpayer’s income-tax liability, tax credits for health insurance are actually more coercive than ObamaCare’s individual mandate, because the IRS has many more tools it can use to collect the penalty…
I think ass whippin’s need to be passed out generously to the R leadership.
And the D leadership.
That would be beating a [brain-]dead ass.
An evergreen sentiment if there ever was one.
What we need is a wall. A very high wall in the shape of a circle built around DC. Filled with water and great white sharks.
I think that if the Rs ultimately fail to repeal the ACA, there will be something big that happens. I don’t think that Ds will be elected to replace them in 2018, but something different. Something Trump-like, basically a populist movement. I don’t know how that will turn out.
I think you are right. The pols just dont seem to understand. People are sick of their shit and the same ol’ games aren’t working anymore but the pols are so far up their own asses they cant see it.
We millenials get a bad rep for being a bunch of proggies. However, I think that is partially because the proggie millenials on the coast make the most noise. I’m settled square in flyover country and the people I know who are my age are more small government conservative than not. Maybe I have a skewed perception due to location, but the while silent majority thing seemed to have worked out well in the last presidential election
It used to be easy to dismiss the “silent majority” thing as a crutch for politicians with bad poll numbers, but I think it’s become a very real thing. Largely because what used to be “mainstream” culture has become so crippled by groupthink that it isn’t really representative of our broader culture anymore.
I think you nailed it. We don’t have a singular culture anymore. I experienced it firsthand when I worked in CA last summer. It’s a completely different world in the bay area than in flyover country.
Bob Wenzel on the Tryancare failure to launch.
Didn’t the Republicans vote dozens of times to repeal the ACA while Obama was in office? Now that a Republican is in the White House, they can’t do it.
I think the whole three-phase thing was stupid. They need to put everything in one bill, and have a message they could sell. If they just ignore the problems caused by the ACA, and do nothing, the Republicans might have a hard time in the 2018 election. That they were going to repeal Obamacare was part of every team red stump speech for the last six years.
Yes, but that was an actual repeal, so it was easy to get everyone on board. Good for Rand for not supporting the Ryan bullshit. Now maybe we can get an actual repeal, which will pass.
Yes. But jeez, why not just gut the regs that make insurance so expensive? That would drop costs.
And why not focus on the real problem: make health care cheaper: reign in the FDA and AMA. Let nurses and pharmacists do more. Ban certificate of need laws. Maybe force hospitals to post prices. Let the fucking free market work, instead of focusing on insurance.
This is one of the reasons I got so frustrated with Our Old Gathering Place: they preferred to whine about Trump instead of presenting libertarian alternatives. They should have gone through the archives, assembled a free-market plan, and promoted the hell out of it for months.
To paraphrase George Carlin, we could just outlaw third-party payment for uninsurable expenses, and most of these problems would disappear overnight. But we don’t have time for rational solutions.
Good. That wasn’t a repeal bill, it was a ‘water it down a little and now we own the mess’ bill.
The mantra I heard from the DC crew was that the Repubs went from “Repeal” to “Replace” to “Rebrand”. I’m glad this bill failed. Trump’s instincts are right: rebranding this pile of shit so its officially a Republican pile of shit is worse than doing nothing. The early plan to pass a clean repeal bill with a delayed effective date to allow for whatever “replacement” was the best plan. And, they could still do it, although they clearly lack the balls and brains.
They should pull a completely unexpected full repeal with a promise to replace. And then never get the latter done.
It should be “replaced” with market-oriented deregulations aimed at making health care less expensive, as per my comment above.
We don’t need a bill to deregulate. Just deregulate. The danger of any government healthcare bill is that it can be amended by future administrations. Get government out of healthcare.
I think you need a bill, for political and practical reasons. E.g. banning certificate of need laws.
Indeed. Interesting that Scott Adams says the main result of this is to destroy the “Trump is Hitler” meme and replace it with the “Trump is incompetent” meme. He predicts that this will eventually shift to the “Trump is competent, but we don’t like it” meme.
I kind of get where Ken’s coming from, but that’s exactly the problem. Stop accepting the shit sandwiches, stop conceding the underlying premise, stop compromising with a side that will take half today and the rest tomorrow, stop playing the two faced game. Fuck the cocktail swilling RINOs and cantor their seats.
Speaking of Cantor, what did Mrs. Cantor do?
(from wiki)
This is my shocked face that the Cantors personally profited with the growth of government,
Culvers chesses curds are fine outside of Wisconsin. But when in state, there are many better options.
My recommendation in Madison is The Old Fashioned on the swuare. Great food, great beer, great breakfast, insane cheese curds.
I second that there are much better options of cheese curds in Wisconsin. Much better. Can’t say anything about the old fashioned I stay pretty clear of Madison except for badger games.
But are they junkier? That’s the real appeal of Culver’s.
Cheese curds are a trap! Those insidious people behind the Cheddar Curtain use them to make us think they are all jolly and likable… Resist we much! …resist… must… must… MUST HAVE AS MANY CHEESE CURDS AS I CAN SHOVE IN MY GOB AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!!!!
*scarfs down bag of curds*
A demi sec Vouvray is the perfect wine match.
Mmmph! Mummm!
*nods and gives thumbs up, since mouth is full of cheese curds*
I usually resist the curds. The two exceptions are during my trip to the Minnesoda state fair and my annual salmon charter in Algoma, WI. There is a dive bar there that has great curds.
I usually resist the curds.
So do the Turks.
This calls for another cheese- paging Swiss!
How much of a social signal is it for a 1%er (to use their term) to fly to Paris for a social signaling dinner?
Also, what are you doing using electronics on Shabbos, you terrible Jew you?
(crap, what am I doing?)
SP is my shabbos goy.
Here’s the punchline: this is a guy who has never actually managed to work or accomplish anything in his life. He married a rich girl, sponged off her for 20+ years, and after she kicked him out, he’s been living off the divorce settlement.
Yes yes mr self righteous biped, but who is the true genius mammal in that scenario?
*goes back to toiling away at required online safety training on a Saturday*
Wow, you need to keep up your safety certification for orbital bombardment platforms?!
Look just because we are a space-faring domineering species does not obviate the need for lock-out procedures when servicing an orbital bombardment cannon.
If you do not properly isolate the plasma feed, it will lead to crispy reptiles. Then we have to sit around endless meetings until at least one middle overlord chooses execution over continued meetings.
crispy reptiles
Taste just like chicken!
Best band name of the day, so far
As if you aren’t familiar with Army safety releases.
I still have a collection of PM Magazines.
+1 Bonnie
Holy shit. He used money from his divorce settlement to fly to paris and engage in the most disingenuous, pointless social signaling since the formation of the sun?
He is looking for a new fish, isnt he?
What a fucking waste of skin.
Now, now, he does serve a somewhat useful purpose – separating the foolish from the money.
..sounds like he’s angling to be Secretary of State in the next Dem administration.
“what are you doing using electronics on Shabbos”
Jews are Amish on Saturday? Did not know that. Is there an exception for battery powered sex toys?
We’re supposed to be far past Amish on Saturday. Technically we’re not supposed to open doors.
In some of the Orthodox communities in Israel (and Brooklyn) there are apartment buildings where the elevators automatically stop on every floor on Saturday, because you’re not even supposed to touch the button.
“you’re not even supposed to touch the button.”
These euphemisms.
My grandfather was a staunch catholic. He believed very much in the sabbath. So much so, that he limited the working hours of his grandchildren on his farm to 8 hours on sunday.
Wait a minute…are we related?
Only in the sense that we are all gods children, or something like that.
On a side note, I spent a lot of my youth working on my grandparents farm. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. As a young man, I had a strong work ethic instilled in me that has served me greatly in later life. I think that knowing how to work will take one far in life. In the years since my childhood, I have learned to work smarter AND harder. It has paid dividends for me.
Good for you. It makes a huge difference.
My dad had always gave hiring preference to farm kids for this very reason. They never stood around waiting to be told what to do, never showed up late and were apparently born with out the ability to make excuses.
I lived in a co-op on the Upper East Side that had elevators that did that. Only 11 floors, thank bog, but I was on 11. Total PITA when you come home after a serious sesh, and need to syphon the python.
I’m sure he’s squared up on his carbon credits for hasty jaunts to Paree.
Maybe they can look for some young people who can actually play instruments?
The business has changed so much since when I was a small rockin’ yeti. That said, the article is kind of bullshit. Rock ‘n roll isn’t getting old, mega tours are. There are certain nostalgia acts that are probably fun (I saw Judas Priest some few years ago and it was a blast), but by and large the newer acts are where it’s at.
Trouble is, there is so many fewer barriers to entry. It’s like the punk scene with a distribution network. It will be interesting to see what happens when the last of the old hit-making models dies. There are lots of youngsters with amazing talent, but the market is so much more spread out now. The opportunities to bribe the right DJ or whatever just aren’t there. You still have the TV contests like The Voice or whatever, but that’s not rock n roll.
For music fans, though, it’s an amazing time to be alive.
Yeah, I wouldn’t call it “trouble.” I call it “opportunity” and “diversity.”
I’m considering tix for Tom Petty this summer to see him before he dies, too.
Do it. I’ve seen him many times and always felt like I got my money’s worth.
Seconded. Petty does a great show.
Rock and roll is getting old. And most of the mega tours are for very old rockers or younger pop stars who don’t sing rock.
Imam calling for Jews to be killed in sermon at Montreal mosque
How dare you defy Parliament’s call against islamophobia?
I looked at that bill. It didn’t define “islamophobia”. And it kept referring to “systemic racism”. Even though Islam isn’t a race.
What it probably does do is create government jobs for leftist retards with otherwise useless whatever-studies degrees.
Sargon did a thing about that.
I don’t get the point of YouTube’s that just have people talking over a graphic. Rather than sit through that for 16 minutes. A written article would take less time to read.
It’s nice to have something to listen to while you are doing other things.
Yep, not sure there’s even any point having the graphic.
You’d think in this day and age that we could come up with a way of entertaining people via just their hearing. Someone needs to check that out. It could be huge.
Phone sex?
I guess we know who doesn’t read Zardoz’s posts.
Zardoz gets no respect.
Who’s Zardoz?

Oh. You again.
So, fuck any missing white girls or boys? Only the non-white girls deserve extra help? God I am so fucking sick and tired of this identity politics bullshit.
It seems more like optics, than identity politics.
“According to local police data, the number of missing child cases in the District dropped from 2,433 in 2015 to 2,242 in 2016. The highest total recently, 2,610, was back in 2001.
But the increased social media attention has caused concern in the U.S. capital area, which has long had a large minority population and is currently about 48 percent black. Hundreds of people packed a town-hall style meeting at a neighborhood school on Wednesday to express concern about the missing children cases.”
Then toss in sex-trafficking hysteria. The reality is that children being abducted by strangers is rare. It’s mostly parents and relatives.
2500 missing kids / year? Uh…thats kind of a lot.
How many are located later? How many are runaways? How many are divorced parent defying custody orders?
Unless DC is an extreme outlier, it’s mostly false reports, kids who accidentally got lost, runaways, and parents or relatives defying custody orders.
“children taken by strangers or slight acquaintances represent only one-hundredth of 1 percent of all missing children. The last comprehensive study estimated that the number was 115 in a year”
That’s 115 in the entire country.
not meant to be an arguement, just an ancedote.
When I was in first grade, a girl in my class was actually no shit kidnapped by a stranger and then never seen again. 26 years later there are still missing child signs around my area for her. I vaguely remember her, but Morgan Nick was her name and there has been a significant amount of media about the case over the years.
You probably have heard about Jacob Wetterling. He was a little kid from Minne who was kidnapped and murdered by a sick fuck many years ago – the case was finally resolved last year. There is no question that these horrific things happen, but the rate is so tiny as to be pretty much unmeasurable.
Of course, the media makes it seem as if it happens daily…
Technically at 115/year, that’s about one every three days.
In the Dark is a pretty good podcast about what happened.
Mainly just routine police fuck up with no consequences allowed the murderer to get away with it for a long time.
The podcaster comes a little too close for my taste for advocating that the Feds take over all law enforcement to prevent local fuck ups from fucking up. She does do a good job on getting the facts out though.
Right, I’m not saying that it never happens. It’s just that the threat is way over-exaggerated.
I agree.
Are you guys familiar with “I know my name is Steven”? So fucked up. And they actually let the kidnapper out of jail. Guess where he moved to when he got out?
Yep, Berkeley, CA. The only place that wouldn’t judge his “lifestyle choices”.
He was later arrested for trying to buy young black boys. At that point, he was too old to kidnap by himself, so he tried to buy victims.
This. You got to pad those numbers to keep your little gold mine up and running with tax payer money. So I suspect that every time there was a report of a missing kid and the parents or a neighbor found the kid wondering around the neighborhood 5 minutes later, they still recorded that as a missing child.
According to the article, there were something like 22 cases unsolved. What “unsolved” means in this context is unclear to me.
Runaways that stayed away, non-custodial parents that managed to go do a new identity/life.
It’s fake news
Helpfully, it’s been turned into a racial issue to beat non-blacks and non-browns over the head with, so there’s that.
“They haven’t found out about me yet”?
You are OMWC after all, with the panel van avatar.
The FBI needs to end their racist policy of refusing to help find missing black children.
Let’s make sure that we don’t learn anything from this.
But they did learnt. Capitalist economic war by the US and kulaks and wreckers destroyed the socialist dream once more.
I love being the hero in the story.
Keeping the streak alive! 0 for all Socialism. Damned wreckers!
If only we could do socialism the RIGHT way, then this would never happen.
Well we won’t get it right if we don’t keep trying. Also more bakers need to be jailed the next time. And shoot some lawyers… maybe that helps (can’t hurt, really).
You can’t find the perfect recipe without wasting a few hundred million eggs now can you?
My favorite book is about an ex-pat American who was swept into the gulag during the doctors trials in 1930s. It’s a great glimpse into the horrors of socialism
I love how the proggies that were orgasmic over Chavez are now pretending that none of this happened, is happening or that they ever got their photo taken smiling with Chavez. Their are just sticking their fingers in their ears and doing the “LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU!” routine.
When whatever international org goes down there and starts unearthing the mass graves we will hear the chorus about the evil right wing nazis that destroyed Venezuela.
They didn’t do socialism the right way. This time we’ll get it right.
Funny billboard goes as well as you would expect.
“Well, not all of them.”
But they are fascinated by shiny objects.
The outrage machine is utterly insufferable. They don’t deserve acknowledgement.
Yeah, they should tell the “outraged” protesters (who aren’t really outraged, they’re happier than pigs in slop that they have something to get all worked up over) to go piss up a rope.
“Sometimes it’s OK to throw rocks at girls”
When they walk around Downtown Qom, showing off their ankles. Amirite?
This is quite smart bit of advertising. You pay for one billboard and the entire country finds out about you. Like the beach body ready thing a while ago in London.
And with so many people sick of SJW/feminist narratives, probably get a lot of business from people.
That’s actually an excellent ad. Would purchase.
Well done SpicerGreene!
But t h is t shirt is totes cool.
5 stars.
Would definitely throw rocks at the model.
“Make it rain! OUCH!”
As a resident of the state right below, I hate North Carolina. I hate their shitty chopped pork bbq, their prog infested cities, their terrible drivers and Roy Williams.
their shitty chopped pork bbq
*gasp* Whoa there. That is sacrilege.
Pork should be pulled.
Aah, ok I am with you there. I use a Carolina vinegar base sauce for my pulled pork. Much better than the ketchupy stuff from other areas.
My youngest daughter moving to Asheville area in about 6 weeks.
I used to spend a lot of time in Asheville when I was in undergrad. Great live music scene, cool bars and the mountains. Also tons of homeless.
That’s the first thing we notices when we went to Asheville. We were expecting a newer trendy looking hipsterish area, but it’s dirty and full of homeless people. However, once we got to looking around, we realized that under all the dirty hippy facade, there was a ton of fun stuff to do.
She actually picked a really good area near the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Pisgah National Forest. Not downtown, but not too far. Nice view of mountains. Lots to do near where they are as well, without subjecting themselves to all the buskers downtown. We were down there a couple years ago and it was nice during the week. We left on Friday, and they were all coming out to hit up the tourist for the weekend. Nice craft beer scene and some good food there. We spent more time outside the city enjoying the mountains though.
Psst – you forgot the Hurricanes.
Terrible drivers? How so?
Too slow in the left/passing lane, don’t use turn signals, disregarding stop signs/lights, tailgaiting, etc. Full disclosure: probably half my extended family is from/lives in NC.
Huh. I find Colorado drivers to be the worst, particularly for that first one. Three, four lanes across and there’s still dipshits clogging the left lane. Had a trip from from Colorado to NC. It was like a breath of fresh air to finally be able go a reasonable speed.
Ohio drivers are the worst. Drove across country from Seattle to NJ a coupla summers ago, and all three of us in the car noticed when we got to Ohio. Passive-aggressive douchenozzles galore.
I never had a problem with drivers from either of the Carolinas. Virginia on the other hand….
Hands down, no contest, the drivers in Tucson are the worst I’ve ever seen. And I’ve lived in Boston, Chicago, and Dallas. The Dallas drivers were probably the best of the lot, except for the odd shit-faced drunk behind the wheel in the middle of the day.
When we were in Phoenix about 12 years ago or so, I thought they were the worst I had ever seen.
What’s so odd about being shit-faced drunk in the middle of the day?
So true. I have only been there a few times, on business, nd the one memory I have is almost being killed by the drivers. One guy in particular came into my lane like I wasn’t there. It must have something to do with being 10 feet from the border.
I haven’t driven in Tucson. I don’t remember Phoenix being all that bad, though that was about 20 years ago when I was last in Phoenix. New England drivers tend to be pretty shitty. I’ve noted a drop off in driving skills in Pennsylvania over the years since I left.
I’m not sure which I’d rank worse: Virginia or New England drivers.
I’m not sure if a state that sends Lindsey Graham to the senate every year, can actually be critical of any other state.
Jealous much?
Horde of deer occupying the road at Nara
I wonder if you accidentally hit one can you eat it?
Occupying? What are they protesting?
Introducing Queer Straight Theory
I see someone took the word-salad thesis generator out for a spin.
“Academia” and “schizophrenia” are now synonyms.
Don’t you people work?
In what sense are you using that word?
What word, “you people”? That’s actually ((((two words))))
I’m off to that now!
If I answer “yes”, does that mean yes, I don’t work?
*Note: typing this from the office, before grinding another layer off of some bond documents before final fitting and assembly.
I was up at 5fuckingAM on a Saturday to help with a fire company breakfast and now my body thinks it is mid-afternoon.
3-4am every morning…I just pop awake. That is from years of being awake 3-4 am for work. Now my internal clock is set for that. I like it. I get hours of quiet time to myself in the morning to drink coffee, read, etc.
Watching everyone else roll out of bed and rub their eyes at 6-8 am makes me wonder how all of those lazy fucks can sleep so late. They are like teenagers.
Hahaha, I’m up at 4 every morning too. Sleeping late for me is like 5. Then I feel like I wasted too much of the day.
I’m gettin’ a real 4 Yorkshiremen vibe here.
I get up 2 hours before I go to bed.
I get up at 8 AM or so on weekends, but during the week I am up earlier…7:30 or so. Then I put on sweats and go to work. Work is 44 inches from my bed. Since my wife has the real office downstairs, I use a desk in our bedroom. Traffic is such a bitch, I tell ya!
I’m up at 4:15am – 4:30am during the week, because we live in the high desert 70 miles from where I work. If I don’t get on the road to LA by 6am, the drive is usually 2.25 – 2.5 hours. I can’t WAIT for us to move in the next year. I’ll still be about 35 miles from work. But, that’s good enough for me.
I’d been very nocturnal for much of my teens, 20s & 30s. Funny how moving in with my then fiance, now wife (the reason I live 70 miles from work) changed that.
Anyway, weekends we sleep in (often because we watch movies Friday and/or Saturday nights).
Jeezus Christ! The sacrifices we make for living in a place we love. Too bad you can’t telecommute.
This is a state that our local Hate Radio guy ranted shouldn’t exist. And he was being serious.
What was his reasoning? Was it our very low crime rate? Or maybe our very low unemployment rate? I suppose it was our very high yokel rate.
He thinks that non-coastal, non-urban states have too much power in the Electoral College and the senate and cost Herself the presidency. “Wyoming? Why does this state even exist? Nobody lives there! My block in Brooklyn had more people than Wyoming! If they get three electoral college votes, my block should get three electoral college votes! And North and South Dakota? Why are there two states? Make one state, Dakota! And throw in Nebraska and Kansas, there’s no reason they should all get senators and Electoral College votes!” He wasn’t kidding. Though I should disclose that he appears to have the intelligence of an artichoke.
Thank Jeebus for them, then. Say what you will about Secret Nazi President, at least he’s amusing.
Really, anything greater than “none whatsoever” is “too much” for these people. California has over 18 times as many electoral votes as Wyoming, and it would take at least 15 of the 16 states with 5 or fewer electoral votes (i.e. those with the highest elector-to-population ratios) to out-vote California.
Well. I don’t much care for him.
*walks off in a huff*
I had a teacher who swore that there was no such place as North Dakota.
That’s really sad. I mean, I don’t expect people in California or New York to know anything about ND, but every American should at least know there are 50 states.
In the late 90s, “North Dakota doesn’t exist!” was a common trope on alt.conspiracy.
‘Bismarck? Wasn’t he the kraut who elected Hitler?’
Maybe he’s seen you NoDaks try to drive?
I don’t know how many hours citizens of your state owe me for the time they have driven like complete yokels in front of me as I tried to get to my shitty high school job in the NoDak tourist magnet of Detroit Lakes.
anyone think trump will actually make 50 state constitution carry real?
I have no reason to believe he would try. And if he tried, he would fail.
Almost certainly not.
The devil’s in the details regarding whether we should even want it. If 4473’s still have to be filed, I predict that part of the deal will be that the background database becomes a law enforcement asset, and then you have an automatic national register, which is far more disturbing than the convenience of 57 State CC.
Yeah, I’m out.
maybe just more states adopt it.
Let’s not forget that you could get almost the same effect by a couple of follow-up cases like Heller, where SCOTUS reaffirms the right to the 2nd and self defense in general, pushing states to be “shall issue” states. Once the playing field is more or less level on a state level, there’s an opportunity for a second stage that promotes reciprocity on a “full faith and credit” basis.
It’s a long game, to be sure, but with the majority of Governorships held by the Stupid but Venal party at the moment (except places like CT) – maybe that could happen.
this is probably the smart play.
Won’t help city dwellers who arguably need personal protection the most.
There’s absolutely no need for a national registry for 50 state concealed carry. We manage to have 50 state driver’s licenses without it. If that’s the route they go, then concealed carry will just be the skinsuit left after they gut the 2A and to wear over their national confiscation database.
If you think we don’t already have a national registry you really haven’t been paying attention. Let them set it up and make it public, it will make it easier to tear it down and block it up.
Probably not. that would require Rs drawing up a bill and passing it. Apparently they are competent enough to do that.
No, but he should still try. He campaigned on it, so why not follow through?
I don’t think so and while i’m pretty much a 2nd amendment absolutist i also think that a lot of states simply couldn’t handle it, and it would end up causing problems which would be bad for gun-freedom overall.
i think having the ‘best states’ (the SW, north central) operate as examples of how it can work is the best approach. over time people realize that its not a bunch of cowboys whipping them out every 5 mins, and that there is actually some crime deterrent effect. Over time hopefully other, smaller more liberal states may get in on the action (haven’t some NE states loosened their own laws in the last few years?)
anyway, no
The more states that do it, the more the lefts’ lies about it get exposed.
Yes. When MN went shall-issue, the pants-wetting was epic. After a few years of absolutely nothing, no one pays any attention to them anymore. Their pet legislators try to sneak anti-gun shit into bills, but it’s been slapped down for years.
Once we elect the right governor, we very well could see cc.
Do you think the left cares when their lies are exposed? They know they are lying and they know that their brainless followers won’t care.
Maybe that all goes out the window when they run out of other people’s money to grab. Sure, there’s a way down to go but there’s a pot at the end of that rainbow.
The up-side of state-enacted “constitutional carry” is that as years pass, the statistics demonstrating that such laws promote genocide-level crime will be disproven.
All we need then is a political culture that gives due respect to statistics. And yes, the check’s in the mail.
yes, but thats exactly why i think a ‘step by step’ progression of liberalization is far better than some sweeping decree for all from the federal level.
I mean, that’s sort of what’s already happened, and WHY it already happened.
I saw a stat somewhere (too lazy right now to dig it up) that showed that in 1990, only a handful of states had shall-issue, and almost everyone had a variety of niggling restrictions. But by mid-2000s, that had flipped, and dozens of states had basically liberalized concealed carry and were influencing their immediate neighbors.
The reason we are where we are today is because it happened progressively on the DL and was simply ‘made manifest’ by citizens who were responsible who pushed quietly for better laws.
A national change would suddenly make the whole thing into a political beach-ball again and would also attract lots of fools to its defense.
i think the way things have progressed to-date has been the best possible approach. On the federal level, i think smaller, peripheral legislation like the proposed Silencer thing (‘hearing protection act’) is a great idea because it loosens things on the margins and gradually begins to expose people to the idea that many restrictions are unecessary and counterproductive.
MA, CT, NY, NJ and RI are still very 2nd-hostile.
MA passed some laws very recently that basically made scary-looking BB guns illegal,
CT basically outlawed anything like an AR-15 in 2013, and is now pushing to increase permit costs 4-fold
NJ has been bad forever on the 2nd (no hollow points. Seriously?)
NY – dear bog, where to beign?
RI – I think there are about 3 handguns in the state.
I believe i was thinking of NH, which now recognizes out of state CC holders.
And Vermont in 2016 went OC.
This sculptor is so not woke.
Just like a man
Put the statue in front of the school board headquarters.
Facing the building.
He’s not wrong though. Anyway, I’m more interested in the astronaut who knows the truth about aliens.
This the one that caught my eye:
Bah. Demonstrating that nothing is idiot-proof, I fail even at prefab link generators. Try again:
The life of a sugar baby scout: ‘You have great sex with these women’
I like how the NYPost outsources half its news from The Sun now. ?♂️
Gavin going off about this statue
I love Gavin. He makes me laugh.
She is becoming more and more like Obama.
It’s never too early to start sucking up to the future queen.
Not really, still undeserved (most likely) and as JB said just democratic ass-kissing.
You can really stop at the headline cause best part of story.
That was actually pretty good and not the typical SJW self-back-patting-victimhood nonsense.,
Yeah, I admire his positivite attitude.
Kentucky out there stuntin’ on UCLA last night.
Now onto the sweater vest wearing hoity toity UNC pricks. Sco Cats
He was aquited because they didn’t have enough evidence but that doesn’t make a good headline.
Did I miss the defendant’s name in the story?
Why do I think that Nelson wouldn’t think that a literacy test to vote would be a good idea?
Utah getting toughest drunken driving limit in the US
More victims. Fo Guck ouurselevs.
The MADD folk should just come out and advocate for Prohibition 2.0. Quit trying to pretend that you are just against drunk driving. Seriously, I’d love to see the statistics of how many people die because of people between the BAC of .05 and .08. I’m sure it is even smaller than the amount between .08 and .10.
When self driving cars come, MADD folk will be lobbying to make sure that you can’t even ride in one if you’ve been drinking. They will say it is because the “driver” might have to take over in an emergency, but in reality it will be because they had drinkers.
They said they wanted a “resounding message”. I guess the sound of crushing a soul counts.
It’s not that they hate drinkers, it’s because it’s become an organization that needs to justify its own existence. MADD is the problem of bureaucracy applied to advocacy groups/charities.
MADD’s founder even thinks their advocacy is dumb.
Measuring BAL/BAC is straightforward in principle, although I am skeptical that the police can do it reliably and accurately.
On the other hand, measuring impairment is harder. Two people with the same BAL/BAC can have very different levels of impairment.
In any case, what should be the standard is dangerous driving. It shouldn’t matter *why* somehow is driving recklessly. And the more cops who are checking every driver at a checkpoint, the fewer cops there are on the roads looking for the really loopy drivers.
And in dry counties (yes there are still a few of them, amazingly) there are *more* DUIs because people drive over to the next county to drink and then drive back. Great job, Untouchables, you made the roads more dangerous.
I got a DUI once, which is bullshit because it turns out the cops were stopping every car driving down that particular sidewalk.
[Ron White joke paraphrased]
saying it’s a “sensible solution” to deter drunken driving.
Here’s a more sensible solution:
Remove DUI laws from the books. Make any level of intoxication a 3x mandatory multiplier on any traffic crime or violation. If you get busted for reckless driving (or worse) while drunk, the minimum sentence includes jail time and a year’s suspension of your license. Second time, you get at least a year in prison and your license is forefeit (you have to reapply, do full driver’s test, probationary period, etc). Third time, significant jail time and you are banned from ever holding a driver’s license in the state again.
That’s how you deter drunken driving. Of course, if my experience with cops doing DUI stops is representative, they’re just looking for another revenue source. I was in the car with a guy who had a few too many (I wouldn’t have ridden with him had I known he had chugged a bunch of beer right before picking us up), and he got pulled over. He got a warning despite his obvious drunkenness and inability to drive within the lane. I ended up walking home after that.
Fuck drunk drivers, fuck cops who give them a pass and fuck the laws as they’re written, because they punish the guy who is no danger to anybody and let people endanger others without serious repercussions.
Weekend odds and ends
For those wondering, the Not from yesterday is the “nothing but facts” one- #4 I believe. That one is a quote from Mr. Grandgrind, a character in the novel “Hard Times”.
Over at War is Boring, I read an interesting article comparing the SS to the Wehrmacht. It is a myth that the SS fought better. They were more fanatical, true, but they also took much higher losses because of they were big on macho tactics.
And a while back, I saw a talk about the Holocaust that touched on some facts I hadn’t heard before. Such as:
1. Few resources were devoted to the effort. Only a handful of the guards and administrators were actually soldiers and only all small fraction of the rail system was used. So the camps did not hinder the war effort by much.
2. Most of the killing happened between 1941 and 1943. So even if the Allies wanted to bomb the camps to stop the killing, they were out of range . The Soviets could have bombed them, but they were too busy fighting the Germans.
I remember reading somewhere that in the immediate aftermath of the Normandy invasion, there were some Wehrmacht units that would surrender to US units with little or no fight. The reason being that unlike the SS they realized the war was over and that the US units, unlike the Free French or British units, wouldn’t be looking for revenge. Things changed over time.
I wish I could remember in which book I read this.
That and they probably figured they were more likely to survive if the surrendered to the Brits or the Yanks than to the Russians.
In Norway just after the war, German POWs were used to clear minefields. By which I mean they were forced to walk across them at gunpoint.
That’s history for you. One bloody thing after another.
No matter how many times I think that Democrats cannot get any stupider, they get stupider. All of this gloating over Republicans pulling the healthcare bill. WTF? Do they really have no sense of self awareness at all? Here Republicans were going to own this mess for you and you’re cheering because the decided no to? Holy mother of derp.
Serious question. At least as serious as I can be after so many beverages: Why put it up for a vote when you knew it wouldn’t pass?
Technically, they didn’t. They pulled it before it was put up for a vote. Good riddance to bad garbage, I say.
Sayonara then. I’m getting sick of this 9D chess, though. We’re way overdue for a big market correction and I don’t see it getting any easier going forward.
It’s much better for them to just let Obamacare implode than it is to pass a watered down version to make it survive longer, and then Republicans own it. That or just repeal and no replace.
“This is what people in decent, kind, intelligent countries do. Thus: not ours.” We certainly have work to do before we reach this level of kindness.”
I spent quite a bit of time in Italy and France with friends and family and continue to be connected with them as well as clients who come from there.
You can tell your friend and his retarded smugness to respectfully fuck off from the bottom of my heart. Because if he hung around with the French like I did he’d know the truth of what they really think.
The open contempt and racism was quite impressive. Like my buddy said on one of those trips, ‘and they say America and Canada is racist? This shit is nuts.’
Surprisingly, he does. But I suspect he has rationalized it away.
My experience there is similar to yours- it’s a FAR more racist place than the US, but what they are better at is preening. Image is far better than reality.
Yeh, they just know how to hide their racism with a flair of sophistication and a slice of cantaloupe.
Like shitty left-wing progs like Obama and Trudeau. They just know how to be refined in their bull shit.
And how did it become Trump’s banned list when those countries were selected by Obama?
Just like it’s now Trumpcare. It’s now his since he’s president. He better fix the monstrocity he created…him and all those evil Republicans!
You didn’t inherit that!
file under: and so a new libertarian is born
Boy, 4 suspended for taking .22 shell casing to preschool
A .22 shell is a harmless object about the size and weight of a small paperclip.
When I was in basic training, when we got done shooting for the day, we had to go to the clearing barrel to make sure our rifles were empty. You tell the drill sgt “no brass, no ammo, weapon on safe” while you pull back the charging handle to eject anything that might be in there. Then you put it in the barrel and pull the trigger and ideally nothing happens. Then we had to take everything out of our pockets and anything with metal off and get wanded down to make sure we didn’t have anything on us. Despite all that, once a blue moon, a shell casing would make it back to the barracks. We just discreetly threw them in the garbage.
You don’t want some crazy 4 year old bringing dangerous brass to school, do you? Remember: It’s the THOUGHT that counts.
I’d really like to meet these people and ask them if they can name a single incident when a child, or hell, ANYONE, was killed by a shell casing. Then I’d ask them how many kids died at school because of peanut allergies.
“homina-homina-homina ah…uh..you’re Nazi, I win!”
These people are animists. The gun is an evil totem for them, that’s why they were hassling this kid for playing with guns- something which 99% of boys do!
How do people this stupid hold down a job? Oh that’s right- because they placate the desires of other stupid people.
It is kind of animism. No one actually *believes* that a casing has any ability to hurt anyone.
What they know is that if you have a casing on you, in your bag, stuck in the tread of your shoe…YOU’VE BEEN AROUND GUNZ.
And having had contact with GUNZ makes you a witch. There is no way they can be expected to let that pass!
Sounds to me like its past time to find another preschool.
A shell casing will cause you problems in NYC too.
Apparently they’re every bit as dangerous as things that go up, and pointed sticks.
Wanding? What the hell? No more DS’s making a TSA patdown look like a tender caress?
Eh, when you got 200 soldiers to check, they tend take shortcuts for those at the back of the line. And patting down female soldiers is a no-go if there aren’t enough female DSs around.
Well, this one is going to offend just about everyone.
Offer void where prohibited. (Probably Germany)
The upside of all this is that the incessant trolling of ‘secret nazis’ of people whose heads are full of boogeymen for laughs is turning nazi symbolism into a joke.
Have you met the dyslexic racist sartorial guy? He’s a real Snazi dresser!
Yeah, I noticed that.
*goes for coffee
In German, the word for a klutz or someone who can’t do anything right is Arschgeige, which means ass-fiddle. As in, you walk like you have a violin stuck in your ass.
In other linguistic news, I was browsing through a dictionary of Proto-Indo-European roots and found that the root “magh” is the root for both words “machine” and “magic”.
So in the most literal way, any technology really is indistinguishable from magic.
My wife makes soap. Fancy soap. You should see the soap cabinet I made for her. 7 feet high, 5 feet wide, 18 inches deep and about hip high it has a fold down table top the width of the cabinet and three feet deep. It has 5 shelves. Every inch is taken up with every oil, every colorant, every essential oil you can think of and a zillion potions you haven’t. she keeps at least 5 lbs of NaOH in stock. She loves doing that.
To hear her talk and to listen to the conversations she has with other soap makers you would swear you were transported back in time and hearing discussions of advanced alchemy.
Watch her work and you will be astonished at what good chemists they are. Look at the finished product and you will be amazed at the art they have created. You dont want to use the soap, you want to eat it or frame it and hang it on the wall.
There’s a family-owned soap store in the next town over that makes soap that way. They also sell lotions, shampoos, candles, and a bunch of other stuff. Someone got me a gift card for Christmas; I loaded up on masculine-scented lotion and soap. You’re right – I almost want to take a bite of that honey and oatmeal exfoliating soap!
My only foray into homemade cosmetics is my body lotion made of olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax. It also works as a hair styling product.
I always wondered why cartoon witches and wizards were dressed the way they are.
The robe and hat of the wizard are covered with stars and planets not just symbolically, but literally. The wizard dressed in an almanac. So did the witches.
Magic back them wasn’t what we think of today. It was anything that worked that commoners couldn’t understand. Having spent some time in places where people live exactly like they did back in the stone/bronze/early iron ages I can tell you that the list of things the commoners dont understand is quite long and inclusive. Basic stuff you and I rarely give consideration to.
I started laughing my ass off because that is about the most thought provoking symbolic artistry I’ve ever seen and of course the morons are shrieking about teh secret nazis.
What was it?? Now I just get a “page no longer exists” message.
old news, but worth a repost: teen suspended for running across football field at half time while wearing a banana suit; is interviewed by reporter wearing grape suit
Well, here’s a fucking hot mess that should rankle anyone in STEM fields.
“Hot mess” – I think you are being kind.
It’s a deep derp vein that Derpetologist could mine for weeks. No word on if he’ll make it out with his sanity when the thing collapses, though.
It’s more like a Derp Star: all rational thought is swallowed by it.
That’s no shit. Shermer, a guy who justifies scientific consensus and climate change (unfalsifiable assertion) claims that science is non-partisan and partisans crawl out from under every rock and start screeching nonsense at him. I dont which ones to start with.
I partially agree with you. The Popperian philosophy of science isn’t universally accepted. It should be, though. Unfalsifiable science is useless, and a self-proclaimed skeptic should be able to see that.
I can forgive him on that one, despite not agreeing with him, because he’s generally on solid ground.
I used to subscribe to Skeptic…well it was skeptical inquirer back then. They lost me when they went off the rails with the global warming crap. I used to have one of Shermer’s books. It was basically Sagan’s Demon Haunted World poorly re-written. I guess my dog agreed. When she was a puppy she took it to her bed and shredded it into padding for a nest.
Sagan was guilty as well. I vaguely remember a documentary he did on the sun. Over an hour explaining how incredibly powerful the sun’s effects on the earth are from light, energy , temperature to tides and radiation. Then the conclusion;
“Despite my explanation that almost everything on earth is some effect of the sun that is nothing compared to man’s effect on earth’s climateeeee eeeeaya orgaborga herpaderpa arglebargle blurpeepurp.
Yep, I’m still waiting for conclusive proof that a remarkably stable chaotic system like Earth’s climate can become catastrophically destabilized by a trace gas in the atmosphere. I remain unconvinced. The true skeptic would say “I don’t know.” It’s a very difficult question to answer, and when someone offers you an easy solution to a complicated problem most of the time they’re trying to sell you something. In this case, I’m fairly convinced they’re trying to sell me Marxism in a green package.
I saw the Life movie last night. It’s good, although it’s very similar to the Alien movie from way back when.
It was a bit frustrating to watch at times. I had a hard time believing astronauts could keep doing so many stupid things.
“Hmm, here’s an alien creature we know nothing about. I’ll just shock it and poke it with a stick and see if it wakes up. Don’t worry. I’m wearing gloves and there’s no way it could get out of this box or this room. Sure, it survived in the vacuum of space for who knows how long, but it can’t be THAT hard to kill”
Canada is tightening its belt. Their foreign ministry is no longer allowed to set-up cardboard cut-outs of PM Zoolander at parties.
When I was in college, there was a bar I walked past everyday. On the back patio, there was a cardboard cut out of a girl standing by a pole with her back facing out. That thing fooled me every time. “Ooh, she’s pretty, but why is she standing there at this…oh, damn it.” Thank god ducks haven’t figured out how to hunt people. They’d bag me the first day.
A while back, there was a video game called Deer Avenger, where you play as a heavily armed deer who kills redneck hunters. To lure them out, you use the human call, which is a woman’s voice saying “I’m naked and I have a pizza!”
“Their foreign ministry is no longer allowed to set-up cardboard cut-outs of PM Zoolander at parties.”
I see no mention there of what they plan to do with the one holding the PM’s office.
The embassies’ ones are just the back-up copies, Suthen. Eventually the one they’ve got propped up in Question Period will need to be replaced.
Zoolander’s a Paper Tiger?
Benighted goyim was my nickname in University.
We have *ahem* Jews on this website? How come no one told me that we were also part of the world-wide Jewish conspiracy?
D00d, it’s worldwide. Pay attention to clues much?
What do you mean ‘why didn’t anyone tell me?’ You are a self professed member of the cold hearted libertarian orphan-beaters club. It was always about taking over the world. Who did you think was behind it? Sheeeesh.
Yep, I’m still waiting for conclusive proof that a remarkably stable chaotic system like Earth’s climate can become catastrophically destabilized by a trace gas in the atmosphere. I remain unconvinced.
That would involve them showing change, defining catastrophic, proving the damage caused by catastrophic change, showing the mechanism by which CO2 causes the change, show that this mechanism isn’t mitigated in a global system, show that there are no confounding factors screwing up the analysis (volcanoes, sunspots, natural climate variations and the like), and show that we can somehow fix things.
So far, they’ve only shown some change in temperature and the mechanism by which CO2 warms a body of air. I haven’t seen proofs of any of the rest.
They’d have to show many other things as well:
– How they can be so sure that the warming trend is “unprecedented” when thermometers of ~40 years ago had a margin of error of 1 to 2 degrees (and accuracy only gets worse as you go back in time)
– How they can be so sure that this change, if it were occurring, spelled doom for the entire planet when the temperature has changed countless times throughout history
– Why it is that nobody should even be allowed to question the CAGW “consensus”. What if scientists of the past had done that with other theories that were universally believed at the time? We’d still have the ether theory of matter, the geocentric universe model, and the four humors theory of human anatomy.
It was always like this in the past. Science advances one funeral at a time.
The two posts above by trshmstr and Akira are two perfect examples of why this site is so kickass. Two concise, logical paragraphs decribe why the CAGW theory is such BS. Sharing these.
In March Madness news, Gonzaga and Xavier are now going at it in a shot at the Final Four. Can 11th seeded Xavier pull it off? For the sake of my Glibertarian bracket, I hope not!
Are the EPA Zone 8 States F’ing awesome or what?
Just got back from a tour of Sioux Falls, The Badlands, The Black Hills, Cooke City, Yellowstone, et al. Wanna change my life.